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FIGHT IN HOUSE OVER PANAMA REPEAL GROWS MORE H Glynn Gives the Choicest Jobs to Murphy Men A4 COMPLETE NOVEL EACH WEEK EVENING WORLD eee were arekasde t-i 1TI NAT 1 MIGHT" If PBIOX ONE CENT. RICHEST PLUMS Schulz, Representative of " The Chief" in the Bronx, l ands a $15,000 Post. FINE JOB FOR M'CABE. Eugene Limb Richards Be comes State Bank Superin tendent at a Year. By Samuel M. William t. Staff Correspondent of The Evening World. AT.raw. March Tammany ! Mall has no IVMOtl to nom plain of Gov. Glynn 'a aelectiona for tho Impor tant offices to bo (tiled aa the Legis lature wan winding up tho regular e-aalon of 1014 early this mornlnf. An out-and-out Tammany Governor rould art Up' bean moi kind to the Murphy ortmnlxatrnn. Th. mnil Important appointment HMf liv tfM Governor OU that leorre M. 8. Kchulx or ttM Bronx to bo rnbiir srrico commissioner for tho rltet niatrlr'. Mr. Schulx la l flrat-last -and-all-the-tlme Tammany I nan and haa boon elected to ever v office he aver held on the Tammany I ticket. When the Tammany foroea split In the Bronx and Fnrr-. llcOulra led revolt Mr. Schulx stood by Four teenth afreet. !.'e ran for Surrogate nn the Tammanv tl ::et last tall and1 waa elected. ' go. Intment laavea icy In the office of surrogate .. . .. of the ftvonx. rn:rn Tammany win Off 'o ML MURPHY DID NOT CHULZ, BUT a a r- u t "" Oor. Qlyun'e frlenda aay that Mr. aVbula waa not Charlea V. Murphy'a , coawa, mat aiurpny waa rooting for Thomaa J Qulnn of the Bron. Do , that aa It may. Oov. Olynn couldn't ( haro picked a more representative Tammany officeholder tlian Mr. rtrnulz ir Uiirpny had lad him up by the hand. Oov. atynn'a frianda aay that tho Oorernor picked Mr. Schuli becuuae of personal frtendahtp. Soma aald that the Oorernor and Mr. ohula ware elaaamatee at Pordhara TTnl veralty. Thli la a mistake. Mr. Srhulz rever attended Fnrdham. But ha haa long boon a close personal friaod of the Governor, who admlraa hla personality and ability. Incl- dentally, Mr. Schula la one of tho moat nopitlar men In (he Bronx and can bo depended upon tn get out a lei e rote on Election Day for any candidate he la Interoatad In. Mr. Schuli ran away ahead nf his tlekac laat fall. If ha waa not the of Charloa F. Murphy he was undoubtedly tha choice of Arthur Murphy, who Is Charloa F.'a lieu tenant In the Bronx. While not an nnt-i. id-out Tarn xaany n in, William Tempi "mmett, placed by tha Governor on the up state Publto Service Commission, la friendly to the machine. He had tha Tammany Indorsement when he waa made Insurance t'ommlttaloner by Gov. Dlx. Patrick K McCabo nf Albany, ap pointed Conservation Commissioner, haa long been Charloa F Murphy's lieutenant In Albany County Ha couldn't be closer to Tammany Hall tf he were a district letder In New York City But he Is also a lifelong friend and staunch admirer of (Jov. Oljrnn and the latter owes much of his political advancement tn the satutoti eee of "Parky" McCabe Eugene Umh Richards of Stater Maiid selected Superintendent of anka, la a Charloa F. Murphy man. He waa very doee te William Sulxer during the early daya of that atates- HANDED OVER BY GOV. GLYNN 0 TAMMANY'S HENCHMEN t'epyrlgbt, 1014. br Co. Th. N.w IN STATE Firemen Find Charred Body in Ruins With Long Knife Still in Head. A bwiy supposed tn he that of I'",r,rk Rheata of No sm Woat Fifty- flrat afreet was found mutilated to- day In the fire-gutted boat house at One Hundred and Slxty-flret atreat and the North "Ivor. The boathouae wae fired by the murderer In an attempt to hide hla mi, hut before the body of the ! victim waa deotroyad the flames were ! put out. The man had been killed wrth a hatchet or cleaver The top f or nis neatr was mm open. iNot con tent with this, the slayer plunge. I a butcher's knife Into the n-an'a brain. It waa near midnight when Patrol man Boylan of the Wait One Hun- dr1 nd ,,rMt atatlon aaw flaraea juat below too New York .'antral track skirting the river. He I turned In a Are alarm and huatled toward, the Are. Aa he approached : the burning boathouae be ran Into Rdward McDonald, a watchman. twenty-eight yeara old. who later waa T . , . On his shirt and com aleevea there ., , .. wfis oioouniain ne s.u.l iney wore v... u- J TOLD POLICEMAN THERE WAS NO ONE IN HOUSE. Ia there any one tn the boatbouae?' k Boylmn .No r.piU(1 McDonald Th, poiijoman fought tb4l fll, until , .nival of the engines The flare Cf the carbide light, of the fireman tn tne burned out place, after the "wetting down," showed a hu: body on the floer. The clotbea had been burned off and tbe flrat exam tnatlon proved that tha man had been murdered. The woodon handle of the knife, etlrklng out of tha smashed ahull, was charred. McDonald waa found later and tak - 1 SLAIN MAN FOUND IN BURNED HOUSE; WATCHMAN HELD eo to tho West One Hundred and ' nopea mat wneo mi pre m ssasensny Pifty-aacond street station, where the In regard to the army has been set deteetlvea plied blm with Queatlona. j tied, both Parliament and the country . Ilu waa auuen at flrat and whan be ' did anawer gave confllctln atorloj. ilo told the deteatlvea that . man lie knew only ae "Red" ha gone to ihe I boatbouae with him to aleep. Hi !aald bo had awakened "Red ' whan he smelted the amoke, and that the man I had growled at blm und h id aal 1. "Let 'er burn!" SAY8 DEAD MAN HAD LOST MONEY AT CARDS. Asalatant Inatriot-Attnrnoy Skin net took charge of the uatW, This morning McDonald said thit before going to the boatbouae he hnd playe.i poker at the Audubon Inn with throe otuer men. one of whom was "Red. " "Red'' Inst what money he bad an I asked to be given shelter fur thu night In ii p house. When daylight name and a better examination or inr uurnra nowinouae ... , I. ,...!.. t lie luillne fiiinirl r ... . ,,. ,.,n,i Th. i. l 11 1 B.u- mmm - . - - - . ... , ... - lleve the man v ua killeal In an en- counter with fie slnyer. Remote from 1 the e.reeuH anil without dance: nf dla- ! mining others, the two struggled In the little loa' shelter on tne edge of I the river Hut for the watchfulness , of Rovliin the place would have been burneil to IPS water's edun and the R hAr red body of lha murdered man swept out Into the tide. Dennis Shesls, an und .rtaker, of o 7 MoCoomba llaie, the Mronx, 4onttS04 a burned '"at found neai the body ox OM he gun his hroUiei, PttrlOk, last November The body was sent Id tne ainrcue, liemnng t'oroner's Inquest. McDonald's bloody , inquest, mc Donad's bloody, I coat were given to a cheiu- Tf- 1sla I mtamt ahlrt and com lat, who wi "Circulation Books Open to All.' The rna ufclKkla lark World). NEW 1 Karl Roberts Carried 1'heirl Resignations in Pocket to the Ministry. SEELY WILL GET OUT. Premier So Far Unable to In duce Head of Army to Remain. INDON. March 2i How much graver than had boon publicly real ised la the British army complication arising out of opposition of tho , I'nJonlata In I'lster to tho Home Rule j ttill. was disclosed to-day by Sir Kd ward Richard RlUMOll. a staunch" supporter of the (government. In article In tho Liverpool Dally root or wmcn bo is eaitor. sir t-a- ward atateil : "It la a peaitiva faet that whan ha visited the War Office thla weak Field Marehel Lord Roberta had in hla pocket a liat of nearly 900 offioero of the army who were ready te aand in their papora." Tbe all nation la tenae. for up to a late hour to-day no way bad been found by the Uovernment to break the dca.llock reuse, I by the proffered realgiuttlona or Klld Marshal Sir John French and Adit -Gen. Hlr John Kwart from tbalr positions at the head of the Brittab army. The Gov ernment, however, waa atlll bopaful that lta dlfllcultlae would be overcome before tbe Houaa of Commons meets on Monday. Should the Chief of the General Staff and the Adjutant-General per sist In their nttlti le It In generally believed that Col. John Sealy, Secre tary of State for War, whuee realg natlon was rofuaed the other day, will i leave the Cabinet. lu case tbe Government should he able to devlae a mean satisfactory to tbe Field Marshal and to the Adjutant-General by which the memoran 1 dum handed to Brig. -(Jen Gnugb and giving aasurances to the officers that I they would not bo employed to fight tho Unlonlata In Clster can be re called, thus enabling them to retain ' tbelr poets, the transfer of Col. Seely to some other fleld of activity prob ; ably will satisfy tho Liberal and La I bor malcontents , Tha member of the Cabinet aepn ' rated to-day for the week-end and most of them have gone on visits to i various parts of tha country. It la will return to the main Issue, namely, the position of Ulster, with perhaps a greater disposition to And a method of settlement by consent. NEW YORK WOMAN A SUICIDE AT SEA Mrs. O. Tnrkinsnn I cap1- F-nm ilif om Dominion Liner Madison. Mrs O Tnrkinsnn, whose iKldre-. was guppooad to ba Wo. Ml Tanth street, N'mv Vork t'lty, lumped oei-. board at saa to-day from the t'ldi Dominion llnei Mini. - i.l. in cordlnK to .a dlanatcti rr elved In I bis city 1 The Mmllson left New York eMr- ' day. There Is no West Tenth at reel at Ko R3 i'.'jt Toittli atreat no such person Is known. Oldest Odd Fellow Head. RK1 HANK. i J, March SS -.John a llalntnn, Hie oldest Odd Fellow In tgaetem Notj Jersey, died si ins hama i last nlghti He ..... sovonty-eavan lie wan h member of N'svesitia I. nose of Odd Fellows and waa !U BMretai'J for over forty yesrs He was a mi inner of Arrow smith Poll, Q A V, KtAUY I U UUI I UN ULSTER QUESTION r. ,u -m-y, , rlwhni all nnasr :, ;,,, .. BXaT2jlltaBvZ' . .11 1 ha Tin us. aaUf i."ikati.a'i;.t .H.,s ' PwXo31W--isCl7' YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, ParMenne Who Thinks New York aa FS) V fdi e nrl liAl sv f J7VSxJa rr inicfl M. It'll f ' 1 It ZEARE 600TIFUL! Mme. Jnire Shockd That Husbands of Women Don't Wear I !, Too, I ovely Jeards, Mo most who i . Suzanne .Tr're. famous Iroaaiiial lalle I for home It Of tbe Carta, on Hie day Olympic of the White star line, wu quite enthuataalto ovi Now furl wuiiieii, but she h-aw Ilia man a tw4) blow. "The lo4loa of Now York are thi heat looking, 'H'd tiaat gowned womei tn Aninricu," msIiI alio. Tl,. niei ok dke ragptokaei To sajjoli th. UolOBSC. SBJ SBBSBBP' BXaaO , v. " i , te:;. ' JPPb. i ill iHB bs jk isx ' JKys' axaxaesu am WW! t ;sxan wswwapP - .e r H nWU Tl tffr't1 Y " 0X0X011 BKeil B" i xoaMLl aBKaKaKaxaKO BB llsl 'XOKOB jHjmrHR f L ' 8 xawWrS xa. aaaasaxaeakjt waaB ff'lJt saxajxoakBx9 N-e r '' r' axawaxarlw a t mS" j I , -tMj-... ... ..... o-o aa o oo o-0-a a e o a -a e o . . o o-fo i-a a i.fif I NEW YORK LADIES MEN! RAG PICKERS wanto jhi jajjo tlllll iUCH I IlJIll Paris except that the New Vork Indies are more beautiful. "Vour tri"n do not know how to dress You see the beautiful madame coming down the avenue, dressed most wonderfully. By her side Is a mnn At Brat you tblnk ha la the lady's butler, but you know ha can not be, for he la not In llwry. Then you thin!, the man must be an old family servant, who has been aant out with the lady tn guard bar from the had gunmen of New York. Then the lady stops and you are Introduced to tha man. Mon Dloul Tbe man U tho lady's husband. "Why do HOI your men draaa In kaeplpg with your ladl-a? The troua ets of tha men bag at the knees, their louts do not lit Ah, they urn Impoa- kini'i as ar so re. way a not the BSen men weui nearoOT Heaids stand for iiianhood, vlrilllj and nobility, The onl) linlr on the fuc is won. hy the t lin n loa; the slmp!c outha who dfcorate ibemaelvat wdtt, me nttin muatarha ami the htt pulled down o l r tbt ears "Thla Is III) flrat fl4l to America It In n yreut countrt and New York la a great Hi Tha ay omen uf Amerb-a ara all u beautiful, but the iadina of New York me the U-st Iresaera. New York !h tu the I utteal H'ates what , in , t- to ibe lust if l''.-anie 1 hope to reinni soon, but wttOn I t" I hope t',.e nie: will le htti dressed and (atdta "Circulation Books Oprn 1914. 10 " TOO T(l RF ' I IlltwU I U UL Victim of Drug Found in Rich Apartment at No. 65 Cen tral Park West. NOTIi TO 'JERRY' SIEGEL. "I Hope You Realize This," Wrote Victim in a Farewell Note. Mrs Jewels Bovine, a pretty young woman of mystery, la a prisoner to the Myelinic Hospital where ahe waa taken to-day after aba had boon found senseless from an overdose of a sleep ing potion at No. 6 Central Park W'eet She was atlll unooneeloua aeveral hours after aha waa admitted to tha boopltaJ, though aha had ahort inter vals of oonaclouancon in whloh oho wept, but tho phyaiclana could got nothing coherent from ha. They be Howe, however, that she will recover. be waa dlacovered tn her bod room by her maid, who went to ' arouse bar for breakfast. She waa eeneeleoe but groaning, and on a table boalde her reposed tho half emptied bottle of the aloeplng drug. Police man Mitchell of tho West Slaty eighth elreet station summoned Or. Barton of No. II Central Park Weal The phyalclan advised the young womejn'e removal to tha hospital. LKPT NOTE ADDRESSED TO SIS TERS AND BROTHERS. A note ahe had written lay on a dresser. It waa addressed to Mrs Amelia Babcnck. .".IIS rust avenue oust, idar Itaplda, Iowa." It be gan "My dear slatera and brothers" and want on to aay "this Is my lust will." Then the writer enumerated a score or mora of Jewels which ahe divided among her relatives. Moat of the pieces were diamond aet and apparently ware worth aeveral thou sand dollars. Then tha note con tinued: "Qod be my Judge for thla act. I am eorry to trouble you. Uod ahall do. what he like with my aoul. I have been unhappy and bad. and I hope this rruiy be a leaaon to soma other unfoi iinuite woman. "Tha wagoa of aln la death. I have tried to be good, with no avail. Pray for me once In a while. 1 have tried to be good, but thla la my unfortunate end." On the envelope beside the addreso this was written: " 'Jerry' Slegel. To open and real ize tbe things montioned In this." Mrs. Bovine waa arrayed In her nlghtdraas when she waa found, but the olothlng suattored about tbe room waa of beautiful quality and oil her Angara were several large diamond rlnga. ISvarywhere in the apartment were signs of wealth. JEROME SIEQEL SAYS HE KNOWS THE GIRL. Jerome Slegel, who lives at the Hotel Plaza, was greatly shocked when he learned of the glrl'a attempt on her life. 'I'm dumfounded." said ho, "and terribly sorry I can't imagine why ahe did It or why she should have ad dressed a note to me. I have no dealt e to conceal anything In relation to her. She lad moat estimable young woman whom 1 mat In the weat some yeara bgo. J know her brothers and her stetrra and thsy ara nice people "I have aeen her wsal nall In town hero but quit Infrequently in the laat year or an. I must aupposa that aba didn't realise what a falae poaltlon ahe would place ma In hy the address on her OOtOi Of course, she must have been greatly excited. Why It'a terrible. I'm a bachelor and I know a great many people Thlna what would happen If evory budv who wanted to kill themselves wpota mv name on an envelope "I have telephoned tn the hospital and ihny tell me ihsl she will be all right tomorrow. 1 am greatly re lieved. The whole affair Is terrible and I haven't the allghtnet Idea why ahe should have tried sulfide or ad rirosaed me. She waa simply an ac quaintance, whom I knew aa I knew its loot of hot tally." GOOD." SAVS GIRL wjisroi AS DEMOCRATS WAR to All." PAGES PARTY BREACH WIDENS OVER PANAMA REPEAE Harrison of Mississippi Assailing Wilt son Lauds Clark and Underwood, and Says Disruption of Or ganization Threatens. RHODE ISLAND MEMBER ALSO HITS AT PRESIDENT While House in Bitter Mood "Heckles Speakers, Bargain With Great Britain Over Mexico Is Hinted. V WauBH LNttTON, March It. An of nhottmtof few If any votaa, waa let eg ama tolls exempt lou ropeol. Intense Wig the repeal and President Wilson's supporters wma evedeat tnm ttt opening All Uio while the Ciark-WUeon split loomed itnawatj. ove- trmplng the actual repeal question. PALMER 6IVES PRINCETON A $300,000 STADIUM New Athletic Field and Stands Will Seal 41,000 Speculators. Hwsti u. n. K una Wnrkt.i PMNCsTTONi N J.. March 2. A stadium to seat 41,n00 people haa been assured Princeton University through the generosity of Edgar Palmer, Una, of Uye, N. Y Prealdent of the New Jersey Inn Company, aocordtng to an announcement of Prealdent lllbben. The structure will coat probably 300,000, exclusive of grading and approachea. It will take the shape of a horaeshoe. The alto la laiughlln Field, directly south of the c. union and the Cap and Oown Clul.s, and nearer the cainpue than the preacnt base ball fleld. The gift haa been made to Prince ton by the aim of the man who gave Palmer Phyalcal Laboratory, one of the II neat In the country. Although the details have not been worked out. It Is said the Klft. whbh la made for the use of the athletic iiaaoclutlon, will menu a large addition to the en dowment and revenuea of tho uni versity. The athletic aaaoclatlon will be able to turn Into the university treaeury the amount It annually spends on the erection of temporary St nt ids STEAMSHIPSDUE TODAY. Uranium, Rotterdam 10 A.M. Philadelphia, Southampton. . 12 M. SAILING TO-DAY. President Grant, Hamburg. ..11 A. M. Carpathia. Gibraltar 12 M. Don't Let Any One April Fool You1 April a tbe great Spring rentli. month. A great deal of moving Intc houses, . rooms, apartments, 'tores, of flees, tu.. Is about to take place. If a dissatisfied tenant, will you find the home or business place you seekf If a landlord, will May 1st leave your vacant property still unoccupied? But one more month remains In which to decide these Important ques tions WHY NOT DECIDE THSM TO YOU ADVANTAGE THROUGH THE BIG SUNDAY WORLD'S ADVER TISING COLUMNS TO-MORROWf fW Sunday World "To W Ait. lot Crtatul Vatlttyl Urn Sunday World "To W Ait. im HoMmlUt B PRICE ONE CENT. avalanche of loose to-day tm tha acrimony between the 9 The fcpeaker'a breao wtth tfa White House waa flrat itepreaantatlve Harrison aa? elppl, a Democrat. dlaouaatoa. OppoalaeT Harrison vigorously He aald It Cnderwood's that rrata In control. "O'Hhaunnaaay. a Rhode Democrat, did not apeclflcalry DM the factional fight but ha aaawnsd fae President for hla stand aa the tea un the otbsr hand. Htovsns and Madden. Ucana. supported t he President, tha former laudUsy MB Hi length SPEAKIRS PACK HIOKLMM f THSIR OPPONENT. Representative Mean, aneallad tha repeal la nred terms aa surrendering to faroVk n retain wlO.Mil sO iskO "is the Panama canal now Oat of the ellminaUon of aluerta." ho i t mandod Nearly all the speak are, faro aatd con. had to faoa "heckung" bp fjejr oppononta. punotuatod by yoSM agld hursts of applauaa frees both atdao ajf the chamber. There waa another big threnaT lis) the House when the battle bill waa rsaumed. Hpaaker Clark warned tbo In the gallertea to refrain from af plaudlng, but freuuont and voclfaroaal handrlapptng waa not ''ti'ia; freest the floor. In the gallertea many amxaV tatora brought luuohea, ajraasejeajal camp all day. lEepresentative Harrison of MsBBBB alppi. the flrat speaker of tha day. started anew the dtecuaatett of tfeo Wilson-Clark break. "The record of the Pernor rejthl party, under tbe banner of Clark and Oscar Underwood, In the Democratic victory which patO. ua control of Congress; don't that," he declared. "I tblnk the Prealdent la and able and prompted by tbo I motives, hut no man Is infallible. "tf this repeal la adopted I It will he the beginning of of party organisation In this con We must keep the faith." Harrison said tbo President aa well ask Congresa to yield to i demand of Japan in the dispute awar the California Allen Land law aa te consent to the Panama repeal. IS REPEAL THE PRICI Of HUERTA'S ELIMINATION? Repreaentative Knowland, control, ling the time for tho RepuMlonjsa. aa sailed the repeal in unmeaeured I aa 'Wurrendorlng to Groat Brtt without a struggle." let at fom f