Newspaper Page Text
Tine BTEwnm TroTexB, rarTTrirDAT, march i, ms. And Now After the Cubists The Scissors Sculptress She Cuts Out Your Soul With Manicure Shears II Miss Lilg Stran Is the Artist and She Plies Her Art at the Woman's In dustrial Show Just Fun for Her, She Says, to Seulpt the Emotions of a Plum Pudding, the Spirit of Wine, Laugh' ter, Happiness or the Agressiveness of a Mill tant Suffragette. MargwrUr Mottert Marshall. IH1H ', 1 . atoty of a woman who oan cut out your nil Willi m pair of iImth the Tery latest tlittiK In art. What t St Sld PUtUrtat hT iii mil with paint-brush and lhlMl-an4 acrmetlms. w unl n( in rumor. with, a donkey's tall Mlaa Mix N. K. (swain, a clever mm! pretty Ness York irirl. nchlevs with a liny curved pair of enatiicure rtora Just m w hn la glTlng dolly demonst ratlmaa of her pe culiar teterrt at 1h Woman' In.rortrlal KNI)1 1 1" - in th.- dm .1 Central Palace Vnl. rntlv . .led. r.l-.'ii - 11V nlnpi-Urt tnuirlrmlr anlppert out hr dft fingers. nl hT thsrrsa vary tWrn th old or a -4- i'ii pudding to that of a Junrl r on ih.i wy to evict a family for not paying the rent Her averat rata of cutting 1 on waul per rlnute. Tie methsrtl la Ilka hla: A visitor riven Ml-. 9muu an Ide 1, perhap wn a single word. Ilka ' love" or "laughter." InrunUj th young viinan p. a up a strip of thin wlrse- paper anil nr Sclav ur and stsgwia cutting, atlia watohe hr work IntcratUr, but -her white lingers never hesitate or mova awVwardty. And In gtxly eoooudo iby the walob. tii little paper manikin. Ilia plctura at the Idea, la aomplata down to the laat curly flourl.-h. Kach tiny ngure they vary from half an Inch to aim Inches lit height la new nnd different from thos that precedes! It. and the caid nigly diminutive details aca wrought aut with tha utmost oar and onion. "But how do you know wnst 'happl neaa looks Irk"' Mlaa Wwtaa waa asked. "I juat know," ah ami tad. "Th Maa behind every word or aentenc apoken to mi Instantly rlauallaea Itself la mjr mind, wHh tlie Irarnee and awlrtnaaa of an Impreaaton mad on a carnara Plata. I aea t he little dancing, grinning. crooked figure that la tha picture of tha Maa. tha agul of tha malarial word. "It doesaft laat ling, tha picture, which la Why 1 begin to ant tha Inalaavt the word la apoken. And If paopv talk to me or advla cna When I m at work ltaaaa aaa a. aaHal. a. .aaaH k 1 n THE MILITANT SOFFRAGETTE c 1 Here's Miss New York Of Spring 1913 By Bleanor Schorer my clear thafNMM ' gone, the eltlve i.l.ite lMvinen i.l irr, . en k av-ak. I can't reproduca other pen ple'a mcntnl pirturee of Joy and gloom; only mv own. And of c.Mirae I hellev that my ptcturea ar the real onea, ev.-n If they're not Ivka th one other people would make "Tim, 1 ooukd draw and paint my pie tor M I ohoaa: In (act, I tint my tlttl whit figure after thy are rut. Hut I prfr to do them wfth th aclaaora h ciauaa It'a qulckar, and th in -re quickly an tdaa I caught the aha r per and clear er th picture of It. It' usually a ahy lltti thing, and harp adaaorc and quick motion are nded to rapture it." Mia Itwan la Just TMglnnlng to prac tice her art regularly, and to gVr out- a cbano to wait oh th II rat arutptraaa." But ah haa haratlf wtth It for aom um. I waa ala year old." aba 'V wanted a paper loll fo. Nobody had vr aeen or hoard of aiMth a tiring, bat that didn't mark any d lifer ent -d juat wanted It. Finally, my aid era , "ahoara ' Waan laughed. lAOGHTER- moiiier aald, "why don't you mak aneT And I ptckod up a pair of aclaaora and a piece of paper and cut me out a nlca Uttle fox. 'Then my brothers and 1tera wonted notne paper plaything, go I mad them chicken and kit ten a and horaaa and at aorta. And than I out out falrtoa and goblin. My mother waa and la an un uauauy beeutrful woman, and I used to mak up all aorta of fairy play and etorine la which aha waa aJway the heroine. Of coure there had to Ihe thing from nhirh ahe could be re- i.-. .iii I ruiiiiuig llttl helpful aiiKela ,uid 'Rattlesnake Pete" From "The West" Visits Broadway R- attlhw.vkj-: rime" ia wttii again. Jlow Kutitleanaka got hie name nubotlv knows II., doesn't know, lie aaya H was .hart wlahel on him oy some of th buy. Tipu magtit than tia'a a tall, scrawny, snragwW sort of a follow, wltk a rliln whlakrr, on ays gone, wearing a aoonskln nap and "parrta" In hie boot. Thy don't dreea any better on Broadway than lie doe. Ile a a ewell and hla real nam la Ouy Reaoriat. II halls from Hpokane. arroas the conti ngent, wher thry have electric, lights and trolley ara, t ieali ea. movies snd kya-.rM.i-i Juat Ilka New York early. He com lo New York twice a rear sn aajelnena for tila flinv That hna Mothlug to do Mth Hie rattlesnake Thars another storv Being u man of biutln.aa puraulta aad with preiMtiatluna fur a rainy (Uy la Mi - tie boiiifht run A i, in, ii, near I.ewtnloii. ldahu. Ylun lie went to . amine hla ranch ! , foutHl tlmt a tdrgg aectlon of It Mum Inflated with ruttU gaakea. lie numlered how he was ttolng tn act rt l of them. Then, le'lnit Idea at ruck hint, miui of bualnt-k puranll-, MMtbgr lag Mum Ha lie unui.i oommvrclaJ' uld hava a rattlasnaki farm for fair. Thlx iviij tnany year nffo. The farm flourlelie.l. lie iiwun th only rutllc anake fann in tiie worhl. He haH a ruumi-up two or tlirae time a year juat like they do on cowboy ranohce. There'e kllllnx taken place on the farm. Ho aitlla the rattlera' akina for belta nnil MM-ketb(H)kji -anything they want to make out of them. The oil U need to fry the ratllere. the venom la ueed In niodleakt and the ruttlra are uaetl for any old thing. Think "liattleanake I'eto" la a foolT Qusgg not. Pats, "Rattleanakc Pat" Isn'i afrd of rnakcH no kind of anakea Pawn at t'nncy lei mil lant Hinnmer the fair e;lrUg anake .-haiuier Wag a unat bualkaav. "Pel" graa thvre with hla fliakdg, t if eottfag he had to mo and hi'U tlo- Hllake .'ti irmaf and young ladle ahuddtrsd. Tin Chjartnsr wait aonie wit, too. She uafd t. rind up her performance by holdtni ierj put Inaka Ottt In both her hanilj and taring: "Would any of you gentleman hold it for a minuter" "Shirs I" aald Pete, and he took the rp til.- In hla haiula to tii.. astonishment ,,f the Kill ami l it- petrlfat liitn of the uu II fairies to hal-p rcsc ie her. I cut them all out from bits of paper and colored them with my paanta. And ns I thought my mother dioervwd new adventure. I mad ow aats of Irnpa and angol every time I played the gam. "I suppose the practice I obtained then la whM rnablea me lo work so tiukikly now. ne .-an t eraae an) thing when one draw witii aclssora, but I nover feci the Impula to cbMga, You see, I atn ut oopying the vlrtd little sketch In my brain." And then V1s.i Swan rhowcl oine of her HhiMr-M eculpture of etiioiions an.l idoo. The soul of a plum puddUal It u Jolly Ml tie llKure, oMofly :ni!lng coun- i.--uin . with nary mustachloa, Hla lMUitlie are outalret- hed In u Hcful In- 0. PUDDING4 vltatlon to "i onie at me," und lie has a tolkn,t of holly. Th apirlt of wine le more sardonic. It inav be described ns Mephllophle pcoktng tlvroiiKH a cli.ret glam. lie how all his teeth, hla hom protrude ie,'cr the iflH-in'e rim, and "where the tern"joln the. bowl there sprout out two splnv, dratron-llke wing and a pal Of arms oridlng In lutchlng tlrwers. Hut most of Mia Swan's work la cheerful, like her Union of laughter r.s a Jolly, cavorting Htle chap all in ornrurn and green, tttal ready to clap hla hand el sing. And then there la mla chlef. a pink and green and as aid elf. all of a twinkle rrom hla triangular grin to the tips of his pointed shoe A trial on .if the mliltant suffragette was cut out by the shear sculptreae aptcltUly Mr Tlie World. "She wcara hooble trtiurtera," hor creator ex pluintsl, "and ianK. roaamy shore hc- i aikse ahe Is a hiker. And ehe ,'arrlcs a tlamUiK torch. And on hor lioad are percheal two lighting OOOka At least, that'e the way 1 see her." The tool of M!h Sr.tan'i .irt are ex ceedingly elmpla'. Tliey consitl of one or two pairs of mxll M uwors. plenty of plain white iaHtr and a a-.uojl box of paint. She la very particular about her scissors, "trying" them as critically as the average woman tries hats before purchasing. Her tiny fHfare are used on place-card, gift-caida, children' stationery, favors, or Bimipky as orna mental designs. Another feature of the work, ahloh ahe haa Just begun to develop, la the art or carloaturlntc a person whom she has never aeen. To do this she asks only time in --tarns (1) w in I th per- non's name? ft) What Is hla hubby i3 What Is III' moit distinctive article) of drew'.' Mating heard t4i answers her Uttle ciira go Milp, out a aricaturr. face or lull lennh. accord ing to request. These "unalght, unseen" put lias I gtlglUal arc xcecdlru:iy amu Ing, and often achieve the quaintest i aaianhlanra to tin ir victims. "No, the worli Isn't a Ml liaid." the talented yo.inn woman will assure you It'a Jsnt fun'" ZfZSC -Tj.m.' am" i ' O G, r a. MJm r fust What Happened When Reed Miller Was Held Up R BHD MIIiUER, the tenor, waa re turning Imme from church re hearsal at St. John's on Wt lnes- da night on PiftfMfclrd, botwaan rifth and Sixth atcuuea The ilash ng singer went bllihelv along, IWltlglni a light w ilklng-sth k ami huminliit; an air ffORI "Iji Bohatna." In tlie middle of tin- blm k the tenor Men sintered! wua held up, mil lis tl.dn t know it. A man gppad out ol the daikm-sa and a Voice gkld ' "Mlatcr, will you Kite nic a dime?" The tenor was startle, I. but ho aaid sure he would ami began t dig Into his pod;. when swish' a blackjack tame burtllng tnrousTb the ,,ii and MIIIWi ba want Kkimiiiiim from 'lis baud to the al, lew. ilk Fortunately, hla head til un- touohod. The man won too o.J- ajai K a.-pi Ing. Miller threw up his cane Where New York Can Copy Mexico WE may . we w.l left tin all Mexico uncivilized. If 1 , but persons who have that troubled country lately -for the belter ntulntenance of their heal lb aay that in at leant till" i egaru the Mex ican has shown a good ecu, aoonomlc and Hanltary, w hich malic the lata John Haines, who haa bad more holds MnVti after Mm than ant other man In Ihe world, look like a eacond rate Inventor, When one ilta down nt ihe table of a Mexican Ckfa during houra Mien liquor Is forbidden to be aoll except with mi nis athl order a drink without food oin. warded off the blow. Then he got mad. a nash he thruat the end of the cane in, and Hetil i something of u fencer. Quick aa to the aolar plexua of the holdup man. "YOU ingrite:- nc cned, ana ' r.waiti.1 him on the head. "You cheap blackguard t" Hwish an the ide of tha face. "Hold lite up, will youT" Crack oti the IcokO, "You" But the man tvlUi the lilai kjack had turned tall and with a yell was pound ing the flag toward Fifth avenue. Mil ler ran nftvr ami awltched and pounded him w ith his atn it aa long aa ha ooulaT keep up with him. fifteen minutes later, while Miller wag telling the story at hla hotel between ttmultnta, g friend extended a hand and aald he was a luave tenor. "By golly." aald Heed, surveying hla siiatt-r. . I tile, "I don't know alio waa the worat acared, that blackjack maa or me." containing a leathery bit of bolouga or petrified i-heeae. Instead. 1'ne waiter, on taking the order, hurries from tho room and brings In a plate filled with dry. highly polished ovale ahella. The ndvantnges of this lnterpi etnt'on of the "ley de Haines" arc obvious. The bar:n ide "lunch" is ntt offensive to sight or smell. It la durable, for all time. It la satisfactory evidence thut the persons clttlng at the table hate had food In mind and In the event of an excise raid makes It possible for the pro prietor to say that the patrons ordVred he does not get a drlexl up sandwich i oysters and have oaten them. All This Begins at Midnight The D nner of New York's Newspaper Artists dSSBSm rtprk" who ore artist, and getilntt through a ton or o of btafalsak gad away with It llnaii isl.y. are to oilier thing, The org Ion will be hi take a few houra off eaily to-morniw annual bfatak dinner of th heW- from the dismal grind gf inaking the paper artlat of QothaJIk, and tha loan root at Now York laugh and wade of tbo ItlttVltlgg will b( lltalya. tArXftrT TNlV, T"cK. vavf fw.LCTTC.7 New Yoik eats about any old time, but there are few banquets that atait ai I midnight Saturday. 'Phis one baa l... hotveter. baoaugOi you ea, it's uu- -illlj liuur taf tile week Wlw II all the in wapaiu- arliats i an h ally call the! lOUll the. i own lan'l that an. India Ink, ole top? (Chorus of "Rlghtot") ii.1 doh'l Kei thu l, hi that tbit iretpy itartlnu hour do an' I nacaaaitais how to ato'.d an excr.-'s of unofficial and prematura gppattgora, The r Mil ol their Uibori Is that tiius.i of the guests not orbing io-nigiu will spend the evening in charge Of a ( tii BltUo Ol t 'a.ntea. I VANX 1 3 dollars! 1 , a extra in rangsnu nts Tan t'.ist ofllelgl oocktall win dlsappsarl promptly on the atroka of i- to-nlghti I and Ihe ommittee has been burning I the well-known midnight Oil tlguiing out I I Hi mmVWm Bwkl ST I X J I , . Vlsaal aM kW.-.a I I r vLv. . vmvfcJt X? fr sw aaasgag mr loaaiaar, tr something, within the cloister-like praMaOti of th Hippodrome. The din ner will bring together 111) artist, all attually at work on twelve tlreater New Yorll newspaper. And a more liflanl. Denmark, Sweden, SouUi Africa und I'nlon Hill, N. J. Having handed every one elae a dally a. ugh all year, the artlsta are going to hiit a few smll&j themselves. Thcro H K vfSANrKiT eogmopolltan gather. ng or tha ! n would ha bard to find, cvkii in moat i-ngiiiopolltau New York. These are the foreign countries represented; Jupan, France, Italy. Australia, Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Iloumanla, Turkey, Ungland. ScoUand, Oraanjand, HolUnd, wOy.pafr'Tau' Ticktm vova PtCTft 7 will he three count 'eni three caba ret. Alan Wlnsor MoCgy! moving dygwingt, Ha.ney'a African Jungle pic tares and two on-heatraa. A wonderful menu, In which are contributlune from r.arly every pen and Ink artist la -New York, gUJ ba a aouvenlr of la not.