,Un . i ,. i m ifiimi. ( -- " " -- - J ; ! EDITORIAL PAGE Friday, February 1 L 1 1 i ; - t ? i , 7'MK mm w ESTAnUSl'KD 11Y JOSUl'H Pt'LITZEiT. Published Dally Except BumHv by 'I o Trem Iub)tshlng Company, Nes. ii J'ark how, Now lork. RALPH rtUT7.l:it. I'rrsMent. tt Park Jtow. J. ANOUH tUlAW. Trivasuror. (3 I'ark Row. JOHUI'H PLl.lT.i:t:. Jr. HerreUry, I'ark How. !: to Over Due ! OxxnllM, 51. (Dm Tort Xrnluf Word.) By J. H. Cassel MnMiit.ii i Tin; AsaociATm rnnM. TTt Auw'ntn! P- Ii f frf it ml'tln l ti uw. f .mnMlctthii f til iri mtd to It not outrrUa it!.ij la u-:. f j-r cd tin t iaril itm pitiiuvd kn-iu. 4rttkfa I VOLUME C8 ,...N0. 20,018 CAN THE WAR LORDS SILENCE IT? WilILK with ono lnind Von Hindcnburg feds for Iho Ameri cans "on n certain tcrtion of the French front," with the other ho has to do n job of hill-posting in Itcrlin in tho hope of checking the ominnis strikes nnd ponco parades that are demoralizing the war morale of the Imperial German capital. If only half tho reports of what is going on in Germany arc true, Imperial troops may presently have to bo withdrawn from cast or reat to turn and firo inward upon foo3 ot militarism nnd friends of domocrocy within tho Fatherland. A terrible bootnorang that promise of swift victory by U boat nithlcesncse! After twelve months to the day, thcro it comes whiz ting back again a million times heavier with America' fighting weight, a thousand times harder to dodge because of the sinister crowding and pressing from desperate forces in a Germany surging torsrd revolution. A strange and unaccustomed din is rising loiind tho enrj of tho wr lords. Not the din of conquest thoy thought to delight in. It sounds far more like tho mcuacing murmur from which tho voice of a peoplo eomctimcs gathers into ono stupendous, shattering, all-compelling tono which is the voice of God. - f,f Reports from Washington Indicate) that the President has advised the War Department and the Committee on Public In formation to keep the country hotter posted regarding the activities ot Uh fighting forces abroad and the progress of camp training at home. A wlso move. One hundred million Americans are In this war with their eyes open, roady to sco It through ond bear the cost. Why not conduct It for them In the American way? 1 START A HOTEL-CLUB IN NEW YORK FOR SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. SOME good work has already been done and n great deal more will bo douo toward establishing canteens to provide evening recreation in tho right surroundings for the thousands of sol diers and sailors on leave who 6pcnd their free time in this city. Many of tho boys lnivu shown their hearty appreciation of oppor tunities offered them to get r good evening meal at some club spe cially organized for tho purpose, where thoy arc welcome to stny on rnd play gomes, dance, chut or gather round the piano and sing. Hostesses who help entertain at these cantcons note that the evident signs of enjoyment oro confirmed by tho boys' scrupulous courtesy and good manners, while tho guests themselves mako short work of any youth who becomes obstreperous. Canteens of this sort nre cxcollont. Hut tho most they can do is to furnish a pleasant place to epend the evening. When the can teen closes, the soldier or sailor on leave must look for lodging for the night. Many of the. boys know little or nothing of Now York and hove no friends here. For most of them hotel charges have got :o bo exceedingly moderate to nppnnl. This is a largo town and not all the entertainment it offers visitors is either disinterested or safe. Here, wo believe, ii a chance to meet a great need of men from tho Army and Navy, thousands of whom will arrive in New York on brief furloughs during tho coming months. . Thoy should find a hotel or several hotels specially adapted to their requirements where they can havo a good bed at o minimum I'rice, meals if they drsiro them, writing, reading and smoking rooms, nd where thoy can always be sure of the comfortable companionship of other Army or avy men. It might be a good idea to take over a Mills Hotel, refit it for ;tic purpose, nnd, if it proved insufficient to meet tho domnnd, do the same with another. We hear a lot about the fine clubs London and Paris arc provid ing for Amcricau officers. Why doesn't Now York givo itself thu credit of a model hotel-club for Undo Sam s soldiers and sailors? -1 - Tins ui Hat corn and save, wheat. Don't bo a tablu-slacker. Letters From the People Vleata limit communications to HO irord. Wants Tree Hide fur Solillort la tfei El: tor uf tlx Kvtulng T mil i Now that Unclu Hum lu luken con trol of tho railroads, wliy not ias u law permitting- our .toidlors and call ora to ride free? IiiHtwul of them buying a ticket to go homo from camp, why not let their uti!form.i bo their paii.es? Thla alioulU bo thu law whether tho rittlroadM uro In prlvuttt tun 4a or uadur Uuxtrnmeiti cut ml. W. V. tf. !'rnlr for Utile Jlury. To clit FUlor c' Ttw i.itmui UurMi Ab un txllixl New Yorker I want to te'J you how mucli rnoro I urn onjoy. ins Little Maiy Mlxtm than I ill.l Mm Uttle boy curtoons that preceded It. It la dean, ond little M;iry Is. uo sweet that sho has won a plain in tli afft'C tlonn or my intlr faintly. Wo wati'h for hr eaynii'M and altltudoj un inch pupor arrived. as APiniix'i.vnvi: Miasoum HEAUKIl. Cuius l Trnvli CmtU lu- Mn r. I am going to tnrli cookinis to men who want to pulln at nuvy i-ouku and meruit S00 i.ieit for the navy within two v.reto I win not (joins i FE8 j 9 K The Golden Age of Womarl By Helen Rowland w : I! Seven Ways to Matrimony By Nixola Greeley-Smith Cojorlaht. 101S. Ur U I'm PuMliWm Co. ITt Mew lork Vrtoinj WoiU). No. V. THE VAMPIRE METHOD HIS vampire method has been bo I Amonr them was a human sarjroylo, a universally developed In moving pictures that It awms unnecea- nary to describe Ita procotisou la detull. 1'criwnaUy I dla trust It becauso ono of Iti flrxt principles Is tho Infallibility of tho collar-bo no. No ono ever nnw a vampire In a hllfh nock dret All vampires mUiH ro- intr company with a soldier stationed at tho camp there. Ho la a oerKeant, Ilecently ha wroto to his mother aklnu her If sho couldn't Hcnd hl! a coupla of eood. heavy blankets and Dome heavy undorclothcs. Ho nuld that ono boy died In his company fo lack of care. Tho bov wiui miffnrtni! from thu Krlp and wnt to eeo too company doctor about It. H riivh nun u uoe ot puis anil (.aid. lila troubl wax a very mIIkM cold. Instilo of week tlm boy clle.l. I think tho Oov i-ininent almuld nrovlilu for thekn i.v who .in) wllliiiL- in cli'.i in. i. .in ii,. ..o Initeml of bathoilni; with thlniru tlut uo noi iniiiicr. A HOl.DU-.U'S MWniTTHKAnT llrflrrduii nn linrrirlil Jlunda To Urf Jilj'uf til T ) nlCii lo 'a I wonder how many of the l.iOO.OOOl Idle workers who auffcrcj a wnisi Iobh or ROW.WM on Unrfleld Monday felt eliited on readlns: of tho factthut a eortaln iltlzcn of lint Unltol fi't.ite hml HUcIt un iihundanrn of wo.'tlth that U overlooked a I rifling debt of V.0oo,(xi0? Some porbiips compared their oun whrii with tho lurror rami to nn;ny tno contniht. Trie thousanos who aro MU wero uiiiloubtlly ton busy procuring the pneo of a squartt, or even un olilonB tniut. to consider '.I. All are wIIIIiik trt li ,.trlotx. but It to become a eotik hi tin- nay mjMll.il haiil 'o b cn.i'.li'k.i, wheutlcsB, boef. but will tMii'.i tin rt'iiuiu all thoy"B" unu ""no nouieaiuan p.riotn ;iro r'tiuln-d to knoA,' .iliout Ii. Ap-1 Plications should b- h nl t.t nu at I """'"''"I" V"?. ' ... .T ....... ill. uir.ui n..it. HBI.KN CHniRTI'Ni: HOKUM:. I 1 1,ava tw' hrotKrs In t'.i, I.'nlted No. 333 WMt "Oih litruet: jihone i Slaten Arn. I bivo never l)arl ctieista I them coai'i'aln The Jarr Family By Roy L. McCardell CtonrrUkt. 11. to the I'mi rilWirfjIct Oo. (Tlw New Tort Eimlnx Worla). CowrUht. )31!. bj the Tnu PublUWm Co. (Tin Xw Totk ttoloi WmU). 11EHU havo all ot the "Old Maids" gone? Where are tlioso wlthored, useless, pathetic, plnlnc creature rnety black and ringlets, Whoso blighted lives were spent In making tuem selves and everybody clso miserable? Whcro aro tho "gossiping grannies," tha foolli "clinging vines" nnd ALL ot the world's "superfluou women"? I'll tell you! They havo all cone Into farce-comedy or obllrlo Nobody even believes In them any more, except the comic artists. Nobody can even remointer bavins seen one outtld .t.tutn L.f4 of the "funny papers." v Tliey aro as much ot a MYTH to-day As Santa Claus, curl-papers, nil buckwheat cakes, "divine right," witchcraft and broken hearts! IndecJ, Wbat IS an "Old Maid," anyhow? Sho Is a bit ot driftwood on the tide ot life who his lost her looks, hert illusions and her usefulness. Sho is a woman who has shut the door ot Life on herself and left Hope behind! ano is an unmarried woman with more wrlnxies than dollars and morf , gray hairs than ability, accomplishments or optimism! V Uut WHKKU ttlll you find a woman llko that tolay? I This Is tho Qoldcn Acq of Woman! U Tho nso of Opportunity, business chances, new professions, New Thought ' and wrlnklo cradloutors. And there U no woman living who cannot keep the ratio ot wrlnklf a to dollars As one to one hundred! Thero Is no woman living who cannot find a vital Interest In life' Who Is not NEEDED, Who cannot he an "entity," an "Individuality," on her own account And As long as a woman ha3 a vivid Interest In life, As long aa sho Is accomplishing things, As long as sho has(thc energy to marcel her balr, wear smart clothes ana a siraigni-rront corset, And go cheerfully out to WORK every morning As long' as sho keeps her hopes, her grit, her ambitions and her Ufj luslons, As long ns sho finds the game of life so MUCH worth tho candle That sho would bate to die, Sho may bo u mald" but she Is NOT "old" and she is not "super fluous"! Oh, yes, of course! No normal woman will deny that there Is nothing qulto so deslrablai as a happy marriage And tho HIOHT husband! Dut husbands of any kind right or wrong are becoming scarcer j every day, And soon the world h going to be Just a little 'bit fuller of spinsters than It ever has been before. Uut, when this mighty war Is ended, there will bo no "old maids" left!' For while a Good Husband may be the most desirable thing In alt creation, Ho Is no longer "ALL CIIEATION" for any woman. Ana any woman who Is a "creator," Whether she Is a mother, a poet, a gardener, an architect, a painter, at milliner or just a llttlo munitions worker, Is ono with tho Divine Spirit the spirit of Eternal Youth! Ah, yes, It has come at last! Out of the black shadows of war It has risen In sudden radiance The Dawn of thu Golden Ago of Woman! Aren't you glad you'ro living In It? Wlint Her Srtct-Ihmrt Wrote r.- til Coltor ot Tb D11I11 World: Having read the letters prlnUd m your paper with regard to army i'f. I wtab to give you a glimpse of the lift to Varturburg, I. C. I ay imp. &Ytt ooapUU. 4 veal their collar-bones nnd the con tlffuoua territory! notwithstanding tho fact that to-day no man can walk a blodc, even In midwinter, without being surfeited with cellar-bonus, hn Is supposed to fall gibber ing beforo tho vamplro'H feet at tholr tlrst meeting. Now, If men wero riiuUy as slmplo as that, vamplr- Ing would ba tho moat prolltablo In dustry In tho world, and otbu Mr. Qarfteld could not put It out of busi ness. As a matter of fact, vamplrlng seldom pays unless It la dono for the movie Vhw American men can bo won by the vamplru mutbod, and American women do not nuiko good vampires, anyhow. In the nuiMn wo uro much too honest, our oxprtsslonrt aro too candid and open und moat of us hnvu bluo eyes. Now thcro aro gm:n-cj il and gray eyed vampires, nnd occasionally u bluck-oyril anipiru niakrs good. Hut tho brnun und the blut-eyed women aro ocularly disqualified from tho Katw. Their eyes aro too cltur and clean for tho vamplrlng buslnciui. Everybody knows ono vamplru. You may not euspect hr all b yourself, but I never mot a viimpi 0 who did not nave me the trouble of speculation by announcing her quality at once. A vampire curses her fatal attraction i-o roundly that you begin to look for them, und sometimes, though rarely, you discover thut sho possesses charm. I .More often your cartful balancing of 'her attractions leaves a woful denclt and you wonder If you ar beauty blind or she is mistaken. 1 - . .. i about not having 1 Knew al"",u "CB quite wen. My birthir in tl.a ' I-l'18 A others of her type Bns jn- formed me at cnec that she was irre tlitlblo to men, and later In our to qualntance volunttered to prove It. Moroovtr, she did prove It. W knew the aims rroup of men. O. M. A mi j. man so hideous hn mudo you think of Victor Hugo's manufactured monster, "Tho Man Who Laughs." He did not llko thu alrcn, and being very witty mudo her tho butt of a malice which only the tragedy ot his faco could Jus tify. Uut suddenly a possibility aroso that he might bo made usoful by tho tlren, for she had written a book and tho gargoyle know many publishers. She contlded to mo his new value, adding: "You know ho hates me and that I can novor pass him without knowing that ho will muko some vi cious remark about me. What do you bet I don't have him eating out of my hand In three daya?" I bet a luncheon, and tho vampire said generously that my opinion alone should govern payment of tho bet. On the w'cond day I paid up, for the gargoyle now hung upon tho siren's words with a rapturo 1 liavu never seen except on tho faco of u dog at tea-time. when he wonders whether you know hs la waiting for a cake and trying so hard not to bark. Within a week he had offered her book to a publisher. When he brought It back ho ald tho publisher waa a fool. And In his further efforts to serve tbo siren soon discovered that aU tho publlHhurs In NowYork were luck ing In wit, for none would publish tho book. That was yoars ago. I met tho arar- Koylo ono day lust wlntor. "How la MIhs UlankV" wan tho first remark bi, mudo to tin', though I had not roen him In tho interval, Nuverthcli'ss tho vnniplro ts still un married. All bor mmiing has not won bor tho huitband ttho told me she wanted, becauso fuo would llko to tuck a Mra before her name. I doubt if sho will ever marry, for men generally aro convinced that tho vampire Is as hard to domesticate as tho fox. Thoy know, too. that tha vampire uies, oui, alio never reurua; mat at vlghty ho will b getting ready to tnuKe aa impression on uie undor taker. There is no doubt that tho vamnlrn fallB to marry well. Consider the sirens of the stage. Tho names of their ad mirer may dm world-renowned, but thoy takn anonymous husband) when they marry. No, the vampire mothod, ti the least successful of tho seven ways to matri mony. Wo Miould leavo it to tho mov ies, where It belongs, (( TSEE somo empty scats down at the other end of tho car," said Mr. Jarr, as ho glanced over the small knot of peoplo standing near tho door at which thoy bad entered. 'I'm tired and I'm not going to push my way through theso people who havo NO politeness and make NO attempt to stand out of tho wayl" said Mrs. Jarr, acidly, as Mho grasped a strap. "Wo'll bo right In tho way of every body hero by the door; lt'a the rush hour, you know," remarked Mr. Jarr, mildly. Wo wouldn't be In anyone's way If everybody had a llttlo good man ncral" uald Mra. Jarr snappishly. " enousi) Wa..vis South wry'o Isomo that he hud seven blanl.els, a u other writa- tie same If U boyi that send Ihtuo complain;; letters to your paper were real Americans tni would r, d, SPEEDING UP. T"EFORE the war 26 to SO knot TS was tattleshtp speed. To-flaY waraoipa or ircm 110,000 100,000 horie.power are capable attt-mlng at li to 40 knots. don't koo why thoy all want to crowd hero near this door, whon thero is plenty of room at tho mlddlo of the car. and at tho far end there aru some aoata!" "That's what I havo been sayin roplled Mr. Jarr. "Let's movo up thero out of tho cruab." I'd like to see myself!" retorted Mrs. Jarr. "If objocta calling thera solvos men oan alt at tholr oase and hide their faces in newspapers llko ostriches, so they can pretend not to sco a tired woman dtandlng, let them do Itl And more sbamo to them!" "Rut, my dfvr," Mr. Jarr protested. "Wo havo Just come from a matlnea whore wo havo been sitting down In comfort for sovoral hours, nnd these people may have been on tbclr feot all day." "I doubt it!" snapped Mrs. Jarr. "And oven If I hadn't como from n matinee where I havo been sitting down all afternoon, tho principle Is the same. Nono of tneso so-called gentlemen with their heads in news papers like ostriches" the slmllo pcemed to appeal to Mrs. Jarr "would arlvo me a so.it!" A little farther down In the car two persons nroso to get off at Its next stop. Tho men standing nenr looked at Mrs. Jarr and Mr. Jarr nnd then at the vacated fonts as though to indicate Mr. and Mrs. Jarr might nave the places. Mrs. Jarr madn no effort to follow Mr. Jarr toward the seats. "Thore Is a seat there, madam," said a passenger. "Thank you." replied Mrs. Jarr sweetly, "don't let me deprive you of It." "You are not depriving me of it; ot 1 have a seat," said the passenger, "to I hare pereelved for quite tomi to time, sir," remarked Mrs. Jarr with icy politeness. The man reddened and burled his faco in hi newspaper "llku an ostrich," as Mrs. Jurr would have said. Mr. Jarr, who had turned back to his good lady when ho saw she niado no uttorapt to follow him, heard tho colloquy. "Don't you think you wcro rude?" he whispered. "It's about tlmo I was," Mrs. Jarr answered. "I have had lessons In the art ot rudenoas from mon In street cars for many yoars." "Won't you tnke this seat, madam?" UBked a atout man urlslng nearby. Mra. Jarr affected not to near. "The gcnUeman aakod you If you would havo bis teat," said Mr. Jurr. "I do not want the seat, wo will be getting iff soon now," said Mrs. Jurr. At theso words a thin, lanky man who had just got on tho car plumped Dlmaolf down In thu va cated place. Aa he did so Mrs. Jarr turned a sneering glanco upon him that was as strong aa a tearchllght across a moonleaa midnight. Tho newcomer folt tho intensity of the glaro and Immediately hold a newspaper bo tween his countenunco and that baneful look. "Down Siuth," began Mrs. Jarr in tones as audlblo aa they were coldly precise, "down South tfuch a thing us a lady having to stand in a public conveyance wouu 00 considered a clvio disgrace Uut thon in the South chivalry stilt obtains. Ah!" The last algh was a algh for the chivalry of tho Southland, although Mrs Jarr hod personally novcr been any further South than Jersey City. Just then a thin young man who seemod extremely nervous got up and persistently Insisted Mrs. Jarr should take hla scat. "Well, I thought SOMEUODY would sco I was about to faint," remarked I Mrs. Jurr as alio settled herself, I "You might havo sutd "i'hiiik you!'" remarked Mr. J.irr sarcastically. "Why flhouht I?" Mrs. Jarr Inquired In mild surprise, "I'd lll( to seo my self, after standing all that tlinu' Anyway. HE wouldn't havo gotten up and gotten out only I have been standing on hie pet corn for tho lait ten minute. Didn't vou notice how pale he was and how-he limped?'' 4 'Ma" Sunday's Intimate Talks FOR THE GIRL WHO IS DISCOURAGED H MtMsV ftrat'"? 1- v iVVK you ever watched a great ocean-bound bhlp lying at an chor In tho harbor and won dered at Its mus alvoness? A tug boat fastened to it could make a sud den pull, and break tbo great chain, or tow lino, and not movo it nn Inch. Yet you could tako a half Inch rope, und, with your own bunds, turn tbo great ship completely around by pull lng steadily nnd with nuftlclcnt patl onco. Tho movement would bo slow, of course, and it would tako tlmo and strongth, and InHnlto determination on your part, but tho final result in the end would be assured. Tho ship could very well bo com- nnri.il with vnursclf. clrl frlnnd of mlno. who, growing impatient with your surroundings, have begun to fret becauso tho course of your llfo Is not changod swiftly enough to keep paco with your dreams. I know It Is hard to convince your self that things exist which we can not sea and measure with our eyes That la why wo fail at tuccoaa when others attain it. Success Is pimply a matter of seeing further than our human, normal oyci can function. That Is a hard thought to grusp. roulUo that, and 1 wish 1 could muku It simpler, but I can t. Llfo isn't all on tho surface. It Is an experience that comes from within us Juut aa iituch a from without We Japanese Superstitions and the rr-tini i,n..i,nP. llkn m.nw Anurl- btcuibu ihildrin I cms, bclirwi thero Is luck In ceit.tln numbers, .mil 111 0 will ing to go to grout lengths to gala tho pronation of thi'Ho lueky symbols. A Hluglo tlguro telephone In Tokto sells for from 500 to 1,000 yen lP0 to Il'JO) a year, says the Electrical Kspprli.ientcr. The lucltlOKt number in tho estimation of business la eight, becuiisu the oharacter for It spreads downward and suggests the Idea of Kvthering prosperity. Number 783 Is Vo believed to be a lucky number, have got to FEEL life as well as v;j 11 mat is, tf wo aro going to get th most from It and produce the most' from it. Dut we are content, the, great part of us, with closing onr eyes when it comes to unpleasant Issues, thoio that really count, and holding our hands, accepting what ever a kind or unkind Providence may have In store for us, ratber thanmus toring our energies and telling thf world that we are ready for whatever It has to offer us, and that we know, In our own consciousness that we come out winner. I Wro don't do that, mi haven't the strength to do It. Tbo whole ourselves and the whole that we either won't or cXpJJ that Is truo, and as a resulwq now and truer and more genvUSg glo on our own lives, and Jui6.''JJ thoy Jack and why. We canV and diwerve success unless we hav . . . - h in us 10 uo so ii3 oilier power cxceX ourselves, so far as human ugcncles aro concerned, can turn tho trick for us. If we fall, it is becauso In our con. sclnusnoss we don't measure up at the ....... ., w ,b ,a uvKuuao.y ... J .. , .w V.U IIIU THI.I isu 1 mysterious soniutiilnir In itm refuses to accop. defeat, wnlcu der matitis only vli-ti.ry, and which as sf renun omains victory for us. If you uro tllscuniged, don't lookatl the world aiuund you, don't look at your unvlriniii' nr. d'-u't look at vourJ job look at jouielf. You may bar, am in tew, .tun j mi may uaruff, anu il'li , . Ih. .., 1 11 ijut'imr. tin if.T- ut on yourseir. on llow fur jou c.m see, and how fair I von aro wun in. lii'oriu-etatlor a nil opplli'Htion .f i ia: you OO sea ii;fljjrTji, luts. ij wn iwu nynaitiio. lue.) Ti l le leph ' I'lrremca a (-lining rjiiiu.T un tin ,r iniiu, nun an r.-ii-iiiii un inn.' t . iimt.u, oau num iii-i.i nit, luwn. 1 n'i;-iiuro nun l,..,a it,.. i,-il .1 ..u.liU l . w.i..- ,v '"'jo 'ti'iwio 11 vney at it., i-.injj iu iwiif ui'i-t h.i or OW. 'I'll iiio -t iiii'ii. iti numbers: are n,ii '. ih'ciuh i tormer iimv 1 prt'i'uiincd "siiiin ' which means ' dl." nn I th - i.i'u r niuy bu pr iitniiiced "ficl.u." which nu "death" find "surfcrlng." Tlieref.u It is said tint fi.ysa numbers a avoided 1'v individuals nnd general taken by Government officers, achoo, ponce stations ana oiner inrino:;, institutions,