THE EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913. AUTO BANDIT CHIEF SAYS HE PLANNED AC0BGEM THEFT Taylor-Reveals to Convict How the Jeweller's Nephew Was Slain During Robbery. POLICE ARE AT WORK. Taylor Admits Telling It, but Says He Was Only Mak ing a Bluff. mutiM bnrflar. HI up for MBUnna by JuaOee Foster la Fart III., Oenerat Seealons. to-day. 41a kw eeaanacUena raught la the MM errme, wnen Aastoant Dtstrlet Atteraer Beetwtok eased that sentence Uejsirsrllr WH wHll ia. a tan in "ef a meet atartJaag nature ' to Aanlstant Matrtet Attorney Strong of ttM HomloMe Bu TMa statement, a It gereloneil. waa te ene effect that wfcJIe ti waa a cell mala la the with Joseph Taylor, apprehended serere) wtiki ao aa Uia ehtaf of tha auto headlta Involved la several robberies. Tartar had Uid him that ha waa tha ana who dlraotad tha aata rehherf of JaoaM'a Jewelry at era at ThtrUla atraat and SUth avonne twa years ago, during tha eonraa of waMi Joseph Stern, tha proprietor's nephew, waa murdered. TOLO OF HOMINY A FT BR TAK INO MORFHINg. Taylor, waa had Joat ruereeded In tahlag a stiff daaa of morphine, emur. glad to him through tha underground chsanela af tha Tombe, grow garruloua, ailirllag ta MoVatty. and deeortbed haw tha Sloth rahhary and murder oa- etatement through with a smile, than laughed. "Of oouraa, I Mid It tn McVettr," aald the Jaunty aulo bandit. "I told It ta all the fallows In my gang ao aa to throw a HtUa nerve Inlo them-to let them eee What hlhfl of a man I wmn. TAYLOR 8AV8 HE WAS "CHUCK ING A BLUFF." "I told the eame thing to Deputy Commissioner Dougiierty when ! waa arrested. I waa Just ehuoklng a biurf with Dougherty. Juat aa I waa With tha faUenra In my gang. 1 Juat waa tad ;o JoUy hun.M Besides Oaorga McVetty, tha other three burglars convicted of tha rubbery of a saloon at Twenty-fifth atreet and Thirteenth avenue on Jan. B, were Robert MoVatty, (ieorae'a brother, c arlea C. Clark and Patrick Bolger. Oeorge McVetty aald Taylor had told 111 tii thai Holger waa Impllrated wlin him In the daring tailcab rohbery which OCCUfTOU on neipune street, in ure.n- with Village, some months ago. wherein two meexengera for a silk house w- re alugged and robbed of mora Ulan tMO. Hnuier denied this to the Assistant Dla-trlrt-Attorneya. Deputy Commleelonar Dougherty, whan aeked about tha statement made by MoVatty, aald that ha had put full faith In tha authenticity of Taylofa atatement; that Taylor bad made a statement admitting complicity in tha tarn murder to him and that he had bean working on It to aeeure verlfloa tlea from other sources. SENATE GETS (KG LIST OF APPOINTMENTS SENT IN BY THE PRESIDENT "TIM LOST BULLION" It tha latest and baat of tha thrilling claries of adventure. It la full of lave Intereet and deep mystery Every page la breathlessly turned to tba nan to aa what naw aurpriaa or thrill awalU tha reader. TMa really wonderful place of Fiction will be printed complete and unabridged In tha Sunday World Mageslne begin ning naxt Sunday. Wilson Names Iowa Man as Head of Appraisers' Board Here Wide Range of Offices. WAHHIVOTON, April II Among I'reeldent Wllaon'a nominations sent to tha Senate to-day were: To the Hoard of United States Oen erat Appraisers. Jerry B. Sullivan of Iowa. Appraiser of Cuatoma at Philadel phia. William W Roper. Auditor for tha Interior Department. Robert W. Woolley of Virginia. Collector of Internal Revenue, Her bert M. Maneen, Second Dletrtct, wie conaln. Aaalatant acretary of War. Henry C. Breckinridge of Islington, Ky. Judge of the District Court of Alas ka. Division No. 1. Robert W. Jennlnga of Alaska. United Htatee Attorney for the Dis trict of Oregon. Clarence U Iteames V. 8. Marshal, Eastern Diet r let of Tsiaa, Iienjatnln F. Sherrlll. Director of the Census, William J. Harris of Georgia. Register of ths Land Office at KsJI apeU, Mont., Frank O. William "vieter ot Bsnta K. V. Mn rrha :e a I Ik rVeroMef of the fjen-al Iand OftVe. lAiclm i '". Lamar Kaaafrer of I'utillc Moneys at CJhe Wyo . Luke Voorl.eea. Assistant Attorny-Oeneral of t l.'nltv States lf"r the Court of "lelms. Samuel Ilouaton Thompaoa Jr. of Denver, Col. LITTLE BOY KILLED BY A TROLLEY CAR. Morris Bcckerman Was So Small That the Fender Passed Over Him. Morne, the two and a half year eld son of fen. Rebeooa Beckerman of No. 177 Clinton ntrnet, waa kDled to-day oy an Ktffhth atreet croeatowti nar on-n-Ing from WllUamebiirg Bridge, la charge of Mntorman Joseph Blum. The little hoy had been aant on an errand for his mother a of sea tha street. He etepped from behind a truck directly In front of the oar. Ha waa ao Uttle that the fender slipped over ham and he waa wedged under the forward trunk. Hruen stopped tha car aa quickly aa he oouM asxl called Po liceman Kennedy of the Dalanoey street station The policeman telephoned for a atreet railway wrecking car and an ambulance from Oouverneur Hoepltal. Then he fougM off a frantic crowd of men and women who wanted to turn the ear over by main farce. When the ear eraa rained Dr. Or ahem aald the ehlM waa dead. On (he way ta the acme of the ac cident the ambulance had struck An tonio Lorenso, a atreet sweeper. He waa knocked down and hla ecalp waa out. Dr. Oraham took him Into the ambulance and carried him to the hoapltaJ after it waa certain that nothing oould be done for the little boy. W?M BSnnnnnhnH W Am annnmnV WmW aUQanlnSrH Taylor tetd McVetty that the Idea of robbing Jacobla a to re Brat waa eeaeetved when he and a girl named "nmr ware Itrlng together la a flat aeroaa the atreet from the Jewelry a lore. When the plan waa fully ma tured In hla awn mlad lie took in na partners two men one of whom liaa died staee the robbery and thev hired a chauCeur kaewa ta them aa Lee to pilot tha machine on tha night of the robbery. Taylor did not aay that he himself had Bred tha ahol that killed Blern; ha only aaumed responsibility for "turning ths trick" In hla ouevaraatlon with hla cell mate After the robbery ke gave all the Plunder h JoeJo. Through a friend of era, a lawyer who now practices In tha criminal courts, according to Tay- ire Bwr, mos or ma Jewelry waa of. "Juele" retained a few that struck her fancy and is still wearing them. Together she and Tay lor weal ta Kllenvllle la the Catskills following ths robbery and stayed there bla months A woman giving bar name as Laura Taylor and bar add raw aa No. i&o Kut aeveaty-eevonhh atreet haa been visit ing Taylor constantly alnce hla Invar caratloa In the Tombs. When MoVatty had ftmlahed hla atate ment Taylor waa brought ever from the Tajnbe and what the burglar bad sworn to waa road to him. He heard the fjssannnnnnnnraa?aw'eer'- . Vantine's Summer-time Rugs from Oriental Lands frnOMBININO the smallest outlay with the greatest artistic merit I I unusual rugs from China, Japan and India, used by the bunga I I low-dwellers of the famous Asiatic coast. Decorative, service able, indoors, m open-air sleeping rooms and on porches. Exclusive Vantine designs and colorings. Jpn Cotton Run In delicioualy cool and whit, blue and white, and in solid greens and brown. f 3x3 feet. $ .75 7.61 10.6 feet. $13 3x6 feet, Si 75 9 " feet- a7 6x9 feet, SI 50 is x 13 feet, $43 And many Intermediate sixes at cor respondingly low prices JaoauTeSsa Orientalb Strikingly artistic copies of Turkish and Persian designs in the well-known Japanese Jute rugs. Many of them in very desirable browns. 3x6 feet, Sa.73 9 x ta feet, $16 4x7 feet, $3.50 13 x t8 feet, $35 Also many intermediate sixes and hsll runners. reaponaingiy siw priwoo. iuhuhi, India Moodji Rugs.g x ia ft., $xa Japanese Straw Rugs, 9 x ia ft., $ Kee Chong Rugs, from China, made of sea grass, exceptionally artistic 6x9 ft., $7; 8 x 10 ft., $10.50; 9 x za ft, $15. Any of tha above rugm combine harmoniotufy with Vantine' $ Hour Glass Rattan Furniture, made to our order in Canton, China. Write for booklet. c AAVANTINE-6C0- AA Philadelphia Broadway sad Eighteenth Street New York n HiVaii m m amiar. laTl SdrAtilTM aTXMl am3lXgl em Mfanj PCl Wf Ls2kSWL nrJawaj sTanefgl aTfnMSl "ah eantattnntsTiaMl nmol Long Lost Old Sol Has Brushed the Clouds Away; Let's All Cheer Up and Follow Suit And speaking of SUITS: Smith-Gray business and "getting-around" sack suits: Take a good look at 'em to-day and not later. They are sunny and springy, tailored in our grand manner and keen as knife blades. Just because it's been raining a few in these parts is no reason for getting despondent and forgetting yourself. Our prices and our styles will set you remembering yourself and your wardrobe emptiness. Look at yourself in a Smith-Gray suit and celebrate the sunshine: $18, $20, $22, $25 and some climbers at $30, $35, $40 and $45. "Seeing 's believing." 0 0 0 fl fl 0: 0 0 0 1. i a o a a a i Specials At "The Linen Store" The following goods will be offered at both the 23d and 34th street stores for Friday and Saturday. $1.75, French Chemises; hand em broidered, scalloped and Swiss medallions. $2.50. Voile Waists: regular price $3.50. Dutch Neck, long sleeves, double frill, collar and cuffs piped with Copenhagen Blue, Nell Rose or Amber, crystal buttons, size 34 to 40. 15c each, Ladies' Handkerchiefs; regular price 25c. each. A lot of 300 dozen good qual ity Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and em broidered, lace trimmed, or in cross bar effects. $7.50, Irish Linen Robes; regular value $15.00 to $20.00. Some hand-embroidered only, others with Cluny and Irish Lace Medallions. 50c, Bulgarian Collars and Jabots, Hand-embroidered and trimmed with real Cluny Lace on Voile, Batiste and Crepe. Ladies' Hosiery Light weight, seasonable goods of Boot silk 25c., regular price 35c.; of Lisle and Boot Silk 35c., regular value 50c.; Pure Silk at $1.00, regular value $1.50 a pair. James McCutcheon 8s Co., 5th Ave., 33d & 34th Sts. and 14 West 23d Street. This Week at all 230 James Butler Inc. Stores AN HATTAK I CLOAK. SUIWUR tN SfeSIXTn AVE I 1 Suit Reductions THAT AFFORD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A SUIT OF THE VERY HIGHEST CHARACTER ATA REMARKABLE PRICE Reduced To-Morrow to 15.00 Former Prices p " $35.00 $25 COATS at $10 Handsome Spring Coats and Wraps in t f the nenv drapta effects; materials are P J J moire ana nponge ; s Shoe Style Yes but with comfort By making an inner sole of $qft, springy lamb's wool with a fine calfskin covering we have made the most comfortable shoe in the world. Your mind will be at ease, as well as your feet, in the I1 S38R Shoe Keeps your feet free from corns and callous and at normal temperature. The shoe for the foot-weary. All irtylet For Urn anil Wamrn. DR. A. REED CUSHION SHOE CO. 36th St. and Broadway 240 Broadway -tJtCa mr-.rnms-lUlt- an w aw X l. 3. ! (Wilon ilori.. tautef I Wd Tom I I'uelikm Suuuurts Ank 4 ciuMee i unnie.M. l. oder rest Kill. UoUee ggggggggingf' lL atnanmii'''-i ' W P ; "sy BROADWAY AT WARREN ST. - NEW YORK 5' AV., BET. 27T" ft 28" STS. fULTON ST., AT FLATBUSH AV., BROOKLYN BROADWAY AT BEDFORD AV. inmiiiiiiijl MITCHELL THE TAILOR FROM BOSTON 40TH ST. AND BROADWAY Spring Sale of WRITING PAPER In whit or tho latest rmhln;il f ahexlea 20c to $1.25 a Box BJggBJ Engraving, Printing and Die Stamping . I till i lie) oi i nr. urr mi siaiium r taji oo haml at M rata. Brian! Park Art and Stationary Shop if Waal 414 Street, N. Y. Calf tomes Finished Complete 3 Rooms at MU.tffi 4 $74.98 5 S124.98 Credit Terms v3.00 Down on ISO Worth i5.00 " $75 7.50 1100 Open Haturear Keealag CaUl 10. Sunday World Wants Work Monday Wonders. mrsrermw'srwB--sMMmmm Granulated I Sugar V 021U I J 4fJUe7 rrmsMM ssm mm -uu 15SEqgs25 Maine's Choicest Nothing Better at Any Price Essie Sugar Corn and- Various Brands Can Tomatoes 91 3 25 No. 3 Cans Prunes, New Fruit Rice.CK AnandGood Best Creamery Butter. Print Butter. Fmboui Belle Brook, each 39c 3 17 and OUC New; lb 0 f EggS. Empire Br!ini,frr:sh arrivals, dozen. . 25 East View Eggs, New Laid, dozen 29 Sold in Sealed Cartons only. Kvery egc guaranteed. Potatoes. 6 it 10? 15 lb. Peck. 25c New Potatoes, Florida's Finest, ft lbs, 19c LemOnS, Large, juicy. Messinas, do., 19 Pears. Ormonde Castle, large sanitary can 10 Salmon, Touring Car Brand. 1 lb. tall can 15 Milk at Cost Rich and Pure Fresh Made in Sanitary Cans. Butler's Condensed Milk can. 8c; 3 cans 23c Shawnee Condensed Milk can, 8c; 3 cans 23c Liberty Condensed Milk full sized can. 9c; 3 cans 25c Essie Milk, Richest and Best for Babies can 10c Evaporated Milk, in tall 10c cans, each 8c; 3 cans 23c The Famous BeUe Brook Brand thicker than cream Our Popular Premium Coffee Sale runs the whole week Choicest Coffees At 25c a pound, stamps FREE At 30c a pound. M. a9 stamps FREE At 35c a pound. evVsttnpi FREE At 38c a pound. Ovstian FREE Sold in the Bean or Ground to Suit Try any or all of these blends and get coffee satisfaction. Stamps FREE with 1-lb. fSl-eaam Formosa - Oolong, Imiia-Cevlon, Z(Xe Kugliab UrraUust or Mixed, for MW 100 Golden Crisps, Royal Lunch L Grflll9IIISa,re8h ,rom No""1 iiwsit Co.. ) a,M At All 128 James Butler Inc. Licensed Stores V aft aft a" Stamps KREK With full Quurt Bottle of 5J 1 00 Old Cabinet Rye Whiskey, 1 Sandeman's Port, enricler ) Bot- lgsfRe Duff Gordon Sherry, & I U Wilson & Hunter Whiskey, LI. 79c Imperial Rye Whiskey, h -gallon jug, California Sauterne, ig botue, At All 28 James Butler Inc. Meat Markets Legs of Spring Lamb, pei. ib. 19 Legs of Milk Fed Veal ib 18c Shoulders of Milk Fed Veal .n, 18 Breast of Milk Fed Veal ib 16c Rib or Loin Veal Chops 20c Choice Pork Chops ib 20 Loin of Roasting Pork n, 18C Roasting Chickens, choice selected . ib. 23c New Store Opens This Morning 1687 Lexington Ave., Cor. 106 St. A cordial invitation Is extended to every housekeeper fh this part of Mimhattun (o visit the new store, and take ad vantage of our low prion and the many "Extra Opening Specials" that we offer there this week. Double frK Stamps Monday A Wednesday