Newspaper Page Text
TH1 -VIlfllfQ WORLD, IHUBSDAY, 81PTIMBIB 4, 1911. 1 OToatt teetifled lt tin mt Shit d Lncy Nicoii in una. th 0-tS!f of ths i Mr. Stsnfntd Whit and de.ired fawbllrlty about hi rltnti b In this connection w wlh 8TJ ' frtnd to know that w hv 14 that the present pursuit a by that n wwydr, U Shur(iff, ona of Thaw' Mid during recess that Thaw 4 th point that he la exempt i provisions of tha Immigration ' paragraph 4. aartlon t, which i that all tourlftf and traveller ins through Canada en ta another country hull be ex- SThaw told tha Immigration of that tia had hi iranaportatlon t Detroit and wa wilting to go ther a MM way to Pittsburgh, under aarort It Court haii asn-.l to give ua a 6ska on thla point after racaa." said Da, aMiurilfff "My own opinion la, )Hni that tha lovrnmnt at Ot aatM ha ordered Ihi man railroaded, aM tfSUiing ran hvi him. ft la a ajajMi aa Justice. I cannot am how aJhtg alienist can find a rrtlnte in Thm'a altar wunsMlng him on akja MUd to-day. Not a word spoken ay Mp waa not proper, pertinent and snfVtaelng f4o far thy hav not mad awt a oat agslnst him, by any msns. They aay wa can offar wltnaaaa, hut t Bgft't know what good It would do." OJVKSAL 4UDDENLY CHA.NOE 'LINI OF INOUIHV. Ttssr) Waa a sudden rhanga In Thaw'i an, th morning lt night Thaw' Nsjhaat had aspect that th qusstlon st 111 sanity would not b ennsldersd bp , tha Immlgrstion men and thay con aawtolated tbmlva on being abl to tka char that Thaw nao sntereu y oy ataiui. nr www To-day all thla waa chsnged. n officials bagan atonca a Into Thaw'a aanltv and ior- la Ourd and CI. A. Rcau- aut him through aa atlff an ax on aa did ever Dr. Austin Flint othor allanlaU who bsvs -him In,", him erSKL ngs bafora th board war all early there waa a generally mor that Thaw' deportation decided on already and that a .mould leave town by an afternoon are could be no appeal rrom a that Thaw la tnaane and Mi laaay by th gars could not stop hi deportation by Into mean fsOOflT MAOI UP TO TAKE THAW TO BORDER. jUkatant Superintendent of Immi gration B. Blake Robertaon and In- David Reynold, T. h. wn I Thorn toa and T. B. Oareaau the bosrd that examined Tjssj It Was sxpeotd that if they dq4d to deport him by train Prob ably all five would accompany him on a. fcnsia for Norton Mills. Vermont, ten saltan away. A few miles outside) of teas Is a bridge aeross a small creek. the International boundary. Canada's Immigration, man most save of Thaw. And there was Ills arrest by Capt Laayon, aa aa ths train ran on United states aw reoelved a telegram from hi er fhla morning, saying that aha ea her way here. The messaie from C reason. Pa, and Mrs. Thaw Bet get bore before Harry left if were followed. TED FOR SH00TIN6 T "BURGLAR" IN FLAT With Reputation as "Gun. riajMcr" Held as Robber, While Man Who Fired Is Also Taken. JMNY Berlin, twenty-five, of No. M Cliff Mb a drlvsr with a reputation aa a ab tghtor,'' was taken to Hudson Hospital eany lo-oay with a scalp wound and under a , af burglary. Ha was shot while amf b. aX Sswth I MIES 1 S ancta Mat of Albert Tremblay, an Iron ' sjsjrksr, at No. Me Dover street, who tost the police he shot the man when igssnil him going through the poekets Mho clothing be had laid near his - was taken to oak street ate tlata by Policeman Uelleher and charted g assault and violation of OtBuUlvaa law. WaSON BETS ASSURANCE . HUEBTA WILL NOT RUN dtUM Information Points to Pact That President of Mexico Will Eliminate Himself. fABHINOTON. Hept -The first of- laformattun that tha Waahlngton at has been orally asaured Hut will not be a candidate at the election was permitted to be- poollc to-day. The Admlnlatra- osnstrues thsse asaurtncea aa also there will be no r.lrcum- by Huerta'a resigning and De a candidate. AISALS OF ESTATES. Ira, Aana M Kraser, widow of Oeorg r. died Jan. 14, 111; total tate. aet value. H.'X-. U Hill, died Nov, . m. haul SUMO: net value. IU3.S75. tbsth Bransflsld, died April M. UW7; ate. fMOO; net value, 17,00. sekamp. died Sept. a, iio; at. tMJM; nst vslua. (11.007. atdde O'Brien, died Kb. II, ltU; total ssjllh dsposlts. n.lB; nst value, MM. Vredstick Oemmar. died at Wee SSlarkea. N. J Ken M. 113; sssets tax abss ta New Tork state, an equity, thVeM, In No. KM Wilt Ona Hundred and IIMt street, value U3.UU0. net valu of ssww xsrn assets, iloaa Aet re MPORU, C atom tiondo Scire Ules la l.oadou. IPORU, Conn., Sept. 4. Word CTom London v-dsy of ths death from append, -if of Misa Minnie ft D. Hlckey. twenty-nine year old, of ttta efty. who as In vaudeMlle with Bay Sttr under nunc ut the Stan r. garter Mis tll key' mother left dBBs Lssttti sMsMy"' tsnla for Englsnd :t fat- re ad spring a slsxe rsrevr wa a teacher la llie pub m i i i Oefera Hierta a- B ... veton osgalsg 1 eaiata. ' ssMlal spbm sat E TO FIX THE BLAME ! FOR N. H. WRECK Public Service Officers Hear Rear Brakeman Was Careless. HEARING IN SECRET. Official Bases Right lo Mold Private Inquiry Into the Tragedy. Oilef Inspector Belnap, with Chief Kiurlneer Klwell nt the TTtlllDas Com nilaalon, male a flying Irlp to North listen earlv to Iny. In another ma I lilne cr eiirveor. who took'varloua Tiieaiiroient In rnnnectlon wWh th Invaatlaatlnn of the Newfaven Bn.1l mul wreck at Walllngford. Tiieedwy morning. Thla daia the two offMals want for ue In the Inquiry to he opened to-morrow by ComrnuieloneT Monhnrd. Home of the measurements were aa to the dlatimcea hetween simals and from the hanjn signal to the spot where a paeeemtcr M he eaw Klaarmnn Mur ray standing:, whletltng and throwing tone. Coroner Ml mwnta J. O. Mora of Watervllle Me., a travelling salesmsn for a Chicago firm, to appear at the In queat. Morne haa heen quoted aa say. Ins he aw Murray throwing atunea Into the hiwhe Inatead of running hark with lorpiiloe to protect the train. Mnrae waa thougM to have remained In New llaven anil the Cormier gave a auh- poena to a detective to serve. The ln'iiet began here to-day behind cloaed doora. There waa no jury. Cor oner Kll Mia maintained that he was within hi legal rights In holding secret proceedings, stating that a premature publication of faots whloh might serve ss a basis of criminal proseouUon would probably prejudice the Interests of justice. W. H. Balnap. Chief Inspector of tha Interstate Commerce Commlaalon, and C. C. Newell, Chief Engineer of ths ConneMlcuuPubllc Utllltlee Commission, wsrs ths only outsiders permitted to at- tend tha inqueat A. B. Miller, engineer of the White Mountain Express, Charles II. Murrsy. flagman of ths Bar ' If arbor Express. B. R. Robertson, Miller's fire man. U H. Fowler, condiMtog of th Bar Harbor Bsprsss. and otksr train men were the flrat witness tXamtnod. CHANGED HEARINO TO SU PERIOR COURT. After Coroner Mix had made ready to begin his hsarlng ha found accom modation In tile office so .eran-ped that hi decided to go to the Superior Court room In the county building. The wltnesaes trooped over share and hidsaplvnty of room I- tt I offlcas con nected with tha courtroom of lb crim inal aide of th Superior Court B. C. Terry, an attorney and former railroad man, who served the railroad organisations ss legislative agent at ths Capitol Uuliig two ssseions of the Gen era! Assembly, was engagad by ths Brothsrhood of Looomotlvs Engineers to look afur th Interests of Kugtneer Miliar. Mr. Terry aald ha would en deavor to hav Unglfteer Miller re presented by counsel during the Cor oner's Inquest Hs did not state what process he would resort to. Many lima In tha past lawyers wtio hav rspresented ueraoita whoae criminal acts havs been under scrutiny by ths Cor oner have tried to get into an Inquest, out nons suvcsedeJ. Coroner Mix was aaksd Just bsfors hs opened hla proue if he would permit counsel for Engineer Miller to aMend ami lie repilea. counsel will not b admitted." When newapapermen demanded lo be present at tha hearing Coroner Mix aald It could not be thought of. "No one must ess my wltncases." hs exclaimed. tiii matter does not concern th public. It concern th State of Con necticut atone." continued th Coroner. explaining why hs had arrested and kept from making a public defense. risgman Chariae Murray of th wrecked train and Engtnssr Miller of ths Whits Mountain Express thst tore through thrss slsepers of th Bar Har bor Express. "Then why did you allow ths rail road officials to question Miller?" asked an Evening World reporter. Coroner Mix waa annoyed. "1 want you to understand," hs said, "thst 1 bold no brlsf for th New Haven road. I ussd my beat Judgment In tb matter." The aurgeon nt tlrac Hospital this afternoon deWd?d that la t'olomy of Buckaport. Me , will recover. Mr. Col- easy wa going through to Brooklyn, N. Y . where he Is 'n buslnssa H trlsd tu get a berth on th first Bsr Harbor expieas st llangor Monday aftsrnoon, but wss forced to take the one wbleh later was wrscked. His family had thought h was on th first section. Mr. Minnie Tupper to-day looked for a (later, rlhe recognised the body of Mrs. Catherine Hose Aweeney. who had heen earned In Uie list a Mary Jane i'iicti i- another slater Mary Jan and Mre. Hweeney In her last moments ineiiiloiiiil the name uf that sister. Mrs ., , ... STZ-TTT gssj Jamps om Bridge to Death. A men about thirty-live years old. Ave feci seven Inches tall, of medium hulld and fair complexion, committed suicide by jumping Into the Harlem I: .it from the Madlaoa mentis bridge at noon lo-day In th pocksts of his 'jrn i.JSI, which Me discarded befor jumping, were found letters addrsssed to Mrs. I. I. Kurt snd C. V. Tfcomp- son or neialr. x J Ths body had not hern in ivired st a lat hoar alkls MEASUR TRACKS NSW HAVES CORONER WHO BARS PUBLIC AT I INQUEST IN10 WRECK. EMI EM AEROPLANE'S FALL KILLS LIEUT. LOVE, U. S. ARMYAVIATOR Aircraft Drops 3(X) Feet Like a Shot at the Aviation School Near San Diego. eY N IMKOO, t el.. Sept. t -First Lieut Mom I.. Ixive. Blgnsl Corps, (7. S. A., wa Inatsntly killed In-day when his aeroplsne plunged KM feet to the ground st the srmy aviation school nesr here. Shortly before the scrldent l.ove began to descend from an altitude of approximately 2.000 feet. When Km feat from th ground watchers saw, thsy say, a puff of amoke on tha ma chine, and It dropped like a shot falling In the centre of North Island, Ban Diego Bay. Sailors from ths United rttatea fleet' brought kove'a body to Ban I 'lego. Love was a natlvs of Virginia WABHIN'ITON, Sept. 4 -Kleven avi ators have been killed In the army aad navy service sinre experiments wsrs stsrted with heavier than air machines In W -ten In the army and one In the navy. In aviation the world over, 331 persons havs heen killed sines 1WS, 112 during the present year. ZEPPELIN BALLOON ATLANTIC OCEAN Engineers Believe Giant Ma rine Dirigible Can Make Trip Without Undue Risk. VRIEDRIICirailAPEN. O r m a n y, Sept I -A new Zeppelin marine dirigi ble, the blggeat yet constructed, was tilled to-day for lta flrat flight, which la to take pises on Sept -It waa chris tened the "Zeppelin 11." Its length la nearly & feet and Its diameter Just over M fees, while It le furnlahed with motor developing M horse-power. The company's engineers consider that th airship could cross th Atlantis Ocean without undue risk. The dlrlgtbl fills ths company's iar. gsst hall bars and an Indication Is given of Count Zeppslln's Intention to build still larger air cruleer In th fact that plana are under eonahtaratlon to erect a larger revolving balloon shed. ROCKEFELLER BACKS WHITE SLAVE "H8VIE" Scenes l.nkl in Story ville, the New Orleans Tenderloin OilumMa to See It Hirst. (Hixnltl te Th KrMuo Wnr'rtl NEW OH I, KAN'S, Lav. Sept. 4 - -A theatrical company of twonty people. backed financially by John D. Rocke feller and ths National Vice Commie slon, arrived her this morning to stags a hl moving picture piny In Storyvlll, I the Now Orleans Tenderloin. The play, which Is hv Charles II Ixit.drm, is to allow the life of the white alavs from th time of her leaving high achool I until she enters s brothel. The first exhibition of the completed Alms will take place at Columbia I'nl veralty, New Tork The first step in the girl's downfall Is her taUroduetton to th rUttu In a New Vopli department store After a whirl of New York life she 1a placed on a cnsstwlse stssmer and taken to the New Orlsans district of Htoryvllle whleh Is fifteen elty square wide an.l aa man v loasT and t called ""toryvllle" sfisr Hi Aldermen who had disreputable heuaea BUILT TO CROSS MAYOR NEAR ! th Mayor ex rented that h b drtren to th Whit Star yxsr. Tm coins; to Europe " b aaM to tt aatonlshsd po'lc officer. I Mr. Smith and Mr. Cre1man followed In another automobile. They reached I ths plsr at twenty minutes before twelve norm and the Mayor Immediately went aboard. At the gangplank he was ' saluted by a surprised policeman on I duly and wearily returned th saluta ' Uon. II wa taken directly to his I suit of rooms on the promenade deh ' and going In he shut the door. He spoke to no one, looked neither right nr left and was guarded against Intra- alon tap to th time the ship cast off and I left the pier at 11 o'clock. WW I Mayor Osynor wss In eaclu ! alon In his suit waiting for th Bait to sail. Ms son Hufus Ulked freely with a group of newspaper man stand ! Ins at th head of the oompelonway I leading from the promenade dock. ty rstnsr nas gone to ms axeswvea because he la very tired and doea not want to meet any one beyond thoss who accompanied him to the boat," he ssld. "All I can tell you la that ha la taking this trip In order to get a thorough rest prior to the work of ths campaign. II feel mighty tired." "Was tha decision to go abroad taken suddenly?" ssked The Evening World reporter. "No. My father decided several day ago that he wanted to get an ahsolut rst, and h then determined that he would go abroad. Hs thought h could get better rested by taking a sea Irlp than by doing anything alas. H did not announce th plan publicly, as ha wanted to get away very quietly end without any fuss I think he susceeded In doing this." Th utter lack of commotion or excite ment on ths Rsltlc showed that young (laynor was right. "REST" IS ALL THAT IS ON THI MAYOR'S MIND. "My father Is not going to think of politics or business of any kind while away, at least that's what hs ssys," continued the eon. "Rett and nothing but reat la what he la looking for. "My father expects to bs back In Now York sdwut tha tOth. II will try to connect with the Cedrie at Queenatown, that ship leaving there on th twelfth and h Baltic being due In Qusenstown on th 11th. This gtvss him on day snd h may bs aM to make It "If not my father and I wi prob ably return on the Lauren tic, also of this line, which will salt from Liver pool on th Uth and I du In Montreal on tha ttth. It la not my father's In tention to spend any tlm en tho other Ida All h wanta Is th rest of th sea trip." Ths Mayor and his son occupied suit S and 17 on th promenade desk, on of the boat suite m ths ship. Ths Mayor attracted scarcely any at tention either whan ho stepped out of hi sutomobll at th phtr or when h Want aboard tho ship. Not mors than twonty people wore at the shore and of the White Star pier when the big gray touring cr. in which th Mayor rod from hi Brooklyn home, drew up at 11 at on of thoae who accompanied Mayor (laynor to hi atataroom. a member of hla Immediate party of leave-takers, ssld after ha hsd blddsn ths Msyor farewell, that Mr. Oaynor seemed to be an extremely tired and rather sick msn. "But the Mayor won't admit It, be cause he's always so perky snd chip- per," hs added. Mr. Oaynor will remain at th Oay nor home In St. Janes, L. I., whll ths Mayor I on th . MAYOR WANT SO TO OODQE PUBLICITY. Secretary Adamaon received numerous of the Mayor' political friend, among hem being Michael 3. Prummond, Com- mlHlnner of Charities, who la undsn stood to havs ths Mayor's support for tmptroller ot the "spade" ticket. Mr. Adamaon explained that the Mayor haa so far refrained from Indicating what his decision will be as to the balsncs of hi ticket, a question whloh 'is lust now causing all ths political leaders to throb with curiosity. Mr. Adamson explained that the Mayor Has been eublect to exceaalve cough ing. He said that the bullet, which still lodges In ths Mtfyor'a neck, savsred several chorda In ths region near h root of his tongue and ceussd a par tial paralysis of ons side. Hecretlon had formed, and Naturae effort to dis lodge ths "fish-hook." as ths Mayor characterised hla aliment provoked the on naming. It was th coughing which caused th pallid face and fragile frams of th Mayor, as was apparent at tha ceremo nies In front of ths City Hall yester day. These attacks havs become fur ther apart. Mr. Adamaon statsd, and ths Mayor Is now eubjeot to them only onoe or twice a year. Excitement la a con tributing cause. The Mayor's appearance at hi publlo nomination on th City Hall steps was a distinct shock to all who wsrs closs to him. While ths saessslvs heat of ths day had a certain fatiguing effect et It eras apparent that Mr. Oaynor waa suffering seriously from otnsr cauac. He could aoarceiy statin on nis fest. Uefor lesvlng bis horns In Brooklyn ths Mayor dictated a lengthy statement attacking Tammany contractors for Btats highway scandals and oommnd tag Oov. Buissr for breaking th "ras cally r on tracts." whloh, the Mayor soya, I "probably their biggest spite against him. II sand hi enemlee aa "corrupt scamps" and a "corrupt press," and re asserted that he baa taken the Polls and Fir Department out Of politic Us winds up a typical Isttsr by stating that hs Is rsady to quit aad that hla re-election to the onV of Mayor con cern! taxpayers far mora than It doss him. His lsttr follow: SAYS HI'S QOINO "WHERE NO BODY CAN QIT AT MB." ' I am going to taks a soirpls of weeks' vacation. I cannot passably gt "' Prtvaey an Una so I am going to spend two weeas on in ocean, wnar ' nobody can got at ma. I MVS , nearly four ysara afaytxr aftd Bv not COLLAPSE, TAKES PASSAGE almost everybody wfll naisfls that I may havs on now. I havs been laid up a raw dan with on of th sharp attack wbhsjp occasionally com from my mishap of a far years ago, but I am now ever It sndJXa I shall avr havs another. T waat sa to aay a few words about ths appioaehlag political ooa- oa ask why II la that th so- poUttoal ldera, espselally th fsrocloas agathgt see. Marphy aa ths chaps that sa dowa with bias at Dstsaoalco's the ethes Might aad gas ilea aad abased xe aatxl thalt fess war red, war ready to eat me ap, X aa told, and yet I asvsr aid aaythlag to thsx xopt what toad ad te saaks them look rsspsctabl. "I Bwpposs th people of th city knew vsry well what th grtsvaaos Is. 1 did aot tarn th elty depart sasata ever to their spoliation. X did aot suffsr loot tho elty. iiv.ry hsad of department waa say ma aad aot their aa. Bo yon aadratBd the vast amount la contracts whloh tha Mayor's thirty-two department glv oat la a year for work aad material, and also for sapyllssf If yon do, yo nadorataad I how mash thsse hungry grafting lead- I srs wish to control th head of these dopartmsats. I THEY WANT TO GET ALL THE CONTRACTS. I "They want a Mayor who will aonolnt 1 their favorite as hesds of depsrtments And then tbev will sat the contracts foe Pbvarythlng. All ort of swindling spec ifications will bs glvsn out, and unbal anced bid will be called for, and the favored contractor will get the tip how to bid and what will be expected of him. And then when he geta the con tract he haa a commissioner to deal with what Is In his fsvor. And then I that commissioner appoints engineers tn pa upon and certify ths work and In spectora to receive the gooda. and an on. "In that way the contractor haa every- i . s . Ufa lit iiiss ISVUI, IllilUHlim (nfj TOm- .. ... ... mllonr and the engineers and lnspec- ' "m",1,"e "f ne ""ndrrd snd Hsven tors. The engineers will psas all aorta re,",p,l with a sharp attack on the of aklmped and fraudulent work. It trill I stayer, call'ng him a "partlceps irlm look all right on the outside but be hoi-' lnl"" ln turning over the city to Tam low and rotten within. And the Inspec- many by becoming a third candidate, tors will pass thlrd-nlss srtlclea for I JOph M. Met, chairman of the Kuslon flrst-clsss artldea. They will paas thlnxa 1 by ths csss which contain only nne-hslr I what a case mean In the mercantile trads. "Formsrly, when a thousand caaes of shoes were bought, for Instance, the elty' Inspector would Just shove the Cass along on after ths other and never open them But when they wer opened they would bo found to con tain only twelve in place of twenty four pairs, as the trad term case mean. I am citing that only at a sam ple of what can bs done whsn ths con tractor and tho commissioner are In oshoota "Thsss mlsrab1 peUltsal grafter that sat dowa at Dslmonteo's, aad thlx bsr aad all avss ths Stat, all ta Stat ooatraota. Th aow have rssmlt'l this Btats fag rsass. fax look at tho highway luatmbi alow. X ask aay hoasat asaa to go dowa aad look at ths highways oa IVoag Island. Aad thsy are bat a sampls of th highway from hr to aaffalo. "fltate heada of departments and dis honest engineers, found drun'. In every tavern throughout the state while the work was going on, passed all kinds of fraudulent work. I have myself seen within a ysar roada put down on Long Island at ths hlghsst prlcex whleh wers perfect wrecks at ths end of thres montha They were mere crusta Thsy wsrs dons by those favored contractors who had their favored engineers ap pointed to pass upon the work. This Is now rlfs throughout ths whols State. "Bat oov. Balsas broke all of those rascally cor tracts where the work waa to aave begun last spring. That la probably thslr biggest spits agalaat him. Th Skat road ar te a frightful condition. "Ths psople of this city will have to decide whether that condition of things hall he restored here In this city. I have absolutely fresd the departments hsro from all such graft. The enmity now being displayed by thess so-called leaders haa bssn growing during all this tlms agslnst me. "It the people of the city wsnt to restors sll this villainy let them do It At all events I am abls to go out of office with It known of sll msn that I did not turn the city over to the spoil of these scoundrels, who hav no honest means of making a living. They ltvs by swindling thslr nslghbors out of ths hard earned taxes they pay. TOOK POLIOS OUT Of TAM MANY'S HANDS. I took tho polio oat of thslr hands, ft waa customary for thsss to havs thslr favored oaptaln I even map setose sad also policemen do their bidding. Thy bad th polios captains aad pdloomsn traaafsrrsd to alt these. It was customary for a pompous district leadsr to alt la ths roar room of soms saloon, where hla hsedaaartsrs war aad glvs ordsrs to hi poUo oaptaln aad his wardmaa, aad svsa te ths inspector or hi di trie. X took that all away from thorn. And I proceeded agalnet th gam bling house thst thrived under their protection. And the reeult was that rhey mado their enmity toward me public by mean of th corrupt prsis of the city. 1 did the ssms with the Fire De partment. No politician in tnia city can get a fireman or a policeman transferred under any condition whatever. I took the two departments absolutely out of ths hands of the corrupt scamps. It brought their enmity and abuse upon NORTH BEACH SEPTEMBER 456 GRAND CARNIVAL FIREWORKS ' NOW Swats East Nth aad 134th Sta. Trwiloy frosn Eat Mtti A tU St. ms, and so powerful ar thay. with their prs agent aad thslr nsws writers, that they war able to attack m through th corrupt press of the elty and ambarraas ma la my work. ORDERED FIRST NAMES IN LIST APPOINTED. T also at th vary beginning of my administration laid down ths rule that appointments snd promotion In the Police Department and th Mre Department should be only by taking the hlgheat men on th Hat every time. The old way waa to certify at least three to th appointing officer, and then these mlnerable ecampa would get all three to pay them on the representa tion that they would he able to get the appointment. Only one would h ap pointed, but they kept hla money and restored the money to tha other two. It was a dirty game they could not Inse at. Ths rsptalna were paying as high s tli.nno fur appointment. The sum thing was going on In the Fire Depart ment. I took all thla graft away from these corrupt so-called leaders. No wonder rhey attack me. "Bo wondsr thsy ar fsrodou agalaat ms. Thsy havs had four isaa aad hungry ysar. T, th XdcOoosys aad th Foley aad tho Murphya aad Donohuee, aad a whole bunch. h'a 'our and hungry ysar. 1 oatrd lato ao aaarrala with thsm. X had ao tlms to quarrel with thorn. X simply wsat oa aad did my work from day to day, aad X kspt thslr head out of the pubuc tr saury aad Fusidn Leader Mayor and Tammany hurl- Ft Murphy, leader of Tam many Hall, kept silent to-day undsr 'i..t-.,- .1. i.i... sssswsassj 'i.t.Hioi sj tri UV I but the Fusion Executive Committee, leaned thla state- mSt Mayor riaynor'a vtatement Is a se ver arraignment of Tammany Hall and Its methods, but ft Is the same Tam many from which he took a nomination four year ngo. snd the same Tammany! from which he ws willing to take a re nomination thla year. "One of the eight men Mayor Oaynor so picturequely characterises as "mis erable political grafters sitting around a table at Delmnnlco's" waa John Oalvln, who In tho Mayor'a previous words Is one of those "sterling men" who ran on the ticket with him four years ago for a Board of Kstlmate position and whoae election he ardently advocated. Presum ably If Tammany Hall had renominated Mayor (iaynor there would have been on the ticket with him for Board of Ea tlmato positions other "sterling" msn to do the bidding of "Boss" Murphy, and win, election Mayor Oaynor would have sponsored. MAYOR'S DUTY TO DENOUNCE IT LONG AQO. "Mayor (laynor speaks of Tammany graft in the Mtate hlghwaya and men tions mads on Iong Island which are in his immediate neighborhood. Those who know ths facts aver that the highway graft aa described by Mayor (iaynor Is true, but It Is Just as much the duty of Msyor Oaynor. who knows the facts, a any other public official to have denounced them long ago as it Is to-da" after he has een denied a renomlnatlon by Tammany, which Is the beneficiary of these contract. AMERICAN DANCER'S ADVENT STARTS "PANIC" Whits WruWn DswMaitt nt Isuils Fear Her Scanty Attire Will En danger Their Prestige. CALCUTTA, British India, Sept. 4 -The white residents of India srs In a condition of seml-panlc over the Im pending professional tour of an Ameil can woman dancer who dance ln scanty attlr and it appear probabkt th po lice authorltl will prohibit hr per formance here. Tho fear gsnsrally ais urns I that tha appearancs of a whit woman oa ths stag under these conditions wfll endanger th pros tigs of whits women In ths eyes of ths native. LAMAR TELLS OF LOBBY TO AID STEEL TRUST Declares Government Will Lose $25,000,000 Claim If Levy Bill Is Passed. WANH1NOTON, Sept. 4. Exlstsnc of a lobhy to pass Representative Levy reaolutlon to atop the Govern ment' antl-truat ault against the Steel Corporation was charged before th Houss Ixbby Committee to-day by I David Lamar, who offered testimony PARADES SURPRISES NOW NOW er Trolley Bridge Fart x.FTia EOR EUROPE sut of the isatraata te whloh thsy riaihid th pabUe treasury. "it I only a few year ago that you could not get a claim or contract through th Comptroller' office for payment unless you wsnt to your dis trict leader and bagged him to Wielp you and paid him a percentage. Tour claim would be tied up there from day te day, from week to week, and from month to month. Some fellow In the corridor would accidentally ssy to you, Why don't you go to your district Isad er He would team to he so dlslntsr- etd about It that you would hardly suapect the ort of rascal he wat. "AnA Anall at oaii armalifj mn district leader In desperation and give him 1 per cent, or more, and he would now i. iiimuii in. i iiiiijiuuiirr umuw for you and a check In your handa In a mce. rnst graiung nas an seen '"'im W SX jT Willi. "Xtat X oaaaot now go lato thee things thoroughly, aot lato mor thing. X shall havs mnch to aay a boat thsss things before election day, how ever, aad If ths rsatpaysrs aad tax payer of this town waat that sort of looting government restorsd, 1st thsx Just walk right ap to tho poll aad do It. X am ready to !. "Th Murphy-Uaffney city contract were a acandal before I became Mayor. Whether I remain In the Mayor'a office for four yeara more of dreadfully hard work, and continued moral aaaaialnatlon day by day, concerns ths rentpayer and taxpayer of h city mor than It concern me." Scores 'Thieves, scoundrels, swindler " I Mayor Uaynor'a characterisation of th Tsmntany bravea. Have we heard from him such denunciation of Tammany during his four-year term of office? N'o, only since he Wag turned down by Murphy. Does the Mayor really be lieve he could be re-elected? If not nd every ound-thlnklng man know he cannot be If he run aa a third candidate he la partlceps crlmlnii In turning tha city over to the 'spolia tion" of the organisation which he now vehemently denounce. "I 'Boas' Mupphy at the handle of ,n hovel?" Boss" Murphy eat at hi desk ln Tammany Hall for two hours to-day talking with organisation leader. H heard with surprise of the Mayor's de parture, for no Inkling of It had reached the hall In advance, and then he read with unmoved expression the vigorous denunciation of himself and hie asso ciate. To Th Evening World reporter. Mr. Murphy smiled good naturedly when the subject of ths Oaynor blast was mentioned. MURPHY SAYS: "HE HAS NOTH INO TO SAY." I "Juet say for me," he remarked, "that I have nothing to ay, no comment, no answer. It is too early and too hot to get Into a political campaign at this tlms of year. Walt a while." The order hav go no forth that Tammany must not he led Into a sum mer campaign. Ths "Boss" has put ths soft pedal on everything. All ths leadera are to keep on working hard at organisa tion, hut not lo open up the campaign. The candidal ar to maintain silence and not to he led into controversies or discussions. Ths Reasoned politician see danger In beginning too early. Let the other fellow shoot away all their ammunition and aav your own is tha order to the Tammany fores. on his charge, and declared th Gov ernment would lose a claim against tine corporation If th suit waa dropped. The Committee took up the subject In .v.eiiflvM ....Inn T..m.e n.n I Vainly been trying to get a hearing before the Senate Committee. at all Van Best Coffee in America The Duchess. Our 31c grade Thla Is your opportunity to try this fintuit-of-Bll at a monty savinf pries. Limit 2 lbs. to a customer. VAN (2-6-2) West Between 7th 262 100 Branch gtores and gslltag Assnclss In New Tork sad Brooklyn; 10 mere In prlaoipai eltlss. Look for the nsm VAN DTK la I root of stors sad avoid ssts- taa. Jul vsa vrs uwui Are uuirisiwa. Goods Carefully Packed to ail Special for Thurtday OLATX CREAM KD PFAN t'TS OH' Prims, fresh. Huanlsh Peanul. ted I th Qsssa' last, then Kith Hussr rlrhlr fasvored 10c Ohsrslate, Sutftion tor Thursday Ilea. With hitter weet . rhoeolate aa. naroree: ereeen. rot !n Dim www e'slera. All M BARCLAY ST REST C sssflMT WMt OPBsSnWfjT tt CORTLANDT ST. mSbemn, . vi fvCtqn st. HORSE JUMPS INTO CAR, WOMAN CUT BY SHAFT, OTHERS ARE HUB Driver Loses Control of Ani mal, Which Creates Panic Among Passengers. I One woman pasnenger and several i were hurt to-day on board a Coin I mmm optn r"r wnen "" 1 ,0 "n Pr" waxon tried to Jump toriiuan ine car R it aioppeo a I UU lundr(s1 and Twelfth atreet In Cohan- bnt .venue. Mr Mary Mulvlhlll. forty nlne.of No. Ul West End avenue wa on the end seat The csr was full and the womsn as she saw the horse plaag Ing In her direction msde a vsln effort to get nut of th way. The animal dashed forward and landed lta hoof on the floor. The shafts were carried for ward and one entered the right lag of Mrs. Mulvlhlll. Men In the same seat pulled th woman awsy. a she had fainted and waa In danger of falling beneath l horse's hoofs. Ant .st Rrlnkman, who said he was a clerk, of No Jon Wast Owe Hundred and Thirteenth street, was thrown not of the car. Man and woman Joined In shouting for help. Th horss kept snorting and stamping on th floor, and It was only with difficulty that men from the sidewalk got the animal out the trap he hsd run Into. Th horat wss wedged fast between th seats The rls belongs to the Wells Fargo Ha. press Company and was driven by Ed win OafTney, twenty-one years Old. of No. 410 East One Hundred and Twenty fifth Street. Oaffney was driving Ut horss tip the svenue behind another car and made a quick turn out to lose co ltrol of the animal. When the animal nosed aboard Dstv nls Sweeney, the motorman, ruahad back with his switch and tackled th n.Tse, whll rollceman Ryrne admon ished the passengers to keen aulet. Oaffney, the driver, wss thrown from his seat on the wagon. None of th Injured accepted the aervlcs of an am bulance surgeon. A broken trace waa patched up and Oaffney drove hla atom: away while the car, under rhe guld snce'of Dennis Sweeney, continued its rattle up the avenue. France Recel.e. Mexican Minister. PARTS, Sept. 4. -Francis.-., de la Bam, the new Mexican .Minister to France, was received cordially to-day hy Stephen Plchon. the French Foreign Minister at the Foreign Office. The French atate. man Informed Senor 0 la Harra that President Raymond' Poincare w iu!d a rept hi credential as soon as he n turned to Paris from hi holiday In the country. 17 . . - Iff rALLlNu IxklKl Dandruff? Z i TOP XT I iMtXtoatta sir Tonlo kills dandruff -erm. R0SITA stimulates & nourlshi scalp at nothing s 1 s HAIR TONIC wall do. . All er Toilette " DruggUi DON'T BUY FURNITURE ton you ss ss. 1 esn set B pries tot jnm st sy or tss sss rtea fat . st asy estis fsmorus. call or sans tm tokr. Ut t. rsth ., Nra lark, HELP WANTED MAUL MKN WANTED who hSl cues or Lull ngnta; AiWwe II. BZ 44 WANTED Aasstast oslnear N. York lie. Uodcaaa South KUlrosd at.., sear M se tss Harkax Dtriaoa. R jg T. OSO aiBSSBSSBJ SXSB rourt ,, aspsCaT- urt l3SBVr. A BIG SALE REPEATED This Friday and Saturday Dyk Tea and Coffee Stores 27E. DYK 125th Street, & 8th Ave. 262 and Shipped by Parcel Post or t-arts oi the world SgMMf for Friday HAHVEHT IIIIMIC I 4 SUV hslf uf this hni Is made up of parkllag Du,-. highly flsrsisa nllh t renie de elenthe. balsne sf the bus U filled Willi su- 1 g. perler Chocoltite In men. fl gkT flsrers. POt V BOX SB Vw Sptcini tor tridav CHOll.ATE COTBBBB ASST. 1BU IJKM Einbrai'ins about rverrthlssj la th. frull Tel"j line, first oT.rVl with spsrkllsg wkllr (on. " fs?rtli)iir'si Niisrur aiuncHi in rniM'ui gal in v ii snv s w JS -P i.iiiwiBijB saau n wirn ftrri r T Miurair f vronucB until I I Cl'clfM'k 20 BROADWAY torner f ulton Street 147 NASSAU ST REST ostween baekman fe 144 W. 124th 'SS7isT ijj ! align - sw 11 ' T -w.