Newspaper Page Text
TBI 1VININQ WOBLD, TBU 1BDAT, 3 V ht 9, 1913. MISS JESSIE WILSON! TO BE 1 3TH BRIDE OF WHITE HOUSE Engagement of President's Second Daughter To Francis B. Sayrc Announced. DATE NOT YET PUBLIC. He Is Son of Wealthy Family and Clerk in Whitman's Office Here. Lancia Bciwm Uyt the young In clerk In the office of District-Attorney Whitman, wlrnae i-ngageirmnt to marry Ml Woodrow WUlMi At MM fid and iretlost of the tkrdd dnutfitera of President Wilson, has lust been an nouiu oil, hrare a striking raemblance I ble distinguished father In-law-to-he. day re' a face is unwrlnkled and ho does not wear eyeglasses, hut he has the 1 prominent Wilson law anil iM and j the Wilson smile I The youiur man hns teen a clerk In the compliant DtreM nnd I1M to As- I Istant District-Attorney ColBOB for . tan months. He la exiicicly popular al(l an all-around Rood fellow, hut none of bis friends and associates knew that he was even uciualnted with the family of the President, From which It imay be Inferred that young Mr. bayro possesses that rare and must ed n Iruh'a maHciiline xttrlliute, reticence shout himself. Hu WdH born In 185 In South Beth It hem. 1'a.. and Is a son of thy late Hubert Heyshun Sayre of the Penn sylvania Wayres, who left a larCd for tune. A giaduatc of WUllMM College In 1!0!. young S.iyre studied law In Harvard for t.iree years and took hie degree a year ago. He I'm, shed hie examination for a certllicate to prac tice at the New York 11. ir last week and la reasonably satisfied that the Appellate Division will give him hia certificate. CONGRATULATIONS CAME TO HIM IN A STORM. Mr. Sayre, who '.a alwaya prompt, was at hie desk on time to the minute to day. He la a modest young man, and there was an air of apprehension about hlan as he braced himself for the con gratulations of his colleagues, which came en him In a storm. After a couple of hours he faded away, confiding to one of tits friends that he thought It beet to "beat It until Monday." To-day Mr. 8ayre wore a gray suit, i lue aocke and a blue cravat. It has been noticed by the clerks In the DIs-trlit-Attorney's office that Mr. Havre's socks always harmonize In color with hla cravats. He is a careful, conserv ative dresser and knows how to wear ble clothes. "Of course," sold Mr. Havre to an iKvctilng World reporter, "I feel embar raseed talking about myself under the circumstance', but I suppose I might as well have It over with and get it etralght. "Since being graduated fnm Williams College four years ago I have travelled m mra t Hani I h I , n.'it tn mv spsre time. I spent thi summer of 1!IU a Labrador with t'r. (Irenfell and raise back on the Roosevslt with Fenry. I Last summer 1 spent in Hie Far West I and Alaska. ihow to get good milk and liow to keep It "Through the good offices of Col. r gd Hooaevelt I obtained a position on the "Bf QOOD milk I mean CLEAN milk. iu II in i i-i i idi -1 i iu i in nniiBHa asn 1 .leptemher. You know a student seek- I itg admission to the bar must have six j months practical experience in a law j ..rriee This 1. the areatest off I. B in the world for such an experiem NOTHING ROMANTIC IN THE MEETING. "I met Miss Wilson two yens ago In Lancaster County, Pa., where we were bom visiting al Hie home of a mutual friend. There was nothing romantic about our meeting, We Were formally Introduced to each other, and that Is about all I care to say. "How do yOU stand In POlltlCdT" the young man was asked. "Well," he replied, after some con sideration, "I never did care much for atrlct parly lines. I have gr.vtt admira tion for Col. Jtoosovclt, but I have more admiration for President Wilson, and I voted for him last fall." The date of the marriaee will be an nounced by the Wilson family to-morrow. The ceremony wdll he performed In the East Room of the White House. It will be the thirteenth marriage In the White House history, and thirteen Is President Wilson's lucky number. lriaiDasn womitn siimn. vr,- IT .1 ICInnnerv. who ves ill Bnyder avenue, near Canarxie avenue, Flatbuah, aw a man shoot another m ths back to-day, within fifty feet crt her home. Hhe sent for the police. The; wounded nun. who was Identified as Paulo Amoruso. a laborer, of No. 116 1 West Ninth street, South Brooklyn, was found to he dead. Tne police aay they j know the name of the slayer. FRECKLES Don't Hide Them with a Veil. Rem vc Them with the Othine PrcKription. This prescription (or the removal of freckles was wri'trn by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in removing freckles anil gWlnf a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by Riker-llrgeman Co, under an nlisolute guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don t hide your freckles under a veil; set an ounce 01 niuine ana remove mem. Even the first few ppjlcdtlona should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Re sure to dlk the druggist for the double strength ntliine; it it this that is seed ea the money-back guarantee. Babies Are On Entries for First Two Day a at Public School No. 91, Brooklyn, Reach 240 At beaut 500 Expected Before Closing Time on July 8. Dr. Roger H. Dennett of Post-Graduate Hospi tal and Corps of Ex perts to Judge Tint Croup -Mothers' Ques tions Show LI nv.sual Intcrrst. Th ruth of happy mother to reg ister their babies in the Better Hableg' Cent est of the Extension As sociation of Public School No. 91. flrooklyn, eont'nnerl yesterday. From 9 A. M until noon, the dot ing hour f r the day, 112 tola had been restored for The Evening World'3 prt7.e which total $100. "Tlcfnr reK's'-atlnp closes on July S," aald Miss I 'corp-le nnn Drown, principal of PdMIl ,rh ol No. at and honorary pres1 lit of the Kxtenalon Association, In charge Of the .-onlest, "we expect to have :m bnhlcs registered. Personally I expect a great many more, but If we can exhibit l.oOo application cards it -will be all tho more of a surprise to thone unaware of the great Interest In the contest. With IN applications on the first two days and particularly with :lie perelgt nt Iniiu lilual i:.terest of each mother In asking questions in regard to the proper car of her Infant, we are enthusiastic In this contest centre "i'or we feel, as des The Evening World and the Uables' Welfare Asso elation, that the educational value of tms particular contest is city wide. The questions asked by mothers here are the same that mothers on KifLh avenue lilverslde Drive, the east side and the west side are ask'.nir. and these ques tions are being answered dally In The Evening World by Dr. Josephine Uaker Bad Milk Poison to Baby, Expert Warns Mothers Dr. S. Josephine Raker Tell How to Prepare Child's Food to Ward Off Illness in Summer De clai j Against Dipped Milk. "One of the things t cannot warn mothers strongly enough Is that had milk kills babies," eald Dr. 8. Joseph ine Ha.ker, Director of Child Hygiene. Depart ment of Health, to-day. "M ore bowel trouble among ba bies is caused by bad milk than by anything else. BOWSl trouble kills more bahles than l eft ft dMLMtd nm ol ler cause. "Bad milk la poi son to your baby." 'In this talk I want to tell moth mean bv good milk; 9 e-" o rM- Ord Just what ' - - - - Klafs or bottle or ,11111k clon t use any lm"'e of ,lli1 li'ml of Hl. If "U do "' arv likely to kill your baby. "But think that milk Is clean because you cun't e the dirt In 1L Boms of the dirtiest milk looks perfectly i lean. It may be rich and perfectly white and have no dirt in the bottom of Ihe bottle as far as you can see, and yet your baby may he killed by It as though you had fed Sim poison, "That kind of milk Is full of little particles called bacteria. These particles aic too small for any nal'ed eye to see. There are hundreds and hundreds of them 1n one drop of milk. "Yet doctors have aeen them with mi croscopes. You can see them for your self If you can get a doctor to lei you look at a drop of bad milk through a microscope. "These particles are alive! They grow In numbers very faat. If you feed them to your baby In bad milk they will grow In Ids sloinui h and bowels and make hi in sick. "Any loose dipped milk like store milk Is unsafe. It Is pretty sure to have bacteria In it, If It la open to the air. Milk sold in bottles la much aurer to be clean because the air has been kept away trout it and the bacteria havo had no chance to grow. Facts About Better Babies1 Contest Under Way at Public School No. 91 first Better Hablee' Contest In the year's series now being held by Kg tension Absolution of i'ubllo School No. VI, Albany avenue and Lincoln roud, Brooklyn. The chief object of this eontest and of the articles appearing daily In The Evening World is to teach mothers how to take care of their children Boundaries of the Contest district: Nostrsnd avenue snd Carroll street, down Nustrand to Rutland road, to New York avenue to Wlnthrop street, to .Schenectady avenue, to Rutland road, to Utlca avenua, to Carroll street, tp Nostran t avenue. Barents may register their babies between and 12 A. M. in the milk station at Public School No. H on July I, 4, 5, 7 and H. Brrhmlnary examinations will begin Wednesday, July 9, by a corps of Brooklyn doctors, aided by aeveral others representing the Babies' Welfare Association. The Evening World offera $100 In prise money for this contest A lit prise will be given the healthiest baby in each of four classes, ranging from three months to five yeara. In six months from the date of conteat two Improvement prlxea will be given, a first prlss of IZ6, a sscond prlia of 1S. Turenta may save time hy cutting out and filling In the application blanks published dally In the Home applicants are not required to uae The ' ' Registered Second Day of Great T WfC 1 V a-, of the Hoard of Health and other emi nent child specialists. "Dr. Maker s advice to mothers on the care of their Infants la elmply In valuable, and It la to visualise that ad vice In a splendid crop of sterling babies who will reflect credit on their parenta and New York that these contee'a have been Inaugurated." The pr'ltminary examinations for this contest will begin on the morning of July 9 with Dr. J'.oerer H. Dennett of the New York Foat Graduate Hospital in charge of the acorlng, assisted by the following Brooklyn phyrtclana, who hnve volunteered their afrvlcea: Dr. Arthur K. I'urker, No. 190 Han cock street; Dr. V Floyd Fisher, No. r.dl Clarendon road; Dr. W. I). l.udlum. No. 3tK Marlborough road; Dr. Edward Mi Thompson, No. 740 East Fifth street; Dr W. Austin lowne. No. 000 C'lasson avenue. I "We gladly co-operate" voices, Ir. general, the statements of these physi cians, "In ihe work of the Battel Habies' cohtest, because we know its educational lieneflts will he felt in every section of the city. While this particu lar enntost Is local. Its good effect on tn "there and children I11 be general throughout the city." "Don't Hay Dipped Milk. "Don't buy your milk at a grocery or delicate, !! store or any place where they dip it Out and sell it to you loose unless It la at a milk atation. Home milk stations sell you flrst-claas milk he 'so In cuns and tell you how to take are of It. Milk you get at those sta tions Is all right, but don't get loose milk anywhere else. Dottle milk coata a little more, but It la better to pay I one, two or even three cents more for milk each day than to lose your baby by feeding him bad milk. I ' That Is one reason .shy we are run ning milk atatlona. At the milk atatlona I we give you a chance to buy good milk; ! milk that we are aura Is clean. And at the milk atatlona we not only sell you j ' rlean. eafe milk, but we show you how to take care of It and prepare If for , ' your baby. "At the milk atatlona we keep the I ' milk ahut up tight In boltlea and on lee. Milk that la ahut up cannot get j nuy bacteria or other dirt In It. Harm ful bacteria cannot grow In numbers In milk that Is kept cold. "So, when you get your mtlk from us you must take care of It the way e do or It will soon get bad. Don't open -the bottle until you are ready to use It. Keep It on Ice. Keep It In a clean place. Don't let It stand on the Moor where the cat or the dog can rub around the bottle. Cats and doga are Very likely to have bacteria on their fur. Never let milk stand where tiles can get at It. One fly may carry hun dreds of bact rla to baby's milk. "Never leave milk standing on a sunny window Bill or near the kitchen stove or In sny other place where It can get warm If you do the beat milk will very soon get bad. Warmth aoura milk and main s It unfit to feed a baby. "Hut you say you cannot afford to buj Ice. If that is ao. go to the milk edition and they will give you tickets with which you can get ice free. "Hut you have no Ice box, pcrhapa. I lll tell you how to make one that POfl't coat you anything. Just take a CLEAN covered pull and punch small boles In the bottom so that tho water ran drain off as the Ice melts. Put a piece of p'e in the pall and then sot the , milk bottle next to It. Cover the pall witli a CLEAN blanket. Keep the pall Kdltlon of The Evening World. But Evening World blank. 1 111 , Almost One a Minute IflPr CHARUEb - ' L---- MONTH o0. QFAGE P-VTR I CK 8ENNETT, IO In the sink so that It can drain the water. Keep tbe alnk CLEAN. "Remember this: Keep your Ice-box scrubbed out with hot water and eoap twtcs every week; If you don't your milk will get bad In spite of you. N'ever leave milk uncovered In the ice-box, no matter how clean It Is. Mere la another warning "Let me warn you further. You may keep your milk perfectly clean and then epoll it all by not keeping baby's bottle and stopper snd nipple as CLEAN aa they ahould be. After each feeding you should rinae the atoupi-r, nipple and bottle In COLD water first. That gets the milk all off. f you put on hot water first It will sour the milk and make It stick. Every day at least once you should scour the buttle, nipple and stopper with a brush, Boap and hot water Just before you put fhe ba,by'a feeding In the bottle. "To boll the haby'a bottlee without cracking them fill them with cold water and aet them In a pan with cold water. Then put the whole on the stove and boll for fifteen mlnutea. Keep the empty clean hottlea turned up aide down on a clean shelf ao dust cannot get In them. Keep the boiled nipples I your covered In a clean cup of salt wuterlward that has been boiled. Change this dally. "Thess are other things you ought to know about preparing milk for feeding your baby. You should never give the milk to the baby Just as you buy it un less you get it at a station where tho doctor tells you that It has been al ready mixed or modified ready for feed Ing. If you will go to the milk atation to buy your milk they will teach you there how to mix It and tell you what tilings to buy In order tn do It right. "All the basins, bowls, bottles and I other, thinga used for preparing and keeping haby'a milk should not be used for anything else. You ahould fix baby's milk aa early in the morning aa pos sible. Itefore you beg.n you should wash off the outside of the bottle wit h cold water; then wash the top of ih" tuble and your own hands. "Everything that comes near the milk must be perfectly CLEAN' Have every thing readyboiled bottles, ItOPPSrs, before you take the covor off the milk bpttle. Before you try to prepare the milk for your baby be perfectly sure you understand how to do Id The only way you can be sure that you understand Is to hive a nuiso show you how, once or twice. The best place to do that is at the milk station. It is rtiart of their work there to teach mo'h ers how to feed their nfopsrl.' Tope l.els llepurl I nun tlllrrlcn. ROUS, luiv I. Ths pops reeotvsd la private audience to-day l'gr. Honaven ture Cerrettl, Auditor of the Apostolii Deldgatlon at Washington, D. 0, Hll Holiness took great Interest In M II CerretU'l report! on America, Us olsrf) and Ils general progress. Don't start on your vacation without VELOGEN Beauty' i Guardian It taket the Burn out of SUNBURN The Itch out o! MOSQUITO BITES The Smsrt out of WIND BURN Al uur druggist's, lu rollspelble tubee. She. Health Prize Contest FANS, GET READY FOR THIS BASEBALL TREAT TO AID THE NEWSBOYS Giants and Yankees Will Fut Best Teams in Field on Sunday. The hlgirest hasohall game locally, at least that could possibly be arratiged will be played on Sunday, July 8. At the Polo ijrounds. the Held upon which league and world's cnauiplonahlpa have been won and lust, the Yankees will meet the iliants In a coolest long antic ipated by the followers of the rival teams. The game was arranged la aid the Nuwalsiys' II 'me Cluli in Its work of brightening the drab existence of tho city's "tiewalea" the lltilo urchins who thrust the latest sporting xtraa Into agcr hands as you hurry ho m V nights. The club la sadly In You need It in your home because "accidents always "'ill happen." You never know when a burn or a cut may demand that you have Hydrox handy and nothing is safer than peroxide of hydrogen, of which Hydrox is the purest form. Every physician will tell you that You need it because not merely in case of accident, but in case of a sudden sickness it may be such a quick and valuable help. Taka the case of auddon throat troubled like tonsilitid. Hydrox kills germs and preventa the apread of infection without in any poaaible way harming the syatem. It ia not at all like dangerous druga. You can use it f roi ly. It ia a wonderful help in treating boila, ulcara, pilea or anything requiring the uae of a douche or spray. AND THEN it la a great help in ridding the face of blemiahea, auch aa pimplea, In beauti lying the complexion. In removing body odors, auch aa oma from sweaty feet or arm-pits. Booklet telling of many usen with evwy bottle. At all druggists. Get a bottle today, 10, 13, and 25c Sizes HYDROX CHEMICAL CO. New York Chicago San Francisco Toronto need of additional funds to carry on Ita great and worthy work and Increase the Held of Its endeavors. Ho to secure the ne-essary funds the game, which will be played lander the auspices of all the nietroMilltan newspapers, wis arranged. While this will he a benefit game. It will not bn like the usual benefit per formance. Timi much Is at stake, for on the result hangs the bdddbdll champion ship of Hi cater New York. Last spring before the regular baseball season opened the Yankees defeated the Brook lyn .Nat on, ils. Now the tankees are railed upon to defend the honors gained In those games against the (Hants That akme assures a bitterly contested game. The teams put on the field will he composed of regular players, not substi tutes and "second string" men. A vic tory means Increased patronage and popularity, for thg New York fan cer tainly doea love a winner, so the rival managers will take no chances of losing by playing Inexperienced recruits. Already tho demand fur tickets has reached the point where the prophecy Hint the big stands of the Polo (li ootid will be Jammed when the teams take the held will become a reality. Tickets are on sale at the New York National League club nitidis, st No. Ml Fifth SVSaUSl the American league club of fice, at No. & Fifth avenue, all theatre ticket ottlcea. and at the business orllcea of all the morning and afternoon papers In Creater New York. E 1 Tore It From Her Finger, she Declares, and Fawned It. CARRIED HER off, T(X) - - ....... , . . . Ck i riSOlUT at (.Ulicy IsLllKlj Until Crif9 Drove Him Away. There la nothing monotonous about being the husband of litllts'i Lorraine. the musical comedv actress, as Fred eric i lershe.nier, who has had that dis tinction for several months, will be willing to admit If the deti ' lives who ere scouring the tenderloin for htm succeed In getting htm Into their clutches The fair Lillian came to town to-dav from Long BddjdBi where she won a stiver cup f r being the most accom plished tlffkey trotter st the resort last nlgtit. consult,,, I nlth her attorney. Her man lloth. and announced that she had determined to have her husband arrested on a charge of grand larceny. Soon afler that Mlaa Lorraine and her counsel hea led for Weat Hide Po lice Court and thla afternoon deteetlvea were tolling nlmig from aalonn to anloon In BfOddWaj and aide thorough fares In the tiojio of running up ngaltist Hreshelmer. And Lillian also said. through her counael, Mr Hoth, that she Is not on!' after her husband tie cause he took her )ewelry, but she wanta to acrve him with papers In a s in for separation Mr. lloth said, speaking for his client. that Mr (lershelmer began to pawn rSW SiS belonging to his wife soon after the marriage, but not until June II did northing turn up that would wurrnnt Miss Lorraine In bringing about pro ceedings In grand larceny. TORE $5,000 RING FROM HER FINOER, 18 CHARGE. On that date, according to Mr. Roth, while (lershelmer and hla wire were living nt the Sherman BqadtS Hotel, (lerahelmer grabbed the Illy white b'ft hand of Lillian nnd lore from the third finger of Ihe same a aolttnlra diamond ring valued nt tTi.OiiO. He left hla wed ding ring on Ihe finger, but cruelly lacerated the hand lit getting the dia mond ring. Mr. Ilotli. still spenklng for his client, says that (lershelmer pawned the ring on June IS, for , .'.2.VI and went to At lantic Cltv. He dialled the ticket to Miss bOTralflf. on June is. Miss Lorraine did not see her husband Some iced drinks mrm really heat ing. This one delightfully cool. Wuie ose CEYLON TEA White Ross Cof dd, 3 Pound Time, $1 LILLIAN LORRAIN SAYS HER HUSBAND TOOK $5,000 RING esraln, according to her eon aft mm rm SB MM 1 last Saturday night. Then she i a whole lot. Hhe was sitting In an automobile eejtt slde Txnils Mat tin's res'aurant. her counsel de lares, about mldnlglit, await- Ing her escort, who had gone Into a cigar -true to get some clgarettee. Along came Klorris .nM, the musical comedy producer, who first exploited Miss lorralne'a beauty ami talenta sad i set her on the war to fame and fortune. i Mr .legfeld was talking to Miss Tr- I ralne, Mr, lloth say a, when Mr. tiers helmer stepped up and smote Mr. Tiled ! feld a terrific blow. Mr. legfeld ntd- ' denly sought the sidewalk and remained In communion with the pavmnAtt wWte Mr. Herahelnier leapvl Into the ceh, throttled his wife, and ordered the tee- ' ' rlflel chauffeur to drive hence. i rider further Instructions, areordtmf to Mr. Koth. the chauffeur drove to " I Itavenhall a at Coney lalami, where I Mlsa Lorraine was held a prisoner by I him until Sunday afternoon, when her . loud cries frlhtened her captor and he fled. Then she went to Long Beach to r,..t ad win turkey trot medal and n,rw she feels 'iiisiined to get siter er husband. K.Iran,. r Hsnwlrl, r tress, Dead. Mrs. Hose Martin, known on tho tags aa Eleanor Knowlea and for fourteen yeara support to many stars In famoua productions, died tnday In Omaha, Neb. following an attack of heart disease Hhe was appearing In a vaudeville theatre there preparatory to t. king up her duties aa an enter tainer for the Cunard line, Her eon, Harold 0 Martin, a student at Cornell College, waa notified and will go to Chleago. where the funeral service will be held. Mrs Martin waa fifty one veare oi l. CELEBRATE the 4th safely and sanely. Take home to the family a box of Bonbons and Chocolates or some one of our 4th of July Specialties. SmU hy Ltmdlni Dr.,.(. f.vrywhmrm 2d Stores h Greater New Yerk (iootl on Cold Meats, (mmI on Hot Meats, Eddys BRAND isilSklU.CO It iidd.i just the right T.vnl tn. ;ra vim, soups 1 IB 4 nnd .salads. IVr hottle vt Made hj 'K.Priti'harrl.SSI SpringSt .N.Y. All Inst er found articles ao serllsed In The Wertd will he listed et llw World's Infnrnia Hue Bureau, rulitser Building Arcade, Park Bowl World's I'MtuWD Office, northwest e, tr uer iisth Nt. and Broadwari World'. Ilarteea Office. 2-4 B Heat tanih HI., and World's BessMl n of fire. Stttt Washing loa Ml., Hronklrn, for Ho dajs fnllowlas tbe priming of the advertise meat. tl H iwwpig. HWggMl I,,a.,r4iwe'.af eta., i. n naa"d ora bt-m ., ,( et WBkm &tft-&Jet li I IT