Newspaper Page Text
rTpA 1! 0iMw rtvxi. m " CircuUtion Books Open to AU." -2XJUJ " Circulation Books Open to AIL" I gXTRa J PRICE ONE CENT. 9mn ,V2fwJ; VSkfcST" NEW TORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1913. 18 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT. C I , MAYOR, ILL AND WEAK, SUDDENLY SAILS AWAY IN SEARCH OF HEALTH Secretly Boards Liner Baltic for Round Trip Sea Voyage to Re cover From Co'lapse Due to Old Bullet Wound in Neck. HITS TAMMANY GKAFTERS IN DICTATED STATEMENT GIANTS GET EVEN WITH BROOKLYN WINNING SECOND Smith's Homer in Fifth Dodg ers' Only Run Off Tesreau. SECOND GAME. Snodgrass, cf Doyle, 2b Helther, ss. . Burn. If Henog, ib Murray, rf. GIANTS. R H. PO. A ...12 1 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 I 0 J 0 0 0 s t 2 0 0 0 0 Mevevs. c I 2 4 2 0 Merkle, lb 0 0 7 0 0 Tesreau, p 0 0 0 I 0 I Totals 27 II Murphy Refuses to Answer, but Fu sion Leader Says Gaynor Is "Particeps Criminis" Mayor Gaynor suddenly sailed at no n to-day tor Europe on the Baltic, intending to nuke a quick round-trip sea WfU$ of two oj three weeks for rest and recuperation, He was accompanied by his son Kutus. The Mayor is in very poor physical Condition. The bullet in his throat, fired when he started lor Buropc three years ago. is causing him renewed trouble. He is much weakened in strength and nerves. The "shovel" political campaign will be a! a standstill until his re turn. No selection of other candidates to run with the Mayor will he made until his return. Before leaving Ike Mayor ' ( Urioiio attnat on "Bots" M irplty and aeher Tammanv laadera. accusing ll" BROOKLYN. Moran, rf Cutshaw, 2b Stengel, cf. Collin. If. . Daubert, lb Smith, Ib... Fisher, ss Fischer c Yinsling, p Wheat R. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 H. PO. I 3 0 I I I J 0 0 o 0 2 4 0 8 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 I 3 s 3 9 E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13! at trying to loot the Pity tr. M-.M . atr. Murphy smiled on reading iha . Ifayor'a blast and rspllad: I have ao thing to say." The Tammany cam paign was ordered to IBarll tin-, for ii , few wwki on account oi political dan-1 ajar tn beginning too early. PUtlON COMMITTEE SCORCf MAYOR AND TAMMANY. Hie Fusion Commutes of Una Hun dred and Seven ladt In irp reply tae (Mayor, Mousing him or bi imlni a aareicepe crlmtnls" In turning ov r tha dw to Tammany bj running on a third Uoket. at, weak aa ha w, the Mayor himself with all hla old-Mm, ind 1st loose a farewell blact at all tiled with vHrlollo de aad okargee of attempts 'o I loot the city. He says McOooey, Donahue and the tueb have bad four lean and Tears." FLANS ALL DEPENC ON STATE OP HIS HEALTH. - . .k. ManM sudden aepinun -j , I throws ths munlclpsl political sit- u.1. into complete contusion , iiiuvuiwy, ri I naosrtalnty. The selection of run- i eider, ss . . . mates for the Mayor on nis in- Sweeney, c at ucin m" reew" I riSSSTt K - . - HI. .umii.l.i.i tr:i,i. Imi nis reiuru. mm i--- . i ltn will endeavor to keep alive his rtals hut tie aliovel campaign wUl dig little poUtlcal dirt until the prlaolpal digger returns. ' . ... I t I....P I ttfti.r .... . The ncxi Mnir iwtw ...-., rnooiisr. ri ! Milan, cf . Pofttr, 3h iGandil, ib rm Aninrnp uim ilLMMLlLlAj WIN BY FINE RALLY NEAR THE FINISH Totals I 7 24 10 I Wheat Pa'.'.-.! for Collins In ninth. Sl'MMAIlV Kirst Hasp on Balls Off Teerenu. 2. Struck Out 8y Tesreau. 3; hy Ylngll-iK. Horns Run eVnith, Two Baas in. Moyars. stolen Basse 'Doyts. iouhir Playa Fletcher, i.oyie ti Marwai Flet, her, Doyla to Merkle. I'nvpiiree -K.-UHiti ana Hrennan Attendance. 10,000 Hartzell stand Trouble With Double cider Steals I lonie. Maisel, 3b.... Wolter, cf free, If Hartzell, 2b. . . HIGHLANDERS. R. H. PO 0 0 I 0 I I) I o 0 0 I I I 0 0 I I 8 I I 0 I 3 5 27 13 is tin- l.uur rnviil of til)' Hill t li on laturday, the utn ana " bound for Montreal, due to Hrnw then am ent an it la considered probabh antic I .!,. tv. Mnvor Mill choline llim rollll'l about way of returning, which would bring hltn back to New fork on slept 1. DAUGHTER A N L OFFICIALS ON SHIP SEE HIM OFF. The Mayor's Intention In make thli oeean voyage grag kP gecral ordei to avoid what he called 1 s nd oommotlon" at the plat n- formed plan several days SgO :. a IU 1 : tor the announced v intion In ih A U rondacks. Dock Commissioner II A. '' Bmtth wan advlel so tnai h couW make all the arrangements for ,i ..-i modatioaB At the plor to t. Mayor off there u; e only hl da i -i t r . Miss Marian !. i-r. M r. Hnilth, J Craelman anl Italph lahaan, Xt was a feeblt llgure tint went slow ly up the gangplank leaning heavll) on tha arm of his sou R if us 'i'hs Mat i had apant thi nighl al hl Wwn house in Brooklyn, u . ih morning lie seat for his body guard, Pollei Lieut. Kennel to oomi With an .ioioni.1 cl la take MM for a rule. Once :n the . ar accompanlsd by bis am and SgUfbiafi (Continued oa Second Page.) Morgan, -h Ains t.i, c McBrido, ss Gldgon, If Cgllig, p HufJitSi p VilUtma, Shacfer l.a Porte WASHINGTON, R, n po 0 3 I 0 0 II ) 0 0 I II II (I (I (I 0 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 I I 3 I 12 I I 0 S 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 I (I 0 0 Totals " Willi S"h i latoc 0 0 0 0 I 1 ins I ;t le.l for i-fTcr batted for rtii batted 2 10 27 17 !h ilia In' Hh ll le hi In ninth. iiia es in ninth. si mm ::v i t it i n i v i s Plrsl llaae on Halts- Off Kishei- .'. off tlallia '. .'ti Hufflieg i Htruelt Out H Usher H by ((allta i by Ifuahaa Tiiree.liHae HH 'Miller. TwoeBgae Hit ii. Hi ', i Htulan Baaeg Moeller, Keld sr. .Mi an Ihiubts I'l.iyr'-Morgan. lc HeWIti Ui ilindli Iftnplres Connolly and fctnuii. v lendanogi L00O, g ni ip The Hrsalai wdiiui. WAwHINOTON, 8epi. i.-uwlng to (Continued oa Twelftfc Pace.) gasetal le The grwdai worn. POLO (Htul NIs. MOW yORK, Seiit. 4 The luaa of the rtret game due to toe blowing up of Marqnard wan mute- a setback to the ('Hants, but they put Tes reau In the box and went riKht out after the second. By the time the second game started the crowd was close to ten thousanl In number and decidedly worried over till outlook. With tiie Hhlllles playing ir Hoston, there was a cha-ii-e to get nn other notch Cloggr to the chan ps. l'IKST I.N'MN'J -ddoran got a Texas leaaTuer over short lor a single, tit hsw hit Into a double play, Kletchr to Poyle to Merkle Stengel singled to right Stengel wae nut rteallng, Myers to Fletcher. No Huns None Left Snodgrase filed out to Stengel. Doyle was rolled out on strikes. Fletoher aJeo struck out. No Runs. None Left. SBCONl INNING iHersog threw out Collins. Doyle tossed out Daubert. Smith dropped a Texas leaguer In right for a single. Smith was taught off ttrst, but the umpire declared that Tee reau hud made a balk, and allowed .Smith to take second. Kisher lined OUI t.i Murray. No Kuua tine laft. Hul'ns popped a foul to Smith Her lit lined out to sttna.-i Hurra) struck out. No Runs. None Left. THIRD INMNii r'lscher flie.1 out t.i Hums. Vlngllng Wag safe on Doyle's ermr. Moran popped out to Fletcher. CutShaW filed out to Doyle No Huns One Left. Mevi-rs smashed a double into rlprht entre. Merkle file.! out to Moran. Tesreau limed out to Cutshaw. rinod- m'is singled to left, scoring Meyer. and went all tie way to third on (he thi n .1 to thi- plate that hit the runner iri tiie hack and went all the way to the stand 1'iyie single i to right, aoorini gnodgraeSi Doylg stole second and went to thir i on PTghaf'g in ii rr of Klaohar'a throw. Fletcher litied out to K.she; Twu RutMi 1 ins it yXlURTH 1NN1NO itengal popped to Boyle. L'oillns singled to centrs 'oiiin was "in stetllnf. Ueyari 10 Doyie. ' i,i i cri slrucll out, No Huns. None Lull HuruM tiieii .nn to Stengel. (Tingling loasid o n Hergug Murray out. Piaher to Daubert. No Ituna None Ueft, I'll'I'll INNfNH slmlth lilt a driie Into the left iieni bleachers foi a h irni run Plnhgr filed out to gnodgraas. i';. t in r mads a pretty tatoh of PUher'i pop fly V muling Koi a base on balls. Moran su n k out. Unt Run One Left. Meyers beat out a biK i iiounder to I'uialiaw. Mtrklo forced Meyers, Vlng- Golf Rivals, Winners To-day, Who May Fight It Out for National Title THAW LOSES APPEAL I ii- 1 ii iLawkawkL. M. --aaMaawk I I ppwHpgM j r i9 I ssasiawenws siawsawl -a. t.. . ' .. am ...w tummttvm ' " $ V ' ' . i i ii ii ti i i FOR RIGHTS AS TOURISM SANITY IS UNDER TESt " 'rsiseit wa TO GOLF FINALS; SO DOES TRAVERS 'Herreshoff and Anderson Also Victors in To-lJay's Qual ifying Rounds. JEROME TRAVERS. GIANTS LOSE FIRST OA ME. AT NEW YOKK 002000000" 2 BROOKLYN 000006000- 6 Batteries -Maruuaid, Crandall and Meyers. Walker, Ragon and McCarthy GIANTS WIN ICONO OA ME. C200000 -2 BROOKLYN COOO 1 0000- 1 Hstterles Tesreau and Mryere, Vlngllng and Fischer. HIGHLANDERS WIN AT WASHINGTON - 0OOOOO300 WASHINGTON 0000 1 00 1 o- Hatterlea V iaher antl Sneeucy; (lallla and Alnsmllh. 3 2 AMERICAN LEAGUE. AT PHILADELPHIA. yiHHT UAMSL BOSTON 20200 103 0- HHILADELPHIA 00000420 0- AT ST. LOU It. CHICAGO 0 2 0 0 0 1 sr. louis 8 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ratter! eg Kussell nn.l Sihalk m I Rebwaru'k ami Alaunda? Hatterles Lnjmarl Hall and l.'ar- rlgan; Plank, Hush and Bohani BOSTON Oil HHILADfcLHIIIA 1 1 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE. AT PITTSBURGH HHUT 1,1111. ST. LOUIS 3 01000000 : PITTSBUROH Hlldshrand Hatte-lcs ..Vlonely an. I l.ioiiias, Hon I. I 010010000 ' Ratttrlag Sallee ttn Ruulnlon and plmoAi aBOONb 0AME i T, LOUIS 020001000 I 4 AT CLEVELAND. DETROIT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 QO'LP SUMMARY. Afters ooa stowage.) Fharlea Kviuis. i'htceio, defeated Wal ter J. Travis, (lardsn City. 5 and 4. Fred Iterreshoff, (larden I'lty, won from Whitteinore, Massachusetts, I and 1. Jerome D. Travera. I'pper Montclalr, defeated Archie Held, St. Andrew's, I and 1. Anderson defeated Sherman, 4 and S. igperUI to The g'nilni WorHI. (1AR.DEN CITY (MilF LINKS, L. I., N. Y., dept. 4. Jerome D. Travers, I'pper Montclalr; Chick Kvana, Chicago; Fred llerreshoff. (larden city, and Jamee Anderson Massachusetts, won tlielr way this afternoon to the eeml-nnala to morrow for the National Amateur championship of the United Statea. These four decisively defeated Held, Travla. Whlttemone and Sherman In the but qualifying round to-day. The Fvane-Tj-avls match, the day's feature, proved a walkover for Rvans. The brilliant Western star was at hie beat toward te end and completely ouila sea a Ma older opponent Champion Travera, with a morning lead of all up, elumped badly during the afternoon and allowed young Held to cut down hie advantage to three up at the flnlah. Fred llerreehoff, a danreroua factor In the present tournament, played consist ently well during the entire lay, led Whltteuiure, s Strong player. 2 up at the end. Anderson of Maas.t huswtte handled Ton Sherman of Uttea with ease. TTavIs played consistently but was outclassed by his young UBptaSaat The 'Wis Evane Out. . . 4 4 4 4 S 4 4 141 Travia OHti 44544f ti It i; vans-Travis card: Kvans In 4 4 4 6 4 Travia In 4 6 4 5 1 Baci halved the nineteenth and twen tieth boles in four Lvane unimiered a great m.d-iron shot on the next and went out In four to the veteran s five I Until divided the neat two holes with sift und four Travis rallied gamely on the twenty-fourth and tnudc H one up i when lAans pulled lnta the rough twice I for a six The iili-ago grUtard t suie right had. 'and reversed the score on the next hole when be tied dutiy and run out In four to the veteran's six. tin the ITU) Rvgag peeled off the greatest skul "f the match, a Mfool putt that (Contlauaa oa Twelfth Page.) CLEVtLAND 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Batteries fiwktM and MoJCee. Ureas and O'NeiU. Z PITTSBURGH 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 5 Battertee Oeysr aad koberU. Me QuiUaa aad Olbaoa. H'ontlniied on Tweirth I'age.i K TO, . fttsets sag rsssntuauj its sli Deportation Officials Deny Pratt?, tion Given to Jack Johnson, anU Autos Wait Outside Inquiry - Room lor Race to Frontier. "ft ' '. a COURT DENIES LAST PLEA J TO RESTRAIN EVICTION ..uej Judge Hutchinson Declines to Inter fere, and Fugitive Is Under Con trol of Immigration Men (fecial from a Staff Oorrespe adeas of The eealaa; WosMV) COATIUiOk, (.Hiebtv, Sept. 4. The only question left to tit d Clded hy the Board t Inquiry of the Dominion Immigration DeputjAtftf late this afterntnin in ib hearing looking toward the deportation of He) K. Thaw was whether t lie slayer of Stanford White is sane or insaoi. It adjudged insane he would be immediately ordered out of flu country. The contention raised by Thaw's counsel that he was a tourtvj travelling through Canada en mule to Detroit, Mich., was o ver-ivkd. b the Hoard this afternoon. The officials decided that Thaw vroj travelling through the country as was Jack Johnson, who had itSaTT lions made on a trans-Atlantic liner. , This ruling was the second set-back Thaw had suffered to-day Uarlier in the afternoon Justice Hutchinson refused to issue a writ pro hibiting the holding of Thaw by the Immigration: officials. As soon as the decision of the Board was announced the Bond pm ceeu'cd the same as it would have done in the case of any ' 'ifl Thaw was again called to the stand and Chairman Robertson quettJMijV hiin as to his family record. Mr. Robertson had several volumes fotfett ing information as to tlve Thaw family, and following this he quwlWkk the prisoner closely as to his ancestors. Thaw objected strenuously tliis line of examination. 1-or the lirst time during the day it seaMd Jfc iu-might lo-e his composure. , Kurlns the en nessnni of the Im- ne w, told the train went no gggtk: migration board i" Canadian alienists were cloeely wstchlna Thaw, havltui been retained by the Department of the Interior. The Immigration board of Inuulry bagan He hearing to-day on the ques tion of deporting Marry Thaw, wit i eeery areayaat "f uulck decision Outside the railroad station where the board sat In Its quarters S dogsn auto- ward the border In the so he hired a carriage to cook In order to buy a ticket Pittsburgh. The horsee gave eeiti hlied siuther carriage aa far as Ha r toed There rested. II Johnston, a fsr.-ner. l'liaw inTosa the line, followed TMkti on the it ind He aald they kaga fea Mliaajfjka whisk apt M ere Kg fM ga CttSSl gj mobiles were drawn up Among mem i auuens me A hundred feet ffwnt Ufc) were Special Deputy At torney-t leu- M ih v turned hack, he said, sndatSjfS eral Jerome'a racer und the s.-ien- w toward 1'anaaa, VerwaftJt, sented car or ''apt ,l"ibn l. niyan. es Kuiaily the the border at detsetlvs assistant in l 1 it wis a ' Linn House." JakPjNgk Intended to ruali Tlmw to the rronller. added Out. aa they went through tjkig Then there were more tars, piled with l' '1''' '" cautious tone ot TkMP. newspaper men aid photographers .-hien.,i bin. and he rsfngja gg Ph.. was auestlonetl hi Chief Rganf a" any further. ' f V iner Stake Sobartaon, ehp inquired Ural hlg .-ompanioa ,, Mtraaca im.. t'anadg Thaw r""" ""a'1 rnnmpaon, went ok train at It salei N II., nougg of OeUve Nadeau. .nd bought various Ueksts tu reach in'1""'""1 '" Ihaea to tha kg - iiaue station in Canada, with . owned by Hen fatl.eua. sswwm gfwnnwii uii inn m THAW TELL8 "PUkLIC MUST BE SUPPRieWl The Inquiry was adjourned at the intention of going tl rg to Ins htmie In Pittsburgh Thaw aald he found his first route was not the most direct, so lie bong it a ticket to lirei-her falls, vsrmuni, me in o clock. A crowd had gatharM I, si station cn the Mains csntrai. tners: me nation piaiioriu. and as Col, . . .arm i nanea t. bite, I law's Mi came dpwn from the detenttetl HarthaatslM asis ghakea Meaalaa. where the hearing was held tha MwBUSMSaH "". ' ' if 'led Let Thaw nut -lst sliKht eartnuu.Kc was irit ne.e m Tbcv stcod gnslng at the wlndoej and i re. net. i,e. ' 1 hone ol sealna Thaw, hut he did pear Ik habitants onds The sh, lasted Hi. Am. It. 1 mm. Omk wmm far kktI7T3 .TitK i:m or riii'; WUHlUlli' ' uiiaii lhttr, (giiMtiUi gka. llit iit,itir -if Hhrrltx U llolmrai, Iiub jnl t i ilt-n BMM inaidkNg ktiir) , wht h iIthIo llli 1 lit drlrH'ilin f HMUfMi MM 1 r tntltlfHl I tir I nt4iit Ikrii.' irmn tier- pen of IhU fktninl tttittitir, Iukiii in ii, netl HuiitlMy UnrlU lllii-iruiol Nn;.4.iii. and Hiory vrimii, ttfiil M i niiitific Bm iiMjlii uiukimirtj iii.iM.itn. IMitor on MWMWlff ui mdwmucv. the tuutlMy 1 WfU I Bs4 raUinisftblga, hwg.o meh irnte When the adjournment Wg Thaw ISSUed this stntement: lining Infurutad thtt one lieh'n 1 M.s lilega! P irault la ib 10.1 in a snali out Inflg nuilci Hi it if ot on trial Igj .in, ii.iNi.i, Tsew Vora e)iaM nis 1' uncover those named wen. jc-cccteii in i.si7, we are ft to state that we have no lakaj of ever uncovering those aaaagsj were left la blaftk. At Ike same time, we anasgf s r