Newspaper Page Text
-l-r-ii- r i irn ...i.....) . -n-j jn.iLi-r .-.-.nai-ir.-i.-.- - --I---L -xa- " - T-1" " ........................... -- - innl W i. I .g- lj'u ui--.n.- .m .-j.-juu. -i Tnj-ui-riT.-i.i-u-.nju-Lrnj-j-.i-u-Lri ji inri-f-" Dreams of matrimony & &y Eor schorer I ' i JK I 1 I -V A ' I I at. AiC 'sxawJtaxl stnW I 1 - 71 I I II Me! BROOKLYN WINNERS BABHONTEST five Babies Awarded 5 in Gold Each for Greatest Improvement. Vfe flve-tfollar gold-pieces were to live Una babies by The ng World yesterday In the bet. tar battles Improvement ronteat con sti by The Evening World and MtUe Italy Neighborhood Muuw, at Me. 14 Union street, Brooklyn. Tx name of the winners are: Ralph Teeelterl, twelve months, No. 146 Csnsvsr treat, Brooklyn. Jssosh Barberie, twelve months. Ms. Mi Smith street. Brooklyn. Jeesph Oiacobbe, fourteen saenths. No. I2t Degrow street, rcekly. Harry Qaherg, ton months, No. 7 Woodhull street. Brooklyn. May Clare, twelve months, No. H$ Baltio street, Brooklyn. hundred mothers registered little ones In the drat bitter contest at Little Italy Mouse, six months ago. All of them Invited to attend the prise- gdrtng yesterday afternoon, which Mit Place In the big assembly room at Carroll Park Library, on Union Clinton street. youngster present was In and the mothers appeared fcwatsly Interested, and irenerously aieaeesl with ths success of the for MMts Bve. They were the little ones tries, presented for re-oxamlnution taat week, shewed the create! Im nrovement since the teat lust Hep. asanas r. Little Italy was particularly as mill of the fact that exactly half pa winners were Italians, since both as parent of Hnlnh T'umturl arrt o IN EVENING WORLD FOR DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR OR ITCHY SCALP Girls I Girls! Save your hair Make it grow luxuriant and beautiful yOS cere for heavy hair, that fUaleM with beauty end is radlsnt fas We. has an iaconipurable softness east Is fluffy and lustrour, trv Dandcrina. Jwtoasapplloation doubles the beauty sf year hair) besides it immediately 'lis asms every particle of dandruff. You ssgaaot hare nice, heavy, hesltliy lisir If ye hare dsndruff. this 4sstruotire runs tae nair of its lustre, its and Ma very lit, and If not y ii .ou n t f i i i x v I n I W' it ii w.3exBXxBv i i sr i r Joseph Barberie wars bora to Italy, and also ths rather of Joseph Oia cobbe. Ralph Teasisorl scored U per oenL In the final test and was wo led the best baby of ail. He la the son of a longshoreman. Blx months ago his tonsils were out of order and he couldn't breathe with his mouth shut. Now his tonsils are In perfect con dition and he breathes easily through hie nostrils. Llttls, Joseph Barberie Is the sev enth child of a chauffeur, and his final rating la also WH per rent. His Improvement has been general, and be Is now an absolutely normal child. Joseph Oleacobbe Is ths son of a Norwegian mother and an Italian father. He Is a beautiful child, and his final score Is W par cent. Bis months ago his testh were coming too slowly and bis fontanells was not closed enough. Now both defects have been remedied. When Harry Qaherg, whoso parents are Norwegians, waa examined six months ago the doctors found him too pale and too fat. Also bis mus cles were flabby and there was no color In his mucous membranes. In ths period Intervening, Harry's mother hus encouraged htm to exer cise, and his bad physical oondltlon Is a thing of tbs past. The only girl prise winner, May Clare, Is the daughter of Americans. Six months ago she, too, seemed flabby and ahe had Insufficient oolor. At s year her cheeks are rosy and her flesh is firm. nr. John Crawford, who was In charge of the final examinations, awarded the prlxes. Hs spoke to the parents of the great value of exercise for growing babies, and of the necessity of fighting germs and keeping houses clean during tbs com ing spring and summer, In order that the tiahliis might not lose the health they had won. Dr. Edward M. Thompson of Flat bush also spoke on the benefits of light and nlr for growing children, and Louis Cavallaro, of the Commit tee on the Prevention of Tuberculo sis, addressed the mothers In Italian. "Are you satisfied with the results of the I letter llables' contest?" The Evening World reporter aaksd Dr. Jane K Robblns, head worker of Little Italy House "Yes, Indeed," she smiled. "Any thing must l' a success which ap peals, as does a baby contest, to mother love -and to father's sport ing Instinct!" 25 CENT DANDE overcome it produces a feverurinm, xnd itching of the scslp; the hair root, famish, loosen snd dir; then the bsir (sill out (sit. If your hair hss been neglected sn l is thin, (sded, dry, st-ra;iy or too oilv Ri 16 cent hot tU- of kiioKlton n define at any drug store or toi counter; apply a little ss directed, ten minutes after you will say this w the best investment vou ever nisde. W sinosrely believe, regardless everything else advertised, t hut if yo desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair d lots of it no dsndruff no itehin, scalp and no more falling hair yo mast use Knowl ton's Deader iae. 1, etrsatuall RIME ituaUy why not now? TH1 1VININO WOKLD, BATU1DAT, MABOH RIVERS ARE SWELLING AND UP-STATE TOWNS PREPARE FOR FLOOD Warm Weather Melts Snow and Rains Threaten Record High Water. Spring floods have set In through the valleys up-State and already much property damage Is reported. The warm weather of the past few days has melted much of the heavy snow which fell earlier In the month and this, with a steady fall of rain throughout the nlgbt, has swollen all the streams, many of which are out of the banks, flooding the low lands. At Troy the Hod son River has as sumed flood proportions and with the water rising rapidly merchants along the river front are removing goods to safer places. Amsterdam reports pert of the bridge which spans the Mohawk River there carried away by high water and Ire, cutting off the south ern section of the city from the main part of the town. The lowlands are flooded for miles and more serious damage Is feared. The Chenango and Ruaquehanna Itlvers are overflowing Into tho low lond.i nhout Mtnrhamton and a rec ord flood Is fenred. The city Itself Is on high ground, but surrounding country will suffer. At .Syracuse. Onondaga Creek Is leaving Its banks and flooding mllen of territory. Homes In the southern pa it of the city are threatened am! the people are preparing to move to higher ground. Ithaca uiul Kclienectady also report Hood conditions beyond usual spring fresliot marks. At richene, taily the Mohawk Hlver Is over the Hcotla dike and the lower streets of the city are Hooded. Ice Is Jammed ugalnst the bridge connnct Iiik Schenectady and Bootls. and It may go out l.efore night. There Is ils.. u heavy lot puck against the Krtc Canal aqueduct, four miles east of the city. The Hexfonl bi lilgn has already been curried sway, The river ll rlslug rapidly. Athletes (live a Uanee In-Mshf. The Peerless Athletic Club will holo x snnunl line, e snd reception to-night ,1 Frits! UlsajBBfg Hail. OUsMMre are- US and Ashfoiil street, Hrooklyn. The music will be by 1'rof Muellor's Ban. The gfflOSri are: Hlrhsnl Kreyer, l'rjsi lent; Walter Burlh. VIcc-l'resldent; J, Unlets Hell, Recording Hecretary: J. dehrtsns, Financial Secretary; K Tor-,-ersen. Treasurer; H. bewts, Heraeaat- t-Anns; Charles Hayes, assistant. The if Fifrl WALL STREET. Yields of Lesdlnp Stocks Bsasd sn Present Belling Prices. Rats. Tleld. 6 Amalgamated Copper 7.97 7 American pf 7.7 7 American Car A Fdy n.t 4 American SmeMera 5.7$ 7 American Smelters pf 6.71 10 Canadian Pactflo 4.U Consolidated Oes 4.S1 7 Great Northern pf B.B8 10 iAthlgh Valley 6 0s H New York Central 5.55 7 Northern Pacific it Pennsylvania M 6 4s I Reading 4 u i Southern Paclflo. e 81 10 Union Paclflo .u H H. Steel 7.j 7 IT. 8, steel pf 1 M Market closing Market continued dull In second hour, but showed a general tendency to recover and shorts seemed to be endeavoring to cover without making much progress. New Haven waa strong and closed with a gain. The final pries showed only fractional changes. ToteJ sales, 101,973 aharee. Opening was exceedingly dull, at tendance was light. Price ohanges Ir regular, hut mostly small declines from 1-1 to l-t. Shortly after opening the bears sold with some vigor, the sort of raid that generally winds up a sagging movement auch as street haa seen In past four days. There was evidence of good support at ths lower level and experienced specula tors thought a turn for the better waa close at hand. Steel In particu lar was under pressure and sold down to 12 6-8, breaking through S3 for the first time. Union Paclflo was not very well supported, although selling did not seem to be Important. As stocks were not brought out by the bear raid the selling soon relaxed and ut the end of the first hour the market wilh uulet, with prlcot a little above the low point. 1 '..11.101 i.m n obmirvers sai l leadlou issues worn In thoroughly liquidated, If not In an oversold, condition. CHICAGO WHEAT ANO CORN MARKET. ! VI. lav's U.1W Msr u Jul KnVs krt fnoaf s AajS V.S Msr un. Julv W'4 ! WHEAT, BBSs, an I K to ssTi ss Xh. ss I II II o,,. rt ft 1.104 16 Rri eH as 1. - 4 Class. mv BJH US Oeneral ruins over wheat belt brouKht about liquidation. July was Week. OlAJsnj ' to S decline. Corn fairly steady. Predictions of better cash demand and light country offerings Induced short covering, but reaction in wheat and favorable orop conditions over corn belt caused freer offerings on the bulge. Prices did not decline much, closing advance to decline. ening home Hef Eittt Houct THE CLOSING QUOTATIONS. N.t AotlsunvS oH, Tf.V An. S swaflB Am ss ii Am. Osb pf M Am. Ceunn i lil 3 Mb. It Cu 30 Am. UdsshI of 30 Am. IxnsnMlT ;i:iti Am. Smalt, a Bef. MU Am. Hterl Fs-r Si A Tel.. . m ISIM MV: h H in Top. .. Tssnstc 2 tsl. -rtt,.un uf.. OS l.sssxml LssKJwr ... H i srsaiso iwons. . . is ghJsoOrsjisw t ivro lYnd. r Osm Pnsl Co nf Use. Moos. pa. VL I 'rrass Nor. ofT?.... 1 Hissssnhstm Esalur Ureas Nor. Ops.... SMs i r. r .n.rvsiLsr ... iuo low Hsneur pf. lis nsisrattuB Oosost. . IS 8T 11: at ai mm i i - .m .a .? pf . 1-J3 rn 1.1 4 Mjc h. n,.ot m .i!H 5 a n sst IBM - aj:::::: Hi ffl M 5 n H ia: tVoils' Oes i its, oosi no. of. 61 6T ftt m n R.n. WesV.'.V.'.U Hen. Hiesl y...... B wfvr.z Ho. Air Cine pf... Bmismi f'srnV. . .. Kli"3.:: IMS ttw u 4 St saw eg S.smtsrl Milling.... M 7ob. Wrs fs T.i Csnnsor 1ST Thr1 Air.u ..... I'nltsd clssr Mfsis . 4ft t'r.l.m Bs IVpsr 4 i-. s. ssn. isi ss.. I'ti t'. S. Mesl n. siesi tsr 1"' r-tsli rhpnsr mH VI, , Cnsss It Vi Wsnssb 1 Wsbssh pf. Westers rjaioa TA en ITEMS FOR INVESTORS. Corn Products Refining Co., regular quarterly dividend nf l'i per cant, on preferred stock, payable April II to stock of record April 6. Chicago and Oreax Northern gross earnings third week of March In creased fi.M1; from July 1 net de crease totals 1.807. Ontario Western February gross declined llll.sTI, net decreased 1109, OM. Bight months' gross declined tUS.70 and net decreased SS6,01. Ijoulsvllls & Nashville gross earn ings Increased 130,90 In third week of March: from July 1 total Increase Is mi. at. A n per cent, payment has been called from members of ths Western union syndicate, payable April 1, Isw. last, esssss. Hs 74 Ii H. Hits SO B Xt Oil's .123 ;u no miu e.wuc in SBBBXt. TCS lxl n p:: 5 V si- h I h p a litllt til 4- H K ts u'4 S ss s as il I h - n m m s i I Ji i tiWpsr pf.... XT TBJIST 14S Nsstrrtxe. 1M I'stTOHnaa. ... M ln.inrr 12 7 Misi. Poser Os. . Nstxswl Bisrult. si nis uc Vst S,,r f JO 50 ft; ft snss sow sn no an i aft T 147 ! 4H eflt :l $ H 8IH ilH tin IIS 4- H h 1 sit s. Bomatnlif ever half of IS, 1914. Union stock offered was subscribed for by stockholders. Erie Railroad February gross de clined $616,714 and net decreased 1756, 861; eight months decreased jl,ltl,lsl net decreased $1,376,239 compared with same period year ago. Canadian Farlrlc Kebruaxv not earn ings decreased ll.tus.wn. A syndicate haa been formed to take and pay for all atock of the American Water Works not subscribed for by stockholders. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Fnil sr's Cluss. 12.M Mssoh M : 11.40 Oct. .. U.47 Osc. .. Mis!, pjn IS Of. 11.44 11 31 Lnv. n As 13.19 IH. 01 11 4,1 II. 4S !. 13 M 13.'44 11 44 11. so . ft BJ . 12 --1 . 12 . 11.4S ,. 11.S1 Cotton opened up from 4 to f points. Near month shorts bought on strength nf cables and reports of Improved tone In dry goods markets. Scat tered demands from shorts holding near months kept them steady. New crop months were heavy. Market closed steady, t to 10 points advance. SPRING RUSH TO EUROPE 60ES OUT ON OLYMPIC Big Ship Takes Out l,75o Passen gers as Season of Travel Opens. Tbs first big spring rush to Europe began this morning with the sailing of the Olympic of the White Star line. The big ship oarrled 1.750 pas sengers, of whom 400 were first class, 150 second class and 1,300 steerage. It was one of the noisiest sellings on record. For three-quarters of an hour before the boat left her pier the stewards, armed with big brass g. gs, vied with one another In mak ing a racket. Al Woods, Marc Klaw and Morris Oest, Now York tbeatrloal producers, sailed to get the latest English suc- Others who salted were Mrs. Peter Cooper Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hunan, Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, the Duke and Duchess Arturo Uuraxxo de Majo, Henry Spies Kip, Mr. svud Mrs. Harry C. Qraef and Miss OlTVe Oraef. WORKMAN WINS DAMAGE CASE AssBsOlate Coert Affirms Verdlo erf Lewrr Ooais) Jury. Joseph who was employed as a machine hand for the Theodore l: Bauer Company, manufacturers of wood work, lost parts of three fingers while working at a machine, where a screw, which became loose and projected through the collar of the machine, was forced against his hand. The case wss tried In tho Supreme Court before Judge Dovendorf snd a Jury last April, when It we clelmed by Alfred and Charles Steckler, counsel for Swltkes, that the company was liable. The defendant claimed that It waa through Swltkes's own neglect that the accident happened. The Jury brought In a verdict In favor of the plalntlfffor The company appealed and the case was argued In the Appellate Division, where the Court to- nsnasa sown a oeciaton unanimously tae juagmeak Tbeif Baby Bcry FE RIDES FOR ALL AS TOLEDO FIGHTS FOR NEW THREE-CENT FARE Railroad Opposes City Ordi nance and Passengers Profit as Court Test Pends. TOI.HDO, O., March !. Btreet car conductors on trolley lines In this I cltv eefiissw! fo n ee rwr f tirAfjnr fM I to-day and thousands of persona de clining to pay more wero allowed to ride free, pending Federal Court ac tion expected effectively to make Toledo's street car fare war a legal tangle. The Toledo Railway and Ught Company 1s fighting the operation of the Sohrelber three-cent fare ordi nance. This ordinance, as the climax of the twelve years' franchise fight, became effective at 1.01 A. M. to day. Conductors were ordered to e no violence and if necessary to carry passengers free If they refused to pay the regular fare. Officials of the railway were warned that the city's police force snd courts would stand behind citizens demand- lng tree cent transportation and forestalled violence by declining ffh charge the Insistent ones. Mayor ' Keller was among those who at- 1 tempted to ride for three centa to- ! day. Like all others he waa given a free ride. The street car company's petition for an Injunction against the ordi nance waa at for hearing In the Fed eral Court to-day. FOR CONSTIPATION, Turn the rmsesls out the hesdsehe. biliousness, indigestion, constipation, the ick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out to-night with Cascarets. Don't put in another day ot distress. Let Cascarets cleanse and sweeten your stomach, remove the tour, undigested and tormenting food and that misery making gas. tske the excels biis from CANDY 10 CENT BOXES - HtAUACHE. DYSPEPSIA DIM svisxlffllwssfJswsx?gaiBsaj j j.i LETTERS TO ROYALTY IN ROYAL SEND OFF H. K. S. Williams's Frierds De termined That He Shall Have "Some Party' Abroad. No person ever left the port of New York with more letters of Intro duction to royalty than did H. K. B. Williams, who Hailed on the Olympic to-day. Mr. Williams Is President ot the National Water Company, la In terested In large lumber concerns and la a member of the Manhattan Club. A score of Mr. Williams's friends' headed by Dock Commissioner R. A. C. .Smith, were down to see him oft. Last night at tho Manhattan Club Mr. Williams waa given a farewell dinner by his friends, who assured him that they would prepare of Introduction to prominent abroad. Mr. Williams found 300 letter tm bis stateroom. Among them ware letters addressed to His Highness Bogahldato, King of the Troglodytes: His Excellency, the Akhound of .Swat; His Highness, the Sheik of Bornu; Her Imperial Highness, tho Ameereas of Afghanistan, the Khan of Khoiat, His Majesty the Llama of Lhasea, and the Alaka of Obeocuta, who waa recently an Incognito guest of Syrresv truta Rolling at the Manhattan Club. Metster Association's BmolBSV. The Harry O. Melstcr Association Of No. 1431 Prospect avenu, Bronx. Will hold Its annual smoker on this evening at Tletjen's Hall, No. 2127 Boston road, Bronx N. T. The following oftleors were elected for 1914: President, Charles H.. Lbrt; First Vice-President, Edward Trested; Second Vice-President, Chris topher Kohl; Treasurer, Charles Kcherer; financial eecreiary, unaries ienm: re cording Hecretary, John E. McWllUaaM Sergeant-at-Arms. John Teancy ; Assist ant Bergeant-at-Arms, EM ward Nichol son; liourd of Directors, Philip Wernej, George Lopard, lllhert Qreenbaum. go gar T. Barley and Herbert O. Brlen. TORPID LIVER, E A BOX your liver and carry off the waste matter and constipation poison from the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will ilrsinlitsBj Jos out by morning; a 10-cent box keeps year head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bow els regular and you feel bully for ssstBBM Don't forget the children their little in sides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. CATHARTIC ANY DRUG STORK J 1