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I but . COMIC PAGE Monday, June 10, 1918 LITTLE "MARY MIXUP' Even a General Is Subject to His " Commander in Chief"! About Plays and Players By BIDE DUDLEY 15 GeMf5R,ftL." ruse rfoBODY cam P6R.sf;.-G- YOUR. 1 "To -3o ToST WAT "- TK.OUN l A1M WAHTS You J J 1 1 ) LAlARCrt ) r cry - I nOHN COUT lit announcing some of his plans for next season. He has arranged to produce, e&rlr In the fall, two now musical llaya, a drama and a comedy. Mr. Cort will star Josephine Victor In a drama called "Tho Accomplice," from the pen of Max Marcln. Kleanor I'aJnter has been placed under a long; term contract by Mr. Cort and will be featured In a musical comedy en ...I.. i " w I'nthcnne Cms- holm Cushlne. Joseph Lolora nas been enKaged to play the leamns ro.o to "Klddlcm Three." under the Cort rv.i. in nn oiereli. J,outs Uonnlson, after a brief tour In "Johnny Uet our uun. - ", tarred by Mr. Cort In a comedy with niarrca "t ... , M- nw ,,r0. music, in buujmu.. riuctlons Mr. Cort will fend three Tlo-Flo" companies on tour n.i season. IT MADE THOMAS MAD. Juhn Charles Thomas, baritone the Chicago "Maytlme" compat at the Uroaclhurst Theatre, dneai 't "! Lire to have his name all jumhUjd u P. Jt rubs hla temperament the wronz way. Whllo he was In ChlcnRo re cently ho was asked to appear at i rn.etlns of a lhcX Hherman House. When tho Chairman of VhTwtherlng stepped forward to announce Mr. Thomas, the .attcr heard him say: ... ,.in "Ladles and Gentlemen: I tal.o uraat pleasure In Introducing Mr. John Dalley Thompson, the celebrated tenor(i who will favor us with a few "ja'ck Chick became ruffled Immcdl- M"&dles and centlemcn," he 'aid, "my Mme Is John Charles Thomss, and 1 am not a tenor. Oood atlor- "with that he turned and walked out of the bulldlnif. very much provokod- on, excccuiusi)- u. A CARELESS NEORO. While In Trenton with 'Tuck Vp Tour Troubles" last week, ltose Htahl missed a newsboy who used to sell her papers and asked another newslo a bad becomo of him. ' "Ue'a home flxln' up his nose, the boy addressed replied. "o s h0 could whip me. an' he couldn t. 'Which reminds me," said Miss Ctohl later, "of a negro waiter who didn't show up for work one day. An other negro told the proprietor of the cafe that the absent one was In a hoa Dllal. The proprietor asked why. ' 'Well,' replied the other negro, 'he fcen nayln' fo' a lonr time dat ho wux swine to beat up his wife an dl mawnln' she ovah-heard him. ALDRICH WRITE 8 A NOTE. John Aldrich, formerly property man nl the Winter Harden, now a koldlcr In France, wrote tho members of tho "Slnhart" company recently that Hlslo Janls appeared at a i. M. C. A. hut near the trenches and mado a big hit singing and Imllatlng. One tit her numbers was an Imitation of Al Jolson warbling "Why Bo They Take the Night Hoat to Albany7" Al drich wrote with a pencil, explaining ihat Ink Is as scarco at tho front as hllk stockings. One of the chorus rirls who read tho lotter exclaimed: "Whatl No allk stockings over there? In It possible that tho nurses tco barefooted?" , MINSTRELS IN JULY. I Qua lllira Eastern minstrel com ipany will open Its tour In Atlantic iCIty July 22. His Western troupe, Jinown as Ous Hill's California Mln Mtrcls, will start out ono week later. Charlca V. Wilson Is General Man ager for both. George Wilson will Jiead one of the companies. MI8S FRANKLIN TO SAIL. Irsne Kranklln drops us a note to nay that after this week's engage ment at the Illvcrsldo Theatre nho 'Will leave for France, accompanied by jlurt Oretn, to entertain tho soldlors. V predict that Miss Krauklln will make tho hit of her life over there. Hhe'll come back moro famous than was her Illustrious cousin, lion, who used to hang around I'hlladolphla. GOSSIP. From to-day on school children may see "Pershing's Crusaders" at tho Lyrlo at half price. Sue MusManamy, Lucia Moore, Frederick liurton and Philip Leigh will be In "Another Man's Shoes." Herbert Howe, a theatrical pub llclty man. has Joined tho tank forces at Gettysburg. Pa. , Louise Huff, formerly a Paramount star, la now acting for the World yilm Corporation. Clifton Crawford has reclirUteniM his yacht "Fancy Freu" ana has bought It a new halter. ' 'hrlH Putrell of tho New VorU "Maytlme" company will npnd four wcoks ot ins vacation appearing In Vuudcvlllr. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. The man who really thinks he can't, cun't. FOOLISHMENT. II. l.rJ vt MU Mu OTuu't Vi i'rf lu ' Mot, sutl , Ye- Tin jau II. n n in t'en a fui.i ' VANS Mi No Rubbing Required Malces the Clothes Last Longer JOE'S CAR Cornell mi. rr rvM'iniftcj;. im r piii wH4i 503M ) I CAH T STAN THIS ' SUN t56CTlN(S DOWN OM MY UriD. .SUFFRRIN WMKE - IT S AWRJL ! THE BIG LITTLE Crff" fx rZT' r Z' Tlfv ';fw account ) m),?! ri y Jn?T J. - ,L wife t I l GRINDSTONE GEORGE c,nrifti. mi. rr, i,whmC. (W. y. AiiiuWikii FRom FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE. Smull Ilo My father's Rot a now set of teeth. Friend What's to become of tho old ones? Small lloy Oh. I jruess they'll cut Vtn down for mr. Save lour Clothes "My fine lingerie comes out CLEAJY, SPOTLESS, UNHARMED and LASTS TWICE AS LONG Using Jlst fvw luck . -roo!i UE Ml NOTE Tap "TVi t n mas't'ggt mot! .a M ,rJ FAMILY SOMEWHERE ANoSWtS'AOme. i' OM A DIET NOW To KHEP COOL. WMATf YE5, CUCUr-lDlRS, PI CKLUS AN" ice 1 WU,D, fDJ VOU WON'T FEL'l- . fii i I i j , i I rVsHUH-vTo oVM TBLt- ISN'T WATj VQ A CMARl. : ill) 11 7W I II I I t Haii X "AOC A hni.lnflllC L I I 1 LGAVE TUG, tri vc r IN NEW YORK" IS IT HOT MoT. say- ENOOGM i Yoofc, imqinahon'. STOP IN KIN 7 AMI MeVrfiDJ YOU VON(T FEL'U . P : - gJ I I AX, XV A aay;: J ,Wv rafAAM. 7TT jHfVK KIN i in i i na l J I IK1 30HNA BE COMForrrA.QLG'. I J ," fo Cmt conn TO THE THAT! agcntlcman DOESN'T 5nOW 15 5U5PUNOEB5 IM mMPAMV- 13111- rM VrDUI? COLLAP-ami irr MEN DO J L The "End" Certainly "Justifies the Means" in This Case! 7'is Hat Must TMECC IS ice! LUOLNES2 BETWEm X-lXI-- FIGU RATIVIPLT 1 THE PAP2.TY o4 THE rJ iciun 1 IN THE DrePiFT! CONTRIBUTED SMAl.t-VJniGH a 1 5ie Makes Him Go South in His Have Had One of Those "Rolling Brims"! NOBODY (Send a "nobody" I. If AIL. Helen P.aU4cr How They Give Summer a Cool Reception! NO feCAl ? lissen! IP Too PUT A i,ITTUE DOG IN A CE BO -V7AT WOULD SS POSITIOM BE.? CalME. UP? Putep-iN de-Cooler r is Cperpimdicular) - M - BNfcHMtFF- loN-ESSEMTlAL INDUSTRIES Pocket Too Often! DOES IT" to "Grind stone George) HobodyjS wife,. She J i lies UlD A LADY FROM WIIS WEATMEU GE1S ,.'" 1 A, tiJF I (JUST MM THE PeiCE, I'D DIBEW UP IM ICE- ' r-i Cmii c sk .u . r . . 1 I t a Hi. 1 7 I VAN ZILE CO., Mfr.,Wet Hoboken, N.J. Ol. t