Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK DENATURED RACING 'UP-TO-DATE AND NEWSY Mr&J&) .k- -. . - - - ; Qt A"wr e cyS . v I DV DH7CUAM Dill fSCD figgf V) I BiaggaW ' " ' --TrSPlV KX -Mr A g .ILL EDITED BY ROBERT EDGREN Only Natural That a Boxer of McFarland's Class Should Want )o Train at Dal Haw kins's Place. Ocrlihi 1011 Tea lre f i ... n ' 7 ' Ne Tort W r . rACKKV M KAIll,A.Vli al'.l a'Tlv here to-rnoi rii aful at 0. re- eume hi training at OtaaMeV DM road hou In th, now run by Dml Hiiakln. It la quit natural that a lightweight r McKarlaml'n rlaa ahnuld Ilka to train at Ha kin a place, alle from Mi fact that i'aikey alwaya haa trained there for hla New Vork hnut Thar waa a time when llawklne Olaaeed an well among the light welglita a Packer duea to-dny And there er si 'Ml. lightweight In thoar day Who of the old-timer will eier forget Hawkins and hla two aturtllng fight Villi the gieat Joe (fane? M a true that llawklna waa knwk'd out In both of theae light, on.o In the second and i In the .third round, but even with the knockouta he In cieaard Ma fame. HawMn had a wonderful left hand Tht hi at time 1 ever noticed It waa evt lajwi, N v , white Jim i'.rhtt waa training for hla fight wltli Vitaalnunona few mile away llawklna waa train ing to fight MjtpUn Maherty on the aftarnuon of the Corb-4t-rltiaUrunona (fair. Liven ra hla training bout a Hal allowed a anuppy left that waa hard to gat away from Ha ahol It out nearly atraught, then ourvod It In and down ward with a twkBUfig wrlm. The blow Waa duUvered Juat aa a whip la oraik"d, the flat belitg the aaapper at the end of the laah. An rhen It atrurk the Jaw bone the recHWant Immediately loat all Uitarat In the aitalni of that moment. Uaiwklna, that 17th of March, 'fl, anappod Ma left ova.- on Martin Ftaji- ty'a ah m within a few arouoda nf the beglnnlnc of the OgbU and KUherty t know what bit blin uiiuU half an our later. yiiHTaA m .gU.ataWaw' SaViftfcAv JAMAICA WILL HELP IN RACING REVIVAL BUT WON'T HOLD MEET Indications That Only Belmont Park and Saratoga Will Open This Year. George Rodel Will Be Matched With Kearns 'i i rtea to hla Uet diirtne th U two moatka un ,-lllt, n.,t H laet wia a o.r brfJaM. the BapMtl " 1'irmi f1.tor. elxm be kuo k.d it In Hi I .VOCWdlflg to Utta aUUKJ NOTES OF A PAID AMATEUR BY BOZEMAN BULGER. Jim Thorpe Has a Real Test in Facing Curve Ball Pitching by the Minor Leaguers To-Day We Will See What the Indian Can Do Under Fire. J IM Tllolll'K 1m hla flrat real chance to amow what lie can d. under fire to-Uay, vhun he will appear In the tlrat exhibition ball arame of the year nt .lAeUlaa. Tax. Hlttlna; the "lob" plti hlna; of the hla; leiixue twlrlnra at Marlln quite a different thine from going agnlnrt the minor leaguer with their aprln.r rurvea The Mk Indian wilt be up aetalnat a real teat. The amall circuit fellow In the wiring alwny put all Ihey have on tha ball ao aa to make a credltaine allowing Men like Lurry Doyle are niaile to kink foollah when they flrat atark up axalnat tbime Man li phriKinia, a It take aeveral weeka for fhelr eyea to become a'Tuetonird to the unexported break In the ball. In a letter to a friend In town M.Uraw aay that he la more than pleaaed at the work of Thorpe. Not ao much that he haa ban hitting the ball, but be cauae he hna dleplayed a wllllngnraa to try anything until he haa maatered It. It la of iiuiw Interest to note that Thorpe hna hern kpt at flrat haae. deaplte the reporf that Mclraw Intend to make im MtataldMf or a pltclreT out of him If he continue la hit the hall a he hna In the flrat tan weeka. It la a aufe bet that he will not b a pltchnr. RetoMiHuLy 6owNEt ""'IP ON "TUB TRCre. South African Heavyweight Made Great Hit by Knock ing Out Art Nelson. I r r-Mir.l oT a r.treen r-Ml.l luMle "Art ..,'! f,,r .r . T).mu jnotti.-r I -twi. wbu ran out ot Urn maloli at the lwt for nil ajBJBJBjL The Mi'trnpoMtan JorVey nub. owner Of the Jnitinltca rit 'i track. c.ine forward to-day WMl bhe announinm nt that 11 would gladOy pay Ita pro rnta aluvre with other railnff ajtorlatoina to give racing a new mart In New York Htnle thla ummr. The Jamaica official, while perrfecitly wll!lnT to oral at with C)u expense of holding a meeting at Melmirit l'urk a,nl Huratogn, don't e thetr y clear o MethtaM a meeting at tho Jamaica track thl atimener. One of tlie leading atockholcUrr. however, w.-nt on rmnl n anvlng tJint If the new experiment proved aucceeeif ill th year the Jamnliti cuirae would te In a poaatlon to reeume the regular e-,this ami (nil meeting In IW4, The ame Unllgnl nlo anld that tha MttrOpOiiteVn Joohay t'luli never received un oflor rron "CuHojf" Brown to hold a tnei-tla: at Ita track It was the pui -poaa of the Uuirel promoter to rut an 'outlaw" meet at J.iin-'H un! the -viei- termtt or tnte rlty, the Rrlgh- HKSltWl tra 'k has paoad out of turf affairs tlPAOg, IM new owner who pim llanl art the curm' from w. A. Knx man d in't Intend to '. M uny ra.inU Wuas Joe Uana'o turn came, here In Now York, Joe know all about Dal'a thunderbolt laft. He waa looking for It. and ovary one expected lo aea clever, eluatve Joe clip away from It and return hla deadly counter at hla own ylaaaurv. Uana axpeotad to do aomethlng ilka that too. They oame together, put up their hand, and "Craon:" Mala left curved ui'Or Joe'a guard, Aaahed before hla atartied eyea and dripi'd iTuahlnirly on Joe'a Jaw. IJown went Uana Uka a man wlw haa atepped on a banana peel. It looked all over but paying the purae. To. crowd gaaped, then wliooiml wltli excitement. Uana rolled over and tiled to (at up. He maiajad to make It Juat before the end of the ten aeconda. Woexi he roar there waa no uoe In trying to box and flddlo about and try to keen away from that dynamiting left Joe'a nasad bralu knew juat one thing lie mart mix. And h did mix, like a reel ing black tornado U them w aa one tliliaj ial ilawkliui took more pride In than that left of lua ' It waa hla anility to "mix H" with both I haiala. He waa alwava anxloua to prove to nerybody that he had a good right. I bo lnetead of getting clear and looking (or a hula to drop that left througti again, l.U mixed There waa a round i and a half of the liottuwt altigglog ever aeon within 1 1 1111. and then Uujin landed, and Mal'a lual bouneed un tht fl ior and It waa all uer. That tight ao and the xiutuum ao much in doubt, lhat OtM and llawklna were inuu hed atraln The ottd time Joe boxeil warily, both eyea glued on I hi. 'eft tiat. trot MM atten tion aparnd lor the i am that inlght tie trickily uwl ,iaaeul. Hut lluwklna didn't car a whoop how cloaw . watch tliey kept on hla left. There waa the riaaii of a white arm through the air a left arm. Imniuilatrly ahead of It waa a brown ainudge movtnS piclurv of a lioxjng glove. PfOClooly at that mo ment, appaix-ntb . Ihvn came a aharp ,i.i, 'k. like knuiklea iiieotljig bone, and dnwn went Joe liane The real of Hie tight waa ajtnoot an exact reproduction of the one ttiat ,ite ceded It Uana pulled through, 0 up, reeled, wobtiled, covered, and mixed. Hal. proud of hia two handa, gOtOfnillMnl o ahow that he really h id a right, and thai MM reaull of I Ho formor alfaJr aii m mere lluke. mixed Willi linn pltball In a world's erle From the way thlnga broke lat fall, the nimn are perfec tly agreeable to aucn an ar rangement - SOUNDS TOO OOOO TO BE TRUE. A few week ago Nath Kechenbarh. aecntary of the Dallaa club, wra In New York and declared pout lively that Oooper. the Texaa outfielder now with the ill .nt la a better man than waa I Trla Speaker when the latter flrat re ported at Little Hogk It will be re membered that Motiraw offered $6,000 In oanh for Hpeaker the moment B0 art ayea on him, but Ilooton had a prior claim. Cooper haa been tearing thlnga up at Marlln. and It la aaid that McUraw will keep him, Whetlirr he haa a chanca to nae him or not If he prove to be a T " "ffSJ LT": " ".'."ho, ' Proliably the hapidet man in SH AFER IS FULLY PROTECTED. 1 1, .for,. "Tilly" Hhafer would olgn a contract McOraw hud to promtae him that all the mall coming to the Polo Oround next aea eon would be oanaornl and that no "acented notea" would reach the Callforntan'a hand. ATI per fumed letter will be turned over to lcrry Doyle and Joah Devore, who arc not ao rhln-k1nned. Nine Dodgers Sail To-Day for Savannah; Last of Highlanders on Way to Bermuda. The last party of Greater New York major lencne hall Player leave thla city to-day when nine member of the Brooklyn Club will report at Kbbeta Field preparatory to aalling for Savannah, whence they will tnko tho train for their training camp at Auguata, Oa. Bewide DgsUbOrL the player who will board the ateamhlp City of Savannah, which will mil at S IV M. from Pier SB, North River, are Catcher Tex Krwln, Bill riwiher and Eddie Pnerpa; Outneldora Leo Callahan and IlTbie Moran, Inflelder Pino KlrXpatrlck, t'tlllty Man John Hummel and Pit. her William Han rattan. Th lat f.ontlngonit of HlgWandero left this city yeeterday morning at I o'clock by the Royal Mall ateamer Arcadian for Bermuda. The aqund comprtaed Pltohera Ray Caldwell. Cheater Iloff, Oeorge McConnell, Patrick Ureeri and Albert Ucliulx, Catdher Willi. in. F' Uaaoman Malcolm BaJTy, Second Baaoman Ralph Young, Shortatop Claude Derrick, Jack Martin, PmugJaaa Harblaon and Bftt Stump, Tlrd Baasmcn John Prleat and Kara Midklff; Outfloldara Birdie Cre, Harry VYoltnr and Bert Daniel. nr ronx POLLOCK. BOROI RODKL, the boarywolgtil ohampion of South Africa, who nude good in his tlrat appeurnnce In a battle In this country by aWPing Art Nelaon of OfelggalO In eight round at the Fairmont A. C. on Wednesday night, ha received many flattering offrre for bout from clubs both In thla dty and In the West. His next bout will In all probability be with Soldier Kearna, the hard hitting heavyweight, for ten round at the Irving A. 0. of Brooklyn on Saturday evening, Mar.'i S. The match la expe. ted to be clinched to-day. A club In alao want Itodel to fight Frank Moran a six-round go within two week. Tie Mate Athletir 'aumuv.t.,n it Ita ineetiaa faatardai pojgal new rula wMah tn i of grvaa tieuefu to the follonrn of the aKn. It lalla f, furl era Owi are goaMt la lo ttienifii wit'i their bouta aa a aaajaaajajgoi f illueaa or du alitjr to halfy . dak ejftrih .mil the latter mtt.t :.wt a Battel of th fat the i.iitflc and a,, ,,t..rai tha pOHM '..r..aib tl pren,. Oeort r.-iriantier, the fuitlc kM of Prarce. haa heen Lilnng on aemht e,i f i in tlui iaat hii nawithe tint ha 000 enter t.'.r ring welglnnx ITA iMiuniie. ,r r i Upee.1 tiie .itM at ui.ia weight ahen lie fuviicht llai'laotiui lti -e. the MUI lull !4w aelgtit, ti.un lie 'It t . el.-el. 111 la Coleman Makes Record Run of 65 at Billiards At tip. iirewn if-mnaatum A. a uike eiiae-i I tnaata at th' lh iv h comae Mola ra.le and KrieBa K. YXt-rt : ,, , Dwver. on port h.i t p.i,.ri ; mi riiranm m. i . iiarrv On hn of ll-.nlru ra Meaof Ban. ten real tti it Libenl t. C ItneeSeiik. S. I . Mike Ma.e ra. Venn MHHhgt ten aVBda at Nt ta.i .1 A C. "t Hr-aiXljn Marly I. ... ra. lleorye Alaer. tea ronod. I 1 1 ; , , ona i aport , ia rilll un ertaln tbotlt reopening tho AqtMdUOl track thla year for racing pUipUgOl and It appeara now that the only "s ue ti r.nrs" will be held at Beltnont Park and Saratoga. It Mi ma to be the pieavnt plan to h,.M meeting! rhro days a week at Bolmonl I'arli and to race perhapo four .lays at Saratoga. If tile atten lauco la piofita .! at the Spa tho thoroughbred m.ght go to tho post every day In th? month of Auguat. A new ro.-ord for a OaM B blNtgrd ohatrfplonohlp competition tti ootgh llahej at Paul'g RtYOTOtd: Ai.idemy In Harlem in the eighth game of the pre- t'AVTuV M tout Hi mi nt, n.ncii brotlghl tOgOthajr ! y V'.rX I H A. ColotlMUt and M i lH Mnldaur. In tho forty-seventh Inning, with gttttigtir li .i.llng. HI to -JVJ. t'oli-man took hla turn a: the table aid ran oiT a at ring of er. polnta. The previous record for CaMt 11 ciiamplofiiup play w.ia lilt, made by Walter Leonard in tlie imj tournament. The long run ten t Cot agnail In position i . run out tour Inning later, the final core being 3g to :',. The winner in i I" an average of ii V31, and the re.vird ran he l.ail nins of S3 and 'J.' aluldaVJr averaged 1 41 -ui, and made rum of ll'i, M an, 111. The v.etorv win lw K. 0. SWEENEY WINS AWARD OVER FOREST OF COLUMBUS rai "-'in..! tTt it- i- n oior Eidi y, afM cf CuhtaWRM t tnr fOiggj ot vmx mieri -nam t Ui Nfaff Um M-uon A. C. Krfre K -1 it r i 1 rit 'lir dt"iiiiiji. So d.J Hivtefio imiiii litn MipaMBt In tha lut f!-,-, U that h wa hanlly abla (u aniwrr tabo t t 'i i ir the final now. Toruniv Befftn, t i -1-1 'fi K'xor, and Harrr Still v ColvttbVM ' " 1 a t-i-t1 lug draw. HIGHLANDERS ALREADY HIT TINQ THE PILL8. The laat of the lllghlandera sailed for Bermuda at an early hour thla morning, and by the end of next week Chance ought to have a pretty good line on hla team. All of the player who went awav In iharge of Harry Wolter car ried mysterloua looking little boxro In which were pill to keep them from get ting oca ale. Hal Chaae tried one go ing down and tipped theun off bv e.iUe. Several of the recruit kicked be.auae there are no bowling alley or billiard talble on board. HAPPINESS IN THE BRONX. New Tork theae day la J. Bentley Seymour, aomotlmea known a "Cy." The for mer Olnnt never overcame hla fit of dcprtalon at having to go to Newark, and ashen he waa aold to Loa Angnlca that looked like the finish He waa .lut about to aell hla kennel of fine dog, glvo up hla home In the Bronx and start Wet when (leorge Stalling nved hloTi by giving Cy a Job with the Boatnn Bravea I aaw Cy on th otreet, and liefore he had told the good new It ami noticed that With hla fajnoua dog, Claay and Klddo, wore brand new collar. Thorpe Out to Surpass Meyers 9s Batting, Record ruuiuU at tha OnwiS da rwTM on l-Vb. 11. uih I Ihlfd 1' iU00Mtl0n fJOf ColMQaUli Hfhfl pantl:' um ti.itle t wt'ii tit vritiDnr t . i.iiu npm wnmM mwm 'i''t. mm m In taWtl on .k- 0. Rattlinff NaIon ha nlgnad artHw fir w!liTr I'd ' 1" --.i. wilt b for trn r - umU au l hi Ji IggAtlni bflni to loom ut m tht proniftii nin- fV)BILLIARI)S AND BOWUNG s i rnru an i lersji f J la Bait. X BKI-tlltS BT EXPERT MECHANICS till-. UUI'NWWKIK nxLKE I'oM.UNtlKU, Q0.. wax. UP THE RIVER THEY "ROAR, ROAR, ROAR." Bo, more than a hundred oaismon got the can from (lid Father Courtney for It Iftlllng ataiut ar. they Nitloul.l tl'lllli' 1 It'a a good thing Mr. tViurtiiey la deal- I ing with ggollmni for at thla moment ; a picture ouine lo ue uf a baaobull manager burring out the recruit who kick atiout the food, ihe room and j everything "wliut Is " If Mctlruw or Chan-e lull playera for KtoKIng, can you lmuglne how many would be left in the BtrVIOOl ANOTHER STAR LOST TO VAUDEVILLE. Buck (I'Bileti. who aang h'a way uround tha vaudeville circuit after pitching a lualng game for tlie Bed Sol luat fall, haa bid the atage au rvvolr. Ilia one in alining a contract. Buck aays, la lo have one more oliance of going uKuIiimi the Olatita with hla TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN, BUT Lovera of nthletlc porta were aome what puixled for a few daya over the fact that the Naaaau Beich Walking i 'lull Invariably lamiee a tide table wlih the entry blank. The eecret waa finally explained by the Information that three athlete alway start nt low tide ao a to get a hard heacih to walk on Other wlae they would have to trudge through alx Itii'hea of aand for nve mile from Long Bench. Tlie entrlea are rlaaatflcd under the head of "ooft-aheH" and "hard-Ohell" walker. Great Rivalry Promised in the Giants' Camp Between the Two Redskins. the i. n. ltd to push Krne'a guard away, and then half dfOPpod un.t half It And in I down over I'lank'a glove. Mine tmhlied "Pro" Wrestlers Will Compete at N.Y.A. C. To-Night Herzng, Crandall, Wtlaon and Merkle. Another game between the Ynnlgana and MoCormick'o team waa on the pro gramme yerterday morning, and again McCormlck' tonm w-aa defeated by the ocore of 10 to S In alx Inning. Jeff Teareau, the Ozark Bear Huntar, waa in tho box for the first three In ning for tho McCormlck and gavo Coach Itoblnaon great trouble In hand ling hi delivery by the amoke and Merlin Tex. March 1. ahoot t' it he put on the hall. The HKRR are now two Indiana In tho three run acored on htm were due to Olanta' camp. Chief Meyora, " flawing on tho part of ht. team !1 . ..!!... . . matea. It look a If Jeff will pitch oven tho hordeot-hlttlng catcher In bette, bM tnftn h, dl, la((t year schupu game, nae juej arrives.. ue waw . ..ucihad the rema ning three Inn iw. not expooted until next week, but he 4 although a little wild had hia ohoots aaid he had road ao much of the and curve breaking beautifully. tunta performed by the othor Rod-! The Yanlgane again played high rtaas kin Jim Thorpe that ho dooldod to haaball and are In fine tettle for the'r . , game at DaJlaa to-dajr and to-morrow. get on the Job right away. Th h(me yfi Thorpe la now batting Jut aa fierce-1 Uf w,,,rh ,ermm , have become a ly a din in oniei wnen ne nrt joinea ha,)1( wl(ll Olympic hero. line mania aeverai araiaone amu. n ,-i,,,i-, !l.,r,er p ayed grille ball. time the bulky New York backstop tn. wav ,, .tnoi UD tne Dla. . made twenty-alx home rune In tho nrac- eVMii aaiMUtai wv nralnst lnft-band- tlc and exhibition guinea Thorpe In . pitohmn, which I a weakne nearly iiyio uiiis .w " " 1 1- . . , v.,. ... n every en-liana palter naa, waa a ue Judging by the manner In which he I ngj to Manager Moilraw. Cooper re whallng the ball In th practice giimoa , ,cin,bloa the great Ty Cohb very much It would not be ourprlalng if he made,at th bat and handle hlmelf in the the boat ah. .wing over put up by a crult. Oawt. Tmrry Toylt flfld and battd out Tho root of tht pUyera, with th'ln iaot yoar'o form, wliifih moA-at ao .. t-i'tlo-n f Bnorttnaiw. Hhafer uml much for the Calonti' ouccoos nn-i nloo Maruuard. or tSfMOtM o arrivo In won for him tha Chlmrii outomorjlie damp to-ty. Tne Mi.uoa ia neaoea ufimf toem tho moot flivool piayar xu Arthur Flutrher and lnoludeo Murray, the team. i.itnrt will f-e Frank WihtTny inriiUT uf lirukii Ka. i.v- I', i wtaj liu In -1 form in . . Suit . lUt umI v ,1 :.. , , 1'i'IIID nr At iKlliDit t,)KA t t I r l'..t oft at Atlanta, OOv, mi nat WnkifU ngtit. Nel at tti rfUdraiitfl a.V, with a pnvilft;c ul i'o if. ucut. uf tb ratfijiti. In nrler tn alluw IkOoHl OOMBI to cat U Uw MbWh train lor .Saw nrjfaiui 00 uext Woioo tlv iilsht, wlire la ;.. 1 ... i tn flgtn Jut MaUKi-it at t irrlearw A r. on March To. Ja mitt t. !.!.. M.-tUji. 1 hata '''! tn let lum gn f Ailll r I j 1, .. li til- 1' 'r I' 1... 1 - . ula 1Q ttlr) uiul btnit at l-.ii,' io A. 0, aikuw ud Utal liiglM. In a letter to th writer. OaotOI FnfeJ man aw ..1 rranlt KUiid, Mm I'ltiat'irtfii mi'MIe r aaja Umt Klmta ia in tlie ltt cunUluon ot Uu career for him (SrvntT IDttOd fight with HllW Ipke at th OinrOi dl Carta tn Carta im Mh . find that Frank will not BtnOM roiirh trouble in wiinlng. "it. i Klaua uul I are ao wurt of fgOtOfjr? wrlfea Knaei, "that we hare alreartj waf"ed II. 000 that trank feta tha deeiMon. Pranli Madnle the wtl!i-rwelf?it 0f Pitttmrjt. woo hna ban fighting with fwu auMea orr in I 'arts for nearly a ear, hna addnl three morn MARQUARD WILL REPORT. RUbg Marqunrd. a. tor ,ind s.nie UUMI li.iyvpluyer, will report tj ihe illant .it Murll i Mnrch IB for aprliiK praetlM ao c.irdlni; to report rr.mi RobOti Sin '.It In Syracuse to-day. "Bob" Smith, Who t 'i tight the south paw how to curve Hie Ml is.iore nc i broke Into the llar Itgfltfi 'aid M re- I eelve I a lottar yoHrday from afarQUard In iv... ii the Rubo laid ho aTOuaj raaporl I to IfoOrnw tt Mariln on Marah M. th third a'lilrlwiiid round tiana oroppM over lh winning "Klclv" again. M ANY other figlueia have irie.1 Ui rediaouvei the lla wialna nunohi Ki.i ktoOoy a moat sue -easful of lluni The Kid hgtd hla "corksciew." Htill that waan't exactly the HaWklnf left. It waa a oclentlflcally aiudied out. long prae t.ced blow Probably Hawking noi or knew how hi hook cti,e to him. It waa natural aa natural to htm aa a rattieauakr'a lightning stroke la to tha anake Homnlhiiig about the eoioi m.i tlon of wrlat and OjboW ami ohotlldofi Willi natural Judgment of dlatance. gave It to hla.. Il aa a ROUtlUa blow llga kins didn't Hee l to use II Kl eat 0l or apeMi with it. i romonabor aeeiug him Blip II uver gently on i'i .ink Krue. Kracat mi ii itching for it. loo, eap.H-t-ing It. knowing alt about li. They eatuu t.igether hve se,. mida after ihe lieKln- lilug of the fa . lound. hrne, aerloua, Four profeaalonal wreatllng matchea, to be Rttd under the auaplcaa of th.- New York Athletic Club, will take place in Ihe club' gymnaalum to-night, be ginning at 8 o'clock aharp. Hugh lon nr.l will official aa referee and Kobett Stoll aa tuner. The flrat match will bring together nearly lint on bis back, with hia arm win II Ilauaon, champion of Norway his Aon sharp ' tluid " of ihe crowd the ir and , a little Tnaro a a and tn Mie amazement I rank's fis-t tlew up In FfaaYal atrnck th lloor dMerinliied. wltchful, lient over a little, moved lightly, kept hia elboua high In a ported cover. Ilia guard, In fact, did eover hla face up to the eye o careful a aa in An, I Hawking. alaniiiiA straight an I smiling. rOMkaal til left out nearly punch tho ' "lirea.l olde to hold him up. He waa Htlllillt u ami HimillBWI inr n ini.e. men lowly galheied hlma. lt and getting up backed gWay and covered, while llaw klu mailed and hooked loft after left against lite 11 1'OOaail anna. Aft.vNanl Krank aaid no dldn t know he was down until lie heard tha referee count "eight." "And 1 never could figure," he added, "how he hit me Than waa hla hand up In the air, a aura dlananr away, moving alowly -and than 1 hear 'Ifjtit and barely inafitge to get up tt was funny. Hut for hitting high on the heek hone it would hal e hu.-n a knockout " Brag won thai light. In the eighth round I believe, In a wild elugK llg b'e In which Dal ugaln failed to ehow luat ha had m light aa good aa hla left. Hal luat m:ir,v a tlgln and won maiiv a light loo. Ills record lin't ao very wonderful, taken all through, but 1 doubt that any one can tell, even to-day, )uat how Hal llawklna dropp I Dial laay left In, and put th heat nf them flat on thetr ahoul dar bladea witii It, 11 waa the myaterv of the ring, and tt'o a myoleiy nd Jack M. I..-. "1. champion of Canada They will wreatle catcli-aa-catch-can alyle, beat two out of three fall. II I. m, Vii, champion of Hweden. and M Henderaon, champion of Vermont, will n. i el In the aacond match mnlcr condl I'ona alnitlar to the flrat bout. II. Han tor. and M lleuderion will take pari la a oupp'.tiinentary bout to follow tho aoc- ond match Will lilngham. champion lightweight of Kiigiuod, and J. Kuauk will try ron c.usiona on the luat In Jiu-jflmi tv. lilngham ggraf I to make Riling admit .li r. at twice Wllotn fifteen minute The big event or the night will then I tuke place -a mutch betaeen Mtunlalatu l. JUaxko. c.aiiuanl for tlie world'ai . hamplotishlp, and 1'aul hameon, cbaiu lion of (lertnaiiy. AMUSEMENTS swim ( In and Out of the Training Camps j After treiiaO a hohtout for aeftTal werka. Igam iir-neT iiw Unk I'lt.-hur tf Uie a'io.'agrn 4 ula, rralketl Into the htM nil TT art of IM 1ii-go Na ionil laeafia tttlb, IM, after hktn over Jfef . t which I'nwldt-nt OrwNf HOfWI orrered liliu imiiu-luii.-i afflir'l hla aignatitre. Manaarr Hark tirtfMh vf th. WMMVotp" OeA iff tTwi Aureriian larie win atari for the Ir an Waluiatfton i n wltli lit firat tiM if ii.iwi" virlu.illv all ni tl ytinieieri will tie 1n tiB nam Tin roniaWaaUor ul tW vlajara will rM'rt lat neit week. ArwfTJu-r tiaantail Veatnta hae 1nt teen nrgataael It la tlie miita Hute M- i !eaane. jliMi waa f trnml at a u. i-it Ul.l at Hrratiiar. N. V Ttir liniit elll nunaLet if teaina in Auturn H -. . Wat t aurf. tot n Kt il t iki i ; ttket a at 1 It mi. T aaaexi tl ' "'"t 1",t Ial-r Ikaj B r. I. wnli of rnracuit waa alacttid I'ruai EK o.iv in l-if Irdunt 4tlT fiajHiga Urtoo of the Um, Itlanl Dull who will maka h rauuent. ha.1 a)n aent an ap llt atimi n Tlinouta J Tarooli, rrefi-lerU of tlie Natttinal Ift i aaraina hla r i" .'i m rXN'iirini the oonaent f tha other Nattttiiiil laaatftia rjutte to t'. irantmg of pen te1Un to tht new minor leani. Miliar) Ilunu Whlpa Itr.ldy Mi n Dunn (ttftkated BatUlna HaJtU at tha I New lnlo A. A Hedlv. wvlfihiag II i-mukna, alan waa arkrowl dieit 0f btUff aaOOatf, 1 u' Ihinn I . -ti-i lua J . u (arwaro i anreaai' Jl.. that ht tti Lit !'' lVUtUt WtDCUf 1iie It.-. hi N i'i.!" n , lamte team hae re lehMad I ' 'tier ritiMe WlUtatna to the v. nv iiut it thti HtBUll'fl-n laeiifJe autt aiaiiMl I'lLt'lier It Hall .4? the UiOaewiNl w Va T rtuh. TIm latter wrtll m-'n at Aiotfiuta, lla. on Mr I, ft. "Hh V' TTlltoft. OHi rnti laaer of ttha rt:. ! lvttla t'li.'1 irf I tic Auierican leagtne ' aatera' Mra, naa aWnel a hij-- la ula aitii tlie i.liM liu. er Thui v.ill be hi ei.titetviilh jaar id ih. uoj lfotfuca. , Itovaoail fane aM ONf tlie .' wll' ha aur v.uari U learn ' Mlkf PnUlU t iT'iint to tho utiuora. Mir-- la lA.okl t i ..... n the Mlune iiiulii of t n.f i .1 Vat"'tation thu aea am Mika ot i a, tim 1'iulljr ta.wiiaa ha luat hla atei The rewty oraMM'e.t Nte .rk Ut) New Jaraer laeaanc 4 ' 'i ,l,' ' 1 ' ' '-; aaaa toraial ' '' ' Ui t'liurle H. Kirttau .'1 Uoa Biwldra Uu Ijl tu wiiaoul V. va a faoO Itie rutgg manaael Tt win anothnr run from Die niteai nt 'i i,, -a Fla , 1 ttrfeiitinii thi-m b a aaoOl of 2 to 4. Tlie ihilwna took the Iratl in the gfiMilli inning bf a-xtring vOQt nma, tmt in the !)' half Rfatla mei got It'iay with tlioir hat anl manaoteil i auiaah tut entifh liita to tal aercn nine. JImmj nHntHl had hla ti-onite nf White fc.t Ttaver . .. : In t.halr firm game at Pano it . t'al He line.1 or liU firat teajn acainat "KM" 'leaeMi' -: aDd wlian tlie game eniel i.leawaii'R nit i 1 tadl defeatetl hr a mviu of II to 6. ri hiuie nma featured the conttat Mnhv tin; i iiemanta ara i ig mala at the Polo OfOUOOJ pt ttta 'w-nefit f tiig lliglilan.lafa. The uaw cluhnciUaw. whi.'li wUI M nte1 et hiaiteV D) rtarik t'ltaii'V men. la nipt I) v apaeoIun foai Illation. It w ill 1 e nl aleel antl aoBOfaif, with oiiunotliim hx'saia, a larg i - for lo nigina . -Jiowet ti.ttlh uii-l Tha IviiMtnc atantU t 'llml (lie contra fir.l arata. eioaa tj'ttl. ae ntie frooi arhjeil it l an t m .whet tiy n j-rirate entraiue woon le Yra g- 10 their new hoioe at Kingal'rhlge nkt Maf BIO laiallaaQO lll tt tttrnri t er to the vlarUnj teaing at i e lit n i Mil tiuai. -orttinr Hliafer reil tltute lTifir4ter of the Ulanta. bo ht ien .it'lilmg out for a htglier xalary than tho rtuti hid ai-lllitg to gta him, tenlte tit atoiy gent t ut f -i :n t. Ulanta tratnltig mi at Marll" Mi mm C . ' !- ii.u s.ii.....-u UfjT nunging Horie NWcilgfti .. ta addltloa to tha Unat Inan till LNDER .MANY FLAGS WINTER GARDEN f& Mt&tkl ! 160 Mat. The ItO.NtVMOUN KXI'HIINSI To-day, -' ly.ui IIAMV lltwl.l8.AI .luiaon WSrJ. THE BRIDAL PATH Welar a ioL C Thea.. W uf U'i. gST M il tUtS MaU nut. k Sat . llir. nts -a aar I V I S En. a is WITH iVunncD anth. k. of ii rUIIIIVUilb l.- M...... T,,.ll.v 210 'vmJs LITTLE WOKi EN r a CIMrt BnailwuAWtli at. grgi.l.lf. trtO llu Maiuieea Wad, 4 Sat.. S.l. TRENT1NI in THE FIREFLY M AXINK ITUa.. StU,'arar th A. m iilT'rs K.a. I.SO. Matl.Wtf Akat.I.SO, r o jyi ia n c ff!TaBiyi:. fcT,rL"'':r,v FANNY'S FIRST FLAY SAM BERNARD "Y.t..n.J,,K bR0ADvAvt '!'';. tfrrgfrp- iiTsi terB HARRY lAUMRiji, 8TH ST. Mbh. TVura. and Hal. - w iLLlAiV. ( OLLlL.v ,n Sri'MiSAh' jsTHXT TUBA. IB 1AI. SI'SHAtt. 4 r . aaAfl. Vii2 i v ml 1 tiiteri.relntlati AMUSEMENTS. NKVVVtlrtK'M I t:IHM. lilt lllils.' I,' M D I D L' M'.isy"ll 4mii at. .iga. .;. LlVir IIt Matinea W'tsl. Sal.. I.N, THF CPYThe I...Ti.t,,i. a larl. so -.-ew fmm b sr Kataanfr "1 Ilamhea." kNICKMHIKX'KKH. H'wnr MU at. Etei. 8 l.-i. M .tineas W.-.I Sat. 2. JULIA SANDERSON !!! In TIIK Kl NMIIINK I.IKI.. I tU'TMnnN I VRFIIU tin. -a a '.. Km h :iu i.,s j Ltucum i.t m T., luy m Tlmai ChariraCherry Marie Doro In the enmedv TIIK N'RW MKI KKTAKV Nat. Mo. -H.H. Warner la Tha Qnoal li r.,-r GARRICg '.. si . Ir. U way, kT. J0f THE CONS PIRACY KOBERTHILLlAKD ,K.!?K?Pt-r HUDSON tilii'K'' THE POOR JJTiLE RICH GIRL pARlf"' Sl- Co1- '" i- ii.4 I rtrvrw Sun HU.Wd., ha nrirai THE MIRACLE bffiF A lliiui ... -., I... i: . i,r. I A ' I. inn ..I 1,10 HMRIS 1Et4 sYr,1 ti'," " SitggSa Fulton m& ttfeifliSf a;koias. i.: LILLIAN RUSSELL B ''ffOW TO EtVI imi VK ttta" ,0e,4i,5Q NO V,' i "N E Vv A M S I ER D A H I W. i'ii Ht. 8.13. Mnta WM. Sat i: UH! UH! DELPH IN E Thnni's White F.lepliant Bonlloa Alleae anrt llllllur.l rnrh.r. fllsl Ht. A Rrnadtraa. MU3ICAL. PHILHARMONIC Sin lf.TV ill' NEW YllltK JOSEF STRANSKY, comwowmi. TbwMWi is.iui.1 Ait. 11. Carnegie Hall. H..ioist. Rudolph Cianz raiiii. It Mi. rail K lf.Ja. Mai. . in Ti.- et T!. in. K,j. at . IA. Neil I'ri. Aft. lalalal. Maud Powell TlottaM. t 'arneale Mall. S.i liir.tii)' I'I SO KWITAI. Aft, Marrli N LMPOI n at I LIBERTY" 4-1 st K'ei, at I m w,, ipp.) itat'.MB ONLY 4 Wl l lis Mnltl. 'I'Olltli Tin; i, MILESTONES 3,"!,.'!.! flAlKTY " '" & 8t. Btai EST "S I II Y miKK" . A ara lana i.v ., . V.I MIS of TUf Poaf .lllle tilrl.' 1V1ANHAI rAlMUUHtt CTS 'fff' t -Sf : THE WHIPJS?: ii'ii. i mrrili. I'-'.'M W ..f Hih A. Mat fo-ifar. tltlK. 1KSI KB Vs,r Vaaahol. s ?? IJTTI.K WOM KM llMllv .lau. U SO HAMMERSTEIN'S ...ii '. 4 in r TAM in an oruoual hAI icjvn i.r.iuii ,.,, ,- .,.,.,. Ul'K IQBIKtN, Jl JAI'KstlN. DAI NTT MAlllE, Ueeiiej. KoMd a flat!. Th ' 4 hSSSi A IK,, Tl Musi . I Si, :'!i I"'.. A I'n.inu, TO Oullan Urua., item it'.. New UorlBJ IMcturaa, and " YT M'Kl'K TUB DANCE al (lRTTrNB. In .1... t-Ite. t t ul . lus ftlai.r.1 Il.e les.ii Tie us- ll.ileat 111 New York I'lill. flit lum . aaldr ..t Utiiuauda a tmai oaaa i vii v i M i. mi: E. 8. an. Mau.Wed. A Hti MouiKonierr atone. Klsle Janla. I The Lady of the NIlDner. nr. .H.i.. b .v 1.1 Z GODOWSKI I. It! AT CIIOI'IN I'll. II. HAM i i itiiriN it M i. v . i 'ri-k,Sn it Hoi llfflc a lata Paao. CARNEGIE I fl7aKAliio HALL OMi;vilV Oratorio Society Ml Mitt KVKMNI1 M Ml. II Mil: IMIKAM 111' l.llllisills Ilir I'.tlllllNAI NKH'MAN ,ru t goal at Musi" i.v sir rSdward Blgar.l (Tarnogl tlui. PAUER MM To-M'w I miss TAVPlEIK I DOROTHY 1 U I fc I'.; HKi'ITAI. IT AK.II.l IIAI.I. HVT AK'l .Mar s.t f, is..iii Hue tu aa Noiv NTKIXVV AV iMANii lftTaV(-aa)Bfalt 8n" Meau N w IBBaTBD EN'nll Hiil'UANil iNl'KHT. Globe J?;oC0HAN'i MAY IRWIN 'w "Widow By Pr'0Iy" AO 1 iMaU. WmT, (PoWlaTi ttat.. 2 11 KuL-art r,:- .in. Wilt in IeaKaa, Max Kiii)ian. RVwa i fhlnn 8T. 100 TIME- Mat T. A.I I'll TIIKATKE, 7 si ar :n Vv ADOLF PHILIPP Auniion Pinochle YVII.LIAM MIIIUlls AMUSEMENTS. CT A D T'asi". lUi k J A rl. ,'! 'iaat liarlatu. MATINEE DAILY 10-15-25c BVBNINa PBltlN, IMS JSc. ACADEMY THE OF 1VIUSIC in CHORUS STOCK CO. LADY NEXT HI THE GAMBLERS WITH A THEODORE FRIEBUS -A PRISCILLA KNOWLES W WALLACk'S -Joth The Irish Player, To da) .-' a"A To iiirt., " Till L " Uo.1 f llaarl'a llentro' aiil"TIia Jar Maw'" fFMllUV il-IIAlBl.- oil Van. i,r- a . i.. . a! I 1 aiu .' t..l, ,Y eat. at S Joseph, 11 aay. I'liuuc Uiiaut 40 iLaurette Taylor ci TiMrr um E i Ills) lilt I I II II I- N . ill it. K uf H'wAv I'liuiic ftnaai 4o tuna s IV M .... Weil tt sat., 1.18. iNgaag i' Mr flrurl." Ev.siuiiai at a. IS. At Sut Al '2 1 WITHIN THE LAW TO-UORBOW (St;x I BVaUQNg AT a 4 POHOTIIT TOya.. 0lbflad Teii.irioura.., RFl ASCOT 'ui-i- ;.. YEARS OF DISCRETION UL PHHIir W. Eveuinaa at .10. rvcruoLiv, Mall Tu aeg A s,t., .to. 11. IU ll.-laa. ii iiri-sents I lie fairv plar. A GOO 6 LITTLE DEVIL M Mllll Nil. I1AHIIKN'. NOW ll':v niuis mi.ek I'ltiiH. nvMivi. fnAnTrtirmp ritiAm ttNEW YORK THEATRE ; OiUIa 1 JlYltll 3 dHUW 12--BIG ACTS-12SAL0ME r"r 10c i a m ... n v. m. a.. at-, iimiren, 2iw. mm w WILLIAM UOKKIH' w. Wonderland llilinst. I Ne y.irk'a KaahhoaUa ,v"ili Ai. ' I'lii.-o .'lav lliuic, m'griAi. To-mv HANSEL AND GRETEL v l ! li iX") nt. gftaa. laUl UaU.1V .1 atW Uc-SOo. COLUMBIA 'IT Burlesque SOCIAL. MAIP ii rf I Bi anil SOt b St. Era. I 30. DUUU MAT KVKUY DAY AT ; SO roit RAINEY'S AFRICAN HUNT BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS. Cm aa i aa ar t i k ii.n,vr Itiiiailnat lpb Aa. Brat arata. toil M I N U K'a A H V. 1 1 I A I I COt NTBV TOHK HON 1 1 A t LVgs aUlULllla HlUg4VAV KVa J S