Newspaper Page Text
rv r tIMii if ' i mM .MKtV- a in,,, " iiiibm-iii i umitin nnifii n mm mm WORLD, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1918. COURT rmiH BABY. tteUm When lloaband 1 Sent to I'rlaon. When Judjo Slny, In tho Brooklyn County Court to-tiny, sentenced John IJelflore, convicted of inansliiURhler In the first decree, to Sing King for six to twelve years, his wife, the mother of seven children with a hnby In her ornn, iell to the floor In a faint. "God have meicy on my chll.'rcnl" he cried ntter slw had bom revived, what Is to ticconw if them nowj" Belfloro colhipMHl when leaving the courtroom and had to he carried out by Attendants. A brother, Snlvntore, is linked with him In the chnrcc of mur dering John Romtna In n quarrel over a card name, mat Feoruary. ooooooooooooooooooooooo Your Tea-pot X and "SALADA" BERNSTORFF PLOT RICA I! ooooo will tell you a delightful story. ' 6 Sold only In metal packet NEVER IN BULK g B434 0 oooo oooo ooooooooooo Teeth Without Plates perlorlty the German mlllloni wto were to be the Instrument of achieve , ment. With devotion and wal worthy ot better caUM they turned their energy Into " thone channels which would aid the ruling class. "Wo must to on with the war. There Is no other way. This task must not be left halt done. We must not trans mit to posterity a legacy of blood and misery. We may In this gnat con ( flirt go down Into tha Valley of the I Shadow becnuse our foe If powerful and inured to war. "We must bo prepared to meet dis appointment and temporary revurse, but wo muBt, 'with American spirit. rise above them. With coursgoom hearts we must go forward until this war Is won." A military atmosphere pervaded the commencement ceremonies. Sec retary Lansing and Ocn. Peyton C. March.. Chief of Htarr or mo Army, re Ing pcaco among nations can never ctplenta rff tho honorary degree of ....... Doctor of Laws, were escorted from be brought Into harmony! compro- ircsident njchmond's residence to the mis nnnni .von Vi rsinAf.riA." i First Prcubytcrlnn Crturcb. where the . . . . . . . exercises were held, by more than noDori innsmg, secretary 01 oiaio, ii000 80ldlers of the Second and Tenth declared hero to-day In an address Itfflments of tho New York Guard. os honorary chancellor of Union Col- latlng class were absent on account of i. . mil tary duaej. Frederick Putnam Jlollamy of lnstanco after Instance from his nmoklyn, n member of the Class of 1868, rocoived tne Honorary aegreo or Envoy Knew Germany Would Resume U Boat Atrocities After It Gave Pledge. SCHENECTADY, N. Y.. June 10, "Prusslanlsm and the Idoa of endur- own experlcnco at tho head of Amer ica's Foreign Office wero cited to prove his point, because he Assorted, "Americans, even thoso Intellectually equipped, havo but vaguo Ideas of tbo attltudo which made Prusslanlsm possible." "It Is a fact not generally known," said Secretary Lansing, "that -within Master of Arts. Tt.ii Standing on Cnrb lilt by Aatn. Two persons were Injured at Fulton Street and Myrtle Avenue, iirooxiyn, to dnv when they wero struck by an auto- mobile while standing near the curb. Tho Injured are Mrs. A. Dmp,cy. of No. iti Herkimer Btreet, lacerations of the rlxht leK and left knee, and llene Burger of No. 1005 Hart street, con U I Save Decayed Teeth, Tighten Loose Teeth and Treat Diseased Gums. J SETS OF TEETII, C!d and Porcelcli, Crowp' Bridgework, FiUints and Inlays of Gold, Silver and Porcelain carefully mode ot Reasonable Prices. BADLY DECAYED TEETH and Roots carefully extracted. " Teeth thoroughly cleaned. Broken plates repaired while you wait or if sent by mail, 5 ptt.BLOoyk 5 2EtlZ5tli0Si?W9ri?ast3tthSt 5 S I.E.COIl.tTIi ANE. N.W.COH.IiJ AVB lOI'KH II A. M. lO 7 I'. l. DAILY MrVIIWH l A. M. TO : P, M. ber In laclles unaerwear, owner nna driver of the automobile, was arrested charged with reckless driving. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief DELL-AN S tFOR INDIGESTIOM Ui.llilAAl. til.LillkA hi rrosl- 10 lu t)K. CO crDU, 1 unj )iui 1 " tin lo.r Intcinne liun.fdlillr. Jlifr 'l"" no trlrlnj ot .iu o'li . kiml t.f u iTodi ctiirtlc, DilU. ttc. ..fWnil for Mmi.f. to K.VI'l)N til l. 1. lliton, Mvl ,.i? Bi.r.iMlans of the back, llnrrv six weeks after tho Imperial Govern- Fedtr of No. 21S7 Pacific Street a Job- ment had, In tho caso of tho Sussex, given this Government H.i solemn promise that It would ceaso ruthloss slaughter upon the high seas Count von IlornstorT, appreciating tho worthlcssncss of tho promise, axked tho Hcrlln Foreign omco to advlms him In amplo tlmo beforo the cam paign of submarlno murder was re newed In order that ho might notify the (jtrman merchant ships In Ameri can harbors to destroy their ma chinery, becauso ho anticipated that the renewal of that method of war- faro would In all probability bring tho United States Into tho war. How well the Ambassador know the character of his government an.l how perfectly frank ho was! lie asked for the Information without apology or Indirection. The very bluntnc.ts of his message shows ho wai sure his superiors would hot tako offenno at tho assumption that their word was valueless and had only been given to gnlu tlmo and that, when an Increase of (lermany's submarlno fleet warranted, the promise would bo broken without hesitation or com punction. "What a commentary on Horn- storCTs estimate of tho rennn of honor and good faith of his govcrnnii-nt! "In view of this spirit of hypocrl and bad faith, manifesting an enllro lack of conscience, wo ought not to ho astonished that the llerlln Foreign Ofllco never permitted a promise or a treaty engagement to utand In the way of a course of nctlon which tho Gorman Government deemed expedi ent. I need not clto as proof of this fact tho flagrant violations of the treaty neutralizing lielgium and tho rcrent treaty of Un-st-Lltovsk, "This diiH'rcdltnblo characteristic of German foreign policy wat ncccplml by German diplomats as n matter, of course and as a natural. U not a praise w-'Miy, method of dealing with other jrovernmcntH.' The rnuso of the war, Ir. Lansing I said, was simply tho Gct-man desire WOMAN IS KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE IN SIGHT OF HER SON Youth Came to Meet Her With fetter From Another Son in France. 1 Whllo her son stood waiting on nn opposite curb at 10th Streot and Bv cnth Avenuo to-dny with a letter in his hand from another son In Franco, which he wan anxious for hla mother to read, an automobile rounding the corner from 20th Btreet struck Mrs. Mary Connelly, nfty-flve yeara old, ot No. 219 West 20th Btreet She died (Vfteen minutes later In her son's arms In a nearby store. The accident occurred- when Mrs. Connelly was returning to her home at lor her morning shopping. During her absence a lotter cams from her soldier boy, Daniel, In Franco and Peter, another son, went to the .corner to meet her. Tho boy in Franco had wrltton that ho won well and expected to lie home shortly. In his excitement to rush to his mother's assistance Tetcr droppod tho letter and It was lost. Tho "chauffeur, Frank Whllm, nine teen, of No. 733 Seneca Avenue. nrooklyn, who was driving a ear be longing to the Economy Towel Com pany of No. 33 Park Place, wa arrested. According to the police the woman saw the car approaching anu sno hesitated, as did the driver, for a second, nnd then they both started ahead together and the woman was struok with such force that he was knocked Alteon feet. There wns eonsldcrxble excitement In the neighborhood over tho accident as Mrs. Connelly had been a resident of that section more than lorty years. Her hiiHband Is engaged in tno ex press business. Hat Shop 50 WEST 46TH STREET Special Sale or Exceptional Millinery TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY r-Btcci 5 and $10 Values $20 to $50 G$BF for world dominion. USC "That was and Is tho central thought of Prusslanlsm," ho nald. "It excited the cupidity of tho governing and wealthy classes of the Emplrv. It 1 t Am'fTStlooforrr.lrrirKii.tur.lfolortor.TM 1 . . , rJed bir, for rrmovloe tadrurr n-l m huuW dazzled with lt anticipated glories and rXu'ycN.'A.'" I'V U- Promlio of u boasted racial su- James McCreery I Co. Sth Avenue 34th Slree SPECIAL VICTROLA OFFER Buy War Savings Stamps James McCreery & Co. 5th Avenue ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. 34th Street June Sale CORSETS & BRASSIERES High-grade Makes Mme. Irene Coraets, made of hnndsomc Brocade; very low top; long straight hip lines. .77." 9 I rcgulurly 15.00, 8.95 Mme. Ireno Corsets, made of Flesh Color or White Brocade; up-to-date model; for full or medium figure. regularly 8.50, 4.95 American Lady Corsets, mode of White Brocade, with clastic top; long, straight hip line and back. regularly 4.00, 2.45 B. & J. Brassieres at Vi to 54 Less Than Regular Prices. Made of lieavy Nainsook; trimmed with lace, Liccor Satin and Lace combination; open front models. 75c, 1.15, 1.35, 1.65 Specially Priced KIBBONS Lingerie Ribbon Dainty self-color Satin butterfly design, in two shades of Blue and Piuk; also White, Maize and Lilac. Piece of 10 yards No. 1 VA 2 3 5 29c 39c 55c 75c 90c Black Velvet Ribbon yard 60c Black Sntin-bnck Velvet Ribbon, benutif ul quality ; suitable for millinery, girdles and sashes; inches wide. Viclrola XA, $90 Viclrola XIA, $115 With a Purchase of $5 in Records we will place the above $90 or $115 Victrola in your home on the payment of $1 Down Balance, XA $5 per month; XIA $6 per month Remarkable Sale SMALL OCTAGON-SHAPED BRACELET WATCHES 13.75 " regularly 17.50 An exceptional opportunity to purchase a desirable Gradua tion, Birthday or Bridesmaid gift. 53 Bracelet Watches, guaranteed 20-year quality Gold-filled; octagon style; engraved or plain polished cases; convertible extension Bracelet to match; fitted with a guaranteed 15-jcwelcd lever movement. Unusual Offerings EMBROIDERIES Attractive Embroideries in a large range of widths, suitable for trimming dresses, blouses and children's wear. Cambric, Naiusook and Swiss Embroidered Edgings and Insertions, in very pretty designs regularly 15c to 20c, yard 8c to 10c Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, in dainty patterns; suitable for trimming children's wear regularly 25c to 50c, ynrd 18c, 20c, 25c Embroidery Bcadings in various widths regularly 25c, yard 15c Exceptional Offerings NOTIONS Naiad (jartnent Shield Holders, with regu lar and full Dress Shields: regularly 1.50, 1.35 regularly 85c, 65c Naiad Bolero Dress Shields, with regular or full Dress Shields: Flesh Color regularly 80c, pr. 65c White Nainsook regularly 70c, pr. 55c "Reliable" Dress Shields: Flesh Color Inr 27c, doz. 3.00 White Nainsook covered.. pair 20c, doz. 2.25 Rubber Bathing Cups 25c to 75c Bathing Slippers 55c to 1.50 Bathing Shoes 1.00 to 2.50 Treo Elastic Bathing fiirdles 1.50 to 3.50 Trco Elnstic Athletic or Bathing Supporters.. 60c to 2.50 Venus Sanitary Napkins: Twelve in box 60c, 70c and 95c Six in box 30c and 35c Venus Compressed Sanitary Napkins doz. 65c, 95c Venus Sanitary NelU in Sateen 25c Apron Dress Trotectors 30c, 45c, 1.35 Venus Sanitary llloomcr Aprons 45c "Hold Tight" Hair Nets, cap or fringe doz. 50c, 85c, 1.25 fame in While or !ruy 3 for 40c Hone Hair Tins 3 boxes 25c Enamelled Dress Hangers. ,ca. 10c, doz. 1.10 Dress and Skirl Hangers 8 for 20c Wood Shoe Trcea 4 pairs for 25c Lord & Taylor nrt jStbStreot FIFTH AVENUE 39th Sxreot Founded 182S. Fura and Draperies Stored in Cold Urn '1'r l'cl- -rcciej M00 Pershing's Tlftcr Marines Are Hitting The llun Line In France Join the bunch of fighting thoroughbreds, for service on land, sea or in the air cast in the same mold( with thei soldiers of Cacjar'j famous Legion who with their liaudf whipped ten times their weight in Huns I ' U. S. Marino Corps Recruiting Station 24 East 23rd Street, New York. A Sale of 9,200 Pairs Men's Fine Half Hose Lord & Taylor standard grades at material re ductions from Lord & Taylor regular prices The more pairs you buy the lurgcr your savings will be Hosiery prices arc advancing and whitt man ever has too many pairs of socks? The Fashjonablc Weaves, Styles and Colors of the Season r Lisle Thread Half Hose 35c Paf (3 pairs for $1.00) Mercerized lisle thread in black, white, navy, grey, suede and champagne. Silk Half Hose 55c pa,r Silk half hose with lisle soles; black, white and various colors. Fancy Half Hose 85 c PIr Silk and Silk plaited in a large variety of new stripes and color combinations. Silk Half Hose 95C Pair Full fashioned with reinforced lisle soles and heels in black only. Silk Half Hose $1.55 pair Two-toned accordeon weave ribbed silk with lisle soles; black and white, black and red, black and blue, green and white, blue aj)d white. Ground floor I Every Spring Garment In the Lord & Taylor Misses' Suit, Coat and Dress Stocks Reduced for Immediate Clearance Presenting a most Unusual Opportinuty to make se lections for present wear at exceptionally low prices. Small Lots, Odd Sizes, and In some ma terials only one or two garments of a kind. Tailor-made Suits, Spring Silk and Wool Dresses, Coats, Capes and Sleeveless Jackets Marked down to close out at once. $15.00, $25.00, $35.00 and up No C. O. Ds No Exchanges No Mail Orders No Approvals TAiril Floor v s A Sale of Lamps At Very Special Prices Artistic Lamps and decorative shades, most desirable for country homes, because at minimum expenditure affording maximum effectiveness. A variety of styles, from which to select, all at prices which represent the acme of value-giving. ' AdjuHtable. Metal Floor Lampt Lamp liases ol the graceful type, so much in demand for veranda use. Verde antique or brushed brass hnish special .T.UU A Group of floor Lamps One or two of a style, including solid mahogany, lacqucredj gold, ivory and polychrome finished Lamps; many choice designs; wired com plete Reduced to $7.00 Floor Lamp Shades About 25 odd shades, in charming color com binations ami unusually pretty de signs, slightly soiled because used for display purposes. Reduced to $3.50 Boudoir Lamps A few of a style, including solid mahogany, ivory, gold and lacquered lamps, many of which have been great reduced Special $1.50 Boudoir Lamp Shades Dainty designs in practically every desirable color; many novelties. Reduced to 1.50 Pyramid Sight Candles Special a box 30c filth floor 1,500 Yardi White Ribbons Specially Priced 33c 48c 55c a yard The Summer de mand for wide white Ribbons this season so much in vogue is met by this timely offering. Fine quality Tuffeta Moire Satin Taffeta Faille and Brocade In widths 5, 6 and 7 inches. (irouml floor. Owners of First Liberty Loan Bonds May Exchange Their coupons (due Sat urd.i. June lO here lor Thrift Stamps, ar Sav ings Stamps or cash. Buy War Savings Stamps Now3e 3 ft. r I