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n , ii aaamajnan i mm aree 'iartfh VftjWat. ( ?i ftiMw.ft. frnr.i f ; mil aiupa. ,..i ,! g i'Ui-n-wuma .mH T" . jar . .. ..u.aMtHaJi 'i, .... ... VHE -fi V-BafXITQ WOR-ITDH MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1918. rii- . -Al-'i-v i -v i- v IV VI r i I I N. V IV I A. I i IV I I-"" X tTi HOW AMERLA'S WOUNDED SOLDIERS ARE BEING TRANSPORTED TO HOSPITALS IN FRANCE NO U BOAT BASE HERE, IE OEDOES FEELS CERTAIN issa AMERICAN TROOPS WIN HIGH PRAISE FROM CLEINCEAU Judge Wndhams Chuckles as He Tells of Firing Big Gun at Germans. "TVVlrACa Xlv1t3..lC-nM WQONOCD TO fc Still MOiPITM. CUsorgea Clomenerau, Premier of Franco, looklaR at tho American sol dier In Trance, said to Judge Will iam H. Wadhams nf Now York; ,l,rhc8o are tho flncat body of sol diers I vcr saw." And that wan before the marines had started making history. For three month Judge Wndhnms has been absent from the Com I of lleneral Sessions. He went to France and Krtpliind on behalf or the Muclety of Holdlers' Families In Amerle.i lie lias dm, returned. I "And I (nought with mo thouund , of personal inesrasea from American soldier. to their iMtiilvos heic," he told the icpottiTs to-da. "I'll be , f n..,..,. n inntr timi. "ti'ilvcrtnir 1 11 tncRsaai'" "1 don't have to t!l you," he nent j on, "thai the American troop are In i line ships and ihoek full of tight, hut I what I d' want to p:iy la that we In , Amrlcn have not to our chare-more than we have leen doing to back , tnoro boys tip Their inoralu depends on us " Judsrr Wudhum.s chuckled n ho ( made one little confession that I wouldn't be n chuckling matter at all , lor mm u wi i,eriiio:i -ouoi v.h.m hm, WITH Till: AMKItli'AN AHMIKS4 'I was standing by one cif tho ON THK VAItNi:. Juno 10 (L'nU'.l marine and tho Itoehe uniform Is glv- Krench 7's that w.m supporting the prom). The (Phil of the, mothers of'inu he enemy nn opporuinuj for S3 TWlrACa AM&R.ICAW WQONOCD TO aSlits MOiPITo,!. mr. ""S. JRi't. .rvrlliW. I CAN HO-iPITsl. -TT5tJS.l iri PHIMOU. C TELL MOTHER,' FUST WORDS OF WOUNDED U. S. SOLDIERS; 'SAY THAT I HAVE MADE GOOD' Thoughts of Home Buo Them Up in Hos pitals New York Sergeant Has Chin Strap Snot Off. 74 U. S. CASUALTIES IN THE LATEST LIST FIFTH GRENADIER GUARDS FIGHT AMERICANS ON MARNE SENT BY PERSHING old tWth." he said. "While 1 was chatting with the gunners u message came saying that n certain spot In tho German lines needed attention. And I don't mind saying that 1 had tho honor and privilege of giving that spot thu otlenUnn It needed. Tho 75 Is some gun." "Uut, Judge." said n reporter, "don't you know that makes you franc ttreur una mat tno werinan would stand you up against u stone wall and shoot ou If they could?" 'They cant," the Judite said, and chuckled again. And kept on chuck ling oven when lie wh reminded how lucky ho wm that n submarine had not captuted him on tils way home. As for brlnir shot, Juriiie Wadhams did take a chance on that. He was I under lire tMce time when he vis- Itea ine troni nne, rrawnnir irom i America liat.K oer the Marne. aslncj marines, machine sunnur:t. infui.'ry-i men and artillerymen fight to iva Paris and turn the tide In the most critical moment of the war. I! 1 of the mothers tlie men In Hue are thinking. It I to the mother that mcKsages from tho wounded are being sent. The rtv.iplalu leaua over the Incoming stretchers nnd asks the soldier If he wants a mersagu sent. The llrst wotds of I'ae leply almost i always arc. "Tell mother line boy, who wuii seriously wound ed, said: "I've been n sort of wanderer for tho pas hlx yiars. I guess the folks thought I was good for nothing. Hut now 1 wish ou would write mother for me and Just tell her I made good." TlmtiuhtM of what their mothers shell hole to shell hole, lj Ing flat on. , ........ ,k i,..v.. his Judicial stomach when the shells " , . , ' were too Inquisitive. I Uiem up in the hospitals. n Judge Wndhams nent ilrst to I,on- same thoughts hne made them tho don, where l'e made some Breeches: t,.ir,IM of tho Murnc. The marines have made nil their badlj wounded one of tin- marines In nttarks with full packs, weighing thirty pounds. These packs were shot clean off the backs of some, with the bearer escaping entirely or with only ft sllyht llesh woand. A sergeant from New York had tho caln strap of his tin hat shot off anil s-rurr rnnVJ;:.coRPL Gordon, wounded a ti'ing tae men who participated in I'jcf lU'.its. Koine of them had Leeh pa n nd by machine gun bullets with out the wearer being touchod. Others h'Kl 'heir rim fairly ripped of. nr.d their ci-.jwn.i dented like eggshells. In most eases the wearers got only trickery by cutting off tne stioulder straps of their own uniforms. Tho straps have n red line Jiear the edgit and regimental numbers, also In red. When they nro removed It Is hard to toil the lloche uniform fiom that of the marines. nngllsh-spealtln Hermans, with their shoulder strops thus removed, endeavor to get Into the American lines by crying, ai they advance: "Don't shoot! We're marines!" The marines are Intensely keyed up. I'he wounded rcmunstrtite utrnngl) ugaln-d being shunted Into a hospital. At the field hospitals they practlenlly all object to being removed further to the iear. They beg for perml.Mlon to remain as close to the front as possible so as to be able to get back Into action that much hooner. The fight hasn't been taken out if the Americans by their wound. One ambulance brought In n lloche and Several New York and Brook hn Men Among Severely Wounded. WASHINGTON. Juno 10. The War Department to-day reported seventy-four ensualtlej from the American llxpeilltlonary Forces, di vided a follows: Thirteen killed In action, tlvn dead from wound, one dead from disease, one doad from airplane accident, one dead from ac cident and other causes, foity-s'.x wounded severely, seven wounded, degree undetermined. I.lttits. John A. Hwlng. Dorchester, Mum., and Kdgar Alfred Ijiwrenre. Chicago, were killed In action. Capt Charles W. Aiklns, Wlntersnt. In., German Artillery Heavily Bombards American Forces in Picardy, but There Are No Infantry Attacks. V H H THE AMERICAN ARMY IN 1-RANU:, June 10 (Associated Pres..). --While llic Americans in I lie .WontJklier teflon were subjected lo 5 lie ivy bombardment yesterday, no inl.iutry attack against tliem port, in. developed during llic first phase of the new battle. The Americans are waitii and ready for whatever may happen. A:lcr a ni;iit made red by the crashing of guns, it was expected that l!v shod; might come at daylighl, but apparently the Germans spread their theils over a considerably wider trout than that attacked by the infantry. Attacks in the Marne sector have again been repulsed by the Ameri cans, who inflicted heavy losses. The French repulsed two attacks against Hill 3o I, west of Chateau-Thierry, the first at to o'clock Saturday night, and the second at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. French troops captured a wood south of Hussiarcs last night. Clinton J. Iavllt, Cambridge, Mo.! William McAllister, Marysvllle, Ohio; .Stephen A McD.mlcl, Klngwood, W. Vn.j Coarluss J. McKce, l'uuxzut nwney, l'n.; Clydo Mc Kinney. Mor gan, Tok. Private Joieob Muleahty. No. 121 Proipect Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Privates Michael Ncsta, lllgnano, Italy: Karl Nichols, llloomlngton, III.; August C. I'abst. No; 301 Herbert Street, Syracuse, N, Y.; Amcdeo Palazzo, Nntlek. It. I.: Frederick II., Cambridge, Mass.; l.eimard M. Zenz, Heaver Dam. VK PRISONER PERVIOUSUY RE PORTED MISSING. l.lent. Klmer I). Mnekey. MolCecs- First Lord of British Admiralty Doesf-I Not Helieve Raider is of New Giant Type. LONDON, June 10 (United Presi) "It In too early yet to forecnt what the presence of a German suhmarlnr off the American coast may portend,'-"! "1 said Hlr Krlc Oeddes, First Lord of the Admiralty, In an Interview with, Jr v the I'nlted I'ress to-day. "On the , V one hand It may be merely a sporadic , raid similar to thai carried eut by the ' V S3 earlier In the war, or It may '.' mean the beginning nf n serious sub-, . murine cnmpnlgn off the American' const. i "There Is no Indication that ther hit been n sudden Increase In the number of enemy submarines. On the. contrary, theru Is no doubt wc,l urn sinking submarines faster than the Hermans nre building them. "Possibly n submarine of tho con-"-verted Dctitsehland typo Is being used In American waters, t do not believe she Is nf the much talked of giant submarine type, hut she I probably of a type with a long cruls-i ing and operating radius." - Sir Krlc raid It I possible the ' Hermans might h.ivo been able to establish n. furl depot on, tho Ameri can const at some Isolated point, but he does not believe a submarine bnso with n repair dock has been estab- llshed. f A new German division, the Fifth Grenadier Guards, was identified was wounded in notion ami Capt. (,c Americans for the first time Saturday. John T. Costello. HlnRhamton, N. Y.. .... .lrjierv fjrc (lt. ''0lll front ll.lS Slightly diminished ill UlC wn wounded severely. Lieut. Llmcr - pre- past iwcniy-iour nuuis. It is understood the entire American lorce pariicipanng in tne secoiw battle of the Marne will be decoratfd by the French Government. Clp rlnnd's Son KiitUla. PHILAIMIM'HIA. Juns 10. An nJncriifnt wns insils to-lny that Itlrhsrd Foisuni Clevehtml, ton of futnier l'rnnlilciit (Irovcr Cleveland, hn i'iiliste.1 hi u prlvata In tho Mnrln Corps. Ilu hid named to enlist evitr sine ihf wor tx'KH'i. but was lined to onlt WOMAN GETS WAR CROSS. rrrneh Amliolnnre Driver Spfed Wuiinitrd I'niler l'lrr. PAItlH. June 10. A wotimi autnmo. bile driver attached to the army medlcil frrvlcu has Jtut received tho Wrt. Cross. Kite la Mnie. An llubllKny, who brought In wounded from tho hattlu field on aoveral ot'canluna under fire. Iter father was hend of the Pontnl Service In the Department of A lib, und, nlthouRb Ii" whs over sixty years old, he enlisted when hi son was killed at the front und won promotion to a Lieutenancy and was awarded the Legion of Honor ami tho War Crofa. Nn llnuil MhnUliia at t'onfrrenrr. LONDON. June 10. Hrltlsh and Gentian delegates who met at TJo Iiaguu to arrnngo an exchange of until he hud completed his Junior year jirlsonerM of war did noj, shako hands, t Princeton but merely Imwcd. pris ma ry then to France. He visited llhclm , nnd saw what barbarian shells 1 ad i done to the dihedral. "The grim determination of Kncland and the splendid gallant of tin French," ho , aald, '.ire beyond all praic. SERGEANT KILLS HIMSELF, i three marine.. The evidently hml mnoiiiit to 7,33'.i. 'I hi toiai v.isu.uuu.i been In sotno sort of nn argument, for i,r,. iilvlded a follows: lilespito tlie taei tue were .in prcuy ... m.toir... vited the lloche ti- "hop out and f lit. Thu Interference of thi attendants wasn't required to keep the Hocho friin accepting. Owing to the constant Hunting few ollleers or men. eiti-er .n the Imu or out. knovi the dny "f '.hi week or the date Mn bet. ate mode on this Chimp Dti soldier linds Idle Wlillr Home mi rnrliinicli. Perjt Wjtlii P. Ilrpje, nielllbfl- of (the Kng'ieeiltig Company at amp Int. cotnni.ucd su! Uo by shooting lihiuclf ' In t'le head ut hi liorne In WetnIJ, N. J., lift night No rejaoii for the uit Ii kn.iun. us the ercant had b-en ehetr- ful thrniixhotit the day and Uv'foiK go-1 lag to his room to laue hi lire h.nt been playing wiin cnnjten at tu home. Hiriit lleetii had Jut teturneil un n tenty-fnitr-hoit" furlouzh II wai twenty-foil ears old. a fiWht sculp wound, if The elmllarlty In color between tho TWO THINGS TO MAKE YOU HAPPY- vBOYlj ENLISTED ON READING OF GERMAN ARROGANCE Bronx Wan Stands Over fi Feet Private ( iarber, Wounded, Only Nineteen. C.rpl William riordon reported In! to-day'.- rasiialtv list as seriously! wou'ided :n action, llvi-d at tho homej of his slslur. Mrs. An'hle (iordon, No. 781 HI ton Avenue, the Hronx. He - is twerity-tlve years old. Mrs. llordon said this morning that her brother, who was horn In Newfound land and who came to Ihis city three years ago. cnllrtnd on May 2.L 1J1". He had been reading in a news paper about thf way the Ounnans were trying to nin thlnx to Milt themselves when he suddenly enst he paper aside and said- "I'm going t. i tillst " lie went in 1'iame lnt ugust. Cordon is 8 fc t 1 Inch In height. PrUate Arthur fiarlxi. also re ported a seriously wotindid. accord ing to his sister, Mrs. Pauline Fie. land. 01 No. 5U0 West Street, Is onlv nineteen year old. 11'' was born in Itussia. (larlier enlisted in thn army at the time of the trouble ! with Mexico, lie went to I ranee on I th. tlrsi iranspoit to liave these i Hhorfi S-rgt Joint Karrell. wounded, when D. Mnckuy, McKcesporl. Pa.. lously nporteti mslng. Is a oner. mm.a ..or. ...i u'nr r ..ti.ii I tnrnt sum- of American casualties to duto ' UhitiUASS I'r.urht. iiUrnnartnu. PARIS. June 10. In an article in l.a Liberie, Lieut. Gol. liousset ,i0M'says that American co-operation in tlie war is developing rapidly and f n: it.. -J 1. tA I -iiKit i .ta iniiirAct!ili Pied of wounds I'liiiiaiuiy, unit is utiiiiiiiif; "--p mij.iwjiw.. Jk, ...v pied of disuse i.i'Ji n,e more so as American resources are organized so .u to supply 2011,000 Pled of accidents and other , m.inl!lv 894 1 '" . v . - iniil' Us; Wlnslow Cornell, Hlemp Ky. Corpl. William Gordon. No. Bl Elton Avenue, New York City. Corpls.. Harold L. Ilnrd. Addison, Mich.; Merln II. Johnson. .Monies 'Hill, Ind.; Hoy J. Kracmer, Fond ilu !l,ae. Wis. Privates Karl C. Illake. Met:. Ind.: Thom.ui I. Ilrown. A Union. Mass. Corpl Uithuny Plcollo, Potmvlllo, Hrivato Jonn cataie, no, on ,,a :11th Street, New York City. Private Sa'iiuel Ituchalter. Col- I I'rlvutea Crofford Cagle. Ilortnn, Wtt PURE LARP j;- Hh ,eaia,rw ; I jfrism. ISBrW ll ' Ijii qgsp ingsyj nnn1.. Gobel's Leaf Lard cause Wounded In notion Missing In uetton (Including prls oners) 34'.' 3S'J Total To-day's list follows. KILLED IN ACTIONi Lieut.. John A. Lwii.g, Dorchester, Mass.; Kdward Alfred Lawrence, Chi cago list.d a ser in New York h'x hrother-ln- AND THE OTHER IS Th.nt you can eatisfy a pretty Fealthy hunger with n coupl? of A'tif Taotsic Rolls. I '''''T''u.-. - i I . ,1 11- l..i. I ., S 1 iiiaihi Lis Iimne llli U" hi'1 law. John Itelll), of No J.VJ1 Klghth Aienue. I'anell enlisted m Toledo, lo. about 11 year ago. lie hail former. 1 l U'en In thu Fn. ted .states .Merchant Mailne service on the I'm I Mc CoaM. lie went to France about m month n.'o iif a prlvut". lie is now a ser. .emit in u niuchlne gun huttullon. CANADIAN CASUALTY LIST. OTTAWA, lint , Jure 10 Tne follow -ln: . ii . r..'iin a-i inentioie d ui t i-day'a 'i.i n.linn asu iltv II.. I ' p.. 1 of Woiindi-W '. II e'n. Hi. Pun.. I". Doyle. Kt. Albiir Wounded- U L '''"io nmiook. Mont. A A. Il'rilck. ). P tersbiirg, I ii . M .MierHiik, lirand It 'iii'ls. Mich.; I; tourasmi. Westvillu. Mae ' Mi K ..;t, Alsmeiii, t'nl.; I' Muhe, Ta c.i . Wiuh. Ill W M rip-iuldlli. Johiinllie. Cal. ' ik. id F. .1. Ku Meei.ii..e Full. M F Jnik. 81 John, Ml" Ii J P .Mar In " ' ,nton. O ; It F W.-.itbjii. U. a Uahtr. Uuffato, N. Chester, Conn.; Clarence Fields, Ash land, Ky.; Henry Wlrhy, Applcton, Wis.; Ouy Lucrpabol, Mohler, Ore.; Howard Morgan. Covington, La.; .lease Prlne, Covington, La.; Oscar F. L. Schacfer. llnscclton, Pa.; Joseph It. Smith. Wetser. Idaho; John Vutta, Poterra, Italy; Ocorgo C. Wright, I lllscoe, N. C. DIED OF WOUNDS! Privates Walter llruce, Lowell, Mawi.; William II. Ilormby, Fall Hlver, Mnss.; (lust Kale. Chicago; John I'l. King, Asheboro, N. C; Mac Wlngit, Murysvllle. O. j DIED OF DISEASE. I Pnvnto llic W. Waltcrman. Kam rnr, la. , DIED OF AIRPLANE ACCIDENT. Cudet Jefferson O. Myers, Moon vllle. Ind. DIED OF ACCIDENT OR OTHER CAUSE. Private F.lslo Lewis, Madnun Ind WOUNDED IN ACTION DECREE UNDETERMINED. Capt. Charle W. Winter set, la. Privates Dwlght K. Carson, Moun Ajr, Iowa; jLtnes W. Hewitt, Cr. a ton, Iowa; Anton Jlrkovskl, Cedar Itnplds, Iowa; Lee Jones, Andrew, lowu; Josepli L. Madden. Wa-shlnto:i D. C! C'len .Stnilley, Pittsfnril, Mltb WOUNDED SEVERELY. Capt. John T. Costello, lliiiBlumt hi. N. Y. Lluut. Spencer J. Sears, Men lam, Park, Minn. Serj;t. Malcolm C. Clark. Mtmplus. Tenn. Gerot. John Farrell, No. 2331 Eifjhth Avonua, New York City, s'futK. David A. Flake Northamp ton. Mass.; Jaber. P. Vollj, Htnlth vllle, (a.; Alfred Mcl'ool, Lomlonilcrry. Ireland; Wllllmn F. Murphy, C'oshoe ke.n, Pa.; Charles L. Smith, llrookllne, Muss. Gerald W. Quinn, No, 751 Union Streot, Brooklyn. Curil. llermAti Caunon, Mluucapa- Tix.; Dennis (.'onnell, Nnnthoke, Pa Joseph H. Crownrleh, Hamburg. Ark Walter Dunn, Homer City, Pa.; Hr roll V.. Ihnshw lller, I.eroy, Mich.; Wlllard l'liuiklln, (Ireen Moiluliiln, N. ('.; HtlHsell II. Fr.mtz, Catosuu qua, Pa. Private Arthur Garber, No, 500 Weat 176th Street, New York City. Private Virgil T. lllb. Victor, Mont.; Patrick U. Cloodwln. Lawrence, Mass.; Walter (Ireenwald, Chicago; I Karl M. (luerrln. Mast Jordan, Mich ; ! C. Hagerty, Spencer, Iowa; C'harlea II. Hayes, f'yrnciise, N. V.; Loren V Hlt.eroth, Han Francisco; . 3 r Says Pure, Wholesome, Sweet To make sure that you arc using the highest quality lard ask for Adolf Gobel's Pure Lard when you order. It is made from selected lard stock only, and rendered with the most scru oulous care in the great, clean Gobcl Kitchens. Every .pound is 100 lard. Contains not a drop ot water. In purity, whole somcness and cleanliness of manufacture it has the indorsement of Alfred W. McCann. At good food stores in pound and half-pound cartons. From Gobel'a Kitchens y y For sale at all good delicates sen and food stores. Frankfurter! Bologna Slicing Bologna Liver Sausage Cooked Ox Tongue Cooked Ham Smoked Ham Dacon Cooked Corned Beef Pure Lard Lion Milk BRAND EVAPORATED or CONDENSED V. S. Coirnmnt ImptdtJ fi(it(iiimnt So. 31T Morgan Ave. and Rock St. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brings out "ChocolatyTaste in Cocoa,-. Win a $150 Liberty Bond (47 olhtr i'nif nnrl In every contest ant will be mailed FKEE our new GOOD FOOD BOOK, "The Milky Way") our Contut Pamphlet, g.ving omplele detail. H an of cur Premium Sturej or writo for it to WISCONSIN CONDENSED MILK CO. 91 llutlaon Street Alexander Shoes Women's Smart Pumps $5 $6.50 Fonl brown nnd snliln gray kill-kin pumps new slender lnt; 1 oni. heel.. White ( 'nnvu l'liinpt nml Oxfords, C'ulmn or low heels, $4 nnd $5. Sixth Avenue at 19th St. (iiintnctal nnd iiitfitt leather al pumps with j-raceful J.niiH liffls; light soles.