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am9W9mmmlin,mfiH'iti 'i"'ni wwiww w 'y iiaiisai t nw wnay ''jPy; aTVl.lifjJlffl 9JHCI" rW av-wiisF rf .. WWr THEY'RE TRYING: TO MAKE ALL BOTTLES N ON -REFILL ABLE IS NOT A VERY DRY JOKE. . SPORT WORLD NEWS OF ALL KINDS although simnAv 7.Q a unrmAv A MAN NEVER KNOWS HOW TIRED Hi IS UNTIL MONDA Y MORNING. v1 ft BOTH YANKS AND The Huggins Men Must Encounter Detroit and Cleveland This Week, While McGrawites Tackle Cards, Cubs and Reds. By Hugh S. Fullerton. Cwrlftit. 1018. the I'rrM IiMlaMn Co. ITln .New Voik KtenlM WnrW.1 ' "R0711 Giants and Vunka faco what D perhaps la tho most Important week of tho present season, a week In which both aro to bo tested to the ut- raot. Tho Tank, throunh a heart brcaldnK d o f e a t yesterday, a de feat duo largely to Urban Miocker's Jcslro to over throw Ills old team, mates, a dcslro which eauscd him y to como back and pitch again and again, and Anally wnm rrrntlflfwl hv iT'ilS-ii giving tho llrowns tho tlnal game of the- c?lcs nnd tumbling tho Yanks out of their lliigertl'p hold on 'first place Tho Yanks must encounter Detroit and Cleveland this week, and Detroit aeams at last to bo starting to play Soil. It would bo tho Yd nk luck to trlka Detroit Just as tho team Fettles down to real playing, and tho Yanks s$em to mo to havo better chancoa of beating Cleveland thnu they huvo De troit. There aro teams llko that; Cleve land Is a better club than Is Detroit, A yet Detroit's stylo of play Is llko that ' of Uio Ynnks themselves, and thcro la ' " t battering twucr all down tho line, a ' powo- which Is tcrrlblo when tho jjj pitching wavers. Alius inr jiukkiiib una uuiiu iiwumn with his pitching staff, but It Is ahort liajHl"d, and more so slnco ho was forced to use up a big part of his re serve forco trying to win yesterday's battlo from tho Hrowtis. And De troit ain't no nlco pluco for no team with a short handed pitching start when Cobb and Veach nnd llcllmun aro hitting. aro blttms - ; both tho New "York team battling for tho load in their leaimcs. baseball Interest Is running wirfter than tha temperature. Tho aiants to-day ilnlsh up with thco Cards who battered thom out ot Jlrst place, and then tuckle tho Cubs ID tho llret of tho 'cioostiyl" nonus of tho aeuson. Tho Uiumh uro m-itlior in tho condition nor 111 tho mood . to tacklo too t'ui'S, and tho tam W rather despcrato and at bay. It Is not playing irmnl bull, nor llnlHhod ball, and It npiear upset especially on tho I111I0IU. A iiuick shaku-up might bo expected but for tho fact that McCJrnw is shy on good substi tute material. . . Vhnther tho InfUirnco of Larry Doyle's return to the Held will Do feu notlvely Is not certain, l'nylo piob- aamy win nm i hwuhk Tilay for two weeks, but his very IVrcsenco on tho Held should help. After tho cutis cotno tno iicusunu nnm frntlliln. Ill OtllCr WOrdS. th tJlants nro against eight days of hard iihi h in linld what thpv nave. Al ter that they will htivn ji breathing tptii ana a cnanco to rccuacruic. - TIIT2 coming of the Cubs means llerco battles. Tho Cubs aro ono of tho big surprises of tho sta tion, perhaps tho biggest. Tho team, with Its mlxturo of veterans and ox- porlmentul youngsters, ilia noi nfi" " high, nor dees It now rato near the top n mecnanicai mn-niiiii. i,n,i Iipmi ilun to tho genius for i..riHFhtn of Fred Mitchell, tho un- Rcxpcctcdly strong hitting of a team f Vhlch dhl not flguro to lilt hard, and even more to tno con.nsiniu puL-mut,. JTltCnCll, WIU'll Ml' "ii- niniiMiK" lloutennnt at Hoston, even when hn was a catcher, was known among li' fellows as ono of tho lc..t of Juilg's of pitchers and their condition. His theory always has been that a team should havo four pitchers working In rotation, or three pitchers in top form with a fourth ready to stop In anJ pitch In turn If needed. Ho him iirenned Vnuglm especially to pitch i ognlnst tliu Omul. iid "iu luado a 1 trfcda to get Tyler especially beeaua ho figured Tyler the kind of a pitcher who can trouble New York. With Tyler. Vaughan, llendrlx nnd now Ihll Douglass going (it top speed, the pitching has covered up tho weak- ceases of tho team. In faet thn Cub pitching has shielded tho wabbly In I Blame the Who Lets a Man Drink, Says Druggist Brown t Cleveland. He lliinrnntrm n mmiiln noma i minimi! (mm iiiinnui uiv Knonlrilf i nt thn PrliiLrr. Nn wife linn a rlxht to 'rtnkl wht hn wuaM tptnJ on Ihiuor In tno 4Maind time. jk Th hahlt ran bo hrok'n anil tno dlseain 'Bins. 'p't to r Hie fine ntnallil ..1n ullh I hi. first whiff of fiuor on h iCTraaih. Iiut iln not ili-nnnlr If he hea al K TrivievriiiiHi, w. I let tirr JiusiHinu ilrlnK. rr uiroiiuiimn i n 3 ! ni1 it ilrunknr,! la n rlrK nun. V ' DrusKlut llrunn of Orvchin.l. A I Awomati run rum thin illnvnae 'tap ft ' 'Artnklne huilmnd In n frw week' for hAtf rradr xonu fiom hmi tu worsa until he i Jiia bedim' rum-aonki'it tot, V aUruKKlat llruwn linow.i th curie et r rtronit ilrlnk lor h hlrnlf hoa hrert a ,( victim. A lovlnv al'tcr. Kltliout Ills knowl- rall or ronai'iil, tmeurU him from the 1 fctlnk of a ilriiiikunt'd urmii Hint (or lui jiari kept ber etcret. title saved him GUMS WILL BE PUT TO TEST field and Klllllfcr'.i catching has boen largely responsible for tho good worn of tho pitching atafT. Tho team' has Mcrkle nt first, and Merklo Is hitting at tho top of tho entlro league, hitting ono hundred points higher than ho should hit nor mally. It Is nlnvlne Zelder at neenm! both Merklo and XnlJer players, and many critics would apk of them In tho past tenso. Thcro Is nothing tha manor with either ox ceptlng bad legs. Last year Merkle played nlmost as well during tho early part of tha year as ho Is doing now. Then his logs woAkencd Under . ,traln nnil his work foil off Hi ckly. ZeMcr has boen troubled with bad logs almost over slnco he catno Into tho major leagues. He m TSry 'V a'"l. Plays ffrcat ball until the under pinning wabbles, thin ho too slows tip. At short, young Ifollachrr has de vcloped Into ono of tho big flndB of tho year. He was highly touted when ho was on tho Coast, and ho has como Into tho big it agues nnd taken ono of tho key positions, nlavlnc llkn n i. ornn nnjl hitting higher In. tho major lengno than ho did In tha Coast icngun. Practically every player on tho Chi cngo Club Ih hltilng at nn abnonnnl rato this season, even Vaughan and iiT y?' nltchc. helng abovo tho wu iiiiirH. TF thoro Is anything In figures the 1 Cubs nro -not as dangerous as the alarmed Giant fans appear to Imagine. A comparison of tho flguros for tho last thrco years will ihow that thoy aro hitting much higher than their normal, and tho law In baseball, as In almost everything else. rxceptlns; tho cost of living, Is that an mat goes up must come down 1DI0. 1017. 11t .MerKlO ., 256 .201 ,3T Slann 272 .273 .SJ7 t'nsKcrt 279 ,rl .321 l iacK 25D .2U ,2S3 noiiacnor .276 .it! IT seems to me certain that tho Cub slugging Is bound to stop, nnd that tho bad legs on the team will atart to slow It up before very long. Also, Kiliircr must go to tho nrmy. In other words. It behooves Mitchell to make hay whllo the sun shines nnd no seems Intent upon filling tho mow uu uio present trip "TMIK showing of the Tanks In the St. 1ouIb aeries has been the moxt gratifying Hint they hsvo msdo thin season. Thoy havo been playing real ball, fighting for every Inoh and 'hey have been beating and outgeu cralllng onu of tho best clubs iu tho circuit Tho fact that they havo beaten a team which Is much faster tnnn they are and winning tho close sooro games, Indicates that they ere playing desperately. Usually botween tivo cloM'ly matched clubs, when thn pitching Is .tbout tfnunl, tho mater team win's. Hut tho Yanks took four out of tlve gamcn from tho llrowuti, which in plalng rcmarkablo ball. At tho risk of being a killjoy, I must warn tho Ynnkeo fans not to expert too much. Tho tram Is play ing great ball, but tho pitching staff li short handed, and the club cannot always envor up Its lack of speivl by sheer hitting powor, as It tins been do ing. No matter how well a team hits It always llnds pltchors who can stop liie hitting. Tho season Is now approaching a 'itngo when tho pitching gets steadier ind moro consistent, so thut each term fnces a good pitcher each day and finds few soft marks upon which to fatten Up' batting averages. The rial test of any club oomen then, an.1 the onu that Is slow on tho bases and has a short handod pitching stall Buf fer. most. Huggins evidently realizes the dan per and Is striving mightily to add pitching strength. It Is reported that ho may land nn experienced veteran pitcher within a few days. If so, the danger ot a slump through overwork ing tho short handed Ataff Is much less, M'CABE WINS NASSAU AND QUEENS LAWN TENNIS TITLE. nrnest McCabo detested Anton B. Von Itcrnuth In the final and champion shin nfiteh of thn Nasssu nnd Queens ironntv liwn tnn'" ?ln.!f "ti the oourti of the North Hempstend Country ritib yesterday. Ths mutch went the limit of live rets to tho score of 36. 2f: 61. 6 t. 64, Thn doubles honors were won by K. riaU'omlm nnd Krnost McCabm Tho nnlr. holding to thu dDenilRl)ln lob and vojley giime. mustered Dr. li. T. Crlllev mid n. -M. L,ay, The scoro win C 3, 63. 62. ' Woman from drink reacued him from hia own ilrpraveil, hotteit aplf hf Klvlng him a arcrot rcmutr. tha formula of an old (Itrtnan erimilit. To pay hla debt to hor ami hnlo other vlcllma out o( tha murk nun mira no ima maue the formula public, linisstats everywhere illipenae It dallr aa I'reparail Tiicum Powdara put up In loaeit, (let It ot your own ilrunflal unj ilroii a powder twlro a dny In tea. coffee, milk or other drink, Hnon liquor 'doea not tail, i the aame, the craving; for It dlaap peara. and lo, una inqra drunkard haa been jnired slid knows not when or why he leit tils tnate for drink. Wairliu Note-JWura eWd be.itren only brr It la deairtble to deatroT ail taete fot a...tKil ad all tataumre In lu iw Thow won iwcmujM mixtrrate drtoiiM ehoulf Dot lire It unltl tl m1I1 modfr.t. dilaker reache. Uie ilinpr lire u moit of them do to time Itrm- Tim Powder, that he perKmally riaranteea . . I "V "'".'V "i". nl w" !rset Si!Jri v9- biookbs. anil Uw Big Field of Starters Foils Frank Shea, Pittsburgh's Star Quarter Milcr, Un able to Show New York ers His Real Running Ability in Games at Trav crs Island. By Bruce Copeland. REAL class usually has a very lm prosslvo way of asserting Itself, but thoro are times when quality hoi to exert every effort In a contest with quantity. Frank Shea, tha remark able young sprinter of tha University of Pittsburgh, almost came to grlof at tho centenary games of tha New York Athl"- Club w,hon ha hod to run through a troublesomo field of Inex perienced but ambitious sprinter in order to cut down the disadvantage of his position -on scratch In tha 440-yard dash. When Shea stepped on tha track at Travors Island It was his first ap pearance hereabouts since his victori ous achievements of last winter and moro recently at the annual athletic carnival hold undor tho auspices ot tho University of Pennsylvania, when he made even such a hostile calory for get all about the exploits of xed Mere dith. Hut Hliea had all he could dt to win tho 440 on Saturday. Clots finally won. The Pittsburgh youth Is a marvel of physical dovclopmont, Instantly ap pealing to all eyes. Ills skin Ls creamy A-hlto and at all times devoid of ti flushes ot overexertion. Tho muscles of his legs aro of the tapering variety characteristic of the thoroughbred horse, not tho ponderous, bulgy kind of some of thoso who aspire to sprint ng honors. A great sprlntor usually masters tlin art ot keeping hlmsolf physically lit at all times boforo ho venturos to try bis skill on tho cinders, tinea evi dently learned this lesson very well because his wholo body Ih a harmo nious expression of muscular power Terry Halpine Proves Star of Big Meet Morningsiiie Boy Beats Char Icy Pores in Three Mile Race. T KHHV HAI.IMNK wft.i tho star In tho nniiuat games of the Singer Ktnployoes' Association held at Ilennoy Park In Kllzaboth port. Aided by a handicap, tho Mornlngsldo A. C. bov defeated Charley Porca of the Pclham Nnvnl Training Station by some twenty yards, after a slashing thrco-mllo raco. V. Pltterton of tho Pastime A. C. tagged after the Icadors aud won third honors. Five thousand spectators availed themselves of tho opportunity to wit ness thrilling nthlctlo competition un der flooding sunshlno. Closo finlshcs wero tho order of the dny, and If up- plauso bo a fair criterion, tho closod events wero by all means most popu lar. Following tho established piece dent of the tliiR'fl, tho association blended tho military touch with the conventional ntnioiics. Halpine owed III" victory not alone to superior apecd in the Mnal liaah for the worsted, but to remarkably cool headed running In the middle st.iKes of the race. Starting from the 75-yard mark. Terry made a swift pace for about two miles, and then, letting down a bit for some three-quarters of a mile, eaved hlinaelf for thu rtna! tliixh. Tores, cutting loose, noun uennn in pick up his Held, and a ho pojuwl man after man. thu crowd cheered with raro enthusiasm. Perhaps tho cheers af- frcted I'ores ami lured nun inio uainj; hlnibclt up too early In the race. At nnt mi.. nhin hn nnal!y mnntKed to catch llalpino on tho laat lap. hs tried to sail on Into tno leaa. nui inr aning wji henw Indepd. Temperamental Terry tossed his brown thatched head into the air aim anewcreu mo romcngu with k hurst of speed that surprised and delighted his friends. It was a ding dong btttle for a while, but Just when the erow.l expected the Mornlng'lde l-d to crack, ho made ono of his famous Jumps and left Porce tagnerlng nlong behind. It wu a well won vlctcry. , . . Kddlo Mayo, now attached to the Hos (iltal Corps at Fort Hlneum, won what the committee was pleased to style tho heavy mnrchlng ormr race, aii innt wns lacking was tho heavy marching order. The rnce later developed. Mayo won In ii common canter, wltti H ...... ... -"""- T Onrdner third. Harry Coates sent n smart team to MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS XATI05AT, LEAOUK. cr.tms w. i.. iv. l!l .707 N. Y.. .i!t II .1171 rincln .3.1 'ft .nil lilts , . It) Ti .403 Cl.riW AV. T.. Tr. '.'4 .442 rhlla ..IH .431) Ht. L...1N US .4111 Ukltn .10 SH .304 QAMES YESTERDAY. No samee sebeduled. GAMES TO. DAY. lit, Iula at New York. rittahurih at llrookljo. Clilcare at I'hlladelplila. Clncluoall at Boston HOW THE OTHER CLUBS MADE OUT. AMERICAN LEAQUEe It. H. E! K York. ... .01 ooooosoooo-n d ai iui. n o o . 0 o o o o -&,! S Eatterlaa 'i.e. Uocridse axd lliui.ibl Oailla, fihora.r and llala. At Cltieland ., . Bottim 0 t 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 p 0 CHteUn4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-o h i Balltrwi VeouaH and biUHi Cg'lkll, iiilb, O'ttcU and XbS0)u. ., Latest Running Sensation GO 2 FRANK SHEA the line for tho Paullst A. C. In the two mile run. Cunningham, Oarvey, Ilrow ster and Wliger did tho running, and they won by soiiiethlng like half a tap after lending throughout. The Pastime A. C. was second and tha Ilrooklyn A. A. third. No meet Is complete without a pro test these days, nnd ono cropped up In this rrtnr. It was said that llrown was not eligible to compete for tho Pastime Club because he had become n member of the lVlham Naval Training Station. Fred Nlles ot the Itrglstratlon Commit tee, however, ordered that the prlzea be awarded under protoat. and the mat tcr or Hrown's registration will be In vestigated. M The Kalava Athletic Club, chnmplon ot tha li-ague. got off to a flying start by collecting the greater number of points in the first hnlf or the annual outdoor track nod field championships or the Scandinavian American Athletic League held at Ulmrr Park Ilrooklyn. The athletes had a total of 24 points, Second honors went to the Swedish Amerlcsn Athletic Club, which always pressed It with a count of IS .points, whllo the Finnish-American Athletic Club was third with 15 points. A new leaguo record was eatabllshed when jonn I'lotua a usmva runni.r, vii tured the one-mile run in 4.SS This ttme erased two seconds rrom ine pia mark. whiCll was neia or iiannea rwu- lehmatnen. YANKS-BROWNS BOX SCORE. NEW IOHK IM. I ET. IXJCfH (A). an id nil nilh'Iaf. rt 0 I ah lb r a e m i ii i Tobln ef... B I k no 1 OlAuatln. .'lb., ft 3 4 0 hater, .lb.. 4 3 1 i o' Slaker lb. A 1 (10 a l o o ii I'ralt, SO,. B I -i noiiirnam Pliai lb. 4 S IB n ulllemtnltt hodie. lf.. ft a a o oliiiioii llllu et linn n lerher I 1 I IS III! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 0 kfanians. rfj O 0 OO'tJi.hnj .,..0 0 O 00 jlinnafi. e. 4 Old .1 SltMalael ....0 0 0 0 0 Ufe. D. ... 1 0 0 OO'llite e 4 l 8 SO Iktrldn. tl 1 10 IVitraid .. t 0 0 0 0 I IVierald .. t 0 0 0 0 inaiiu, v... S o n on Ibbncker. o 2 1 0 O 0 Totals .,..44 ll'MSO SlTotaU ....411120142 Two out letien wlnnlli run wia awed tlliltM for nerber In the tueltih Itinlat. lllin for John In the t.'lfth Ionic IBatted tut Hale Id the Wtlftli Innlns N York is OtonOlOSOOO 04 St. laxill It V 1 9 o n u v i o lturio Pecalnnauah llaker Ilun Pottle. To btn AiuUd (21 Staler (Inleon. Tro-lliH- IIIU fleitfon, Slaler, Moarlilre Cil. Aualla ItDD. Iler.ltyi, lloovi Ilun - I'inn IWiuiJ" Plata paaer rrU ami I'lnu I'.'l: Aualla (Ifdmn I nil ii.i,.. xa!: -! I"rs. Left ea Pu'vNa Vorl Us HI, Nmla. JH Flrat Pan rn )ror Saw Tork a. rirat Ita pa ltilla (iff loie. S: iiff li.rlJv. . ofl Hatha a- oil Sivx-kfr a. Paa Itlta- Off Iite. 4 In thrw tn nlnu loona out In piurtnl' oil aiwllffe. n rUht iivl tvolbtnU lnoltin: of! tilts. ID Id iTm a rwt tnjthirA Itinlnut off Sh(Vkar 1 In four M two-thlnli Unloa. Hit bv I'tto d 1UU II am IKUlfrt Rlmrk On I Ht InT 1- W fnh Sl-t. Wlnnln Hleber-olwcter. Wei ntcher fre. AMERICAN LEAGUE. cixrwi w. l. re. n.trtM vr. I-, re. Nt. I... .31 Tl ,4H B.U ..2.1 Utl .471) itiiu ..17 ! .aor. Ilrelt.l4 ua ,uru Uoaton.Stl 10 ,K4 N. T.. .37 10 .IJH7 Chleace.Sn IH .flOl Clave ..3d 24 .01(1 QAMES YESTERDAY. HI. Iols, Hi New York, I (13 Innlnra). IToaton, St Clereland, O. M'aahlncton, 3 Detroit, O, Chlrafo, 3 1 Philadelphia, 1, OAMES TO. DAY. Doeton at Chicago. I'hlladelplila at Detroit. YVoahlnrton at Ht. Leult. ..At.D.tiott' Jl.U.E Wsablnitun ..... OOpSOOOO o if 7 il D.jroit o ooooooo iyo i o netterie. Johnaon and AlnaoUtb; llouuid, C. i"l'.,y.'Ut ""1 Binncer. At PHladeioLi. not on non n-i n 5 Ce ....... . . I (i ft 0 0 0 0 1 i i M I Ucnci-ruri uJ 1'cialiui Clgutta auJ brond-shoUldered, deep-chested, but with no port out of proportion to tai u liter. Khea's arms nro llko thosa of a wrestler, although ha novor has . use them In his branch of track ath letics. This Is only an Indication of Ms systematic physical culture whorq In a sprinter develops tho rest of his body along with tho muscles of Mi loffi. Thoro ls very much of the grey hound about Frank Bhea, particularly In tha movement of his legs In action. Tho secret of sprinting Is In touching thn ground with tha least possible effort and In picking up the feot again without losing any power. This Is the nearest possible approach to fly ing. Hhca was entered In the event with a dozen or more mediocre nprlntcrs, and his honor position on scratch made It extremely trying for him to pass tho field and gain tha lead. Running on the outside of tha track moat of tho way he lost all ohanco to lowor tha record of 47 4-Ss. estab lished by Maxey Long In September, 1800. Tha champion pasafd his nearest competitor In tho first stretch, and from then on to the last 100 yards his stride was constantly Impaired from having to dodge In and out of the wabbling field. Shea and young Hcrthold Schwartz of the Dickinson High School staged a pretty sprint during the lost few yards, and It was only the premier's class that enabled him to breast tha tape a fow Inches in tno lean. Frank Ahc.i has always been a hard worker. Ho had to work at night as telegrapher for the Pennsylvania Ha U road in order to defray thn ex penses of his course at the Univer sity ot Pittsburgh. He Is tho type of athlete which carries a strong per sonal appeal. His Integrity, togcthor with a natural thirst for book learn ing and his prowess on tho track, finally caused his election to Presi dent ot bis class. Shoa Is quiet, unassuming and al most painfully modest. Nevertheless, he Is very attcntlvo and courteous whenevsr be ls addressed. While his mark of SO 25s. on Saturday was considerably lower than the world's record. Shea's performance waa1 a revelation to tho splendid gallery that witnessed tho annual games of the N. Y. A. C. It Is always a treat to see a real champion in action. A BATTINGDEMON Doyle Still Heads National League Ruth's Average Falls Off During Week. TT Is a known fact that tho Clove- I land Indians shaved Marty Kav anaush off their roster for having fallod to respond to the treatment ap plied to his batting eye, and that all tho othor American J.entcue clubs waived on Mart becauso they thought he couldn't hit his wolirht. Tho rofusal of Htovo Yerkos to re port to Manager Jack Ilondrlcks of the Ht. Louis Cards prfrrlliEi to make ships nnd play ball In tho Steel Leaguo at the rato of 1300 a week, put the sllverhulrcd pilot In a bole, und ho snapped up Marty for want of a better custodian of tho Keystonu kopjo. No sooner hail bo stepped on Na tlonal League diamond dust than the homeliest man In baseball began to shako the meanest bat in his career, and at the ond of his llrHt wruk as a regular In' tho line-up ho clipped tho pill at the rato ot .382. Hughny Jennings cut Marty ndrlft two sea eons ago becauso hu couldn't lilt. Iloth Fohl ot the Indians and the noted grass picker uro now wonder ing why they did It. Larry Doyle, supported by his six weeks' lay-off, still leads the National League bnttors with .4211. The most noteworthy Incrnnso during tho weuk was that of our old friend, Fred Merkle of the Cubs, who ruined his nverago sixteen Dolnts nnd Is now Hteaming along at a .375 clip. Jnko D.iubert of tile Tloblns lost eleven points during tho week, ltoss Young of the (Hants fell oft seventeen points. poylo, Kauff and Young are the only Giants batting In thu .800 pll inrv. The tllnntn nrn seuuiiil tu Chi cago In tenm butting, but lend thn bogus In team fielding. loyle still remains aa tho league's best slugger. Baseball Statistics in Major Leagues Ae trcefc record In rach Ungue of pa uie a played, Uon and lost, xcith runs, ills, ctTort, men let on laset and runs scored oy opponents, In cludina the gomcM ot Haturtlav, June. 8, It as folloict: NATIONAL LKAHIIK. I', W. U It. II. K LB. Oil, Chlcato . . . .0 0 New York. ..(In Cincinnati , ,rt 3 St 53 2i ni IS 43 4 28 H f) 32 34 7 31 20 0 24 12 7 31 in 8 UH 24 l-lltaburiti ..II 2 4 in llo.lon 4 1 1-lilladelpbiia.O 2 SI. IxiuU... ,o 4 llrookln ,. ,( 3 27 111 42 2 10 07 12 47 HI 3 111 DO 10 40 31 AJIEKICAN I.F..WfUl!. I'. W New York. ..7 4 . U n, a 2m 4 2H ii r i.n.on. n7 11 43 27 Ikraton . ... .7 a fhlcafo ... ,0 G flftfland ...74 n'a.blnrton ,7 0 M. I.ollla... ,T 1 no na nt nr. 411 no no 11 45 32 2H 20 7 34 IB H 40 11) 13 nn 22 13 43 21 4 4.1 10 0 37 34 2.1 ID l-hlladelpbla.O 3, 10 Hrlralt ... .7 2 SH KAVANAUGH CARDINALS NOW Errors Cost Yankees Lead ST. LOUIH, dune 10. Frnnk Oil- hoolny and Truck Hannah bunched a couple ot crmm In tho twelfth Inning nnd the llriunn won tho Inst frame of the scries, incidentally pulling the Yntiki'cs out of tho league lender ship, nn the Itcd Kox won thulr isamo nt ricvelmiil, The gnme hard fought, Tne llrowns got a three-run lend early, N1 C4 4x1 Made In Any Style You Select or NEW YORK CITY STORKSt 1387 Broadway, Hot. 37th and 38 III Ste. 1011 Third Avenue, Near USlli Street. 2S1 Eighth Ave., Near 23d Street. GUI Eighth Ave., Bet. 43d and 'Id ih Sis. 2331 Eighth Ave., 1 door abova 125th St. 143 West 2Uth Street, Headquarters. BRONX STONEt 408 East 140th St., Nenr 3d Ava. - W! - I I 0 1 THEATRES. NEW AMSTERDAM frM Klate A Rrlimrer'a .New Mii.IihI I'lar C'oiilliiuliia Neat Mun, nt Imletr TlieH r-l (lala Week Tii-nlalit 0 llnmn llroa. 1.1V.1.U1II M,ilm r i A Hal 2.J1I). 1IAVII) lll:i..M((l I'ri'tenta TIGER ROSE LIBERTY ,Vi'1i:,.Hi K"V!,;l5:,. "GOING UP" ntRV MlUlR'S "WTVIf Uat s Tlinea Kii, 8,30, .Mi a TI.Mia. H.t BILLIE BURKE I in A Marriage HENRY MILLER I of Convenience f.fOHF llarXTllSt Mem Ki at a JO w V;P.T Matina.. We.1. .V M.t a' I Mr Raymond Hitchcock -im in HITCHY-KOO 1918 lth LEON ERROL & IRENE BORDONI WKHT TD-Mlllir Vr S,l 4I.TII ST M.I. .1. .V S, 1 .J atrlnra Author.! "Ml'IK.IW 'llieutre 1'reeiil "The lle-l sellera" kii it dm; -.sorri iim:" ACT ri..Vrf. ;.rt' ItrJiiiiiMlh'ii' PORT fnii at , K niH'ti. v: - i FLO-FLO 'iMKnin -r ULIUULIt jllUi n ,, A Jt J.() with i; AiooiiK, iini a ii.tKitn v.'v.v A TAILOR-MADE MAN 5" ?"' ELtlNGr: i' f---; Business Before Pleasure DURLE90UE. OLYMPIC , JVfftT MAT. DAILY 3moe ( I .Mill I IV Hill n: you I.Ike. iii iii ixii i:um. AilATIiLlCl i'UIUAT .MliUl. PV V.0 COHAN IMWA. S A SMACKINO y MutiiCAL success q Inrgoly dun to Love's wlldnesi and Ineffectiveness. He was tnken out of tho box with none out In the fourth Inning after having given two runs, four bases on balls and hit a man. , (lef.rgc Mogrldfte took up the pitch ing burden after !nvc's departure ami allowed two runs In the tlrth, but hurled airtight boll after that, and It wns Hi roil ah. no fault or hla Hint thn llrowns put over tho winning count In the twrirth. The Ynnks liml a bis: liattlnir rnllv In the elshtli, sllpulnir over three runs and tliiR tho count. They put Itert Clillia nut of the game hv the IWeeneaa or heir fusll'nde nnd t'rbin K.o, ker had to be enlled tn to aton the riot of hits. TAILORS How Wc Bring Down the Cost of Custom Tailoring: All your garments nrc tailored In our own thoroughly modern daylight factory under the direct supervision of the firm. All woollens are purchn.ied In large quantities direct from the miUi, enabling us to secure most substantial price concessions. The lnrgc business we do In our stores enables us to operate our organization at the minimum of overhead expense. In a word, our fnctory-to-wcarer tailoring system eliminates nil middlemen's profits and we give you all the savings. Three-Piece SUITS to Measure For Men and Young Men $1 0.75 Why not hnve your rlotlirs inmle to your order niatle to fit YOU anil YOTJIl Ideas, especially whrn wo offer such on attractive saving? You select your favorite fabric )ou tell us your favorite style, and we auurc you of excellent tailoring In every detail. Many Other Fine Suitings, $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00 Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. Open Saturdays Till 10 P. M. IIHllJ'l.l','.1 Mffl Mil, STORES IN RROOKLYNi 104 FUtlni.h Ave I'll-dir fp.u Kiitt iui riatmun are., Sl ivimit) 1370 Hroadway, Near Galea Avenue. 700 n'wajr, 1 block from I'luahlnf Ava. B10U Fifth Avenue, Near 51st Street. STORES IN NEW JERSEYi Newark. 100 Market St., Near Dread St. Union Hill, 207 Dergenllne A v., John St. I 1 1 THEATRES. WINTER GfRDEN f;. "fMX" BKOADHUFST WxiSy.'"!:: ?: MAYTIME ''sW, wild .IIIIIV I'MMII.IM TIIOMAi Jiiliii r, Murray arohn UKimaun, Tfl-n (iHiitivnMiis. iiKAimriir, '"a"1 IWSH TO .11,1. run I.ADIKH. SHIIRFRT "i w,, lllmieln. IIM I'.H, lloltirooVi III.INN in GETTING TOGETHER ASTOR V."t "'"a?, t. a. slio 1 W I.,,,,, wil, A Hal. 2 SO. RocfeA-Be Baby Capdiatlhl lllrla and alule. PRINCESS S'tlb nr n'nar, Kta. fl.VO, Mala. We.t. a. Bl i! '.II. MlMle Cnmeilr Maa. ..liiei-e mum mm BOOH Mteli-T S.!,";S.!!!5; ' ''"Si!':''""''S e v e nl e e n ) ii.aAii.o uiiiuii i,,, , We.1 A iui J 30, MA R JO RI E RAMBEAU lnEYLsOIL VOUTH CASINO )l'l A .'lOlli. V.rrm a jit. .Mllh.T. Wl Ht Hat 5 15 : 13 CLIFTON CRAWFOP.D inFANCYFREE 48TH ST. 0 i '""r. w. .," .Sat.. '.'SO mil MAN wiiii STAYED atI0ME PARKHiBiSiTgrt Pt-i. mW.'S&'-b Stolen Orders iinoi' t i nti ii v Tiu:.iitr. at u.noi CEHTURYGROVE 11(11.1 1 I IIhik Von Keen I MHIII.S I I III. 11(1111. Ks? ) (IKOimn II III 1 ts AMUSEMENTS. , 11ULLU AIVIUKILA ollh I. MUM anil llllliv STEEPLECHASE TIIK rL'NNY I'LACK. OPENASUSUAL AMUStMtNT UMl aauv PARK opaosits rvtit iso'-it. reny " UU Ol'r.y. Sunday World "Wanls" ! W'urk Monday WondeisJ lttttn a i ioi rro This he did nettly. holding tha visitor to ono hit in the List four stunts. Tim Hendryx opened the last half ot the twelfth nlih his fourth pass. Hay Demmitt popped to Derrlll Trait, Joe (led on singled sharply lo riKht and Oil hooley's fiiinble sllowe.l Itendryx to ei clear to third. This made It necessary to pass I'cte Johna, who was put In M hit for Qerber, as II usdm fured tbj sliigslng' pinch hitler nould boom out long ny. Hank Hevereiil, hitting for Halo, hit to llaker. whoa nice throw to Hannah forced Hendryx ut the plats. Truck whirled and lined the bill to I'lpp for a double play, but the ball hit Heverrld In the back, shot away from Wnlly's mil and Oeiledrl fame all the way from second with the winning tally. ,flil- it Hr- Satisfaction Guaranteed I 1 v.tutr.viu.n imioto iujitb. fMlt lmwllnf, nartlme Dlntae Car, Jonlm (ilrli. Amtionr A Ikaja era, Whllealle Hlalera. otba. Ar liiur lliir rjgtr In "Oi,r ILaTop, Tlia An.urna si.tera. Ihnr A Artbaa,' Jlr I'mtr. Ilaaer A liners. Hteiil l'arliAf art II. W A Co., Krincl. A KMoll'a At M Ar '. I "11a. Manr Ileal., i In if) m si. rheila lura In "IJI.KOl'ATIlAaia' rianvTllle. AIU A Hell. CbarlteA Cxnwajr A Hall KVla. Harrta Ar ' I.lman W J. Illtiaiin an.t r.lh.r "ttliere TtiliinTTamn." Maneaka; MontfMnerr. Ilrtninl A TennlaL Jack Wiait. Marl 111 rait On. C. , I. A nn,r, )t lm,!. . ot .e i e6 ti SlDTfeT irIT,2.1 St (IIIIISTIK MfDONAIJti l.( K VII.1()N..U.IIk2 rl.N.l IUNCII llallat.TI. I iHllielll A f'enven. a n.4 1 ALACE wat A T HT lull; M.'i.'.'.v xi ;iu ( ipyiMiFSihJf riii.r.M.i i irn I HUNK IKA.NKIJN nivtHsiut an, i in hiii.x lllic Il'WW A mi NT VAIHk'a- (IVdl. otheaV N 111 I.I.N. HENDERSON'S Jsc JlftHtf Submarine F-7 Lyont & Yoicp "Ollie.." lill Holla, Home A On. Othei t3 a.i. PHOTO PLAY8. mi twi'mi tviuvoaraT 3:i KcrMICC IviiiYSitMr At n f la .'ft a a' "CA rln D.W.GRIfPITHS irer tveatpua JrlEARTS me WO BLW R i im i v iiiiiiitriK u. fnifAM 1 V J L. II -iiiftlae Traalt t ll'aa. I'llli llulllilaa." Hololats. 4 lllioll llrelie'tm. "J I IIM . Il m I ALTO i:i.mi; ii:uiii min, aa wa Taw S-i Hi luiits. t'nnieilr A 2ll ,1(1 III) i HUll.i Onhe.jrm" CIR AMI - Irt-alnstun. Thru I re. nillli St. A tea. Aeoi Cecelia of the rink Kose'V Mai. Ilullr. IDr A I. In lire... lile 20ir'f CHARITY. Metropolitan Opera House I'. rl. NAVY JU'MC I'KHTIV.II. TO-NIGHT I II ret lion Mine. Irnnre. AM World's Five Greatest Tenors Caruto McCormack Muratora Marlinelti Laiaro Ar I iJ.k.u uf uUir I'auiua Artiata. seal, ai II. u,wi iTt at llu uclice. ai ii i' ,au mmmm e a V n I r T.iK.' IL. I. 2.30 d.30. Lut Weak. jjgrj 'lite ta VAijyit.LE. J? EhPRQLTORx I25IHSI S. I II l - , ;.v O..- Kill.,. JfloJiT, P E R S H I N G'S CRUSADERJC: tkluu) diiM.vo Mi lrke ill suta. tacetA Hlfinaaf) It a a ft it 12 It. I f ' II