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KILLED GIRL TEAC .'V. .-. Thousands Fall in Furious Battle at Torreon COMPLETE NOVEL EACH WEEK EVENING WORLD "Clnnlmtion Book Open to AH." "Circnlation Book Open to AH." SCHOOLBOY TELLS HOW HE FINAT si EDITION. PRICE ON"E CENT 4000 KILLED SELL RAGING N TORREON FEDERALS AT LAST STAND Slaughter as Mines Are Ex ploded Under Feet of Troops and Guns Rake Ranks. VILLA PUSHES ATTACK. Huerta Troops, in Terror, Fast Deserting and Others Cap tured Are Put to Death. Hi Tnltad rm.l TOBKKON, Meslco. March 10 (I A. M.) Fighting CM the possession of Torreon It "till In progress. While Oea. Francisco VUlaVg t'unstltutlonal- let forces are gradually taking all the Important poeltlone of the city, they are meeting a resistance they did not anticipate. The Ion of life on both Idea will be enormous much greater than In any other battle evor fought on the soil of Mexico. Kully MM Fed eral soldiers am dead, according to Bebel leaders, and it l bsllsved as many more have heen wounded. Ttie Kebel losses are estimated to bo at least MM killed. nn. Villa's subordinate d'j nut be lieve Oen. Kefuglo Velasco, Federal commander, has more than 9,000 able bodied men now In action. When the Constitutionalist cap tured Cnrru de la Cruz, early Sunday the m at crushing blow of the wltole i .imp:' i mi was delivered against the Federals. The latter uhandoned :iil v their artillery ami great stores nf ammunll ton there, Some L-uns bad dlsuhled before the 1-Ydurala n treated and much ammunition de stroyed, but the reliels found many i s..iis h' ill tit for use. Those were f turned uon the small section of u.e city still held by the Huertlstaa, ths. rebel gunners using Federal ummu- i Tiltloi Just captured. With the loss of t'orro de la Cru the now or or t tin Fedora li to dorn age approaching Conatltutlonollot forces was red Uced to B mlnitniim. Hundreds of r'edoiula nave deserted to the rebel oati n llla'i offlcsrs say, Joining tit" Constitutionalist IvrOM i on inking tii' ""Hi oi ollsgtonoo. The Federal 0 IB OS 11 captured were disarmed and sent to the rear as prisoners. Home reports cay all huvej been put to death. H08PITAL8 ARE FILLED WITH THE WOUNDED. EL, PASO, TK.V, March JO. Har rowing stories of the seven-day battle In and grotlhd Toino.i were (Old li' i: to-day b) psssengori from Chlhuo bun, who bag their descriptions n the report! mode by wounded Megl tun, rsdsral and rebel soldiers brought friili) IbS front to hospitals ' In Chihuahua. More than liOO' wounded Constitu tionalists are In Chihuahua hospitals ' end more are arriving daily. Hi sides I (Continued on Fourth Page.) r New York Employers Flock to World Ads. Thit New York business men jnd housewives lean principally upon World iuV when In MM ol Comp. tent workers, is shown by UltM figures: 1 1 ,058 WORLD "HELP WANTEIV ADS LAST WLtK tlHlK HI-Ii Till. l "Till It ew ri; Meridna ul SMnilei Nswsuaser rTtfnrstKit. As it is but lUtUftl Ihil an fin plover thouH iVwrW j.i it s n ,;i rfifch irkw bcton idvcr !$i:t? for lh hrtp hr nffdt, it ll plain you wftuU .t wildly t. Lti a World "Situation Wanted" Ad. To-morrow! .orris St. 114. BV Ca. I Th. New IN BATTLE Saloon Porter Admits He Saw Athlete Lying Helpless for Hours. Anthony Fuchs, who was arrested to-day h Detei rives Thomas Phclan and Von Twlstorn, on suspicion of murdering Arthur J. Slevln in the cellui of Costello ft Holes' saloon at No. 637 sixth avenue, was committed to the Tumbl this afternoon wlthosn ball. Hlevln, who was a graduate or St. Francis College, Montreal, and a former athlete of note, wast found dead In the cellar yesterday morning. Fuc'ns was the porter of the sa!oon. Detective I'lielnn found suspicious tains on his clothing when he re. j ported to work to-day and decided ' to arreat htm. He was questioned for three hours In the saloon cellar and was then subjected to a long! examination ut Police Hesdquartere prior to his s-ommltment to the Tomb ' Throughout these ordeals Fuchs j stuck to the story that he had oh erved Hlevln lying In the cellar from tl o'clock In the morning, when ho Mrs: Went there, until shortly after )1 ! O l lock, when he ran to lohn Hoi.. -, one of the proprietors, With word that the young athlete was 'cad He declared that hu had lUPPOSed Slevln was sleeping off s Jag and bad on served nothing wrong with blm until the task of shaking down tba furnace had caused him to step closer to him INSISTS HE DID NOT NOTICE THE WOUNDS. Then lie found that his head had been gashed Wltb an axe and his leather belt knotted about his throat so tightly innl the lontber pronged Into the ttrsh. lie did no question Dr. kind's declaration, when he was called from New York Hospital, that Hlevln nad been dead for throe or four hours. He merely said that he had not observed his wounds or the blond which bud partly covered the floor, since ho had'not koho near the body, l ing T print experts examined the axe. which was found near the body, but found no marl s on It. Nevertho- I less, i'uehs was charged Wltb homt- I Ida ami Inter will be questioned ' Assistant i nst re t - Attorney gklnnor. Mlevlll had told moo ..bout ' he ss- i loon lie wan tho son of a wealthy lioston man who had disowned him . He hud been u salesman, but drink had brought him down until he was put out of his lodgings and worked , about the saloon at odd Jobs for his food und the privilege of sleeping In ; the basement. lie had mentioned two girls, one name Helen" and stiother named' "Kose," but the police do not under- I stand how lealousy UOUld have had anything lO da with the. crime. Post .-arils in his pockets may laud ti a learlns up of this part of the inys- tery. FELL DOWN AND DOWN TO THE LAST DEPTHS. According to the story hu had told, his first job was for the Cudaby Packing Company In Bolton. He ac quired a taste for drink and lost h'-g ob nitd the affection ol his family. Af'er corulttg lime he worked for thai KdlgOli company for i time, but aga;n drink drugging bltn lown. Tboltnttwo .vee'.s ot his lift bt slepi in the inioon t'tie dei I iran was a ftort of .1. I. S'ovm ui n hs a nhalP "f baioei . nops in Ho in. Ho tpokf trench ' gild other foreign lanKuacs, and through his knowladgs of ntnlotlns had met a n.tmber of New York uportlng writers, for whom he often I did srranos. 1 SUSPICIOUS STAINS FOUND ON SUSPECT IN CELLAR MURDER IW frm lerk Wsrtt) mBL loALou 5tUKtlAKY OF STATF FflR WAR VI Willi L I VII II I III Col. Seely Resigns and the; Prime Minister Performs Clever Coup. HOUSE GIVES OVATION. Sir John French and Gen.i Ewart Formally Give Up Their Commissions. IiONDON, March SO. Premier An quith performed a olever political coup to-day when be accepted the resignation of Col. J. E. B. Beely, Hecretary of War. appotntsd himself to the position mads vacant by Col. Heely, and then resigned from the House of Commons. While acting as Secretary of War he will continue to not sa Premier. Tho full significance of the move did not occur to the opposition until the Premier bsvd left the House of Commons after making his announce ment. He will now seek re-election to the House from Eust Fife, his oonstltusncy In Scotland. If he Is returned by his own people as doubtless he will be It will be aken as an Indication that the cause of the U eminent hss the sanction of the people. I nst end of the whole ministry resigning and going before the country the Premier, represnnting the ministry, goes before his con stituency alone and asks for endorse ment. PREMIER'S ACTION MET WITH WILD APPROVAL. The unexpected manner In which thu Premier met the opposition's at tempts to overthrow his government as a result of the army tangle threw the coalition forces Into a frenzy of excited approval, even though As qulth did announce that Field Mar shal Sir John French and Uen. John Spencer Ewart had stood firm In their Intention to resign. Failure to placate these officers fol lowing tho repudiation or the War Cnun. il note to tjen. i nigh giving a guarantee that his troops would not be expected to Dgbl l ister mads drastic action to save the CgblnSl nscssgnr) In announcing Mini king (Jeorge had signed ills approval of his as sumption of the War port folio. Pre mier Asqulth concluded: "I have taken the law to the high est legal authorities to obtain their opinion, and all the lawyers nre agreed that I must resign Pom the Houue of Commons. I therefore,' In a x'ordencc with the law, retire front the House until m ronstltusnta ibnii have Kiven their approval of my sc. (Sptuncs ot this ollice." In a brief personal statsmenl Col. Heely told lbs House IhsrS was no difference be'wcen himself und his (ol lea tides In the t'ablnet on any point of policy of prinOiplS. lie suld he hail preseed Ids resignation lie cause there appeared, although such was not his Intention, to have been a bargain with the army officers re gnrdltlg the service they would ren der to the Crown. Neither had ;-tir John French run Sir John Kwftrl the Intention of ninking such a bnygsin, FRENCH AND EWART FELT IT NEEDFUL TO RESIGN. Col . iy -.aid be did not wonder, however, that lbs House hud resented the idea that there should have been such a bargain The.-.- iwo ornccrs had In these ie ullaily Ironical cir cumstances felt It to be their duty to resign an 1 ll was clearly tho duty of lbs Sei reiary of War to do lbs mini" in older that it might never appeal thai a Minister of the Crown had mane a bug n with Crown lervunis regarding what should ba done AttdfSW ll"iiar LgWa legtloj or thi Opposition, thOUgbl it WUUid Im im possible in proceed wnii tin Irish Home Ittila bill in lbs s use nee of His Premier, but Piemiei Asquilh r" msrked that be would be at hand It sCoskiaausd on nsoonu NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1914. Rapid Fire Gun on Train Car Used by Rebels at Torreon . .. , .. ( ' i. I , ... sbV sB1sTsTsTsa1sggSaTsn, i .ATeTsTsTsl ? f vJfssL'F.. ' 'fsaW . ' J-3 .. V. , Mi MTii I M ITasBt. . . 1 i aw .ask ssy-SJSM l MM SVSSsH ErfHpvrR B m m tggsi W & K EcSc iHiisgggisB.t 1 ffl H : J ' , e s e e . e s e s s e . COUNSEL FOR GUNMEN ASKS FOR A REPRIEVE ! Calls ;n Executive Mi ui-ion With Application w hen ivemor i- Not ai Home, ai.can If, Uaroli so, Kiiriiial sppll cntlon for corumutntinn "f the death sentences or u rnpriuvs or the four gunman wns tiled al the Biscutlva CiMmnsr to-day by thali counnsl, H. L Krinvjle The (ioi'ernor was nol pTSMnl when Mr. KrlnglS ailed With the S4pllcatiun wna u.e peti tion of Isn Jurors inking that lh" Hia he grant d until ths nuteoms of fierier Polii e 1,1. UtSMM Keek er's second trial. I. W. W. "RAID" A BOOMERANQi After lliey had consumed $lUi worth r food in ih Unfnyette restaurant, No, ill l.iiia).tti street, i""ta.v four men tendered msnl llckel lo Abraham Lessnian, ihe proprlstor, lessman r -fussd to aoespl 'i"' ttrknt, declaring hey had no rlghi to it although fi hole I." pami l called Policeman keiiy und tin iuartel was arrested Ths men save ti,. ii names ss Msrshsll Martin. Joseph lirown and wllilani Hlmroak. all ni No, 113 ilrand street, ind William llossman of No u-i i.i drldgi sti'ssi i. iv, VV. no oihei i,ip asrds and liter ninri were found on nil or tin men, snd s'hen taken befon Maaiatrsie Hevy in I'sntrt Htrcoi Court iney said ihvy ad r and th' meal Uckel "Voii heal au huilnfss with ll," ia lured the Mar:, Two Uollnr' sash " All i UrtlL" laid ihe I IV w ., ndlh. hill i.i thu ntseis tu MnVoi e e e.e e s s s e s s e s e e s e-e s AUTO, WITH HURT CHILD, WRECKED BY TROLLEYCAR Owner Taking I iuie One, wiio VN'.i Struck, to Hospital When New Accident Occurred. Albert J. Schw ar.h r, a weiltliv Irons contrnotori came near losing ill life tO-dAy, and did lo;. his Ida touring i'ur while peed ins with llttlo Qensvleve Miller, isn years old, of J No. 4U3 Boat Ons Hundred I id I'lity third street, to Lebanon Hospital, The child had been struck hy n mud rguord oi the nutomobils .it Melrose avsBtis mid Ons Hundred tud rifty i si tit Htrcet. Mr. ktobwarsKr plckud In i up, piatisd her In th" mac hoi.' and startesVf"! tho hospital villi in On the wT he stupped to Inform puirolman Mnlons "r tie tceidcni '!'h- policeman ot in the ir and h il lbs ntth girl in hi arms liaf ting "Ho a i rims .ill- -i t Mi I Hnhwaraisr pui on full sp id, mi I ni n t rlsd to cut in ahead ,,f , ti d Is) cor in Third avenue, h did not quits make a und the at smosho.l Into His machine, crusblnN I, against I ha elevated pillars. At iut n was I thought lhal every one in the ma. thins w a Imdl) hurl pf killsd, an I an ambulance w:us lummouod from i.. i am -n Hospital. Moth the ownvi i the machine and ths pollneman .i i a ' l wiiho ui a scratcn. i'oor Iltli iillckleve WSS III' only oil" tn tie iiuii. bul an eganiiuatlon showed hul "! ' had shared In the gone ll 'd lucii. f"i- her Injuries er- mere i bruise, ri.c.-e hurts 'ei nnd lue 1 1. iid was token nonm b bsi imithsr, Tim nutomobils was cumplsiel) wrsoksd. 16 PAGES WILSON REJECTS DUDLEY F. MAlJONE 1"" 1 ,"LLLU ' """"- mm JO GET REVENGE FOR 'My Own Tongue Is My Mouthpiece," His Comment on Attack on Glynn. WASHINGTON, Msreh 30. President Wilson wss ssksd to- dsy If Dudley Field Mslone had spoken for the Adminiitrsfffon when he expressed opposition to Gov. Glynn's recent sppointmsnts in New York. The President re plied that the only "mouthpiece" of the Administration wss his own tomjoe. snd that he did not intend to reflect on Mr. Mslone'e uttsrsnces, but merely wished to indicsts that ths views sxprssasd were individual and not inspired. Mayor Ifltehol tn-day condemned the notion of 'iov. 'ilyun for giving ! tho mnjor portion of his state np polntmsnts to men affiliated with Tammany Hall. "As a Democrat who wishes to sss jan Independent, self - rsspsotlng. Iionoralde arid iruKi'eHslve party, as contrasted with the old party of which Murphy ami his friends nre the leaders, I have great reirretM over tns major portion of Oov Olynn's I State appointments." sold Ihe Mayor. "Dt 1 wish it distinctly understood, uiui now spews ns n pis in, every day Democrat who has the intsrssti of hil patty at in ail 1 dl not wish lo Hgurs in Huh si an official M) opinion of the Qlynn appointments are merely those or a private rltlsen. CONCEDES RIGHT OF GLYNN TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS. "Of Bourse, Mr Qlynn is Ihe iov- rrnor of the Stale nnd he him I right to 'make whatever apti'dntioents h less nt. i motives ii. lo urn even question his making those appoint mcntH. Tint tboae to; ; olii'ineiits do not represent th" hem Interest I of the progrcssivi Psmocwy New Iforlt." "What do you think or Qov, Qlynn as thi Ii adi r of the Issmoorntl pirty in He UtotsT" He Mayor was ssksd. Mr Miti led laughed, "i want to he ssoussd from oniwsr log that nunsi Inn ju- now," mid ths Mayor. "You have said th tl you i re grlstrsd over Hi" mnjor portion of Qov, lynn's appointments, Can you spe. riry one appointee and himi your reasons for opposition to hnu'.'" the Mayor w as oskod, "I have said I sm cppotcJ la of Hi? sppuiritmeots." said ths Mayor "hut at the same time I cannot take in cl them up and sluts my oppoiitcin. It scemi to me that no particular purpose would bs ssrviri by my ooinj 10, st this time at lStt." ! II is Igld Hi" Mayor partly I, lames Qov. Qlynn for the failure of the pas sags of ths Polles bills. RllV Kll I m DISGRACE AT SCHOOL mm 17-Year-Old Pupil Tells, According to District-Attorney, How He Lured Young Woman to Scene of Murder. FATHER OF VICTIM SHAKES PRISONER'S Gianini Tells Where He Threw Wrench With Which He Slew Miss Beecher on Lonely Road. LITTLE FALLS. N. Y.. March 30. Jean (iiaruni. iintbr nrresri far j the murder of Mb LyrJgj Bdddier, found beaten and stabhed lo death fessed his guilt, nv-cording to District-Attorney Farrell. fjianini siys in his confession, which vns made Saturday and dis closed tn-day, that he had iskdd Miss lleecher to go with him to see hfa' parents in regard to his reinstatement in the Poland High School, from 1iioh he hud len expelled at the young woman's instigation. He told iter , ik: Mjrs, nfsj vvcic ai i i homt. FACTORY FIRE DRIVES Workers Also Escape Hurriedly h um I Maze in the ( ias I luiiso District. Dense, stifling smoke from a fire In the factor) Of P It Mitchell iVm- psjiy at Noa. (0 and 11 Ksst stovsn- ,,., , ,.,., f ,h ,,,, dWrtct, ,BV1 , , tenement houses in Avenue ll between Hevon lei nth and Klghtoenth streets this nr lernoon and drove hundreds of wo man and children li, panic to the street. The blaas wus confined to I hi building in which ii originated. The p it. mii inn t torn pony man ufactures curled i.air. pickings, feather down und materials for bedding mil I powi it occupies s four-story build In ut Hsvonteenth itreel addresi Md k two-story building adjoining In .h. rMr ma racing on Kosl Risrhtssnth street. Th" Hi. started in a sp rac on the third iiom ami spread so rapidly thai the iwsnty-flvs girls at..i Rftssn ni",' employed iii ihe piacs abandoned their COOtl and hats In V rush for safe ly Hy I hi time the first snglHSg ar rived the lower tbrss HOOTI re ihla.e und 'ii i t Morrison or Bnglns iu tin ned In a Second nlarm This brottglll IWO llrolsiala and wltb their al l thu lire was IrOWItSd out The loss is estimated hy Mr. Mitchell at III DifSCtiy to the east of th factory nre Mg tanks of the Con "llda'Md Has Company winch were nihd with una. Tin gas wag nun kiy piped off to tanks In Bighlssnth street ami Nineteenth ttrsst lo ovoid ths rtingsr of on ssploolon, STEAMSHIPS SAILING TO-DAY. K. Wm. dcr Crost. Bremen. .10 A. M.I Indian Prince, Srssil 3 P. M. PRICE ONE CENT. TFAPNFD HAND IN CELL. the young school teacher who wis in the woods near Poland, has con snnimusG auuui n.ui .1 nine oevonu ins Before their arrival Miss lleerher become frightened, he sold, und in sisted upon returning. Qlonlnl d olnros he then hit her with a wrench which he hod concealed In Ids pocket und knocked her down. Then he heat her. stubbed her several times wllh n knife, draKKod her body Into ths bushes, went home and to bed. The body of the murdered girl wss, to-day taken by her parents to their hntjiK In Kennett, I'ayusa County, wlnro funeral services will lie bold lo-morrnw lb-fore hli departure nor father, tin I lev a. W, Beecher, vis- l Hid (llanlnl'a Ijihcr to offer him mpoth) and consolnUni "1 cannoi liellevu my son is Kuiity," said tin- elder Qlonlnl, "but If lis Is I'd ruther bo in your place than mine." This mornlni? Itev. A. W. Beechor, father of the murdered gtri, called at Hje Herkimer Jutl to see the slayer of his daughter, The clcigynuta put out his hind and there wus o warm. handclasp bstwssn ths two. "lean, there Is one oiinstlon I wont to ask you Did I.I la walk up the lull wllh you?" asked the preacher. The boy quickly returned.' "Vee. I told lo r thai my father bad built a m v house up there. Hhe suld, 'Well, I srtll write your father.' " Tin nvstSstlion ended abruptly. lie hoy showed absolutely no u""' Th" "v idenco against ths youth was presented to tho Orund Jury this aftsmoon. District-Attorney Kurrell and Cars tier Huyi k an u result of some time -pent with lbs boy's companions hove ohtnlnsd from one of them ao aftt , davit, sworn to before a Justice of ths Peace, In which be asanrts Qlonlnl attempted to have him In the murder of the school snd later the two boys wars to tho -if" In the Union Store at Poland. This boy, Hrulnerd Wilt, elshtosss years old, ab.iulutely refused to he come a party to thu plot, ho swore. Miss Itcechers effort to young i ilanlnl from hla path of : rlglhlllty may have hear, the Indirect emmo of her murder. In the opinion or Herkimer County authorities. Ths young school teacher, tbo daughter of the Itev and Mrs. WlUlom A. ; or riennett, Cayuga County, ho sWvgrl years Imbibed a deeply lous spirit and planned to quit teaching this year and offer herself ns I a Presbyterian missionary hi