rrmrrrn nirrrn nil nil I IT
i fllnir Ir.N hH
IllllbklkV VII I
Japanese Eat Lightly, Being Partial to Rice, but Irish Weight
Throwers Are All Heavy Eaters Hackenschmidt Believes
That Sugar Supplies Nervo Power Football Players De
pend Largely on Meats. .
rWrrHrr.l. HIS. he Th Pnu IWbhlnat
tNCB tho Kusslan-Japaneso war
out as a pcoplo who can light
to keep them alive. Japaneso
Bport through several generations, and everything Is dono to make tho
wrestlers grow as big as possible Many of them aro six feet tall and weigh
over thrco hundred pounds. Tho result of thejr system of training la to
mako them like members of a different raco of people.
lUtachlyama, wrestling champion '
or Japan, told mo that through sev
eral years of training before ho be
came a first class wrestler ho gorged
htmaelt with food dally until ho could
hardly stand. Ho wrestled for hours
every day. Ho didn't move around
much, A favorite training stunt was
to butt heads with a rival wrestler
until ono fell down unconscious.
Then tho winner would go and put
away a big meal. Wnlst measure
never worried u Japancso wrestler.
I think Hltachlyama'a was about live
fect. But his legs nnd his arms were
monstrous nnd knotted with muscles.
Hltachlyama'a theory was that tho
moro food ho could devour tho more
material ho would turn Into muscle.
Ono of tho BtronKcst wrestlers I
over know was Oconto Hacken
schmidt. tho "ItusHlan Lion." Ilack
enachmtdt was n marvel of strength
and oymmetry. In his prlmo ho could
throw any rival with case, and tho
wrestlers of to-day wouldn't have
laartod a mlnuto with him.
Ilackcnsohmldt waa not a heavy
tater. Hut ho had a fad. Ho be
lieved that eatlnir candy and pastry
gave him stretirth. Ho didn't eat a
groat doal of candy, but ho ato candy
nnd cakes and tmgary dishes every
"If you want to lx strong," Haek
raschmldt Bald, "you must dovolop
nervo power. Supar supplies that."
Recontly I reaifan article by a prom
inent physician proclaiming as a new
discovery tho very thine that Hack
enschmidt practised ton years ago.
Hackenschmidt disagreed with
nearly all other athletes when ho de
clared that thn best cxerclso for de
veloping strength Is lifting heavy
dumbbells. It Is usually thought that
weight lifting niakra an athleto slow
and ties his muscles Into knots. Hut
Hackenschmidt certainly wasn't cither
slow or muscle-bound when ho first
camo to America nnd beat Tom Jen
kins at Madison iunro Garden. Ho
wan a streak on tho wrestling pad.
And ho could turn alrsprings llko any
circus ncrobat.
An athleto who didn't aereo with
Hackenschmidt about restrictlnR tho
amount of food taken nnd Indulging
In sugar was Donny Morgan, onco
holder of tho world's record nt shot
putting. Denny was training nt
Travcrn Island. Ono day I met him
at the training tablu. Denny finished
his lunch nnd called for a pitcher of
milk and a dozen raw oggn. He broke
tho eggs Into tho milk, stirred tho
combination, nnd drank it down. This
w.i his dally performance. I In
quired Into his mothod of training.
"I'm a big, strong man, and I've got
to have something to eat." Denny ex
plained. I might mention, however,
that Denny's best with the shot that
summer was 45 fret, whereas In Ire
land, where, no doubt ho was fur
nished with less lavish rations, ho
did about three feet bettor.
rtalnh Hose, Iat McDnnaM Martin
.Sheridan, John Klanagun, Matt Mc
Ornth, Con Walsh. Simon (lllllcs ami
tFisticNews job,
Johnnr T)undT, the fast local Ital
ian lightweight, was matched ovor
the long-dlMtmice telephone to-day to
meet Itnefcey Knnsss, the rugged
Iluffaln fighter, for twelve rounds nt
tho Armory A. A. of llonton on next
Tuesday night. Dundeo was to have
fought VranUle "Young" ltrltt, but
as tho latter was Injured In a bout
st Ixiwcll, Mhsm., recently he was
unable to taho on Dundto and Kn
as was substituted fur him. Dun
deo will get Into shupu for the con
teit at Hilly Grupp's gymnasium.
Cturl7 D,irHfrifk, fnrnirr mitrhnuVrr tl Ui
Armory .. A. of Jfn.ey nt;, lia rom lo
ten ltfi the cfiml n the Hcrtnf A. C. ti
Wnt IIiJen. S J . ami (n IV future will b
DuMinukcr of ti did. Uorler tn-J; ifcun!
mi Ju'inTt" Inrr,aii of J,nj (My t mft lot
Mra;. th :i-jl I!iHtl.iit. In t w ktjr bout
if tirtt nunJn ibe ilub' Uiimt !" oa
Ufit Tuiiy nlllit.
Jiili Tinf.n .nil lUrrj Willi. th i'op
I nir'i itfVi nr. .Dinj to fi'.M ! V'-3U 1r!.hla
on Si.' -!m neimw. Sin. II. Funk O'llncn,
mtMimtk "f U Nitmiul A. ('. of tlut dtr,
uffr'iil J mi'ujini ni II r mra nc!i a sl
ortiT til". 'In! Iki no turn- lu nv-'i.tirsi lb
tunrw In ilioir baltkra.
Jci llml o U fiii"1; kirb( I.U oun troublu
trfios to mt- UmU for tlio n'kij tnxfni
idviiin at Olniijil A. A. U IliildiWliiUia.
Jurli till ' haai .'-n TiJ IwU tn-l tnc K-uin
rrf ILilin btril ue fir "t Mn'dw uUit. but
he vim .iMii!i.l in .irpi th.il tiuiub uul Iim
'if lUtj n.- 4 Kuu "itv u, ni't
TU hi- i II J U llit uum bout U.
I'lu Tim Inhjii lnit lniwft'it of
Bt, Pail l" fPP''JiH' I" lb tins
in' I'bln.U . Iil I" n -ht f r t e ftnt tlrai la rei
rral num'ni II' "II " J"" l'"li. tho
Wwtan hi jeiil'ii. I" en" U( l,'J, ' ,'',
tlon.l A ''. "I IMiil4.f.iililJ. Ii tlw oihtr ir
Ci Itriiiir Valfr nV.vi li'riy SUUwcru, tu
rUlidtll'bu lulilHilfht.
foj I,Dril irlll el hi N Tork tbtit
rtotl enj'ljiik'n' munCur at 'h ' Vlp, VIp.
Vapbiok" eut tc-nllM. Tlw-n.-e Dnnr will trartl
rlth tbt ibow la V'iln:lon, u'il pauiblr Oimp
llutai, T Witireltit champion ur.vtJ to Hart
- K I N WnHI
tall Wl I 111"'"
CD. (Th Nnt Tort Eeenle W01U.)
tbo Japancso liavo boon pointed
on less food than others use. merely
athletes aro not heavy caters. Their
diet is made up principally or rice
and vegctablo foods. This Isn't en
tirely a matter of cholco or dieting
for condition. Meat Is hard to Get
In Japan, and rlco Is plentiful.
Thcro aro athletes In Japan who
cat as much as possible, all the
time. Thcso aro wrestlers. In tho
Japancso otylo of wrestling, weight
and strength count moro than quick
ness. Japancso are trained to the
Pat Ilyan were all tremendous caters
and great weight throwers. I have
seen Sheridan cut two dozen filed
eggs at a meal, and on another oc
casion get away with eighteen lamb
chops. Gillies used to eat hard boiled
eggs whole, without even cracking tho
Bhells. When ho went to London with
tho American team, to compote In tho
Olympics, itlko Murphy was coach
and trulncr. Mlko told Oillies lils
wholo egg stunt wouldn't help him
win the hammer throwing event. It
didn't: Simon's explanation was that
ho had a bad knee.
Freddy Welsh was noted as a
"vegetarian fighter." I happen to
know that Freddy was vegetarian In
public and fond of roast chicken In
private Ho depended almost entirely
upon vegetables, however. Perhaps
that explained his fighting style.
As a rule nthlctoa taking part In
heavy competitions want plenty of
beef. There Is always a lot of meat
on a football training table. The
United States Army gets Its meat
rations, no matter what restrictions
nro put on civilian food supplies, for
tho army authorities and theorists
bellevo In tho good old theory of
plenty ot beef and nle for a fighting
man only barring the ale.
Tho Turks wcro very strong. Somo
of tho big Turkish wrestlers who
came over hero years ago men like
Nouroulah wcro ns strong as horses
and seemed to havo unlimited endurance-
In spite of their big round
stomachs. I asked Nouroulah about
his training system ono day. lie said
that his grandfather and his father
were wrestlers, and ho was trained
for wixvrttlng from early boyhood. Ho
did a Jot of hard work for several
years, also eating heavily and drink
ing much thickly sweetened coffee.
When ho reached his full growth
about 3S0 pounds In weight and 8 fect
6 Inches In height, ho ato little and
lived principally upon sweetened cof
fee and cigarettes, on which djet he
won wrestling matches "to the death"
In Turkey matches in which tho
winner was supposed to strangle tho
vanquished rival for tho amusement
of somo Turkish potentate. He
smoked cigarettes Incessantly, drank
cof.'ee nil clays long, never trained,
and beat all American wrestlers at
tliot tlmo with absurd ease.
Georro Hackenschmidt escribed tho
power and enduranco of tho Turks to
tho fact that they never uso alcohol.
And there may be something in that.
But tho Irish aren't noted for their
nbstemlnns habits, nnd they produco
nearly all tho wolght-throwlng cham
pions. Of course athletes competing In
events that require speed and endur
anco must use food and drink In mod
oration. And considering tho results
of over-oatlng or over-drinking so
often seen in tho swift fnu from
championship form of somo great ath
lete, this seems tho only reasonable
thine to do. An long as moderation
Is tho rule. It makes llttlo difference
wbother a man cats boef or beans
drinks red wine, light beer, coffee,
milk or water.
fob and Gossip)
Irrnuoai trlnlr for th tiri miUh utf next
mldJ cwrltht cbamponWp of tlie anaj .r.J cn.
b.i i ia nutrbrt to mt BitlHni ItnlT far tin
roarldi at Porbc, PWJ In lltt.burrt on SM. W.
aa rmtrbnl to-dar bj Li. maoairr. Jlmoir .Mum,
for an.,thiT m-lwt. Ills oppoufflt lo thui ft tll
be Jack McCarron, h mloJlurnibt of AUmloan,
'l,J took 03 ,or ' ""ml! at tte
.Natlooai A. c. of fhilidelphla oa Bert.
j.ra Ainr or iiroonjn, who wia tb nunu
of l-lill llloom. tlK llnioklyn Ikhtadjht for a-f.
t.'n "." U c" looWc' fl,r k '
mine AiTt. I bo local b.nlm.(.,.. ..... i.
oow a )roman lo th aaij, and at bt cin I't
l.'raiiinon to cncijo In bouta. Aahcr ttctM lo
lake biro aru ia after loula for Aator nib the
SCkl barttama.
Atv,thr clot) In N, i,tse, taM Smtl
Micral wl. ago ,m account of tbe fttrtmo rt
eatlwr 1ll crow 0,-n its Joo-s aaala on Skn'liy
iisbl. Th- club la the I'atmon A a i
... .... .ua, up in,, fUt of K ",!
tlilu arkl Tommr Vim k. Ku ...
, 1'rvunainx lieram
Hiitwelilit. Thej w,ll battle for Hibt renada.
Jor Lennnril Srorra Kuorkont.
Ionard. the crack Ilrooklyt, bantam.
ri"lSic,i!:.vJ':!? to hi. low
at tha I'enns arovs A. U. 'nji, r i
UonariVs fllxth strnlght victory hore.
and tho fans are cUmoftn? fo? a n""1
hiitween Ionanl and Champion iV.n
I'libaana l.nl Apirnrnnee l,re.
To-morrow nft-rnoon nt 0:wpio
1 kid th Cuban .Stars of Ilavuni win
nu'ft tho Lincoln Giants In urh-.
Zimmerman lMn. To-Mo,rT.
Heinle Zimmerman will Join the
K)nrsVr',,f0 AthIetea to-morrow tnd
r'c rR'rary'cknn FcSZ
Dyckman Street subway sttlon'r I
thu mruifiif a world, Saturday, September 7, mi.
V P TifGIR. G N V:(HAD 5tC? VMC3tUUCi v-W vAfos )
(1 If I lHY GAT AU."ef ' I A T1MC tb CM rWlWS
: . rL c!s ' ioZi-
-umm Bww m - ihmimamoFJ
Pod Sox Never Had a Chance
in Second Game for "Slraw
Hat Championship of the
By HughS. Fullcrton.
Cou)TnM. 1018, hf Tb I'm PiiMlnnlmr Co.
ill Km York Ermine World.)
CIIICAaO, Hopt. 7.
TUB grandoldopo worked better
yesterday and tho Cubs, fighting
viciously, won tho second game
ot tho first straw hat championship
of tho world 3 to 1. The dopn pro
claimed that tho
Cubs would hit
Uullct .Too Hush
and tho dope
worked out. They
hit him barder
than tho score
tells and only
somo breaks of
luck and some
sharp fielding In
tho critical mo
ments kept them
from winning by
u larger majority.
Tho d o p o de
clared that Tyler should pitch a Bhut
out camo ogalnbt tho Hod Sox, nnd up
to the ninth Inning ho bad them Hhut
out. tamed nnd practically helpless,
with bis team fielding in flno form
behind him. Then being too anxious
to clinch tho victory, ho pitched
wrong to two batters nnd two triples
in succession put another kind of
rouse on 'he complexion of tho game,
but when put to tho test and with the
tj-ln run on tho bases, Tylnr pitched
tn in.isnlflccnt form and by striking
out Dubuc nnd pitching Hchang Into
a sW'8 o' helplessness, ho won by a
Bale margin, Tho gaino was much
more bitterly fought than tho first
and tho Ued Box, who, Thursday night,
thought they bad a cinch, roallzed
that tho Cubs nro a dungurous nnd
BcrarPV hunch who fight hardest
when they aro hard prcssml. I find
that tho Cubs aro mote confident now
than they ever havo been that they
can beat tho American leaguers, and
the ono big Interrogation mark is
In my opinion Ituth, tho superman
who won tho American l.cuguu pen
nant almost ulono for tho Ued Sox,
1 the only tiling thut cun stop
("hicauo and It Is doubtful whither
t- can do It. In tho occond game
tiie Cubs looked pounds better tti-ni
their rivals, and they rushed their
uttucl;. played tho game nnd
worked moro smoothly. Thai tho
bovs aro getting in earnest ovur this
wiri'M was shown by the fact that
Uolnlo Wagner and Knaba enlivened
th" t.truBlu by staging a fist figlu.
Theso two grand vutenns havo been
ranging each other constantly and
to-day Knabo Invited Wagner to
come umlu- tliu stands and fight it
out. Heinle accepted with alacrity
and two minutes later when tho
other placers dragged Knabo off
Copyright, Mil, by
him. Wagner emerged with mod
covered shoulders and ruffled mien,
Knabo wins tho first round.
It was not a well played game
of boll, but from tho .standpoint of
tho fans, It was bolter than tho
Immaculately played opening gamu.
Thcro was somo excitement, mora
tetiso situations and moro clamor
from tho multitude, which warmed
up with the weather. Uoston never
had a real chanco to win after tho
tecond Inning when tho Cubs broke
looso after Hush wabbled and
Thomas erred and ma do ono ot tho
famous rushing assaults that yloldol
them tho championship of their own
Tho story of the gamo really Is told
In that second Inning. Ilush was
pitching ns be has been lately, this
reason, with terrlllo opced and a fast
curve, but ho appcurod always to
bo uncertain of his control. Ilia fast
ball kept shooting awry and lio had
to follow up to get control or else
use his curve.
In tbo great majority of Instances
his curve proved tamer Uian bis
fast one. but to start tbo second
ho Issued a pass to Merklo nnd Pick
tried to hunt. Hunting against mat
kind of speed Is a trying Job nnd
llck poked tho ball rathor hard
toward third base and Thomas rush
ing forward and hurrying tho play In
an effort to forco Merklo at ceand
let tho ball got past him. Deal
popped out, but Killlfer whanged a
double to right that sent honm tho
llrst run, and Tyler Just met a fast
one and rapped a slnglu to ccntro
that scored two more.
I!ut for tbo fact that tnn tjuos
wcro a trifle overanxious they could
havo scored moro right there, as the
iinl Sox nnnearcd panicky and
broken, but Tyler tried to stretch his
bit and was out ot second, and Klack,
after hitting safely, stole scond, only
to ovcrslldo tho base. Throo times
after that tho cubs nad glorious
chances to score, but Hush's speed
nnd somo Hharn inflcldlng, especially
by Scott, held thorn back.
Onlv onco (luring the tirr-t elgni in-
nlncs wero thn lied Kix very danger
ous. Tlicy nan runners on necnn
and third with ono out in tneir
second because or a iuso on uaus
and a bunt on which Tyler snd Killl
fer were muddled, but llollocher, who
played much better ball to-uay,
grabbed u grounder and shut off the
nm ut the pl.it".
Tho only (law in Tyler s work was
that ho used too much stuff to thn
first batter In each Inning and started
three rounds wiln passes, and men
demonstrated tho fact that tho dope
was right when It llgurcd that tho
Hod Box cannot hit good left-handers.
.Most of tho titno ho toyed with tho
Sox, and when ho did need help In
a few Instances, ho received It from
llollocher and rick.
It was I'lck w'ho mado tho greatest
play of tho day a one-handed stop
of rcotts vicious ixninm.T, almost
back of first base, on which ho throw
out tho runner cleanly. .Mclnnls an. I
llollocher shared with him tho field-
lng honors, while Whlteimin was tho
bixib of tin) day, playing awkwardly
and finally mulling ft comparatively
easy fly. lie really muffed two, but
ono he recovered jn tlmo to forco a
runner at second.
Not until tho ninth did tho Ited
Hox niako n bid. Then Strunk caught
a slow curve squarely and drove tbe
The rren Publlihlng Co. (Th. Now Tork
Second gamo of World's Series
plnjrd nt Comlskey Turk, Clil
Hfo ycsterdiij-. Sooro: Chicago
(XiiUonitl LeagntOf 3; Itoston
(American LfugncJ, 1. Tho stand
lug now rrmli as follows:
W. I,. P.C.
Itoston ............ t I -'00
Chlcapo . 1 1 .00
Scorn of tho first giimo in Chi
cairo on Thursday: Itoston, 1;
Chicago, 0.
Total paid attendance yrsler
duy, 20,010. Total receipts,
29,997, dlrided ax follows:
Players $lC,l8Jt9
i;sch club onn.ic
Natlonnl CoinnilKslou... L',999.70
Official paid atlcndnuco for two
frames, .19,111. Total receipts,
$G0,11G, dlrided ns follows:
l'layera rJ32,..S(W0
llnch clob KU3U2.M
National Commission... 0,03 1X0
Third game at Comlskey Park,
Chicago, nt 'M0 o'clock.
All It It ro A r.
Hooper, rf 3 O 1 L II (I
Shrsn, Vb O 1 r IS O
HtronL, cf It I I a
vtiiitrmiui, it :i u i :i o i
Mclntria, lb 1 7 II
Srott, m O O It 2 O
Tliumaa, 3b 2 II O I I II
Aanew, e - ( (I - A II
HchaJi, e iSOl I O II
Iduh, p 12 o (I (I ,t o
Duboa I U O l O II
Totsla till t II it It 1
All It II IO A I.
nark, rf I II U t I II
Hollochrr, m l I 5 A (I
Mann, If 4 O II o O II
1'iuikr-rt, rf I O O U II O
Merklr, lb 'i 1 I II I II
I'lrk, 21 U 1 J I I o
Unit, lib it u o I 1 1
Kllllfrr, c U 1 1 I Z II
Tjlt-r, p It u o
TotaU : 7 J7 IS 1
Ilultril for Tliamiia In nth Innlnr.
Itnalnn , . . . II II O II O O O O 1 1
Clilmcn . . , ii 9 ii il u ii ii ii ;i
Imi-lnl till Kllllfrr. Tbrrr-lix Ml.
Ilolluclirr, Strunk, Uliltemui, rWrlflrei
hltk Hratt, Ilrnt. Itautila plara Kllllfrr
lu llnlloctiw, llollorlirr to I'lck to .Mrrklr,
lft on b"ii Amrrliana, 7 Niilloiml
4, lr 1mim9 un rrror -NullunaN, i
Ainericunn, 1, llaara on bulla Off Tjlrr,
l off lluah, U. Ntruck uut Ily Tjlrr, 'J.
I'miilrr lllldf lirunil at platr, Klein H
flrat, (lerrna al arrnnd, ll'lray at third,
'lime, una hour noil flflv-rUhl nilnatea.
Iiall to right for a triple. Hack mak
ing a desperato effort nnd narrowly
mtx.tlng a grand r.ttch. Whltcmnn
followed with a long smash down tho
iillny in right cuitlru for thrco bases,
and tho g.imo heimcd In danger, hut
Tyler pitched bntter and bettor and
struck out Dubuc nnd forced Schang
to nuah up un easy My.
Thcro Is consldvrabln gossip as o
what players aro to bo allowed to
piny In tho series, and rumors that
the teams tn.iy get back nonio of
their plnyors from tho army, navy
or tho paint-brush loaguo and usi
them, llach Uani fceerns to siiNpert
that tho other will try lo uio players
who have gono into tho service, but
so far os I can discover there ia no
truth In the rumors.
Kenlne WorlJ).
Faithful Observance of Fuel Administration's Request by Mo
torists Should Quickly Replenish the Gasoline Reserves.
Till-: Fuel Administration again renucRts that motorists refrain from
biirnlns ganoIIno to-morrow. Just as soon as tho national Rasollno
reserves havo .been built up thlei ban on Sunday plcasuro riding will
bo lifted, l-'ucl chlcfd deny that wcok-day pleasure riding will bo barred.
It Is hoped that faithful observance of tho Sunday request will bo ninplo
to meet present emergencies.
Moro and moro tho army and navy aro demanding for gasollno for
war purpurea nnd It Is only natural thai Joy riders should curtail their
"gas" consumption.
fio don't forget to keep that car of your Idlo to-morrow.
Aiitnmiib.le Jll.tor: t"
I Jinvo a Northway motor which has
always produced a knock which
seems to coma from tho oil pump. It
Is actuated by ono of thn valvo cams.
Tho iiprlng on thn pump Is very stiff
and rebounds with a loud, metallic
click. fan you suggest a remedy?
Motor will not throttle down to low
sliced. Ilnvo n new carburetor In
stalled, but this dues nut seem to help
very much. All connections nro tight.
A lighter spring would stop the
noise, though it might Interfere with
tho working of tho pump. At any
rate. I would try It. It could bo duo
to faulty Ignition, uir leaks or air
valves. Thn modern magneto Is, In
general, a more efficient machine, es
pecially nt low speeds, thnn tho older
types. In general, look for nlr leaks,
testing nil Joints with oil when tho
motor Is running, and seo that thn
tntcrrtiptnr Joins on tho magneto and
tho caps on tho spark plugs aro not
too far npart.
No automobile equipment is com
plete now without a new handy
brufh with which to keep out dirt
nnd dunt from the cracks and cor
ner about tho car which aro not
properly cleaned in the ordinary way.
There ia a new auto wheel bruih with
black China bnatlea, held in twitted
wire and tapcrini; in form to permit
the uaer to reach into all odd corners.
It will not be injured by hot or cold
watar, will atand up well under con
atsnt utano and will outlaat tha ordi
nary iponne. Another model now on
the market conaiata of a larne bruah
with n smaller truth attached for
clenninn tho hub of tho wheel and
between the ipokri.
AetanwMr IMItor (
Kindly let me know thn best routo
to North Krnnkllti, Conn., and the ills
tunco from llrooklyn.
HA lilt V .1. J.VVRNI'OHT.
IteBt and shortest routo from llrook
lyn is via tin) Huston Tout Itond.
Mount Vernon, New llochclle. Port
Chester. Stamford. Norwallt. Ilrldgn
port. New Haven along tho shorn road,
llrauford, Huilford, Saybrnolt. Nlantlc,
New Irondon. to left, Norwich, to left,
Yantlc, Franklin. North I'ranklln.
This routo approximates 160 miles.
AntamoM! loiter
Klndfy let rue l.tiow the best route
to Kingston, N. V, by the New York
nnd New Jersey Mden.
New York to Kingston along tht
New York slilo of Hudson Hlver: New
York to Yonkt-m, Hastings, IVeksklll,
Klshklll, Wnpplngi-r l-'idls, I'ougli
kiepale, Hyde I'.trli. HhlnelHik. tuni
left and talin ferry across to Kingston
at Klilnecliff.
On the Jersey side via 4Id Street
Firry through Jersey city, Newark,
itutherford. Hackensack, lUdjewood,
Hohokus, Waldwlck. Allendale, Ilnmsoy
Maliwnh, Kuffcrn, ltumnixi, Slontshurg,
Tuxedo. Hotithllelds. Harrliion, Cen
tral Valley, Highland Falls, Mountain-villi-,
Vnllsgnto, Ncwhurgh, Mlddlo
Hope, Mailboro, Milton, Hlghhinil,
West Tark, Ksopus, Plster Park. I'ort
llwen, across Itondout Creek to Kings
ton. The routo via thn Nnw York side Is
much lietter; simply follow llroadway
up through Yonkern and stay on tho
Albany 1'ost Itoad. v
Aillimalilla Wllort
Will du -bo hind enough to glvo mo
tbo best routo in Coxsackle, Urecnu
Comity, and tho illstiini-e?
CroHS H2d Street Forry. Hobolt.-.n,
llidgflleld, Hacke.nsaclt, Kldgowoo 1,
Suffer!!, Tuxedo I'ark, Cornwall,
New burgh. Highland, Kingston, H.ui
rertles, Catsklll, Athens, Coxsnckle.
Approxltimtely l5 mlle.i.
Ailto-i.ailV K,IM.:
Would you advise moving carbon
from a Ford flve-ton truck by means
of a chain? If so. what size chain
and how murli of It would it bo
proper lo use for this purposo7
Would not advise this, ns It would
bn unsafe. Iluvo the carbon scraped
or burned out.
AutotietJlIrt J'.litoa
l had coll ami nuKneto examined
by magnutu company, and they said
they wero all right. Cables aro all
right, mrumcto sets right, but still It
buzzes all tha time and cannot atari
on battery, for it kicks. A. H, tl,
Kxnmlnn the primary wires for a
short clii'iiit unit i.llhrr insulaln tho
worn portion or put In new wlro or
A'itcmti-: I'.litor
How tan I burn out carbon from
my cylinders on ti Saxon Six? Ho
you think tt n good Idea to let u!l
the garioline out of tnnk and 111) 't
up with kerosene and then run m
engine for about two minutes'' i
this kiep carbon off the pistons'
CH.Mtl.KS ltKMI)
You rannot burn out thn caeb m
yourself unli-is you have tbo licit
sarv apparatus. This c-nnsists of a
tank of o.vgtn and ono of metylene,
with 'he necessary piping, hirn
etr. There are numerous slmpH di.' g
this kind cf work and I would i u
vlse you to go to ono of them. I think
you will cxperlenco considerable dill!
rtilty n running your motor tho way
you suggest, ns the use of kerosene
us a fuel requires different rnrburotor
conditions than gasoline. The Intro-
J tic t lot) of kerosene through tho pet
ciK'kH or spark plug hole, after tho
day's run, will help, as will tho ad
mission of water, pouring this In! 3
the nlr valvo on the rarburetor whilo
motor Is running fairly f.ist, say 510
to "00 revolutions par minute.
My Ford will run smoothly on kvi.1
ground, but Just as soon as I go up.
grade it stops, then picks up aga u.
CJulte frequently It will stop and then
not start. What could bo the troubl -?
F. 11I.AKK.
The gasoline does not How properly
from the tank to the carburetor wli.lo
on n hill. This may bo caused by nil
obstruction In the plpo or driving
with only a small amount of gasoline
In tho tank! or tho dlfferencn in
height of tho tank above the carbure
tor may have been changed from Mr
Ford standard, causing Improper tl w
when on any lovel roads.
1 c "J j i.irce.l to mak
i' i" ''; man i. . . f-.r iff tx- .eflt of
iit' mioif l . i, , . i tup l oton and
n p,..,, . M, .,,r. .. , v Wilfton
n"d Hoy V h i."e iMotlng a
f 'it ilfni of tin.' lit,- i,,iip which
h- lr it II,., Hi, ,!,,.! ( t col
lejf. to-Mmrio-N uluineo . ,, ) V Jf.
'I'lH-rr sr ivi turn hm.i.'l "iitrle
slld In. vlt'i n iitHt pio..jirt of
irtii.v morr hiln , i, rtnrttnff
milium tl f nnit t i, ..n.-nt befnir
j Uirnlin, i hill rli.implon;
Jiiih KrllvK. Iiitlf-ini!. imiii!,!,!) J. J.
' IIHffi. mm y,ri. Iniiii", , . finely
r.viin of Kmc ii, jun'or hi. -in . hnm
M'lNi Wn'i. r l-i.rt. ,., ,lilin, iurler
mlle ehiiiiiMtnn: Mln Kmn.n nv-
inllf rl,ntn,ioi,: Ohiil'- I'ort" trtii-inll
'hiniiMmi; It.iv Mvm; liidmn Mxt
urft i In iihiii mil hulilT ft the 220.
) ml ii'i'ii.ii. nut Pi ti VV!iii IW-yiiriln
UlrilH..,ll I llllrtli, n ,r,liK thon
I iloi. ilnui (il.-. ir tin Un Miita of Co-
Ili'f.nr in-lit I. nil il II;, ,.. i;x i.
, tm-lK i- .ii i Milium il"inian of
'New itr,'n n.tili l Ht, ii y.u'.n U'-i
itt llr.i, klyi in tin tn.i it ii mi of eight
1,11111,1. ,1 l,, loVili. ,.1W I iM I t w
l.liTniiy fin UkiIiHI n.ninln l,ift nl?ln.
ii tlie iithi-r n.iir nr i m .i,."ii;e win'i-up
rn tik ! Iltiri". in- wn.iniml ,frri
I'll) rtjtlltrr. ,1,'fi-Ur-l l,';t, Ho lil,,
I hi' lnoal Mchtir IIiimik w.m thn &2
ftrlnnr tin ,iuli.nil Mini pimm iril l!f-1,l
ali, nit thn IhI, f,i,e ami l.nv In the
elxlh nml nnnlli i,mn,l. lte,l,l Uti.isi
iiMtiy tin liliiwn, i minx ll'i'i'ii m th
nlXh lth I rlhl-hui.l on -hn
)ivr which lowi-,l I'i aitik i- u:i f.ir Io
Minn of III" l-tiling f-inlti'ni r "fers
re pluiinllig lo i.ike i ilvant ,ge of tle
Ued Cioim golf tniirii-tiii'int, which ,s to
be held for Hie women of til) .strict nt
Hi.. Areola I'minliv ("hill routae K.'li' IX
I nml 1!. The tout tmiil. lit wilt bn ui- dul
pi. IV iiiiiniii.iii tvir.ii tnriii r innin im
in lues on eet h ilny f.n tlie l. st ruf
.iiiil net M'oiea. lie tin- flint 1 1 ot thn
rontrata there will be tiilttiilK mid nn-
iii, i.Kliln roiiipi'tillona, an, I on me
final dnv n niUe, imiraoiii ia to t.
played foi will- h Hi in 'i who t.tkn
p.ut will I"' tixt-d tr i i'i un i ptmki
All of the nroceeils are to kj .0 the Ited
UtAU l ll-UL
MONDAY'S Features
Amiiyvi lie Handicap
Corinthian Steeplechase
Bollair Handicap
And 3 Other tilth Cass Events
KIIIHT tt." AT 5 SO 1'. M.
Snrrtal llnra Trulne
I.rava l'rnnu. million. .IIIU St. anil tth
Ave,! aU,i rUltnlali Avv llriinklrrl. at
1.W ami at Iniimila lu I I' It
tfll I'nr lle-rrril fur I.Milln.
Cmiri.il almi rent hi l fi" Trutley
(Iranil Klaml A I'mlilnrk. aVI.rtO.
I.Hillr. HI. II.". 11 Jil'lm Wur l.i
inillh St. Mil Air.
T()-MIIIII 1 .110 I'. .M.
Ttea (lanie IntertiMlliiiitil riioniiilnnahl.
UyckmanUvnl i,ni'M, X.;W ..V
HoiiWe llra.lrr farnp Umilt. Hlth Uraalr,
T.II1IW.1 mil ..iw'Tiri, H,u,w.w. i,h,.i,
Willi th. llli:.T IIKIMK IMMKHUAX.
8a. llm iirnl nwwif Irr lMrn
' i t iiw' iniartin U your cr
Ht uiD.tmdiki mutnint
4n ,S ori rntiftf cu
iLV ljt nl w.ri rMi for
mu iifl wctwi t ((ynnlnj,
1 or iifmiw for lamkift h,
VM, II. .srr.UAHT .lr.. ITri,
lrVJAW.-ULUtWI; mi
Til 1W 111 T 1 I IM I
trorri tl. lUilirrt-von th
Morll' farnotiM ilrlirr- uti
ninic-inn i no not noainiu in rrcofn
'iMnil your fnurm tu miv una.''
Miii'iiiiiii aiiralli'VA ui lit" I
put uml lelrniric Cliri.i hImi irf rntf 1
ltilrii lliiii Hi hour lu ult 'mitrnlrnr j
rr.u.Mi i i.r." lint ihuira
Cn or vrt for !o.ikl-. (.
23S Weit 50th St. (Nr. Uro.dwiy)
Phon .1271 rir t.
The Pace