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V" H IT ' si T J 11 1 is aaaaaaiv mmW' District attorney makes inspection and may . hleh had a otitck uohyxiatlnK effect. , in kmk wtodowi tad the ghet ta the doors. The guards at ursi rougm . v u tw mm. last were swamouered and the doors Men and - nr ijwu ma MAftTY. S rteasaveva "t - - i TBA toewjea 1 imum ami inew iwuic '-j' '-. i fv1 tremntM. wnmni and nrK r OCVS SJNJUMU w . " s 0 In the ttro reer em of te exprea ue paw ana stress were ai 1 - at A S ll It.. ...L.i IL... their vwrst ,Wimb tne arimen rougm umr way irao mc suuwsy impugn 5 an ec made hi B sUewalk ptrjn.; at nfty-fifth Street these two ' cars were jacked with uncoasdous vammh and a few men. Most of the women had practical all their dothtag torn off. Many of the men were stripped to the skfa fros the waist up. Three fire alarms were turned h, aad then an eaMrjetcy caM was nut for more firemen. Police reserves from al Maahattan were & fWMnoned to the scene, and hundreds of dtoenv vohmteered for the t of rescue. v 1 . wi . Tv:n. mi. hv (h firemen ai Fiftv.fiftri btreet . ru niujiua.1 vmauiiav ay w for the remonl of an the passers in tbaae two cars. The fttt panos fcwfht out was a young I" wnose ootrant; ma wen topped from her dowa to her corset. Then came a man attired only (Meiers aadahMt,aad another man who had to his overcoat, uader Mat art vahfeaat la the struct. The aes aad anoke overcame pradkaBy al the passengers and mm at the eonleyees oa the two trafas. They were carried out fte Fiftieth and Futy-ninin btreet suuons, as weu jb uuuusu peaix at Rfty-rth Street jBroadway froat Hftfcm street norm to (joiumous urac recuwicu ef oK&eveaea, uncoasaous pcrams were Mcetriaf eaMrfeacy treatmeat and wiMnf re- VI 0 The alio attentfd by thraa uniformed aursea obUlned fro BaJUvue Hoialtal. Tats afternoon aayitclani at the Polyclinic HoiplUl ware aat ae aaa amine of the recover? at tne aaaway Injured aa taey ware earlier la tie day. Two or tare at taa aatteata were ta daaaor ef dtreleytag aaeti aeaia, and on aacaaat of taa aaaaneM of tko ataecfatra tae order wae eiraa that aa oaa he discharged aatll to-morrow. atayar ICMaaal aeat kla aeareUry, Theodore Ramaaeaa, U Ue eeeaa ef tl accident to asake aa tnreatlfttlon aad report Public 8mloe Oaat leelaaer J. lerteaat Craw made a personal tareatttaUoB. A aaaler tae Jiayar, the raalk Senlee CaaiBleilea aad Ue Blitrkt AMeney are laeaJaf lata le tae feet tkat tralae leaded wHa aaiteaffart were haM la tae dark la the eahway fer aa Deer kelere aha alert etrealt etarted the aaale at Fifty Jrfth Street BaiUUoa Chief MeKearnoa, who was the flrat to reach the Ire aad run. a liaa at aoaa InU the aahway. eald that Ue haat geaeratai by the! inert etrealt wae ao treat It tuned tko etreaaa of water Inter oteaai. htaay Ireaaea had Uelr feet aealded U betUac water. of Ue crtaetlac ef the meway Ue eatlra elerated ayiteai ta ras put oa nana 'hoar eckedule for Ue remainder of Ua day. Krery derated train ran with Its rail eeaplasaeat of aerea cara. Polleeaaaa Oeorgy Blaaep ef Traaae C and Wllllaai C. Phillips ef No. MIS SereaU Arenue were two reseoera whoee nasaea ateed eat for aarlaa. Blahop waa atiColumbui Circle when he noticed smoke pourln from both subway 'kiosk. He dashed Into tbe downtown station and ran Into Wtahatlia PROSECmm SOME OF THE INJURED IN THE SUBYVAf ke flrat stalled train, a local lyls between Plfty-alath aad rifty-elith f.ny ATen, (oat of the vlctlasa'af the aoet deal were takea from the eaewa taaael threueV the eeaeraaaer' exit at VWt.flfth Btradt aad carried into aearby aatomoblle showrooms. where esabalaace aurtaona apelled the paimoter treatment. Aataaat Uoaa reported injured were: ALBERT. WILLIAM; No. ate Massy Plaos. . ALDeBURO, MBNA, No. J7I East Oae Haadrad aad Teath Street. ARTBNBRRO, OENBTIEVB, ef Ne. Ill Trlalty Avaade. oreroome. AUERBACH, nENMMIN, No. Tit Xast Oae Huadrad and Fifty-sixth Street. ATUML ElJZABaTrSi vNe. M Cort Uadt Arssae, Mouat.Veraoa; BERKOWITZ, EBTJfaTR, No. 14N Beabury Place: to home. , DEnOBR, CAROUNK. No. Ml Tit- FALK, DQBOTHt, No. U Wset Oas Hundred and Thirteenth- Street. rMftRANTI, JTULVIA. No. 141 East Oas 'Hundred aad Fiftieth Street. EieUXJN, DORA, Ne. 1US Beetsa ROSE, No. Ill HswtU Btreeta. There he found everybody In a mad paale, aiiiiag tareoga tbe aake-Mled eairs. Blakop aad Phillips, who stuck to hla heels despite the smoke, found fear aaceeacloos womea In Ue foremost ear ef Ue stalled leoal. they saanaged to drag through ibe froat deer to Ue tracks outside, eaek earrytag Us dead weight of aa unsaved oas womea, they tolled pain, fully to Ue reat at Fifty-fifth Street where Us Ire ladders had keen lowered. . MSSCUERS WKHS RMSCVMD IN TIMS. a Aftsr pas slag np the flret two womea Ua pollcemsa aad civilian re turned to the stalled trala for the two etkera they had left These Uey BBRQEIt, REQ1NA, No. Ml South- ern Doulevsrd. BISHOP, EARL, No. til West One Thess I Hundred and Bsreaty-eecead Btreet. Then, DLOOMBEnO, BSTELLB, No. Aldus Btreet, Ue Bronx. BROOKS, BENJAMIN, No. 1MI Tif fany Avenue. BURMAN, JACOB. No. 117 East Fourteenth street. , BUTTS, JOHN, No. tot West One Hundred and Thirty-ninth street stksrooms. the stores, the hotels and offices along ia the side streets were t tamed into reception hospitals. tkOMOTOMS vtm TO mmvtve many. from a aver towa. Those who were to sheer kaaes. Tbe otheri were brewa eyes aad fair skta. Her aesa waa sMgkUy aptaraed, aad oae of Ue meam a. Waacjiaaa I a pear sseaa aa aaea sase aaa a pjeia cap. ne aaa a ssaaii dmck cameo A bMM iwiwi hv am tmokr. More " sma a m rear sjMa emisa. mam ware m eiee swraja oaat aaa r"""1 -s .kVt frasa Waaasaakaa'a. a while waist, a hasaa la Trnvjovhaf the usxoneaoeji tricnrnswtiie - - Osasral Maaaaar HeeJer of tke latsrkereaek aavs eat a tsekalcal TW aamW imfcai i inamal was Ued UO fTBM the aVM of tne WK ataissaeat tats afteraasa. explaatag Ue short streaks at asms 11 o'clock. Thea trahi service was resumed norm 01 aeasseae, aa aaia hBmeryatzHi Ssraet CARMEN, JOSEPHINE, No. 421 Hast One Hundred aad Forty-seventh Btreet. CLARK. JOSEPHINE, No. Til ... . . .. . . . .. . . " . I ., , . - I C7AMl'AT4KUI.l, HAHUA1IM. no. cameo oacs o am veai; oui taeir suaaata wu uppeo. noin uipnup kjiu i rinton Avenue. raiuipe eraaipiee up uasoaeeieea aaa asa aa earnea ap laa laaaera w tke sMewalk ta reestve tke palmotor treatmeat The first deaU reported frees the paste was Uat ef a weeaaa of Ulrty flve years who waa broegat to the Polyclinic Hospital unconscious from Bread war aad PVtr-enh Btreet at t.ei A. M. aad died aa keer later wltk-1 Matte Aveant, the Bronx; to home. eat aavfaa raceverad eeaseleasasea. ' CLARK, MAROARET, No. 117 East Mm wae S feet 4 laches tall, weighed IN peaadt, had dark brewa kalr, conQ CLEANER, ANNA, NO. BU Jea ataga Btreet. COHEN, CmLIA, No, Ml Prospect Araaae. CONNELLT, JOSEPH. Xagtae OsmaaaT No. It: as Fire Btatloa, CRAWFORD, MARttARET, No. Ml Leaox Aveaae, tae awe taai mwre ware ae wooasa itm aa ears weaua me aramaai myaatti Mreaas a Braadww I 77 iXat U-l al iiminid Is " i -"f- r "" TjSiMjuTitu it i K esaa .la saoaar a(m MBmm aJsattr kavetvea ; " n.-. i .utMi itia trB 8BSm aaSTWWaa mwwmmwmm to WMMmm Ikakta. WHk taeJe aM Ike verk amnmVetad. if ' rraak Meemy 'IVeWaaavfet) Nfljats CROOK. IRMA. No. 117 East Twea- "Tke a septs beasaae pamte atnekea aai taat eaased all Ue treakle. Ity.oereaU street It Uey aad kept thetr keade tkey weald bars bee all right" DE ctnito. MICHAEL T., patrat "Bew aheat tke kaadrsaa wae were' evarsssaa by aawksr ke was I man, Ne. SMT Webstsr Aveaua, at- to tko west rorty asTsata Mwiiw k. Hka 4. A aavaasi.a, .i.latrMt Btatlssi. was evercsas bf ta Ms lseeUw. Baaasa nftT'Ls. t --- M. a.. k . s-. AMu a. ssaske wtrUe asaletag ta tke aahway Chare la aa eeea fraatag la ae u. r at Ftfty-aUth Btreet aad 'Broadway, ae taa saaeas saaaunai m . - . . . . ime waa laces io roiciimw nm lave eeea T-T. .rTCZL ".I'.rLTZl I 11 DBNaTrH. patip, Ne. su west M7 Bast Fifty, aaea aau au tae aaa paaaais wee aesisaary, aaa tar oa am trae ia i nma. pat. No. aaa amisry at taa nra pspartasat a "iwar tareer- ajam wae ssaaeee.igft, Btreet aad katwMea aktefs wtthaat ssBws,vht tkep Ue seeM ef aaa asatdsM I man ef tkat DORP, E. MANUEL, Ne. Mil Wll alaa Avsams. TXyvrVnO. AlMrr, No.'sM West Tbirty.aru Btreet) evsMosae,u Mask are, oaassd. svs said, be- a gaud TMRMAN, BORA. No. KM Bostoa Read; FURMAN, KATIE, No. Ml Mast One Hundred" and Sixty-seventh Btreet. OOLDBERO, SAMUEL. Ulrty. fsaUer worker; No. Ul West Oae Haadrad had Twenty-ninth street OOLDER, NATHAN, a clsrk, of No. IIP West One Huadrad aad F... taeatV Street, overcome. OREENFIBCD, BENJAMIN, No. lztt JUfngtsuow-Avemie. -, OOLDBTEIN; .CHARLES, fireman Hook and Leader No. SS. OOLDBTEIN, JULIA, No. 711 Foz Street. HAFTRON, ISAAC. No. 201 Weet Oae Hundred and Thirtr-fourth Street, 1 HAOENBURO, LILL1E. No. ISM Btebblae Avenue. HAOENBURO. ROSE. No. Ml Bouthera Boalevard. HANNES, J No. 771 Prospect Ave aua. . HIRCHKOWITZ. ANNIE. No. 471 Kelly Street, Ua Bronx! overcome. HOFFMAN, ISAAC, No. 101 Wast Oaa Hundred and Thirty-fourth Street, JABIN, LOUIS, No. Ill Forest Ave nue; overcome. JENSEN. AN BOAR. No' 201 Wf One Hundred aad Forty-ninth Btreet JUDD, CHARLES, No. 1110 Walker Avenae. KANE, TERENCE, No. Iff East Tweatr-eeooad Street , KAPLAN8KT, LENA. No. 714 Van Nest Aveaua. KAPLAN&KT, BESSIE, Na 714 Van Nset AvaaiM. KABTERNACK, EDITH, Bsrgaa Avenue. XEISER, I HI DOR, No. 175 East One Huadrad aad Eighth Btreet IiANQAN, MAT, No. Mi East Oae Hundred aad SUty-eeveaU Street. LEE, CHARLES, sixty, astro, cook. no. u weet one Hundred aad TMrty flrth Btreet bSBCTINBKT,' JULIUS; No. M Broadway. UCVXTT, FLORENCE, No. It East Oae Huadrad aad ElghteeaU Btreet LBVINE, ROSE, No. Ml Fox Btreet LETT, HARRT, Me. 1111 West. ehseter Aveaua, UPPMAN, ISIDOR, No. 1M1 Moa U tke take aat eat Ms etl llakU ef Ue i la the week ef reeeae. Tke flre- tke Vesta Cempaay at Ne. 17M i ta aba sasks aad krsre fealty pertakle ef taa aksasa was greatly 1M aakatoaee sail after aabalaaas sail waa seat ta. sat Bailee waea n was sap i wars saaasasd frea eas stsMea after sastksr. Bat wftk all the ferees at were setlkMg uere were etlU twearMaxie ef aeeaie la tke treta aaier F1ftrarU akave tke reafa ef Us I Btrset aa hear after Ue Ant are aura wae taraei to. , ef Oaabaaamla seat to Fire Head' Aaeag tke ant seat te flewer seattot asra thea Afty la all ware ef a ptaa to Mew off a seetlea ef Ue Itohsa tkers was Matkaa Ostdaerg ef Me. lit Weet Oae Haadrad aad Flf- teaaha aareet, aM stotor Bertha, iaaae atsaaaaa ef Ne, Ml Beet Oae amsaaa aad Tweaty-fearU Btrsst Hlaaketk Ayrna at Meaat Terasa. Harris CUpb ef Me. Ill WeM Oae Haadrad tmt Btsejiiaasji ttrsM seal earns! M. Qalgksrg. CkarlotU Street. sf Me. 11M Maaisea Avarae was raarrai la the kaetl FALK. BOBB, No. M Wast Oae ae ke reeaveeet kM eeaeee ke esid tkat ke k4 MatlMaaered aad Tklrteeath Btreet Bash FaatolL at Me. 1T41 MiUm Aveaae. la aaa smsk to sat eat ee a Meai veto, aad feared aaa kai aaea MUei kf taw srawa. Ilastaasa tosbjaat rlets seearred wksa tke wis refassd to Tae keaptmJa etoasst ta tke aeeae s Ska are ware eesa iweaiil wMk lasers se waaaews to sssar tke feaVl air. eettoate, Tae PMyettoM eiaC rsvrrai 1M pirasas waa wefa,aaamBht hi Oa tralaa staUed aider Beat River weeaaa elated frea fright wksa s ee. Meet ef toe vtottae takea to abas No. aM Aveaae. LIPPMAN, M No; Ml Hoe Avssme. LxPSCHTTZ, ANNIE. thMy-twa, of who refused te epea tke door whssffrTo. Ml East Oaa Haadrad aad Sevan Ue smoke poarsd lato Us car. DRANKEL, BBTHEk, of Ho, Blaaira Park, the Bronx, overcome. ETSUCAN, BARNET, No. 1TW Madl- sob Aveaae; te home. FAIRBT. LUCT.ioperator, No, SM tleth Street; everoeae. LIZNASKT, sixty-four, of Mo. 7 West aigktjr-elghtb Street eeae. ; MAKER, XA.TH BRINE, No. Bast Mlghty-fearU Btreet MiKBHAIJ B. C Matieaal- City BaaK, evereesae; takea to Flewer Hospital. a nrsaaa was tae aret te eater ue seaway wita a Me aaat twe yaaag waasa. aassasetoas sa Ue floor of i the Weal trala aal the eebwajr wall aad earrtod Usa kesattol rMaadat Amasmsw Pmskkaa tasfkml ma eraae ti the srrltstw sa hsuir mr the frc amawi wll iarama at He west haV) the BUxrway, bspected I Ikt twt) traaM hi wakh al she waaova aad RMBy of the teaB wer e hear eke I? srwwaea aad I Us Uakte baraed se dia Uat tke uterior of Us sars waa.llks a loaa lias 1 I V I . . -i. ' - awek laager Uey weald kave ean lea tseaaa. aaan Dewnag er ne. ail west oae aaadrad aat Taarsda?sk tosetl At a eaasa atattoae alaag tke itoe ta Maaaatoa aelise reswvss kea) te a eat af tke Fiftieth sHreet aHaatoa dartaa the Ire wMk a kkak eve: I be aiiaaisil to drive tke aaUd asae ef raaaUeat tleket holders froat tke hs ssad s wsa eai a Meal trala Mw iset eeaa af tke stottoa wmea tke tawar I itottsrae. Vet fee half aa hear aNev aralas itsapsd raaatag was tlekM save eat aad Ue trala M spa ad at IN syatoak. "-- M rerassd to oasa taa aesra aad a toss tae aM aaa saammaa.1 -- -- MM aaMfMirnap employees. i ia eas ssmras ec whlek a aaard kM IMwtlac ta tke ere. Ittoas Ue btoaka ef atmgMag, ewsaalag haaaalty Ureataaed to bpIb era MitTMKT ATTOmMT MA T PMnMMCUTM. I. .xaeiaiMisii eaeaty proved liilitnih. alUsagk every avalMsxtoeaa- kaaeisMee y . .. u . . M l , a iBMiaaee waa aa aaaa. laa uaaMMaasaur iiiam ---- - .-. . i aaaa ska - ia k - -- ttmtum mii - . . mmj Ma- a'a' i 7-7 Z!Tr7.J7 l1 auwaewies rrea asighvarlag garages aad frea tke AttoaoMls I soasertod raa waa aads fer tbe Third aad Sixth Aveaae Msvated traUs. BBMfJ Bi aa aaac was aaiaaaa rar. 1 am sxaa; vo proa inm ww-icias at Aaerisa aaa seat aesass to the hiajlUU la thea. lea ffTif aM tke BrMeje tralaa ta Braeklya. These oreraead Ua T exafWy, aal aflyBOfy CraWlsy nrpisl rwi proceM or tag law mtmm, iv m,Mnmm mv mmm m.mmtMmm, ware ea aevarety evetUxed tkat tor a time a krsslraewa aa asaaa of tkaa ; aril be IntmM ta MCMeMM thentH ?" "T ' r ' Ureateaed. j w ". . . ..... ...... 1 nariast saa isbji Beat ass ana atui m aa iin, w. 4 J. ik. 1 . . ,h. .w u.. . . . Mr. rtvUM mm he yaiirMooi wmt rm wm coiiiwerawe oeuy, T -'rT.ir7-rrr "7 . urarw -awa-a - - . 4. . Mrs,,Mt, l-iu (kk rMVV u, (lu u. w,, u eeato aaa taey pressed ed te aeeeV the eabway, pearlag tomato I siatrways ef Ue etovatod statleaa, sad ksrs agala poltcaasa had to serve as that he Will carefully iaveatale that report. He SMa he WW also ,( water late the tabs U rough every epeatag. It wae satMeed at tret WlZuL. taa aatlltoa af Ua Ureaas lata tkk t,t or m tk w getunf k inc uuui m rapwna insi mc ucw iw.acu uwi uat sesae ec taa weeesa ears were ea are. I sUvatad trasha hi the cars S prrreal aatm tram MUM out. Tae nsaassa.tMiy ef nrsaaa proved toadseaaU to haadU Us I Tke taterratdtoa af tresee wae parUevlariy felt la Braeklya, because MsOeM ef u Yabue atorvae Piaalalis, esiaaiislil ap lattusttoa aad a sail waa aeat ta Break!, Tweatp asa frea tkat bereegh lwtl after a e'aleck everv trala la tke eabwar aaaa to a ataaAstill tea arrivea ia bis aaiaaeaiis auei aamea a taw seeae m we awe w asiesaosasa. array eases SSlast I . ttm waea taa erawds ware sauriaa la aa Uatr way ta New Tark. ef the Matter at ovteev. He was Met ay oepaty sire w iae aepanaea waa aurnea 10 tae are mm h was aat Usui a supply ef as saa AUaatle Avsaue atattoa. wklak reeetvee toe erewds ias arrives hum tae aresasa were aate a raaais is tke eabwar tor ear toegth ef tMss. Ae eeea as tks Ire was Issated M wee a eeaearatlvelr easy aaeter to pat It eut bat tke sasks Hegered aad taere wee ae apairataa avatlabls te ferae Meat The Firs Deaartmsat aad Osasstlditsd Oae supply ef ulmeters ware eusVlsat ealy far a aaull psraaalaas af Uteae evseesas. Pulaeter saeturere were called apea Ue talpksas ay Caaalsslieir Af-siti Taey reap salad pteaptly aad prisably suay Nr t'raaaf Bavae aad sseerted te ths Fiftieth eHreet eabwar aw a aaaa tavern, the OeamaVatoaer walked tore sab tke taeaei to Ul karkaa to waa ea Leaf IsUad, the platforaa were erewdad la akert order, aad aftor a watt af aaay asset is tke Ueket eg sets taere returned Ue tares te these wae had af the ace to ae peeMtoa to talk afceet Skid aeer,N eald MeCaH, after ks Bf tke ladder at my- Mreet MtM I have all tke reperU taveeueateee ta Mr Tke treaeto tor aadar rMtMand aMreet kat abere wae ae atga af sW I .' T7,, J i tka aaea to aaa (wa sailed tralaa. aad aasaalvaiv aa are ww P 'at. aaaur-ad ea er aaier svaW f tksa. There were ae weeaaa ears Is I mmsh aaa aaaruaeat aaaeee m araaeway aae tke svsas strsstt - . mmd ..A. m i . . . . . . . a ...a. n I im nioiis ai-s rinrmm mtrmmm wars eeavenee) tata amapswa. UT armt raa tiki la nsard ta SMa a kai raaraaifstlHr ft r the I ' poapte ware trrstod la the later ef tke Park Theatre, la Oelaabue Circle, aaay ef larse wsra ewasnaB rraaa waras aaa cum, aMal I aaa fat rsasvto eawwtag tke eeaeee af the stoeres ef persees wae hurt br Mestag aa tke treefce wktto gvspiag issir way se we nnyswaa mumm eatt m ua eaeway, "Maes raa feaad evleeaese ef ear estlLasbce bslag raaiaslata tor Aaeefdtog to a sutsasat aaae r assereiaaisa at us eeaeee af tks f mi aaathar eiirllaa isieraefeaga ijeaspasy, at ie. ise areaeway ejeaerai aaaaar rvsak la mm maatoaaaa taat I maew at. If toeva to ear we ertlt aat I HsaHf Biaear asisg stanes eeae waere is tae Has ea power was saT to the bilUa ef the aataT ami fa eke rvexaaaaaaatr.'' as toeel lisss neiweea niaeiy.siBia enroot aae eae aweaws Araaae toraieae, areewya, aaa asur eaa-pewa meases aaa aaea aat aat af ed Mto irsaua aad aetwe gsaksrsi aa to tke ears aad ea uaarsllee, jewsiry, Uudaags, MLOW OUT 09 fMMB WIMMM CAUiMM TIKVF. s saren, aeeae, aaer swaawa, aaea, rregawttu ar weasa s waieu see un a ,i m - - . . U . . , . 1 ... . r ,- eswwaavf wmwrnm mmmv mmm mmmmwm nil w mn rtll pnm wiim, Mil te tke B'eet FertT'eeveatk Btrset Btatlea. tmmn gdvg un mtm to many. NEW ORLEANS ENTRIEt. Mh Jsa. A Tks for la.aerrew's rasss ar as prtrw orleanb, saittsa i renews. MATER, Place. MESSER, RUDOLPH, Ne. 'tot St Nicholas. Avenue. -M'HUOH, FRANCIS, No. m East Oae Muadred and Twsaty-fearU Strest : M'OUIRE, CapUln of Truck No. t, arOUIRB, LILLY, No. IM Bast Twenty-eecond Street M'OUIRE, MARIETTA. No. MO East Twoaty.aooond Street M'MILLAN. JOSEPHINE, of No. M7 Seventy-fourth street Brooklyi, overcome. MOORE, LENA. No. 7M West Ea'd Aveaaa. MULLBIt MARQARET, No. 1170 Intsrvsts Avsnue. NBSSER. MADOE, .No. COO West Ons Hundred and Beventy-fourth Street NEWMAN, JOHN. No. Ml East Oae Huadrad and Thtrty-Btth Btreet NOONAN, JOHN, No. 101 East One Hundred and Thlrty.atth Street: to home. v NUN AN, JOHN, thirty-four, No. tot East .Oas Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street; overcome. NUSB, MRS., No. 701 East One Hundred aad Eightieth Btreet OLINDA. MISS ZAN. seventy, a widowed housekeepr, of No. 17 East Bevsnty-second Btreet, overcome. ORCHARD, ISIDOR, Wo. 71 East Ons Hundred and Ninth Street. O'REILLY, JAMBS, fireman. En gine No. 21; pulmotor had to ae used. OR8HIP. ISIDOR, No. 7t East Ons Hundred and Ninth Street. PEROPA, ROSE, saleslady. No. Ill Esst One Hundred and Tmistn Street P RACIER. . No. M0 Exst On Hundred and Sixty-third Street TnmvTR. jack, thirty, of No. li Third Avenue; overcome. RACHAT. D. 55. No. 71 East One Hundred and Ninth Street; to homo. T? A THAI THE. HANNAH. No. 14M Wllklns Avenue. nATHAUBE. FREDA, No. MM Wllklns Avenus. REINE. ERNESTINE, No. I2S Esst One Hundred and Blxty-flfth Btreet; may die. i WWEH JACOB. No. 19 East uns Huadred and Eleventh Btreet noBBNFIELD. LEWIS. No. 1 East One Huadred and Tenth Street RUDNICK, SIMON. No. II Fox aKreat. RTTTTkLL. HENRY. No. 411 Baal Ons Hundred and Forty-sixth Street. TttTBBELL. MAUDE. Of MO. SOS Lsnox areaae. overcome bafir. ABRAHAM. No. K4 East One Hundred aad Bevsnty-eixntn Str:st. SAOATINA, BALVATORE, of No MM Belmont Avenue, overcome, SCHIBIEN, SALVADOR, No. MB Belmont Avenue. 8CHOELLY, ERNEST. No. 4S Weat Btxty-foUrth Street. BCHULMAN. MAMIE, nineteen, of No. 4 Xast One Hundred and Seven, teenU Stteet; overoome. BELLXCK, ESTHER, thtrtsen, i school air!, of No. M7 Kelly Street the Bronx, overcome by amoks and lacerations of ths right hand, SERRENTI, FULVIA, No. 148 East Ons Hondrsd and Fiftieth Btreet overcome. SHERWOOD, JOSEPHINE, of No. BOO Riverside Drive, ovsreome. 8IRXXB, ALBERT, ef No. SKIUNICH, TILUM, etxteea, flor ist No. UM Charlotte Btreet. Intervale Aveaua, overoome. SMITH. JOBEPH, No. 1M4 Braadl fJBBBlE,. Ma. Ml Tlaa Ne.uu Vy SOLOMON, ton AvesMss. .. SIEOhxL, , SADIE, Aveaua, . SILVERMAN, KAL13.NO. aM Ons Hundred and Ssvsntyt Btreet ".. SONABAUM. BARNEY. No. Boston'Koad, the Bronx. SOBHAY. DELLA. No. 447 oae Hundred and Fortv-i Btreet; to noma. , ,( sriunusK. mio0, oi no. wjm wn aaa Street the Broax. ovsreoae. STEDMAAN, EMrLT. Msea WM m ATsaue, iae uroax. STEWART, DR. A. ,MD HaU. ovsreeae. STRAUSS, MOLLIM, No. M4 Tkf faay Strest; ovsrooase-. , " STRONO, H. A.. No. . Ml West Flfty.seventh Street. TESTS, ARTHUR, No. Ml West Xlxhty.nrst Btrset. THAN NICK, OU88IE.No. Ill Wast One Hundred and Eighteenth Street; cuts; to home. TUNIP, OUSSIE, No. II Weet One Hundred 'and Eighteenth' Street WEINER, ABB, No. 444 Fox Street. WE8TERBERO. ALEX, No. Ml WILSON. JESSE, No. 640 Lenox Avenue. ZITO. VITO. No. S50 Bast One Han- drod and Forty-sixth Street SOLOMON, MORRIS, fifteea yean eld. ef No. 1M1 Bteveaa Aveaae, was ismovsd to Flowsr Hospital suffsriag area saohe. BULUVAN, MRS. A. W.. No. MM Third Avsaus. BCHATZ, RACHEL, No. U East Oae Huadred aad Fifteenth Street, SEIFFER, HATT1B, No. 117 Ualoa Aveaue. SOLOMON. JENNIE, No. Ml TU- ton Avsaus. KAISER IS IN BERLIN; OPERATION ON THROAT BELIEVED NECESSARY. COPENHAGEN, Jan. I (Central News The Kaiser Is now In Berlin, but Is constrained with difficulty from returnl nx to the front. - His physicians have advised him then, the operation on his throat will be neeesssrr and that he will have to rest and rexaln strsngth , before It can be undertaken. FREDDIE WELSH MATCHED WITH JOHNNYjpRlPFITH. AKRON. O.. Jan. Promoter Straps) to-day announced he has matched Fred die Welsh, llchtwelsht chsmploa, ta meet Johnny Griffith. Akron llcht welsht, hers on Feb. 1 for twelve rounds. Welsh Is xusranteed 14.000.' It Is un derstood both men wiu inaxe iu pounos at S P. M. SERGEANTS FIRE ELLISON. At a meeting to-dsy, ths Police Ber- ssnts' Benevolent AeeodsUon voted to diipcnss with the services of William B. Ellison as counsel and eadorssd the ad ministration of Commissioner Woods. PUT STOMACH IN F INE CONDITION Says Indigestion Results from an Excess of Hy drochloric Acid.' 1 ' Undigested food delsred la the stoaseh decsya, or rstber, feraeato the ssme as food left In the open air, saps a noted authority. He also telle as that Indigestion is esased by Hyaerw bmbIbc there Is aa'cassa'ef chloric add ia the stesaaaa whisk vents coaplsts digestloa sad start I ferrasatatioB. Thus evetrtaiaa si sours ia the stomach, aach Uka aarbaas sours ia a eaa, foraiiag acrid fluid aaa aases waka lafUU the stoaasa Has a toy bcllooa. Thea we feel a heavy, lesser auserr ia the chest, we aatek mm asa. ws eraetata soar food a Java hear. aura, flataleass. wstsr-brssa t asassa. He teas aa to Uy sside aM sxgHslvi aids aad iastoad est from trnf phsrasay four oaaea ef lad Belts aad tahaa UblsspssBfal to a alsss of wator tofaa breakisst aad eWaatt while it is SSMV veseiat, aad fsrtksraofe, to ssallaae this far a weak. While telle ietewe tke first dees, It is laportaat to aaatial lie tke acidity, reaove tks fss-aaktos assss, start tae liver, stiaalate tks MsV aeys aad tkas proaoto a fees Bear ef cure diasstive iuieee. jsa nail u laeapsasive aaa m frea tke add of grapes aad IsaseB Jules, ceabiasd with Htkia aad ssatoa phas pkats. This hstalas salts is used bf taousaaa of poseie for stoaeeh tswsaa with saosaaaf resoks-Advt. Maraey, Oaseerly sad Bacaley af at faul's Btrset aad Oseaaaas Aveaue, siatolMered tae last arae awe toaasht to be dftos as they were beta x)aW) s4Ba4lJf 4 Jfmmmfl lafisx BaMaTBafssp m TBsee are Btalieas Has. II, at Ho. II Otty HaM Ftote; II, at Be. IM East NlaetMUtk III reel j II at Ke. IM WaM r-akird aHreet, sad II at WUtosr Ftoss, ssrasalya. Tka as la MetVlsyla satos sisail to aattove Mat tae ktowt se erred la Ue feed sssdaiU bailt to terra eeito exwertoaa atoas tae satotde af toe eabway traaea. tmA mwkA slsBauamai a asaai assasa aaaa Aiafj Mav. adaaaea. aaajdjajaa aasf bbbbsbb BBBJ ajaj Baaajaaj BJ pf saaaajaj aaa aaaa bbbbbbj ayaaaa faaaaaa; any BJBJbb SV suB-gh-fA mxmA I ttmgmAmithi fJPaai eBafaBBBBBBBBBBVea ikjBBjtfjaawB. agaasasfl saBsaagajaB BmM 1 Wm9 PBsaaaaajaaaaj BBBaj aaaaaajaaaj mm9mmmkmw BaBBBaaaasr "wraaasrav I I aaBaaaaaffl aaaaM ldfifAaaaBJLaf gafaAsaJtaJsJ I I lLsti. Tne Bvr! Ba ! rfsaeto TaUeaaato Bdee. Mil, WAWTIaWBatALg. JtTxi LsfraTto, ItSuTi -,i-irs--swnkns SLXimZmV, OTWrTHaTTANDIMO eaaasna stsbS'w aaasp asraKaaxv xsw wstwsb vswaw w mmmmj p saBBaaaaBaassva weesl ka Uss aisuf aeSe ef lArvSfUXm. re seeisr ea ai eeeaeetorasae easwnee setts sawditlsa. but m Ium siiiiisirss aaeasMstg tea snasa trewaae te aaeet tae afeesrareele. Mi Islks LOrTwar el xstoaM.tosm rtoi far WmU sVsaaal Par fakarasW ato AND WM AIM) ftU, BB mmmmm Ij!yjs Tib) sys)BB I mmtmmmmaamammmm1mmmammmma9mmm aeaW'lMar a' mmWmTffmwwyP 0mMmmmmmfm--r - ' s-y ... . . elBB.tfJ " ' " '