Newspaper Page Text
mtiitmwmwBmmmmmmeM se-v d mi j-tt k e r ro-.f-m-a. ' 1 '"CT1..,1.1.". '' It ' It -. open;camp?visitors'house;' Rallt l.r Nittlcnnl Catholic War Coapell fur Mvrrltt Soliltrra, Tho Visitors' House of tin National Catbolla War Council at CniHo Mcrrltt wai formally oocned Sund.iy afternoon bT th nt. Iter. Patrick J. Haves, of Nfr" Tork. The Hoiti. built thu NaUonsJ Catholic War Council. In whole namn It was turned over for Ilia uaa of soldiers' relatives bv Jolm 0, Afar, of New Torlt, Theamrar of tlia Council, waa equlDDcd nnd la manned by the Ladlei of tlia a-KompIs rocletV of New Joraey. The nouso cost about llfi.noo, A aim liar, but laraer. Vlaltora' House at Camp Stills, now nearly cotnntotod. Is to coat ISO. 000. Headaches Caused by Eyestrain are permanently relieved only by wearing correct glasses. It is dangerous to neglect your eyesight. Reliable Eyesight Examination by Registered Eye Specialists. Cerrtctly Pitted Glutti (ram $2.50 w EttablUhtdaS Yean New York: 184 B'wsy at John 8t a3 Sixth Ave., 13th St. 330 Sixth Ave., ud Ct. 101 Nassau, at Ann St. 17 West 4id Street. bttt . . . TT . . 1 . c Tl 1 e. vj ONLY INDUSTRIES ON GARFIELD LIST WOUNDED VAR DOGS TAKEN TO LONDON FOR TREATMENT "4 Jflj fl) TAIN COAL CAN OB Essential' Plants to Be iNanied and 'Non-Eessential' De nied Fuel. WA3III.S,OTON,( June 10 Publica tion of n list of Industrlnl pin iti showing which are consliltred es;oti tlan or non-essential, Is Imminent, It wai learned at the I'uel Administra tion to-day. I'lcnta oo tho "w 'to list" win bo cited by name, it was mid.'rstoog, Kuel Administrator Qsrfleold has de termined openly to announce who shall ki fuel nnd who shall be left out. Coal thortnro next wlntor Is al most Inevitable. The only coursa U to distribute the shock of enforced curtail ment as early as uosslble. T!v xlvlnr early warning- It Is honod to uut at real ! doubl. In the minds of business men OE TUB FEE SHE WAS ONLY TWEHT Use "Tiz" for aching, burn ing, piill'cd-tip foot and corns o- callouses. "Surtl 1 ate TtZ very time for toy foot tronbla." 1 t SCOTT NrtVbON t, Wl Pfc HAms.f? TEHIE.W TWlCR WOUNDKD, mi WALL STREET GOSSIP .1 f United States Htocl Corporation Un tilled orders totaled g.:t J7.623 tons d:i aa to Just where thev stand on the n- 'previous month, when toUil wasS.7II.M2 tlon's aufforance list. tons. On .March 31 total was S.OjC.ttH. Offlclale of the War Industries Uonnl "d ll'tM-MX tuns on .May 31. 1917 are believed to oppoe announcement Nlplsslnc Mines Coniun -Prodiir.-.! of such ,i lift. ThPV have been work- In Muy silver valued tit t33R.t7 and Ine secretly to effect savin In the ' tJilppfd bullion ami residue vuluml ai fuel Industry. (J6St,6X. This compares with April out- put of $:!a,617 and ahlpmtmta of .,i&i Ontario Silver Allnlne Co. "JuaiitrrlT dividend of 00 cent, priyuble July 5 to CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sale of 119 Women's Taffeta Dresses $16.74 These dresses were copied from higher priced models of smart and recent fashion. The taffeta is a fine, firm quality not usually found in dresses near that low price. Unusunl care lias been exercised in Hie workman ship mid good taste in the llnisliiti'? touches. There are three models, ench of them .simple, tasteful, well mude, nil of them pictured. Ono 1ms it long tucked tunic and organdie collar nnd cuffs, another a short tunic with pockets, r.nd collar and cuffs of embroidered batiste, tho third has a long flaring tunic, and hand embroidery in silk on the blouse. To Choose One of thcac la to Have a Dresa in One's Wardrobe That Will Prove a Stand-by for Satisfaction. Sale Begins Tuesday, 9 A. M. Third lloor. nilh Htrrt. We Sell Dependable Merchandise at Prices Lower Than Any Other Store, But for Cash Only. Wltti nt iUnr 'win frerluut cW. )... t .ltli, rLilrrtt I iu. lift tKUr i Aoi. Oar C 'ili llrr. Am. 111 I Am. It. A ti . Am Unn-nl . . . An, Iax. . Am b'ua. Tui. . I Am T.! A Tl I Am. Vi'Uer C At.a.vo-U NlinUiC I Aliil . 1 .V -V T iiuii. in U'. 3 HI no (-' m; N, Mi . 1HV 1U!iwln Uvw. I SM el H ctf t hwaimka u Ohk tl ISiic. M A. HI, 4.1 Vite it I. It I'M I CMdi) V ' W'l I Ccrn 1'ml iou C.. iiiu ClJM -MIW. 3U'k I . wru . . Iclri-U'! Vrrtir. lnu..llri a S. 1 1V7 IlltPr, Mrl .. V'i"4 K.aTrmrwrtt'rW .. 4 T.V.rfv titl :iU& W TO 11.1-,.'. I.,.,, i.t l". iKV'jn t ,tort If an a. is w; UnT. .MU IU VJ 44t M't an in? MJ SI I.-.' CIS M. 42"; SOS :.). (its , 1ISH in .iM V I 4I' M'l SJ lu'k, lsS f--.4 HIS hts r' M f'."- ' IC4. 4. .S - . ;.'4 - '-4 ftfW s 40 .', - . H '.4 Tills ta thf tlr.-t :'' k rfcoiu Juiic :i. Iltldi'llil nllici' 11)01 Atluntlc Hulf tTwZfl Indlos rt. S3. ." I'ttinblni'il Inruiiui mvount for year ended Ui'o .H h(iw. mimiIih Alter all rhnri-s f'.t.ill? r.l'J, cmminied tVltli K.2J4. 1,117 In iilfi. l;.iruliifH on ruin tnon nlofk i"o iiinl lo I6.fi7 11 lur' nftot prefoiii d tin Idonds. iid.itnrt HQ 02 in 19IC. I litn-it lluitKti't On. of N. J. Iti'iruhir tpurti'rlv dividend of II. "0 J .4I1.111' en r.iiiiliiuli Ktoi'U. plv-jbld July l!i in nloi'U it'curil Jinn' '-' S II. Kreas On .Mny le. 31,6:.I.3CC. iin'rert. in.: per oerit. Kivw inonlhs ilui 17,1:17. IS1. Iiicrrusc f l.ur,7.13J. or 17.1 per cent. I'rrr- Marqiietto llnllw.iy Tear enrtort tVp 31. nuiplii!' after alluwlnx foi div idends o ntlio 5 per cent, prior prvloi nee Mock was eutiiil tu 15.44 rhnre on llm S tn r i:nt. (irffcrn-d stock llrrrcn'f In Mfi-I I ' 1 1 f 1 1 iTf I tlrrlrr. rnflllMl (irdert iif tlir Ul.lted filnti ( Sionl CNuporotlon on May 31 werp Ion. uivoidliiK to thn rurpnrn linn's monthly ttittemi'iit IkkupiI loulny. Tilth la u ilcci"ui of 40 1, '.'.': tniM linn pued with the mdeis on Apill SLACKERS IN SERVICE CALL, I TAKEN IN RAIDS, DESERTERS Police Kimiht-l p on the l;.isl Side Results in H)l of Draft Ago Ikui, AneMeJ. Ono hundred mill one men selxed as nUoHPrs in a pntlrn round-up on the o.Uit aide JeMerday nnd Inal nlrtlit weic taken hrfoin lli'lr local draft hoard to-dny. Thine hn hid been clufaified nnd culled for servlrn will Ue sent lo Fort Jay as deserters. The men who failed to appear for physical examln illicitly and classification will tie ex amined, mid the eligible ones will be sent lo nrmv eantiinmiptu for servlre M:in.v e-ial sldo bo.irdn wiin tnmv I11-1l.1v with this weeding out prnces. The round-up Included all the pri Llncts soiilh of Hill KlreeL I'nllromitn ftnpped all men suspected of f.illtnrf lo file their uuesthinnalrcs or whn V'liild not fchnw their reitlstrntton cirds The prnnn"ra were locked up ov r 1 1 pj(?u.icir noc, NDro N"TMCl' swollrn (ret, leiulrr feet. III. d rr tillllll-liyc, ('ill U.S. I'lllltlllMft, Illllill.lM anil rnw spnls. N'n 1111111' ohou tUlil- iipss. no inure llniln; with pnli, ,ir ii'hi Sev..H oi. ..i.. U!.e.i lo tlm l"iwlnn ini yiiiir fmi' in 'n" lli..l l.-,f..i ' I'ol SUllon. ! m,',,,,'!,.V 'll!.'" '.t'.l.."'; -Ha- .lr..i 1 1111, mi , piiisiiniiiH cxiuUtiiiiK 111 all tho-e mild not In- rtCiomniodiiteil , wlilrli puff up the frel. I s,- "'." ihi'ie, some linn enl In oilier nriuby , ntnl wi'.ir Siuiitlcr sluies. IN I'll" pu'eifu'M Twenty mn wore looui-il up at the r.llx.iheth Streol million, el,,lit Ht Ollnton Hlirel and l t .Meuer .Mi! Iiuw Mini fnrjirl yunr font uilerv iiiiifiirtnlilr ynur feet feel. (id 11 US cent linx uf '"n" nmv at any ilriiii:l ' nr ilqnirtinrtit ihin-. Diin'l mi Iter. Iliu i' uiiml 1. 1 Mark Mnuatakl tiwliiy1 rompleted liU 1 ,...,..,,-, ..,, . ...,.. . " n" ,.., ,, ,, pimnintrril nr umm-y refunded. -Ailvl tweiilv-flrst enr as uu Interpreter In tin- Court of Sesslom, He was roiier.ilu'ated bv .ltil stoj. and I'ourt ,-iffielnls Moustal.1. who Is n rintlvn of Ori'i'Ce. ennio In llni t.'nlted Slates stales In 1W. cam" In the Culled Mlrttri III l settled hero In IMK. I In I, cilii" nil aKent fur the Society fur thn I'rfvcntlim of Cruelty tn Children nnd n eai Inter lie nm iippnlnlnd an oil nliil Intirpretei For Infants and Children !n Use For Over 30 Years Alwuya lieuis the S'natute ol 14'.' r.'7 .11 N 4 im, i, l'.7'4 4- I t STll 't 47S km. 4. i; f,'H, J. . W.M HI - 10 01 Mi - it HI tHl 0 v; no - :!u J7S 47 Sr lit HZ Mm cc ii" ifSlI in? inc. 4fi S! - M.llraii l'HlltLtfUlU 1414 Ml(lr' Mttl 4tlS M. llirJiV ...... 'Jlft N V. I'nitnil ... 71' j V . .V X II. . 41 S Ohlu Ultlfi !... J7',4 Onsrlo Sllr lift IVnn. II. U... .. 4ltn 1'itU .V W. . Htlt I'M ,C. ct M -, I'imwl fclMl lU'lm , WS Kei, hll ' VrJ Air IJi. , a pl Air Uwi vt '.OS Slwlilr Oil ! f1lth.TTl I'arlfif,. -S SmtJari ltallwu. -h Vin.lMli4Lm ('., .... 4.i". Itin (' .V IJVIO. 11' IVI., 1-41. 'HI. . . HI' Totucim I'n.llli'U .. I. ivium rar sm-n m nion'. . . llM's I' lull A!vol. K"S'. S r- .... ' Herald Square New York IPl HELP WIN THE WAltl Buy Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps They Can lie iioubiii m Any ucpuriniini ."itoro In the City and Hundreds of Other l'loces. im 4; Ltll 71 ' 41 37 it;. 43S :us ws h7 b.1, '.'II VI tti Wt. 41 IM. I 4V 01 s to i'n'1 i .' II.! Sit - i i tlf -J. ' a i 4:1s .l"l4 till K.4 - 7 Vt -VI .v n i: InftS 711' i It s rth rs Vir Csr " '"leTi .. 4:tni iiAnur.i' , Wi:l Oi" i"l I'o r; iiiikienn T.Ut M.t IM "CO tlnpo 4Si 14 t!i', vj'i 44t IHS 4. 1411 1- ! 11 'i IS (MI IS Uii'., S isa ; nr-1, - 1 I Ml' 1114 4-l. II Ill. - ', i I SCIENTIFIC DENTISTRY: TrhWlfhpuf mflk Loose Teeth in Plates Full Sets of Teeth. .$5.00 up Gold Fillings $1.00 up Gold Crowns, 22-k . .$5.00 up Silver Fillings . ... 50c up Aro you suffering with "loosu teeth," apongy, bleodinB Bums, offensive breath, etc.? If you are, consult me at once, before reaching the advanced stages. By means of my new "Electric Treatment" I have accom plished some wonderful results In tho treatment of this dreaded disease of the gums, commonly known as Rlgga Disease. This treatment is painless, coats but little, Dr. Salter, Dentist, 491 Fulton St., Brooklyn n sura to set lb rteht nlaee. irrinoaits Aftrunam Hours a. no in 7 so. Bundar 9-1 J. i Straus. L.aflls In atttndqnce, BELMONT PARK ENTRIES. RACP. THAOK. Iini.MONT PAUK. N. V., Jiinn 10 The i-ntrlei for to-morrow's racea lire ns follows l,'ii;vr lIMii; tor ,r ' M np-i -4itsl: f4lnurs i.-wn fnrl..Ti -".h r'.-ime Shani!i."liT. llli. (hnwii. nil lii-wn CiJi 107. 'i' ih: IIi. iui"f II I lii-i-1 HuUsli tali IMn r. til: l tjim'n , 111: iwhir nil; ;.i'.I.ti ':! 113: Isulln (linn 1. in: l.iiWn nr.. 1 '"ine w.. n: .t J Isl'.w. 1l; l' iiiimi II'' luwlllli, t'S; 'P.1-.IU- li. S'nrfifirb in. -niiu St. 11.1. M'CONli IU' R- km !! fieMr olds siM uu: .1m.lll1.1iM. mm io "J'J,--ISnk-An. I.M lniiirl-r. HI Snur- lir 1WI- iS'iimi! 141; lmii- Ilrnl 14H: lliJbln Oirf.' 1 I4.1- 11 isslsn I'n. "W TltlllK UU'K l"..r "i"i"ir'il emull tlo-ui: en- mll Olsn'vr 111 f ir-l'.iriun;! Imn 111; Z.nllli. 104: sj.uiiKir.' linn 1(11; dueUn-l Imp. Ill- Hon ; I aif. II. Orestss Imp, 114: Timf.iii In 1 lift. PlIl'HTlI HA- r. r 1U-''-ii fnr nllt tn.l in. !- niilt- -ll l.i.i. Ilf 'Mr Mn lnl- li.fknui!.- llli- Wiiintv in: Tr"ih Otli miV J'li.iir. II: .Uriih lio On U.1 mTH Iltci; P..r u I. n lr ol 1 : -llliU- nri nit s UK furl, nir- HViiilm; II . MIlw V,vl f vim I 1IH '"t I Tnji 'lun 1C6; P4.I.'.' lli' I"' I luti 11 (Ml: I.ark. stiuuia 11(1 11111.11.I i'-ni HI llni-mii I tnl- l 107; Silisna iloiiii HO- lwi lll.' rn.l nVj T'Kt. 1' 1M. M I'f M', itnni 101 ynl Hi M. nv li'ii. inn. I'mU Aini.i ti Mrf "' w 1 llT SiriUr. m 110: 'llld'r lisl Anil'i i I "7 Onil l iml I" I' ' r !, -! 1 I'll "slX'plf It A'K -fur (our r,t 'Ml tni ;rii l.tti-.n: ' 'Wl, -ir..r' U ,116 ' H''4ln 111, 1(A- 'Mf Knn-r l' .' M .imjuiMf im- iinn-ii i'" Muti I. n'J- Ms'tnirn-f ' 1 1 l'-"it'in I.-nn inn N4iin 107 I'iiiH-i." V i . "J'fJ'n Rimo I'm I'miiw-u-r IKi -r !1 lt.-n-r 10', AmsniUi-i il..iiui.4 ni' Wssllur etou.n tw LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. l.nt-lKVIl.I.R. Ky.. lum 10 The 1 I'll 14 fur lo-ninrrinv's rucet ai' 118 fol- lon s: riuT liven -run- im t " .-smiiu iii.i on. uulln.- .t fnilii a ''' i1.,!' Jlnn Ititfisftt lliV- 'lri. n-;,'' "f1- fo.,' 107. JwHn,, 107 1.1't'- I'"' ''-J' Jf"i ll.U- 1H7 1' inskr Id. I7 l.1on 110-in-, mm.- ini J.'. '.I." l;m Mmio Jl.1 A i Wrr Hrli 1'I7 'i tnij Kin l,i.i IU. 110. ikdaaiu. n7 li" lull 1 'll 'ft ' t ll.l"i i"'"" lj. '",0-icir-t.lil. Ms .trl.ia - 1 1 . h;f-,,f n, IHTi. i Ouici. lift INiinr I!" -r 113. Hll TirillO rtAfl "4ttai '"n-i 'Y! r-jM'Irts mlla ami ii' !t, ''!" litla M 'l5iiii. 10:. M.R Wind 102 Ulnu 14 -S . "lar'n II.ij '' I t. rXll'HTII IMf t'ir 11 ism- l"iiii.irt Il.i.m. i'i t ! v-ir-oM4 H''. h.M u lor. hast llc'..-i. Sl llm I'"' V, ;V"t','",',r,V' 103 i Ills' 1 Aru'e 10.1 J 1 M'nluuk, loCt HlVllX 'a'AllfilW Hw. 'M.Jrold4 ind ouMd. ilinninc. mils tml tinili -lllfsi, ll). KUr.lT4. UU. M'ri.MlUB. 100 HlXril ltiT-.VB-l7un. tlirwjnsr-elJji j0 mstrl. tn lurlonn t'-r' l",,n!,r , ''". fi.i. t,.... tihA Kii.j IL - 10V 'K nlif ) loi: (Ullint Ld 107: lmrei'. lo7. IWim. . I 'Thvl'.VTII Tt.ri: 'ItUnlni mm IfOfl; I f ir imw'ili iniiril. '" n;ll " Urmtli N-h.D.f. (ill. Mih W h"u im. 1 '1 iiirlj. i-aiusli t(-l Mi ..i 1 l M.m Mtna 1 1(17 I H1.111 l'J7 V'tir 1 men' 100 I'lnun. illo pi: Cm Mtirlimmi Km h f Horn,, lifl i,n-V.i IIJ1. US. Ilwn -.''il 1141. au.1 t-'iinlic -l.klf it. 1UI , 1 to-l.lfll ViK4yirJ 141147 1 r 11 f aUirtu,'f rjHll.lrl i,U , 1 tr. Trws tut. Stern Brothers West 42nd Street flcf-cccfi 5th and Oth Avenues West 43rd Street Buy U. S. Government War Savings Stamps. Annual Reduction Sale Tuesday, Women's and Misses' Sport Shoes and Oxfords r'afrcs up lo SlO.tiO a pair, At $3.95 to 7.95 pr. Included nrc models for olf, tennis, .ynclitiiitf or scmi-drcA.s wear, in white or grey buckskin, tun Russia calfskin, also white linen many styles I rimmed with self color or con trust ini; leathers. ALL SIZES BUT NOT IN EVERY STYLE. Bathing Apparel & Accessories Distinctive, new types of Bathing Frocks for Women and Misses arc shown in our Second Floor Department. The favored materials arc Taffetas, Satins, Silk or Wool Jersey. Moderate prices prevail, as the following indicate: Rubber Caps, Ralliing bboes at irc to 4.50 Rathin TigbtH, . at DiSc to 5.95 at U5v. to 3.95 j Reach Capes. - at $6.95 o 25.00 Bathing Dresses from $4.95 to 25.00 Blanket Comfortables, Muslin Sheets and Pillow Cases Exceptional values available on the Second Floor: Whitu Blankets, S7.75, 8.95 IVr ptiir; doublf I"1'! Fancy Blankets, 83.50, 4,75 In ,Jactiiinl ami plant effects. Comfortables, $2.95, 4.75 Doulili' Mi' with iillriirlivi" rovrrnitfi While Blankets, 7.95, 8.75 I'uic wool; Hummer nridit. tUmiUt U' lM VM W ir Yet Suffered with Functional DinrHr nnrl Wn. f!lirirlll by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 ?i j '"For mniiy montlis I .sufferrd from! I pcrliitllc paltii I doctored with our! latniiy pnysicmn,' but received not rrllrf then I il plained my trnulile to another doctor and lie ad-, vised me to take' Lydla I'., rink hamV Xeitetnlile Compound, Soon after Inking it I lirKaii tn nntlce Hum for Hfe sw I better, and after tnkliii! six liottlei I am tu perfort lienltli. wid 1 cannot' tliatik you enough for the relief it hat; Xlven utr." Ml Kiitc Lawrence ln 72f. Sprlnu Vullry, III, .Sflimil irls and Irli who are tin plot id nt Inline or In home occupation should not continue to suffer tortures ' nt mh'Ii tlint-s, hut prullt by the ex perience (if M Lis I.nurretice and thou Mituls of others wlui hne tried tht fniti.ins i out ninl lirrb remedy, I.ydla, I',. I'lukliiiiiiN Vegitiihle Compound, unit I'oiiiul relief from sueli suffering. If 4-ouiplli'utliina exHt write the' I,. villa K. l'lnkhnni Medicine Co,; I.V1111, Mms. The result of their ft) . rnra' rxperleiit'c In advlalnK glrl Oft Mn.l.i ivuu.ini 1 tliH Miibject la nt your serrlce. Adtj 4- OUR SOLDIERS ABROAD ARE ASKING FOR NEWS FROM HOME We Should, Each of Us, Do Whal We Can to Make Them Mor; Cheerful and Contented. i ' . I The tVmeikaii Mildici in Krance is clamoring forj' news from lioiue, according to Hon. Kliot Wadswortjii of the Red Cross Council, who has just returned to Waslitj ington nfter a thn.t niunth inspection tour abroad. j "How ditl Mayot i Imifipson maUo out in Chicago?'- 'Who's Police Connni.i.sitincr in New York City?i and were some of the tjueslioiis asked him over adtlition to ruiisl.-nit iiicriis nbtMit liasi luill. ther re, in Hcmatitched Muslin Pillow Cases 31c, 55c lo 85c Hemstitched Muslin Sheets - $1.35, 1.75 to 2.35 Imported Embroidered Pillow Cases 7 oc "So long as you've i onu. fiom America within a month you're a welcome subject for questioning by any, member of Pershing's forces." says Mr. Wadswortlu, "A crowd of news-hungry boys will light on you and compel you to ransack your mind for news items con cerning every part of the country, and if it happens that a soldier discovers in the course of conversation that you know of .omcthing that transpired in his home town- woll his jny aimply can't bo described." The simplest and easiest way to keep our soldiers and sailor boys who are overseas informed icgarding current events at home is for their friends or relatives lo send them a bright, cheerful, HOME newspaper filled with entertaining news a paper that always looks on the bright side of life and has a heartening, cheerful influence on its rentiers. Such is the TI1KICE-A-WEBK edition of THE WORLD, published every Monday, Wednesday and Suturday. It contains all the latest reliable news of the habitable globe received by cable and wireless from its correspondents everywhere. It only costs $1.00 per year, and lot that small sum will be sent by mail regularly for twelve months to any soldier or sailor overseas. Every subscriber will receive 150 issues of the paper luriug the yem That should be a sure cure for lonoliiH'rfM. You may forget lo write to your soldier or sailor at home or abroad, or you may miss the mails, but the 'Thriee-a-Week World gets there on time with every issue and, even if you do write regularly and punctually1, why not ALSO send the paper? ' . !' When ordering give the full name of the soldier, his,' company and regiment. Mention the name of the ship if; in the l.nitetl States Navy. I'se this coupon. j, Date 1018. l'lililidlifr N. V. World, Nw York City. Kudosed please find 55 1 .00 for which eml The TllUICU-A-WKKK WOK 1.1) Tor one year lo Niiine Company liegiiiicnt llriiui'li of service 1'nper ptiid for mid unkueil ent by Nnitie Addievi im mm IS -.; M