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M ' MONDAY, 'jVlE 10, LUlii 3 m 4 I Real Life Love Romance ' & WMIBMillfl ' jOf "the Forgotten Astor" Outlived World's Memory ptath of Henry Astor Closes Last Chapter in Story of Rich Society Man Who Married Daughter of, 5 His Father' 8 Gardener, Was Spurned by His Family, Lived Life of Seclusion From His Old Friends, but Found Real Happiness With the Woman of His Choice. By Robert Welles Ritchie HE was colled "the forgotten Astor" this Henry Astor, last of a past generation of hi line, who died last Friday, full of yoars, on his ostato ncur Wrst Copakc, Columbia County, N. V. ' This nppellatlvo would seem to carry with It a tlncturo of sympathy, alf to be an Astor of the Astor and to he forgotten worn a conjunction Ml'Mt-t';i-H-HM-H- of circumstances spelling heavy ,t t WtS'ir cWi't 3.HYaTo. s . , C.-- $ ' Ns MW-MH t H i-H djlckim weann naa forged about uie What philosopher would be bold njJugh to say that when Henry Astur xchanged the starched formalism of Poclety and matrimonial convrntlonr fcnaasured by the dollar mark for tue MsfV love of a woman and life In a green country, where holly blooms freshly and tho smell of growing corn ladtns the mornings, he becamo the r? Hetter a palace In the ltlvlera nd an opera box In the Metropoli tan's "diamond horseshoe" or tn bo called "Henry" by the blacksmith and thi elder mill man and to go down the hort hill toward the sunset with a "wife's hand clasped In a husband's? Consider the career of this man who, Head at eighty-seven, la revealel as ne who preferred to make his own life and not be the slave of wealth to jwhich he was born. He was the sixth child of William . Astor. himself son of that J"hn,,aln frultful acres. Thero he started Jacob Astor. German fur trapper, who 10 bull(1 a ,,ou" rounded the line. He was born to on I 11 wu" a vrry bB house-broad ind Inheritance of at least $:8,000,00O '.m- 1 Idercd u monstrous fortuno In tho days. His early life was very like tho lives of his brothers, John Jacob in .nod William. Ho received a bread education, became familiar with Ku-J-?pe and was duly Initiated Into his liftce In New York widely, whern lre AAtors already held sway through llfelr great wealth. illd-Vlctorlnn drawing looms and lh ball rooms of London nnd Now York did not carrj a strong nppcil for ,jeung Henry. He lind an analytical m)nd, and this Instrument wns prono todlnect and scrutinize thu sham and the pretense that was bullded on a Pedestal of wealth alone. Ills father 'and brothers noted a growlni; cynl- fclsm on Henry's part a proncness to t.lko the life to which he was bjrn with a twisted smllo on his lips 'Scheming mammas trlej to throw the rope oyer the head of this fractions 3'oung colt and insure u brilliant mar riage for their darlings. Henry Astor ptnetiutcd every artifice and dodged tvery trap. He wns painfully run. Clous that thero could lie no flnh and-blooil love match for him umong . the simpering debutantes In hoop skirls. 'Twice he broke away from thh matrimonii! branding pen and took n trip around tho world. Hut earh thus Trtien he returned he discovered that ,W Inheritance had saddled all obllg tion upon him; It was to marry some girl considered "it" to assumo tho AJrtor crown and perpetuate a lino of inheritors, Hls father's estate at rtcd Hook, N. Y., interested the Insurgent! he went thero to take up his residence at taanager. And there he met and came to love Malvlna Dinehart, the rosy cheeked daughter of his father's head nraener, )Ot simple peasant stock was MaN vjna Dinehart strong of body, tdmpU 15 mina aim wnn tno primitive im pplse to give alt her love to a mpto .Wthout saying "by your leave" to ail of his family, Henry Astor murried tie girl. -His father, In a great fury, cut him eff disowned him In a violent eceno Which Henry Astor never forgot. His brothers followed the paternal lead Hid forgot that Henry ever had ex isted. In a day this prince of an American line of fortune kings found . fctasself without a crown. I trog.dy. Tho world learned at his passing that there had been on As .;. tor who had been cast off by tho ,1 rest of Tils family long years ago and had struggled through a life of many years without once gottlng his ntmo In America's Almanoch de Ootha of tho aristocracy 'of wealth. The world learned this and shook Its head In surface sympathy. "Poor old fellow," quoth the World's Wife. "Itn mi Aatnr nn.l burled up there In tho country all his life, with nobody evor to hear alfout him." Only Honry Astor could have known whether he, the man whom his kin discarded because he "mar ried beneath Silm" many, many yean J to ve In Arcadian simplicity close to tho racy soil and In the simple democracy of a rural nolgh- borhood rather than be bound by tho nccics or nis orctnren But there was one anchor to thu Astor Interests father nor brothiiri rntllfl llnrnnt. Wtltlnm It A .. I.. ... .........a. nniui( "'I lsiM, had set aside a fund In trust for his son Henry which ho himself couid not rttiw destroy. This fund drew its revenues from certain parcels of real cstato In Now York 119 all tM--among them the solid block bounded by Ilroadwny, Eighth Avenue, 4Gth and 46th turrets. Tho Increment from this trust fund s mounted so It whs estimated r fow years ago to nomothing like $5,000 a week, Henry Astor, disinherited, was still a very wealthy man. Tho outcast son went to West r"o pnke, which Is In the llerksbtros vury nesr the New York-Connectlcut-Mas. saohusetts lines, and four mlleg from the village ho chose for himself cer 1omy anrt fl'd with dim recesses whor'' ht could not penetrate In sum.' mer. Xrlghbors came In to help Km build It -actually to participate) w"h tho nix-foot, broad shouldered man with tho flaming red beard In tho work of construction. Tho neighbors thought Henry Astor was a pauper. but they knew already ho had a great heart and they turned In with a will to help him, When the Illg House, as West Copsko still calls this relic of the French Mnnsnrd school of architec ture, wus completed Henry As.o? moved In with his bride and began the comfortable life of o country gontle- mnn. Neighbors began to wondor If Henry really were "dead broke" a'ter nil. Henry smlted deep In his botrd and said not a word. Happiness seemed to bo his. He was a great funcicr of horso flesh he bought a span of racing trottei., Tho countryside became accinlomod to tho s.ght of Henry-so ho wn rallid by everyono leaning over tho spider xliuflH of his nulky and tooling hi- fst blachr, his beard stic-mm.; like a comet's tutl over his shouldon. Ho built a trotting courso on his "wn farm and Invited owners rf speedy horses to come nnd r.u-o ugulnst his blacks. At every county fair Henry Astor was thcrn with en tries, and many a purse did ho up for .the local pony fanciers to plunge on. In short, his was the life of tho Kngllsh country Mjulro. raoy of the soil, full rounded und complete In Itself. No, not qulto complete In Iti-elf; for the woman he had married always played a leading part In that life, lletwecn tho millionaire who had been a crown pitnce of Amer ican money royalty and .the country g'r' 'here remained until the day last week when Henry Abtor died an abld Ing affection, deeper than any other roots of tho nun's life. He had but two eccentricities, of whleh Columbia County folk are talking to-day. For years he would not read n nowspaper, lest ho should see the name of Astor blazoned In Its headlines and have recalled to htm the burled past. He had u mania for collecting sil ver half dollars. It ts said tho gar ret In the Dig House Is stacked with boxes and barrels of them. I J ' Barnard Girls THEY DON OVERALLS AT RE IK' m m. r KZ,J3LmX sssssssssssssSMrtinvl?.- r. f j. 111 sssssssssssmssssssVlsssssVXr y-. . W -'J' G i I . V 1 sWL I issssssss. t it, '.7T ( cssssssssssssssssssssssKssvcsssK.rabW t ATtrr m. nj v. ' . i riTiiM- i i i- -k . x -i -i-sr, . . g" . irmm & nTii - if tk.- .rAT"ssssssssl I 1UnsWmrj . ill. IssTMT'.h mt Ji r v 'Jflf l.'T "" I FTJ k.MKsV-' . 1sM It Ik. . i'i iff . ;i I timi i '.'i'.iM'Vi 1 1. at a WBir'iv ' ..v w issssssssssssssssssssw Hosn m'.n .i ; - VkTissssssansssssssstaisiA isriisissiFMssssssrs-v.w-KciK. i CopirlfM. 10IS. Iijr Tit frm I'uWWJns Co. CTbt Sen York Kteuliw WoiM.) NOT sluco William Tell mlttcd Ills bow nnd arrow nud shot all thd . huckleberries out of n plo without disturbing tho crust hn.i such u Htyllsh furore been CKtabllshcd. Everybody U getting utt-uuiod up. DUlhclm U aiming hU Ztppa and h'.s liu!;!,.; Nov.' York. Of courso u Zcpp won't nnnoy nnybody who has ever been kicked by a Jersey mosquito. And wo have bo many things In our drinking water now that n few Kubbs won't make much difference That Un't what cvorybody Is Rotting cooked up ovor. It's this antl bummlng law- !' getting so thnt n gent who makes his living by tho sweat of Romo other gent's brow is considered n loafer by our best consldorers. When Naw York nnd New Jersey crocheted thnt work law they swung one from their hip pockets thnt landed right on tho beezor of every barltono hobo In tho tournament. From now nn the nuitio of New York and fringes Is I-J Plurlbus Workus. You're considered a blooming dllletantn unless you have n sledgehammer In each hand, one behind each ear nnd four morn coming In tho next parcel post. Work Is no new melody to tho most of us. The reason why we are wearing our noses very close to tho grindstone-ulu't because wo aro nearsighted. Work Is nbout tho only thlug wo over Inherit from our fathers. So that new law won't affect us any more than rain affects a mallord's rhoulderhlades. Ynu cnu't crowd two horses Into ono howj collar. We have been worklnt? over fliico Home smooth guy with a rough conscience bought Manhattan from u poor Indian. The prleo was twenty-eeven Iron men. History says that the Injun was bilked, If that Is true, thnt Injun wna thu Unit real cbtuto agent who was over trimmed. And nlto the lust. Hut It wasn't true. While scalping hit front litwn with n bor rowed lawn mower a postmaster In J.iibo County etubbed his form-fitting shoes ngalnst a granite slab. l)n this slab was some Injun gossip In bulnrss college Khorthand whleh gummed tha wholo yarn. It seems that tho Indian cold Manhnttan for twenty seven ducats nil right. Hut the rascal didn't own It In tho first place. He was a Mexican Taraale Indian who was visiting his East- t Helping Uncle Sam as "Farmerettes' THEIR CAMP IN BEDFORD HILLS, N. Y AND WORK FOR NEIGHBORING FARMERS AT $2.00 A DAY. '" I . ! Loaferettes New York and New Jersey Anti-Bumming Laws Unfair Because Aimed at Baritone Hoboes Exclusively, Providing No Penalties for Soprano Idlers Rolling Cigarettes Will Help Win tWar as Much as Powdering Noses If Loafer Who Plays Two Pairs Against Three Kings Is a Bum, So Is the Frail Who Bids a Bridge Whist Hand Wrong Girls Have the Vote, Why Not the Work? BY ARTHUR "BUGS") BAER. orn wltf. Ho tsnw a chance to pick Bold Manhnttan for twcnty-bcvuu seeds but nUo tossed In the moon nnd tho subway pickpocket privilege. Which flattens that old myth and removos a stain from tho fair numc-ot .Manhattan real cstato nsents. Nothing like killing two birds with one pebble nnd starting two Fords with ono cranlc. Hut, getting buck to the old work stuff, why don't the Uw knitters pick on the Indies once In a while? All these, work laws are aimed at tho men. Whero tlicro aro loafers there aro loaferettes, If tho millionaire who brultes ceilings with chatnpagno corks Is a loafer, so Is Mrs. Millionaire. If the guy who gets bald from wearing silk hats Is n bum, so Is tho frail who thinks thnt fox trotting will tnako tho world nnd Sullivan County nto for democrucy. If the lad who wears a seven-bolted coat Is a drone, to Is the lady who does ull her shopping at Jazzenwebher's. You might as well separato tho shcop from tho gouts, even If you don't caro for mutton, If the barltono who stakes two small pair against three kinks Is a bum, bo is tho soprano person who bids a brldgo whUt hand wrong. 80 fnr as that work law Is concerned, there shouldn't be any bomb proof shelters for anybody. Holllng cigarettes will help as much to win the war aa powdering noses. The girls havo tho vote, why not tho work? Tho femlnlno of loafer Is loaterette. RASMUS NOT ASHAMED OF HIS REAL RELIGION. The woolly-headed Undo Jtasnnu was accused of disturbing the peace. OII1 err Mort Itudolph explained It as fol lows; "Your Honor, this man wis runnlnc up and down thu Mill 1 titer ltoaJ, wav ing his arms nnd yelling at tho top of his voice', and otherwise raising the mischief, nt half-past ono In the morn- Ing. Tli a people jof that district com up some easy velvet, nud not only plained, nnd they had a perfect rlpht to." The Judge frowned at Itasmus, "Im didn't seem to bo particularly wor ried. "U'hat do you mean by sueh unbo comtnK conduct?" bin Honor demanded. "HellBlon, Jedrv." wns tho response. "Hellglonl Are you a Holy Holler, or something Hko that? I havo religion, Itasmus, but I don't get up at midnight and tell everybody about It." "Dat's des' do dlffunco Jedgo. I ain't crshained - ob mine." Cass and Comment. What a Battle Viewed From an Airplane; Picture of Dante's "Inferno' VMd Bird-Man's Eye View of Great Verdun Fight Described in Book Written by James It. McConncll, Lafayette Eacadrillc Pilot, Who Was Killed in Air Fight ; Against Two German Warplancs. By Marguerite Mooers Marshall DANTE'S IIELLr-that, In two words, Is a battlefield of tho Great War as seen from nbovo by those who fly, HUo tho ancient Valkyrs, aboT the slain. Ono who himself no longer speaks from tho living--James It. McConncll, volunteer Scrgcant-Pllot of tho Latayctto Escadrlllo has given a memorablo description of the great struggle at Verdun i watched from his fighting aeroplane, In his personal story of tho War,; "Flying for France." Tho book Is brief, but It should bo read for two reasons its vision of Verdun from a sea of clouds nnd Its finely lntlmato plotures of Klffln Rockwell, Vic tor Chapman, Haoul Lufbery, Norman Prince and others of tho aplendld band of American ndventurers who were our vanguard In tho world struggle for lib erty and democracy. Sergt. McConncll himself wns of this band, and, llko nearly every other member, ho has mado tho ultimate sacrifice. lie longed to lead a United States Army aero corps In the western theatre of war, but ho was killed in an unequal struggle ngalnst two German aero planes Just boforo our formal opening of hostilities. He was over thera before tho Allies had boon fighting six months, going from Carthage, N. C, to drive nn American ambulance In tho Vosges and win tho Croix de. Ouerre. Even at that post, according to Ms own naive admission, he felt llko an "embusque," a shirker, and he was ono of the first Americans to enter the French flying service, where ho fought loyally and successfully until his death In battle, 'lie saw his first active servlcs In a fighting Nleuport at Verdun, where he flew dally, when the weather per mitted. "Immediately east and north of Vordun there lies a broad, brown band," he writes In Flying for France. "From tho Woevre plain It runs west ward to tho 'S' bend In the Mouse, nnd on the left bank of that famous stream continues on Into tho Ar gonno fore-it. Peaceful fields and farms and villages adorned that landscape a few months ago when there was no Ilattlo o Verdun. Now there Is only that sinister brown btlt, a strip of murdered na ture. It seems to belong to another world. Every sign of humanity has been swept away. The woods and roads havo vanished llko chalk wiped from a blackboard; of the villages nothing remains but grny smears where Btone walls have tumbled to gether. Tho great forts of Douau mont and Vaux, aro outlined faintly, like the tracings of linger In wet sand. One cannot distinguish any ono shell crater, as ono can cn the pockmarked fields on cither eldo. On the brown band the Indentations are so closely Interlocked that they blend Into a confuted mas of troubled earth. Of tho trenches only broken, half obliterated links are visible. "Columns of muddy tinike spurt up continually as high explosives tear deeper Into this ulcered urea. During heavy bombardment and attacks I have geen nhells falling like rain. Tho countless towers of smoko remind ono of (.ustavo Doro's plcturo of the fiery tombs of the arch-heretics In Dante's 'hell.' A smoky pall covers the sector under flro, rising no high that at a height of 1,000 feet one Is enveloped In Its mist-like fumes. Now and then monster projectiles hurtling through tho air closo by leave one's plane rock ing violently in their wake. Airplanes have been cut In two by them. "For us tho battle passes In silence, the noise of one's motor deadening all other sounds. In tho green patclua behind tho brown belt myriads of tiny flashes tell where the guns are hidden; and those flashes, and tho Bmoko of bursting shells, are all wo sen of the lighting. It Is a weird combination of stillness and havoc, tho Verdun conflict viewed from the sky. "Fnr lelow us, tho observation and range-finding pianos clrclo over the trenches like gliding gulls. At a fecblo altltudo they follow tho uttuck Ins Infantrymen nnd flash back wiro les re pur U of tho engagement. Osi: through them can communication bo malntulned when, under the barrier fire, wires from tho front lluus are cut. "Kaid" Maclean, Soldier of Fortune, Now Believed Dead THE career of one of tho greatest modern soldiers of fortune, "Kald" Maclean, draws to an end under a cloud, and may already havo ended In his death. This Bcotch adventurer, onco tho actual ruler of Morocco, and later an object of keon Interest throughout the world when ho was h-eld for ransom by tho bundtt Ilalsull, afterward mado bis home In Austria. There he looked on In fillcnco when tlreat Ilrltain, his native land, becamo Involved In war with the Dual Monarchy. Tho Ktoiy of the adventures of tho "Kald," whoso name olherwiso U Sir Harry Aubroy do Maclean, K. C. M. C, reads more llko fiction than fact. Tho "Kald.'if ho is still ltvlng. Is sev enty years old. As a lad he entered tho Hrltlfh army, and whllo on duty In Gibraltar visited Malta, where ho mot the then tiultan of Morocco, Mu-Ul-el-Hasaan. Mulal waa rauoh Jin- Looks Like "Sometimes It falls to our lot to guard theso mnchlnes from Oermana eager to swoop down on their books. Sailing about high above a busy flook of them makes one feel like an otd mother hen protecting her chicks. "We fly so high that ground details are lacking. Where the battle ban raged thero is a broad, browned band. Trees, houses and even roads have been blasted completely away. Th shell holes are so numerous that they blend Into one another and cannot be separately seen. "It looks as if shells fell by ths thousand every second. There sure spurts of smoke at nearly every foot of the brown areas, and a thick pall of mist covers it all. There are but holes where the trenches rn, and when ono thinks ot tho poor devils crouching In their inadequate shelters under such a hurricane ot flying metal It increases onc'a respect for the stay ing powers of modern man. It's terri ble to watch, and I feel sad every time I look down. "Wo traverse the brown band and enter enemy territory to tho aocom pantment of an antl-alroratt can nonade," Sergt. McConnell continues. "Most of the shots are wild, however, and we pay little attention to thm. When the shrapnel comes uncom fortably close, one shifts position slightly to evade the range. Tho only shooting we hear Is tho tut-tnt-tut of our own or enemy plane machlns guns when fighting Is at closa quar ters. The Gormans shoot explosive bullets from theirs. 'Principally our work consists of keeping German airmen away front our lines, and In attacking them wia opportunity offers. One glanoes op to see If there Is another machine higher than ono's own. Low and far within tho German lines are several enemy planes, a dull white la appear anco, resembling eand flies against tho mottled earth. High above tham ono glimpses tho mosqulto-llko forms of two Fokkers. We approach tht enemy machlnos ahead, only to And thorn slanting nt a rapid, rate lata -their own country. "The boohes keep well within their lines, save occasionally," Sergt. Me Connoll significantly records, at the end of his book, "and wo have to go ovor and fight them there, Ths only way to do Is to sneak up on them. Though thero is a large num. bcr of oxpert German airmen. I do sot believe th average Teuton makes us good a flier as a French man, F-nglshman or American." "Flying for France" I, published by Doublcday, Pan,, & t"o. pressed by Maclean nnd offered him the position of Instructor Vf ms with Ihe rank of Colonel In tho tiul tan s liui VL-n.-irri i.-r. .1... .. and for thlrt) yw,,, uflPri Klll(,.:, wut prominent In .Moroccan affairs. lie (Illll-klV amsr. l. r. In-Ohlet of t, ;.". J' for yoi;; " -' "- ""in iiiiiiMftir. An "In miel" Scot, he ruled w,tl, a T0li ot Iron an army of about iu.o'ja txiutl cal. (.'hrlstlan-hatlng Mo,1CniH wi en Mulal died Maulean the el, ruler of Morocco. ult,ous Mula,. ' son was tho nominal head of ttio cov eminent. In moi tg, knighted and decorated fir L r' vices to tho llrltlah Government f" July. 1SI07, ho waa captured h ,J" bandit ltalsull and held a h th suffering cruel treatment foV wS months. He was related when 2" most dead of starvation on he Vi" mont of a ransom of jiOO OOO W J if