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HPS TX1 ITIKlMt WOELD, lATUtDAY, MABOX Mf if if. WEFYwi Wanfto JEChow rtit Your Auto and How ,T6 Drive It and Keep It fMaVwaroj iffv tha dther rutle "fir- vaara wwen the ear le Jaeked up.' The elrfetanttal .la assigned to aitt.Mie Alx Jo i i wnd th Mm Way tm Rmdy MMn(n Tftlh , Trmffic 5uggutin$ and Pkm$uf Rutt ,dh'4 V tor Enning Wmrld R-dn. xW , Jy GEORGE B. ROBERTSON. EVERY year about thia time the average automobile owner, who haa , raa kla machine for two or three seasons, begins to get the "new car bug." It la certainly the right Idea, froa an economical view, point, for an owner to trade la his old ear; which no doubt needa a thorough examination, for a new nodal. The owner will; generally And, tor the old ear haa been overhauled and repaired, the' tot) filed where It had worn shabby, and ateaey spent far 'rivna lead upen either wheel er ainerem .eenaitiens, ana wheel Is hetef'tho other wh A un- if ana eel must take thejead. Without thia aetien uid ke Id.' due side wheel travels a. greater dlstanee it weu wrUM awkward far tha ear In aue to tne feet that tne out- than, the inside ere. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaaaHstl gaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiSattgaaJ Baaaaaflfltl BBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVgam BBbHsbK NaBBBBBBBBBr '--aaaaaaaaKBaaaSSaaaaawNR1 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaKa ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaHl ' UBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBn! i ''aaBaaaaVaBBBBaaaBHSBaaBBBBBBBBpH now Urea, tliat A) eeuld hava weed this outlay, together with, the old car, la getting a brand new, up-to-date model, with starter, electric lights, Ao. It la -advisable, It an owner haa been satisfied with hla old car,, to try and trade It for one of the same make. The dealer is In a better position to make a better allowance for the old car than an outsider. He undoubtedly' will take the car at a fair price,' overhaul and repaint it and put It out on the second hand market under a guarantee. Naturally he receives a better price for a car aold under a guarantee 1GJO.M.OBC.irr2ON.- than any other dealer could get 'enWbfltlevV'lt lo'be good business to negotiate with the dealer wh-aendles the 'make" of your oldr reliable dealer le only too pleased to retain his old customer from' year to year and will thus take tore Interest than any one else In any exenango marines, tut: ' ) i , ANSWERS TO LETTERS. AetaaueBe IJdJUri I -have driven a Chalmers model Js carabont 1.000 miles. There Is a pyuria in the motor ou starting which isKs'tlU epjHue 1 warmed up. Nelth eg retarding nor advancing aporlc will retoedy it, -After iho car had done 1.000 mllea It began to smoke at times. tier amoke coming through the foot betgrda and control from the 'direction 'of'the flywheel. It speeded over tWMeUy-ava mllaa or level read she .wiBTaasoka. The car. Is auDDosed to take an ordinary hill .on "high," but veUKhegln to smoke, and drop- back, malar me ahlft to second and often to first when sho smokes much worse. PAUL, N. SKINNER. The emaJdrin of the oa through tha fleer boards., It no deufet dual, ail being thrown, iff., of .the, aMf heel an Uie. axruuejt. pipe-Thie u aame rem the rear hearing ef the meter. wauld advise you to leek ever thfe bearlHttWhich, if worn, would net may 'mf leak1Tl, but eauae a awund atae. op lltney ee that tne motor needs go Jm aver and mw platen rings aut. in neoeeeary. roor piston rings psMHni.w ira im vr power. I'MIWtl Who manufactured the Warren all .apaaWJa. .and wnare' can I aecure .paHef c-iOUBBU P.KOPKINa, , .Thee aerie may be obtained from te Puritan Maohuia company of De raft. 'Abfcain'xaitA: 2a (here on agency for chauffeurs in -wow XOTM cttyT AiyPMim H. FliTNN. -Twera-fa an agency tn-West-fifty-aegMk Street, thVoity. Antoaobila Ultori Could a truck with solid tlree be ntaae to run as a ccmiortaole pas aenger car? .""' F. B. JOKEtii jiULwTjta,-jrou regarding, your aiher Inquiry.. SoMd tlree are better TartruoK rr tne carrying eapaejty is "ittkavUg the cotreci method naairlaa iuUnatmanta on tlrekT i h. t. evxnb: t- jaW'SMiilM aaUuetmenta en tlree yeu MettioMt' to oav only far the aallsage raeelved from the tlree. .For laweanus, If yev only-run 70S. miles en talra whleh la auarantead for 3JI00 MMs'yMt aheuld 'nei a new one for MO-flfth the list rrke. AaiSHi Edltori I Inclose a cut of a Ford unit waarker. Do ybb know anything, about taaaarTM pnoe :s one-nair the At-water-Kont system.'- a. J. BNID. .There are aulte a few of these used i.seem to worn eetistaetoriiy, nut for would not advleeyeu to buy anything Haw thia unless It were backed by a Meitlve guarantee 'by the people yeu aeugnt it irom, lat lunula Ullaf l I haVS Rurchlued a Stevens-'Duryea 1m model, "with carbureter of taeir own make. . I it not, unqerataod tha adjustment of It and can And no ave who can give me Information. The aseeor aeeme to run ail right, nut too much SMM la dnnaiiLntfl nna I can And aaVWaka except when the motor has Men running and is stopped; a large ejaantlty rushes out o( tho air inlet where tha heating pipe from the ex- haist conheiits. xha exhaust flame is 'anaaasunsMiKnt put pie. if ' . ireitBEBT UKriDINQTONi Worn 'your 'ekbianatlbn, I believe iMi iH past , level or tne oaroureter , wtuia aaviee yeu so t t! MVl nm iiaa M reDSlr'msn adJuet at the oaaollna eomaa luat ta tha mn or tne joe, ,it yeu eannet mtdy the troMble. WPHlrf adylse try- 'new carbureter, , " , In, a, tll model --Marlon roadster; r Tiorsepqwos, is there a nrive (eel, and haa ond.,reax wheel more eving power man tne other, and hen car Is jaoketl up, both wheels I ground, and, snoed , Is -put on muld wheels direction t 044JOatHOKt I aaBaBaaaaraK BaaaaaWi'mWi Bau If not, should tbsy turn la any dl reotlont . O. L. C. aaauae ot tn pciion si tna air- hum i ina! cl"ih, turn nn ferentlal, ene wheel may revolve and take Belleville Turnpike to Mont- . Will a solution Known aa power Rue Increase the power of an automobile. Or will It be Injurious to the enirlneT EDWAIU) 8. BEYMOUK. De net knew ef the aelutlon yeu mention. There are several ef these en the market. Borie -era. good ,and some poor. M AstaaaMla XdJIatt 'What is tbe best way to clean the Oil aut of tho engine and the best thing to user F. W. Open the pet cocks on plugs In the bottom ef the crank caae. Run the meter for a few minutee elewly until the ell le about ut. Would advlss flouring about a ausrt ef kerosene nto the ease after thia le done and run tha meter for a moment to in euro getting all the eld all out. Be aura te refill the ease after the pet aeeke are eleeed with a proper amount ef a good grade ef ail.. AatoaukUa Ddltotl, , WhAt le the best way to Nyack, N. Y., from Brooklyn? E. W. 8. . Frm roekJyn to, Broadway, New York, up Broadway through Yonksrs, Hastings, Dobbs Ferry te Tarry town. Then cross ferry to Nyaek. The roads are in vary goed condition. AutumoUl Kdltort Will you kindly let me know sev eral good trips to Jake In .the vicinity of Now York where the roads are good and not to exceed 100 miles both waysT Is It necess&ry to have a license for a motorcycle in the ad jacent States to New York while touring from ono State to anotherT O. P. T. Would advise you te write the Buresu of Tours ef the Automobile Club ef Amerlos, or the best poektt touring guide company for these trips. They have them already made up. If a State requires a license for a motorcycle, It le necessary that you be lieansed in some State and carry the ptstee. utnrnofclla Edited Kindly let me know the best.xouto from Now York to Caldwell or Pine Brook. .N. J. W. J. BOR8T. Cross rorty-seoina otreet Ferry to Boulevard, turn turn west county eeuth to Newark Avenue, Hudson I tr, t v w , efalr. Than out BlsemtWd Ave te Caldwtrl. Al-antns KSttatt What la the beet Northern rente by. automobile to .-CalatefaiaT 1 la tend going there June X, Where could I' fret a good guldef F. I B. Would advlee yeu to write tha Bureau ef Teura at tha Automobile Club ef Amrelear where yaw aairaa cure thie route In detaV. I eaefld aet give you the en.ell detail yea mains In thie specs. , AttonoMla nitort .1 have Juet purchased a Ford and would Ilka to know whether my wife can run It under my license. What la necessary for bota to have the right to operate. ltT v V. d, BURTELU. Your wlfa 'may operate tha ear re- ?ardlsss as te whether the lieenee le aken In yaur name er Jointly. The law etatee that a licensed operator la one' who la aald or hired far tha purpose df operating a meter vehicle. oinee your wit, er tamuy are net hired er 'employed by yeu for thie riurpose they are net euppeeed to be ieeneed. ' Geo. FJ Cananan. H. J. Wleoend. Harry Eagel, J. J. Fltsgerald, A. C. Fraeer, Mra. F. E, AlhM, Q. M. Weed, Harry Q. Carter, A. R., H. A. TuHle, and William Dyke, Will write yeu regarding yourjnqulrtee. V Attooeon EdlUrt " ..Will-you-pleaaa Inferos. tna. whether anything hoe been invented ana used to prevent automobiles from skidding outsldo of the usual familiar chain? And do you think It would be worth while to ''spend time and money In developing and patenting any devloe that WouTd he more effective, although more expensive perhaps- than the chain T I. Intend to buy a car thia summer and lesse my own services aa chauf feur. What make and else Would you advise for the pufpoeaT Do you think, my plan haa any ohance of success and would I be likely to get a proper engagement throuirh ad vertising? M. BEABON. There' Is good, money in any devloe which le practical for thia purpose. Would advlee yep to p ok out aj atand ard make of par and advertise through the different mediums. If yeu oan fiet a popular oar In good oendHlen t might pay you during the summer months. Antamoblla Editors My father In about to set a saa. senger automobile which he wishes to use In business as well, putting a commercial body on it la It neces- BTlVAM laired to . i t err m get a eomnierciai ana lloeaae aad-ara-thn two reei aa atUahad ta-tha aata at aaaa or luat occasionally? Am I required to have a.llceaae te driva the saachlae. arid what age do I have to be? ft. UBONARD. , Th law states that a vehicle used for oemmerelal aurpeeeo eoley ehall Jmr.AaaaiaaaMlal. Ileenaa...l.kellave that, ainee thia ear le ueed for, pleas uiValee, a ploaaura ear lieenee le the only (one reauired. M the earTle reg isterea In year vathee'e name and yeu are ever eighteen, yeu will net require a ehaaaur'e lieenee, although yeu must carry -the owner's eard. AuWaoMIOMlWcu' 'Yv What Is tho tNaVauto, for the price of ILpoo or thereaboaUT XT.Su TB&alAB H. AMKB. W1U wrtto yeu H yeu will fsrward yeaKarfdraea te m..l eaanet answer thie eert ef . auerv threuah thie cehimn. Kindly let .me knew hew' maay people yeu want to carry, where you want te use It, 4c. Aatoaiobl! Btor What la the beet rouie from Fifty ninth Street to Springfield. Mass.? Q. Mi BCHWAnTZ. Leave New Yerk by Felhem Park way te New Reehella. Oreenwleh, Stamford, Bridgeport, TMlMerd, New Haven, Mount Cermet Walllngferd, Meriden, Berlin, Hertford, Windsor IjSAkaaoJUIngfielaV ' Automobile Mltort - I bought-w Bulck asodel D. 1 have overnauied the cyUndera and bear ings, which Seem all right I put In a storage battery and have the wir ing on the outlctf i8 the magneto was no good, but tbeiQ la not power enough to take this car up an Incline on second gear without full gas on, and sometlmee not at all. Do you think the -oar is worth putting In a new magnetevand by so doing will it get full .power K. It, PAUtQUIBT. Yeu .will gain , a eensldereble in ereaaeof power if a magneto le used. Would- advlee .you te leek ever tho valve timing and oarburetar adjust ments to eatlefy yourself that the treualg lie there. No ear le tee aid If properly everheuled.'by eempeiena men AutoBUbll Edltori It my partner owns an auto, am I allowed lo drive trn car without a license? I am of age nnd receive no pay. MICIIAKL, HICKS. In order that yeu avoid all compu tations due to an uncertain law, I would advise you to .neve the ear en. n eorne rdOUtsred In. the names' ef both of yuW . J?i"t an aimcutiee. Thie wll ever AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. Maxwell Racing Cars First and Second in Great 301-Mile Venice Grand Prix Race Bcurney Oldfidd, in a Maxwell, wins, miking non-ttop run without chrthgi ftg geart, averaging 68 miles air hour. Bilhr Carbon, in a Maxwell, fuiiihes. second, Q62s seconds behind Olclfiekr, making one stop of 7 seconds f 6 ofl. t ir k -i UNION AM aioaac w. K. ATXiNa. vieaeteiaorr WESTEga ptrlgaiBW TELtR NtwcoMa CARLTON. eaceiosNT acLviaaag aaoaga. vtcarsiwefxT 103 AJG2LE8. CAJjr -MAR 17TH 15 RECEIVED AT OOBWABS ATSkt DETROIT 1U0B. til 079 OF 83 I 1 MR. WAITER E. HAIDERS, PRE3XDEIT MAXWELL MOTOR COUPABT. UCORPORATED DETROZT. MICBI0AI , MAXTOL WII3 FIB3T AUD 3EC0STJ VJ BOO MILE W89TER5 AUTOMOBILE 0XA83Z0 ' RACE AT YEB1CE CALIFORNIA TODAY DEFEATIUG PRACTI CALLT SAME FIELD PARTICIPATI50 I IT RE0EST 6RA3D PRIZE ASD 7AHDKRBILT CUP RACES. ' UAOTEB DRIVER BARIEY 0LD7IELD DROVE WIKUBO MAXWELL WITHOUT ST0PPI90 OR 0IAKIS0 GEARS DURIIO ESTIRE RACE. SURE FLUSH BILLY 0ARL30I DROVE SE00K) MOntI MAXWELL ST0PPIS0 OBLY OBOE 3EVEB 3E0QIDS FOE OIL, OLDFXEX&O AVERAGE ' 68 1-2 MIKS AU HOUR WHICH WAS. FASTER THAB EITHER 0RABD PRIZE OR a ' i VABDERBILT RACES. EDDIE RICKEHBACHER IB MAXWELL- T00X LEAD AT START iUD HELD XT TO FIFTY 8EC0XD LAP AVERA0II0 100 MILES all HOUR, PZ0IZ3) . DP ST01B SCORE HOLE IB CBABK CASE' PUT OUT OF RACE. MABAOER UAXWELL RACIBG TEAM . W W, ' . c This is one of the most phenomenal victories in the history of automobile racing. Barney Oldfield's non-stop feat is the third 300-mile, non-stop contest performance made within a few months by a Maxwell racing car. Oldfield, in a Maxwell, ran non-stop in the 301-mile, Corona race. Billy Carlson, bra Maxwell, made 300-mile non-stop record in San Diego race. SEE THE NEW 1915 MAXWELL AT FACTORY RETAIL BRANCH MAXWELL MOTOR SALES CORP., 1808 Broadway at 59thSt,N. Y.City HiStOftWNC. F.AOAM DIES IN WASHINGTON AFTER WEEK'S ULNESS Atlack of Grip Fatal to Author VVlio Also Won National Fame as a Publicist. MNCOLN, Muss., March JO. Charles Fronds Adams, publicist and historian, died at'j A. XT. to. day at hla winter reeldon, No. 1701 Masea. ohusette' Avenue, Waehlnaton. lie iiad bten 111 with grip for a week. word of his death waa received at hla home here thte'fcrenoon. Mr. Adams waa a Breat.ffraaAann of President John Adorns, a gTaadsoi of President Jobs Qalncy Adams ana a son of Charles Krancls Adams, min ister to dreat Britain In thi im.ii wavperloa. norn m Boston Mjrn. ia, una Kraauaifa rrom Harvard la 1S56, ho was admitted to the Afaaea chusetts bar two yearn after leaving college. He served In the Union Arm throughout the Civil War nnd .later vaa Identified with rallrond affairs for, many years, serving for six years aa President of tbe Union Pacllle Railroad and for ten years as n maim ber of '.the Massachusetts Uoard of n.n.ji iirv vviiiuiipwiuiivrB. ' Never saeklnir nhallo nfflr Up. Adams took an aetlve part as an In dependent In political Rftalrs through his writings and speeches. He was tne aut nor or numerous books on rail, roads and on various phases of Amore lean history and was a Fellow of the "American Academy of Arts and Bel. enccs ana n memDer or the Atnencaa caJomy of Arts and Letters. y Chevrolet Bars m Maanetl faetory. The Chevrolet Motor Company this week purchased tbe former Maxwell factory on lleekmsn Avenue, Tarry town, N. V. The' price was not made pnbllc. Commerce Board Answirs PetWoh for Reopnln; of Case Pres ent Schedule Stndi WAemfOTOff, Marea te-Taa la. ter state Oars mi roe Cera mi eat en te-4ay ordered a reereatag ef ahe matter of exafeaa conaaates ratea aad praatleea, aa pehtjae47for a few days age ay heada; of -tha, fceg 'oorporatwaa af the klad taraagaeat tha eeatrr - The data at the neat hearing waa net rued, hewever, aad l waa erdcred taat In the meaaamvthe aaaeaale of rates and regulatlonu nut Into afreet July 14. lllVremaM' mfOrce. " OLDFrELD.IflEAKS HOODOO; WINWN8 MtMOAD RACE AT VENrCETA MAXWELL Barney Old field aa. beea, deriving raelpg cars 'far nearly fifteen years and In all that time' he ias Merer been i able to wla a. big raai.aeateet until his victory this wsek at, Venice, Cel.. Put the veteran on. a t,rnck and he was perfectly at'Kome. r Hla track recoraa aad victories. ar aJraaet be yond count, Ilut every time "Barney started a road race he, always carried A'e an unwelcome passenger a Mg jinx. Something generally arent wrong. If It wasn't engine trouble It was a punctured tire or' the sudden desire ef hla car to crash through a fence. , .... ....... The veteran, undaunted by hla many misfortunes, kept plugging nwny, and this week he had the satisfaction or leadlhg his field home. The Venice race was 301 miles over roads. Old field drav'ha?Maswel at the. rate .of (it 1-2 miles an hour and, won without being forced to make-a slnTle stop, a moat romnrkable performance. Uut Harney's luck nearly desertou nim, for Hill Carlson, in anotner Maxwell, cams within J5 seconds of, nosing out the votoran at the .finish, SIX OPPORTUNITIES EacA AutomobiU in Thit Lilt a Bargain 1014 LOCIER. T riitaeser Tsorlss :ar. Hopatntcd. 11.460. WINTON, ft raiMpaar Toerlnr Car. P,HMlntd. taso. IAT, l.lmoutlna. full equipment, fOSU, IAT, T Vkftnttr Tourlna Car, is 50. miu Mn uminu.K, in if. r a rat aintr Toarlne V'T, Soe. ISrtO MCAMIBIf.K, .10 H. T.. ,Bbf Tonneaa, lUpalniad, 1400. Bak Til IwtMoMli Cmiii if Aiirici , Xxcbanjr Car IMpt.. Slit Btraet. Next To UrwJwar. MOTORISTS' PROBLEMS SOLVED Uteres If. Uahartaaa. Aawrlca'e fereaMet rarina iiDrri. aavai araepertlai a hMR. r take a Hint a .emafe Aaaffian Vr and rentaa' Claaaaai alaa nelraU la, nniiTT. . ia anil iwii rnianra. "aal eilla. fSatfSet'tt, rnoai.' Oay and aT eiraHlam al Special Claaaaa for Ladies Call or write far baokltt. Stewi'rt Auto School jsn west BTtu STaarr tat-aveaawwi. Sunday World Wants Work Monday Wonders. mmm IlHil MMIMEE i ffla -.1 li-vlrrt. pretty imjm Away From Home; hWmi': Aaataar aMasatef wuaatfeBt laaaf-v .a .vii Vi.'fi--' i lLU-A. Ijii a asa araaiitff ntVBwH Bagsarp BlBf ( Xa. mo KuajMltMfrai, sslsejaV ' la St. Joha'a Heaattal ni'A.aV. at W day, after she had walked tha otrgMa for four hours. Bhe Is an ai pretty gin. living wftn her atether aad' s4a arothere aa4 aad reads aad goes to tha . Three months ago she waaderet ,s over xo aianaaiian aga waa aHe ( up by a policeman at HudaoB aBi Day Streets and taken to the Haaeea Street Il6spltal. After reiwraBet heme aba aaemcd aatlsneg for Uaaev. .. but -two weslis. s)gp auddoalf vanjsheO again. Bhe was found .' aptWeiaaty' ,: suit srlna from amnesia and takaA'ia . ' tha Buthwlck Hoaaltal, whs e s4e a-;. aaala,ed five daye. , '4iJlt Late yesterday she, weat to a gr- ina nlctura ahow with her aouaaau aM ready o go, JHer bfotier waa ataeiaaV watch her, and at I o'eloak ak:,ia turned home with him. V . A-IUtle- later she wrapped aa. aeeaev clothing an4 slipped ont of the heaaafJ A netghboj saw her at Qulncy aHraaf ,i nu AHtvyji 'ATviiaa unu linn ea . over ta the' aolloe of the bates A'rtMeaA Utailon. AH aha muM rmanaa Ma that she waa on her way to aar graadatotar at afaspeth. V AUTOMOBILES. AtrrtfMOBiLili; r-. - HEW LIGHT tOUt? $185 , CAR, FOR TTO CRITIS I! nd7NtW YOFKS "tti&t SELLER" i J .(' teiv ana jtvy i vi n i llv llaa tka WeVark.aiiaitsat hiaahsag aM . EE IT AND KNOW THE WLASON WHY - r, , - rj m Tins aew I gat "4" has made.saore taaa gee, it IB 4 PBRPRCTRBPLlO A OP Til FAMOUS OLDIleWBtLl "SU" MteMaaa wkieh Uere U aaataatoaUe. ; ms 0LDSM0BILE CO. OF N. Y., 22S-7 WmI 9Slh St, cow aqAPWAT BauwcBa taaa, bi rax 7 K V. tA i sitrildiW-i. ,You MfWC CfiLU General Bernhardt Professor Ferrero and Hilaire Belloc These Three Greatest living Military Authoritiee Have W ritten Notable? Articles About, the War Especially for Tomorrow's SUNDAY AMERICAN rT'r ,. 'WaBBfl fMMMSyaAaaaajaaaM THEATRES FREE WrVrryWr'ryrWWrVV All Only for Readers of Wby There Ire So. Many DnJuppy Marriages What Earthly Use Is a Mow Girl liykoil ' ThrrrVi) Why We Grow Thin Explained Hutciujpifsi '. '4,v- ssrsaaasaawssmsa' At Tomorrow's Wor4l - ClaUHO ViHEill V JtM aVOIU tISaUlMIl aaaaaaaeataaaMUai , Mtohb'w-w. Tt,VsyrV. M t;-TraattaeaasjrTy--fi.t aw auvva a .jyaaw gi ' vu. , j a. vaptmif&fo ay-ji ptas.'- w r r Sunday Americ THE GREAT;?WAl!fr m ,r - Sr. i v r I 2x -