Newspaper Page Text
Rae Tanzer Swears James w. Osborne ana "UliveT" Are wm fthewe'e IVebeMe Te NlM tun4f fad, riNAi 1. EDITION Mmtf 5HmlD. FINAL J, EDITION "CtremUtlom Hook Oprm to All." Tlrnilnthn Hook Oprn in All.' PRICE ONE CENT. lavrrM, 11 a, fW rreaj relletjls 1., I f NW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1016. 12 PAOE8 S PRICK ONE CENT. 1 THREE BRITISH BATTLESHIPS DISABLED; FRENCH CRUISER DAMAGED BY TURKS . W. OSBORNE IS IDENTIFIED IN COURT BY RAE TANZER AS 'OLIVER' WHO WRONGED HER Aflcr Repeated Refusals, Girl at Last Swears They Are the Same. TELLS OF BETRAYAL. Shows Little Emotion as She Recounts on Stand Visit to Ptainfleld Hotel. Rae Tamer's aurprlslnr change of front and positive Identification of James W. Oaborne aa Oliver Osborne, the man aha says wronged her, cave an unexpected turn to-day to the trial of Franklin D. Safford on tha charge of committing perjury In con MCtlon with the Osborno-Tanier caie. After refusing steadfastly yeater day to aay whether or not Jamea W. Osborne and Oliver Osborno were tho same, and continuing that refusal during most of tho forenoon to-day, on the ground that a declaration on the subject would tend to Incriminate her. Mlas Tanzer finally calmly re plied "Yes, sir," to Assistant District Attorney Wood's question, "Is James W. Osborne the man you were run nlng about with In the various placos jou have det,crlbed?" The Identification came as a sur prise to the crowd that flllod the court room. rtao Tanzer was cnlm, as usual. Jamrs W. Osborno grinned. Hao's sister. Oora, refused to tos tlfy. James W. Osborne Is Ollvor, but aha declared positively his voice Is the voice of Oliver. It was learned lifter the adjourn ment of the trial that ono or tho per sons under Indictment In connection with the Tanzer-Osburno caso hud made overtures to United States Dis trict Attorney II. Snowdon Marshall with a view to becoming a Govern ment witness. Thu rumor was con firmed by .Mr. Marshall, but ho would not give tho uamo of tho person. "All 1 tan say," said Mr. Marshall, "la that n lawyer not now In tho case came to mo and declored a, mun do airea to become, our witness and tell the truth. I suggested ho advlso tho person that If ho desires to tell the truth I will nsk tho Court to assign (Continued on Second Paso.) PIMLIC0 WINNERS. HACK TltACIC, I'l.MI.ICO, Md.. May 1, The opening days luces here i faulted as follows: FIHST HACK--I'nr mnldeii tw o.) ear olds , foul fin lotus. Ormes llt-ml, I to (Dreei ), stlulKlit. l.tu : place, IJ.Sll. show. J.90, firm; Casco, 107 (McAtcc), place. J.1.7U; how. S.1..".l. second! Vir ginia M, (IJuxtonl. show. Il.'ju. Tlmo, 0. 10 Tnihruss, Itltle Mock, "Dlino Noel, rishwulk, l-ill Del 'In, Hidden (iate, Ocean I'llncr, Life. Atukn also lun. 'Cuss.itt entry HKCONI) HACK Steeplechase: 4-yeai-olds mid up; two miles. Hilly Bay, HI (Allen), S3, 10 sti.iiKht, :uu jilacr, k.iu snow, won; .iccnacn, t;ti lllvan). tll.'JO ill ict, a,-.'(i show, sec ond: Drvnter. 1 HI (Muiph.i ). 3,M) show, third. Tliiie-va.&i .-o. Mirici Impulsive, Mellonorc' also inn, TMIltD ItAl'P.- I'nr thiee-ycn .ll nd upwnrdi six furlong -Andrew. UK (McC'ahcyl. straight, M.lil; nl'ice, IJ.Iiii chow. JMU, first; HetiT I'lynne. US (Metcnlf). place. Si. 10: show. t2.80, second: Ithlne Maiden. 1 no (lloffniiiii), show, $J.fifi, third. Time. l.H. Tule Carrier und Jlfethnwii iiln inn. More ftnls 'I'roiipH Called Out BRItXK. Swltaerland. May, I. The Federal Council doHclrc i-dn to call nut the jUth Dlvlnloii of llic aulas Army. Baseball To-Day NATIONAL LEAGUE. AT PHILADELPHIA. NEW YOKK 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA 2000020 Mnthowson and Meyers: Alexander mid Kllfer. Uiuplru (Julglcy and Knson. AT BROOKLYN. BOSTON- 0 2 1 0 0 0 BROOKLYN 0 0 0 0 0 0 'Hatterles Hughes mid (iowdy: Smith nnd (McCarthy, Umpire Hlem anil AJmsllc. AT PITTSBURGH. CHICAGO- 0 10 2 0 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 1 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE, AT NEW YORK. ATHLETICS 10 110 i HIGHLANDERS 13 2 10 I Hatterles Hhawkey and Hchang: Coldwoll and Sweeney. Umpires Mullnuey and Evans, AT CLEVELAND. ST. LOUIS 10 0 CLEVELAND 0 0 0 Hatteriea Loudcnnllk and Aimew; Hiigcrmiin and O'Noll. Umplrus ii ivouKiuin aim iiiKioor.imi. FEDERAL LEAGUE. AT BROOKLYN. PITTSBURGH 0 0 2 BROOKFEDS 0 0 0 " Hatterles Allen and )lerry; l.afltte and tind. Umpires, Uronnan and Cochran. AT NEWARK. ST. LOUIS 0 0 0 w NEWARK s 0 2 0 Hatterles Mutson and Chapman; Moran und Harlden. Umpires Mc t'nrmlck and Westervelt. AT BUFFALO. CHICAGO 10 0 10 0 UUFrALO ; 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hal tfilPM l'renderrast and Klshor AndeiMiin and Allen. Umpires, Jon stone anil l-'lfe. AT BALTIMORE. KANSAS CITY 0 0 0 0 BALTIMORE 0 10 0 H.itterieM- Ciillop .in.! Mrown: Heiv iler ami ij-ns. man and Howell. I'mplies I'inner LEXINGTON RESULTS. I'MIST I! t'K HelUtiB; linncllcHp puiip $100. for three-yenr-nlds and up; lx furlongs Altuirmlm, ion (ii'llrieu) flrt; ii.Hikhii, 105 (fJoo). secimd; Izzett Hey, 10;' (I'ool), third Time 1 13 2-6. I.oeeliiiiil, Cnhli on Delivery, Slur Actress, Outlook, Loan Hliiirk, Snn Veen ami Mux aluo ran. Two-lHlliir Muiurl Paid Altainnlia, mialKht Js,.lii. place lit Ii0, bIiow t'.IO; ri'llucsn, plnen f:2, iow 12; iizetl Uty, (how 16.60. GIANTS LET KAUFF GO BACK TO FEDS Ik'inpsk'iul SurrL'iuli'rs Player, Heeling Thai UrooklVJs Have Prior Rijht lo Him. "O. B." BLACKLISTS HIM. National Commission Turns Down Player's Application for Reinstatement. Moimln Kuuff la lost to the (Hants, ilu irooN back to tha Urookfods, after atlrrlng up a big fuss In the Iwiacball world. After a protruded conference to-day between President Harry' llampatead of tho (Hants und It. Ii. Word, owner of tho Urookfods, flrat ut tho Hotel Htltmore nnd later at the Waldorf, Hempstead said that tho New York Club hud surrendered tho player feeling that tho Hrookfeds had a prior right to him. Tlila ibroUKht -ytho meeting of the Fedoral Leairuer5 at the Waldorf to a sudden finish, Otlmorn announcing that a statement would Im Issued later. Tho statement, In effect, amounts to thu surrender of Knuff by the Giants. Earlier In the dny tho National Commission at Cincinnati had an nounced Its turn down of Katift'a application for reinstatement to the ranks of organized lall. This In Itself would bar him from playing with tho (Hants. CINCINNATI. May 1. The Nation al Baseball Commission to-day ro. fused tho application for reinstate ment of Hcnny Kauff, tho Brooklyn Federal Leaguo player who signed a Now York National Iyaguo contract on last Thursday. This 'means) that Kauff Is barred from organization baseball. The finding of the Commlsslorfol lows: k" "IMnyer It. Kautf applies to the National Commission for rein statement In Organized Baseball. His request Is refused for tho rea son that In the past ho has not rospectod his contractual obliga tions and thorefore, In our Judg ment, Is notMi desirable person to be Identified with tho great Na tional game. (Signed) "A I JOUST H K It R.M A N, "B. It. JOHNSON, "JOHN K. TUN Kit, "National Commission." Tho decision was arrived at after numerous telephonic communications had taken place but ween Chairman August Herrmann nnd ('resident Tener of the National League, and President Johnson of the American League, tlm other two mombers of tho Commission. I'ollowlng the announcement, Chnlr man Herrmann said: "The llndlng sreaks for Itself. The Commissioners cited It unanimously and further ills iiisslou on my parMviuld bo useless." TYPHUS FEVER HERE. Xrrltex In I'ort Aliouril n (irrrU Mrniiii r, Tyiihus fever reached American Mmrcs to-day. The first case c.ime ju this port aboard the (!iedi s'camer Christoforos, which sailed from .Mar. -ellles Atiril 10. Tho vitt.m .a lau third engineer, a (irnek. ColliipHei frini Drug, Michael Do lc, tw eiit) -sc en jrnrs old, a clerk, of No. 1UU Ma.t linn lliiu Iri'il and Tenth .Street, eollapi il when Ii was taken to thu Cast (lun Hun dred orJ Tiventy-slMh street Station to-day. charged with having drugs In his possession. Uetfctle Cleary Haw him totteilng In tine Hundred and Twenty-fourth Street. Ilu Mua ic tnovid to tha Harlem Hospital. AFTER CONFERENC Contributors to Eveninq World mm m mi Fff r tj- ON LUSITANIA GET A. G. Vanderbilt Receives Tele gram Telling Him to Be ware in War Zone. Many prominent Americans sailing for Liverpool to-day on tho I.usl tanla, received telegrams ns they reaohed tho vessol In which they were advised to cancel pavsagn. Tho tele K rami bore slgnntures like "John Smith" or "Oenrgo Jones." Hern Is ono received by Alfred Owyuno Vanderbilt; "Havo It on definite authority tho l.usltnnl.a Is to ho torpedoed' You had better cancel pnssngn Im mediately." First and second cabin passengers on reaching tho pier were accosted by itrangen, most of whom spoke nngllsh with a fiennnn accent, and wnrneil to remain ushore. Tim ac tivities of these str ligeis ceased a. soon ns passengers- reported to l-M-ward Million, in charge of tho Cunuid secret servlm foreo. Despite the warnings uttered on the dock, tho telegrams and the ad vcrtisemont of the Imperial Herman Kmbnssy printed in tlm morning newspapers warning Americans against travelling on Hntish ships the. l.usltanla had 1,500 p.issengcis aboard. Tills would be a big passen ger list In times of peace. Tlm original booking showed .150 first cabin passengers, C00 In tho sicond cabin and 3fi0 In tho steerage. The l.usltanla had never befoio car ried so many second cabin passengers In ono voyage In either dlnctlon. At tba last moment tin Lusltiuita's mm BBaBWlf I ' " " " ' 1 ,51 0 PASSENGERS ; J$& GERMAN WARNING i iUtiu t o u r-iff MR RAYMOND BROwH already largo complement of passen gers was augmented by "w from tho Anchor liner Camuronla, which hud been jscheduleil to sail at noon for Olnsgow. Tho following cablegram reached tho Anchor J. Inn agent ut 11 o'clock; "Cancel sailing Camoronla. Hcqulsltloncd by Government." Arrangements were Immediately mado with tlm Cumird Line for tho transfer of tho Cameronla's passen gers to tho Lusltiuila. It la not known to what usn the British Gov ernment Is to put tho Camuronla, Tho supposition is that she N to bo sent to Quebec or Halifax to tako uboard Canadian troops for Hngland, Tho LUHltatila, was scheduled to depart ut 11 o'clock, but It was al most noon bofore slio backed nut from tho Cunurd Llnu pier Into the North lllvtir and moved down stream past tho long lino of cold, rusty (Jcrmun llnors tied up at Hobokon. (Continued on Second I'ago.) "CITY OF ROCKAWAY" BILL IS VETOED BY MAYOR Mayor Mltihel to-day vetoed tlm bill uhlch pwmitM the Itocl.uways to m cede fiom tin- City of New York und become a M puntl" i Ity One of the .MaMir'h i lib f leasoni for the veto was that the severance uould nntall ii i'insld rablu llnanelal loss to Now Voik. Tho Mayor uppioved the bill which pluees all City Maclst rates In ono ill vllon. There me Hist and second . xhiionsitt Nio pres. ut time. Tlm b also provides that there shall bo but one Chief .Magistrate, still another in mimon liioadeus the powers of tho MogiNiraliiH, permitting them to sit In .Illdnilieilt on rases In i i totui'e loii llueil to Court ol Special b-jaluii3 calendars. .ClCnn 'C f V UICC IWIbMtili w S-f 1 llll h T Uproar at Hearing as Deposi tors, Some of Them Wom en, Question Iler. ASKI-D ABOUT JI-WOLS. LSays She Was I'romiseil $25,- (XX) a Year, but Agreement Wasn't Kept. Mrs. M.irlu Vaughn Wllda who, until March 20 lust waa tha wife of Henry Slcgol, appeurod to-day, un der aubpoena, boforn Hofero Hlun ley W. Dexter In tho Federal Build ng, to answer every form of peraonal question the depositors In bar aa husliand's defunct bank could frama to cet track of Btecel'a money. Never alucn the savings bank In tho Four teenth Street Stora closed Its doom have tbe dcposltora relaxed thalr ef forts to kTt what thoy could of HI cel'a money. It was In thla effort that the former Mrs. Blegel waa called to-day. Mrs. Wilde camo to court very sim ply dressed In blue, with a black feather hat, gray-topped boots and white gloves. Sho wore a thin veil. Her demeanor was placidity Itself until a newspaper photographer Bit ting In ono of tho Jury seats took a plcturo of her. Inatuntly abo leupad to her feet. "Your Honor, I demand your pro tection. I won't submit to being crucified he's taken a picture of me he's got It In his (racket I demand that ho bo compelled to glvo It up." Mrs. Wlldu uturtod down from tba witness stand as three of tbo oouit uttendanti camo forwurd. Finally they took tho camera from tho photographer and lie followed tbe offi cers from tba room. Hoferea Dex tor ordered tho destruction of thu photograph In tlm camera and the delivery of tho ono tho plcturo maker had placed In his pocket. The court room waa In an uproar. Thero wero about fifty women depoa Horn on tho benches, and they started forward to Join In tho disturbance. "She says she won't lie crucified!" cried one of tho women, shaking a finger at Mrs. Wilde: "but we've al ready been crucified!" Another woman began to weep loudly. Some of tho men called out, "Why ahouldn't sho be willing to have her picture tnkonT" "Keep your cam era, young maul" Another woman in the audience spoko up: "They took my picture In court In (Continued on Second Page.) METHODISTS VOTE FOR CHURCH UNITY Bblup I'liaiiiinous on Atveplance nl Ovt'rhirt' Made by Members in the Jjoutii. BUS MOINKtf, In., May I. Twen-tv-luo Hisliops, rillels of Methodism all over the world, to. da' unanimous lv (Iceland thiu,elvi's in f.ivur of the unlficillon of all Methodism. The report of a special committee, recom mending the union of the .Molhudtst K.piscopal ('hutch with Hie Meth-odlst-I'JinMopal ( 'lunch South, was fin n i u 1 1 adopteil and for the Hist time since 11". when slavi'ry dlNiupt ed the big ill ii rill organization, a re union in he near future Is probable. The teiniH of the organic I'nioii must bo outlined b) the Hi ueral Con. feience, hill !!( declai.'iluin of the llihhots It in oh but foimal action to be taken by the conference, HECKLED IN HUN FOR MONEY HE HAD -t- GAINS AT DARDANELLES IN BIG BATTLE AT NIGHT CLAUD Berlin Despatches Say Transports of Allies Have Been Sunk and That British and French Have Lost Thousands on Land. GERMANS SHELL DUNKIRK AGAIN WITH BIG GUNS Althouuh tho llriltih nJtclul rvpnrt tlirltirci the AMt Aav Mii-lrd lro; at five pomff on thu ((illipol 'cnditufa iirtd one po!l on the AflnHc i Ido of the JiirddiuJct, u rejior teat fltoti out to-day uf Ucrliii drclarliiy that the French nml Hrithh had been ttriven tack. It tent elaimrit in lierltn that the French armurcil cruiter Jcannt d'Arc. ami the Ilrltish battlehlt Majestic, Triumph and Vtngtano had been tlamajed anil Joreed out of the flrlnu Una. Several from porti and tlcttroyrri are ilnclaral to have been tunk, and the alliu are, taiil to hava lott tcverat thousand froou In Allfcd and wounded. London (nilifj that thu ulli4 am adeanfing on tho Gulllpoll 'riiliisiila and on the Asiatic aide o the Htraltt, but admit thert may be mill for the claim that tome of their uursAlpj have betn damaucd. Farlt and llcrlln both announce another bombardment of thi Britiih war bate at Dunkirk, on the. coast of France. Pari$ says that ten more 15-inch shells fell yesterday and that there wer "sev eral victims." While I'aris reports quiet on tha Frcnch-Ilctoian frontier. Per tin announces repulses of the allies on both banks of the Yser near Ypres. lierltn also reports a new bombardment of Ithetms as rcprltol acwiruf the French. llatlles in Itussian Poland resulted to the advantage of the Qer mans, says llerlln. In ono of them, near the Prussian border in the vtclnity of Suwalkl, it is said, 1,000 Husslnns were captured. In another engagement a Ocrmun reverse is conceded. Allies Driven Back, Ships Damaged, BEftLLV, May 1. By wlrolosa to Hayrllle, N Y, The Overseas New.i Agency gives out the following des patch dated Oonatantlnople: "The French aoldlera who landed GERMAN SUBMARINE BACK AT IRISH COAST Russian Steamer Laden With Coal Is Torpedoed and Stink. IXWDO.V, May 1 (Associated Press). Tho KuhsIuii 2, 000-ton steamer Hvorono, bearing Welsh coul to Arch angel, u lluiislun port on tho White Sea, wus torpedoed nnd sunk by a German submarine believed to bo thu 17-23 on Friday ut noon near tho Blaskut Inland", on tho west coast of Ireland. Tho Svorono's crow of twonty-four mun, mostly Itusslans, barely had tlmo to tako to the boats when tho vessel sank. All wcro rescued by a patrol boat. PACIFIC STEAMER LOST. I'.lrwn Mi-ii Hi'iMirli'il In llnvp fi om nium Willi Hie Victoria. SAN DIM if). Cat , Ma 1.- Tie coast wise Hteamei Victoria, disabled In K iles, pioliably sunk e.uly to-ilii aecuidtng to tier puisci, t . i U 1 1 1 -; with her ilcwn men of her Mexli an i rc . A Toncminl. tlic puixei, who anlved hen' lo-dii with the i'HNii paisi'iigt'i's M.tbl the Vleiorla icixnted foiindeilliK l.i l null! off the I'oi'iuiailo UlandH Just aerosi the Mexican line, was nowhere vlilhle to-do and undouhtcll ncnt do n. BY BRITISH Is the Keport From Berlin on the Asiatic side of h ni.-i.. all havo been expelled. The Oalllyoll I'enlnsula also has been cleared of the Invadera except at Oaba Tepeh I'oint, whero the landing detachment under cover of the aina i tba war. ships Is tonaclously maintaining Ita position on tho coast. "A terrllla Iwmbardment bjr the allied fleet April 27-M killed or woundod a few Turkish officers end soldiers, while the allies lost eeveral thousand in doad and wounded. "In addition to tho French armored cruiser Jeunno D'Arc, tho Uritlah bt tleihlps Majestic, Triumph and Vn geanco worn partially set on fire. Aldod by tenders, they slowly re. turned to tho Island of Tenedoa. They wero sevorely damaged. Several transports und destroyers also ware sunk." TURKS FALL BACK IN BATTLE AT NIGHT, SAYS LONDON REPORT, w is IX5NDON, May l.-Further flchttar of tho heaviest character was re ported to-day to bo In progress on the Oalllpoll peninsula, whero the British forces are making every efrort to out oft tlm Turks from tho mainland. Special despatches from Athena aay that In a series of night nssaulta on tlm Turkish positions the enemy was driven further Inland. Tho entire al lied tleet Is co-operating with tho land parties, shelling tho Turkish forta from insldo of tho Dardanelles, from tho Unit of Saros nnd from the Aear- can Sou. .Meanwhile tho French advancing on the Asiatic aide. Th" Ad'in-.l- .... ... , ' M 41 J mSSmmmUlmitm0MtmimmSmambt , Kl,'. ,.