Newspaper Page Text
"a. MONDAY, JUNE 6 EVENING wobJld, 10, Wf8. Don't miss it for pa rfay Ever y li o t weather meat, and vegetable will taste the better f(ir JUUUU5 OLD INGUSH Sauce MADE IN U. S. A. At Grocers and Dp Irnlcnncn Store. Mad b E. Prittiurd, 311 Sprinf St.. N. Y. WORLD WANTS WORK WONDERS TOLD WIFE TO FORGET HIM AND MARRY A GOOD MAN Letter From What Lmyr Calls "Gentleman of Elegant Leisure" IntroJuccJ in huil. An unusual letter was Introduced to dy before Justice l-aiatnky In the Ku premo Court In Ilroohiyn In the niipllm tlon of Ilobliuon V Thompson for n dloliiton of the partnership of himself nd lili wife, Helen 0., In a braid mill at Corona, I I. William 15. Btewarl, attorney for Mrs. Thompson, denied Thompson's claim of a I2S,000 share In the business "Ho I a (ftitl'itmn of elepant leisure." Mr. Htewart declared, "who look advantago of the relation cxl.tlns; between hlms.1f and his wife, lie ail around tho olllc. read .tirwp.ipr. smoked prood clltara nnd run the Into debt." .Mr Stewart submlllid n letter which he said Thompson left for lila wife when lie went away la at Kritlnl-r It rend i m m m ny m mm raangraraTAi i.v. m i Women's Sweaters it rfi Htg, 7'irul. Mo at McCutcheon's The latest models in all this season's colors and shades arc here in variety, an interesting assortment to choose from. Shetland Wool Slip-on Sweater Sleeveless Black, White alul color, 5?2.9S to 5.95. With Sleeve Purple, Tan, Pink, Rose, Copen hagen, Sky, and Black, trimmed with White An gora, 7.50. Fiber Silk Sweater Block weave, lare sailor collar and sash. Copen hagen, Pink, Watermelon, Purple, Lavender, Khaki, Black, and Black and White, $10.50. Scotch Brush Wool Sweater - Convertible !uwl collar. Black, White and colors, $11.95. Chiffon Alpaca Wool Sweater Tuxedo front, full back, with sash. Black, White and colors, $15.75. Pure Silk Sweater Vancy Stripe design, Plaited back, with sash and sailor collar, $25.00. Pure Silk Sweater Novelty weave, shawl collar, Plaited back, with sash, $42.50. Fifth Avenue, 34th & 33d Streets 112 m m i . wan trq w jm it i r v1'. ni niivm mm im .aa nn w nva mn a. m nv. rrr SlSTlea tCi.tland Wool Slip on Brro.t.r. 13,73. "Don't bother about ni any more. KorRpl me if yi.'i in- Oct n dlvorr and. if jnu inn t ' aorno Rood mill marry aiinin. Iiu' ibovo nil bold onto your niotK v in i be should turn out ilka m Tako Rrmd "" "f Helen mid Konny 'Me lilni a ct"'l "I'H'iillon If ytm cm afford It 'I'll bun I m dead, no lbit lie v,lll rniK"! m. ami don't tell Inni what kln.l of n fmlier I w," "llrlMi. nf itiiirK'. know what I am .imt rb" alt kn"" wbnt I buvo b en nnd III fotfc. in'' " YEOMAN, ENGAGED, SUICIDE. Ilrnil, Un l Mnrry St, .tii.riih (Mil I (.Irl Aflrr tbf Wnr. Tho N.dy ul Prank Jnifph llrady. twinly-afven of t. Joavph, Mo.. yomnii In tin' t'mtoil Btatea Navyf ho I in ns "I hlndf In tho Clarendon ttotnl. Ilrnoklyn. waa tumid nt lo the I'Vdrrnl i.tit liorit!- lo-dny. AmonK hla efforti ttn h ph'i'oicmpli of n pri'tty. datk-lialrd Kill .th "from Homiibndy'r 8rtlifiiif wnli.'i on thf bark. Tlirt" nulled and.ntnmprd lettera liy on a tnblr. One i nddroaard to Mlsn Maritarrl llrady. N" .1918 Moll Htrect. Knnana City, .Mo unotlic r to .tamra llrady. So 132(1 Sr. ul, .1t, ntrtrt, m. .To.iepb. .Mo. nnd ibe third lo MIm CpcII Clnrko No ll TaiMf-r Hlroit, HI Jo aepli dranatrli in 'I'h' IJvi nlnir World to day from lt loriianondf'iit nt HI lonrpli Mo . ami) Ilrndy wna enuaKPil to be married tu Mlaa Cecil Clnrko nf Umt city. It was tier nhotoxraph Dint 'una found nmonc hla ffffrta. .Uaa Clmki' did not know u! Ilrndv'a don Hi until o Infnrmrd bv Tlu KvinltiE World coripapoiidi iil Shr hud ricelved a lot tor from lilni limi week nnd ha wna In a ch'erliil mood Tlio wrddlns wna to take pl.u'o iilUr Ihn war. i'rt-vloua to hla enllatment llrady won n clr-rk In i fit. Jox iili bank. HER JEWELS GRABBED ON 'L Hand ThrnnKli Open Vlnilt nnti'lipil ll l.iin'a l.n vullrrc. Marin I.MriR of No. .',07 Kait 17th Httert u atlllriK at an eaat window of a Third Anur "L" train Hhdi It (topped ut ISth ritrent at 1: 3'J thla nmriilnr. ThrouKh the opn wlmlow a man'a hnnd rame. aniiicnen .in jhiir n (iinmomi tnvallero from the r.i'ck and wlthdrow. Aa ahn acrranied Capt. CouKhlln of tho Ilrooklyn delectlva reached tho atntlnn platform with n bound and nave chu to a man ho went downatalra and Into tho iiniM of Patrolman Kdmtmri Ilurke of Ihe Hast 2Id Htreet atatlon. Tim prlaonei mid lir wna Nlcolo Catn UNO. No 3IH llaat 12th Hlreet. and the polloo any he haa an Klmlru record. The 'ivnllrru a not found TOO ANXFOUS TO CONVICT. It r ii 1 1 la rreedoin for .Man A ff lined nf rrlfillliiiin Aamiutt. Hy lliclr oMrm-Hlouanean to aocuro a conviction of Peter llurlln of No. Dl Coffey Street, nrooklyn. ihurited 1th felouloua niaault. M-vvnil wltneae called In the enso Kl"ed for him n auaprnalon of utitenee by County Judri) Dyku in Ilrooklyn thla uiornlriK. llurlln, ilit'V miiintnlned. hud attacked tho riod aliiitle-hiiniK d nnd Inflicted var ious nnd aundiy lnjurl.. "Vim nriiteat too much." nnld Judee Pyke. "I rain billew' tunny thlima, out 1 wiin' I bellevo that n limn III hla ilKht acuta, who cured a alruw for hla life, would mix up with u bunch ilka you." llurr KleU llreilkn tliiy'H .IntT. bile leudlni; a horan betonRlnf; to IiIh father, nt l.orlmer Ktroet and H, nr.ilHny, WllllamaburB, to-day. I'h'llp l.olne, ten year' old of No, .11 M )nro Htreet, atiunbled and fell. Tho animal Ulr.U"d him In the faro brvnklntr hla rlRht Jnw and mmn. and tinrnpli'd hla bndy. lie wna taken to the UMIll.unahiilK llOHpltal. PLAN WORKED OUT TO POOL RESOURCES OF ALL ALLIES Propo'd! to He Submitted to Wilson Would Make War Industries j Bnard Supreme. ! WAfitllNOTON, Juno 10. A plan fo' pooling- all tho iesourci of ttin United Htatej and Ita eo-belllrercula Into oni nat iconomle and war machine, nn wlilr). (iv.fiimMi cfflclala and Allied repr. entnllvea nn' working will be aub- ml'tid roon to rr.Mldent iIon. Tl.i. nninnaal. under eonalderatlon fo' i-onii. tltn. la In the hand J of Chairman linruch of tliu war Industrie! lionru. who hai rono over It with other Gov rnnieiit offlcra nnd membera of the Alllid mlaalona here. Aa outlined, It contemplate making the InduMrlei Hoard virtually Industrial dictator of the nations aaaoclntrd In tht war npilnat tho Central Powers. Need for ureater co-ordlnallon of In duatrlal effort, similar to the. iniillnir of the mllllary commands under Sen. Koeli. ha a been atresaed by nfflclnla hntb In llm Culled Htatea and In 13n- I SAYS IIeFdROVE PERSHING. Chnutf. nr. Held am IteeMean 1rler, ' llaa Honorable Army l)lebare. I Anlhons Andonlo, who aald he J acted aa chauffeur for Clan. John .1 i l'eiahliiB nnd had driven the Amer1-. man niral alon the French Ilnea for mnnthe, waa arraigned In ! ihe Adama Utieet Court, Ilrooklyn.) to-day on a chuiRe of recklea drl- Inir. Andonlo exhibited on honorable d achat r?e from tho United Statea Armv for physleal dlrablllty. which Iih i?nl wna due to poor eyealffht fol- lowliiu Ran attack. Moglatrate lley- no'.dn paroled him for further exam- ' Initlon. ' Andonlo. employed as a mechanic , In a iiarace, went for an auanaoned auto van, tho ateerlns: gear of which vnti nut of order. In trylna to net the truck back to the sarnffe It sic isKiitd alone the street. DECREASE IN FAILURES SHOWS DUSINESS GAINING l-cdc; il Reserve Bulletin Reports W:ir Conditions Are Njw Being Overcome. WASIIINOTON, Juno 10. Ac oaiphih Ir.r an almost complete eronoui'c read Jiiatni'i.' in thirteen months. American b Mlnea ho i fit n record In iiieetliiK ur condlllotia In the June federal lleaerve flullotln data Is presented show Ir.B the gradual decreasi In rommetrlal inotiallty us evidence that buslnesslmen bnvf. been able to cope with wnr prob- ll'IIH, r.xclti."l" of b.iii'.ilna and othci fi duciary aliapentlon, tho flrat threo weeks of .May show only SOI loniino-. clal failures In the same period of 131 nil firm were forced to quit busi ness. Knllures In April, tho laat month for which coinplcto figures aro avail, able, lotnlled 006, while In April, 1917, 1.0CJ fallurci were reported. It Is esti mated that May failure will full 11 per cent below those of the eume month Uat yeat. ' Crop conditio . a hava Improved de cidedly In thu laet month. Tho labor question atlll threatena lo hamper the Haiti-ami ui n uuiuper crop, uut uiero are Indication of Improvement. Wane aonerally are on tho Increaic noaton-.err Vorb Mall l'llaht I'ott poned. nOSTON, Juno 10. Poatmaater Will lum K. Murray of tlostoti will ride In tho flr.l airplane which carries mull from Iloaton to Now York, ho announced to day .Murray appeared at the atnrtlmr nciu iii'u.j io inniif- ino irip. out It wna called off after Aviator Webb had communicuica wim .new Torn. Tnllr Ilnrt When IS err Orlenun Klyer Jnmpi Trnek. I.OUISVIt.Li;. Ky., Juno 10. Louis-villi- and Nashville psasenrrer train No. 7. the Now Orleans flyer, was derailed nt iluber .station, is mile south of lrfiuiavnie, into ycsierusy. -twelve were, cut nnd brluaed. MAN'S BODY FOUND AT BEACH ChMuffrnr'a l.leenae Indicate He Mteil In Manhntlnn. Th. ,.f a nM tiitinntfil lo he tli j t of tlenurdo .Monclova. a chauffeur whose retldrnce was No 11 Lexltiton Atenuu, was picked up to-day by Prank Utteuwood, a life tuarn, at the eastern end of Manhattan flpsch. Tho body had betti In the water several weks, and was fully dreaeed. tn one of the pockets was a cnautieur a license una u on Ihe coat bore the number of tht lltenne. A cut over the right cyt was ","t:0l". ered by the surgeon at Kings County uoipiiai, na me ponce wei uunmu. OBITUARY riOTES. Ambrose n Adnma of the dry goods firm of Admit and a member of tho Hoard of Dltentora of the CltUeni National P.anl:. died at hla home. No. '! Park Avenue, yejtcrday. aged fifty sfve n, nr. John Marrltt. for many years a Physician of llrooUlyn. died at hl home. No. s: President 8tret. Brook lyn, yeatarday, aiftd iventy-two. The Most Ilev. Jusn Oontalei. Arch bishop of hantUfO, Chill, Is desd In that city. 1liul. Uoula It. Cowdrey of the 5lh IteKlment. New Jeisey National Ouard. la dead at his lato home In Vatslc. sged forty-six. John It. Sueaie, formerly Manager and proprietor of the Wtstchenter Hotel in Port Chester. ! dead at hi horns In that place, a(ced rlfty-alx. Mcnla Maal M'na Slan I'reeil. The livening World on flaturday pub lished a report of the (Uncharge by Judge Craln In General Selona of four men who had been In the Tomba l'rlisn alnce laat November on i chvge of murder. One of the mei. atiarged was Nicola Sassl, but through an error In the re port sent out by a new association the first name wa-i given as Michael Instead of Nicola. The correction wa aent out by the newa association. tOO.OOC I'lre nt Caribou. Me.. Destroy I'neSve llnllilliiS". CAHIBOl'. Me., June 10. Damage caused by a fire which destroyed ten buslnesa bulldlnga and two residences horn early to-day was estlmxtul by in surance agents at IKO.OOl. W. H. BALDWIN'S OUTING. Salesmen Aealn nent OfBer l'oree l lln.eball Patrlollc !percbe. Woodward lialdnln & Company of No. tl Worth Street, held their firm's an nual oullntr at Wltitl'a Grove. Long Island, on Saturday. In the hascb.illl same, the real thing of the day. the aaleimen again beat the offlce force by a aeore of It to C, It. llrunkhardt pitch ed a brilliant game, Joseph Ilmvnn, the well known lawver, na the umpire nnd ha escaped without a slnelo bruise. After the ball came several Rood boxlne bouta were held, Ono waa between W. II. Baldwin and hla brother. C, C. Bald win, once famous at Harvard aa n foot ball player. They fought 3 fast round. After dinner there wera rpeeehe by Mr, Baldwin, Mr. Itowsn, J. W. Dor sey and 0. Wiltshire, all on various phase of tho war. Two members of the National Army wero tho tmesis of honor. CREDIT TERMS S3-Do.vnon$50'00 V Ma AA 5.00 HURRY AWAY PIMPLES, RASHES WITH POSLAM Don't let them remain to lilrmlsh and annoy any longer thun It ttikrs Poslatn to heal them. Ami I'oMitnt Is best eaulpprd lo do the work because Its lienlliifr powrrs are concentrated. Apply l'ojlntn nt nlglit nnd cave It on In the tlnytlmc tno, when i:on venlcnt. It acta quickly. Vim fan soon See benefits. I'oslam Is liarmlrn. So effective Is Po.Iam Hint a little of It will cover a lurfe surface. It it. Its QV MA TY, not the qunntlty of It, that dors the work. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Kmergency Laboratories, -J43 West 47th St., New Vnrk City. Poslatn Soap, medicated with I'nv lam, brightens, benutllles complexions. Advt. 7.50 15.00 254 75.09 .. joO 00 i50." 200'00 inn-oo Apart mtnts FurnlshtrJ Complst Frera JSOIaJSOO FKEE BRASS I1LO lib 9 Ullli P.ori Open Saturday Evenings 104tli ST. L STATION AT CORNER CiaarYcurSltifi Save Your Hair With Cutiqira Houp. (M.l , 1 limp wt of "oikxw. Drt. t, Sotaa." Sunday World "Wauls" Work Monday Wonders. I'naanli- NrTradealer Vote to llan Olr til I'nlillentliiiK. At a mt-elliiK of Ihe Pnaaalc, N. J., tlewad.-alnrH Aasoclnllon yesterday ac tion was tnUe.11 nnd the following pre amble wns rend and revolutions adopted: 'It having come to our knowledge that certnin perrons in tho City of Passaic and nearby towns have called on mem bers of tho association nnd by threats of withdraw I11K their trado and other 1 methodf of Intimidation, havo tried lo j Coerce nil'lliuer 01 lilia namjuiunvu iiiiu not handllm,' certain publications here- tafor sold by thrm. "AgHlnat such proceedings we, as an organised body of trndesmen, residents and taxpayer, hereby enter our vigor ous protest and irsolvo that aa a matter of aolf-protcctlon we pledge ourselves a an organlzaton to conduct our busl li(a aa heretofore and sell all publica tions for which there is a legitimate de mand until such times as the Govern ment declares their sale to be Ulcusl." Hoy, On Krrniol. lilt by Auto. While cn an errand for hla mother to-day. Harold o'ltnurke, six yeara old, ff N- 51 Kloyd Street, Williams burn', wu run down by nn automobile orlven by Hyman Hlrachnwltz of No. 101 l'loyil Htreet and Internally In jured (In was removed to Ht. John's HoKpltU.. Oppenheim,(llins& 34tli Street Now York An Extraordinary Sale Tuesday Women's and Misses' Silk Dresses Afternoon and street dresses of Crepe dc Chine, satin, chiffon taffeta and combinations of taffeta and Georgette crepe in the season's desirable colors. Specially Priced, Offering Exceptional Values at 13.75 -a 18.00 Women's and Misses' Cotton Dresses A large assortment of exclusive Oppenhcimer, Collins Co.'a models in the desirable materials in white and tho colors and combinations now in vogue. Attractive Dresses at More Elaborate Dresses nt 5.90 8.90 15.00 19.75 10.75 13.75 25.00 35.00 The Entire Remaining Stock of Women's and Misses' High Class Coats and Capes At Extra ordinary Reductions 1. Allmmt $c (Cn Thirty-fourth Street V1ADSSON AVENUE - FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Thirty-fifth Street Fomtlhier Proce Redmctfioinis have been made in Womraeo's Coats & Coatees remaining from this season's assortments. A number of desirable styles (but not com plete as to sizes) are being offered at 324.50 & $32.00 Higher-cost Imported and American-made Coats and Wraps have been marked for clearance at greatly reduced prices. A SpecSaS Sale off Lingerie Ribbons (5,000 pieces) will be held to-morrow on the First Floor. A recent purchase of satin ribbons, in white, blue or pink, suitable- for lingerie use, and especially woven in a dainty Jacquard design for B. Altman & Co., will be procurable at the following price range: Summer Bed Covering's at much less than usual prices will be placed on Special Sale, commencing to-morrow (Tuesday) per pair White Blankets . S6.S0, 8.50 a 10.00 All-white Blankets, cut and bound separately, Per Pr $8.00 A special assortment of Individual Blankets, also Blankets in pairs, because of the limited quantity in stock, are marked at reduction prices. Satin-finish Bedspreads (with embroidered scalloped edges) Size 2 yards Size 2y2x2 yards each $3.95 each 4.75 No. 1 1 2 3 5 .7 9 38c, 4Sc, 60c, 75c, $1.10, 1.28, 1.75 per piece of ten yards Extraordinary Valine ami Women's Umbrellas and Parasols v:H be obtainable to-morrow on thv First Floor, at $3.00 These assortments are in the more desirable colors, 'the mountings in the prevailing styles, and the quality of silk used being suitable for cither sun or rain. Imported Bedspreads of Striped Dimity (plain hemmed) Size 2 x2 yards . . . cach $4.25 Size 2x2 yards . . . eacfo .25 Comfortables Of figured silkoiine (cotton-filled), each $2.75 Of figured mull (cotton-filled) . each 5.25 Of dotted mull (cotton-filled) . each 6.75 Of striped mull (wool-filled) . each' 9.50 MimsflDini Sheets aed PiHow Cases at SpeciaS Prices (Department on Fourth Floor) The Camera Department is showing an interesting assortment of Kodaks and Kodak supplies, and has recently received a new stock of films. Prompt service in developing- and afL PPsW