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THI HVEICING WORLD D, MOKD AY, JtrWEToTrlllt, - ; f ABOUT THE ONLY TIME A MAN) SOMETIMES A DROP OF INK IS AS DEADLY AS A BULLET IF AIMED JU$T AS ACCURATELY BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK DOES NT HA VE TO DIG INTO HIS PURSE IS TO PA Y FOR HIS HEARSE. PLAY BEGINS FOR WHAT'S THE ANSWER? Copyright, 1111, by Th Press Publishing Co. (The New York Evening World.) COIHJ1W 10 11 T" ..WVJrl ne! Ifci OMR 'C::: y K, S- IF Your UcrAP-r&aiA MLT f,r ( JC oi.o-Fiiric-D Qfogzg&tz? H'eMBAcrirt6 .O' r4JA,l weep vour (potw'.) CitftVmoN 'lil i . . l TENNIS TITLE i 4 A Big Show to Be Held Here Soon to Raise Money With Which to Buy Athletic Equip- ment for Our Boys. XTBW TOIIK I to have great j. now unaer m airec- Uon of th War Department OMBffitnlon on Training Camp Ac taSritieaj within a ihort time. Tb fine success of the ihow held la Buffalo Thursday night by th Qaiensberry A, C U n Indication of tfee way New Torker will come out . wtn called to help their friend and relative In the army training camp. Admission km charred for the bouts held In Buffalo and admission wtn be charred in New Tork City There U no poeilhlllty of Interfer ence Tn the boxing contest are held for orach a cause, when no one VToHIm and all receipts go to buy men needed athlctlo ituff for our oldlera. CHAIUJE MUKIU.T telle a rood one hlmtelf. Cbsrles waa mil iar of ceremonlei at the Buffalo bow. When one of the French Blue Peril was -rought Into the rlor to ield up two a -all flri to be auc tioned for the Army Athletic Fund, Charlie tbouibt It only courteous to keep a foralm ruest Informed of the doing In a strange tongue. Tire dollars," shouted one bidder, a the auction started. And Murray, with pad and pencil In his hand, narked down tha figure and showed It to the Blue Devil. Never a smile or a sign crossed the face of the mo bile feature of the French soldier. )MFltty dollara," cried another and Murray maraed down "60" and showed It to the pollu. As the bidding soared higher and higher and It went beyond the hun dred mark Murray kept marking down the advancing numerals and exhibiting tbem to the pollu, but never saying one word. In brief, Hurray waa a regular chalker for the pollu, and aa dumb as an oyster. JTlnally the grand sum of MOO was Teld by one man before Mr. McKenna won with an additional IS. At the cry of "Four hundred here," Murray wrote "400" and shoved It under the aose of the handsome pollu, for the matchmaker, figuring the French sol dier would understand numerals, pun oiled for his benefit, even If he couldn't understand the words uf'tfae bidders. Then It happened. The Blue Devil turned to Murray, smiled benignly upon the Dashing Young Promoter, and exclaimed In perfectly understandable Ktigllsh; "8ay. old top, Isn't that great to tklnk these two little flags brought In ever Moor Murray stopped penciling right snry. I hare hundreds of letters from sol- eVara In American training camps and la Franoe. All ask for boxing gloves or baseballs. The communion will rororlda this equipment aa fast a mane u obtained to pay for It. Bert until that money oomes in noth 1 nme ft.n he done. Her are a few lines from a. soldier attter from France i Wm n win tnln the bovs In the hat tsrr hare a bit? We have a crack feed team and have already trimmed aererai outfit. We have hats und m. tint have to use old and taped ball. Could you have any one send . as a cwxen bail or sot uim yuir. JtTtfT TUB TIUNO TO KHEP UI TUB BPnttT OF T1U5 BOYH OVKH IuBUB. If the voys naa a tew nse halls to occupy their minds the load would be much lighter." One from Camp Hancock, Georgia Vany of the boys from New York called to the colore In the present draft ar sent to Houthrrn training ramtis. The distance from home, rtlf- ference In climate and mode of living required by army system adds to the yearning of the boy to have some athletic pastime. We haven't the means with which to Indulge. I'nr hsrjs some of your readers could send some old bats and balls and boxlng gloves to Camp Hancock, Ilecrult Kft celvlnff Station. Company O," These areu't selected letters. Just samples taken at random from the hundreds, THE eagerness with which boxers I volunteer to fight without being paid, when the object Is to do something to help tbe soldiers, should bring a great deal of credit to a profession that Is handed more than It's rightful share of knocks And whtn they fight for nothing they FIC1HTI They don't .tall. Hern's a letter from Harney Adair, who fourth! Benny l,eonurd a mighty tough four rounds In the Buffalo how: ? Jlr Dear Mr. Edrtron X JUHt not back from Buffalo nnd want to thank ou for tlio boost you Cave me for fighting the champion, Leone nl. I itin only n nciteen yenr Of age, nnd therefore not llatilo to be cnllrd to the colors. But II I can gat my fatherM consent 1 will soon ho inrtne navy. iowever. In the m-nn time 1 inn always ready to box fa the Army Athletic Fund, bar nin and any number of rounds. On July I I am irolnfr to box the host mnn that can be securud t flRht ine nt the banobull purk in Clovclapd, for the Athletic Fuhd for treona from Ohio. I box for nothing1. Trusting that you will give m a place on the BrtTo Tie cxd Pfti"T;RrV - (Jf i C-Xt V v -vri"i Ait Voo KtAOVi TvAcrt'txN ttS AttPTb3Y GET " STWT awtms v NMJLOPGt) ovcw-Y 7 -j VAUWKS TImc VoO SCu'dA ' " S I eT.h.T . . . . I L. I Sport Briefs Arthur flpncer, the Toronto boy, anl prtstnt American bicycle champion, won the quarter-mile titular race, the first f a series of races which will decide the national championship for ltll, at th Velodrome, In Newtrk. flpencer beat Do b .Spers. Fnnk Kramer nJ itettli ilo.N'.inura. these three riders flnishlns In that order. Herbert J. Mstthew won a 100 clay bird scratch shoot at the of the Manhssset Uun Club when ha brvk H. Matthews on his two previous shoots ;ored successive runs of SI ana i). Itsllroid soccer t(ck went 'way above par when. In the rlml round for the Southern New York .State Cup at Lenox Ovsl, the eleven uf the Inlarborouch It. T. rootbill Club defeated the Ne York I C. teem by 2 foals to 0, there by their performaoce In the American Cup tk-. I'lttsbursh has been selected for th fifth snnust mtetlnc of the Council of the Unite HUtei 1'ooibnll Aasuclatlon, which mil ba heM there Hsturlsy an.J Sunilar st tn Wi.liam I'enn Hotel. At.AMRDA. Csl.. June 10. Frincn CowelU of Hon t-'ranclSLO. awlmrninx s mile In 2 minutes ii J-i aecunls. In open tidal water here, btterel the rec ord of 11 mlnutei It 3-S seuonls, mi.le at New York on Spt. I, ll. by Clair rjallUan. HtroM Krueer of Honolulu bettered his on world's record for 40 yard bark stroke in :i 1-3 seconds. Ills former miik wss II seconds. Melbourne Inmtn. the Knrllih hllllsril champion, has bn refused further empllun rrum Jolnlnx the colors, and been orJrre.l to report hlmstlt directly he Is calls! upon for duty. In addition In tha ri tnr the "alar" class In the tntrrclub serin, ratboals ronicateil tor honors on Manliasiet Hay ine Trnv or tne races if .'"r.1".? tvfl! ,r."m or the Tort n aihlncton to that of the Mantuiaaet ne court liay nub. W. I. lnir, l!lnr unJer that rlnr. n ti.. . -i. . int.. 1 won ameni rth. "w. CWHh.V' Hhsdow, I . I .v.. Ten of llieie little ynehta rronaed the line ana conditions were eirellenf rnf fast time A strong southwest hreeie did not abate during the sailing of the rscs. The oueillon fif abollahlnr InterAll.. Slate football In the Weatern rVnr...... collides during the war has again come up. i irruinn wiiuam iw nrysn of Indiana University has written a letter !? '"Went of the other unlverst. ties In the conference, asking their views on the subject. A new rliSmnlnn wee emvrnmA In IV. annual outdoor nmri of the Metropoll- Ln1.I.f'tu".Y6V.,"r Mtn'" l'l'row As "Cistlon at Macomb's Dam I'ark with the teem victory of the Well ington Hrtxhta llranch. It was the first time In six years that teem f rn the JM Street Branch had been beaten Wsshlnxton Helehts scored a total of 33 (mints, while 93d Street wss thr- points behind The irillivlrillal star tvaa fiif, kqnf. . rtiirvsentlnir the Perth Amlmv. who l n one-nrmcit boy liwenknnf won the senior lfin.vnr.l h,nril,.n Lr'n oarK mars or two yards end finished second and fourth In two f other till In any army show to do my small part for the BIk Cause, I urn sincerely yours, HAIINKY ADAIlt, Irish Lightweight. ND hern's another fighter who wants to fight "for nothing" "At a recent lied Cross show In the Garden I wanted to do my tilt, but owing to tho ahow being so quickly arranged was left out.. I, however, do hope they'll let me box for the next bitf benefit tho Army Athletio Fund. Any middleweight will do for an opponent, nnd it tho committee can't dig up a mlddlit weight for mo I'll box Frank .Moran, Jack Dcmpsey, Jack Dillon or Hilly .Mlske. "In rny career In the boxing game I've hnd some touch tussels with Ted Ivcwls, Mlko O'Dowd, Ilartf ttil. Silent Martin, MoCarron. Hordell end otheis, und for tho Army Atl.liilla Fund I wnnt to flKht them still TOl'OHHU. Hope the committee matches tne with some one who will slnnd up and FIOIIT! llOHpnntfully yours, FRANK CAIUIONK." All right, Frank, the committee Is going to wnnt men who will flRht their flshtln'esL Your name goes on the list. Johren's Suburban Victory, 4th by a Three-Year-Old, "Shows Up" Older Horses Handicap Division Isn't Much, nor Are Three-Year-Olds Promising. By Vincent Treanor. THE Suburban Handicap has been run and won and Is gone Into turf history, atlll one can't digest the victory of Harry Payne Whitney's three-year-old Johrcn without experiencing a feeling of dis appointment. What Is the handicap division among thoroughbred racers this season when a three-year-old. many tlmea beaten, can come out and towrope a Suburban field? It makes one think that racing has gone to the dorp, that Cudgel after all Isn't much and that Spur Is cither torrlbly over rated or there Is little or no quality In the division ho represents. Too had. Indeed, that Hourless went wrong, or that a change In trainers made such a difference In Omar Khayyam. Just four three-year-olds have won the Huburbun, Including Johrcn. The other three Fltxherbert, AfrlcanJci and Friar Bock wero great h.irses which achieved famo from tbtlr two-year-old days. They made turf his tory which Is still talked about, but Johrcn never did anything wondrfu. until Saturday. Ills victory, In addi tion to reflecting unfavorably on tho handicap division, "shows up" tbe three. venr. olds. If he la the best Ol lh lot, what docs tbe future hold In . ; .. . . .u ,, . . store for tho Hun llrlars, the ritpp:. ho LucUllltes, Ilosle OOradys, Cum Habs and ortiers which last yJ' aa two-vear.olds Dromlscd the finest crop cf three-year-olds Imaginable? We don't wish to take anythin j KUOj price for her. away from Johren. Ho won tbe Hub-, urban In masterly fashion and he ran Th'" the last week at lWmont, pre ., . . , ..I, ceding the roturn to Jnmalca for six the dlstancn on a drylng-out track 'n ' "The hltr .lai,9 ot th WMk for 3. to. He made practically all the pace and had plenty to spare ul the wid, No onowassun-rlsed at his taking the enrly lead. but. followed by Spur, Ctidgel and Hoillster, bis leu line seemed to be of the "on sufferancV' .arlety. it seemed only a question of time when the others would movo up ,iivlxlmi are namnl to go. On Hatur and he wuuld be swallowed when the day, the big day of tho week, the M.000 final test cam?, hut ae. till? tet im arrived and tliero wan no shuIIo'iiiik "'...l-h0."' .! Knapp couldn't mak Cudgel move up, HiiShuttlnger, on Spur, wax help less as tnr as maxing Mpur Imprmj ' hl" "ns. concerned. Spur ran on the rail, apparently In tight qu tr iers on tho way m the stretch. Just when he wns In a contending pl.ico and everybody expected him to roine on, he dropped back Instead. Whubrr or not he wan shut off or knock! back, or whether he simply quit cold, Isn't known, but tbe latter Impre&slun Menu most likely Hendrlo. on which many dacod re. Itance, performed like a selling plater, and It remained for the despised Battle tn come on to be third. Sat urday's Suburban will go down In history as tho most ordinary race ever run for the time honored classic. Unless Johren goes on to succeed ing turf triumph tho three-year-old situation this season Is a sad affair. Judging by the races of IJscoha In Kentucky he will have little trouble In finishing among the best of the tllVlBlUH. v ui MJUIS vllle Saturday In 1.38 4-6. That kind of runninir would have put the Bub urban at hi" mercy. Ugly rumor stioh as preceded Sat urday's steeplechase aren't going to do thnt end of racing any good. Brent nood, the logical fnvorlte for the raci, hocamo more or less of a drug on the market as soon as It became known thst "Cherry Malotte was going to run a different nice than nhe did Inst time out." Cherry Mnlolte then became a hot favorite, and shi won RACING SELECTIONS. BELMONT PARK. First llact Jyntce, UMinetresa. Salvestra. Kecond Itace No selections. Third lUce Keen Jane, Lady Vulcaln. Wise Jonn. Fourth llact Stralrht Forward. FlItletKold. Old Koenlg. Fifth luce Common Law, Past Master. No Uwn, Sixth itace Oreen Mint. Osgood, Ballet Dancer. LOUISVILLE. First Itace Carallo, 1. Win, Urate Up. Second Bace Hocnlr, Busy Joe, Lackrose. Third Itace Ooldstone, Lothelr, Hotter Embry. Fourth luce Little Princess, De-sir-, Tim McOee. Fifth Itace Green Jones, Bribed Volar, Orundy. Sixth Knee Fern Handler, Bon Tromp. Sweet Alsvlum. Seventh ltuco ilocnrt. Eungod Fly Home. as a favorite should. Both Bet aid rJrentwood unshipped tholr rldera at u crucial moment. Brooks, which had offered the only serious contention "I the race, went as far as be could jnd stopped. After the race a sponge n'na found in his noon, vtno aia in As usual nobody knows. The steeple chase game Is becoming less of a sporting affair each yeur. Jimmy Fltxslmmons finally put rtohlnoor over after nverybody had sone broke backing her. Ho tried blinkers on her Saturday and tba liangu worked wonders. She won as she UHcd to do as a two-year-old. if she hadn't come home In front Fltr. would have given her up as a bad racing proposition. I'an.ilnr Shower, the filly which John Madden sold to J. H. Itosllter. evl r.ently Isn't of the flash In tho pan variety. She won her second race like a really honest two-year-old und Ih likely to go on beating other field. la uimnlBil tn huVA rot a iwo-vcar-olds Is the Krenn Memorial run on Wednesdoy. All the stars of th. two-yeax-o.d division are omon Memorial winner usually goes on to blc tilings In the Juvenile dtvlalon. On I Thursday the qrftn.l NntloM l' , n ' rVlS2ZX Coaching Viuo uuuuicnp, anu Belmont nre piumletnl fuiturca. i And he latter." worth 7vu. by the way. Is Mr Ictly a t-year-old s'tar among tho nllglblts Johren may be returned the winner DEFEAT OF STANDARD TEAM CAUSES A BIG SURPRISE. Another crowd of five thousand fan ..,.. nut to see tne second game oc ' the New York Shipyard Baseball nearu. which resulted in a 3 to 0 vie tory for the Downey snipDUiiain Comoinv over the Standard ShlpbulM Inx Corporation at Alaska I'nrk. The result came as a great surprise In view of th fact that the Downey team hai but played Its first game of the sea son the Sunday previous, while the Standards, because ot tbslr defeat of the Staten Island Shipbuilding Com pony, were regarded as almost m winners. Downey, nowevsr, completely outplayed their rivals at evsry aarls. For six innings, the gaxne waa a nltchera' battle between llarrv Molbor row of Downey and Jimmy McQuade of Standard. But tn the seventh, MoQuade cracked ana a lusiiaos bit acore-i three run. Marty Walsh relieve! MoQuade and rhetkad the scorinx. but the riemoere had been done. Holborrow, en the other hand, tnougn very win, inulng seven basis on balls and hittlnr one men. nevertheless pltrhsd shutout ball by steadying down In tha pinches and yielding out two nits. Th victory place Downey In a tie for the levl In the Fhipftr! .eagtin in .. V v V k jf TrjoMyn. Ahi - 5bfflP Record Sum of $30,000 Raised (or Red Cross by Foursome at Chicago, With Evans Barnes Versus Hutchinson McDonald, Match Ending Alt Square. CHICAGO. June 10. All records for Hod Cross funds raised at golf matches were broken hero when 130, 000 was collected at tho Lake Shoro Country Club during a match In which Chick Evans, national cham pion, and Jim Barnes, Western open champion, competed against Jock Hutchinson, patriotic open champion, and Bob McDonald of Indian Hill Club, Chicago, The match ended all square, Hutchinson equalled the course record of Ct. set bj himself, while Evans by( virtue of two sixes took Tl, icorlne two S's for a record St on the second nine. McDonald took 74 strokes and Barnes, who was unfamiliar with the course, required 71. With Julius Rosenwald a auctioneer, the gamo waa stooped at the second tee. while the four balls used to olar the first hole were purchased by tho Lnke Shoro Club for 111.000. a record hisrh figure for golf balls at a price of M3.000 a doxen. At the second rroen a more elaborate auction took place. members of the club runnln up the price of the four balls, sold Individually, until Co four tocether brought J 5.000. Similar auctions took place from tee to tec. The best ball score for Evans snd Bnrnes ws 88. nnd that for Hutchin son and McDonald (7. Gil Nlcholls, winner of a thousand hard fought matches, turned the table on Qeorge McLean at WykarvL The former metropolitan open champion de feated the Great Neck golf professional C up and 4 to play In a thirty-six hole match for the benefit of the Bed Cross, and the gallery contributed so liberally tnnt more than 1600 was raised. Condition were to Nlcholls' liking esterday. His long drives generally gavo him a slight advantage over the homebred, who found himself con fronted with approach shot of a more trying nature than are met with so frequently on th shorter Qroat Neck course ever Trhleh he defeated Nlchoaa the week before. At the turn In th mornlnc Nlcholls stood 2 up, Coming back Gil had 38, making 74 for the round and placing him 5 up. The afternoon match was much closer, but the damage had been done, Nlcholls won on the fourteenth green. Tlaylng th bye holes he had the round In 75, while McLean was credited with a stroke less. CHICAGO. June 10.-!ch!ek Evans and Warren K. Wood, th Western team, defeated the Bast, represented by Jerome D, Trevor and John (J. Ander son, Saturday, t up and 3 to play, In an exhibition golf match over the Ray Isloe course for the benefit of the Red Cross. A gallery of three thousand watched the plsy. Wood was low man of the four, with a medal score of 7fi, and his steadiness largely whs responsible for the Wostern team's victory. Evans and Travers each turned In a card of 70, while Anderson completed the round In 14, The privileges of caddylng for the four slar golfers were auctioned off before the mstrh. fllf being paid for the honor of shouldering the bsg of Evans. Tbe Women's Metropolitan Rod Cross golf tournament at the Apawamls Club starts to-day. PABSAIC. N. J.. June 10 Members or tn Arcois uouniry wiuo competed In an eighteen hole medal play handicap, each entrant paying tl to the Red Cross Fifty-one golfers participated. William II. Wstt. 141273. r.n.1 Kdwnrt 1 Coughlln, 34 31 73. tied for the honors and will play off next week. On the North Jersey Country Club link. In a flag competition. A. n. Ayres defeated a field of seventy. fir players. Olante, U-dar. with St. touts. p. u fete (Hounds. Admission SOo. -IdTC THE FIGHTING GENTRY. Where thert't ijhttn' fo 5f do- .nf. a Jirj?nl enj a gn And f. Q-Lit l:oi XiX: a nonfatn cf te i'.xri. Tou can fell onr JSTinji ixd Oner! tKat 04 old C. S. Xtnnct Will s- fA-re tefor t.Vt m: to Jo tXnr port. H'Sere th'.rt't iirXj vert t9 do tlitj'rt i SJ tKOfJteti ercv. All of tcfcori dai't 'crux lAfrr's je. a tvori u ftl; Tft'y uf !cp o. Sori.V In. next ifo??tV fiC tSty And f.ry do (3 In a tccy f.Vdt iniifj a tot. In our 'ear pojr cli 5pcfn they l-nt ieyt on raUta' Ctftn Ltkt a frxk of Atrtffry nilicctj ort the trail Xou they've piven 'em a cKsnce to cat loor; ajairs fc rranee. And ere tcng they'll havt the SaUtr on a nit. In the vMffs of no man't tend, ichtre they Settle hand to hand, Ot-dvjiu learned to fear te "Sxrseettet from hell;" But they frrmile in fAtr ru when a fang of orr marines Aim themtetvet in thtir direction vith a yell Raliln' hell it tchere they thine all dong the fightl' line. And they're tpotlin' for a fight, no natter tchere; Tou con bet your latt red centt that fA4 rurtri', ifcria' gtntt Wll ralte hell the tone at smI over there. Where there1! fightln' to J done iciih a oayonet and a pun, Where the ground for miles around Is tpread with germs, Jutt the man to t:our it clean it a pinch-hltting mcrirts lie icon't itop until the craxy Kaiser tiulmt. , Before fade Sim thr;w h, glove Into the box the Kaiser said we didn't have a merchant marine, but last week he discovered that we have a hole flock of fighting marines. A MABINE ALWAYS CARRIES A CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER, BUT NEVER WAITS FOR HOMEBODY TO KNOCK IT OFF. Unele 8sm proved his efficiency with a moist delivery when he put some marine on his fsst one. le-milee; to mOlltrr record. IU bit war to rbc r. msrSces t to camel U tuna. The marines hsave a penchant fer driving in run As lonrj as there' omething to hit with their tjun. THE MARINES NEVER, HAVE A SLUMP, BECAUSE THEY AUil ALWAYS ON THE JUMP. The fleet son of Spearmint is giving racing patrons plenty to chew about .lnce tho Suburban at Belmont Park. Johren would have made bloor hit If he had advertised his ware as well ss the makers of spearmint gum. Lotn of persons who failed to lay one- on the sixth race never knew It was rmlnrr to be a Poceing Shower. e " SETTING THE PACE. The Yanks are winning over there, We'ro Jubilant to hear. Thankt to the Cleveland Injuns, they're In first place over here. JUDGING FROM THE EVENTS OF THE LAST FEW DATR TROMPE UK MOnTBl WILL NOT HAVE TO BE CENSURJFOli nr-T' TURBTNG THE PBACE; VU i"3" Blnghamton ems to be qolng through the International Leaoue like bed news through a catty neighborhood. " The Robins are exponents of tho ancient military pastime In that some llmei they win and sometimes they lore. They say a human being possesses only one temper, but Heinle 21m loses nis ever- uuj-. CFistic News john'poiiock and Gossip) The first Important boxing bout to be fonrht In the Stato of New Jersey since the Hurley law, which legalizes eight round bouts In thnt Stale, went Into effect Is slated to be held at the big open nlr boxing arena of the Arm ory A. A. In Jersey City to-nlaht. The principals In the star bout will be those two well known heavyweights. Charley Welnert of Newark. N. J., and Battling Levlnsky, the fast and clever Hebrew boxer of Bridgeport. Conn. Both men have trained themselves Into perfect shape for the encounter and each Is confident of getting the newspaper de oljlon. Clay Turner, the Indlnn light heavyweight of St. Tsui, will be slrned up to meet the winner. lk rf 0wr. 1. J., irtio VDtiM hTt hero ons of lt "r'l"" In tSa twlnru U be ocold Use punlebaxut. u now iku in llnneei! brains rWerees t N Jrreej. Jin madt kW InUUl atoearar at e Motwnouth Onuntr r- n. n. nt an frldai bkbt as a fer. ere. aM Us t comaoode.1. 8at oubt to male a ood efflcUl aa be li Ull uj ssroos. aal tmlda kswrs tbs sum tboroushlr, Ornm Baron. Prld" c She aeUnl A, C. wtB st a it bosk show tlie Cler. lud DtstMU oa Buardaj aheniooa Jalj S at iiKi sS tte rrcanlnaot Ua.ra In U okiBtry IU Ui part la bouts. TU rcoowU an to ba roroM ml W tt Wdlera anl Bailors' IthMlo DiuVawtiC Kund. Jobanr Dunde, lUtl. Um UiUato Or. Ted Ul. M.U nrock. JotuiM KtU. VUIU Ja;tooo, n-nar ytBf jtnuw DvsTfr wta txusa tn ret I tout roand float. ror the fltta tlas la tbe laet txa tnnotha, K14 WlUlaas f Baltimore, tl tomm Uauia TClcM icaaplon. has rahswd to tax en rraakla Bess, tt ;erxr City baocairlht. ta a ooa. tt. CS.IT1.T Doeawrirli. th. now m.Uhnaier e . J: r',:l " "" rrd nnura. a rwlrJi lth Itin- ri jr- J- b-j KZlUuu Unt be irlU ot fUht an, oh dorln, Jus, or tVUao Jeli. Ih. ix llntwtirtt, wln 41fc u ...iwra oi vnuvt, in aaotf, at. at D'itTalo. N. T.. en Tliorailar ei,;,. H, WM Kid of Huffah, wbo baa ores buuiea aJan. la s-l etjl. to tUt citi. TV, wiu r t.Uir In a tru-round rp btfor tba Qumratmrr A C JuUm l hi. runuai UI start for tee tattle! " vs-a, w pan la tat, fi,, )u. ' ,ZJs i . ' T . Cl, b.ntaaie.Ubt. I Promxed crmteat with J , . ... j hlrt m prwitoll, ,rrnl ht H.axUj mill! " ' " ""7 , a. ot Jrreej Ol 1 Fraalif ranti ta re m - ... - . I - , - w ia esq wiu frank Carbon., tha kara-klttlr incil al&ll- . ' - -una reiijoj Of SIS new roanaor. flU.j llcmi. Cm ttj run,, nlrbt i- Wiw ca iwa lias J n-t.u Uk. SlcTlga. n in .UAt-iwaa bout, oo Jum 10 b duh. .Ill, Joban. wilen at tb. clvsj U N.wjurt. R, I aa oa one 3Mb Oartooa wlJI subasc. puncbas rlu, Jo. 11 until at tb. ua iu .mia a, u, ot rtlj.oolvhla, Va. m scan, nninam rtaeon Jg Uuvln. ux Tl Kaatam V.- n . a u . . Jo. Iowrd of Duflalo, blcb u to lue. talwn plio la llanJItoo, Ontario, en Jur.i S Tti Unlit proowtrr wlrtd Ul b. Mil an UooaM la I'm mU ltb aonw rJ oivooriit, naotlo Buroa tt Km Iw, ni j Uostti. tbe anli DnU baatametlftit. Kiix! m a tard rlttrtocmcl but at IU HmnK-itb ChiD la IU4 runk, .N. J last Frldaj nlsbt Uiat Um Utter eluS aid kiwi) ottu, ti je,w ctlU an trrb. to ss)aea Ibask, William T. Tilden 2d, Winner of Bronx Championship, en-v lists in Signal Corps. rtr for the women's Metropolitan tnal championships will begin on the vu-ts ft the West Side Tennis Club Ml aftrnuvn with an entry which ln ..! J many of the more prominent ylsyers from this section, as well aa owe rrom cut of town. Particular In ter t attaches to this tournament, 'aa it U the last event before the women's) oatvaal championships at Philadelphia, TW'.am T Tilden 3d of rhlladcloWs, tho has been wlnntnc many of the early tennis event of this season, has enlUted In th Signal Corps and wilt r cvrt for training nt Plttsburxh this week. Tl'Jen will therefore be unable to rotiprte In the mixed doubles Cham pionshlp at 1'hlladelohla. Tilden Id won the Bronx champion ihtD ilnclrj on the courts of the New York Tennis Club. Tho crest player from Philadelphia upheld his successful Invasion of the courts of the metro politan district by outplaying S. Howard Voshell. the holder of the tile. In five sets. The score wns C 4, 4 (, t 3. i-t. t-i. Ingo F. Hartman nnd Elliott II. Bin ten rilned the classic Manhattan Joubtes honors. The pair held to splen did team work tn tho final of that event. They outplnyed J. Harry Stein kampf and Henry H. Bassford, the re cent winners of tho Harlem tourna ment. The score was (3, (3, 4 I, 75. Hartman and Blnten began the day by defeating Embery Henderson snd Bird W. Stair In the semi-final at (, tS. 64. Fred Anderson Jr.. the schoolboy, won a hard three eet match In eliminating J. A. Cullom In the third round ot the Brooklyn championship singles at the Terrace Club of Flatbush. The little Player kept his rival following a fast Pce and made many points through hi fine cross court shots. Other wlnnr of third round matches were J. Kashto. Frank Anderson and J. S. O'Boyle of Pelham Bay Naval Reserve. Kashlo was forced to play at top speed before he defeated Harry Bowman, by the close score of 7-5. S-4. Ernest MeCsbe carried nit iv, t. - - .w u i iu. a In the Nassau and Queens lawn tennis chnmplonshlp. tho finals of which wero plsyed on the clay court of the North Hempsted Country Club. The scores! McCabe defeated Gntcornb. 3 6. 3 C I. I. 64: McCabe anrl n.tnmk defeated Dr. E. P. Crtllly end D. r Lay. C 3, t 3. 63. The Rutherford clean sweep In the North Jeraev Leigue match with the Grove Street Club Of nnrl l.rl la '"J?"?" . ... ..... ...we ii,n rccoru OI lire wins and no defeats. "T" C Baseball BfidFs flrnVeef Plaiir&l r. . .1 at , of the Cubli .nd best pucher in 'SSffiZ ituMSigV:J,t a member ofii ?m. r",d Artillery, stationed at Camp Mills. Is In town on n vi.i. , i 'hJ on h i way to France bcforTlirlj? The big Pitcher remarked he Is elitS fi. J'eiWl h0n".n of thi Cub. and riV- !" . loum wm win the Radio School bisbal Item fumffSlU5 tlorr.Prtr,''len.ln,rdeft'iiln'f mOMthttS we vtr VV(B fltt WOONSOCKET. II. i.. Jun, 10o,. iiV.I. r " , "Jc" "nea me most of their runs In tho early lnnlnre ZX-i Ihty sent two twlrler to cover! . .J' nLADELPHlA. June l0-n.i hitting gave the Philadelphia lfoSiS L8! n easy victory ovarTSi I"trl Naval Station .',1 lockledge. near here. The score ViJ C7I7CAOO. Juno iu. Ohle.go mut. u nnrl P.v h.m.j ""?.' .ClCOtte held DetrolV to one KS'w.ffl owrtnnve8;rriw.rTour Jli'r'ougn1 seconX'- VSVto !?F!n0C,e SPORTING. RACING AT HKAI'TIFUI, BELMONT PARK TOMORROW SIX ATTRACTIVE EVENTS $2,000 HARLEM HANDICAP 2-MILE STEEPLECHASE Spr.CIAI, ItAl- ICATS . . ,1,111 er.ns. atiitioi, ?'ld l and T.i. ,v,, nun rrom -ijiii,h. h .."", 'in j. li i h H..Y-I J" to i.ri The Cuban fltsrs lost both gameat terday to the colored chartnjlon? rl En.t the Lincoln Giants?!,, 0 Mnft! knocked out of urenbox"nbthX,mf?r'it,lni