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TBI EVENING W01LD, ' A TVBD AT, XAIOX II, 1914. )g3&af BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK uuuu juiif irumnrii'ii'i'i' i n r ' EDITED BY ROBERT EDQREN hi WOLGAST, THE LEADING "MONEY GETTER" Copyright till uy Th Press Publishing Co. (The Now Tork Evening World). Tom McMahon Beats WUlard COI&MN TOUNOBTOWN. O.. Marsh to. tm an low twelve-round bant tost alght Teas uoatahen of KawaasOe. Iswa, atoms the decision over Jess WttterA weto felled to shew aar eseaa. Wills not in gooa Tnsi. as he wa for the battle, having hew St the hut mtnuta tnr SMM of New Tork. in the early rounds WUtorg aome light blows, aad than eeei tire, while TklcMahon. wno was to physical oondttloi n. was able la sate the Neither fighter waa tha eags on points. Neither right woree for the fight and bo th toft the nng snowing raw marks. Wotgut's Earnings In the Ring In Nut and a Half Years Amount to $286,000. . MM. to Tat Pea ITS ."taw T WarM). lockfast and the moat unfor- .ta champion la tha world. to Tom Jonas, la Ad Of eosxsa. Ad Is do lonor bat his sood and 111 for till pursues htm. I la the greatest money-maker known to tha rln." declared whan wa wera talking It over, curious thine ' that he has money faster ilnre ha lost tha hip to Ritchie than he ever It lan't usually that wny an ex-champion. People always to aaa Wobjaat because they he always Hants." to an encyclopedia of Infor- wol-ast is conaornad. oft! serines of flrures In a that shows an excellent mem Accordlnir to Turn, any one who that he has an excellent IgMtginatlon Inatead Is simply suffer - My fa pangs or jealousy. IiOAFT had about a hundred lias battles before November, ll. whan he fell Into the rial hands of Tom Jonea. Rsny of those wera rood fights with fjesd mas, and brought tha Michigan WDdeat a lot of money. Wolgaat stovar kept books In thoaa days, and Jamas doesn't profess to know how each he did earn In the ring. t from November, 1101, to this 4M Ad Wolgast's earnings total the gTsst stun of Itu.ooot seat au 01 mis money waa pain mm kr lighting, although nearly all waa in that way. Ha has bad. all only forty-one weeks of the- work. Besides this ha has money with tha movies- of ils earlier fights: not a sum, however, because the fed eral tow ruined the fight picture busi ness rears ago. rAOINE a youngster Hka Wolgast. unlettered farmer bey. with no knowledge of anything but bos bar. earning In four years M four months! If ha had remained a farmer he might mow be working S farm hand. Out la his country K to not at all ua usual to hire farm mmdm st a rata of from IV to If a Mta. Allowing the liberal rata of J ft month, a farm hand, such as wolgast might have bass, would have to work steadily, with no time on for or other troubles, for 6M to sat what Wolaast has Wfted in toss than four years mm. Or, looking at It another m has earned aa much aa i and a another way, ah aa nlnetv could earn In the same of time. times Wolgaat hai received or mora for a single fight. Some ss were ten-round bout, with minutes of boxing. That makes a minute. To compare his earn- clty with that of other man. M a private In the T'nlted Army. One of theae would to serve steadily for ninety ! to earn wnat wolgaat nan to thirty minute' nine flrhta his share was over In each of these his fighting him what sixty-two vun of TftV ear ilea would have earned for tJto private. ILK he waa champion Wnl- fought more Hng flghta than any other champion. c. to Jonea. Counting hie little i aa well as the recognlied cham- alP affairs (for a chaninlon o .,, his title In aav flrttt ..-. k. St weight, providing the Mainton Is knocked out). Wolgast Hgjto4hto tlUe thirty-four times Between March I and July 4. 1811, J touedat nine ivhampionahlp fish's Three of them he fought wltnln twen y rht days. In New York. and Han Franoleno. (e he.a tiftrelled many thousand of miles Mkssplag his boxinar eikgaaremeinta In eajarererat parts of this country, hut neeer tuar been abroad He's been too htory hare to try other landa. At present Wolgast la considering as offer of 110,000 from Jim t'oflroth far four fights In California, htit una tost vet accepted, ea he has a broken hand that may take some time to CoffroOi hi,.- na Id Wolgaat tfi.tM for former fights. N fOW for the hard luck. till. While he was champion woaguai nroK m lest arm ttrlea. He broke both thumbs. In MS at thorn, after two operations, cJJto apUntsrad bone was Anally nrtnppd with sixteen feat of fine Sliver wire. It's a wonder that no OStosr boxer has yet made the ohjeo- Aa wears something else soft bandage. the accidental Injuria. A4 has been operated upon for ap- maaRua, awswasj triiaii unwn t ne i amy amn ne was ic Wetoh la Los Angwlaa, to have fought a. Aad c c a with a severe , In bed six weeks stoaee of pneumonia. To -Aay be Is nursing two broken . all left hand, spltntwed half aa lash from thn wrlat joint. Jijim broke lhat hand In training before Ule recent Hltahle thought It was only a An X-ray ahotaasraah the ILrht showed the Will be In a plaster Wtth ialJ In) ana a. - - . Fre Ttta Art? iSStto' 5C. earned . XL. ftosaa. mshand Ea. 'asl CfeeVa'"si' Ter POBUC MM Paid 214 OOO. To set TU owNrn of "Thi5 nc.Ki imo feVt tIM ACTION! , Since iioo ' Brooklyn Feds Finish "One Bradley's Crew Figure Them selves Very Much in the Pennant Race McGraw Catches Dp With Regulars in Houston. Columbia, B. 0 March 28. Hrooklyn Federnla will go to Parr fthoala to-d.iy to play n game. This la n hlg water power development gnmo aome twenty-live miles from Columlila anil thern are about ,K0O men there, many of whom have not acen any roal hnae ball tor a number of yearn, ao the trip will be a treat to hungry enthusiast. Only about fifteen players will mnkn the trip. Manager Bradley Is trying to arrange some games for the trip home and he may play at Crreenvllle on his way to open the Federal Ieague season. The players here are enthusiastic and believe thy will lm up In thn Federal League raco. None of thorn will admit that the team can do worae than one-two-Miree. VIMts to the playing field show conclusively that the men can hit. There may be enough speed, too, but tlm ace In thn hole la jure tn prove ability to clout the ball. If the outfield Is composed of 1 1 of man, Cooper and Fvnna, an seems likely, two wonderful batsmen will be on hand aa pinch hitters In Danny Murphy and Art Urlgga. The Brooklyn players are InteresteJ In the propoaed profit ahnrlng schema of President Ward and, while the de talle are not ut hand, the camp Is keenly alive tn tbe poHHlbllltlea of the I altuatlnn. All the men aay they will Four Bowlers Evening World Tourney1: Newark Club Has Two Wen of One Team as Prize Win ners Insurance Men Did Well. Tha Metropulllaii I.lfn Insurance t'omputiy had seven teams bowling last night In The F.venlug World! headpln tournament at the White Klephani alleys. While no teuui rec ords were shattered, two of the in surance men won silver fob. The Franklin Bowling Club of New ark did good work. Two members of one of the tea ma scored over in., plna and secured fobs. This Is the tlrat lime that two members nf one team managed to get Into tbe charmed circle. Mrtes.iliu.i Ufa Iwuwa liaiiiwjif SM Coaauaar. n I tint. Hi last.. 4 KT. to. n.JI wlJik n.. k kuaratuui i '..... M'v 1 im "' m"""' aflkiiSilllaa M lna,twii vmtmf, Hi I Kill i I M ; II..' in,. H laililK "Mm la,, lili 'Wun (Uli !., kif V.ii... SI I'.Jt, ae flak., ii. al ' . UfM.iLtAji lata Itijiil IVdUlanv Ne R paaask. last aeef. Ha.t; . l. rVniti.U. l-i.k) ii v. 1 iNasarkl itaaWnai.t. tti n.i...i.i sii Hraai. Hi Vliiaaa, lOB. I UK Tstta p wruui,Trr-iu3:'fa-,,Vvja JfaalSgf. Expect to - Two - Three" take SOnto of the stock with thank mid ant sum It will provs a paying Investment ut that figure. ManuKer Mradley Im completely at MS In thu Heaton muddle All that he known In that he want Scat cm on bin club. Hit H MONO. Vh., March 2 Mnn niter i 'nam e and hln Highbinder brl gans ndled into town this morning mid will lie here until Monday nlgbt. Two gumi a are m hoduled. to-day anil Monday. From hero the team will hit the trail fur New York and pre pare for the buttle with the lKnlgern 00 Thursday. I'ltchorn Cole, Keating and Cald well will leave for home to-irlglit and have order to get Into good condition for the gam" at Kbliet Field. Chance (toesn'l know yet who will be nent against the Dodger, but It la likely that Caldwell and Keating will go "fifty and llfty" agalnat Hoblnnon's crew. I'ecklnpatigh and Holden were out of the regular lineup agnlnnt the Buffalo team at Charlotte yesterday, which account In large measure fur the defeat of the teen;. Iloone, who replaced l'ocklnpnugh, made two cont ly error. Manager Knhlnaon an. i the Dodger wltneaaed the do feat of the Highbinders. HOUSTON, Tex., March 2.-The Qtont regular! ar h9re to-day for a l,..ttlA .,.. Ii.ul tl... . .... I. 1 U, McQraw arrived, this mornltiK ntid I Imiiicdlntelv wanted an explanation of the defeat Of the team yeaterday ut f ?n I ve:tnn lint This wtim eiiNV to i make lobupp lost th game In the Charloi Holiday Kbbets Joined the llnl round when the tlalveston play- party Just as It wan leaving Chat era hanged hi pitching for itVTM tsjMoga for Knoxvllle and. after a i in ill iii" iiii.ii ii'iiiiii. ii mil likely, hnwevei, that the game would have been lorn had McGraw been on the bass line. The regulars did a lot of "stalling" after the sixth round, when I hey had tbe mime 0 to S. Had they continued to play at top speed runs enough woiint nave neen scored to oiYeet the ninth Inning rally f the CalveHnn player Win Fobs in 8CHEDULE NEXT WEEK IN HEADPIN TOURNEY. Monday. March SO lleaervad for Knight of Columbus League, 40 tea ma. Tueaday. March II- F.inanon (4 taamal, Mogul (2 teams), Wllalmnl, M i i ISSniS). Herger Manu fucturltiK OstoPany, QueeuM, K I II lsams)l Konlsr ft rmnphell ir. i. .inn, i. Lir a Island Trnlflc, Alton, Amerb'an. vVednesday, April l Corona (U I.) I'oat-lillliR, LaSOlS Y. M. C A. i: ituiiihi, i.e. i Bank, N. J ; PrnsDset, i.e.,. i.i, ne City (I taamal: College Point, i.. i. iff tsams) i Hidganeid l'ark. Ni Ji ( tsamsll PstS Dnal ger Ktrat l'rtia (II) teams). Thursday, April '1- Ohsrry Owl (I team), l.ilierty, Krmiklyn (6 taamal; It. 1'rlaatlry A Co., Pas time, little Ferry. N J. (I teams): Hnnlor C triuna), Bryant (I tenins), Vina, Corona, L. I. (I teams): Itldgefleld l'ark, N. J. (S Irama), Starling 13 teams). Friday April t llnckanaack, N. J. (4 teams), Oman (I team), Bremor. Vlewvilin. Tonkers: Liberty, N. T. (S tuama): Aeme (1 teams), l ucky Htrlk ( teams), Aeme. I.. J, City IS Imims). FOB WINNERS LAST NIQHT. ilnnrge W, Hail, Metrnpnlllaii life insurance Company lis Bdward In. Mm, Metropolitan l.iia Inguranoa Contpsnr 1,111 I red Mum. Ifranklini Nawark, Mi J. , Ill Bdward A K nil. Franklin, New ark, n J in aii llialaa TS. Talal an itu an ; saetoe. .BjlgC X SO. to', r m an- fJF w - msa i t- BcFOtotr BCCOMiHCl A er,ejnTnfW WOUSjAST WO A rARMCto . A FArXfA HhNO WOOCO MAMSJ TO wow vreAOicv for. 598 VErR3l To KAJkM MMAT WttoUTIraaa MAS PeXtO TO WOt-CrAVT IKI 4 VSAKS AND 4 MOMTHS J Dodgers a Wonderfully Improved Te?m Under Manager Robinson's Coaching New Leader Has Instilled an Entirely Different Spirit Into the Men and They Are All Con fident of Finishing in the First Division Kid Elberfeld Is to Robby What Robby Was to McGraw. Thlt la the ninth of a aerlet of special articles by Boieman Bulger, The evening World' Baseball Expert, who I touring the big league training camp. The Idea of the Bulger tour I to furnlah fan with a line en the playing trength and aon' proapoct of team of the big circuit. In addition to the outlook ef the local club. Monday' article will be on the Botten National, the team with which George tailing worked auth wonder lait (aon. By Bozeman Bulger. (The Evening World's Baeeball Expert en Tour ef the Training Camp.) Copyright, 1914, by The Press Publishing Co. (The New Tork World). Chattanooga, Tenn., March 28. FTF.K two days In the oam? of the Brooklyn Dodgers, the one thought that hits home and lingers In the spirit of the team the esprit de oorpi, as we say In baseball. Robby has turned that crowd of got together to toward a championship as they go mn ePt l w'n pennant but they see a fighting chance for the guns in that direction. Next year they handshake In the hotel lobby, looked Inquiringly at his new manager. "I've got a nice bunch of boys here," Bobby said In response to the look, "If they can only win. Thoy are all In good health and as hearty la bunch of calrra as I ever saw." His eyes twinkled as he aimed this last shot at the Kbbets bank roll. "Are they working hard?" asked Kbbets, but the question needed no i answer. Just at that minute McCar thy, the new catcher, and Pat Bagon were coming on a run down the treat and Bobby merely pointed at them through the window. McCarthy hart run all the way In from the park with Hasron, panting like a lizard, holdlnx on through sheer gameneas. The others, left far In the ruck, had quit. DODGERS FIND REAL PLEASURE IN THEIR TRAINING. ' "That's what they've beun doing tight alonK." said Bobby. "They are so uiixtuus to be In good shape that 1 nave to worn that McCarthy every day to keep lilm from running tbe others to death. Honestly, I bellevo thut ktd could run ten mllee without tlrltut. s.iy. Mai'," lie called to the youtkif catcher, "cut those long runs out. You'll luive some of the boys overt rained," ijave it to me. Imss," the youth replied with a laugh, "and I'll atake the Bouth to a hundred pounds of fat off the Hrooklyn club ojid. meytin, unit bone." H.Lgon. who Is a lit tie overweight, was well nigh exhausted and flopped on the hotel steps, unable to go fur ther. "I'm all In," he said between puffs, as hs greeted Mr. Kbbets, "but I'd have died before I lei him beat ma" "Thare'll be no game this afternoon on oooount of thatlilgh wind," Bobby mild to McCarthy and Hugon, "but after luncheon I want you fellows to go out nnd have an hour of sliding practice." He repented thl.i to aaoh of the players as they straggled In and not uine of them complained or made a wry face. That good-natured aiav on the hack that Bobby can give wilii such an air of camaraderie did the trick. The athletes went romping into the elevator singing, some of i beui doing amusing Imitations nf the Owner Kbbets stood there and WfttfJwq Tiieni, l watched them, hla fane beam lag, He ntol never sM a Brooklyn bail stub athletes who formerly had the plaint of the under dog Into a hunch of kldders. There Is a laugh In every mlx-up on the held, a rollicking run back to the Hotel and at night a clearing, house of good stortea until bed time 11 o'clock. In the forty-eight hours I didn't hear one player say a disapproving word of another, nor did one make the customary comment as to what he would do If he could only get with a good team. They simply have no tne ix-st tney can and build up : along. Neither Manager Robinson nor I they have too much sense for that ' first division and are aiming their may do better. Bobby Is, perhaps, the most candid manager that you ever saw. He'll tell any ope, right off the reel, that he hasn't a wonderful team and that he has no Idea of winning the pennant. ROBBY GOING TO TAKE SHOT AT FIRST DIVISION. "I'm going to take a shot at the first division," he says, "and if I land I'll consider myself pretty fortunate. They say that George Shillings Is going to beat me out, but as yet I tall to see what with. He'll have to show me more than I've suen so far. I think we ought to beat out St u,uis easily, and It Is about even money between ua and the Beds. The Phil lies have been torn up considerably, but I expect them to do better than most people think. The Cubs will also do well. "I don't see how there 1a a chance to keep the Giants out of the cham pionship again, whether they get Tilly Hhafer or not. Ieave that to Mc Graw. He'll find a way with all that speed. The fight for the flag will probably be between the Pirates and the Giants, with New York huvlng a shade the best of It." Bobby Is In the rather unusual po sition of being able to keep all his recruit He can do that without exceeding the limit allowed by the National Ieaarue. The few new comers he has are all good too good to be sent away for Home time. The Brooklyn club will have one new player In the outfield ibis year and one In the Infield, Centreftelder Hlggert and Shortstop Egan. The lat ter waa bought from the Reda and was a factor in tne deal by which Cincinnati got Moran and Ylngllng. Hlggert cornea fresh from the minors, where he hung up an enviable rec ord. There will be two or three new pitchers and one new catcher -McCarthy, formerly of Newark. HOW DODGERS WILL LINE UP AT OPENING. Unless Injuries enforce changes, the Dodger team for the opening of the season will be: Outfield Wheat. If. i Rlggsrt. of, i Stengel, rf., with Jaek Dalton and Kraft as substitutes. Infield Dsubsrt, 1b.i Cutshsw, 8b. i Egan, as. Smith, 3b. t with Elberfeld and O'Msra aa substi tute. Cstshsrs Fischer, Miller, Me Carthy end Irwin. Pitehers Ruoker, Reulbaeh, Ragon, Allen, Wagner, Brown, Smuts. Altohlson snd Pfeffer. The one man very much the apple of Hobby- eye Is Kid HI berfeld res. tha same tabasco Kid whs pirouetted IMSOf Of Ml Fl6HTJ VMOLfaAST 6 ARM to Aft fAOCH IN SOeMNUTk AA A VJ.5- SOLDlEft. VM0V)U tasTT IF MC COULO- C"rTJCjOt AUOrlft Hlo VNEI&H"H m r)Rc Cjocp ROBBY TELLS BULGER THAT HE HAS NOTHING TO BE WORRYING ABOUT. Have you done any worrying this tpring?" Bulger asked Robby, thinking perhapa thst the man agerial responsibility had. weighed on him. "I don't see anything to worry about," he replied. "This is a fine crowd of boys and I believe they are right with me." 'You can bet your life they are," spoke up Dick Egan, who happened in. "I believe that. Dick." Robby declared, "and the only regret I have is that I can't be hard and rough when I want to. I need it sometime, but I guess I'm simply not built that way." "Never mind," laughed Egan, "wait till we lose about eight straight in the middle ef the sea son." And Dick ought to know. He saw a lot ef managers while with the Cincinnati Reds. eye are Ed PfelTer, Hmulz and Altchl son. I The rejuvenation of Rlberfeld la a j wonderful thing, second only to the remodelling of that young fellow over j ot Hot Springs Honua Wagner. It ! appears to have escaped general no ' tlce. but thin same youna: man El berfeld played regularly for the Chat tanooga club of the Southern League Inst year and led In fielding. He batted close to .360 and finished sec ond to Dave Robertson, now with the Giants. Kd Pfeffer. one of the new pltch- Ma leairue fame d ior,k null hiJ orotner or i This giant has everything that ii pitcher needs In the way of phyalrnl makeup, and ought to be a valuable piece of property for the club. Brooklyn Sport Queries Answered f tha Spnrtlaf Uirt At what wielght did Stanley Ketchel (Kht In the ring? A BKADKll. Ketchel wss s middleweight. To the SiiorUng Alitor: Are outsiders (non-members) al lowed In the New York A. C, during Its amateur boxing tournament, pro viding they pay for admission? A WORLD BKADRR. The New York A. C. boxing tourna ments are exclusively for members, but a member is permitted to bring a gusst. There is no other way of se curing admission. To tti Bportlnf Mltor: From whom did Battling Nelson I take the championship and In what division? Was Brltt ever champion of same class or any other class? Did Nelson ever fight Brltt for cham pionship? T. F. D. Nelson won the ohampionehip from Joe Gans. Brltt was nsver champion. Nelson never met him aftsr acquiring the title, but they fought three times previous to thst. The first time, in 1004, Britt won the decision in twenty rounds) in 1908 Nelson won over CHARLESTON SELECTIONS. Flrsi Bace Double Five. Bel fast, Thro Cook. Hooond Baoo Oraxell. Pluvi ous, Veneta Rtrome. Third Baoe Page White, Jim Ravage, Blase Away. Fourth Race Bedwell entry, Clnlden Chimes, Boyal Meteor. Fifth Baoe-Veneta Htrome, Unbrook. Duke ot Bhelby. Ulxth Baoe Sonny Boy. Milton A, Bepulveda. . iwiiHim ran GbWLLUKDS AND BOWLING i-rkw aad T Null. ' VI UM ST XPERT MECHANICS. 'Vn nn OU A Kfu MUkUWilr" Lang ford Was To Battling Boston "Tar Baby" Failed to Follow Up Advantage When He Had the Big Black in Dis tress. By John Pollock. wKr MING a pair of bright green trunks and an American at hla walat, which made ! .Tim Coffey, the "Dublin Giant," pale ! with envy, 8am Langfnrd, tbe ; doughty colored fighter of Bneton, cllmtied Into the ring of the Kmplre i A. C. last night, and for thirty raln i uten threw enough punrhen Into the . mld-nrctlon and fare of Buttling Jim Johnson, another colored' wlelder of the five-ounce mlttn, to stow away I nearly a ring full of "white hopes." I Jim not only remained on his feet despite thin aevcrn gruelling, but he also treated the fight fan to it great surprise by getting many a heavy right-hand awing acrotw to 8am's Jaw and also numerous Inside uppercuts and Jabs to the face which made Sam wince. Johnson, who tipped thn Hcnle at :2t! pounds, was not a bit afraid of Langford, for he stood right there : i and often met Ham as he came rush I Ing In with straight rlgh; plump on , the chin. In the second round Jim made Sam real angry by uppercuttlng j I him on the mouth with a short right , which drew the claret. Langfnrd tore IBM Jim after that and nailed him with many a heavy wallop, but It was noticed several time that Sam usti- ally stopped his body punishment In the clinches and also would sidestep away after he had shaken up Jim with some of his wicked blows to his Jaw or body. Several times the crowd hooted Sam for not going In and following up his advantage. Sam was emulating Peter Mnhcr, a hlg-hearted son of Kiln, who never liked to punish a fighter once he saw the claret streaming from his nose or mouth. While Lang ford easily won on points, JohnHim put up a groat fight ond can throw out hln chest by saying he stood off Longford for ten rounds. A match has Just Ix'ei cllmhed be tween Dun "Porky" Flynn, the heavy weight of Boston, and Jack "Twin" Sullivan, the light heavyweight of I ambrlde, Mass.. who has defeated i many a big "white hope." Flynn and i Sullivan will battle for ten rounds In I T Britt with a knock out in eighteen rounds. The third meeting wa s ten round "no decision" affair in Los Angeles, March 3, 1908. To 1 lie Sperling Editor: Will you kindly answer the follow ing: Was Tommy Murphy born In Harlem or Grsannolntj also the rlfc'ht name of Willie Ritchie and his nationality. JOF DONNBLLT, Tommy Murphy wss born in Har Ism, April 13. 1885. Willie Ritchie out of the rir ' is Mr. Geary A. Steffen. He's Gerr i descent. V GIVE Your Body lit m mi.i im Without Nulls Bell HIS Nulla Belt r POST GRADUATE EXPERT ACCOUNTANCY COURSE APRIL KVHNINO CLASS NOW RNROtXINO rcnnoNjiij.T ryixMKTgn bt FRANK BROAKER, C. P. A. A TRAINING FOR EXPERT PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PRACTICE a-vi PAMsiNii or CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT EXAMINATIONS Qi.'Aurr ro niTiMNTig to lywrr ?Vuif atic norr wirnorrr ggTfti cost SPECIAL PREPARATORY COURSE )TE FAVORS N. Y. A. C. SWIMMERS. na point to the i ilaaleletoesg oompeted against the tsrgl a of the United states Naval t waa learned from an auttiaatlast source that the mall votes already re turned aland J to 7 la favor of reaav- etatament. Very Kind Jim Johnson Boston on Thursday night. Fight clubs hold ahowa to-night. AA Fairmont A. C. Jim Coffey, the "Dub lin Giant," vs. Jack Connor. Brown's Gymnasium A. A., Frankle Burns TS. Kddla Lennon. Sharkev A. C, Paddy Sullivan vs. Bull Cassldy. Atlantis Garden A. C Johnny Keyes vs. Mike Kosen. Broadway Sporting Craft, Brooklyn, Knockout Brown vs. rilssj Callahan. Irving A. C, Brooklyn. Johnny Dundee vs. Toung Lustlg. Vanderbllt A. C, Brooklyn, Dutch Brandt vs. Nick Nelson, queeaeboro A. Ch Iong Island City. Bert Fesl vs. Billy Roonsy. Jess and feddla MoMahon to-day signed up three ten-round bouts for the next show of the Kmplre A. C on Friday night. Bert Fagua vs. Johnny WllaoD. Young Brown vs. Benny Leonard end Packey Hani may tn. Knockout Brown. Phil Cross is through with tha box ing game. Sam Wallach, his brother, told tbe writer last night that Phil has come to the conclusion that ha cannot make any mora money by slinging the flve-once gloves and has quit the ring for good. Phil will go Into the film business. Tom O'Rourke has clinched three ten-round bouts for the next show of the National Sporting Club on Monday night. Young Brummie of Jersey City tackles Young Cardell of Newark, Mike Matle meets Johnny Bedell of Perth Amboy and Genu Cannon of Milwaukee boxes Frankle Burna of Jersey City. Jimmy Coffey, the Harlem light weight, and Johnny Harvey, tbe ulrnnr And m.Mtvn t ar! rt H rhl . . W0lght, were matched to-day to toast ! In the mllm bout of ten rounds St the show of the Olympic A. C. of Harlem on Monday- night. Foreign Cueists Coming Here for 14.1 Tourney Maurice Daly, veteran of many champlonahlp billiard games, Is hash home from a three weeks' pleasure trio to 1'arls. Mr. Daly said ha some of the foreign cracks peel off long runs In exhibitions, but he firmly believed that champion Willie Hoppe could clean up the lot without a greut deal of trouble. But the TSt crun feats thst several of ICurope'S champions could defeat many of our leading I layers. According to Mr. Daly, Willie Hoppe wan the only home player who performed In regular form In mutches during the past win ter. Maurice Daly won't rompsts la airy blK mutch until next fall, bnt hs says that there will be a big set of 14.1 balkline games at the Astor next month that will round out the present billiard season. These games will probably have an international fea ture, according to Mr. Daly, for ssv erul foreign cue artists have an nounced their Intention of coming over for the Astor matches. Incidentally, the former champion declared thut Willie Hoppe waa tak ing up a new name golf. Mr. Daly rather pioudly said he introduced the cue champion to the sport, and that Willie waa developing Into a good player. ABDOMINAL IfBELT is s health belt in tbe truest aenea. ftss larlishi to wear. Reduce reur abdomen S inches er saara instantly and support lb back ass spina. Give you a rssl-turs while yes wars aaa) you 100 lil vry hear el the say. Hand S3, eneelel lensslBetery asiea. aad rear . nvuur Way indrsral.a Us Nullfa aassaav ntn iiraiaua aaa umusa. Mas lis TbliAT. lt'i PBXE. PROF. CKM. IUITEH (Dost. 117). 141 Bui IM ttftot, In Tart CHI V J f I- A M vssnr-i ft aak 1 2 i I will lstoto?&ujsw