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1 to UP-TO-DATE AND NEWSY COIHJMN i Ritchie-Dundee Bout Postponed Until Next Week Because Commissioners Refuse to Work. , 'TIIIS eleventh hour postponemsnt X UD1" wr,k t lhr JtKrhlf Dundea match which as vchtduled or lo-nlbt In the (lardri. It irrMt ditapiolntiiirnt to those ho war all prepared fur a no.iln. eUlon bout that will pi od uce teal Action. The puatpanrmtnt It put up to the Htata Alhletlo CMiimlsslon, which (ailed to uct on thi application of the Hhow Corporation fur a re newal or II license. Juit why Unif., O'Nrll, Dixon and Trie failed to act la not full) ex plained. The inembera of tha Cum. nliilon ay that Inuamuch na the Governor la about to nuino a new set of Commissioners they thouKht It would be) fltllnif (hat tli n new men act on the Uarden license. It'a a flimsy excuse. The Com. mission held a mertlnK on Tuexlny. Tha Governor' new selection hadn't been named then, and until they are officially announced Messrs. O'Ncll, Ulxon and lrce pould have Rranted or refuted tha license, knowlnR that ereat preparation! had been made. However, Manager Wcllman expiclri to hold tha bout next week. The exact date, will be known to-day, PATllONH of boxing are taking a lot of Intereat In thla meeting because tha principal are box rs who never stall. Each Is of the avtreailve type. Each goes In to nchl In hla own way, and lights until the Uat bell rtngavj Of the two Ritchie la the better boxer. He itanda up atruluht and hla movement! are clean, swift and direct. Me la effective In everything; he doca. .When Willie came to Now York aa champion lightweight he wuh matched Wltb Leach Cross. Just thon Leuclile waa fighting like a streak, and was M dangerous a, lightweight aa any In in country. IUtchla wna wurned that ha was risking his title, flghtlnir a, fellow who waa likely to knock out any on he hit. But Hftchie only snld that ho Intended to show New York rs that ha waa a tighter, and the better Cross was the better It would eult him. He Intended, ho announced, to mix It with Cross, right from tho tart. And ha did. Cross rocked Willie In the first round, landing a terrific slam on hla Jaw. Hut Ultclilo Imply redoubled the n'KKreaslvencss ,of hla attack, until be swept the frun- tlcally resisting Cross backward .around and around the ring. ' IN hla other New York fight Ritchie met Freddy Welsh, who hod takon bis title on an English decision, nttchlo said he'd show the public whethor or not Welsh could atund up to him, and he'd knock Welsh out If possible. At tho llrst bell Itltchle rushed. He fought so fast thut for ten rounds the English champion waa forced to run for his life, to clinch, to hang on desperately. Itltchle seldom starts at full speed. It stems to take u round for hln. to warm up to sighting pitch. In the first round he has been "nulled" by several of his opponents. Joe ltlvera bad hlra etaggorlng, ahd rtltohle Knocxea jttvera out. Lacn cross put over a blow that nearly floored Willie, but Leach waa rushed off hla feet Immediately afterward. Charlie . White nearly, knocked Willie out In the first round of their llcht. ltltrhln rallied and was carrying tho tlgUt to White soon afterward. DUN DUB Is of a different type, yet fully as gatno and ag gressive aa Itltchle. He Is a regular little gamecock. Forced to give away weight because he la easily 'tndcr the lightweight limit at all times himself, he has tackled them all with equal care lessness of results. Johnny's man ager boasts that Dundee never went to the floor from a punch. lie's a rugged, sturdy youngster. Dundee has a world of speed, Ho Isn't a clever boxer like Itltchle, but the spend with which i he worka makes every movo Interesting. Dundee Is tha most eccentric of all boxers. He crouches like a cat and fights In sudden leaps. Mult tho tlmo he It In the air when his blow lands. Hlxi speed and tho nervy way In which he makes unexpected and to tally original movements has discon certed many of his opponents. Hut Joe Mandot showed a couple of weeks ago that' Dundee can ba hit even when he Is crouching and bounding bout Uko a rubber ball. TWENTT round bouts with de- I clstona may be held within eaay reach of New York In the near.fiiture. Illll Ilrown wrltea me: A number of New Haven sport loving business men have formed an athletic club for the purnoae ot run ning bouts the New Haven A. C. They have made me manager, Some ot our New York boxers and managers have done a good deal to kill boxing In New Haven. They have passed off hippodrome bouts on the public. The men connected with the club seem to have confi dence that I'll help the boxing sit uation up there. The bouts will b held at the Arena Ice Bkatlng Itlnk, with a seating capacity of 7,000. Termite for the shows will be grant ed by the Chief of I'ollce, Chief Smith, who Is a. good athlete him tclf and a thorough sportsman. If things are handled right I am under the Impression that twenty-round Championship fights will be possible. enncsrsijr yours, oiuu uuuww. i'Jl.IVy K r uv iwun ' i-JL T in Tiir airl . " ' CA'"I lfNWl7r -" CM COUHT IOOO oyeK NILUG rs Under Coaching System Show Better Than in 3 Years "Speedy" Rush Appears to Be Right Man and Is Developing a Strong Football Team at Princeton Columbia Squad Get Useful Praotlce Against Erasmus High School. By William Abbott. TIK wisdom of one-man coach ing for Princeton hna bven proven already by results. The Titers, under "Hpecdy" Ittish, the new conch, are not ftirthcr ad vanced than any Ornngo and Mark team In tho last three yenrs. Ho far the development of tho players has been nil on the defenstvo side, but enough has been shown to convince Old Nassau grade that Hush Is tlio rlnht mnn to bo chief engineer of Princeton' football machine. Tor some tlmo tiio Tigers huve put tered from too much couching. Hush corrected this right nt the start. He mado himself boss, but In a way plcuslng to both player nnd coachos. The new coach Is n, thorough wont man nnd he begun by drilling his charges In the rudiments of football. Rush fairly specialized on Interfer ence, Homethfng that's been lacking In recent I'rlnroton teams. The now ays tern tnudo possible Tlbbott'a long run for ii touchdown ugalnst ltutgrrs. Tib bott cuught it kick on his H-y.ird line. Thero wero six Hutgers men In u row when Tlbliotl begun ruclng over tha chalk lines, but as many Princeton players picked off tho waiting tuck lurs und tha runner hud almost clear sulllng for a score. Then again the Princeton forwards are fur from being trlnnts. but thev succeeded In handling tho big Rutgers linesmen without yielding much ground In their own territory. Tho udvaiituite of nnvlng hut one coach doing the actuil dlreratm: Ii seen in many other ways. Kor In stance: The Committee ot 1'lve, which was Jtu WtiUtd, bfifrwtlfht rhimHoa of tbt worM. hti liut mid an innouiicunaiit it Okla homt Cltjr, Ukli.. to On e((t tint bU flnt fltht in dttrnJ tha till. lll U drcl.lrd duriot tlit MtrJI Uiu In Sri (libini la Mircb, and tbit hU oi innrnt olll I tbt m.t lujkil rontrcVr for ll llllo ti U tl,cli-l l.j tha iinrtlui rltri ot Ilia fountrr Jm furtlirr ititxl tint tbi rontoit will ba tur tntr rtmn.ii nil thit ha tnil lilt niniirr, Tom Join, bile ilrrjdy ilptlJ! to anttit Uia uffu mid. to tliciu br Touimr llumi and Domlnlck Toitorlch, tha fuhl pramolri vt St' llrlrtu, lio but cua Into riUrriblp. J,ft Smith, tbt click mlddlrwrliht of Iliiftnna. N. J , who tin Wen flllitloj lor iricril monthi In Autlnlii, irrliad la Bin V'naciico lo du IUi bit inisntr. Al. Uirw, inJ "III mch boma cut rk, 'Mill luloiniiilnu m rnalixl la UllMm to tbt riur Inna l.lui, rimltb qjit Auiuillt ifier ha bid loit ou i (out to l.rt Duel Is tba iccotid round. Al. Keith la it litxrt lor to tlthtr do bit oan bu.t.e. nr ui a n loiiiitr. Malay IllumaDtluit. nbo hu b,n bit imuiiir titr aitii'e ba hut Joinail tba irof-eijonal rank, Mhlrh kii oier to cari no. rotldrd Itatnli liat Hint tint ba could no iunirr louk after hit I meruit. IllumroUial titiit comklarablr uoncy tnlul to make a ml tiftitrr of Itrtcli. Clnil'j Wblu, kiiovknt out Matty llild. Id Id ona rouod tu button on Tuiadty cKlit, reotlird ILKM for hit (it) lictoiy, Hilt imouut aa tba (uirintec lilrb WJiltv'a mimtcr, Nile UwU, alciitd hUa up for Tba irrou mrlpli aia I3.7h8 and ltaldtn (ot SO r Mat. of thtio, which rtir hlui II 133, W, Ahlxiiilli Tom Andrewa, the nnimolrr. of till. lukta. la wUUdj to giia WlUla IUtchla and '7 I ... . . ,u 01 u' fw" oIPi rJ lao-runl to In Mllwiukaa, tba uaiu u M CUUbld bacauu IllUUa I-.- M .-I...-M-..-.-.. , , , .. Fistic News ftfiS and Gossip THE EVIKIMO WORLD, TH U BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK WHEN RITCHIE AND DUNDEE FINALLY MEET (Vrrnrtet. IU, tt ! IVes rulitUHIrif C, (T1 N Tr i:tiM Weneli ---iw mmf One-Man in charge Inst year, surrounded Driggs (mil! nf tho lirst punter on the squad) nnd shot Instructions ut the young ster. First they told the former Brook lyn High School star to kick nplrals, then end-uver-end punts. Ho much at tention confused Driggs and his kicks wero not as long as they should have hfcn. Driggs was still experimenting this MMBon when Hush walked on tho field for tho first time. Tho now couch closely wntchrd him tor n fow minutes, Walking over, he laid a hand on Drlggs'n shoulder und rSIrl.'Tim.miriU .J"" klwas beguh yeteVdVr Milrals," Driggs quickly obuyod anil lio'u kicking hotter now than ever bofore. 0 Whatever tho future linn In atoio for Prlncoton this season Hush will bo tho responsible party for either victory or dofent. There won't bo a repetition of the coaching errors last yt-nr when tho defense for forward passes was suddenly changed tho night licforo tho Yalo game, a mlstnko which helped the Hullifog to score his tlrst two touchdowns. According to reports, Fullback Ix'lghty of (leorgetnwn Is somo foot hnller. He's big and strong, runs low and hard and In nbout ns eany to stop a n motor truck. I.elghty rlppod off live yards nt n clip against Prlncoton und ho ran wild In tho Navy bnttle. Tin. Oorgotown fitllbnck Is a former Kast Orungo High Hchcol star. Harvard plnys tho Indians this Sat urday, tho llrst time In n number of nars. Tho Crimson authorities had n misunderstanding with Olcnn Wnr ner, tho old Carlisle coach, aomo years ago, Hecausn of this no team ho coached was Invited to Cambridge. The Indians were llnnlly placed on Harvard's schedule when Warner shifted over to the University of Pittsburgh this season. drmaadt that Ib-j tint at riU'liarUbu. Nate Leala, Diioaar ef Wblla, it bolJInj off for IU Iioundi at B P. M. Joa Aiairdo will mitt Walter Mohr, tba llmokbn UchKKtitit, in a tin round rontett st tba Uroadaay lirtln Club of llronklja on HituKliy nlht, Tbia uujlit to ba a nwt term aa both Bu ire tlujjfu and time, Afterlhli CO, Aitieito Kill Jnuniejr to Mlloitikre, xlurt ha will take cm Itltchle Mitchell, the rmk Mil waukta lictit xelcUt. for ten rounda oa Oct. IS. Uwilt "Knockout" Itrown, the Olilcan lulddlewiliht, who Ii now uodar Ilia management ct Johnny Mick, U ready tn fUbt Jack Ilillon at tba llruajaay Siortlm Club f llrooklyn. Urou baa already fouiht Dillon aeitrtl tlmta aud cirh time irate him a itltf battle. Mirk will bin a' tttk today with Jcba Wrluwinttl In rciird tu mitcbliif llron with Dillon. Andy Cortti. ot Uilt rlty, and llinty Shup of C;.tuni were CKr.rcd if t'.siM I ;.'ut, to met In i ten round bout at tha (Jueentberry A. C. of l'iij blind I'M) en Mtueliy nlaht. In the other ten-rounder. Je Htly of llrooklyn will try and win tha netier declaiou nrrr Johnny n bttirti ot tin wett tide t'rinkie llurnt, tha Jtrtay City bintimaeliht who put, tha K, I), on Jliumy, tile hxel UnUui. In the taientli round it New llitrn, Vmn., lut eliht, wit mttcliol Immntlatuly a (ter the bout tn meet Attla Hinuini of New Otleini t the tllymtilr A O. of l'lillt lelphli on Monday liliht.- Joa Hhuiiua boiet Kddla McAndraai la th nilu bout. Tom Mr.trdle. mttctimtker of the Ktlrmont A. ('.. of tbt llconl, hit irrinitd to ccori ten roiiini Ijouii for the nrit allow of tbt club on Saturday liliht. In the main etcnt Kninkout Htaeiiey will tickle "Wild Hurt" Kenny. Sweeney recently kuoeitd out Jack Tolind at Albany, N, V. la tin MDiMintl oud Uirtao IU u u, ul Juuu VaiuaU. Rush Starts for Big Series Seats I'HILADIM.I'IIIA, Oct. 7. Thou sands of bnneball fans in thla city rushed mwrly for their early morn-'"'01 Klnt the Yanks. Inir mall to-diiy to lenrn whether Almost forgotten In the reams of thpy had been fortunate enough to se.'PUohlnK doP thnt havo fonJed tho euro reservations for tho NatlonnI I PaPprs, "Smoky Jon" bobbed up with chnmnlona nnd the Iloaton American a fn,t bn" ,nat whlrzed by with title-holders, Those who had takon the precaution to write the maiuigo merit last week, nnd wero modest In their requests were in most Instances rewarded with a notice to report either nt tho grounds or nt tha down town olllco of tho Philadelphia club. The llnc'iip nt these places took the plnco of tho long line which In pre vious yenra stormed the local de imrtment store where somo of the re served seats wore offered to tho public. Although the llrst game will not bn played until to-morrow afternoon und the entrance to the bleachers will not bo opened until 10 o'clock on tho morning of tho game, the lineup for tho 7,600 scnts In thut section which ii nil uoyn win nuKmenieii (luring tuoigan expects to use mm in no opening nlirht and early to-day was composed of spvoral score eager fans and nu merous small hoys who hopo to sell their places In line to an ndvanlugc. 110STON", Oct. 7. Thousands of persons learned to-day thnt thoy had been successful In their nppllcotlon.i for grandstand or pnvlllon reserva tions for the World Series baseball games to be played nt llrnves' Field, beginning next Monday. Under the system which has been In effect here In rocent years, applicants will pro sent their notifications and money nt tho box ottlces nnd receive tho tickets. All reservations not culled for by C o'clock tho evening of tho dny pi (ced ing tho first game In thla city will bo disposed of at public, sale, to start ut 9 o'clock on the morning of the gnmo. HINKEY REORGANIZED YALE VARSITY TEAM. NEW HAVEN. Conn., Oct. R The scrub footbn.ll material at Tnle had Its Inning yesterday, when Coaches decided upon a completo reorganization of th vanity. All precedent was cast asldo and nfw mcn were sent In right and left to replace the regulars. Charlie Tnft, son of former President W. H. Taft, got another chance to prove Ills wortn as tuiinacK, lie iook Otis (luernscy's plnre, with Hnilth and Wnltn al tno nntiniiCK posts, uapi. Wilson, who ordinarily plnys halfback, reMed again, us did Leflore, Iloth men watched the practice Ames, a now man from last year's Freshman squad, shared honors with "Hev" Thompson In running tue varsity trom quarter back. The only two vuterans played In the line; wny pinyea centre una Jim Uhcldnn rlcht guard, Carl Iletts nnd "Cupid" Muck, lioth of whom were de clared eligible to play yesterday, took tho right end nnd loft guard positions, while osgooti wns sent tn right tacklu. HARVARD FOOTBALL STAR MAY BE OUT FOR SEASON. CAMIUltDOrc, MniS., Oct. 7. Tom Knwrlght, ono of the best backs on the Harvard varsity eleven, may be out of the game for the rest of the sea inn. Knwrlght wrenched his knee In er!mmr"' with thu second team ve tcrday and was tfiken to the Rttllmnn Infirmary. ' Dr. Nichols, In chnrge of the footbal sound, stated thnt If the ligaments m Knwrlghl's kneo were seriously Injureu lie would piny no morn fnntlmll thla fall Otherwise ho might lie. available wlthlt. a month. Knwrlght cnptulned the fresh man eleven last inn nnu snona ns a line plunger. , NEW YORK ATHLETES WIN AT LEHIGH GAMES. 80UTH llirrHI.KHEM, I'a Oat. 7. New York athletes won the leadlnu prlics In the I.etiUh stadium yesterday, Th Irlih-Amerlcan A, C. relay team beat the Iloiton A, A. and New York A. C, V. N. Httphtnion of tha Trinity l.aonted In tha K. of C. Howling i,asfhiii to iiav iuiu v v Club woa-100 yard and 110 yard daaiioiiaguo thla aaasoa. Tha opaalnIi jicfr,.T2TV'iUu2 1 ito.'oci.-ikn: I.T1 RID AY, OCTOBER Jouff torn, ka.c NtJ UMr, Wood and Shore Show Winning Form In Final Red Sox Manager Gives Both Twirlcrs an "Airing" Aqainst Yanks "Smokcy Joe" Does Great Work (or Three Innings, and Shore in One Inning Fanned Three Men. Uy Ilozcman Dulqcr. A" HttrtPlMStNa development at the last hour struggle of tho lied Hox to get ready for tho big Riimes that begin to-morrow wan tho physical condition of ".Smoky Joe" Wood when ho took a three. Innlnc nearly all tho old-tlmo "ilp" thnt mads htm famous. Nine Innlngi against the PIiIIIIph like the three he pitched against tho Yanki nnd tho Red Hox wouldn't have to worry pbout a star to etnclc against Alexander. Dill Carrlgan made no effort to con coal his enthusiasm over Wood'a showing nnd admitted that ho was also surprised. The fuc that he saw n possibility of bomi; abla to use Wood In tho series caused the Ronton manager to take the former star from tho box before ho hud gono too far. Hhoro's workout was exceedingly brief and no was handled in n way mak. the old-timers boll-re Carrl- fc-ume. Thu tall, lanky fellow with tho speed faced tho Yanks Juit one Inning, struck out threa men In xuc inning, airutn uui iiirru muu in nut- ho was just right and Carrlgan did not euro to risk his ircttlnu a soro ur. ' . . M , .. Huth had a longer workout than any of thu twlrlers and nhoweJ traces of unoteudlnoss that wore disconcert' Ing. Ho may not get u chAiico to appear against tho Phillies. Among thoso who have followed the Opening of The Evening World's Bowling Tourney Set for Oct 27 Eliniination Competition Will Continue Six Weeks No Entrance Fee Is Charged. The Evening World's three-man amateur bowling tournament Is now a fixture on the bowling calendar for 1D15-I916, Tho rule nnd regulations have boon adopted and It Is now up to the bowling fraternity to "get In" the biggest event of Its kind ever staged In Oreator New York. The first entry blank will appear In Tho Evonlng World next Mondny. There will bo no entrance fee charged, ex cept that the howler will have to pay for tho games ho rolls In tho diminu tions. All ho has to do to enter the tournoy Is to fill out one of the entry blnnks and send It Into The World office Ho will state on thla In which academy ho wishes to bowl to qualify for tho team. His registration card will then be sent to tho nllcy he has uelected and ho will npply them to have his name enrolled. The elimination period1 will begin on Oct. "1, 1116, nnd will last eix weeks, Tho entrnnt may roll a many games an ho pleases and then select his ten licit scores for his high average. Kvery bowler will havo an equal tMinncn to qualify for tho toam, which Is to consist of three regulars nnd Hirco alternates or substitutes. The freo hendpln tnurnnment nt Cordes's Grand Contral alleys, llrook lyn, begins on Monday, Oct. 11. Cordes takes this opportunity of chal lenging the winners of The World's hendpln tournament ut Joe Thum's, on behalf of his winning team. Twenty-one councils will he rnpre- 7, 1911. Workout for STANDING OF 'jtir'i.N liuoui:. , IhMlnn. . lilt 4U ii.urll. ! si Bio Si f M ,B0'l. tMlV, 1 ,'V '.y'ff lk "I rt f'tejui.t UV.,1. Il k , .1. IlkllJ.LI. GS!" i7 ..17 PhlU'rhU. 43 100 RP.SUI.T.H OF YKSTKUDAY'S (JA3IKS. Ilntiau. Ii w Ysik, 0. ik. 0. Pint its. iwwton. 4t Y'k. Kicmu1 fun,, rniixi'lcli t. Bi uMnlon, I'hiUdtlphu, is V,hlnftnn, . b, fcin'l limn' (iAMKS HCIIKUL'IiKI) FOR TO-DAY. Iloitnn tt S'n Tell. I N Yoik it lloitrn. lied Hox around the country and un derstand Carrlgan's methods It It the unanimous bollef that he will start either Foster or Shore to-morrow. Now Yorkors havo taken tho Up sent out from Phlludolpnla and few of thont will muka any effort to see the world's series game In that city. Prominent meu, who have never missed the big games before, spent it day of fruitless work In trying to get tickets aud finally gave It up. Those who Insist ou seeing tho games rcgurdlvsa of cost have decided tu put tholr cases In thu hunds of specu lators. The tip camo to Now York ticket scalpers yesterday that a num ber of pasteboards had beon arranged for by their fellow craftsmen In Phila delphia und that there waa n ohanco for a cleau-up. Quite a numbur ot New York speculators went over to get In while the traae was brisk. A year ago the poltsemen In Phila delphia gut quito a number of tickets and It wus chnrged, at thut time, that the. sneculutora bought from them lnir."." '" ...:.! lnri?.. .illi.ntltlei This tlmo tho Plllla- I'tufitvv, mill ..iiuuhci Tr,r, MflltN NflSim: 128 inrhu quantities, i nis timo tno i niiu carrlgan was oxtremc y nnx oils to oT MIPIIAI AC I MKT dolphla club tr jd lo cut down i the nvn ,llmH(,,f 0f Pat Moran'a courtesy. I ST. NICHOLAS INN pu ice supply, but tho M0r oer- ,mt tnp cnKU0 rule stood In tho wny.'c TV ,nr Kt N!rl,nla Ave. Jt ?t ruled them, und It Is quite likely thatjTlln ,,C(, wl now ,,.lve ,0 b,Bl', b. W.COf. at. IMCholIS Ave. & lblhdt. tickets can be got If a stranger wunts to pay the price. Tho Olanta at last closed tholr sea son with u cinch on lust plnco duo to hinds of Iloa tho doublo dofoat nt tho ton. This also cinches . - it,,,. rm ! ih flrat ' National Loaguu team haa nntsuou i last Hlnco the historic regime . f Andrew Frecdman. All over Now York fans were watching the scorcH to seo how Larry I Doyle hit the ball. On the day before ho made a slight gain on Luderus ot the Phillies for tho butting honors. Yesterday Larry made two hits nut or eight times up ana L.uuerua aid exactly thu name. Tha race Is so cloao night Is act for Monday, Oct. 18, at Thum'a White Klcphant allays. Tho Hunts Point flvo-man team '.as Issued a challenge to any similar aggregation In Greater New York or vicinity. Address Hob Lowenthal, 1029 least One Hundred and Hlxty third Htreet, New York. John Kostcr. erstwhile bowllnr champion and officiating chief of the uronx contral alleys, camo close to beating his own record, and probably the world's record, of fifteen perfect 300 scores, by ono pin. He missed the twelfth strike, hitting the pins for a total ot 299 at his alloys Mon day night. The Park Howling Club, nevcrul of whose members wont abroad last yeur to tako part In the big bowling tournnment that wns to have beon staged In Berlin from Aug. 1 to 31, and which Incidentally had to ho post poned on account of tho war, moved downtown from 15sst Klghty-stxth Htreet to moro spacious quarters at Now York Mncnnerchor Hall, No. 20S-M9 Kost Flfty-slxth Htreet. Tho opening games of the season will be rolled Oct. 8. Tho Dyckman flve-man team have challenged tho Crotonns to a homo and home series. Tho latter have accepted. KANSAS AND MANDOT IN TEN-ROUND DRAW. lU'KFALO, N. Y., Oct. 7. ftocky Kuniias held Joe Mnndnt to a draw tu a ten-round bout hero last night In which lioth buys were groggy several tune, Mandot almost dropped Kansas In the fir st inlnuto and Kunsns hud Mandot going when the bell rang at the end of the annul loutid. In tho fifth Kansas again shook Mnndnt and In the seventh Jou mado Itocky's knees sag with a right cross, Dp tn the eighth Kunsas was leading, but Mandot made a seiiaatlonal finish und outpointed tho local boy. Al though Kunsas won five rounds, Joe's good nmrglii In the last two was suffl. clent to glvB him an even break. About 4,001 turned nut tn sea the bout. Jwic expeen to nw PUNOMl CXDUCMIM6 ATTACK World's Series?1 THK CLl'IIS. NATlll.WAL l.rintie c un. w, i,. rr , uuu. I'blla'idila V" 1 .(ii I'ltuburi tnttMi . . 1.1 M .VVl St. leiiil vv, I.. It. tiuo. w. ft- l.'l llrgoAlia,. li 12 n.'fl I'lnnimi Chiois 11 SO ,) N Yui I IloiUni. 1, Ymk. 0 flnt ftraa. Senfi.l etna i iun. I, .Nw lotk hllailtllAll III iraa. niiau.iroia, d iiron.iyn B-ron I tana. 7, c it ; : 1 1, tl 1 411 . AS AJ AIA 1 tournament at the Oakland flolf Club now that tho batting championship . y"'l!'y. J?'Srln, k ,M cannot bo decided until John Hoydlor , icK&'-'V W: tiitWt'H" .iVaV.' i?' publlsheit the ofllclal llgures, Two of lua un. -u ti v. it iio-nri-i, idi,'ioo '. tho well-known statisticians have -''V M il.Ir, 7 Hntdee1"'!!;' tf.L .felV6 Uoyle in tho lead, while one puta ist? ii. "".' uiV-A u' Luderus on top by ono point. f'",'fe '.'! ,lr-'" a a so. mil J.'Morrii hm". Iler. Pi HU iim m, l(i. ; Hinrr. Its. . , , 104 517 -SO--18T! rieorfe Wooli m loa Most of the professional gang of aw in la;. Mamird it, iar, no, m--j4a scribes, acouts and magnates bid r , H'"s J'..''''"". ,0- " h-i. iMt goodby to the Polo Grounds for th..,". !$ jflf Vf'cV season after tho double-header wltn ijo, i-jm-ji. -si. tno mox. Tliey oil move to t'nua- delphla to-day to bo present during the pvrllmlnarlcs In conversation, betting nnd hunting for rooms. A mighty slim crowd Is left to see tho Hed Hox and Yanks finish up the season. The Yanks wero Just n anxious as tho .Sox to call off to-day's game and allow the ltoston club to go to Philadelphia, but the management was Instructed by President Johnson that tho Now York club had no au thority to call off a gamo unless weather conditions prevented It being played. The Hed Sox hod been Invited to use tho Philadelphia grounds thlsj tho series on a diamond nb.ioultoly I strango to tnem. One of the Doston newspaper men .received word yesterday that tho en - ' " "l,u t '( auiu uui niuiciy mr i rn nnn ,mi v.. -, ,v, i wv.wwv ,uiiu iiiii . , 'j , , . ini ui k ..i.v.11 ' n r tnft enmtt. Tl m MnennnA who games. Tim Murnane. who hits been connected with baseball fnr iiiuro iiiuu unriy ycura, Buys nu nun na has flooded the Red Hox manage ment. Tim had to get out of town to escnpo friends who requested that ho look out for tnem. Evidently Manager Carrlgan ex pect to use Janvrln, his utility in flcldcr, during tho series. On three nccnslonH nqw he haa withdrawn Hcott nnd sent Janvrln to short, nnd It so happened thut the substitute has played wonderful ball both In the field nnd at the hat. Suffer From Piles na matter how Inn or how bad ao to your drusgltt to-day and cat a 60 cant box of Pyramid Pile. Treatment. It will Kiva quick relief, and a alnsie hox often rurea, A trial packasa mallnd tree In plain wrapper If you aend ua coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON I'VIlAlttt) DIU'CI COMPANY. A3n Pyramid llldr . Marahall. Mich. Kindly aend me a Krea aample of I'rrnmld I'll Trent ineiil. In plain wrapper. Name , Street City ' WORLD SERIES Baseball Games on the FiDioui jackson manikin board at the (llltli lleilmeivt Armory, 2.1th Hi. nnl I.etlniiton Ave. Time Utile Men Are. Two Feet In Ilelaiit. Ttiej bit. pin ind to baiett itoop. Pica up, throw ind citch tha hill, Thar itutillcite etcer plajr tua.le on the orifiQil field. They tileiM tha mint ribl.l tin, in,1 re fm-iill7 lotemtlog to lidlee and rhtMren. IIIIIKCT tVIHK l'HOM IIAHKll.VI.L rlT.I.II TO AIIMOItV. Kterr play raiie by both tearai on the field It duiillcitM Initintty it the Armory llama tiarti al U IB. A.tmlMlno JM a, AOd, Doort open at 13.30. EDITED BY ROBERT EDGREN 'GOVERNOR FIELDER ' PLAYED EXTRA HOLES 10 WNJOLF PRIZE Chief ItxctTiitive of New Jer Defeated J:icld of Nota, He at Areola Club. O v JjiHfi I'. Hrtder t,f New Jer. sey w( ii ike gvlf jiye at the Areola flub eitr.dey. defwatiag some of the most pr.iiiiliiont Judges nnd legtsls lore In tin, Htaic Msny of Ilia nolat bits who oouipetid In th. rnt sen lor' tournament at Hye, K. XH wera among tha starlaia. Oov. Fielder and Col. Frank II. Taylor wera tied with 4 each. Thrra waa a playoff ac cording to match play conditions and Oov, Fielder won on Uio second holt by sinking a long putt for u 1, Col. Taylor had 4. William H. (lummere, Chief Justlct of thu Hlatn Huprrme Court, played from scratch of h. showing In tho Mentors' tourney. Ha returned a cord of l0. Among the ero Vivian M. lwls. crt Walker, Jmlgn Francis . Judrn Charlea W. Pirli.e of New Jersey, Judga Thomaa W. Prrlchard, JiiiIkii Jamia F. Hlntburn, Jtnlgn Jumiw Kallsi'h, Judgo Kugent HtKvenson, Judgn Hrnest J. Ileppln helmer. Judge Henry H. Terhune of Matawan, N. J., and Judge James J. Ilergen of Hoinervllle. ' HHAWNIOH-ON-OKUAWAIti:, Pa., Oct. 7. The annual full irolf tourna- ' mont of the Khawnee Country Club opens to-day. Handicap condition! will prevail at match play. The Hntplrn Htate tins and Klectrlo t Association held its accond nnnual lliirna Knorki Out Taiylnr. NEW HAVEN. Conn . Oct. 7.-A.t the Casino last night Frankle Duma of Jer sey City knocked out Jimmy Taylor of New York In the seventh round. In the senil-flnnl Andy Cortex and Kid Hurni fnuirht an eight-round (Cnw. Jackie Dobba wns knocked nut In the sixth round by Ijirry Hansen, PARK ROW ALLEYS Six of the Latest Improved Alleys 1 for rrlrate rarllei, Cluba, Tournament! ' and Open flrnntt, 1 31-32 Park Row, New York City only Alleys Downtown open All Nlxnt. CAFE. GRILL. GYMNASIUM 8 BOWLING ALLEYS 8 J COKKBV Prop. NEW TOHK. ' THE WHITE ELEPHANT v " ie million Timrc tftf mi.iiiniii' i r. . .a. Kbol AUKANT , i?ii.i?ti n,.,i. ... 11.1C1 mv ' ' , Y HEISE CARL KLEINERT CROTONA BOWLING ALLEYS 559-561 Tremont Avenue Near Third Avenue TfX. 217 THK MONT BIIOXX Bergman Bros. Bowling Alleys LENOX AVE. 116th Street nilllard Inatructlon and Eihlbltlone kr Prof. Koarlua Dally, 26 Billiard Tablet 10 Bowling Allen Bronx Central Bowling Academy 3220 3d Ave. at 161st St. KOSTER & GRAHL, Props. Irtadlnc Dnwllna Altera In the Bronx. Telephone 4370 Melrose Hunt's Point Bowling Palace' 1029 East 163d St., N. Y. First Class Equipment Tournaments Open Games CLOUS AND PltlVATK PAnTlCS A FEATUUK I taieiuxme ..un jnurtaie. Broadway Arcade Bowling Alleys 1943 Broadway, N. Y. 13 Brunswick-Balke Alleys 13 Tournaments Open Games rnosE kkk coniMitna. Grand Csntral Bowling Academy 503 FULTON ST. & 16 Bowling Alleys 10 Billiard Tables I'reo lleadpln Tournament Starts Oct. 11. lleeertitloni mute for ptlitte partial by ebon. ' TEii. mai.n sua anh wi. Bronx Palace Bowling Academy vva wefiicnesier Ave., Bronx 1 6 Ul'-TO.DATE ALLEYS 4 BILLIARD TABLES I TOURNAMENTS OPEN GAM I'HOXK MM I.NTERVAT.K The Metropolitan Bowling Acadei wm. counua & nt,r.N iiimuxL, Proin 1422 St. Nicholas Ave. & 181st Sub. Si 12 Bewlinf Alleji 6 Billiard T Real German Ralhikeller Itwomtlon for prlrate pirtlet by phone B828 EUREKA Bowling Alleys and Billiard Pa GRAND CENTRAL PALACE Entriuee 48th it, ind Uilnatw til ino rineai in the City -J 4 f niititiennner a . ... - - : IV aUilUairiillUikaOaUilkXi ALeiJTl U 9BUNflWI0K4UaUC &aULLUU t , 1