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THE EVENING WORLD, BATTTHTJAT, I, 113. gag i WAUCTIONS TO BE RAIDED BY ORDER OF GAYNOR Commissioners of Accounts Report Results of Investiga tion Into Alleged Swindle. These dishonest business men who Bluplny signs conspicuously reading variously: "Qreat Bankrupt Hale," "Tins Hulldtng Mint Come Down Come In and drub Rarraln." "Bid In Trip Freeh Goods at Tour Own Figure All Oo at Auction," Ac, had better watch out or the Commissioners of Accounts Will Kt them. Itne commie loner have been In vestUatlnr. and within a day or two there U going to be a round up. Com rnlaeloner Jeremiah T. Mahoney said to day that this method of attracting buy are was a "pure swindle." Ho Is going te put a itop to It In the Intercuts ot TJe ubllc. The Invrstliratore, with the eslstanre of honest business men whs have frequently complained to tlio police without redress, have found that even fnke seals and alleged IcgM notices were employed to deceive customers. In some enses where '-.'nods were marked at ridiculously low prices the goods could not he bought for those prices. Inferior article were foisted on customers. Misrepresentation was found In BUJf cases by the Inves tigators. W&grfl these "fake" stores sprang up like mushrooms over night, Com missioner M.fhoney gaM tn-diy, tie le gitimate business of the neighborhood Offered The Commissioner Is alo after .1 man who mn.le a spe lalrv In providing fake se lis and lcal notices living them Some semblance Of gen- Blnsnsea for .1 stated sum.of Ita, Reuben Ba'lier a sulipoenaed be fore t ie Commissioner of Aecounti and asked .il.out ho- business on Third avenue He :.s now 111. ler ball await ing trial. POBtattflflloagfg Milioney and rtl"e told the Mayor to-day that fake anc tlonn WOT InortMltlf and suggested that the Polios Department get evi dence (Inst sue 1 places and raid them The Mm r Ua) or will 1.u.. .nsiti u t 1. Commissioner. COLUMBIA WILL MEET PENN FIVE TO-NIGHT AT PHILADELPHIA Gothnmites Have Chance to Effect Three-Cornered Tie for Third Place. Intercollegiate League Standing. Wen. l' P.C, fl 1 fc..T TSWetOII 4 4 aeufh 4 ,4.'s :na :l 4 IB In charge of roach Man y Fisher, thai Columbia ..asketii; ill aulntet leaves tble r.fter.ioon for Philadelphia, where tney Will wind up the 111 13 Intercollegiate League season by playing the I'niver Blty of rennsyh aula five. The locals have been resting I In OS Thursday In preparation for (he OOflteat, and every ItOJRbor of the squad is in splendid condition. Should the loci's trim the Quakers and Dartmouth lose to Cornell the filial league standing will result in I ti 1 aigular tie for third place between Columbia, Pennsylvania and Dart mouth On Mil b - last yepf the Jtiue and White trimmed IVnnsy at Phlladelpliia ait.i a tab of X to M. and e!so won tlie local game, score la to 1" Ve grand finale of alumni day, lVb, 1-, Coach PMohor'a lanklei won a e.oee game from the lllut and Bed here to the melody of u to s. The MorntnV" etir Height! record against I'.nn since i hji is thirteen vlctorlea out of ainetean tames played. PIANISTS HOLD THE FIELD IN NEXT WEEK'S CONCERTS. Rudolph i Jan.. Ihe Su s planlat, will p.- the aoiolal at th,- Philharmonic so ciety's concert at tfei'ncglc Hall tOmor low afternoon. He will be heard In Uast's second concerto In A major BOOthoVen'l "Paetoral" symphony and Isuo lohulg'a "American F itlval" over ture, riti.ii for tlie Worki'a Kxposi ton at SI UlUll in IWi will be tlie eh. , f Of the orchestral works 'I'll, latter, at Mr. gtronaky'a invitation, will he eon ducted by its oompoaer, the popular 'eelliat or the organiaatlon, Maud Powell, tin- diatlngulahed American vlo liitlat, will ! the soloist .it the eonoerta al n.xt Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, In T.schalkowsky's concerto In D major. Salnt-Saena'a tlilrd sym phony m 0 minor will be played STILL ANOTHER aa THE WlNCS OF Cwnell Frio. rea-ut BY LOUIS TRACY As Startlingly Original and Exciting as "tarzan OF THE VO" WtH Begin in Monday's Evening World. Match 3. Plenty ot Horses Ready for But It Will Cost the Associations At Gravesend, Sheeps head, Belmont Park and Bennings 700 Horses Are Taking Daily Exercise in Prep ation for Summer Campaign. Big Courses, Especially Belmont Park, Are Badly in Need of Re pairs, After Three Years' Lapse in Sport and In attention. Resurrecting horse rating In Wow Tork and elevating M along the MneS laid down by the Jockey dub, fol lowing the AppeHate Court's favorable decision on the legality of oral bet ting, form no Idle task for the raaing associations which are to co-operate In the revival of the thorough broil sport. In tho first place, thousand of dollars , will have to bo spent In getting the course In readiness. During the three yesrs' lapse In the sport the tracks have beam more or less neglected It will take '1" GRAVESEND SHELTERS SEVERAL and labor to make them preventable, at gQ STRINGS. least. Repalis thus entailed win bt tho Down at f.r.i , c end hundreds of horses' one big Item of expense to the associa- sre helng primed for the season s cam Bong, palgn John Whalen, August Belmont's Tho question of getting the horses j former trainer, has a string at this tog ttior to up sufJlolenxly inter- ' track Including Husktn. a Kentucky sting programmes I... strange to say, i the simplest of nil. Despite the faot that ll Is n. arly three veaxs since a cgula-1 atlon ra v meeting, aside from hunt .lull affaire, .at I Mow York. tuae boon run In or there are any num. Per of liorsi-s quartored right In this v : - titty which will be ready for rnoing ptirpoOOfl by June 1 or tteforc If neces sary. 300 HORSES AT GRAVESEND AND SHEEPSHEAD NOW. At tlravesend and Sheopshea 1 Bay alone there ate Vil or more horses get- .iiih ...n. . i-e snwisis weiiiner ondit oiis perm.t of It. Ovit at H mont Park there are SUiroO. among t.hem severas otit.T many steeple- . iiavers, and down c.t H nnlrurs, for yeare the popular wilntor uuarters of many big oMthfeO. there are enough honses to supply a dally card for almost an ' me. ting. In addition John B. Mad den is cxp tsl at (Iraveeond within ' Madden I b nging them Bitot for Hale Burpoooo. but he will race them until he finds buyers, of oourM the '-Iohs of horses new quartwe.1 h."eaiKiits Is not up to that of live years ago We might say that, nteftOOrod by Old standards, there aren't any r. ally grout MOOfs In uh country right nuv, tilt the crop ot two-ycir-ol is is prom. sing, atid a yoaf or two may nm the djoveonpment oi rnoro Colin, iiaiiots, sir Mar bine and FltzhcrlM-rts answ"ing the oil familiar bugle call, me best we had Were shipped abroad when the sdverOJ l..slaUon re ni unprofltmble here, but it is not at all unlikely that sonic of these may shipped book when the sport gets on '.;. tret in UMM part" Hut to g.-: back to tliose on hand now which will be made roady for the opening here. Thwr are 70Q avallohto, and lb s without drawing from any of Ithe Southern oouraeo, the Virginia tramu mid Juarol In MolOO. For Instance at (Iravesen.l, aquedUOt, Belmont ''ark and Banning! are the stables of Belmont, Whltneyt Madden and Wilson, names o( commanding prominence in the old davs Mot along or., ...,, nelilo-. .Is in training at trucks. but scattered it hiii a day's ride of tli city are hundredl of prWatg stable sheltering horses of otimr ogpgotailt own org. 220 THOROUGHBREDS ARE QUAR TERED AT BENNINGS. At Bsnnlnga, tha oountry a famatra ; than the other tracka, but It will take winter training ground, BO animals are! nig force of men some time to renovate getting In condition for a New Torklthe plant ufler a three v.-ars' depreclu campaign, xugtrnt Belmont heads thai tlog. list there wila M horse,. Most of these: The liiggest Item ill he lie repair of thoroughbrada aro youngaten b. the tha various tra ika. Themaiii ior centre , ,, i course Is in fuoly good shape, due to wonderful Rook sand, and Pueatel. ,,. .sarcisliui oi sii ui .. hundred another Rook Hand win be developed. In I ills lot there Is also Mission, Winner of laai year'a Bowie Handicap. tdj lining tne Ifelniont stable there in, HI horses owned by Amoa Tuniey. '1 his number was swelled last week by ti.e arrival from iCoatuoki of vi two- yi ar-olds. At tiie end of the course there is atabla of w t no rough breda trained by William tiarth and owned by several men. An dhor iig string at llotiulngs Is Dr. Tyreo'a atabiO of horses trains t bv William Oliver, About 2n otner small. c atablOg at Bonningg brings tha total of ooraea that may. race In .New ,.rk up to ::. A wa Winer around Relmont Park tiiese day! nould almost be ooitvlnced thH MH 'n was a' really un.ier wa, for thoro are neariyi MM tbopoughbroda in active ti. lining there -horses that Wi'l pimp around local trankj as ssxn as ti..-, are neodod. It T IVilaoa baa the biggest stiuhVj at Belmont Park. Many of these horses are being prepared for .ecplecaasln.' UNUSUAL STORY THE N0RNlNC if Millions to Put Tracks in Shape 700 Horses Ready for Bugle Quartered Now at Local Tracks At four trsdkw 'Bennlngs, Oraveseod, Rlircpahead Bs end Belmont Park TOD thoroughbreds are In active training for the opening 01 tn .Metropolitan season about June 1. At Beiuiings are the stables of August Hrlmont. Amos Turner. William OertTl, Dr. Tyree and other owners that hilngs the IMHlS of horses now quartered at that famous winter track up to 112il At Belmont Park over 10 thnr-.fligliliTe.le are quartered. Ineludlng the stables of It. T. Wilson, n string trained try ex-Jockey Willie Mldglev, . .in sisting of twentv-four two-year-olds: William llognn's OOllflCtigO 0( tin lumpers, a ptiMIc stable trained by Slim Kelt'Ji. consisting of HftOOa Ol the country's best steeple. hiLS'-rs, and about twenty-five smaller etanies. At Oravesend John Wh.ilen has a string In training, including Hoskm. a Kentucky Derby eligible, as well as several othet noted thoroughbred-" James Pltzralmtnons has a piald ic stable of twenrv-fmir horses and V. 1. mad. hi has Majesty, llrlar Path, it mx and Huneh of Key, getting In readiness for a New Yrk campaign At this course are also the stables of A. J. Ootdsboro and Maurice Wei. ri At Srveepshead Bav there aro 100 horses In email stTlnga being put In condition for the local season. Aside from the large number of thoroughbreds at the aforementioned tracks, Harry Payne Whltiicv has a private stable st Red Rank, N. i of over twenty-five horses, and other private stables near by would nwrell this number to 160 But there. Is Sanation, Flying, Amalfl. Penohseot and Owonnuz. BX-JOCkt Willie Mldglev has 21 two- i yrear-olda bought bv Piping Rook Sun. a-ilbers lr sweopstake moing. WllUam Hogan and SUns Itelteh have public Minnie-, at Belmont Park containing all Jumpers, an.) some of these hurdlers aro the best In the country. 1 rl,v enginie, .viaeaj-oiu. llrxney line ana rinmimirion, trie latter the property of Oiive HI. loon. A two-kiir-"ld that . "... "e n.Nai.i .11 in to. iiaicu s owlhtHMh Is Maxim's Choice. A. T floldsboro hn a public stable In this trlng there nr.. Tom Monohan's i Textile : afomm I the. l.u I ana M and Tilfler MM) H. K. Oxnnrd's with their exquisite foliage, have boon -it h. Maurice Welea, brother of nearly ruined from the luck of irrlga Tom Welch, has Miss Momenta 11 "" haw Olrl. Tlie track posts at eight-foot spaces I-'ltzlmmons has another hlgi around the mile and three-eighths have table of T. horses, AmOfiaT thOOO I tumbled down and will have lo be re. e o' Addison Johnson's, f.srmer paired. Then expenses that the racing Jame public are s-e warden of Sing Sing, and W. W I.ang ilon's His Majesty. Itriar Path, Hos- ,o in. I II it, h , t gMM 1- M,- I... fiers. Is o Scaliawag, a likely looking three' year-old owned by Harry Worrts. and one or two youngsier ihe properly of Johnny Moran. John McOlimlt you'll know him lots bettor as "I.U' ky Jack"- has a string In training at Ineludlng Sim Jaokaon (a real good one, by the way), Whisper Boll and Frank's Daughter, a three-yen r-old maiden by Frank QUI, a wonderful h.indliv.ti runner u Im .1.- - -..- i ad at Hi tni .ii a few years back The dam of PVank'l daughter is Inspiration Sum Hooker, tralnkU 'be Spring Hill stable of the Watt estate, has I'ncas I'hlef and Castanla. And to eon. plot., the list, there is the Qulncy stable, with Kverrat, a Hoi.- winner In 1!I9. beoldee Warbler ami Striker and some two. year-olda trained by Bddle Phelan. If tlie h.irs".s In training at the differ ent tracks were not enough, there are twentv-nve thoroughbreds' in' Harry I Payne Whitney - private stable ti iteit i Bank, N. J., the largest private stable in the country. it can be readily aeon that mere will be no dearth of horses for the New York season, notwithstanding the h.g ex. sins of horses to Rurope that has neon going on since the sp..rt died In OJ0 WHAT IT WILL COST TO MAKE TRACKS READY. The fixing up of tip. iro ks Is a source o more lio iv. 1 1 e to the associations thin the gathering together of the racers tin maelvea, if it is the plan to race at Belmont Park. Aajueduct. lOmpIre City and Saratoga, the nulng aaenelatlona will be forced to expend 11,00 1 before the doors of tne trucks inav be tnrown open lo the public . to tills hugl- Idental egpeneei tier amount conns will bring the grand total ! :.tK,oil. io a sum ex. it will cost tn.- otookholdera nf Bel mont Pork 1850. 000 before this fain ill I... in.' Island track. With Its Iron mil Utool grand-stand and Ita apaoloua fctwna, can he pat In a condition for the r"- en lion of racing crowd- Belmont Park. because of its modem gppulntmenta withstood ta.' ravages of time better In training there, 'nit the other track) nr.. badly in need of attention, Tha atooplechaae cense will have to be en tirely reeonstnicl-d All I he "list a let. must be replaced, for they were removed when aviation nets wen held there over a year ago. Tlie Immense grand-1-! md. OOOatrUOts ei of iron and steel, won t roojuire much attention, but J.rssl lawn setteoa must ba replaci d at a mst of 110,000. Remember the ehute, the atralghtawai down whi' ii the two-year-oldt raced, where the MotOlie Tn'i ggan used to he run? That must all be retouch,.,! foi Billy Poth Wins Sportsm an Show Match v ith Watch Charm Pistols T II gj most uniuue flhooting matoh ever atttged In the United ktat'O wea ootttflotod at t ie Bportaman'a Show last night lis the r.-sult of a tel -dollar bet between lllil Ptrth -Hid Bill Croflby. MM craok professional trap shot The fll eel III! w ere rOVOlveri -s than one Inoh n length and shooting a cartridge oiie-iuai ter uf an 11 Mi h.ti ntirrying dj)N 1U Urdslmt for a bullet. The object f rmoUers In life I' to he a watch charm, but the ur to Ingonlouaiy made that they rev-. ... . broak mid slnxit Inst tne same Marge one line of fhflfle rOVOlVO ftUld I be laid on a silver quartor, with plenty of room to "That'a the 'la.rne.leM HUle thing I ever saw "' tlllglhTH Billy I'oth. ' T want ot try It." "I'll bet you a ter-apot 'lij' I bflfll you shoiting it." "i. tjfoflb bvl was taken and 1 '" 4Uflfl Racing, Time Is no respecter of places, snd the finishing point became dilapidated with other parts of the property. REPAIRS NECESSARY BEFORE THE BUGLE BLOWS. The various buildings on the course where trainers and handlers made their headquarters are in want of the carpen ters' attention. The tunnelled approach thnnigh which thousands of late race goers Pish.d In the goid old days for seats of vantage In the grand-stand nr.. all In a w. aliened condition and must bo repaired before the gstes may be opened. While carpenters are as bus. as bees repairing, there Is plenty of work for hund.rodg. of gardeners. Toe boOUttful sloping lawns, the pride of August Hel tnont, ate hadly overrun with weeds and require muoft ittentlon. The nan. Mind ing lawns, comprising the Mancls estat... .Siiislstlng of thousands of various trees fin couldn't dream of electric an nouncers. Jockey hoards, judge and timers' stands and other signs must all he COnatrUOtOd before the bugle Mows, The Saratoga course, considerably mailer than the elaborate Belmont I'ark. could possibly he put into shape tor racing at less cost Practically the same repairs needed at Belmont Park would have to be made at the Spa. HOW RACING WILL BENEFIT SARATOGA ... The village of S im wo ii i iierive the greatest benefit fro n racing In this Mate This little won ler spot, with its magnificent hotelf. private guldens, prlnaTI an I lake ihoro ie.-.. rts enter. I Into a state of lethargy when racing filed in I'.MO. Ji was u case of shut up hop. for the village couldn't Very sell exist without rai Im and its aooom- nanvioL.' fhroiiu' It'll I I tli,. wno, f i aume again, ant fhla little place Willi'"1 ' lemlse liunnlng will b i iblosaom forth Into life like a flower In the title role and among others In nourished by a spring aun. 'the caal win be John Park, Obarloa The loss to S it, 1:0,1, i by the with-1 Brown. OeorBle Muck, Kdward WadO. orawni ol lacing can t lie st.inat.-.l ' an t be est. mated Ileal -state vales fell like In a flnnn rial pan e a oottaga thai could bardli I..- rented for 11,000 for tin- month of ngnst in th.- oil racing daya could be I oneerruiiy had last aummer for 1104 i month, sine., th,. death of Ihorouglrbred running one out of every eight Huta- toga ahopkoopori bad to luspend iust Itoaa Hut this win be ahanged ith tha coming of tip. ponlea once more Dilapidated condition! also exist at Aqueduol and Bmplre City, Through negleoi oauaod by t tn- loss of racing. these tracks have OUStalnod Unuaual bos.- In depreciation. A big sum aould be required to tiring Aqueduct Into shape, but Umpire f'lly probably might i.e put Into racing shape for about t1"..'"-. FARMERS WILL BENEFIT RETURN OF RACING. BY The farmers will welcome in., return of taring. Knim all aecoUnta the farm lag element Is strongly In favor of lacing, nnu for a r on that n meane increasea ousinesa ror tne country In IS07, when liorae raolllg was .it It. rati. ill In this Stat, the spin paid Into i i.. state treaaury by a .". per cent. Mg the Inly sum of iRl lgl Hi. which re- ertc I hack to tne farmers for Ihe pro motion of Stale fglra and foi agrlcllll oral p irpoaeBi Not only did the rarmora d. rive handsome Income from the raoe iin'k rectlpta. im: those living in the neigh lor. mod of the various Courses did a land office busln. MM ll ng oats and bay for the horses and Ions of garden truck for the stuiih attendants When racing was ai its height al Belmooi Parbi Long laiand rannera made nig profits selling their garden produ ita to Ike Ira k people, n was eatlmai d Hon Rial al the List i.ig meeting ai BelmOOt I'ark tin re w. ie Ovei .irli! hun Ire, I trainers and hand lets wh i bought vegetables from the I . or v farmers, Kni ll was tin- same f o fst met s neat other race aourooa u.i.s select.,! BJ i f.ree T'n ... tiny re will rt : ehix.t further than 'en feet, so 1 target a as mad- out of a aub wav ticket with tha as the hull s. aya Tha range was six inches. Tiie goveRy of the 11 g Mbwetfld a crowd of o d gunt I rs, and all kinds of huts and neoktleg were lie' on the re silt. The report t the inleroaoopla lirearm wan ahoui as loud i. the tnit- ' "f ' walob. , HHIJ Pi ftn won ml and there a Mg 1 ... ! . 1 l it . loan t. t he ' "'ks ' ,le lid trap rh it, e to try !t nut . to ha 1 rkjo ciar..d Tom '. Iter, the "as the h. t ever I'd II mv ajurora nr 10.1 Ian gun. fin Monduy Notaon Verity, ihe fa mom old KUide ol IgafOrdi U I . la gulnv, to hoot a mntch with Mr Hlndfl. 'lie trap..-:, irbfl la aaid I . havg one of the iBrBeoi lolleettoua of ti, , hlag in America. THREE NEW PLAYS AND SOUSA COMIC Qppy NEXT WEEK Man Russell to Make Her Debut II Lecturer With Moving Pictures. II r-1 PIT1 PRANKFllltTKRH" a comedy by CaTl Rosier, dealing with the early history I of the RothOOlllM family of bankers, will be produced at the Thlrty-nlnt'i Street r 'lent to on Monday night. A i the opening of the pls Solomon, one of tho four sons who have left , 'mine to go to various Knropean centres M hankers, has called his brothers to a I meet1r at the old home. He brings to Frankfort with him his beautiful daugh- I ter, Charlotte. Solomon has contrived ' to have his brothers and himself cre ated barons, and be presents them with . their patents He then explains a plan for trie still further elevation of the family by marrying his daughter 10 Duke flufrtavus of Taunus, who Is In Im- . mediate rred of a loan of 1,300.000 flor ins and who has applied to him for as- alstanro. Among others In the oast will be Math-. fide Cotlrelly, Kdward ICmcry, John Salnpolle. 1'rank laMOit Frank Oold imlth. Pedro de 3ordoba. Alma ll.-lwln, Sii.une Perry snd lots Krain-.s I'liuli e e I II. It. Warner will be the star of "The 0NMl nreuker," romantic melodrnina by Paul Dickey and Charles W. tloddard. at the Lyceum Theatre on Monday night. Tho story has to do with Warren Jairvls of Ken lucky, who ends a feud by shooting als enemy when they meet in a Now York hotel. In his eeciupn he forces ills way Into a room In the hotel oc cupied by it Spanish princess, and I" protected by her In consideration of his pforales to accompany bor to Spain and solvo the mystery of her haunted rastto. In whtoh vast tfWVttfSl are secreted. Jarvls takes in the task, assumes the title of "Uhost llreaker" and Hulls for Spain, where, after a Bo nes of odvsnturoa he " nakai good. Mr. Warner's support will Itiolude ICather I ne Bramot. Frank Cam pea u. John Imly fcturptiy, Frank WeHterton. Margaret Itolnn.l and Sara Urs .U. John Philip Sousa's latOOt comlo opera, "The American Miibl." wltu book by I. .on ltd l.lebllng, will be of fered at the llroadwuy Theatre on Monday night IVkon kanabella van- deveer's father fails In business the young woman Undo employment In a class works Jack llartlett, a young I i, 1 1 1 1 1 ... i 1 1 -. - .Mites .. I.Hi in the .line - - - - place to prove lie can oorn nis living, but w hen no mi r' luces onampaajna lunchuon and ntlierwlse the business there Is a clash between capital and labor. Then war lo de clined aith Ipaln and practically tlie whole factory volunteers for BeTVlOOi urns oarrytni the action of the play John (I Spuiks, Dorothv Maynatd and I Marguerite Parrell, Al the opening pel I ol inn nee .Ml Mius.t win voieiu. i ..." orcheslru. e "Th. Painted Woman." romantic drama In Fn der. Arnold Kuminer, will i, piwoonted it On- Playhouse on Wed nesday evening. The fUtttor hus chosen for ins background the pi. luroouua p. rtod-in the history of the American coast when bUCcanoora the Spau- latsetfaln. ani Port Royal, in the lalund ..' limaloa was tin DOrt whence their agpedlllona against the treasure saltaons of gnaln put bi sea Ramona. a captive, f id io do the will of h. r mas . m ( . ter, is "i ovsfH .... - " BB oy Hi" ruman inwors. mn " ,r IhO yoiiiiK mate of the New Bedford 111. . 1 11, milium iin viills iig.nnst their dt - nunclatioaa aadi In ihe end. aavoa ihe girl from silvery 11 t'te Cgae fields of the interior, Fiorenea Rood appeara In the ro r namons, .m.i mien tompany are jooyna uowiaou, is Hlverta, Roberl vVarwl h. Charles Wal iron, Qooffre) gteln and Malooim Will- .ains Lilian IIuhs, ft linns lo tlie Kul'on Theatre on Monday evening la lell "How to l.iw WO Yearn" and atlll die oung Mi.s RtiaaeU'a talk will be illustrated with kiaemaoolor plot urea ah owing her in her dressing room, in hot gymaaal HB. in bar iiouie, mid in bar playbouai The Irish Ployeri at nallaok'a will oa Monday nail Tuadaj nlghta and Wed nesday afternoon prraent "I'oata." a new comely l.v l-n '.Kgor.v. logeihet with ".Maui;..- Ilarte" and "gproodlng the n, as. ' on Wednesday, Thuraday and Friday nighta i ie bill win bo 'M' Marriage" and "Tha Workhouse Ward," and on Haturdav 11 -".'it "The 1'layl.uv of tha Wea tern World" and "Tiie Rifling of the Moon'' will farm the programme ' leorg J. IO- m. Cohan in "Broadway emalna t Iba Orand Opera II0US0. "lalttle Won he taken tu tin 1:11,1 theatre. Th. Man I'.oin Homo" is to n. rivfld by the ab 'k oinpany al ti. Rarlem I Ipei a House "Tha Tin Oirto" oorn to the Cglum Lia it., ii igfli ringi i' iig Bhow" lo the Murray Hill theatre. At lltllliK av Moamon'l Will be "The Oirla From Happyland The Tin. r Lillafl" will be aen si Miner! Bighth AVflOUl theatre The attract in ai M. ner's I'eopitia Ihflatre aVlll I.e The Moulin ROUgB." T Olympl villi have "The KglOkflf. t,.n set H i.'ir-t'i iera. ' VAUOFVIILE ATTRACTION?. ,v ii. nmt rateln'a a n r'ay Tem r. tot. "Thfl Bguealfll ." a new dramatifl playlflt by William C, De MUle: ti e motion plot urea of Captain kjou a ra ti lltlaa to tho Hoi':, Boio, Henaio and )'.. fly, gnd the 11 roe city Four. I KtdtaVa VU n HlWTa Th?a.ia will have THREE PRETTY STARS W HO'LL GRACE STACK IS NtXT WEEK'S BILLS. iH olrsS' ' Hoia9 Ilk'. Ks-Ail r laX llusb l.lng Toy, lllunlnntet, In "A Mght In the Orient," the Kln.lophoisr, J. Kranels Donley and Corlnne Sales In songs and dances. BroWa. Harris and Brown. Norton ai.i Mkohotaon in a fa.- ojcal sketch, and ..liters. The New Song lllrds," bv fJoOraT Hobart and Victor rler be rt. will head tun bill at the Colonial, Other features iii in. wiiu im ii Thorn peon, tha Kinatophano. Billy QauM and Heiio Aahiya, Stuart Bariiee, an,i ifroainL Sidney Un w in 'The .still Voice" will be the star at the AMMMnbra Theatre. There gill also in, the KiMtaphoa M- Malion and Chapolle. Wright and Die trich, Minnie Antato In "The Vpplo ot Paiia." ami Aahloy and i At the Break Theatre will be Her- ruuii Hhone In 'The Last Hope," tha KlnatOpkOne, VVill.nd Mltntns, McKay and OaatWeU. HaydH. Dunbar and Haydn, Artie Mehllnger and others 10. tor Fifth AVMMM Th.Mtrn will 1 h.iva tin' Kintophon, RotMrl T HftiMfl lii " T Ii .. I ... .1 ( " k'riiiiU k'niui'lt I 0 wwwotwi w waf saw 1 Mtude Ijimlierl and Kmest Hull, Amy Itntlw uihI litir Boy , ffOtnwTf a rut oitir-rn. Mars, mil Mont- peUman'a Be art aS Will lie the feature til t ie Twenty-third, . Itetee, Mr Prsacoo OoedMetfag, atreet theatre Al tha Fifty -eighth street ris" bo simg at the Hro.iyn theatre H A. Rorfe'g 'The Courtierg" I Aoadomy or Muaia neit Tus.iuv nurht, aill b ihe lopllner. "Tha sim Bout"luk olive FromataA Caruao .mi s-ottt 1 w ,, 1 ,, mjlu attraction .it the Oi 1 Hundred and Twenty-Afth ,aU. sti eei the. NOTES OF THE THEATRES. Ooorgfl tier nard stmw has lost his mother ti .111 wlu'iii he got hlfl w.i Slis was aighty.thrflOi Hho was a krllliaal planbit, bmI in Ibelr old homo in Kit roy S'luate. Laadon, when the gram at st was a mniM ig n-.v ianr mm, s IB used to play to him by th.. hour e title she kepi him jsilish ng Bpigrami It hns now boon Battled that it will lie tin. Fulton at which Hrleug'a niny for doctors, "Damagfld Houdg." win he prl vately given Tha Mayor has prom I fld that tin, in -nsc ' ail not u. rovokod Hen is to play the Doctor n the revival of'Mvgrymaa1 at tbo t'hlldron'g March In. Ti.e Kie Freak forte re" win i- pro- d i.ed to-ulgiit at Wlilta Phtlng and lie put on at - .0 Thirty ninth Street Mon- da: in the role of Tantal in "Joaeph and tits Brethren, ' Jessie Abott, alfltflg of liess.n ABott. tn her gabul barflj, In Jules L'geflflr,' A. t DfllggaatflFg t.. ,t revival, fyrona Power win p:ay III UtUB. May Irwin lias I inoolifld net road I.. Hikings fur .ii- sluing ami will remain ll i ha 1 loorga m ' 'ohau. b'red aUon -e a DOmSOtltOr m t ie ama- te ir in 11 k-un n euntefltfl at the M made a aoora uf 17 ou man's snow, n .at yafllflrdfl) Ms 1.. .. Bran nan, "Marion ah- vvort... thfl Kngllkh novelist, save sue .s gatounded thai n "Ity can aupport o man-.' thflaUrog gg NOW Vork does "Una Aveatura do I'apltalnc l..-hrun." ..y Krone Oflgoadi who was Miss IMIIet of Virginia and until tael vein wife of llilctt Bnorrord, brought livers fr'tu Itovalists at Its prudUOtlon in Tails lust night. eeymour Htdkfl, the fnejog ggtof m 1'iag.r, and lus wife. Bllalina Terriaa, arrlvi i on tin- Maurotanla for u Ibroo WOOkl Vlflil looking out (or novelties, lie eavs 11 fl, llagtl ' Is tin r.lge III u,ndu. Urlus Sings Tristan With Grace and Power Atones for His Breakdown Two Weeks Ago by a Fine Impersonation of the Hero of Wagner's Great Love Tragedy. BY SYLVESTER RAWLING. TIUTRB was a lovely performance re? "Tristan un.l Isolde' at the Metropolitan opera House last night, which not oivlv (tiled tha sWheerlp flon but attracted a large number of stsndeea. .In,, pics t rltis, ss Tristan, did not break down as he did at his first ap psarance a fortnight ig Instead kg ssna with p.wer and bnoutv snd he Impersonal".! Ihe OOfBiOh knight with rare grsee and dlaflnetunn. Nothlna liks bW rbarsetenxatlon has been seen sin the ,t.v ng .lean ds The performance as insptred. tlllre frerrurtad wea a beautiful Isolde, elng Itig with rare grace and acting irtth an Intensity that romp-lied the keeneet gai tentlon and admiration. Margarets Matsenauer was a ii- Hrangaene. sing ing the warning from the tower with beautiful tone. Otto Oorrta nrnda an effective Kurwenal, a part in wtitrh he Is rarely seen, and "arl Mraun srae a King Marks that mold not fait tn be Impressive It la not the best of his ImipsreonatloTi, for he makes the man mueh too tearful for the stern old Cornish king; but his voire and his fig ure mn conviction. Iambort Murphy as the Hhxpherd and the v.. toe of the Hsaen was excellent, and Julius Haver urea the steersman Mr. Toacan nl conducted with all the gnuie ami power to which he has sc customed ua Cornelia Rlder-Poeaart gave a piano recitej at Aeolian Hall yaeterdav efter noon that pi speed a large oudtence. Mho disclosed no new powers In her pro gramme, which Included HRhumann'e aorwita In a minor, opus 2, and Hehu hert's fantasy In C minor, opus If. She mlsse.1 much of rhe poetry and senti ment of the latter work Kllen Areridrup. soprano and Ifolgsr nirkero.1, baritone, gave a Joint recital at the WaJdorf-Aatnrts laat night, under the auspices of the Amerlcsn Arandl navlan Hoi.lety, which f eased a large attdlaaOa Their programme held songs by llsaae. Orleg, Hlndlng, Loews, llabon llorresem, Hectigerd and Hrtrrto Itaian. Mr Parsons wsa lbs accompanist at the piano NEXT WEEK'S OPERA BILLS; "CYRANO" AGAIN ON PlRIOAV. Walter nwmroscti'o 'Vyrano" te to be repeated at tho Metropolitan Opera Houee neat I'rl.lay night with the origi nal oast that includes Aimoto, Frances Aids, Rlroardo Martin. Relas. arlewold and tllnshaw. Mr. Ilrrta oonduotlng. 1'r the rest of the subscription week i lie bills will he as fotlirwo On Monday Die Wallruerr." with Johanna Oadokl as Hlegllndr, Margarete Mataenausr aO llrunnhllde and Ionise Homer, t rios. Brauo and Huysda.-I, Mi. Herta con iluctlng "Koenlgsklnder" wilt he sung on Wednesday evening, with Ueraldine rinVi Karl .torn. Itelas, Indur and Qorlta, Mr llert aoaoruotlaB, On ThUroday night 'Aids" will lw pre sented Willi Kmmy Destlnn, louls Ho mer, Caruso, MOB (lllly and Dldur, Mr. ToOCanlai OOndOetlng, Al the ttaturday matinee Tannhauser, " with llminy DOOtMra. Olive Kremrtid, t Trliia, Hueie and OrleWOld, will lie sung, with Mr Herta conducting. Ihe popular Matilda nlglit p.-i ' n n ail e will bo the double bill or f'.tval loria" and "RnBlkMgl " lohanna Had- kl, I si reals Hurl, Maenez, Karl Join, Dlnh (IIHy and A nun., eg I lie In Ihe 'list s, Mr PolaOOO conducting the Me- agnl opera an. I Mr ItUTOaJ ondiietlng ihe LofNtoaVaakl work. There will I..- a spe lal p.-rftrrtnanee of TMt- I'aU'i tif rtOaTmtMlM nit Thum- iny Aftafnoon for Din h4ifiit itf lha 1. . I . .a tf.Us..... e-l ...... a 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 11 1 ii 1 1 I lit- I'MJII Will tn.-liele I'rted.i J tf-;i 1 M-t, I. u. Tenia liorl. Mwrlu Uncliene. Jeiinne MaUbOUrg, Kurt i.,rn. iiniy. De geaurrjia itomier and in the rust Y-ave, the master vhalnlst, will he the . hler BatgaoBaa at the concert to morrow nlghl Bernjiee de PaaaiuBll aud Karl loin will sing. PUBLIC SCHOOL RECITALS ANNOUNCED FOR NEXT WEEK. The Board of Education announeai lec lur reel tall for noal week as follows: Tueaday at Ptrbilu School No i, "Patri otic Songl and War Songs," and at I' h la Sruool No IIS, "Hrteg " Wei nes1,v at I'ublle Hdiool No sf, "Hasnasl nod Orotfli." and at Y. M H A. Hall, The Storv of BOOT Oynt ," Thuraday. nt Puulla No. M. Hongs of UPSET? "CASCARETS" It'a your inactive liver and bowel g You need Cag careta Dime a box. You're 1. 1I1. mi-, you bave s llirolw liiiilt waagtioa i your head, a bail taste in your mouth, your ryes I. urn, your akin is (follow, with durk rmo iiinler your ryes, your lips arc pur. lie. I o wofulrr von feel uulv, mean and Ul'tompgrgd. Vour yiein is full of . not properly tiussnt off. m.l what you neeil is a cleaiunal up insole, llou't euatiaufl heing a bflioua nultgaff to yourself ami those who love you. and don't resort to liarali plivaics that Irritatfl and injure. RgBMBibaf Ihst moat disorders of the stomach, liver ami intestines tag he quickly ureil iiy ill 11 1 ll( la. i t la gOUilOi 1 horolialli Cgacgrfltl they work while v mi sleep. Ill-cent Inn from your dfUggtal will keep your liver anil bOWflia CMM! stoniach sweet and your head clear for months. hildreu love to lake ( BBf BffliBi lierause the) taste flood and never gripe or tiikcn. BILIOUS, rViskeepeare." WrMay. at PnWVi Botieal No. IT. "Two Fathera of Modern Be H'humann and Frana." Iopold Oodnwaky will give a plaaja recital devoted ta Chopin at 'XrnesJie Hall next Hatunlaqr afternoon. His gramme will tnetude the rwerrty-four prelislee. opus IS: the eonaita In B flea m'nor, ooua X. tne fantaele In F minor, opus is, and three rnasurkss and two waltaee. Ma Peuer, tha German ?tsn'st. la to give a recital In Aeolian Hall negt Saturday afternoon. ffii programme will include nebubert'a sonata ta A ma jor, opus 139, and compositions by Herds). Beethoven, Brshms, Schumann aad RaohmanlnofT Dorothy Toy. a Caesedlon oopraaja, will give her flnrt American rsratal at the Kltlnsre Theatre to-morrow rdajht It was p-wtponed from loot Hunday pe ggojaaj of her tPneas tthe wntl rje aeslebrd by Loa S-hsus, the favortte New Tork ee.p.i. Mi,, Toys is said to bs h . to sing a rtrbust lenor, so one of hr numbem will kg Kodolfo'a aria froai the first aot of Puoclnl's "Bobeae." l ohimihla University aVnTXJBQ rWdkOj VflB) recital by Walter llervry Ha1, wtth wiiiy lsi.mpltat and Memard Aftasyhwlor, 'cellists, as solnlata. at Ht. Paufo Ct at 4.10 P. ht. oo Tuesday Jarruse Keener, ttis V.ottntst who played before the reenrly and earned iimiBtiToraMe eeea men.lerlon from the Oerman liajl orlllca, to romtng home. He gives a ee eltal In Hrlc on March 7. He win W heard here either n OamegW or. AeoSao Hall on or about April 11. William C. Carl will give a recital In the "lurch at tha on nmrei u afternoon. Tne pragreaaaaje will Include the "Mar.-he efuBKtalek" kg Oullmant. played at the wedgaaeji eaaa Diiiny ot King Oeorge V. BUIner'e CruewtJtVon" wB t aoaag under the drreorlon eg William C. Ckel tn the Old Flrot ri ii ileiloii Clmngi to-rrmrrow evening, wlah Chariaa W Harrison and J. WlTllsm Fiison. ajgha Urte. John '''isi.iis will grve o free eg gs n rerltat at ''alvarr Hhurob nggt Thursday evening, with oolnlst. Prof Ssmuet A Baldwrn wfJJ free organ reel tela at the City Col lege to-morrow and Wed needs y adter- t tonne at 4 o'clock. B D M. Apologise for replying so late. Tour card woo mislaid "Petit Hondeau" would flt. Pills i Purely issrtsbls, mil ua isllsMs. liQUSr ' Ow. li'r and DiSMUfe (Naaas. Tbs asfert eSl . beet oosii. In. in th. wartd Tor the GUFBJK d aU m ef tbs ainsh, Usar. gessaj. n"., nn.Mr Mieooua in Ises Atoselt.. Ilu1-V-. L.auStpslkra. Is Mew He Inflaiiusli'ii. at the BWds, PUet M .Unneswi f tli inuoau rtuw. FCKF1 Iit)nnTU' sill I seeoanMjOM sr HAIISAT s rna.s nj ss o.nns DYSPEPSIA s,.e HsaOsrhe. Foul ateauteh, OtbnnMli i af.Hdsd, as rtis toed that ! eslss osrl lis s.snUbHMj proptniw for ta rapport usturel wisai or me 00,1 y an oau At ogajBBi " ' HAIAVAY A ID, We" T,sr RIAL ESTATE FOR BALE BROOKLYN. nil tfBWB -mi tSm 91M isnrn lift ifintaut -isua csoTtsa jaaema ..,.1 bao. ih. ho, I..- aad rituia rosr esoesw. A hoaa fi.1. ali.r br s rruiitsble flea: tale ag in aiiaraa Man ti IB. Isi llllsall. MS Ha 11 L t.is5th st.) fraai gafjj Bee. imti sinubb. isr . 4aa gjam gugbaag. mat W. Uth at.. kroolrs. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. uoit.i. siJUitri, eial at. of 'I, slat at. jjsl UsiusiKoatT- i . Ur. II ww wasaai haea ' pries rerlsaraaa. ausgie ryoaaa, a , awiHs. asspalat HELP WANTED WALB. EtTaF t M feS wantod; me ohBTiioal and electrloal d gignera, nlao dntailepgj; alvn rxpenrni'o, aye and sralni-v expected. Acidreae R. E. C , L'-VH World. N BA Kits iiiMi.ii .in CIIINLM, MTKAliy sValPLUVMgNT WAllts. Til WCIIK OM ALTfeBNA sllll-rs. r:iTHBB 1INPEH THE DNOL4S Ki'THM ua "nm w:nit viiiiiT woan vvn ...M. WKKK IMV W11HK APPLY tat WKITK, JULIUH KWSKlt a Of. Ian TA.tppg'g hnrsigLTW. n T. WiMt.l. r.,u 11. ri 1UU1 saaJTlad sun. batsaso asaa of la sasa el t i.i'.l Hta'aa or Ban sha Ihelr iDlsullab lo tMsxasa . .ua.a. of , aar a, 1 usiana sauaia. snu sa ems uw aoauia lis' llr in sacniitiag e Tork CIV. tfli Naeark a : J at aarrnlMn,' It It I HUM IK Hits santaU. seal naile bound ssirk . ateadr eurk all rear. Adtre tng t i.,io- 1 ,, i.ivt liaaenMulPt . On HELP WANTED PEM ALL BHOAD SILK TWISTEBB wnntcti at once; ataady work gunrnnteed The Brain erd A Amiatrong Co., Nor. wioh, Conn. l.l It 1 - wanted Bar houarvura s-.utel Bar houarss.ia, aaea as per raaaa , aJiss tasns if Joalrad. sul I'e-iuos rsrfl mar N ftmiil POB SALE. DIAMONDS !- J J laVaTgTAtf r 't '100-' 2-AWltH. LB CA3TLCBI BaDIT vh nAMHifiiiiittI . 1 lisllr UlAMliMwl A JBWkll.KV SACK! I hum. ltWO 3d est, iSmb ManuaW OMaflsg, -'. alocnl.- Tlsuum Hi 11: taarfecl cosau- tbm Ml W '-. a tl sieklv, naakSkl r naa BgjBBBJ), jasmin ; .a ai. j .f ttr.0,ri, 12U w. laoet. lyas Bias LOST, POUND AND REWARDS. I.VI ISI KKWHtU for irturu uf Blsolieiai alMSMl. ur .'-in 100 auu an. Time rai miux eawwa ,,11 t-.-i .u.rim list Miwess 11. an 1 m ie avanuis, .sir. etas st. aa.l esosd- a no l i'S-oa t a w was. 1 OVf, TlvurU nianiliia. Fat. 2T, as fnaa ai 4 Resael If reuiruad to 'Nea.llsaM.rS aaasll fur neOiassa. .tleera ISaiajsSaB AssoiWASas, laTJ Yuuua ngan a llirwtrmn atah l DadwenfLs mm 'e&r. Tg II aT AST V .