Newspaper Page Text
, i i ri mrr"nr ..... .... v - . , . . . , 4 r Bvaaw s aw. .Bn, PRICE ONE CENT. SULZER SAYS SUIT BY HOPKINS GIRL LI Knew Her, Helped Her Family, hilt Never Promised to Wed Her, He Says. OETTTHRrHri. IV. July !. Gov. droller thin nftTr. rfl issued an Inter view In connection with the null for Breach of promise fed aKalnst him In Philadelphia yesterday Th Interview follows: T." K.i III Gov. SuUer to-day lit Get tysburg, "I ri-.ul about the HopMlM frame-up In Philadelphia. Thra In nothing to It that 1 am ufraid of. The whole thing look-, like a poor COB piracy and stemu to lie stale and flaky. "The fact Is lh suit of Ihla woman Hopkins Is blackmail," went on tin 'rov ers or. "and more. :t :s Instigated hy n.y political rncmli a and is a part of Ihi Plot of Boaa Murphy and liia political roneplrators to discredit mo because thy cannot U- me for their ni-fiirlnm scheme, to loot the Htate M Maw York. If 1 wi arllltna to he Murpby'i kind of Qdvvriior go on wo'. I. have heard of this and other n:attr ho l airing about me That R ei wllhui't eying. Hut baCAUS I am tlirh in-: graft, fighting .or good roverum.n' end fighting for direct nominations. Mi. Murphy and his hireling' ari doing everything in their power to destiny m politically. They have been threaten ing ma ever since 1 kOWmC Governor because I w .jiil I not be a tool and a foxy Governor. "I defied t'lem all to do their worst Their efforts to Injure me with honest people will be. abortive. 1 shall go forward wit .out feai, what may. J neverdld a thing In my lire of which 1 am ashamed. f'Sufflce It to say," said the Oover lior In eon-lusion, "that I know thla Hopkins years ago 1 was a friend of her family In their distress, but I deny emphatically that I ever greed 10 marry her; that 1 ever avrcngel her. that I ever lived with tier or that 1 aver held her out to be gny a-lfe." MISS BOP KISS LEAVES imup far nun i nE'r DUJ J nutria r in iyi itrjiJi inn. (Special to TH. Krwiiiig World.) PHILA.DliI-.rHIA. JuTv 2 - Miss gMlgpon Hopbine, the sale lady who asks money damares from Oov. William Pulsar, i o IHI. has mvalcrlouslv loft he city. One Thlladelphla paper haa a statu rtient from the young woman given aa he was boarding a Hroad street train headed for Atlantic City. She was ftsked If the William Sutler aha la 1 auelng la tho Governor of New York. "Why, of course he la. He la tho giu I waa ao crazy about. BUUa wooed Die and then married another." What la regarded oy politicians, aa most significant la the connection of Theodore Cuyler Patterson, ao eminent attorney, who la not known In audi practice here, with an alienation action. Mr. Patteraon haa left town, but before departing he conveniently left Mlaa Hop kins's sensational affidavit at his offices Willi instructions to his secretary to give copies to each newspaperman who called. So far Patterson haa evaded ' reporters. p.itteison la a brother of 0, tuarl Fatterautl. dlrertei of the Pennsyl vania Railroad. Tha railroad magnate and Johnny Murphy, iho brother of the 'lainmany boss, warw lutlmalc personal friends and uualness allies. It was Murphy'a flrrtl which did tho t-'O,-UvO.oim eacavatlng work for the Penn sylvania's tapol in Manhattan J'ulteison was not attorney for alias (Continued on Second Pago). U. S. BATTLESHIP LOUISIANA BEACHED NEAR NARRAUANSETT irrwronTi Juh - -ti iatti'iiip J.o i .r.i rot nianded by Cpt Tein; Ma IVtta. as ben On tM -'4" Id I in it : Hiid In Xarri.-uu. gel I Ita I till af le: l. 00 I. i,, has Id ant to lha InJootlon calve caused lha engine room 10 'lil with 1 water and t lie battlosliip was rin onto p ptgjOa to keep bar from stuKlng. jar-Adnilral Charles J BataTWi Com-Brllar-tn-Cliaef of the Atlantic fleet, jfdiotoly deapatohad all available gyUja iauiii n.'n A l. i d M.ivwiv. w. Fln The extant of tha dam- IS PLAIN BLACKMAIL Iw.tHsht. 11S. be to. I Ih. New GIANTS WIN AT rillLAIifcU'HIA 0 0 33 1 000 1 - PHILADELPHIA 000200 1 1 O- I itlei lea Mathewaon and Meyera; Chalmers, Moore and Killlfer. HIGHLANDERS LOSE AT NEW YOKK 200000003 PHILADELPHIA 003001 202 and Sweeney; Mender and Kchang. BROOKLYN WINS AT BROOKLYN 02 92 11 00 BOSTON 1 O 1 1 00000- 3 Batteries- -P.aimn and Miller; Tyler, Noyea, Hess, ?trand, Rarlden and Drown. E 10 THE BENCH Chalmers, Phillie's Boxman, Buried Under Avalanche of Hits; Doyle Makes Homer. GIANTS. GIANTS DRIV ANOTHER PITCHER R. H. PO A. E. Burns, rf 1 3 2 0 0 Sharer, 3b 1 3 3 I 0 Fletcher. M. 1 I 5 4 0 Doyle. 2b 2 2 3 2 I Merkle, lb I 2 S 0 0 Murray. If 0 14 0 0 Meyera, c 0 0 4 1 0 Snodgrase, cf . . . . 2 3 I 0 0 Mathewaon, p.. . 0 2 0 0 0 Totals 8 17 27 8 1 PHILADELPHIA. H. PO. 3 3 A. E. Pasksrt, cf Knabe,2b Loberl, 3b Becker, rf Magee, If Luierus, lb Doolan, t Killifcr, c Chalmera, p Moore, p Miller Cravath Dolan 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 I 0 1 0 0 0 I 2 I J 0 I I 0 0 o I 0 Totals 4 13 27 8 Millar batted for Chalmera in ad. Cravath battod for Moor In 9th. Dolan ran for Cravath In Sth. Plret on Bella Off Chalmera, I; off Moore, 1. Htruck Out By Chal mera 1: by Moora i Home Run Doyle. Two-Bsee Hits Shafer. Merkle. Doolan, Knahe, Iobort, Doyle. Htolen Bases - Snodgress. Double Tlaya Doolan and l.uderus; Fletcher and Hiiafer. Uaaplraa Riglar and llron. li arlal to rba rnla ITafU.) . NATIONAL UHAOUM ,1'AltK. Phlla le', July J. As tho CHanta and Phillies struggled through Cie tcrrm neat Into hattlo formation to-lay Preal dent Lynch of the National League ap peared on the aceun and Immediately be gan taking testimony bearing on the altercation In which McOraw waa banged up by A4 llrennan of the PniUtM, Lynch talked w:'h bith llrennan and MciJr.iw, but htirrlod 'iacK to New York feitllOUl lettl is ai v ot.e know wliat had eeii told hint Tl.e Oittfil'er i s honn no die. p'j.ti 0 .it.). uie puniaited und he iufiaM4 to l.ynoh ihttt Uta mattar be allow, d U droll f far os lie wa. in;i- cerne.t Ka to'ii the President, however, that ho w.i.i attacked Without warning Lynch, It Is uielerslood, ai . made in (luiriea conceriilnx the remarks tnat were paaaed between McOraw and tha Polity benuh during the now (ajnuua " Circulation Books Open to All." Th. rim l.biuna. lork World I. 8 4 5 8 1 5 I ATHLETICS HIT POLO GROUNDS Highlanders, with Ford In the Box, Fail to Stop Amer ican Leaders. HK'iHLANDPRS. R. H. PO. A. E. Daniels, rf I I I 0 0 welter, cf I 2 3 0 I Cree, If 0 I I 0 0 Sweeney, c 12 4 10 Harrzell. 2b 0 I 4 3 0 Peckinpaugh, ss 0 12 12 Burton, lb 0 I 8 3 0 Midkiff. 3b 1 2 2 3 0 Ford.p o I 2 2 0 Coatello I I 0 0 0 Totala S 13 27 13 3 Coatello 1aiied for Ford In Sth- PHILADELPHIA. R. H. PO. A. f.. V.. Murphy, rf... 1 2 I 0 0 Oldring. If I 0 0 0 I Collins, 2b 2 3 4 2 fl Baker. 3b 2 3 3 I 0 Mclnnia, lb 0 0 14 0 0 Stmnk, cf 0 2 I 0 0 Barry, aa 0 2 2 9 0 Schang, c I 2 2 0 0 Bender, p I 0 0 1 I Buah. p 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 8 14 27 13 2 SUMMARY : Plrat Base on B&lla Off Bandar 1, off Ford S. Struck Out By Bender 1. by Ford I. Home Run Schang. Three flaae Hits Colllna, Strunk. Two-Baae Hit Schang. Stolen llaeee Baker. Double Plays Tolllne and Mclnnia, Harry and Mclnnls. Umpires Dlneen and Lgan. llBlaUl to Hie tirnlni ITeiM,l POIO GKOKVDS July :. Showers ehortly before tra:ne time thl- afternoon delayed the start of the third encounter between the lllglilande: s and Athletics because of tha Inclement weather about l.fsXi funs, the anialleat crow of the sea son, were on hand. Managrer Chance trotted out Russell Ford, his one beet bet for the pitching Job, and Connie Mack came right back with Indian Bender. The rain hardly laid the dual on the diamond, and both tesnu got into action ten minutes after the raeriilar time of starting. FIRST INNlNfJ-K. Murphy ht the llrst ball pitched to right for a single. Otdrlnf aaorlncrd. Hrtnn to Hariaal). who covered the ba(. Murphy gong 0 second Colllna out, iirtin to Hor- Ion. Murphy going to :Mrd Baker died or. t ptroun4ei to Rorioii, uaaeeiateu. No R ir.. Dne Left. innieis died, iirry to Motnnli Walter snot a slngio o'er gOCOnd, I 'cee lined out to trunk, Sweeney singled afainei the right field wall and Walter to third. Ilartaatl lent an eaay tiy to uia (Continued on Tenth Page.) World "Wants" Work Wondert, HARD IN GAME AT NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, BOY TELLS HOW HE STOLE $100,000 FROM FIFTH AVE. JEWELRY STORE Big U. S. Battleship That Was Beached To-Day To Prevent Her From Sinking After a Mishap gait r - DODGERS SWAMP Rrooklyns Get Nine Runs on Three Hits ami Combination of Misplay. BROOKLYN. K. H, PO A. B. Moran, rf 2 I 10 0 Cufhaw. 2b I 0 3 0 I I SfciiRel, cf 2 I 2 1 01 Wheat, If 2 4 I 0 0 Myers, If 0 0 I 0 0 Dauhen, lb 3 2 7 I 0 Smith, 3b 3 I 3 3 I Kirkpatrick, 3b . 0 0 II 0 0 Hummel, ss 1 0 3 2 0 Miller, c 0 12 0 0 Kagon, p 110 9 0 Totals IS 13 27 10 2 OSTON R. 2 0 0 H. PO. 2 4 2 0 Maranville, aa. . . McDonald, .in . Devlin, 3b Connolly, If Titus, rf Lo'd, rf Sweeney, 2h. . . . Myers, Ih. . , . . . Kurtden, c Brow n, a Styn nur, cf Tyler, p Noyea, p Hess, p Strand, p I 4 I I I Q (I ll 0 II (I 0 0 0 u 0 ti y I 3 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 II 24 12 6 I'lret n.ise on h.vlU oft Tyler. 2; off Noy.s, of Strand, . off Hagon. 2. Struck out--Uy llohs. 1, by Kagon, 1. Three-l.nst- hits Connelly, Whcit. Two base Mt -Stengel, st ilea baaaaWnM, smith. Myer.. Daabort Double p'aya ataranvilla and Meyera; strand to afa ranvllle, le Meyer; Dauberi and Hum mat. Wild pltebee Btrandi ,1, KM by pitcher Sm th. Unipln a- i em -nd Drill. " . ' Taj I inn World, 1 k'' CfRlsP, Brooklyn. Julyl !anacar lahlen is determlnad to take (be third game of ike m fiaa from Boaton und i an I In Pal Raaan aitainai Tyler of the Boaton Bravea Threat" aolna weatiu-r keit toe attandance doan to alriut IjlH Kllt-sT (NNINQ 'MwanavUia drew a free isa HaDonald iintd aafaty up the third ii, is., line. Ponnelly aacrlllued. ( Continued, aa TaoU Paaaj . -, '.' - 4fl . . : : ... .. I PaaSalyHeaaaahr "tfcfjfffay Sri rSliraraaaaT iiaaaf 'leafSrWajofleseAieH j! BOSTON BRAVES IM CCPflMn DH! 111 OLUUi .U IAUU BASEBALL GAMES NATIONAL LEAGUE. AT CINCINNATI. PT. LOUIS- 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 CINCINNATI 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 Battarloa Burke, Pertltt WlBfOj Hurler. Hown and Nlloa AT CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 CHICAGO 00000231 r- Better! aa Adama and Colanani limn- phrlaa and Archer. AMERICAN LEAGUE. AT DETROIT. CHICAGO 0 0 2 0 0 2 DETROIT 0 0 0 7 0 0 Ualtrles Urns. White. Sroltll, rViiniii and Kuhtti Lake and McKea AT BOSTON. WASIIINlirON 10300000 15 BOSTON 00000000 0 0 Iiiitterlrs Hoelillna and Henry; Mosa- ly, Foster and C.irrltcs n AT si LOUIS Fiiiar ii aMIl CLEVELAND 0000001000 0 1 sr. LOUIS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Battarloa Mltehel ami O'Nell; Ham II tun and Aenear, RESULTS aT BELMONT. riBflT BACK The Bytrtt. a o 1, a to 1 and even, Brat; Mordocal, 7 to 10 for plaoe, second; Boger Oordon, third. Time, 1.06. BOONS BACH Flying fairy, T to ft and 1 to Ii, Hi at; By rite, 3 to I for plaoe, oeoond; Islioss, third. Time 1.35. THXBO BACE Besom, t to 6 and 3 to 6, first; Ella Bryson, 7 to 10 place, aecond; Palanqula third. Time, 1.13. FOURTH BACB Hedge, 3 to 1, 4 to 6 and 1 to 3, Hrst; Ouy rtaher, 3 to S fat puwo. aaaatadl Jawbone, third. Btyl.oiirie flalshod third, but waa (Uetinaftert. 1'il'Tit RACE Penobscot. 0 to ft and 3 to ., Ill ol Z,. Navai-re. 3 to 1 for place, aerund; Jliu Kanaoa, third. Time !i 39- SIXTH BACE Orotund, 16 to 1 and a co 1, rust, Hypatla, 4 to ft place, aec- oau; (sales y third. Time. 0.63 3-0. TUI I I litis. In... Usl W.lar I' si. I i u v Si OmnAT nrrtk Si. S.I) 1 ) 18 li,. .. e.OK (l-.eri.Ti llUnl ... 204 iLat Baa Base esalrX a-aa a. sW I " Circulation Books Open to AIL" I 1913. 16 PAGES . ; 1 1 LAMAR CHARGES 0. P. ROAD WITH $82,000,000 JOB r Speculator Admits to Lobby Hunters He Phoned in Name of Congressmen. WAAIIINOTON. July 2 -David lamir, Wall street operator and onn time con Ailiirile of Ituaaell Sage, Jamee H. Keena end other flriiiiu-t-rs, amused tha Senate Lobby I'omoiltteo to-day hy amlllngly and frankly teetirvlng II wae ha who Inv paraooated fhspraaantatlvaa iaimer and Itlorilau lu telephone com ersatlona with Lewis diss IIvhiiI, Paul 1' Oavath. tThalrman lloharl s Uovatt of th Onlan I'nclHu 11, i. r ii and otiier prtimlnent fin anciers, telling them tnat K.lward l.nn leruacli. a New Torsi lawyer, could do great things for them In Washington. Lamar alao aatunlahed the commutes by making a detailed charge tba' the Union Pacific KaUroad'a booka had been forged In ltOl on an Item covering 1-.-OOO.dUO and that aa one reault Kuhn. Loeh A Company and the late E If. Ifarrl rnan had laid the foundations of gi gantic fortunea. ban Lamar had nnlahad Haul O. ( rava'h of eouitaal for the t'nlon Pa cific, put in a Prepared statement to th. i onmlttfc allagini Ihnt Laoiat'a chaise oonearnlna lha M'l.imn.mO whlrh amount .i gonna' lad with the Union PaoUla sur plus was part of a beat campaign 10 depraaB Unloa Paelfla stock, of viBea tto. rullroad's ottlciula hau hail ktiow! nig.- for several .lays. laiuiar amused, enlnrtuined .in I aa toundud the c-onimltlee as ho fruely testlflod aa to his Impersonation of i 'onrfreasmon over the telephone, lie did It all, he aald, to impress tha finan ciers with the abllltiea of hla friend Kdward Lautertutch. hut he stoutly de nied there ui ever uny mention of money. In UVTi Lamar said. Ruseell Ka,g au- thoilred him la proceed to compel ths Union Pacific In pay thn ( lovsmment 01 00,000 In nda owing It. Limir. arith ienator Poreber, cam,, to Wuh laatoii -in, i anfarrad itn Praaldaal m Klnley. DIDN'T MIND BEING CALLED A BLACKMAILER. "We were charged with lining a pair of conarlenoeleaa biackuiallera," aald Lamar, "but that had no sffoot on us " Vhen Hugo rottrod from bualneaa In (Continued on Second Paga.) MACINQ DETAILS EE PAGE 10, Young Beck First Declares Manager Planned Sensational Robbery, but Wilts When Confronted by Man Accused. $100,000 IN JEWELS FOUND AT PENNSYLVANIA STATION Clerk Says He Knew Combination Hid in Cellar and Had No Trouble Gathering Jewels. William Heck, the twenty-one-'ear-olJ clerk who stole nearly 100, oooworth Of jewelry from his employers, Udell & Ballou at NO. 574 Fifth avenue, but Friday evening, and checked the loot in a tnvdttfe hag at the Pennsylvania sttion, Thirty-third street and Seventh in, made a complete confession at Police Headquarters this afternoon. Hi ws questioned by Deputy Commissioner Dougherty and his forme m ployers. His statement furnishes a complete exoneration of Henry K.irby, sales manager of the store, whom he had accused of complicity in an earlier confession. "I pkannad It and oiecuteri It all alone." said Berk. "I rhnuajht t could iret away with It. I waa tn debt and needed money. My lltrlnir for atlk shirts, fine underwear and -oo1 clothes onuldn't be aetlatled on i ly aalary of lit a week "I had heen ataallna; from tha nrm for some time. I stole platinum and gold from the repair room. Tha dla- iinnd ring I am wearing I etola from 1 pllcatlng Mr. Klity Whan we aallad the II rm and eald I bought It from a Mr. Kirby In to confrant Man In tba pawnahop cheap. Kut I couldn't steal presence of Mr. Udall and Mr. Bartfe enough and I conceived the Idea of gat- man ha ahook Mr. Klnby'a hand and' ting away with tha content of ona of aald: '. tba safea Wlr Xlrtnr. I want to bo a aaaav. "Una of tho employee unauapaot- Ingly gave tha combination to mo montha ago. I remembered that, and It often occurred to meh ow aaay It would be to open tbe safe and rob It. "1 laid my plana carefully (Jetting the travelling hag Into the store waa gart of tha plot. Iat IMday everything was favorable and I made a bluff at going home shortly before 0 o'clock, everybody thought I had gone, but 1 hid under the nellar atalrway. I re mained there until I heard the ball sound showing that the Homes Pro tective electric signal was tn operation and that Mr. Klrhy had left the build ing. "Nobody notloed m when I went to the front of tha store, opened th aafa and took out tha tray and carried them hack to Mr. Udall'a private offlco. Thar I emptied the Jewele In th bag. I taak the traya down to th cellar, and about 7.10 oolook I loft th ator. walk ing out of th front door. I want at one to th Pennsylvania Station, checked the grip and then went home. "I knew there would be a great up roar about the aaae, ao I mailed th check fur the bag to myself at General Iatlvery and decided to leave the hag In the parcel rnoni until the excitement hie over, ft looked pretty simple to toe. Hut I was too sick to go to the store Saturday and that was a had hrenk. aa 1 see now, hei-ausn it at in I attention to me and 10 the trav elling bag. which had dlaapp aied I bad told too many people about that bag. COT SCARID AND ESCAPED FROM HEADQUARTER 9. "When the deteetlvea brought me down to Headquarter I got soared. I knew I had been naught In Ilea, and I jumped out th window and skipped aa aoon aa the dtotlTf acuta were turned. But 1 eouldn't go and gel the suttcuae that night, boauee th oheek waa In General Delivery, and I waa afraid to go the nest day " "Was there any grl In this'" naked Dougherty, "Worea! you thinking of getting married " i have aeon baanini oompany with a Miss Clateilo," aald Heck, breaking down and gobbing She's a good girl and km- absolutely nothing ahuut this matter." At the eOMtMlan af hla confession BaaV waa taken before OMaf Magistrate M 'Adou who hell htm without hall In the custody of the police. II will be questioned fur-frier to-Jtinrrow. "Mr. KJrby Is Innocent" said P. Oliver 'deli and P. wuiiam rihman jr., Btaatubare of tta (Urn, ( a. PRICE ONE CENT. Commissioner Dougherty, after ejaea tlontna Beck for nearly an hnur thie afternoon, made tha following state-' ment: "Let ma make it elaar that Mr. Klrhy Is nut under arrest. The ooy esonerataa lilm without reserve. Young fleck lied in hta firat atate uienta. He leeiytna now on Imnortaat I details. Ha made two ataumanla Im- What I aald about you waa all a Ha.' I did M all myaelf. t "Wrrh that tha boy broke down and began to cry. I don't want to heck! him. so I sent out for eomethlng far him to oat and will lot alru alone until ha bocomee more composed. He cer tainly i aa aoeomidlahed and' varaatlle liar " DOUQHENTV SUMMONED KIRBY TO HEADQUARTERS. When It became known at Pail J Headquarters thla morning that Bank had accused Mr. Klrby of engineering the robbery Mr. Dougherty telephoned to the sale. manager and aaked blm to hurry to Headquarters. Mr. Klrby, un perturbed and a roiling, aoon appeared. (.'onimlsaloner Dougherty did a at leant until noon that Reck waa In custody la th Duma efflo In tba Wool us t Building. Bo immediately east Cagk Tunney of tha Deteotlve Bui aSB aad Lieut. Buahby. Fogarty. CCoaaaUaaad Klnan to tak chaig of Book, who bag been on th polio bad boosts ever i ho aacapad from Headquarter. he waa a sort of guest afternoon. Tunney and hla men ware bast T bp th Hum people, and at 1 o'oloek Dougherty nt Lieut. Cases ssa to tk Hums offics with Instructions to bring haok H.-ck and th whole Buraa eolab llshmrnt If nsoessary. When CaaM arrived there Tunney had been given th custody of Heck, and the boy waa hue tied up to Headquarter. The Hums agency waa acting for Uoyda of London, which carried a tM0t "i burglary Inauranc policy covering th Udell A Ballou stock. Whea yearns Heok made a preliminary confession to the Burns people at I o'olook thla morn ing, he aald he had checked the suit es s containing th jewel la th para el room of th Pennsylvania station and mailed the check to himself at general delivery. Hums operative recovered the check at 10 o'clock and war on their way to the Pennsylvania station when word reached them that Police Depart ment detectives bad already ,.,'.t.,l i sult-caae and the loot and were taking it to lle.idnuartera bjy thai sat opposite Assistant tr ot-Attorney Me. all. In Hurn.'i vate ortlce and told the story he had been In ons of tha great- est lewel rot.berle in th hUttory'af th city, lis wor the a aaae blue aarge ault ha had on when 'id-' took tha .' flying leap from the wlneaVB af PfdJB lice Headquarter at I o'claak an MsB day; it waa neatly prfjMsBd aaBBB)B Baflk? saaMarrgyct aM ' w B aaVt agjaaal -J