Newspaper Page Text
. CH BYENINtt WOELD, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1914. J Tale Who WonNew York After 13 Years i A A 1 -W B But Maude Eburne Be lieved She Had Cone Down to Disaster When She Took That Record Breaking Fall Which Helped to "Land" Her It Wat Done Just for Fun at Rehearsal as a Tall Timbers Stunt Her English Slavey Taken From Original in Canadian Home. By Charles Darnton. nS those .lays of -pretty little tlufr with a talent only for millinery who seem to And SnaU their nay from magazine covers to the stag' . If good to meet a plain, linnl-worklng character act ress who ban made (rood after slaving away In "stock" for thirteen years. Just a woek nwo to-day Maude Bburne rubl l her eyes after read hit; of the hit she made In "A Pair of Blxes," and ns late aa yesterday afternoon even those asms eyes were filled with surprise. She had come vsr from Urooklyn, where she has been recovering from the shock of I unexpected success, and was mak- tha imMr rMrhM of tha Tnmrn Theatre look like a clover field, , thanks to the bloom on a simple llttlo critics. You know, there's an old ay hat. I shouldn't have known her tog among tock actons, 'If you cau't had It not been for the proud air of . a tau-h. do a fall If ure fire.' - - . .lltj in. nn I. n I WIL 1 lold mysielf the critic would that office boy with the Bostonlan " w sy w w head who bobbed up In the same part i a iaUffh, and that th! would settle h playa on the stage, and after mo. When 1 let myself go 1 felt oa oatchlng my name with a friendly I though I were dropping doad ao far Tin showed me Into a room where J newapjiper notleo were MB. W . .,', r"ii corned. 1 said to myielf, 'Hore goes! h gTlnned still more broadly at an ( and KAyt up hope nrht there. I almost shrinking little woman who I waa particularly afraid of three of looked a though life were all work you nnd the odd part of It was that sad no play for her. That look la all three of you gv me wotvdarful worn by the "stock" actraaa. I Fftlf HEAD Twtured for Two Years. Always Getting Worse. Got Scaly and Spread Quickly. Kept Awake Nights. Itching Terrible. Cutr cura Soap and Ointment Cured. ma PsJIsade Ava. Union Hill. N. J. fSi ringworm was torturing m for at kawt two raw, always getting worsa My race ana nsaa ww m feeted part. To begin with I bad an Itching and started s scratch and scratched on til my face waa covered with red round blotches. Than U got scaly later and spread vary quickly. It kept me awake nights as tha i tsrrible "I applied all bom rsmadlss bat all of BO avail. I used sveryt'ung du mry tw so any better. At last I gave up bops of stay being cured when one day I read about aha Outlcura Soap and ointment. I pur- td a box of each, i sppusa m.v.uura . wish water ss ho as I oouid stand M, I sppued th Cutlour Ointment which I left oa a few minutes. I than wasaea on the Ointment with ths Outlcura Soap and hat water Th arm night they relieved m Swan ih'trrft)l Itch- Within a few weeks I was eared." (Signed) Mis Margarstha Arnold. Sept. IS. 191S. A single rk of Outlcura Soap (ac.) and bos of Cutlcura Ointment (oc.) ar often Mfflrlent whan all else has failed. Sold throughout th world Bampl of each mailed free, with 33-p. Skin Book. Address ' Ouoeur. Dept. i mm tsaiM waa mru who shsv sd sospoojslthOw. of "Stock" ' 1 " 1 - "There Isn't much to tU," respond ed the plain little woman In the plain blue suit, rather apologetically. "I've been playing churacter part for thir teen years, moat of the time In stock and alwaya In this country. I'm not English, in aplte of the cockney ac cent I use In 'A Pair of sixes.' I was born in Canada, near Toronto, and made my first appearance on the stage In Buffalo." "And aftor thirteen year you've anally 'arrived' In New York." "It aeema too good to be true, and I can hardly make myself believe It even now," she answered with a tllcaerlng smile. "The fact la, I ap peared uero once before, but nobody noticed It." A weak little laugh choked In her throat, and then sue added: 'I played a slavey with Will lam Haw trey In 'The Old Firm,' which fulled, you remember? Hut you don't remember me, I'm sure. Attar tuat 1 went back to stock, and got no nearer to New York than Jar key City, I was with a company there for sotorul weeks. That was a .ti ar ar last winter. Tnon I got an engagement In summer stock in Koclievter. It was there that A Pair uf sixes waa tried out, and I was lucky enough to le brought to New York with the piece." "Did you think you would make a hit In It?" "I didn't dream of It," she declared. "You knew, of course, on the open ing lughi that you had made one?" "No, 1 didn't. I felt that the audi ence luul accepted me, but 1 felt equally sure the ciitloa would con demn me." She threw up nor head now and took UM Why?" out of my mouth With I'U tell you why. I believed that f:i: I took would kill tnn with tha Th tMMM names were mentioned under her breath and then flung off with a laugh. "I can laugh at my fnara now," abe reflected, "but I couldn't then. Thai fail would finish me 1 was sure of It. The worst of It waa that 1 h.ui no one to blame but myself. It wu not part of my bualnea in the play to drop to the floor. It oame about in the most occidental way. Purlivg a lull in rehearsal, while Mr. was going over the manuscript, Mr. Pomona and I txigan 'kidding' each other on the stage. 'Coddle, ' he re marked, going quit outside hi Una, take my advice and always remain a maiden.' I laughed and aald: 'Say that again, then bump your nose (igainat the acenery and I'U do a bum fall.' Just for fun we did the stunt, and then to our uMonlshment hoard Mr. Frazeo null out: 'Keep that In. We'll do It If we die in a week.' Mr. I 'arson and I Immediately began to regret what we had done. But It was too late. Mr. Frazee had hi mind made up and there waa no help for us. 'That sort of clutractar work goea In tho tall Umbers, but It won't go In New York,' I wh:pered to Mr. Parsons. He groaned. And on tho opening night, wben wa heard tho shriek, we could hardly believe our ear. Now my only fear Is I'll break a hip or something on of those nights. I'm so sore, s It l. that I can't pas a drug store without a Htron; craving for liniment." Anyway, ho had "landed," so Miss Bburne could afford to take her bruises lightly. But she did say she hoped she would never have to piny another lavey part. "I am tired of slaveys," ah con fessed. "But I do want to be a char acter woman to tha end of my day. To my mind, work of this kind gives an actraaa a wlda rang, and It la Interesting because of th Incentive It glvos one to study character In a play called "Captain Whlttaker Place.' with Tom Wise, I played deaf woman who was always listen ing with her eyes. One day In a train 1 heard a woman behind me speaking to her companion, and I knew at once by her voice that she wa dsaf. In a short time I waa able to Iraltat the voice of a deaf parson. I have alwavs triad to take my characters from Ufa. Ooddlae la ttttto mora than Actress In Canada. She was Kngllsb, with a most pronounced cockney accent, and although alio was entirely at her easo and happy in tho kitchen, fear and trembling seized her when we had guests and she was obliged to come In and serve things. You may nave noticed how my hands shake when I bring In the cocktails. That's exactly the way pour Mary used to act. In the quick h inges of stock work, of course, one hasn't time to find a type to suit the role. Fre quently the members of a company have nothing more to help them than tiie pictures or the metropolitan play ers they find In the newspapers and magazines. A rather curious thing happened as tho result of my trying to make myself look like Florin Ar nold when I played tho mother In a stork production of 'Mrs. Uumpstead Leigh.' I pushed my face up with a high collar and padded no generously thut I seemed to be of ample pro portions. After the first performance the manager of another stock com pany who happened to be In front came around and offered tun an en gagement. Buying: 'Wo need a stout character haracter woman.' I showed him my :hln wrists, which had been covered, , mill wnm, wuii.ii 11, iu upcn l uvereu, . and told him that next week I was to play Mis liasey in 'Ths Cabbage ' kim There have been numer Patch.' llo took one look at me and " ; ', ,, revival of thla eAuiuiuieu, -u uuu-puus: i ve 01- ! ten marvelled at the work done out i tho ,,.n ta.vT Th. ... i in the small 'stocks.' There are men i nnil wnniaii if MtJumlM nhllitv whit ha v Vw. In !aw V-b Thev know It would take veara for in J x. v t .i i ii ion v i (v . them to get here, and so they hang back, afraid to take the step Thu f i Is the way I felt, and now that I am hern I can hardly make myself be lieve that nw York has been kind to me." A mist gathered In the pale blue eyes, and tha next moment "Coddles" was energetically nuntlng for a handkerchief. Frieda Hempel Wins NewHonor8 By Her Fine Eva Br; Vnh ft'pr Itninlinn 7 aemmer nmrnmng, FSJBDA 1IKMPK!.'S Eva In "DlO MeisterHlnger," which she re- . . , ., veaieu is us ior ine nrsi urns . k .. vi... i n ir.,.,., i.. night, at OBM w.i-s a mnprlso and a delight. Probably her impersonation of Poquer's duughter Is the best that we have seen. Certainly nono that is better linger In memory. Its essence of youth, Its maidenly naivete, If charm of person and of voice could not full to carry conviction, liravo, Miss Hempel! Why waste your time on Queens of the Night, or Violet tas, or Lucius. w)mn juii ui portruy characters that seem real and hold substance so vividly? For one thing, however, Miss Hempel must be criti cised. The rich and elaborate gown she wore in the lost act would much better . have becorue Mary Queen of Scots than tut) daughter of a gold stnlth of Nuremberg, even though he were head of the Guild. Mis Hmpel' success seemed to Inspire the whole company. Louise Homer returned to the part of Mag dalene and Imbued it with something more of her former archness and charm In vuice and action. Heiss, us David, added a measure of piquancy, as he alwaya does when she Is his sweetheart. Hermann Well made his Hans Sachs more than usually son orous and genial. Rudolf Merger, as Wulther. reinforced his handsome presence with a touch of romantic fervor. He sang the Prise Song well. The quintet was a triumph. Qorits'a Beckmeaaar can win no now word of praise. It la Incomparable. The other masterstngers, Wit hers poo n, Mohlegel, Murphy, Bayer. Audlsto. Hughe. I.eonhardt, Ananlan, Hager and Fuhr- man, and Ptnl-Cnral th Night Watchman, were In good form. Tho chorus, as usual, thanks to Ottilia Hettl, waa admirable. Mr. Toscanlnl conductad a really splendid perform ance. 'NATOM A" POSTPONED; "THAIS" AT THS CENTURY. Hays for the The Belle of Bond Street" Will Have Gaby Deslys and Sum Bernard Margaret Anglin to Revive -Lady Windermere's Fan" "Change" Com to the Park Theatre $ f p?: c tree,- of the osteal comedy OM from Kay's," will be of fered at the rThnbart Theatre on Mon day ntght, with Oaby Deslys In the title role and Ham Barnard In Ma old part of Hoggenhelmer. The book Is by Owen Hall and Harold Attendee, the music by Ivan Caryll and Lionel M cock ton. HeoMes the stars the will Include Lawrence d'Orsay, Lot tie Collins, Frltale von Buslna. Forest Huff, Harry Pllcer. Oena McAullffa, Charles Burroughs and Alloa Gor don. There will be a chorus or seventy-five Oscar Wilde's oomedy-drama. Lady Windermere's Fan," will be re vived by Margaret Ang'in at the Hud- eon Theatre on Monday night. The play waa first given here at Palmer's Theatre, on Feb. t, IStS. Its charac ters are of the upper sorlal class, and the story la concerned with a domestic skeleton In the closet. With Mlaa An glin will be Arthur llyron. Margery Maude, Barah Cowcll IO Moyne. Hutu Holt Boiiclcault, Lillian Thurgate. Sidney Greenstrcet, Pedro da Cor doba and others. e On Monday ovenlng the Welsh play "ChanKe," recently seen at the Booth Theatre, comes to the Park Theatre with the original cast. A special per formance under the auspice of the Drama Leugue will be glen on Mon day afternoon. The Btage Society will give Ita fourth and last production for this season at the Lyceum Theatre on Monduy afternoon with Miss Dorothy Donnelly In one play and Miss t'har lotte Ives In another. This will be the only presentation of two new plays Thomas Heywood's "A Worn .n Killed with Kindness" and Rldg- ley Torrence's negro tragedy, "Granny Maumee. e a e There will be two openings to-night -Blllv Burke In "Jerry" at the Ly- om,m nnd "Panthea." with Olga Pe trova In the title role, at the Booth Theatre. e e e Hilda Kngltind will piny Mrs. Alvlng In a epecial performance of "Ohoata" which will be given to morrow eve ning at the Iiongacro Theatre for the benefit of the Swedish Hospital and tho Hwedlah Home for the Aged. Members of the various Bhubart nimiuniM now In town will partici pate In s performance for the benefit of Sydenham Hospital to oe given at the Lvrlc Theatre to-morrow night. u.n enrvm "The Midnight Olrl tw Mrvnv Cooks" and "A Thousand Yearn Asro" will be feature of the i rMiT imlilP Charlotte Walker in "The Trail of . v,.. i j.nMAMH. Pine" ramie to the f'.mml OrMa House on Monday Thn West End Theatre will have nouncod for the Century Opera Houaa for next Tuesinv, ; postponed for two weeks so that It may be mora thoroughly rehearsed. The Messrs. Aborn have profited by the example of "Ttafland, whloq also was i- i. ,in,.,i for the same resson, and whan lt W(L1 produced proved one of their b(r(?p((t artistlc eucceaee. "Thais," i.i.fIf-,i !,,, , -Vntomo." will be next nnd It Is likely to repeat lis Kwell. Louis Kreldler success. Lot BUC, and (luetaf Rcrgman will nave the Tuesday night, Mr. IPH'IIIIK imiie "' - - - Hzcndrci conuiu uug. . -. a. S i; l ti,l lffa. Aioer una unscn sou ""'"- - Kill 1 1 Will in.--i,t n. n... - dances nt tho popular Sunday concert to-morrow night. Orvllle Harrold nnd Jean TheslnfT. he nnw French bari tone, will be among the soloists. FREE RSCITALS NEXT WEEK IN THS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Hoard of Kduoatlon announce:, the following free lecture recital In public schools next week: Monday, at Washington Irving High School. "Irlah Music;" at Public School No. ST, "Itlchard Wagner;" at Public School No. 81, "Folk Hongs of Scan dinavia," and at Public School No. 11, "Composers and Music of Ger many." Tuesday, nt Public School NO. 90. "The Physical Music of music, ,, ,.,.mio aohooi no o. "Folk I gongl Of S.-andini.vla." Wednesday, at Public Seho il No. S7, "Franz Li-i..,!. t 'f ThnN.l.i' Iiil.l,,. I nmHwoi imh, i ... - ocnooi ro. d, nunsi ui lulus." Friday, at Public School No. 132, "Grieg and Norwegian Music." The ttoaton Opera Company, of which Henry Russell 1s the manag ing director, closes Its season to-day wllh a matinee performance of "The Jewels of the Madonna" and a mixed bill at popular prlne In the evening. m .. n,,M.1l tm to m.ike the exoert- fmont of taking hi company to Paris for a spring season. VrMa X. Arejis and th Psoplea Symphony Orchestra give the lnt concert of their soason at 'amngie Hall to-morrow afternoon. The oln tst will be Mm. Lambert, an Arnei'i ean, who a Julie Lindsay sang lead ing soprano roles at the Paris Ornnd opera for five years. Llsst's sym phonic poem "Tosso" and Vlotor Her bert's "American Fantasy" ar among the orchestral numbers. The fifth chamber concert of the aoclety will hi (.iven at Cooper Union on Mon dn evening by the Harrere P)nmn ble. F.stelle Ncahaus, Hungarian-Herman pianist, will glv a recital at Aeolian Hall on Tueaday aftarnoon. On-thlrd of the proceeds are to be rtvan to tha Children's department of tha Stat Charities Aid Association. Paderewslcl, Prances Alda and Pohumann-Helnli are to give a cor rert In Carnegie Hall this aftarnoon for Vhe honefll of the building fund of the Musicians' Huh, which desires n home of Its own They have volun teered their service, anil tlm liouso Is said to !'! ."old nut The Qarn SS I.lertcrkruns gives Its third private concert of the season to-morrow evening. Kathleen Par low, tha Canadian violinist, will be If-pra Bat t Bond Coming Week Blanch Rlna? ra "Whan Claudia Smile." 'The Governor's Lady" will be pre sented by the stook company at the Academy of Music. "The Columbia Bnrtesquers" return to the Columbia Theatre. "The Broadway Olrls" will be seen at the Murray Hill Thentre. The Olymplo will have "The Mis chief Makers." Hos Rydell's "London Helles" will be at Miner's People's Theatre. VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS. Gertrude Hoffman and her com pany of forty-seven singers and dancers will head the hill at the Palace. Other features will be Mae Murray and Clifton Webb In modern danoea. Miss Orford's elephants, Mme. Doree and her company of twelve singers In operatic selections, and Charts nnd Fannta Van At Hammersteln's will he Maurice i and Waltmi In dances, tdiskv's "lld- heads," Johnny Hyunvi nnd I. ell Mclntyre, Sam end Kittv Morton. Tack Wilson and Ha rah llernhardt In motion pictures of "Camilla." Mr. and Mr. Carter le llnven In a song and dance offering will be the hcadllner at th Colonial. Other number will be Mr. and Mrs. Pat Rooney. Hermlne Shone In "The lAst of th Quakers." Llttlo Hilly, and the Ishlkawa Jap. At th Alhambra Fannie HHce will be the main attraction. The pro gramme will Include Jon Welch In "A Study from Life," Otis Kdwards's Kid Kats ret, F.rwtn and Jane Con nolly In "Sweethearts," nnd nohby Heath and Florrle Mlllershlp In songs and dances. The Five Shannons will head tho bill at Proctor's Twenty-third Htreol Theatre. At the Fifty-eighth Street Theatre Rdward Hutchinson nnd the Kngllsh Johnnies will bo the feature. "La Gracloscn" will bo the novelty at the One Hundred and Twenty fifth Street Theatre. IN THE BRONX. Elsie Ferguson In "The Strong Women" will be the attraction at the ltronx Opera House. "The Whip" will be seen at the Royal Theatre. Harry Hasting' Big Show comes to Miner. The bill at Keith's will Include Mer cedes In a demonstration of thought transference, F.thel Green. Hnny snd Lea, Fatlma, Arthur Sullivan In Straight" and Klut lug's Entertain er. WITH THE "MOVIES." "Judith of Bothulta" nnd "Soldiers of Fortune" are the two feature films at Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre. At th Vltagrnph Theatre "A Mill ion Bid" and "Onodnna Gracious" re main th attraction. "The Life of Our Saviour" will t- shown ait th Manhattan Opern House. "The Rise and Fall of Kapolaon," an eight-reel production, will he pre. son ted at the New- York Theatre. "Lea Miserable" I now In It third month at the Carnegie Lyceum "The Halted Trap," a film ahowlng how motion picture are produce. 1 will he presented at tho Republic Theatre. will be from th Philharmonic So clety. Arthur Cluassen will direct the chorus und Otto A. Graff will be the accompanist. Schumann -Helnk Is to glv her only New York recital of the season st the New York University nest Tuesday evening. Katharine Ooodson, the Rngllsh pianist, after a most successful Amer ican tour, Is to sail on the Adriatic net Thursday. She was a pupil of !,chtlaky, not of Pderewkl, as was reported recently. She met the Polish pianist for the first time when be wa Invited to his homo In Switz erland to play his concerto. Prof. Bamuel A. Baldwin will give his usual free organ recital at the City College to-morrow and vVeoiio.-.-day afternoons at 4 o'clock. Orsce May Llsssnden will give a fre organ recital In the old Third Presbyterian Church on Monday evening. GOOD FOB ONE VOTE IN RITCHIE A CORNELL'S Free Popularity Contest Five Free Round Trip European Tours FOR THE MOST POPULAR Policeman, Fireman, Letter Carrier, Railroad Ems'oys and Gtiaan. Th names of ths leading contwtants will be printed I our advertise ments tvi. k. Yuu may vote as SHUT coupons aa yuu pleas to help yeu or your frivinl wis a Kru Trip tu Uuropa No employee of Itltclil A Cornell Is slluwed to enter this contest. Coupon appears am h night In The Uvanlnc World, livening Journal and Bvening Telegram. In case of tls far any of tha prises, aecb winner will receive tha prise tied for. Vol may b east tn parson st any of our t store, or can bs mailed to our 141 Broadway. New Yurie. Stora VOTE GOOD FOR ONLY ONE CANDIDATE jr Oeewsaftoa Asa rats KiiCHIE ft CORNELL Tailors 1.1 1 7 Hnwilwar ar.l Nth Aa. 4i" ft. I tin h it. tS.'.N Rd Ave. i tnn n .iw.., gHltl hth Ave. ir.rv m imam ai. ini t n,t Ave. IM tlslhiMh Ave.. MOv This vote must be cant on or hefore There Is Comfort In knowinff that you can obtain one tried and proved remedy thoroughly well adapted to your needs. Every woman who is troubled with headache, backache, languor, extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try fleechanti W (Ta Urges! Sal aj As lasm what a difference what a difference tha system they Insure batter nerves, and bestow the charm complexion r.nd Trfaoioui women have learned, 1.' nte. that The Unfailing MteBfTfC TasswSslIlasjw has ass 'UNCLE JOHN" TO PLAY WITH "NIECE ETHEL" Mr. Drew and Mhs Bairymore Will Appear Thh Spring tn "A Scrap of Paper." Theatregoers have long been waiting for the time when John Drew and bis niece. Miss Bthel Rsrrrmore. would ap- ; pear together as co-stsrs and the time has come at last Charles Frohman j has just perfected a plan by which , Ihey will play a spring engagement at the Kn.plre Theatre In a revival of Vlrtorlen Harden s good old comedy. "A Scrap of Pjper." The date of the open ing has not bees set, but It will coats within the month. It will be the first time that Mr. Drew nnd Miss llarrymore liav acted to gether since li'.' i, when she made her debut I "The Bauble Shop." Throe years after that she became s stsr In "Captain Jinks " Nine then thire have been many attempts to bring , Mr. Drew end his talented niece to- ; gstnar nn the seme stage, but until now the right opportunity has not presented Itself This year Mr. Ih-ew has hern appear- Ins- In "The Tyranny of Tears and Miss Harrymore m Ksddon Cheat hers's "Tae'e " "A Herer ef Pneer" In en" of the mnst successful plays In the1 iiyiwu uni. it wn, i in. ti in dvw I York with Miss Henrietta Crosmaa tn the lending part" ' ( Irmniiy." C Muti'les ureal success at H allnei hears a fatnt resemblance to It. Play Running at Other Hornet Along Broadway. Maude Adams is arranging to sup plement her season of "Th Legend of Leonora" at tho Umpire with a snrles of four nintlncn a week of "Peter P.iu " "Kitly MaeKny," Catherine Chlolm cuiliings .s.oieh comedy. 1 a t tract - Ing capacity audlencea nightly to the Comedy Theatre. At the Foiiy-elghth Street Theatre To-l'n" hus passed Its two hun-! drcilih performance. Tho Kill" of Throe" enters upon tho seventh week ut tho Harris Theatre. "Omar the Tent Makr" Is doing very well at the Lyric. At the Fulton Theatre "The Mis leading Ladv" la a laughing success 'The Yellow Ticket." with it x- cellent csst, Including John Mason. lack Harrymoro and Florence Heed. Is firmly established at the Biting Thentre. "Potash und Perlmutter" will nrnh. ably play through th cummer at the Cohan Theatre. Julian Kltlngo In "Th frtnoMnx Girl" I exciting admiration at the Knickerbocker Theatre. "A Pair of Sixes," nt the Lons Am Theatre, hus scored u gonuin comedy nn. l.ov, mystery, adventurs and farce am combined In the big success of "Seven Key to lluldpato" at the Anlor. "The Queen of tho Movies" will r mnln for the rest of the season t the Globe Theatre. Francos Starr's hoat of admirers are flicking nightly to the BeUseo to m ht In "The Seerot." Fngngnmenis abroad will cause Cy ril Maud to terminate shortly bis highly successful nnga.gemnt In "Grumpy" at Wallack's. LEHAR'9 COMIC OPERA. "Maids of Athens" enters upon Its third week nt the Nnw Amsterdam. "Han." the Hungarian operetta with Miaal Hajus In the title role. Is keep ing up Its popularity at the Liberty Theatre. "Along Cams Huth." at the Oaletv, la making stcwvly strides In the favor of tho public. "The Whirl of the World" continue tn draw crowded houses at tha Win ter Garden. "Tho ML Inlghl Girl" Is a musics! comedy favor! I ut the Forty-Fourth Street Theatre "Marrying Money" st the Prince Theatre lum the fmHusoin Mptrlt of MOtlthi "High Jinks" will keep up It marry musical pare at the Casino to thn end of the searon. Frank Craven has given up a sum mer trip to Kuropo a the result of the succcis of "Too Many Cooks" at UM Thirty-Ninth Street Theatre. "Help WSntaS" Is making a popular success ill M ixlne Klllott's Theatre. Lauretta Taylor In "Peg o' My Heart" I allll playing to Luge, audi ences at the Corl Theatre. SBJIT5 $1 M .75 It to Measure April 4. K. w Mareh It. M I tha Warld) they they will make. By purlfylnu sleep, qufettT digaatlon, Bounder ot ariarklinp; tjen, a spotless rosv XhooaantU span t:iou3atKi or Beecham's filial are re'.iabla and Home Remedy Uhaswfclya-S. esrr eslssHi I n i MS Sj sj sjjesji I 'f-M STERN BROTHERS 42d and 43d Streets, West of Fifth Avenue We direct attention to our exceptional facilities for Cold Dry Air STORAGE OF FURS Fur Garments and Oriental Rugs insured against theft, moths and fire, st very low rstea Special price concessions on alteration and repairing work during Spring and Summer. Draperies and Hangings Stored. Lace Curtains cleaned st moderate cost and stored free of charge. Estimates submitted snd articles called for upon request Telephoni: Bryant 670 J AMUSEMENTS MAX1NE ELLIOTT'S THKATIta. ailXU T. NtAIt IlltUAIlWAT. Ot.IV ICR MOHOVO Present. th ruAT with a ruwcsi and a riaroam br jack lajt. HELPW 1,000 LAUGHS! a ri rr into titr private ornrm op mo lUslNKH THAT WtU OPBN VOfR nU il .4.1.1 44th Hail, Mat 2 la.t H-aU 1 K l LAST 2 TIMES S IM Wtatu Hrvsia-n mmwm AMERICA the whirl WORLD iiuTSravM'-r-U THE MIDNIGHT GIRL with ItROMl.R MAPAItl.A-.. BOOTH 3 TO-NIGHT Si", PANT H E A mJ.;x. huuaft TSs:Z. NVrt Manda, ""."aCllSam Barnard -Gaby Dssiys I'.s I la Th. B-lle ef Itend Strerl. pKiNCaw&isuTsiTa JSa, MARRYING MONEY -lSo. B ud SSU St. SsuuiJ. s IS. HIGH JINKS uuli STKLLA MATHEW ud Tow IJtWW. TOst0MAR '.I V BATRA POST In The Tralmakn. tfirsT. EJaVw'X rnn many rnnire ff TOO MANY COOKS Rr I A WiUil Kll kk OHAVBM Ulk SC. a. of M in im ;'SH M.u, Wei, Mi.. ii m THE THINGS THAT COUNT LliTLE iKM' ffatSK Barnard Shaw's msBL. 4 MTH NT. I'll K A. t.s :.i. Msu.Tbns Hal HK ASON I J III Tllris v WE! IEMVJ "YW" AktkmYd.S4 bitiao mi MhWiolMJ -T.i i HKHTRNII.' HBth W. oiau At. Bw. .U. JLV" 1 Cecil Spooner in 0ns Day SU'k Rlsnrtw Rlns In Whan nswtls Swum. IT , . . of i . r.. t s.aa l Want Lsuratla Taylar I '' ' " ' "PRi "PRO ft' MV II R ART" W NH ATTAN OP. HO. o4Ul Su Af HMflk THE CHRISTIAN . IUI1 C.r r's XulHIIsi U S Hnit urWAI Tbis. Isa hu si.aai A. a..aia' KUIAL, n.. t . MstlMs To DT. 2 I.V WITHIN THE LAW NEXT WCKK THK WV1P MADISON SQ. GARDEN. sTtte YIIZAftO PWHU OfAMSUT CUUlbAL ORIENTAL MX) ARLN1C CHAMPIONS. SPELTV FREAKS IN VAST ARRAY MONSTEri CLE AND .LNACLKh. 2oii 4 3Uo7 nr.. si a a k rr l in iik I'lUVATU Uu f.Ulrl. Ji b" iXiMrwi UmlM IV 1111 I'rius AiUruuunt. HIl.lM II TU tnini ioijvi. m, ll lrt I llli. . osdssr; Otaual Broa. Jofca Waoanskar. M.Y, CnUil Ticket igf. a w . JSf. v. Ill w w. : n una diuvss. wvia Us . sad AbftAaa a susua sraosira B' v A Al U U to 11 D SL 'i ,. . 1U -Niitds 11-V. ui' BETHUUA in., b. .tl.kVib Has "r.M.llt.Ha iiv roam CASINO Mll.ll III !Ulth m II mi TO-MOIIHOW IMt S.I M.1S BENEFIT thk Vaudeville and Musical Cimidv Stirt III -. .J Havk' T'S'I Lar lUuTUSIU iaii- i r V ivsnr Mm an ( Urk a .. itinrs 4 ' . t... I'ait..k Ul. K 1 .1 '. all JhM I'.. . Bf fric ri vTi itv "nt I u.tuui. i-aiih ! VrtlN 1 UM not si; I M'tMT. Villi srr. ' su H I Natti rUfdai a sal t Tills Weak A Nit. Mon Nlsht. "Mlif HA" VVrsh !'. Ni 1 Tin - i iv. mi ii. BVWSAT KlOtrt rovrt'HT to at .no. V ARIMRi UAi c: I s.aoTO .aaiiii.f Iran ... HI lo UdM CLOSING l UI I'.IM l.G STAItS. M n auufbal ll.i.i.. I' tlll.tlSHKIItM I V s ui i t. La uai. ll.ho v mons. ao. academy uaa ununL 'I THE Bolaad MAN INSIDE B. Mollnaui'v (Iraat I'U'. I r0lUMBII .-,v BURLESQUE Mm. Ml. U0WERY Bl'RLESQUERS VilAGKAHH, ... 4-1.. i 91. 'To- ij -i mi a U I', u A illlddllN HID OlHUls UlltL'lOI'S. JOHN ni NNY A I'll. HEHEBa IBARNUM 6b BAILtYll urn 9 7J SivH a JUf- at I nULMA I'H'iNB nryant 14T. Rvsa a.. tU'lnxa Wedneeaer snd Sl lay, a .10 Wednesday MatlM. i ' svsis sine MTirn nix I lu 1,000 THRILLS! MKW URK'S LRAUINO THRATRBB. ssMwwTi rrassR tnirrrs. iuDEsBMM TO-MIinT AT sl.30 irirst Tims.) JULIAN ELTINGE "JZF" . .'2.'3" I "-01 MU "U Tuu NSSlI" A rwr : I iru I JJJ sjubtt ita ibbsl XrnaTB - iitrii Peen 5E Movies 11 mill Hi SMS, s..o. OHKATRXT OA.NI I.N FRANCES STAR CYRIL MA Now AssslardasB MAIDS O ... T,irrs- a ea m i Wrd. rcir.ii lllll'glB,TT7fWTrrrTT9 'ifiPiia.-iia.iai..inaiij f I h raalsry riiiA Hjtn UM BRONX flPSSS H0BISTI Mittv.tar Nearly H. Elata farm, Tha HAMMERSTEINStS Trtii. v'nstuaa. A. bsldais Slsi a orau. Tun, jm v, aii ii. "aa 21 4 woauw T,ui" Ma 1 -i hi; UM is mmk Batast. 10 ajsjBN Ijoaua Uaiir u ..-in. Sua. 1 j.ia. in. K'W.f .'.'' .'"'I Cf yiSCRlBI ft 111 1,11 H fcfca Mift,,,nab. s NTCNSa.LT THaUUdMU.' PARK Thea LAST WISH. 1 Is S 10 S. M. THE DRUG TERROR ar.tat at All VI m I 3 THE HONEYMOON GIRLS andF Cnrert Kvsrr BawSas. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW JERSEY. FARM 10.000 Square Feet l'..irm .El Klln.i nuw w,t: .ii 40 nlnutaa. Watar aad su a . idiv a raw un. fa caa bava aa 4 ar B. J. KLINE. Bulldar 2i CHURCH STREET. CITY. aavf All last ar found vvrUaad I Th World wttl llalad ad Ts Warid'a Hub Bur, rulllaa Araada. lark aVswi I plows offw. aarthwaat aas nrr .'ttli Si. aad Bsisdwaf l World's nariast Offlee tSS M.i I su, and Werld'a i.i. u utflRi Xt'd VTaahlM- tun it., il. .;.! i'. tr !M dar lellaarlsa Ilia urlBlls ot la sd art lsit, a u WWtaJSIWH. S..,wAl-Atv'-fC F ATHENS 32 isu noaauw Mhan. aad " M IsTLtl aW $198 m ajhsBBjtifjfWl.