Newspaper Page Text
- TBI Ilfllfa WORLD, 8 A TTTRD AT, MXXOH 10, Tf TI. -it Novelettes of New York Streets The Shadow ot the White Light I WfM ft" the ByLthel Witt! Mumlord Oaisriskt. 11 V k, th. fjsjaaggi jg lw Wutei. Importance of the Tunic in the Scheme of Drdss And the Various Ways in Which It Can Be Utilized 0J50N0RB ros. wearily from desk, neatly itMlnd a pile of .tainped earelopaa, pr paratory to oonr.yln- them to the pott box. and want la ' her hat and coat. Tha day unusually trying. At beat. position of private aeoretary to Mm. ttoUtford waa no .Ineoure. As aha settled her dark but modlah UtUa hat oa her brown our la. and ahook out tha far collar ot her Jacket, the doot sSVthe Ubrary opened, and Wadlelah PalMford fr. allppod In. Instantly no- of further trouble, Kleonore ehad up bar and puree and aaaae a awlft acoop for tha letters. Bat her employer's eon waa before bay. Ha eaufht her band and held It "What I pretty aeoretary oln' oft mat that? Not a word for tha proa Srate victim of her charms.- m . i 1 1 Attn her hand relaxed, bar head held high. -Mr. Palllford." she anM coldly, "If jam persist In annoying; ma like this, I shall have to realm my position and I naad the money 1 earn. Tou are very unkind." fNaad money!" he exclaimed. "What nonaaoae! I'll pay you a bat ter aalary than motbor does. I'll trt you a Job down In the offlce. The mater won't know. Oh, chuck It!" ha growled, aa with a auddan wrench, h Jerked her hand away. "Come on be a sport aay, wUI you dlna wtfh me any old day thta week? I'll break any encasement." "Ton will have to axcuaa me." aha aid. "There la Mrs. Halllford now." Rhe turned quickly aa an Iron vla aayid, elderly woman rame In. a package In her hand. "Rome narly. WaddyT" aha said. addressing; bar aon. "Miss inn. woman. I do wish you'd take another job. I have una In my mind for you, really. Jim hue .spoken to ma a number of times. We've both talked It over." "Don't raise my hopaa, dear." aha M "I'd like nothing better. But what could I do? Mra. Rilltford la hateful. Tbaro are times who I feal i ootiiri just Jump at bar anO her hair but she pays ma." How mucbr Beaala Interrupted. "Thirty a week I a show girl rets that. Now, with what I have In minn, it will be beala, and It pull uo a percentage runs Into Mm rrw.nj.i- Tou and t can share the motor car. i nu can nave your own apartment. If you rhouso. Tou'll have to be Jenny-nn-tbe-job every once In a while, and flva all your time and attention but only part of the time. Tou can go to Burope too. If you want to run over with ua." "I don't know what I wouldn't do for that," sighed Bleonora. "When will Jim be back? 1 want to talk oualneaa." 'To-morrow or Thuraday." aald Hassle, bavlna- )ir .h.w t. i, dollar bill, -iio you want to go to a snowr No. don't let 'a bother Well i on about in the oar for awhile and i SjT brltcht llghta, and talk Id rather, wouldn't you?" Kleonore, conscious now of her p ain black rdiarmeuse and the slm P IN ty ot her paase picture hat. waa Blad to forego further publicity. The warm night, with Ita hint of coming storm, enchanted her. In the oui forborne depths of the car they rocllnod and were whirled silently down the avenue of glittering Ugh la, oust the i "deserted village" of the de inlBed sMoppIng district, down to the aroh on the square, where the craok llng blue arc-lights made aharp pat tern, on the walks, laid there by the shadows of myriad young leavea bnck again from dark to rlare. aoiri uraln to the velvet dark of Central mra. Messle talked of her summer plana, of gowns and hate and frills, of lim ousine nnd touring cars, of race nioeta and motor rn-e eiwinm.'. ' hirnjMil limfu ...... - - - Pteaa. drop thta at the parcls poat a. I fr , M2 JT font, envy and reaentf ulnees. you go. Is my check hook oaianceo I Vary well. You attended to the baaaar notions? Oood night." ' Kleonore hurried to the street She .vas too tired and miserable to think dearly. She was only conscious of relief at being released. As the soft air of spring fanned her face, the Mars were v-lnklng In a Iliac sky. ob rurod now and asnln by great drift ing rain clouds. She hurried to her board. -v: house, hnvlng disposed of her burden of letters and packages, and quickly rh.injred Into her little Mack evening gowfl the only one she wned. The change buoyed her spirits. tha time she was ready for the street i reaction nn(1 'ot ln- s,le was frB'1 '''"" ' aa evening of real fun. Heasle Cal- j fonts was romlnr; for her with the tmr. They were to have a Jaunt by j themselves with no thought of ex- , pense to curtail Its enjoyment. Hes- ale's pocketlmok was perennially lined 1 with yellow. Bne camo downatnlrs and stood by; the dingy parlor windows waiting Only for a moment, however. The, i M CAMBRIDGE WIN F ROM OXFORD IN BIGBOAT RACE Victorious Crew, (he Favorite,, Covers Course In 20 Minutes and 23 Seconds. mm Msi Oamhrtdra pasesd tkm tB nlng Itae eajsyvtctora by four aast sT half langths A Truth to Wake To Perish Never A positive Cur. for Sett Headache, Dizziness and Cat tipatiottM BG PILLS GET A BOX TO-NIGHT Perrsah) at Drag rMs. We aad Zft tka bag V "Come to my room." the I" - - - e..i.i ;.i i iiA.i.i i i.. .1 . . . . t i.ViH-M'WW-M -l!vwHI . . . . - . ........ z - ..w-.-----.. --w- .... T -w- r. z w- ; . - - - - ... 1 mm ......... 1 ...ill im 1, supper there. Madeline makes won- 1XNDOH, Karofe M - The Cam bridge Ltriversrtty craw to-day wool from Oxford with great aaaa tka ea rn ml eight-oared boat race from Put ney to Mortlaka oa tha Thasaa. The distance off mUas waa nwed Ins tha quick time of K minutes 21 eeo- onda, ao" CambrMga crossed tha wts trlng Una four aad a half lengths An tha lead. Tha Cambridge crew had boon r the favorite during tha fraln'jig and started tha contest at odds of I to 1 It Justified the prwltntlons that It would win by making tha race a pro cession from tha firing of the starting, ptatol till tha aud of tha race. Cambridge won tha toss for posi tions and chose the Murrey side? of 'tha river, thus obtaining the slight ad van tag of being sheltered from the llaht wind that Waa Mowing. Tha oara of the Oxford crew were tha first to grip the. water, but the nose of tha dark blue shell had scarcely appeared In front of Ita rival when the longer stroke of tha Light Brass gave them the lead, and after this there waa no doubt aa to tha result of aha race unless an accident occurred. When tha crews shot through Hammersmith Hiidge, about half tha distance, Cambridge had a clear lead of two lengths, and thla waa main tained until the boats approached llamas Hiidge, where the leaders spurted and want through tha bridge three lengths In advance of Oxford. A gallant effort waa then made by the Dark Minns and the gap between the boats' waa momentarily lessened O. E. Tower, the Cambridge stroke, however, mails a final call on his Make the Liver; IVfttm DutT I vat) ArmyoffWgfs.ito-fsr OoagrbaBronohlilii, I Ran Dewa CsssawSBk as a Tessa, ate. B Oeaulu bo AcoLmteus,Ma. At frag J - tu.ri or falmnnol hmttl la.. W. 1. , SJ leiful pate-do-fols-irraa and thnre's always a hottl wunt to sliow you some of my new things and. I.ewd.w. Ifa going to pour. lok ot those clouds. Ml send you home In a tuxl or. better still, spend the night with me" Tho thought of her dreary little room waa distasteful. Kleonore ac cepted. They were near the upper fringe of flaring electric signs. Kessie spoke to tho driver, who turned sharply west and drew up before an old furhloned brown si one house. "It's not much to look at outside." riy I she tiald. "I know you've alwnys won- aarwa wny we don't go into one of the apartment hotels. But this is quieter lots; ami we never bother to have anything hut breakfast ut home, and Miidfllne gat that." Hhe let herself In with a latch key. rwltclied oa tlio electrics, pressed a bell und led the way up the stairs to a luxur'ous sitting room at the buck of tho house Kleonore followed her and n moment Inter an olderl) maid appeared. Ilessln Knve her orders mid fell linmdlutely upon a pile or llownred boxes that encumbered the bed. "Kino!" hlio 1 rled. "This la Luclle's sandwiches, 1 hcr. der 1?,ly',.ji,e,Uln.n le on 1 -h 1 I nd where d you lie" But, ..r mv ' 1 don't want to hurt you. ...I long gray car ana up "' vw, ttnJ ny Tappe hats Now you will and Bessie waved to her to rome son MOM smart things." oulckly She ran down the stoop Kleonore's lip quivered. 8he could . . . , .... . k.i- waa contain horseir uo longer. Md boundad golly In beside her, SgJJ,! hlll( exclaimed, "you are friend. too mean! I'm Just at the end of my "I've had a beast of a day," she I rope. My patience, is worn thin and . . ; you've heon tuntallzlng me all the 1 lay everything What are we going to do with no Jim to cuaperone us Beasle laughed. "We don't need im. juvery imuo -oi w. knows me. I've got a table at Itac ter'a. Are yon hungry now?" Starved "' cried Kleonore. In the restaurant vestibule they! paused The guest had time to no- ' tloe the exquisite gown her hostess wore, and the beouty of the wrap she' delivered Into the hands of the maid. Tha bast table In the room was re served for their use. and she listened j enviously u Bessie, with a tap of her! diamond lorgnette, ordered the most expensive dishes Ion to you. dearest, you. What I want to do la to help you. I want to aee you have everything and be happy. I know how you feel at first I did too. But Jim made me think and realise what a silly I waa. And you will see It that way. if you Just use sense. It's adjusting yourself to the Idea that's all. Come, dear, drop that shocked look. Let ma reason It all out with you!" The telephone bell rang aharply. Its stinging sound made Kleonore start. "It's Jim. I bet," aald Bessie hap pily. "Ha told me ha might be through before 2 o'clock." She took up the receiver. "Yes hello yes yea It'a Beasle yes. Bud Bud. la it you? Where'a Jim? What! what! ' She stood suddenly erect, her face m Id, her eyes staring. The receiver dropped from her hands. A atrange voice shrieked from her distorted mouth. "My Ood! My Ood' they've shot him!" CLEVER DETECTIVE WORK IDENTIFIES TRAIN VICTIM Models Showing Some of the Many Designs That Are Possible. Mirk on Shirt, Found Fat From 1 o4.. ur riftr;-,' rnu. DUi), aJ snivel 3 VJNIJ Clue. evening. .Now, it you and Jim see any way out of the grind for me for heaven's sake tell me about It!" Messle poured a glass of champagne for her it nest anil gulped her own niileUlv SI... the iloi.r on t ha servant and turned to her friend, t found on the Long Island Railroad! The Hureau of rnldentlfled Dead to-day solved a mystery and revouled a romance In Identifying the body on the lull of fare and a vintago wine whose cost would have kept Rleonore In glovea for a lior fact grown grue. "I've Known yufi oil m) '," she no Id smwiy, ami I know 1 can trust you. AH wo want, Iblsonoru, Is the combination of Mrs. I'alliford's jewel wife." Kleonore looked at her. speechless with amazement. She could not be lievt her ears. "Jim," sb continued, "Isn't only an Insurance aj,-ent: he is supposed, lietildes, to be wealthy in his own right, A i ll, he Isn't. Mind you, he's nover robbad u soul wUo didn't de earYt It. or couldn't afford It, never!" A burst of thunder uud the sudden sploaii of summer ruin un the window By The Evening World's Expert. MLLE. LODEWICK. This sprit the tunic plays inch an Important part In the scheme of dress that It Is Indr- 1 wort: , of careful consideration. The "tango" frock, that Is really an evening dress, made ' simpler and with a short skirt, and tha tullor-M.sde are the two styles! of dress that nre occupying the en tire thought of women folk at pres ent. And nine out of ten of these costumes are designed with a tunic. For the wardrobe of the woman who can have only a few frocks und must depend therofore upon arcc sorles for variety, the tunic should moke a double appeal. An adjustable tunic can work wonders with a dross or suit. Indeed, a last year's stir, would be scarcely recognlz bio If a ty tunic of plaid. Roman or plain silk shaped ln a way to hurmonlzo with the rut of the cout, were to be at tached at the belt of tho skirt. For 11 cutaway I the model shown at the upper right would look well. It could be tide of soft taf feta In either a matching color of the suit or In plain black, which would go with any color. The ruffles may from the aides of the point thns formed, the sliKhtly full ruffles ex tend It Into a tunic. These various forms of tunics give opportunity for Individuality which every Woman desires nowndays. No two women can wear exactly the same line, and as It Is the fashion of the day for every woman to claim that she hiis her own personality, she should seek to express her Independ ence, first of all, ln all that appertains to her wardrobe. To the wise woman the vote comes miles behind her toilette. OF FOR WIFE DESERTERS Chicago Will Substitute Men tal Treatment for Punish ment fur Offenders. panes roused liossle rrotn her trance You Door dear!" said Kessie, smll-lof astonishment. Ing across the feast at her friend as "o0od heavens!" she ejaculated, tha coffee was served. "It's a shame "Now, see hero," tha teniptraaa con the way you aiavo for that SWfttl I tlnusdi "what sort of womaa la this I Mra. l'tilllford? You've admitted It 1 yourself bus she ever done a gener- 1 mis, decent union lu her life? What 1 1 sort of a son im i si.e : u gambler, a roystarsr. Ballavs me, Kleonore, we don't spend the money that way. We live well, of course; hut we give, too, and where It does the most good Vol) cm be of morn use In the world If you Join us, than you'll ever be If you don't. YOU don't have to do anything, yourself. Why, you ought to be glad to net even with those people. And It's pcrft.-tly safn. She'll think her precious son robbed her to pay hie rambling debts. He did it once before; and, of course, he'd deny It U did that before, too." Kleonore stared, fascinated. "Where is Jim to-night?" she asked In a choking whisper. "On 0 Job," s.nd Messle gaily, "up In Westchester -Jewelry -we only handle that. Pearls, this time a house party. Oh, don't worry, he Isn't going to be caught. He'a too clever. I used to die with fear every time he went, after I found out what his business really waa; but not any mora. I know now how wall ha plana, and what precautions he taken " Another thunder olap shook tha 1 limine. Bleonore rose unsteadily "Bessie, call a taxi," aba ' likmmWOm ajflUfLTk tracks yesterday near Ktcnmona Hill. ' phot-edged by machinery or nn Usuttnsnl Williams was sent to In- J(in,a Wth a wording They are nar- vestigate trie mans aeam ana rouna rowed lnfo tnc hflt , ,H,,M ,,,, anil , 'there was nothing by which the body M ,he bflt , app,.(1 tt nl, R ,,rnlu j could bo Identified. ' ornament aervea as a fustenlng. Its' I He noticed, however, that It fes4 1 tsaaalart anda add a dlatlnctlva tnueh I been dragged along the tracks for ln th- ,. thv .M AmMkmMA . j some dlntance. and a quarter of a OVBr anJ onu ,,, unuel. tlla 'tuI1,(. ' mile awny found the neck band of a ruffle. shirt containing a laundry mark. Ily Another model Squally suitable for I consulting hi. data at Headquarter. jVtw. uT IU he found that three New York laun- p(,,nt, , fron, Hm, ,)H(,k 1 dries used such marks. Come the ahort person tit moire or: Hy elimination, he learned that tb. , laneio. n coiiiu tie trimmed on the mark belonged to a Krenoh laundry " wl,h Pttttow Of th. same, or lr 11 should lie worn With R frock, In Second avenue, and that It was on ,k ,llHw.l8 wotlM b . SmRlll.; the clothing of a man living at No. , ,ik ta-Brt, ,., ,K, Strosucad on 31S East On. Hundred and Twenty- lne waUt rM n fourth street. He consulted Mrs. Ul8 gftv,,,, Hoehm, the landlady, and she said Hn,nf.B Uomari BtrlpP, Bllk WP1 v , the dead man undoubtedly woo . wol fo Mrtan' ml last war1 (leorge Suffa twenty-four years old. b , evtden, e t his a chef. He left home Thursday, she , owlllK to (hP t. "f H said, after pocking his trunk , man striped texture., of wbi.d c,, wvltlng a note he would never be tum, are n) J X short time ago. she ...d. Mis. h'","on- "J" Marie Luster, - -hoolmote. came t VJXS5 " Wit buTaf.- a. : jJ. wbffilrX CHICAOO. March II nn th theory that tho) Bt) hnve dlssSsSd brains and (hot tlnv muv faqulral mental treatment as a SUuatltUta for punishirteut . Chicago husbands wlm do not recognise their obligations to lice Courts, the Inns' court, the sent to a human laboratory Instead of to tail. Those tirnsted on other charge may receive the same treat I ment. I'hieago'h new psychopathic labors I lory, the hrst Of llg kind In tin ITnltSd States, will he established in the neur flltuTO SI an suxlll.iry to the Municipal Court, It was an BOUnced to-da .Indues of the .Mu nicipal Courl yesterday completed their plans for tli establishment un I maintenance of tha laboratory. Dr. William J. Hlekaon or Vlnabuul, N. J., wlm studied in the limit labors - tory at Berlin, iij the head of tin ( 'hieggo lailsirutorr Miss Mary I' Ugmpbsll of Mltwsuk sha did r seat h work ut John Hopkins aj(l Harvard L'nlveralty, will he the aaso taie director Hy msklni a scientific sxamlnatlon of dsfsndsots it is hoped the lunaon win i.e nsblsd to deui with them In a manner to producs the lies! posst- fKSTRENGTHSM pHE picture above ym- W I bolizea Wiadom and jU If Strength. "The wise old ''.mmnwL i I owl the man mm H n 11 despondent and for some time hud tried to persuade her to change her mind, but she remained obdurate. STOLEN GOODS RECOVERED. Resinol stops scalp itching and promote hair health IF Yon are troubled with dandruff. , scssma or other scaly. Itching scalp sjfiotitn. try shampoos with Resinol Bun and an nrrnalnnsl'trnfitmtnt Wltl mared. "I ronet go home Raaiaol Ointment. You Will bo sur- Bessie laughed. "Walt tfli you set bow quickly tjis trouble disss- - nw ; lutler sswrs. and the health and beauty of -. . - . . . . 1 1 n.,i tha nair improves, avoiq imuauona I Seen aad OlssaMSS heal kh si sutluea, raway plmpU. and blackhead .and form a t sataaMe SSSSSBSIS wsaoasac xor sens, ia.batli.niln. etc. Per trial slsa, free, wrtte f Dept. K-S BaltiBMrs. Ma. Sold bj BdrassMs. PrascrisadbydostsssteUyasts. Dateattves say tin IxtoteS Wash Inarton Heights Hoases. Itnit McKenna of the Cntral Office and a squad of asslstsnts broke Into a room at No. 410 West One Hundred and 1 Twenty-fourth street to day and ar-1 rested William Marrow, thlrty-slg yeara 0M1 and Charles Lsonard, aged twenty- j eight. men, MeKenna saya have been robbing from two to five net. a day hi the Washington Heights section. Sly suit cases and two hand bag. packed with Jewelry aad silverware were found by th. detective.. In leon- aeil'a WstA fniini4 ai v., lit marl.l Eleonore's grip tlghtaoed on tha '.... 71 , ., ,..,io. ... t brass rail Of the elaborate bod. I Audubon aveaue for bravery In savins I don't knew how you Sare" ahed . iife. burst forth. "How do you know I Silverware from Qreen. Hotel. Phlla won't ao straight to Mrs. PalHford d.lphla: tha Kalaergarten. Cone Island. and tell her-or the pollcer' I t"0 Ptn,r h?,u,, ra.tauranta w. "Oh. don't be foolish." Bessls ffifli j5 " .id "W " Vaold tmlllas claimed 'Th. pottos r uB Mcfi !T attaSS wouldn't believe you. IM SSjr you tot Leonard and Marrow An .labor- el. too mncn cnampagn. asa as carved always called "Itomun Strip.," t hf-y . are not .1 all like the bright colored Human (tripe we have always been 1 used to. Almost any color of dress or suit may be matched up In the as silks to add a distinctly modish sf 1 feot in the form of a tunic. T'e ! girl In the centre shows one. path ered slightly Into a belt of the sunn 'whose stripes run lr! the opposite di rectlon of the tunic Hie of these tunics worn with a dark blue, broWti I Of green suit would give a varlu'tion J not obtainable in any other way Even a sash or girdle rould not uf feet such a cachet. However, for aomr suits und frocks a tunic Is not desirable, but an ut tructlve girdle of some contrasting color would be quite appropriate I have ahown at the lower left a prett) model In plaid silk edged topand bottom With flat plaited frills of the same, or of plain silk to mutrh any that may be used 011 other parts of th. sCH or die... At the lower right I have shown an original little tunic, where the girdle and peplum ruffles share honors half and half. Hoft taffeta is the mos' sultatble material and may be used In a changeable effect, such as a color With black. The girdle is drsped Ion- en tha left hip and weighted with a ble lesults, when 1 use a coin. 10 U'lul 1.1 1 he llei Im 1 fault I sib oratory are said to have shown u jm. tive connection between physical and "The bui kward boy msi he bat 1. wind because of defesttvt smht 01 neiti'llltt explained rnnf Justice Ol son "Persons who com. Into tin pa I 'ill-, IbS boy's ecrjlt. the moral! court and the Potir ' m.stic ItelstJoni w in be subjeo to I ai i-KsmliiMiii'ii in "' la at ... if it I appear, probable the) its 1 It " Money bus been appr 11 1 luted and a similar laboratory win i t- .stab , lislied 111 connection with the Cook Count) Juvenile Court. "A Habit Worth Forming f pirst THINOIs it" at rm B5J rnln. LAST THINQ . 1 ' . tt.P lllul.tli rt roiisiiiy witii I" drasi 1.1 ' OLiOL" ill warm water Hsalthy tMth, a iwerl bfesih nU clean ir nil ur. tt.a NATURAL HI ...U LIS. '(W Hai no equal In qtoilltv anil Atl Druuult. atrengtli ovolJ ufc.(ilof CEO. BORGFELOT dt CO. Naw York ChjeasS Sm Fraaalacu WJ pJR mm pHE picture above sym bolizes Wisdom and Strength. "The wise old owl" the man who knows and by knowing does not hesitate to partake of the things which are good. The eagle, "The monarch of the air," is an embodiment of strength and endurance which through cautious diet ing lives a century. The man of wisdom drinks JACOB RUPPERT'S I: Knickerbocker The Beer That Satisfies because it has proven a temperate beverage containing just enough alcohol to appease that animal appe tite which by nature tequires a cer tain amount of spirituous indulgence and no more. Hundreds of thousands keep Knickerbocker in their homes because it is an appetizing health drink a nourishing liquid food that aarees with meat and bread and which strengthens both mind and body. For Sale by all licensed dealers Map of Greater New York FREE tal aid tho. Cut out thla coupon, paste t on 'he haclc or . .us vnin num. jiui addres. and we will arnd vol traphV ni.p uf Orester New Turk, showlnn on Immense tern lory In i."ns IMssgj Nsa lersey hi Wsftcoaater, Wrliayaur plainly ni j.roa nuputri vr.w.ry, putu ai aa iwn New York. name BhSiLisjjsjjpjJ 1 sua UMsaL. Sm.n.Mng,