Newspaper Page Text
J ; ess 1 "Circul&tion Books Open to All." JuXXJ f" Circulation Book Open to AlL EX"TPX. 1 price one cent. t"T,v: .VJi"-,. x:;hr;;,;";,.,,,,,,,ln" new york, Friday, September 5, 1913. is pages price one cent. GHOULS MUTILATED BODIES OF TRAIN WRECK VICTIMS TO STEAL THEIR JEWELRY Engineer Miller and Others Testify Before Coroner Mix of Horrors That Fol lowed Latest New Haven Rp'lroad Disaster. NEW HAVEN. pept 6 -That frofcherlrs from d"d hodlcs at the .Tuesday morning Is tli opinion of to Chief of PoiU-r. Smith to-dny and requested bin to apprehend the culpriti. It is understood that CorOASf Mix. during his lniiest. hoard witnesses tell of men cutting lingers off dead passengers lo get rings and of persons Marching clothing of injured pai-snigers to Moure money or valuables. As soon as th'ii testimony wag e'.venv the Coconer eent tor ""hief smith and gave him Kinit of tin- ststemsnts ..ought OUt, with descrtsO'.Mi of the l- ! thieve. Four detectives weie a- signed to thf case Ratineer Miller ot th White noun- tain train tSSUSSd that he heard a woman groaning, and. looktm around, he ssw a man deliberate!) ut off her Pnger, on which nir eeveral ring, a .4 run IWSjr, Ms also saw a man strip a dead woman's hand afterword he MW a man lean o er n Injured woman ml snatch away locket. Othei ra. 1 men give'.,oi ,y'' e teatlmony, and one of them told ol a man who, with a plllow-eaee, went a ioui picking up lewelrj, purees and other ertlclgs f ,jne ORDERS DISOBEYED BROIGHT SO PENALTY IPOS THE OFFENDERS llpteUI trow Meff Costespandest.) Dlf HAVfv. Conn. i Sept. S. Ths oatlmony of SmplOJfeee of the New 5r. New Haven and Hartford Rail road taken tn-day before Interetata .. .. i . ilnnr I '.. C. UoThOnl . iriu . it i At , not:u- hearing on the Walling- 'ford disaster dlgeioaed .many lis methods of managament. Oonductor jAdams tald hp had new known an employe to h,- disciplined foi violation gf the Company's rules Kttgman Slur ray testified Rial h had never turn in structed in the duties of flagman. Mrs 'man Bnrnfathar, employed for seven j-eara, declared he had never been ex amined "ii th- booh of mica. ChaimiH i of lh Rn fin ' Committee, Sgho led In the protest ;at year xu.ilin' the antiquated ' bapjo" syeti n, w is called t,, preaent all tit- letter. , -ehenced between the road and the Union on thla question. The eorr. gpond ence showed 'hit the engineers had pro teitad a number "f time it wag read Into th record. The sleeping car KSSOte, demolished a the wreck, was twen.v v.ara old. c Sordine to the testimony of (1 V. Whiidie mechanical auperlntendenl ' (SS Wew Haven road Commissioner MoChord ordered ien gjraj Manager eVwdO to produes tna minutes of all meetings of the New Haven dlre. torn since tlie Brl Iffeport wrack of July 12. lH, that would show what action ha.i been tak.n "toward the betterment of safety conditions." MILLER ADMITS HE WAS SUS PENDED TWICE. H Engineer . i- U atiller Of the Dai Hsrbor tram '.van I hi the after noon session, 'lis fac sal as h fitgcribed the wreck. "There a'eri mi twelve 'csutlun' ilgnsls," he aid, "on (Continue,! mi aseond Psgs) MOORE WILL REMAIN IN STATE DEPARTMENT Counselor DecUrei Unfounded Re port Hut He Intends t" Re sign Otfice MASTfil.' K I Ni ! N J., S. ;il ... John Hasaett Moore, Counselloi to th- state pesertrac -.. hi . ..... I . iaj as wholly unfounde I I. r. , Is 'I' t he a lak- :ng an Indeilnltu leave "i abaence and wo.i.d rign "So far .. h ... . ..; , 1 have said or doae is concerned,' Mr. Moore said, the reports sp aboui geaterdsy aa to eay taking indefinite leave or resign ing are sholly unfounded, I leased a house in Washington only last weuk" .Sunday World "Wants" ,Vork Monday, Wondets. there rp wholesale and disgraceful railroad wreck at Nortli Haven on Coroner Mix, who reported t io facts N.Y.N. H. DIRECTORS RESOLVE TO USE STEELCARS ONLY -i Meeting To-Day They T.ike Warning From Rcveni Disasters. th. exei-otte eonttnlttee of he Sew Tork, N"w ttavn and Msrtford RsM I road this afterr i tn a - eptei the realg. nation "f w IVigisloa and peeom eei le. a Mr IV I ,n slow s . 'i ecessnr Wil:. iam hfurra) Crane "f Boston. Action i ,in both dlreetnra will k- taken up t tiie rneetlngj nf tne tommlttee next Kri- da nllht. The Committee readopted its sejsolu. I Hons o' i ict. it. iltti rsgtardlns In at met lone t" the president or the nw 1 fork and New Haven Ita'.lrnn.! to make .a moat assrchlns Invsstlsstlsn Into the omnpeteney of the railroad's engrlnssra in. i ii.o dlraetlni 'hat no limitations be placed on t e Installation of new aafet) devices and signals and all steel rgrs t" insure the u-reatest gsfel ',, the passenpsr irsvsL I'or the Istter purpose the pommlttee voteal todsy an gpproprlation of Mdftsoo, v letter was al,s read from .1 I' Morgan Coniptn) advlaltig the ,n- pany that the 1, ankers washed t t r- m nate the flacal acresmsnl eslatlna ho tween the Morgan flnn and the railroad within the ninety days provided in Hie agreement. THREE MEN BURNED IN BROADWAY BLOWUP Gai Under Shoe store Explodes and latches Investigators in Trap, Manager Otty tVllllamaon of t'.e ley shoe atore ai No. 1 1 7 7 Broadway antelled s'tmke Ht L o' lo. k this after. .. in. w.tii vVealey Hrown, a negro por i I, r. and Boyer Light, a salesman, h" Invaded the cellar and traced the smelts to the rear nf the hi. tiding. The three were lighting their way to the centre of the trouble when there waa a aud den and terrific explosion that hurled i them from their feet Several other ; employees ran to the cellar anrl carrle,! ' them out. he lonousalon caused considerable ex oiteroent in the nslghboi tiood of Broad 'way and Twenty-eighth Street, which j w is erowded at the tints an ambualnee I surgeon took care ut the threi Injur d ' men, Williamson sustained severe hums of the fa e and luely. Brown was burned aboul the ahouldera anil Uighl was cut In the face, Tie . ;, .slon 1 wits CU is- d by "as. I "TllK MBP OF THtl wont. ii." Ctiuan l,il-, famous as the errator nf Sherlock II,, line., tui lu.t written a must H.nuoi stsegi which ,1. aU with the dr- trueuSg c,f a universe. This new tnr, enlltled "The I'ulsoll Hell," from the pen nf this famed ailliur, will hegin in the licit Sunday World Illustrated Vlasai-lltr and nttiry Seelloti, wild he cumpleteil .n i five teurfthv. Illustmled Instiiluieiits. Order I from oewedeeJer la adteure. Tbe Sunday World Is eet rotruaeale. assjgg eexh gjsjg Jerome Waiting for Race to the U. S. Frontier In Auto Used for the Penny-Ante Poker Game '! - st't .l P L r. ' H ! I I V TBPr"'" . S!ltfc. - !fiPBL F "ril ! tL 1 I IV v .djB Bfa jfcpMMflj JsB Vk d aL ssl r ! 1 r"t sa m ' e s sr e4as Nf Pli I bl Baf Hb,h Lh BaakrvJnvV u ! BkHH gjl CjBspIH Ow a?sj al - C B sB BT ' BSBSM AsIbbBF asaBsslBi Rr . Jti lH Hfll " ' J AT NEW VOHK- sga jatonMt: WAITING IN H-15 AOTOMOBKf iC(jr;ivv's Men Regain Ratting lives .it Expense f Nap, Rucker. filANTS K. H, P A. F. SnodffraM. cf . . , i I .1 1 0 Doyle, Jh . . I . 2 .1 0 Fletcher, ss 0 11 4 I Burns. If 0 0 0 I 0 Herzog, Jh I : I I 0 Murray, rf : I i 0 0 Meyers, c 0 2 ft 0 0 Merkle, lb 0 I 8 0 0 Denial ec, p 0 0 u I (J Totals 5 9 24 I' I BROOKLYN. R. H. PO. A. E. Moran, rf 0 2 I 0 0 Cutshaw, 2b . . 0 II 0 I 0 Stengel, cf II 0 2 0 0 Collins, If.,,. . ... (I II I 0 (I Daubsrt, lb . u i n o Smith, .lb II (I I .1 0 Fisher, as (112:0 Fischer, c 0 1 s 2 0 Rucker, p 0 (I (I I 0 Totals 0 .1 21 ft o .lame ealled on account of 6srkneeg .-I'M ma it y rirst Mas- on ittil a .ft Demi re, 1. Ftucker, X Htm ok Out Hv liemayree, 5; Ru. ker. 4. Two-Base Hits Doyls, Snod grass, Merz g. .Stolen liases rfeTgOg lsiyle Double IMays Doyle. l-"letcher to Merkle. i irnplres Brennan aeid Bason, Attendance 1,000. g e il I,. TV Rsssiag World') IMl.n URUUND8. NKW VOHK, lepl Less than 1,000 uye I In -the won! fans saw ii.. game between t'.e Hrooklyg an, the Cltatltg to-day. the threatetllni weather keeping the crowd sway. Da, maree and It... her sere the opposing pit 1.--I B. kiiist INNINU Snodgrgss tan wa) in behind Klstoher and it"' M oan s pop My .'.its. .aw was called out on alt ikes poyle tossed -ut Vlsngel No Huns Norn- Left, Snudgras was out on a slow roller WsOOilatuM on Twelfti lags., AIIIITA AIIIIT AIIT U I rn 11 MUIIW MAM Mill I BROOKLYN. CALL GAME IN EIGHTH tCspyrlghl hy Amerl'an Pf M Association! 2 BROOKLYN o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries liernaree and Meyers; ftucker and Plscber. HIGHLANDERS LOSE FIRST Al WASIIINCTON 000 0 000 0 s. WASHINGTON 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Batteries Behulta and Qossetti Boehllng. lohnson, Henrj an,i Unsmlih HIGHLANDERS SECOND GAME. 0 0 0 0 0 0 WASHINGTON 0 0 0 00 - Ford and Bwsenoyj Johiiaon iit.d Mnamlth. BASEBALL GAMES - NATIONAL LEAGUE. AT BOSTON. SMUeT OB. PHILADELPHIA 000100000 BOSTON 00000000 0 1 0 flatteries .Heat, m and Killlf. Qulnu and Whaling. ascuNb UAMt. PHILADELPHIA 0 0 0 0 0 BOSTON 0 0 0 0 0 Reytterias Aleaandor "d Dovlui Ru dolp.i and Rarldi n AT PITTSBURGH. nun utaa ST LOUIS 30000000 0- 3 PITTSBURGH 00030 1 40 0- 8 -SSS00 and """"'l WOND AMK. ST. LOUIS 1 1 0 0 0 1 PITTSBUHGH 0 0 5 2 0 4 Batteries. Perritl and Roberta! O'Toole and Kelly. AT CHICAOO. . IN. .INNA ri 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 CHICAOO 00 3 00000 Dattarlei - Packard ami 'hea-y and 11. est. .that. 'lark oil ot TUM .IM rS','1.n fiJ" J uT ruLTuaM 1 Office flub. U Uterjsted, -ll or send oanl awl 0 0 GAME 2 3 American league. AT PHILADELPHIA. Hi CTI IN 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 - 6 PHILADELPHIA-- 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 -3 Matterles 'olina and Carrlgini l'laok gild H t.ani; AT CLEVELAND. DETROIT-- 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 CLEVELAND 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 Batteries Wllletl and M Kt a.l.l O'Neill. James AT 8T. LOUIS CHICAGO 0 1 0 0 0 0 sr Loi'is 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries f'lcotte and Hehalki Taylerl atci MoAll star . I (Details of Highlander - Senators .m.. on rag. ia CHILD OF FIFTEEN KILLED BY AN AUTO. A e'.rl gbOUl fifteen '.'eara of age ws stn.-k t" an automobile ut Qreenwleh end Chartee street a- i o'eloeh this I afternonn She was liken to Hi. Vin- I cents Haeplts where '.e died at 0,11 't'l.g a .' i le owned by M It '"latiin. the Wholesgie rvd "Is man, "t w as or '. n ..v Charles Debirn. of No, naj Weat .me Hundred sttd Blghthflrai street The girl VlOtlm had dark ha.d tied with a pink ribbon, tae wore a law:. Less, bruwn ja.'ket and hlaek shoes trr11.14l.1u fur t'nrlre 1'tiur. r'lfKMCM), Sent. ' --Harry Dr ,... retsry of ihe Chlsgflo Americans, pit for New York i.. ooneuli with John J MoOrgW, mui.ager of the New yori "SMMals, and do., arr.n,,. n.enta for Uie coming worms tour of AKinCDCnM MflMO CHANCE IN FINAL Chu-k Evans Put Out ftcr Remarkable (Vmuc by Rival. GOLF SUMMARY. (Afternoon, Round. Jerome Travsrs was still 6 np on MertesbosT, ao gala over bis .naming round. Travors finally won the efteraooe round by s and 4. Anderson beat Evans by a up and 1 to go, thus winning chance agalnet Travera la to-morrow'e final. EVANS-ANDERSON FINAL CARD. Anderson: Cut .... In BSMgl n.i In 0rr-it t . Tlie Kf. ,.i- W .r' I I QARDISM t'tT 0'LK I.IVKH, Rapi -Isreune o Trevsrs, I'npsi Montela . three Usise 'hantnlon, w.t defend lea National Ul s lomnrmn the Nine 1 1 t iwiateur I'hatnplonatilii ,,f the r..i,ri stat.s ggnlnst John il Andereoti of Maaaaeliuaetta who eliminated i?hlek Rvgna lo-dae In th.- moei senaatlonal njISteh of the tour. .anient Anderson made ons -,f tt.e ereejisel Stands ever aeSn on an i.., r an oOtifSe when after being I WO down this morn ng h turned at, out ami reverses' hie cure in the last sound, plsrlng the tinnKeat k,nd of golf under gelvorei nonditioag. Tracers, a eetergli of nai. . meets Is called on to battle a playsf who knows i,, hendli tps Andereon ehowed his nerve or. the SSVsnlSSntll hole whe. he had a It-fool uo In make I', logs msgnl an even nr.. guller of ,00fl Urea o. less f ,, .. . egnwdsd a run ..,1 ihe green while Die Mas State eham plon meaauretl his distance after a couple uf strokes Vndersun knocked the hull I hi , ..' i ...lo t lie hole The t t V V si Ft d the g gll in. v to. se unds when I-., ins urn; . ongra luleaed his Aide. eon. ln I it only recovered -I a I oss rhe p a vl 'tnrloua Irval, . i our i.e.;. reeeived 1 a mdred a no foughi ugh the crowd lo sin..- the pg idltS iheir war o In.. I, tn Is I, hU er w ho hi ..hi .-ii pgg to one ol the m ist ratngrkah Sdgtlonal iiieets eve. i.ehi here The Travera-Herrsshoa rnat.-h , (Ceauaiiss, a Twelfth i ge. AGAINST TRAVERS THAW DEFIES EFFORTS TO DEPORT DECISION OF BOARD Writ Ordering Fugitive's Instant Production at Montreal Notifies That Proceedings Before Depor tation Board Are Not Final. PENNY-ANTE IS CHARGE AGAINST PROSECUTOR Special Deputy Attorney-General of New York State in Cell Occupied by Matteawan Fugitive. ro rir ODk, OuetxY. Canada, SfpL S. Just a he was about to hr dtported over the bor.ter Into rrmriiit jt J.JO o'clock this .ifternoon into the waltini hands "i William Travan ifrome, Harrv K. Thaw was -.ivcil by a arrll of haho.i cnrpi jrrantc.i by Justice Gervais of the Court ..I K'injr Bench .d Montreal. Telefraphk notification ,1 writ nf h, cnrrnis and a restrain itiR .irdcr had been issued was received by the Immigration Board here a tew minute ;iftei the Isi.irl had handed down ,i decision ordering Thaw's Importation into Vermont on two groiindN he had entered the I lominion by stealth and thai he had been an Inmate oi an insane asyturn t i'lim five ) eai - The telegram from Montreal stated thai Thaw should be produced in Montreal forthwith and thai Lawyers Greenshieids and Laflamme of l inn s rounsel were on the way to Coaticook aboard i special train with the writ ,tii,l the restraining rAsr. Ol course this action In Montreal by a hijjh court practically nullified everything had K'en done in (xaticook. The immigration authorities made preparations to comply with the writ with. ml delay. They s.iid they would await the arrival of Messrs. Greenshieids and Laflamme with the paper-, and then start tor Montreal rn, the tirst train, Pending the decision ( the Immigration Hoard Mr. Jerome had left town in his automobile, although he under ssui bail on a charge of gambling, preferred against him ihi morning, Jerome had been kept in ignorance of the fact thai i" "t rhaw's lawyers had gone to Montreal a habeas corpus wril and lie supposed that Thaw would be deported ,n Jo o'clock, according lo programme, While lie w is waiting t"r Thaw across the Vermont border the tele gram name from Montreal upsetting all his plans. He had practically jumped his bail, because it rhaw had been deported Jerome would not have returned to Coaticook, Mr. Jerome's arrest was, he says, a move on the part of Thaw's lawyers to conne him in jail it Coaticook in .jrder to prevent him from following Thaw in the event ot Thaw's deportation. Ihe action of Judge ( iervaK apparently supersedes every other procedure in the case and ties the hands ut the Immigration authorities, who had been expected io deport Thaw from this place this afternoon, Mr. Jen nne spenl an hour and ' hall in a cell in the Coaticook lockup formerly occupied h Harry Thaw. Me was then released on bail . i ssim in appear foi trial before Justice "t the Peace to-morrow morn in". The Public Prosecutor has ordered Ihe arrest of Jerome if he tries i, i jump his baj, i anadian lawyers ire trying lo vu.ish the complaint lerome played "penny-ante'1 pokei with reporters in a public place in i loaticook, I he latesi move .a lite I haw lawyers literati) flabbergasted the legal contingent from New i Fney had not supposed there was any way for Thaw lo dodge (lie deportation edict. Mow ihey will have to go to Montreal and begin Ihe lighl -oil over again, Jerome Is Under Bail; Arrested as Gambler (By Long Dletance Telephone from a BtaS Oorrespoadeat. ( .( ) I ii .( x its, Quebec, I lanada, Sept, S Aftei spending an tent and a halt in a cell in the town lockup here to-day on a charge of pubHc gambling on railroad property, William Craven Jerome, former District r ni'.e , i New Wrk i ounty, ind Special Pepirty Attorney-General of New or. Mil., was released mi ball Vs soon as he was free, he set houl arranging io cleai I'm ii ol the charge, so that he may be tbie , i look after Harr) In. I uw in case thai lu.eitive should be deported IWI ifternoon hy the Immigration authorities. Ihe accusation agiinsi Jerome is that he played poker in an aulf moblle "ii the public pLua in limit ol the Grand Trunk station yesteurJay renin. mi, his companions in crime being several New York reporters. I :y maximum penal . imprisonment tor one year. Although the pre vailing public sentiment here i tor Harry Thaw, several leading citizens ot Coaticook called on vir. lerome alter his release from jail arid est- preyed jJieir sincere regret toiiievoaurrerace, .which incy-dauibaLm 4 Hi AFTER .-;3 V