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19 THE- EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1916. Useful Xmas Gifts FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Special Sale Prices I GIRLS' Cape $3 Value BOYS' Black Rubber Coat $r.i5 $1.65 $2 Rneit quality red nA $3.50 Valm blue litem. Full weep I Beit quality rubber) airt; attached hood I heater cured, thor. beautiful plaid lining; oughly vulcanued. color nd waterproofing Strip nd buckle; guar. luaranteetl. antced waierprwni m-, CO AO Cirli' Capei of Red and Blue ' weather! aiei 4 to 16. ropuninne material ana nniihs - ... , , " . gper valuttf. Cape hat to match, ai.lluitrated.. .f)QC . iiurc Jin VV ' iiuJ WATERPROOF Slip-On $3.50 Value $7.95 - law irjm 1 Double Teilure, Tan or Olive Bombaiinc; plaid back, imart cut mili tary collar tnd ilaih pocket. HAT to match, 45c Raincoat and Hat to Match At illuitrated. Made of Tan Rubber, ited Bombazine: guar anteed waterproof. Anjf $4 Value $Ck.25 2 4 POPLIN Raincoat & Hat to Match $5 Value . $0.95 Good amtitv fabric in (in and blue,Beltedback: patch j pockets. Lolor and water, proofing guaranteed. Better graded lilk finished Pcvtio. tan or blue, with hat to match nm volutlMJ $3.Uo FES T 3 It li ft (pp WATERPROOF Tweed Mixture utility Coat&Hat To Match Handiome, durable Tweed fabric, rail an ileeves. St yliih for Rain or Shine, $8.50 Value $A.85 BOYS' Plaid Back Double Texture Raincoat sn.95 s2 Value $5 Fine quality fabric; lull cemented, itvliih. dura, ble; Tan or Olive. ... HAT to Match. . C Fineat quality Cathrocre Raincoat and Hat to Match; all ihadei "yle. $5.48 THE NEW PLAYS Gertrude Kingston Realizes Shaw's "Great Catherine" BY CHARLES DARNT ON nfliriririiriiirirnnirrirr'wiirirMn""iri.aaiu'i.ri.i' ii.ii n.n.nrn mririinririn lULiumjumwyv STRANGE aa it may earn, an English actress spoke with an altogether convincing German accent Ust night, when Gertrude Kingston cam up from trie NoignDornooa j'iaynomro 10 waxine Kiuoiva Tbcatra ana acted .delightfully In Hernard Bhaw'a "Great Catherine." There la no good rciuion, perhaps, why an nccont of any kind ahould lie used In thin play of Itusslan court life. Hut Miss Kingston unquestionably added to tho theatrical value of tho performance by suggesting the der mon origin of the empress. As for tho play. It never rises above bur 1 twine and It descends to ahcer buf foonery when tho Kngllsh captntn Is first carried Into Catherine's chamber and thrown upon her bed, only to be trussed up later and dumped at Iter feet so that she mny tickle bis ribs with her foot and thus make him utterly ridiculous. Just what business the' captnln baa come upon Is not made clear, but ns It Is of no Import ance It doesn't matter. Tho fun of the thine Is to be found In the pro vincialism of the sadly embnrrnsscd hero when ho offers "pood" advlco to Catherine nnd finally leaves Vn ad dress that only an author like Wells could take seriously. In spite of all this extravagant non sense. Miss Kingston realized Cath erine splendidly that Is to say, she Rave splendor to tho characlor, and what Is more, added touches of humor that left no doubt of nor ability as a comedienne Oddly enough, this clever actress was disappointing- an the maid who passes herself off for tho moment as 11 princess In "Tho Inca of l'crusa Inm." Hero sho waa too direct nnd matter-of-fact to he In any sense nl luring to tho mighty war-lord who comes to ask tho princess to be tho wlfo of one of Ills sons. Moreover, a ruler with trick mustaches Is absurd, not funny. Hhaw may well bo sus pected of having written this skit credited to "A Kcllow f tho Tloynl Hocloty of Literature," even though Its wit Isn't tin to tho mark be has set for himself, more than the egoist, except when tha Inca says: "You talk of death as an unpopular thing. Tou ara wrong. For yeara I gave them (his people) art, litera ture, science, prosperity, that they might live more abundantly, and they hated me, ridiculed mo, caricatured me. Now that 1 give them death In Its- frlghtfulcst forms, they ara de voted to me." Walter Bingham, at the Inca, talked well, but to no pur , pose. "Tha Queen's Enemies," by Lord' Dunsany, suggests a variant of that old-time play of horror, "Iiucretlal Borgia," Instead of being poisoned oy ineir hostess, ma guest at & ban quet are drowned by tho waters, of tho Nile let into an underground tcmplo by a clever little Queen of Egypt. Hut suspense waa felt through out this llttlo tragedy, and tho set tings and costumes were of unusual artistic merit. Cathlocn Nesbltt made tho Queen quite Impossible for a time, but in tho end sho waa loss obvious nnd accordingly, fairly effective. Miss Kingston's acting as Cath erine, I hasten to add, is a notable achievement, j . CLARA KIMBALL YOUSO, IN 'THE FOOLISH VIRGIN,' MAKES A FILM HIT. It amounts to llttlo empty tniK or nn hi: v1 (Si Storm King Goodyear UubberBooU tvt lOJM Slid t w rut'i'f-rt irp uj lmfU to tulfrj it tout .2.11 .3.74 film It la V .. Hlira 3 Ui ... GIRLS' Tweed Mixture Coat&Hat Value $8.00 $4 rMt l t IDH. It DM a 10 TbU luiw niUrprool II cut 00 nu&Bua iourrtlbt 00U41 lft1 llllh orkMst irtj lod trowa enlitnrM. Alui In gn.a. rr4 wr brun utfiiiltut miitai-t tiont llk aud woitl n.b Urltl clotlii. l-tu qua!. H mil lljlt. ire rrs Vitut 110 i0.40 Special Xmas Sale MEN'S AND WnMPN'G Rubberized TWEEDS nnd RAINCOATS Fine lelection, teautiHil new inateriali, in. cliiini Cailnnerei, Tweeds nd o her fibrici: all thor- C mm OIT oug'ily waterproof. Ahand tp ' ' Cft) uuic .-iiuai Kin. laiuci m 1 ie V GOODS PACKED JN HANDSOME HOLIDAY BOXES ALL BEWARE OF IMITATORS. Note carefully esact locations & full nama Two B'way Stores 941 B'way, IS. W. Cor.22d SI. fflK) 835 B'way, S. W. tor. 13th St. Hiri'll STOUCS OPKN KVENINfiH PREPAID MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTL V. Git buit and Untth. WATERS PI A NOS IS .vt' HfiXiMMMif h)( k twtf irw m w uvtcurnivxx M tin nunxx iojuchw 1 t w -2 WMF cl n ' 'a' Our Liberal Credit Terms Apply Also lo Long Island, New Jersey anil Connecticut. -PIECE SET, $2.93 Hill lianuiome let ol leven Diacea conilits of Solid Oak, heavy claw feet, 42. Inch top and 6 foot Extenilon Table; alx chain with genuine brown Spaniali leather alip leati; complete act for the low price of WE I'AY niEUHIT AM) KAIMtOAl) KAUE. The Perfect Player-Piano Nearly three - quarters of a century of experience and progress in piano making has enabled us to build an instrument that is musically perfect. The latest triumph of the art of piano making is the Waters Autola Player-Piano. This wonderful instrument is the Waters Upright Piano into which is built a marvelous mechanism which transforms the piano into a living instrument that any one can play. Notwithstanding the dominating superiority of the Waters Piano and the Waters Autola Player-Piano, they are priced very moder ately and may be bought on convenient terms. No interest on time payments. Call or Writ for Catalog Horace Waters & Co. OPEN EVENINGS 134 Street 127 W. 42d St., nr. Broadway 254 W. 125th St., nr. 8th Ave. 371 E. 149th St., nr. 3rd Ave. Clara Kimball Young, In "Tha Fool Ish Virgin," Is the offering at tha New Tork Theatre for tho first part of this weok. Miss Toung'n picture mat with the approval of 'a well filled house and, Judging by last nlftht, the picture Is going to, be even mora suc cessful than "The Common Law," her first production, "Tho Foolish Virgin" waa written by Thomas Dixon, author Of "Tho lllrth of n Nation," and from start to finish Is filled with plenty of action and bl situations. In this plcturo Miss Young rise to ner greatest hQtBhV as a film star. No expenso baa1 been spared to niojko this portrayal a success, for William Sclzntck ban epcut a fortune In Its manufacture. HIGH ORDER BURLESQUE IN ''A NEW YORK GIRL" AT COLUMBIA THEATRE "A New York Girl" camo to the Co lumbia Theatre last nlgbt In the form of a burlesque entertainment of the highest order. It depicts the adven tures of two military characters In New York seeing tho gay spota of the city. A very novel Idea Is presented In a cabaret given by the principal mem burs of the cast. The usual chorus of attractlvo clrls was thero and thoy tuiig and danced tho numbers to the delight of tha patrons. Tho cast Includes Harry Bentley, Mile. Babotto, Francis Botsford and Irving Hands. ROLLICKING BURLESQUE BY "CHARMING WIDOWS" PACKSOLYMPIC THEATRE "The Charming Widow," a bur tosque full of fun, singing and dano Ing, won tha favor of a packed house last night at tha Olympic Theatre on Fourteenth Street, Among the number of features' In the ahow were Kyra and her sixteen dancing girls. "A Busy Day at Bon Marche," which ts another feature of the performance, was annrored of by the audience. Hddlo Dale and. Jtmmie Cooper, who are tho principal characters of the show, to capably supported by a I larco cast In tho company were Bam Carlton, Connte Fuller, Babe Day and I Ada Lum. UPTOWN, 22-24.26 Weat 34th St. DOWNTOWN, Sixth Ave., at 16th St. MPANY Sensible Gift SMgest5oins We are employing unusual meant to inaure prompt laat-minuta service. . Be aaaured that the pleaaure of your purchase will not be dampened by late deliveries. Let Our Liberal Credit Plan finance your buying here. t Solid Mahogany Nest of Tables They will not bo out of placo In tho most lavishly furnished room ao dainty, t Y J 7K et sturdy, are tliej as ornamental Y I as they are useful 2 Solid Mahogany Gale Leg Table Solid mahocany. with two drop, loaves, which open on tloutlo leg mippovts. HUo tf f j yc Uxii In. oi-n, ZixWh, In. closed. PJ.4-'J Drawer at end 3 Solid Mahogany Tea Wagon With removable glass tray and t 1 J 7K rubber tlx'i on uliceln; exceptional r f,,J iuuu ni wiu I'liiu.,... .. 4 Mahogany Music Cabinet With veneered door and top, sensibly con $ t(l'' atructed, 5 -Morris Chair Massively constructed ; In ma- hoguny and golden oak (Inlth: the lonaq cimlilon scat and henvlly tuftuJ lmck nro covered with brown Imitation Spanish leather, guaranteed not $10.75 to crack ' i tl 0.75 5 f-i.v .?". ',7, tWi'Ni vh vti- ''"'mMf''5 OPEN EVENINGsf , ' THIS KV 11 WEEK f . ',.' Three-Piece Famed Oak Library Suite This suite Is especially built for long, hard usage. Tho Table has Book Hack on both ildes, the Arm Clinlr and Rocker are covered with brown Knanliti Imitation leather, the kind that won't tf 1 7C crack, This suite will mako a most acceutablo Christ- "Py I,J 5HS.75 6) When you enter by telephone announce your name SAYING "Hello," "What number is this," and "Who is speaking," wastes your time and that of the person you call. As soon as your party answers, the correct practice is to announce your name and start the call in the same direct manner that you use in a face-to-face meeting. For example, say, "Mr. Jones speaking, I should like to talk with Mr. Smith," or "Jones speaking, Mr. Smith, please," or if Mr. Smith has answered with his name, say "This is Mr. Jones." And tvhen you answer c telephone AL WA YS announce your name first. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 JM. Bf . M II I I mmmmmmmkmmkmmWkmmkmmm ARE YOU PAYING the PRICE of OFFICE WORK? Are you obliged constantly to guard your health against the con sequences of working indoors all day without sufficient exercise? Perhaps you have contracted the habit of taking a laxative pill every now and then as a means of keeping free from constipatlo 1. But this constant drugging of the system with habit-forming bowel stimulants is dangerous, as any physician will tell you. The use of Nujol as an internal lubricant is a far more satisfac tory answer to the office worker's health problem because it re lieves constipation without upsetting the system or forming a habit. Nujol is bottled at the refinery and is sold only in pint bottles bearing the name Nujol and the imprint of the Standard Oil Com pany (New Jersey). Refuse substitutes be sure you get the genu ine. Write to-day for booklet, "The Rational Treatment for Con stipation." STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NatwJmo) BiroBM New JtrMf II ll K II II tmmmaHmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9mmmmmwmmmmmmmm mas gift sr