Newspaper Page Text
TI EVENING WORLD', M'OND kt JUNE 10, 1918. 1' 18 ll mill ft V J I 1 ' New Director for Crstl bilba!hBMn.eAliior of tha' JTrfAM; ib-tlny became tllreitoi tJrtvstUhJslon of the Committee ;1tr. InfGrTn.stJri'n Rtiil 'will tmvo Slbnof the-prepnrntlnri and dle rr or me committee news nil nchts. Mr. Ilollly succeeds J, . atiiiUK-liy Mini noes to Central on Biic.lul worn for tho co,tn- FOR CONSTIPATION have stood (tie test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache. Indigestion and to dear, up a bad complexion. Genuine beara alenature Palefaces Cenerally Indicate tick ol Iron In the Blood Carter's Iron Pills Will htlp this condition 1 fes II nil lNLi4JLi. 11 itkvi i fin I lrl IT 1 II Ami i I l'iSrna11 Dose I' BARTERS BROOKLYN QPPENHIM.LLIN5& Fulton Street, Brookljit SPECIAL SALE t. Tomorrow (Tuesday) Only 500 Pairs Pumps For Women and Misses , White Canvas Pumps of .sujHrior ((tmlity, with hniul-turned soles nntl Louis XV heels; also odd lots of Pat ent Icather and Tan Calfskin models, in broken sizes TO HE CLOSED OUT. Silc Price NO APPROVALS HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED STATION MEN AN i TRAINMEN, -1 AfiES 21 TO Go, SUBWAY AND ELEVXl tCD DIVISIONS. 1NTERUOHOUCH RAPID TRANSIT CO. APPLY ROOM 12 JU, ICo BROADWAY, O A.. M. TO u P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUN- VDAY. BATTERY MAN WANTED. A irowtni ol rrtttMli iiort Ut. Imy coml'tnj. ixtM i boon Irwa , N. r. ad. loiuirn tbt tcntcn ol titbit tad t.. wjuU'PihI nuu lor tet?r uwlo. fiprfnr cnlr uvi Aoplr O. ITS World, uvton. FOR SALE. DIAMONDS WATCHES 1002 2Weklvliiit WLE1QIT a OQOH3 Tgoye 3tvi st Diamonds, Wntchcs on Credit BEST VAI.l'BS tluarlili-wl .a'"t,.T,r!"4 e ov.i, niiMOMi iv.vnii t:o. OO lili ! Phnnr Jn 513 Afent ralli. DIAMONDS ON CREDIT AUKUICA.N WA'IOH .V IMAMONII CO.. 37 MAIDtN LAN 5 1 tiToaj. afillinN I'll. S (Vlliiult Mt. 2 fllfht alljDIO.vba llol.i.lll A.NU TLl) igi jaani a4. stoa Im Ub.N.NfclT ' Hi llroulmt, iuialr. DAN KINO AND FINANCIAL. Bjir WN'ilili tor li")"iLarvr lanj" jurll Ain. Iran Hlmt Sloltt to. ituk, J. II, Ctiaa. aod. T I'luc it. isunday World "Wants" Campynini's Pfah&& Here Next Year i . By Sylvester Hauling. CI,KOKONTH CAMt'ANIN'I, di rector if the Chicago Opera Association, who Is luck from Italy mid l-'rnnce, whero ho has been LcunrchlnK for now Binders, annnunens (ho preliminary plana for his second season of four wi-cka of grand opera I in New York, beginning on Monday, . Jilnk !7, l'Jki, at the 1-exlngton Thca- ' tro. Jlu will present again Amellta, Unlll-Curcl, Mary Garden, Hosa Knlsa, Carolina, I.uclen Mu rntoro and Straccliirl, whoso wlno needs no bush, Among tho new comers ho promises ono French and two Italian tenors, n Krench mczso- i1 soprano and a basso, till of distinc tion, whose names ho- withholds for the present. Marcel ..Jimrhet, tVio French baritone who was a favorite ut the Mfinhattan Opera Ilousd tn tho (IIammorsteln regime when Mr. Cainpanlnl was tho musical director, also has Jieen engaged. 'OaHl-Cjurel Is to bo tho star In at least two to vlval.M, and Hosa llalsa Is to bo tho heroine In "Norma," for a long period absent front operatic repertory In Now York, Itevlvals, too, of "Otcllo" and "Falstaff" aro contemplated. Mr. Campanlnl will glvo nineteen weeks of opera next season. Tho company will bo threo weeks on tour befor? the opening of tho regular sea son of ten weeks In Chicago. Then there Will bo four weeks In New York 3.95 Wnt.RI TO CO AND MOW TO CET TMWE Up the Hudson By Daylight Dally Including Sunday Dlrret lull eonnwtlou to nl mti Wit nil .Nona. .Ml tliruiwb nil tlilu-u nj Inij hie nlci Lin llckoli tli-n .Nw Voik M Albau) MKDifn lef IXtehroi m.. BAO A. M. , W 411 t I) A. II : V 1-J!)lh Rt , t)r.o A M . polr. ( SO V. M Utxluu at lW Jlouium, ttnt I' Hit .V1irrti, PouhkKva.e, Kinfiloii Point C'ati!l. Iluluu ml Aroaoy. lol otn iUj witlnn, 1SW " n" y"1 ' 1)tt'irM'" 8. l1,r- Ttl, Oanal HudaonT Hlvei1 liay JLine WEEK DAY & SUNDAY TRIPS to BEA'J MOUNTAIN t'i'TiiK iii;iison I Str. "GRAND REPUBLIC" L. Ball.rr it .. m.i tnai.a ht n.4. a. i. Ml'MC. llAM'IN'tl, Itmilli.sH.MK.NrH. It nil nil Trin V!"i)a r-v tiiiur.'n. s 11 U II II U l lip sum,,. N,v, c4ljn Mo .. INJ ' t '"Ml " Alt TAX. I llrtar Moanlalii Line, Tel. llroad I7IIH, METROPOLITAN LINE To BOSTON $5-23 !' J'ArK.COl) CANAL l.noiuli lljollglit lor SIslilM-flnc I lie llliole, NIkIiI, fur Itrat pt. ililLv (Suniltji lncluilwil at 6 I" Jl, Mtiitrnxnni., Mrul Thn Heat TKI.UPHONH IIAKCI.AV OU00 3ron Steamboat (Ho CONEY ISLAND M t"K i8. 1a0'!!: n.l"!. 1 i'l, Silo. I'lerl.N. II.. 11 It t" 2S V.S5. V),UV, Tdmbsus lkctf j STEAM BO ATS. wv;M0PE MEN FOR NAVY ENLIST S'Vttsofi of tefika in Ke .rk niTU .... , fSitAwjS!:vli leasing of the lxltytton Theatre for , a poriod Qf yenrs makes this possl- i lilr. iinnfw-sln iSf subscriptions al- . ready hare exceeded Mr. cumpanlnl's expectations and applications from would-be subscribers are piling up day by dtiy. .(ohn Itrown Is the New York representative of Mr. Campa nlnl's undertaking. Announcement Is made of the for mation of a new orchestra, co-operatively organized nnd rnnnaged, by players who have won their spurs In the orchestras already familiar to tha nubile. Sixty artists Imvo planned j this democratic oxperlment In art as n result of their experience in pri vately controlled musical enterprises. They aro confident that they can demonstrate the validity of tholr un dertaklng. Bam Franko has been elected conductor and has nU iiamo of tho Amerlacn nympnony Orchestra, the orchestra which Mr. Franko founded somo years ago. Tho members aro nearly all young men who havo thrown themselves Into tho plan with faith and enthusiasm. LET BREAKFAST GET GOLD TO FIRE A POLICE CAPTAIN Mayor Wallin of Yonkers Jumps Into Auto to Look Up Early Morning Tip Over Phone. William J. Wallin, Mayor of Yonkeis. fired n police captain this morning he. foi-o breakfast. Only last week His Honor fired hnlf a dozen municipal ash can emptlers when he found thorn loaf ing on the Job tn somebody's basement. The phone rnng Just ns Mayor Wallin I was sitting down to nrenKiasx, anu it voice came, saying. "If you want to ' seo Capt. t'ougle take a look in Bo-nd- fto's saloon." So tho Mayor called his cor nnd went to So-and-So"s. "And Just as I got to the front door," said tho Mayor to the report ers, "out went Pollen Captain George Couglc of the Fourth l'reolnct by the' back door. So I stu'pcndrd him pend ing trial." notes in society Miss Ruth Fnrlcy Clark, a cousin ; of Cardinal Farley and n daughter of j Klmer Clark. Oik of thn Children's' Court, nnd Mrs. Clatk of No. 455 Fort Washington Avenue, nnd Alonzo Mor ton Smith wep married tit the home of her parents K.itunl.iy. Mrs. Alfred .!. Vandorblll. nccom panled 'by her"spn9, Alfred O. and George V.ihderbllt. attended services In the Congtyg'atlunal Church at Lenox, .Mass.. ' yesterday morning. The pastor of thu church, the Hev. Benson N. Wynuin. will perform the marrlago ceremony of Mrs. Vnndcr bllt and Raymond T. linker of Wash ington on Wednesday afternoon at 1 Hnlmwood. Guests for tho wedding will go up to Lenox to-day. Mrs. I Georgo W. Vandwbllt and. Allsa Cor-. nella nnderbllt aro coming from Washington, and Mrs. Oconto linker and Miss Haker of California, the mother nnd sister of Mr. linker, and Capt. liaac Kincrsun of llultlmorc will 01 live at Holmxvood this after noon. The engagement of Miss Knthlcen Townscnd, sister of Cnpt. Oartas H. Town-end, U. S. It., of No. 110 Cathe dral I'nrkwny, to Kohert James Fire stone of Akron, O.. has been an nounced. Miss Marv Fisher, da uglier of Mrs. Charles Henry Fisher of No. 112 Bast 17th Street, and Henry Torrance of Tenafly, N. J.. were married In the Centennial Chapel of St. Georgo's Church Saturday. Announcement has been mode of the engagement of Miss Kmlly Latz Frlsch, daughter of Fiedrrlck Frlsch of No. X31 Lincoln Hace. ltrooklyn, to Lieut. Herbiirt Adler. Medical Corps. I'. S. H.. son of Mr and Mrs, Leopold Adlcr or No. 019 Heat 150th Street. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Terhune of Mat awan, N. J havo annouueed the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Kathryn IJ. Terhune. to Lieut. V. F. Valdos, aviation section. Naval He servo, of Anbury l'ark. N. J. Miss Honrletta Novclta Cornell, daughter of the late Assemblyman Daniel T. Cornell of Clifton. S. !.. and G I rani Van do of tho steamship linn of Funch. Kdyo & Co., were married nt Hench Lawn, the homo of the bride1 mother. Saturday. The engagement of Miss Mildred Neander. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neander of Irvlngton. N. J to Hnrrv W. Maull. also of Irvlngton, haa been announced. The engagement has been an nounced of Miss Oertrudo Aueh, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Josopl; II Auch of East Orange, to Dr. Francis C. Weber of Newark. Cleaned! PHONE PIONEER Main 6900 Hl'OS. CAIIPKTS. 1)11 VPKKIKS CLEANED, WASHED, RE PAIRED, STOHKD AND IN SHIED AT HEASONAIU.E HATES AGAINST I'HIK. MOTH AND THEFT AT OWNKIl'ri VAIA'ATION. Most modern, snnltary plant In Greater New York. Eipertij i n charge of all work, which U strictly guaranteed. Pioneer Firtproaf Stsrir Wsrliii", Al Flatbuih Are., Bicuslja, N. V. OUR 33TH YEAH. n u mi MALL rim iialli Blanche H.ile, Lieut. Ciitz-Rict; and "Rag 'l ime" Riley Among the l-ntcrtainers. Clouds thmitcucd to burst and drench Die thousands of sfiet-tntors assembled at the noon nnw tecrultlnc rnllv to day In Cltv Hsll Park. Nevertheless lliree-jrore young men n bulled for en llstinetit utter llstunlnK to the pntrtotlc nniHiu of the V H. S. Hecrtilt Hand and dozens of snenkers, Chief Yrowromnn Mro. Julln Whrclock started the rally nnd Miss Illiitichc Dates. Lieut. Oltz Ulce of the First Cnnndlnn Contlneent. H.dlor Hllcy. commonly known ns "Hsg- tlme Itlley." nnd IMper Meynr Mclvenzlc Mntrll.uted remarks and songs, ntnlgii Harry Karllngcr declared tho DOWN TOWN STOREUPTOWN STORE V H.W.C0H.B"AVEJll5'"5T. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS Axmin ster Porceloid Side Jeer Refrigerator, as illustrated, In solid oak $34.50 3-Piece Library or Living Room Suite Maisivc framsa, mahog any finish, highly lol tilled, upholstered seats, back and armi, in xettu ine brown Spanish leather; indestructible springs in seats; liko cut, at 27.54 In. "1 36x72 !n. ft VSiry-tlZ, j 56-50 Hi I I r Molor Truck Deliveries. trJrll"-' -"fi-n Chifforobe F ii Brass Bed Outfit Rl IKL ' WKJ m r- i.i u:.u 9.1 Ii I L I I, L li SlU.MIillIIilHjnill .III - LTO in white rn. ' M I""'" KKttrrrrv. iMMllSi v ttivui,viiaiwamft.Kaiittn nining nmi uetirooin nniinann Kt nwi I N,W.CaR.B",AVE.Rl5'" High Grade Period Furniture Physician -ra n LU IlCliUPAi vui JAA GL L Strength, Energy and Endurance Cites Cases of Men Even 60 and 80 Years of Age Who Have Gained in Strength and Energy and Thereby Greatly Increased Their Mental Powers From Taking Nuxated Iron Says n weak body means a weakened hrain; wcnlc nerve force of sufficient iron in omni.niius on in. aiarumi j', ma nee OI iron uouciencv hi . -if Arn.rlcan men un.l won;, n .inm.-a Francis flulllvin ':,r9'fr:' I'nvslrlan or llriicvue ll nnni ,'';" loor tJout. I New York, unil tn Wentchtsi.r C'oiititv ll.ianltal. saljl: I liav atronalv emneialif'l , Teat ncecaaliv oi olival lna muhlna iood examinations of tholr '"k. maemle. run down pailenta. Tnou tsnda of nor.ona so on ar utter Mr auffertnir from ohv.Uji '' na and i htshlv n.rvmii cnnrtlt'on dun to lack -of sufflclfnt Iron tn their nd blood rornuselfi without ever le 'Umni ih. rail and true csu.e nf their trouble. Without Iron In vour bloo.l vour fiod rnirflv nnaaea throurh o.ii" Iia.Iv annmthtnv llku earn ttiroush an ild mill with the mile r o wide nnart that the mill can't Krind. As oroot of this take the enae of (lenrral llonttlo Oates fllti-on, I) H. A llletlrrd) who aura tht Suiatad Iron haa hrouvht hack in htm In h -no1 meaiure that old buovan v and enorsv that flUcil hi lna In 111? when ie rnnde hla trliimnli.ini witrv with rienrrat Boon Jnlo tho Cltv of Mealro. Then there la forme Health Pom mlRMlonwr Wm. It. Kerr or ('hlrnao who la naat ttl three a or. mark, but atlll tlsoroiM net e run of life vim nnd mrtr r'ornier I Health CoinmU.lonar Kit- lavs he I tellevea hta own uerinal .i't,lt, tn i dnv Is lsrre'v due to hla uae of Vui i ntad Iron and that he Urllevea It nuaht to be rireecrlbed bv en rv nhv- ician anu m .verir iio.uiini tu tha countrr. While former IleaJth fotnmUaloner K.rr la nut himaalf n tihvalclan. stilt hla axMrlencn In handling pub'lu health nroblema tnuat slve hla ooln- ton mora than nFdlnirv u.Iaht. And then there la former tfnlt.4 I nruniur wniu.. A ion.. nen- stor Towm naval "I have found Nux ated Iron of th. rreateat benefit aa a tonla and resulativa. Ilrii'. forth I snail not be without It 1 am In a tin.lltftn ,k ........ ... . u . ,.., ,w iiiiiit ,,ir I HO i:nw4i ,i I otbsrs to th rsmarkiMe and Inuus. T purpose of the rallies Is to kill unfriend ly propagnndn Humors havo been nlloat that thn Navy Is closed to applicants. Commander W T Conn, In charge of re cruiting in the Metropolitan District, with office at No. .11 Knst 2.1d Btreet. said that the N'.ival lleserte Is a much nilsundt rstoud Imclv "It Is not a refuge lor those who sick Inactive service." ho siild, "The rating, pay, etc., Is tho snnio ns In the Navy." Among the speakers wero Jeff uavls, known ns the King of Hoboes, and Sail or Henry lit an, who Is nttsched to the recruiting ship at Boston, COURT RUUNGjJlfFpRESS. Toledo I'mirr AVIileli Crlllelseil .linlur l,nr In t'ontrmpt t'nr. WAHHIStlTON. Juno 10. Federal Court decree. prohibiting newspapers from publishing nt tides held to cm hums the nilmlnlstrntlon of Justice, al though not nets committed within the present" of the e mirts, wero sustain,! in-ilnv tiv the Kutiremn Court In up holding a Judgment ngalnst tho Toledo Newspaper i ompany, punusuor, ami nOURONLY xLlsn UNTIL Does It Mean Anything to. You that when you buy here your purchase is GUARANTEED BY SIXTY-FOUR "YEARS of satisfied customers nnd happy homes? It should mean a great deal, because this reputation is built on our POLICY of selling only "HOME-FURNISHINGS" fhat will LAST. "We Make Terms to Fit." The Same Low Pfice Cash or Credit. Plain Figure Tags on Everything.' Queen Anne ll t rrJrr"T!i" uLiiJ U ya-i.u (J " V 5y 6498 u 3 l.i-1 us show you how you can furn nh a i.i itu, inninir nnu uctiroom ROOMS FOR $225 Explains How uie dioou iibb ruined many a man's nerves and cast him upon the rocks of Failure. Hli'S A LUCKY FELLOW THiS MAN0FBL00D AND IRON He has the vim and energy, (he brainpower and the money loo Why not be in h!s place instead o( being a nervous, irritable weakling haunted by fear during the day and sleeplessness and melancholia at night? flsfefcs dime . x j -a of this runedv. and I "nhe.l laiiiTi ' ' ' 't Nuxtiied Iron to ..I who fail t"' ,. ! energy and the, us il.inty uf bodily fanctlens, Dut, lo my uplnloa. vju (.au I make of the To- ledo Nows its, for contempt of. Court, mrt. Ills' Justices Holmes nnd Urandela sent CO. Justices I)v nrt.l nisrke. Iidth from Ohio, took no part In the decision Tho News llee erltlrlsed tho sot or Judge John M. Kllllts In.s dispute be tween the street Hallway Compapy.nna mo my 01 ixiieoo. . mm ATONIC AND Bodybuilder Ho alcohol or dangerous Imp, D. Cochran. edltnr-ln.AlilAr JBAUHAKN&BRQ X AT QATHCT iaRDAXF 10 P.M. AT BOTH STORES Period Dining Room Suite in Mahogany 10 Pieces, consisting of rj Buiret, CO inches wide) "jn CM" Closet, Serving I able, Dining I abjp, 48 in., 6 ft. extension) 1 Arm Chair and 5 Side., Chairs, wltli sllpseatsof genuine leather, as illus trated, at s229-50 fij 84ST. cS'3Rt'AVE menns weakened will power; lack iron ilroroua aumaaful aturdy ! Irnn men hv feedlnir them n met il i lie Iron rtie old i.hi... t uifti.i llo iron mint n throtiuli a dlaea. live nruiraa to tinn.r ..rrn i ,r n ito irailtilo trim .Vmuted Iron l.efore thev are reudv to L. takeji un and asalinlliiten bv tho human era tun. .Niilwlttiataiidlnir all that liua hetin au.i nnd written on thu .uliieci by Hal. knuwn uhvalvlHii. Hi ,'i.indl if liemile atlll lli.l.t In dualna lllohl a ve. viiih nieinlllc Ir'n .imi.h I UMicee bevnu.e It rn.ta n 'w nt le I itronalv adtlae rei dera In ml to a.t h uhvalrlan . nreaorin tlun fpr orranle mn Ni.aated Iron ' . ,r. V V.'u "I'm t want fo s m ml. trouli e Ihefl nurrhuae ,W Iron Ir i In orlalnal iiiirkiia.. ant n, tout i hi. inrtlcular nam. i.S'mlwl I lioni ai, on the pi, knsa If vim hav. taken auch lire, . Uin. it. Mil Btltl lr,n atlll nlhk, .I,r,l!... lr..n nrnduita and falleil to ir.t reau ta remember that auch nr i.lui ta are itn en'I'elv different ihtnat ir.mNui tel Iron " tir .1 .Newman, liite I'ulice Bur reon of the f'ttv of Pti(,,.-A ,...t tn. mer Houae Hursron Jeff.r.i.n l'ark lloapltnl ClllriiKo n i'.,mni.-n!ln in .''1. le of Nuxnted Ir .n ild ' Thla remedy haa tiroven tl,r,.uirli in' own teata of It to excel an temetlr I liiito ever uaed for nil lei bbiod butldlntf un t'.e ', alreiiathentiiv the mua lea and or rei-Mnir illveatlte dl.nriter. The man Ufa. turera are to be tonw tlu a',''! 11 havtna ahen to the rmblir i I'ica 'rlt want h true tonic .u-nuiia Iron In an e.iallv iliac. lid .. d ...m. Ilate4 form A true hesl'n I, idler In everv aee.e r ir,r,t " Iron, arillrh lias btvli med ttr llr IMlllltftl, ind nti er. wiih 'e-h uriiltu; re,i and which U lr-e rllied and ree,tfnfi.h,ld l lUj.lrian. eirrrhere ii not a ret rem. 'Jv by) ,inc "hlcli u well , oraa st.ta, 1 mile th. ollrr liiorsanli' law PrcJ. uita. It ll eatltir alinllated, dm i lit. lure tie -reih mil; them b'ari im tl.e .turn., h Tlie nunufi. .ir-r, i .ranle- aucce.,pn ana entirrir aatltfa lorj rejiilta to atem ounhieHr ..r tho au. rfu -I lour miar U la dUiKtued br all ixa ilruj. UU. JL4ib d n a lift a im o nnA J m rourlttntk 8trt Second Week of Our 24th June Sale "SWINGS" That's the KeynoU of Thit Carefully , Planned Succtttful Evtnt! Fresh Dally Additions Keep Our Unmatched Assortments Complete) In Lingerie, Dallies' Wear f'nrseti. Petticoats Muses While Gbodi Millinery Shoe, JUNE SALE SPECIALS FOR TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW YouiiR Men's Suits OUR REG. 1 21.75. 17.84 Pinely tniloretl Trench and Sack models gray, green, Oxford, brown and mixture, to 3H elicit. Hoys' Suits I n no OUR REC.V.S4 J Semi-Norfolk ami Trench models some with extra trousers light and dark fancies B to 17 yean. Hows' Hats OUR REG. .54. . . . .38 Popular new styles include llali-rali, Pinafore and Drlpbiae dc'irable colors. Trimmed Hats 1 n nr OURJtEG.t8.S0&tl0.00l U0" Summer ModcU in ronihinationi of traw and (ieorrltr idio smart tailored styles white, black, colon. Brassieres OUR REG. it. 10 .74 llonked-front sty I firm tilk fabric of poplin weave all trimmed sues !M to 40. Summer Corsets I 1 Ifi OUR REG. ft. SO J X,AU l.iaht weiuht batiite medium edium (3.10 bust sites 10 tn 30. Silk Petticoats OUR REG. 54.35 . . v. Iianpralilc latleta in various combinations of colors tUltiv uniil biindi all leiiKlha. t Men's Shirts 1 i Of f OUR REG. 51.50 & 51.74 x,ityj .Mercrrited PonKee, woven or printed madraa, corded and other novelty weave fabrics many style stripes in a variety of colors all sites. Men's Pajamas OUR REG. 53.25... t'ollarless coat styles silk frots madraa, poplin and other fabrics various color tripei all sites, TUESDAY One Day Sale of Summer Comfortables Full Size Cotton Filled A wonderful opportunity is here presented to those likely to need bed coverings of a lighter sort for cool summer evenings at country nnd seashore. Savings llkm these do not happen every day! Sllkollne Comfortables This special group roinpriaca an extensive assortment of light, fluffy.comfort ables, some alhflowrrcd, others have plain colored borders, many are reversible, Our reg. ..M7. Our reg. U.x7. ..1.74 . .2.25 Our rag. Our reg. Silk Mull Comfortables 4.12 Neat floral designs plain color borders cotton filled full site. MORNING SPECIALS Today and Tomorrow, Until 1 P. M 76 preVrnt dealers Uiylnk' quantities restricted. No Mall or Telephone Orders. $11.97 Genuine Dtltoi Criu Ruts, . 8.74 ltlch dealcua nnd novelty bor ders preen, blue, tan and hallo also Pxll ft Ill'OH Tlllllli nKin, SO (t. and 65 cl. New Repp Cretonne, yd U jt incites wine t'niqese. cnintz, verdure and metrical designs oi styles 64 cl. Bleached Damstli, id 46 I'lnse weave -blenched. UNn.NH-kllAI. ITXKIH 75 ct. With Bstrdi M I, 'i rue family alee durable), POM! KBIT Tlllim nxxill. 55 ct. Bleached Mutlini 41 tii inches tor s)nule bed sheets, MtSM.V IIAfiBHUNT, H.H0 Crochet Bad Spreadi l.M Kail stre--heavy rslaed deals;na, IIKIi CJtVKItlMIH- IIKKMK.NT. tM Fsslhtr PiUows 2(m2k nnwly mixed- aaaorted ,.. I. link'" stripe tickings. Ilx'K Hir reir 11.12 Kill tMHTUII.Krl IIABUMH.NT. J1.51 Georiette Crept, ji lJt4 l.iultt nnd dark shades, also black and white-durable width for waists, ilresaea, tunica. I KIM Nil Al UN ytIOlt 11.47 Tallctai, yd . 1.09 3.V inches wide- soft chiffon (Inlali dark und medium color. Sil.K MAIN nOII, 27 cl. North; Lscs Flouncinfi, jd . .11 i'ie srn ty of pretty imttcrna Ult'M M US HXMHt. 97 cl. Mohair SiciGenne, yd. ,74 I'teiin tan, Kray. nsvy and hluck -.ill inches wide firm weave uh!i lustre. tlllKMM i()OI)S - MAIN nlOR, 97 cl. Rami. Uncni, yd. 74 icairablti (wr skirts, tunics or onus. M.N TN MAIN KUNJtt. Wm ( rtfih Avtaae Women's Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Coats 'T and Girl Summer Dresses Men's k Hoys Clothing. Hats & Furotihilifs Silk and Washable Blouiej Iloue Dreues and Neitlgees t-WT . IS 1 women s r tocks i o ofr OUR REG. 5J.5A 54.55 I '' Flowered Voiles striped and checked Ginghams variety ol pretty styles. Women's Frocks l ARK OUR REG. 55.75 & 55.75 , Attractive polka dot and pl" color styles Pink, Light IHue, Conen. lied. W'utaria, Navy and Illack effectively trimmed ,., with embroidered or lawn col lars! cuffs and veitees. J Misses' Frocks 1 t? en! OUR REG. 57.74 j Several attractive modelt of firttty plaid voiles dainty col- t ars and veatees velvet rib- bon how 14 to 0 yrs. yt Porch Frocks " A diversity of styles one ," Eiece and belted plaid ging ams, plain rolor chambrayt and slnpol or figured per cales attractive uimmiofs elf or contrasting colors. of .941 1.11 2.09 Our reg. 1.47 Our reg. M0. . Our reg. I.H4. . Extra Size Skirts 5.72 OUR REG. 5SAT. . . Pointed yoke stylet shirred ory panel hacks button trimmed navy and black titri 30 to 40 waist. Girls' SkirLs OUR REG. . .. Pull pleated ttylrt (ialatea cambric .... I ..85 of white bodies sites 0 to 14 yrs. Children's Shoes 1 VALUE 51.55 J 1.47 Tan or black kid button style broad toes wide widths sites 4 to 8. Women's Juliettes VALUE 52.50.. Hlack kid rubber heels me dium toes cushion Inner soles wide widths-Mites 4 to 0. i.l3....2.97 4.7.. . . J.7 Our rf. 3.97 . . , .3.55 Reversible Sateen Comfortables - - Our reg. 7.10 5.4 Pretty (lowered designs some plain borders well stitched (heavy weight). $1.74 Crsps Kimonot 1J3 1'latn colors blue, Copen, rose, wlatarla elastic at walstllnt I'erslsn trim on collar and cuffs. iiot;sK nninscs- -second ruxm. $2.98 & S3.CS Wc-msn's Phiappln Mht Dreiaee Hound or V neck aei lit eevelsea or short sleeve emb, yokes fancy ili'styns- acallnpeii imik''. necit ana sleeve rlhlmn run--hsnd sewed. Mt'SM.N UMICmVt.Il rtUOO.NU KbOOB. $7 cl. Women's Union Suits 47 Made of fine cotton- low neck sleeveless. -tiRht or lace trimmed knee rrirular slsss, Kxtrn sluea our rec. ,7... ,S3 KNIT fNPKKWKUt - MlIN TUKlV., 11.17 Little Beji'Suiti and Rompers, .. .71 I'laln and fancy alias to t years "itllver Twist," "middy" and beaeli styles INfANTS' DEIT -SECOND FLOOn. .22.00 Man's FUnnel Suits 1I.7S IHue. trreen, brown wool, slllc or alpaca lined well made excel lent workmanship sixes ) to 42 fur men und v,tinr men. MrA'St'lirillNil Till HI) flOOR. 69 cl. Mtn'i Athletic Underwear ... .44 Sim velesa shirts--knee drrawers , f ItiAtcli all uliea, :" I'NKKIIWKIH MAIN ITXIOR. .4.96 Boji' Suiti 8 lo 16 rein Tieneli and seml-N'otfiilk f.gS lb mnrtele a .iiiiihfm. mill,iii. dljm nnd dark fund's. 1 limi I'l.tlTHIM TIIIIII) l''MK)R. ;$.74 Boys' Stall 8. SO Wiitst'd. rlievuits and casal-meres- check" und fancies I vitrlitia model--, to 11 years. Iiiiv.4 " I. in IUMI--I iiiiut iAon. - 111 ct. Merctritad Bttiito St 31 Inch --pink and riesli tint. WAHII HHKHH KAUIUC 1IAHIBNT. 42 ct. White Poptnt U 1' or oressea, mtuay oiuuaea ana boys' waah suits; also for unl- "willTK OOOIW- SI .UN YUQOU. 1 'J M i 4 4 if