Newspaper Page Text
1 JW. Jf to r .1 Pays for the Coming Week A CQMEDT by Butler Davnport, jf, called "Ths Comforts of Igno ranco." will bo presented at tho Bramh.Ml Playhouss oa Monday nleht Tho play doals "with tho efforts of a modern Becky Sharp to establish herself In American society. Trro cast Includes Elslo Riser, Xnlly BUfcrs and Mr. Davenport. ' Henry Miller's Theatre will open on Tuesday night with Mr. Mlllor and ftuth Chattorton In 'Torklas," a com edy toy Douglas Murray. They will bo supported by Frank Kemble Cooper, Florence Wollerson, Fred erick Lloyd, Lillian Komblo Cooper, Frances Goodrich Ames, Marjorlo Hast, Tempo Plgott and Margery Card. Mr. Miller has the rolo of & 1 Canadian ranchman who sqea to Iceland. ' "Not With My Money,- & crook comedy, by Eaward Clark, win bo breoented at tho 39th Street Theatre on Wednesday night. Lowell Shor taan heads a cast that also Includes Carroll McCoraas, Beverly Wcstmoro end Walter Wilson, 1 , Bertha Kallch win appear at the Harris Theatro on Wednesday night la 'The Illddle Woman," a play by CImltIoUo li Wells and Dorothy Donnelly. In tho supporting company aro Robert Edcson, A. E. Anson, Chrystal Home, Albort Brunlng, Her bert Ransomo. Francos Carson. Hm. Jrlco Allen, UeAtrlco Miller and FotrjJ .wcsioo, v 13o Calm, Camnia," a comedy by Claro Kummcr, will bo produced on Thursday night at tho )Jooth Thea ttro. Amonit others In tho company are Lola Flahcr, Walter Hampden, William Sampson, Arthur Shaw, Car lotta Monterey and Hedda Hopper. Nora Bayta comes to the Uroad Irorst Theatro on Thursday night in "Ladles First," a musical play by Harry B. Smith and A. Baldwin iSloano. Tho story Is based on ICharles Hoyfs farco "A Contented AVoman," With Miss Hayes will bo AMU8EMENT0. Dance Palace Under the Chaperonage of EVELYN HUBBELL -NOW Ol'KN AT Terrace Garden 58th St. and 59th St. Nir Ltxlniton Avt. No Alcoholic Drinks Sold 7 to 12 Evening! DailClnSun.Uy.2tol2 '3 Leitons with f)P, Individual HP Lessons Kr Unon. Jll IP All IPrtniet'T frn Hot. :Buy Liberty Bohds- HIPPODROME World's Bl&fiesl- tnowar me Lowest' Prices MATINEE DAILY to Near evc. 'GINNING nilNUflY ftmiltvciz AND HIS COMPANy IN TUP MUSICAL 3E?VUF rtrici;iv.rAW ft.di rami.1 lYiui! tvw:irjrjTTrj vuiTH Id a Nw J. Act llorlowiut CalUd uni TCI rC UIT5" All Iin, S1IimIt. Inetn 111 I a Ul" MI IS llctorlol llrautr. Big Company, including a Chorus of Stunning Girlt Twice Daily Mwlernte Prices Seats Two Weeks In Advance. Week of Oct. 28 HILLY WATSON and THE BEEF TRUST. PRE-WAR PRICES PRE-WAR PORTIONS PRE-WAR SATISFACTION niNB asp nxycr. ou rnr. iibvowino floor at MURRAY'S ROMAN GARDENS ai bt,. wtmt or nnoADWAT, it. II. COX. Vlca Iff. A NOTABLES OF Irving Flohor, Will lam Kent. Stanley Fordo, Florence Morrison and, others. The production of "Freedom" at the Century Theatre has boon post poned to Saturday night "Experience" will bo the attraction at tho Hbubert-Rlvlera Theatre. Tho Bronx Opera llouso will havo "Parlor. 11 (xl room and Bath." Flor- enco jtlooro beads tho cast. D. W. arllllth'a film production "Hearts or tho World" will be scon at tho Standard Theatre. Robert Downing will appear at tho 14th Street Theatro In "Ten Nights In n Harroom." "I3vcs of Youth" will bo tho offor- lng at Loow'a Seventh Avenuo Tho atro. COLUMBIA BURLESQUE CALLED "BITS OF HITS" Tho Boatoalan Butttwuueus win come to th Columbia Theatro Mon day afternoon and prcoant a new two- act travesty called "Bits of Hit," written by iYanlf Finney, with muslo by Harry L. Alford. Soverol of last season's OieatrJcol oucocdsqs havo been drawn upon to fumiah tho ocenen and Incddonts of Uie piocc Tho oast la headed by Mr. Finney, who Mill navo uio aa.slstnnco or I'nu uit. Birnlo Clark. Jack Witt. Nettlo Nel son, Gladys Parker, Hazol Aljrer and others. A chorus of pirla will also tlffuro in tlio performance. CAVALIERI AT RIALTO IN A PICTURE PLAY LIna CavMIerl will be seen at the Rivoll In a motion picture version of Louis K. Anspachcr's play, "A Wom an of Impulse" Tho story deals with tho daughter of a poverty-stricken Inco maker who rises to famohrough tuO pvanCMttlll uf U iOniurkrtbiu VUlUV. For a tlmo sho Is happy in tho love of her hutiband, a Bpanlsh nobleman of jealous disposition. A persistent rultor cstranKcs the couple, and whon tho husband Is killed, suspicion centres on tho singer. Othor features will bo tho Animated Pictorial, tho Oinclal War Review and musical numbers. WM. DESMOND THE STAR OF RIALTO'S FILM PLAY For Its chief film featuro tho IUalto will havo Wlhlam Desmond in "The Protender," which shows how a cow puncher tries to conduct a village school to tho Hatlsfactlon of tho board. Thero will also bo on Industrial pic ture called "Tho Triumph of Trans portation," tho Animated Magazine, "The Great Vacuum Robbery" and a programme of muslCj DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Apply a kittle Sloan's Liniment; don't rub, let It penetrate, and good by twinge. Same for external aches, nnlns. strains, stiffness of- Joints or mnscles, lameness, bruises. Ask i your druggist for Sloan's Liniment; 80c, COc, $1.20. AMUSEMENTS. Alwsy the Same Old Story Crowded to the Wall Every Afternoon and Night! Co mo and Sea Why! TfiniTnf nrtnr MnmtnT Attmnim 1 FRANK. FINNEV TABLE D'HOTE LUNCHEON. 70c TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, J1J0 PnONK BRTAMT iSU, UOKTJMEH M. KIXIiY. Msr. THE STAGE AND SCREEN WHO APPEAR IN CHAPLIN ASA SOLDIER IN THE FILM AT STRAND Tho Strand Theatro wtll present & double feature bill headed by Charlto Chaplin In his latest comedy, "Shoul der Arms." Chaplin appears as a soj dlor In Franco, wbero ho learns a trrcat deal about trench llfo and fighting. Ho finds himself behind tho enemy trenches and Is chased and captured, but ha manages to fool them all. IMaguisod as the Kaiser's chauffeur, ho performs tho foat of driving tho Kaiser, Crown Prince and Von Hlndonburir Into tho Allied terri tory, where ho strips tho prisoners of Choir medals and bestows thorn on bis American comrades. Tho second featuro Is a Western drama entitled "ShooUnff Alad," in which Clllbert An decroon enacts tho role of Dronoho Dill. Tho Allied War Itoviow and tho Topical Review will also bo shown. Tho soloists will bo Jono Holder and Alys Mlchot. NEW YORK THEATRE AND AMERICAN BILLS At Loow'a New Yorlc Theatro and Roof the film attractions will bo Douglas Fairbanks in "Ho Comes Up Smiling," Monday; William Desmond In "Tho Pretender," Tuesday; Mar garet Marsh in "Conquered Hearts," Wednesday; Mary Miles Mlnter In "Rosemary Climbs tho Heights," Thursday; Jane and Kathcrlne Lee in "Swat tho Spy" and Harry Caroy In "Threoaiountcd Men." Friday; Harry aiorcy in "lving 01 iiamonas, Kat urday, and Allco Joyce In "Every body's Qlrl," Sunday. Tho vaudeville Mil at Loow's American Thoatro tho runt hnlf of the week will Include "Sherman Was Wroru?" Ooorrn Onic. loy and I3ddl Fitzgerald and Davo Schooler and Louisa Dlckcrwon. Tho chango of bill on Thursday will bring ino x our iiarmony Kings and others. PROCTOR VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURE PLAYS Proctor'a Fifth Avenue Theatro, for the first half of tho week, will havo Mmo. Paulino and her trained leop ards, tho Stanloy Trio. Boylo and nryan, Mabel Burko and pictures. When tho bill changes on Thursday It will lncludo Maud Tcmplo In a playlet. Cooper and Johnson, tho De LIsles and others. At tho Twenty third Street Thoatro will bo 'Tho Ris ing Generation," Clifton and Dale, Joan and Arttiur Keeley and photo plays. Thero will bo a ohango of bill on Thursday with Ben Uurnlo, tho Dorotny aouwcm 'itio, Tnornaiko and Curran and tho Eight Dominoes. "THE YELLOW DOG" STAYS AT BROADWAY Tho Yellow Dog," a featuro fllu adapted from tho story of that namu by Henry Irving Dodgo, will enter on Its second week at the Broadwny .Theatre. The American Defense So cloty and tho National As-toclatlon of Anti-Yellow Dog Clubs havo given tho plcturo their Indorsement. 'Tlv Yellow Dog" Is n visualization of tho warfaro that has been going on in America for somo tlmo by patriot c citizens against weak-kneed and un patriotic porsons. FRED STONE ON SCREEN AT 81ST ST. THEATRE For ttio first half of tho wedt tho Elghty-flrst Stroot Theatro will havo on its screen Loulso Glom In "A Law Unto Herself." Beginning Thursday Fred Stone will bo soon In 'The Goat." There will also bo vaudeville. Thicken Your Hair With Cuticura If voa have dandrufl vonr hair will become dry and thin. Cuticura Oint ment gently rubbed on spots of itch ing, scalinc and dandruff and)followed by a not shampoo ol cuticura boap will usually remove the worst cases. Nothing better than Cuticura for all skin and scalp troubles. , Ideal for every-aay tonet uses. TrM kr V4tL Xlinm prt-frt: . it. " mrTwiara. MsllaaaU. Ilu tU. 'Ovinia, Pt. uiai Henry Hartley's Opera "Bianca Gets a Hearing By Sylvester Raiding. HENRY HADLirrs ono-act opera "Bianca," with which rccontly.ln open competition, ho won tho $1,000 prize offered by William Wade Ulnshaw, got Its first publlo perform- onco at tho Park Thoatro last night. It was produced by tho Society of American Singers of which Mr. Hln shaw Is president. Grant Stewart, tho writer of tho libretto, found, his Interpretation In Carlo Goldoni's com edy "Tho Mis trow of tho Inn," ro- mcmborcd by patrons of the theatro for tho vivid impersonation of tho hcrolno by Mme. Duse. Tho operatic text that Mr. Stewart Involved from It oeomcd unconsciously dry and spiritless, desplto the sturdy English words ho used. Which wcro sturdily and clearly enunciated by all who took part. Tho story Is trifle. Blanca's father, dying, bequeaths to her tho Inn with tho hopo that oho will wed Fab rlclo, his faithful servitor. Tho self. willed young woman balks because Fabrldo docs not nmko himself her mtintnr. Il la too much In lovo with her. Two Idly disposed noblemen unnuirs. a brunouo woman hater, iu uctlon a l'etrucclo. uianca is nun inclined to tho latter, but when Fab- ncio stops a duel that is unuor way by tho smash of an ironing board and shows his masterfulness alio falls into nls anna. -Mr. liadloy to to bo congratuiaieo uton n. stlrrinr flnalo In tho accepted grand opera style, a flno combination of voices and Instruments that arouso tho houso to u demonstration. if this seems llko putting tho cart boforo tho horso li can't bo helped. It Is tho supremo moment In Jlr. Had- loys opera. Tho score discloses tho composers thorough musiciansnip. jr in most modern works, trio orcnciura Is tho protagonist and in tho'carry- mc on of tho story there is n raiiniui ness to text that involves lndlffcrcnco Ui molody. This does not mean that mcro aro not moments or suavity, phraocs that entrance. Thero arc. But between them aro many intervals that compel respect rather than foster lik ing. Tho prcludo Is a aainiy nnu charming bit of writing. Homo tlmo elapses nrtor the curtain rises boforo tha singers get an oppor tunity to display their lyric voices. A trio is tho llrst to attract attention. Then a lovely ennsonotta for Bianca. After that Kabrlclo and tho threo noblemen get their chance, and -Interest grows until tho climax Is reachod. Maggio Tcyto was a charming Bianca, lovely to tho cyo as well as to tho ear, and In action graceful, sprightly, teasing and tendor. A cap ital Kabrlclo was Carl Kormos in voice and in Impersonation. Henri Scott, as tho woman hating del Rugglo, looked tho part and sang sonorously, Craig Campbell was D'Ainnlfl, and Howard Whlto was Torramonto. Jlr. Hailley, of course, conducted his own opera. After tho final 'cur tain ho was called out to receive a laurel wreath and to make a spewh. Tho "Maid Mistress" preceded "Ul- unca," and in tho interval botween tho two Dora Gibson of tho Chicago Opera Company, accompanied by a cnorus or soldiers anil sailors, sang -victory!" a now song by .Mr. JIadlcy. tjui iiarvaru, roprano, gavo a re cital at Aeolian Hull yesterday after noon. Her volco holds charm und is flexible. Sho has a personality that atirucis, good taste, clear enunciation, and comprehension of the songB that sho sings. Her programme, of wldo rangu, had tho virtue of belnir un hackneyed and. therefore, refreshlnir. Hho was accompanied at the piano by wuni-Hiepnens, somo or wnoso songs sue jniurproteu, There will bo a Russian musical rally for the Fourth Liberty Loon at Carnegie Hall to-night. The pro. gramme, all Russian, will bo fur nlstieil by Altsnhuler and tho Russian Symphony Orchestra, Adolf Bohn and by Caleb Kugeno Fonariova and Vera Janocopulim, sopranos; I Blnovieff, tenor; Kascha Jacoblnort, violinist, and b'ergo I'rokollcff, pian ist. "Madnmo Tlutterfly," with Marjsrla Tcyto In tho tltlo part, is announced for pcrformanco by tho Bcloty of American Hinders at tho Park Tho- atre next Trmrsiay evcnins. "rho Sflkado" on Monday and Friday, "Cannon" on Tuesday, "Talog of Hoff mann" on Wednesday and at tho Sat iirlay matlnw, and "Huttprlly" on Saturday evening completu tho week's bills. The ProplM Symphony Society ha.s abandoned JU orchestral concerts for thla aoojion because of the war. How ever, alx Saturday evening ohaTnbar muato concorta vlH bo given at Uo Tn ejln rrtnn Trvlnty Trifh Rhnst K's I UNA. fANAt Itrpi vl I I ; . I THK WOMAN OP J i COL L FLED "DEATH BED" 10 FACE COURT In New Orleans, He Clears Mysjery of Disappearance From Hospital Here. Tho mysterious disappearance of Lieut. Col. Charles Glen Collins from Now York Hospital, an hour bo foro a United States Marshal arrived with a warrant for his rearrest, was cleared to-day by despatches from New Orleans saying Col. Collins Is thcro and that his hearing is sot for Tuesday. Col. Collins resigned from tho Brit- ginning on Nov. course. ' 9, at SI for tho Toscha Setdcl and Mlscha 13Iman( violinists, liavo postponed their ad vertised recitals becauso of tho in riiionrn Mr, Beldel's had beca aa- nounccd for to-morrow uftcmoon and Mr. Elmon's for tho Sunday following, both at larncglo J loll. Danlot Mayor, the oonoert man ager, has just learned that his eldest son, Emtio Nicholas Mnyer, gassed in France, died at tho Military Hos pltaJ, Portsmouth, lQngland of pneu monia. Tho Roclete do Concerts du Con servatoire do Paris will glvo a second concert at tho .Metropolitan Opera llouso to-morrow night Alfred Cortol, pianist, will bo soloist. Yvotto Gullbrrt will orosent an en tirely now programme at her Jlmt recital of tho season in Maxlns lil- llott's Theatro noxt Thursday uftcr noon. Tho Itoval Italian Grenadiers' Band will glvo a concert at tho Century Theatro to-morrow night for Italian War Heller. Josef Rosenblatt's nont recltnl nt Cumogio Hall to-morrow night Is said to bo tho laut ho will glvo hero 'this Bcason. "THE BEAUTY REVUE" OLYMPIC'S ATTRACTION Rube Bcmstedn's "Beauty Revue" Will 4h (3io attraction' at tlio Olympic Theatre. Tho performance consists of two burlosqwo, with vnudovillo (ipedaltlce. In tho company aro Ada Lum, 12ddle Dalo and Harry Peter son. MARION'S BU RLESQUERS AT HURTIG & SEAMONS Davo Marlon will bring "Ameuion's Boat" to Hurtlg & Huunon'n Theatre. With hdm aro Arnm Bohler, l'rank Wnkftfleld, Inez dn Verdler, William Camoron, Mlln. Bartolcttl, Rldhavd Andn3n. Lydln llriitow, tlio Marlon l'ur and Bobby Roberts, THIRTY-SIX GIRL CLOWNS AT THE HIPPODROME To odd to tho fun at tho Hippo drome, Mr. Dillingham will introduce a troupo of thirty-six girl clowns In tlio country circus scene, and a scene In which 'Hlueh" and Mnllia and Bart, who will bo remembered as the comic bnggsgo men of "Hip, Hip. Hooray," will participate. VAUDEVILLE. IIIO VAUDKVILLH CONCKHTH. inrihPI I llarrr llmri. Sauy Ullli lll , " AlUlt. Alma Hllnp II.UI1I UL I 3 htlilLa. Ilirmon A OU ir it 1,1. nii.tul Willmrt V in OotiD A Hlinpson ah Co., H Karl. 51. IS jotabial J.U( A let,, OIc Mttkk, HtU'l Hoi .ml U Co.. UolUnd A ume. MlfU. ibtit K Juliliin. olht. I LS dli. lifkfortl. '7ohitni4 Knnm." Kicin Un.. 1Uu.i St Co, Tom Mwr A Hlattr. AuultiO h Unify, O.linnr fa lmn rl oUtt-rt avrtd J'ltou. Wat turn. 7'MlbCO. JUHHNIt 000LCY- II .41-1 at Auil WtKU Muilrn v Comta, till) lu H; Air. .Mrl d Ana CItrk. 1Uuji-Ud lllitv ntl orfcrrt. LOtW'S NEW tORK THEATRE C00L U A II. to U I. &t Ittvf to 1 A, 1L J. Btmty anirry. "jrtfcMtuRUHiNu oat.1 TJTfwr t uevi imtritan hool CLARK 4 VISDI. Td.'v'.'Ji.rfAllli.r, Lvrry Lrtiuo, I 1 i.iur rflnninniM nt V I m kV. u GLEN LNS PPROCTOH V IIIO VALIIKVII.LK L'O.SCKIITH. mi 81. 1 r tin A. I : &ttt five 1 1 NEXT WEEK'S Ish army as a result of a scandal, after ho had won honors at Qalll poll. It is alleged that later in Bom bay, India, ho obtained Jewelry esti mated at from 130,000 to 1100,000 by representing himself as n British of ficer. About ten months ago ho ap peared In Now Orleans and was ar rested thero at tho request of tbo British Government. Ho claimed to bo suffering from shell shock, and was released on ball becauso of his physical condition. Ho came to Now York, ho says on per sonal business. An affidavit followed 1dm and was arrested again. Ills csitradltlon hearing was post poned becauso -oft his physical, ton- dltlon. Soveral days ago it was ro. ported ho ' was near death In Now York Hospital, but when a Federal otllcer went to servo papers on him tho next day, ho had disappeared. It nppears from his story in Now Or leans that his lawyers thoro bad been urging him to rctutn, and ho did, ap- pearing before Judge Foster, who set his hearing for next Tuesday. Al though ho was roported virtually on his "death, bed" in tho hospital hero, a fow days ago, tho despatch says bo Is apparently In good health now. Col. Collins has had adventures all over tho world "as a soldier of for tune. He was divorced by tho for FOR PROMPT RELIEF FROM Grip, Soro Throat, Cold in Chest and All Inflammation and Con gestion, Rndway's Ready Relief Gives Instant Relief and Com fort to the Sufferer. Pour m. auintltv uf JtAdwr'a nSv Ita list In (! hallow or your html um! rub lolluwr nl your hjkml ajv t of th toilr tr'Ofit illalrU-nlrn li fluid. tlio nkln. utarU Ihn rll tlftort and aoathra tha oa ovur in. pri or m Ibr ronwn niairii-nlrn lh fluid, ernia inn pnrr oi inn num. aiaru in rirriua tlnn nf Hip hlftort und aoathrM th otltnl. Dadways 50c 1L5 Hub II On I STOPS Rub II In J PAIN ' IUCTINTI V An UruccUta nw.o...-. TAKKN INTEUNAlit.T (l)llutKl In Wnlar) rillC THE UHL.!!-. of atuniw-h and kawsl la, Indlaratlaai. faUot iipa In bowaU. imIfii. nrrvona rhllli itlurrlmra. riuiipa THEATRE0. mm'mU MMM,I THEATRE -4.6th.w. p E'way FULTON )sti?&ww:r A AStitchinTime P ufilh o Hao.Dy osh including .,V m IreneFenwick and other Splendid arhsls lh5t.Th6afre?lv6:. Enh'rc Change or Policy RcdccoratcJ-Rciurr.ishcj I Gala OpaningTonidhl , and All Next Week J1U10UK ItOXKNIIKllfl, Irur L Uullrt AllTlllU (', AIHTIIM r"iU ROBERT DOWNING n Rmln-M Arlnr.f.'rirallat, A. "JUK MOIUIA-N' la an Elabxua IUlal of , "TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" a Mnimt, viawiiiN wrm Mr,M4 KSU HI Ml A I Si I tt The Matt -.Vital 'ltd lor rnilMfinn .'i'T Written NtW PLAYS tVlRY WEEK. pniPF;. NlOirm h SAT. MAT.. 1 x 1 . ;.v and toe. HATS.. MO. . W), TltuAd. At.t. hk.ts y, Te-Morrowi tent Viudtfiiie Cenceili u'KrK fMT. SS I "A IJTTI.E fintt 1 IN A 11 HI riTV." I MANHATTAN tfJiTA? TIPCD RfaQP tMOitk. PiwnU NaW ItVWU macula . Dt4tl.IL, BILLS HERE mer Atlas Natalie Bchenck of this city and later married Miss Wheeler, n Baltimoro nohe and daughter of a wealthy manufacturer. He Is said to havo married tho wife of a British army ofllcor. CONCERTS AND MUSIC METROPOLITAN S J TO-MORROW NIGHT at 8.15 "Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris" ALrrUD CORTOT, Solol Mm Orrh.. I lit! m CtrrU, ILMI lUlcrnir, 11, r,ml? ttrrl. 154. IIAT8 NOW ON SALE, 3 TOSCHA SEIDEL lf- iMMitninnl to tlu- l Croil lltll lo- moinm ttrnmn. bu ben POSTPONED&S- Won,r will t lfundM al th llel omr. MAXINt ELLIOTT'S THCATRf. YVETTE GUILBERT rm r-mrrtmnw. CHANSONS nOUOtS URSOAV AFT., OCTOBIN IIIN, at t, SUNDAY CVI OCTOOtll :7I, at i.JO. CASNtOlE HALL. Ta.Uarrtw Nlint. I.ll. SO.SU IULC1TAI, Jiiscr ROSENBLATT PARK Cuumbua Unia. tU BU - . . -- -- 1.15 J, , .is a Mtluxui U,L at 1.1V OPERA COMIQUE I. la J. H.turrll iunr ar AtM,lraA mnr-ri TO-HAT, MAT1NCB ,...UM., ...MIKADO TO-NinilT .TALCS OF HOFFMANN THEATRES. BRONX OPERA HOUSE 149th, E. of 3d Art. ., Nlahta. 'iM to St. OO. Werl. ruirt Kat. Mala. 2. n rllh-. Phone Melrou SUO Pay a $ and Save a $ &t STARTING Monday, Oct. 21st A. fi. Woods Present PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH WITH Florence Moore Week Oct. 28 Tift r Rote. Week Nor. 4 Experience Week Nor. II Eyes of Youth Happy Play BURLESQUE. fix JIM ' J u I I - - - THEATRES. rTfllB j HUNTER GARDEN- ItfeJ ill -j in CASINO Try. a., M'war A HSl In (.1CI MailnMa wm. tad Sac. I. ML IilLEJ LtNIHtl Taratra. Ii war II si. btninitL liuinanrTaatir.MaUWnLASaV AT IPC I r..tT FOREVER 1 in ina OO A rV "alFa AFTER FRANCIS 4 WHII M. afrT. laa, Night Caaaart. WILLIAM ROCK and Ar "COMrntr. ucccts.- ward. 11. B.WARNER lnwith IRENE fSleet'mPtrtnen'l BORDONI yfliaaaflall. ef nr. tri. HIV X tlmmj Mala. Tbora. SaL, J.1J. HIIIUUinBiUalW- w;..V..t.rKlnforHofi P&Sk LUiiunvrvt. u... wi .p.. li.,, a. WM. COLLIER bl "M0THINQ BUT LltS. Hun son Wh ,tb BTn " SAM BERNARD & Loul MANN "FRIENDLY ENEMIES" RFPIIRLIC w- u Ta.NIt, MS. ltr.rUUL.IU m.i., vfarLirmMASal. HIM MARJORIE RAMBEAU ta "WHERE POrPIES BLOOM." CI TtNCP W. 3t lit. TO-NI01IT. M. CL1IUIUE1 Uala. WnLtrniLl ARaL alLM. with Shdliy Hall aa Ellla thaaaae. riTMAXINE EUIOTTSjlmyi? mm ctTTlnliH'i tth- w- t,k SHUUtltl Malln-i Wm. SaL, I.M. unnAniiURST v.4Uh.r.a i.iiiurf i w w aiar. Tn.i iivTMIC wllh laha Charla ur. 1 ITU Thaaiaa, nUV 1 1 John T. Uiurar.IMrotala DUalev Iimiiiov- MaUaaa Ta-dar SHEWALKEO IN 01 CCD Tlmai HER oLttr 1 u n I r lid. VI. at D'tu. Km., (J. L, I l 1 V uattsaaa Wad. aad BaL. IM. THE NOVELTY HIT OF THE SEASON Ralaaa Wtit'i Thrllltr at Thrlllara. ti:niri:riarijii'i.j Wll RICHARD BENNETT. riamuuin Milt Vtt A B4ti lM JOHN BARRYMORE ta Talilal't "REDEMPTION" ACTOR and D'vax. Krai, Ut, A 3 I W l uatlsaaa Wad. Sat, tM. rrnoaatlj la a Hrokm Camadr. SIDNEY OREWIaKtepHefSnlhi noor centubt thkatiuj at 11.M. CENTURY GROVE mf$Sitr BEAUTIFUL 0IRL N' EVIRYTHIN0. A IIIO HIT... MOLLIE KIN1 li'iM-i. OH, BOY NtAI WItK ..a, SUNDAY CQNCIRT.. NEXT WEEK CXPERIENCI .1.30 U i?:L!wrBiui'PErRL'' U'aU ."! at Yaath." wlta Alma Tall. 1 cmrinr. Mtu To-da? wi at i "Eaaal'lla tharailir act4 a 41. HO. I fit irlliti Ttmi I rara milll."' CYRIL tn C, IlMdOfl THE SAVING Oitnbrrt Comtdj MAUDE GRACE Cvrv ltvr mi mm4 MBldf thtuli Mai Nnw AmcUrrlam W. IM HI. . U 111 i KUw A rrtamir't New Mmlftl Cw4r, The Girl Behind the Gun ROOF1 ZIEGFELD MIDNIQHT FRQLI0 Wlta will nuuana. Oran all Yfar .fbona 110 llrraat. lVrci IM Wf,rTTtnai. To.d. .:. L.IL.CUIU 4J hl 1 Ult Tlioa H-aUhL JO. OTIS SKINNEH VANDERBILTH:vi-itt Mr. LEO DITRICHSTEIN la "THJE MATINEE HERO." aaajnrr ItUiraJ IUA?.A llh SL Etui. 19 U .rSVVVZ,""! I MIA TttircftUSaLl,J FIRST Ylt ""'"'JlV.'ii" Mil MH9. -Jaurr. IhcBetter 'Q1 CRITERION T ? & Wlltia 'laaaaja Thaadaia KailaS . KhU. & ?V HE AWAKENING? inDT T1IEA. Waal llta St. Kra. All LUKl ilitlnara Wfd. and SL. til II0MI5SE s'EAtON'S MUSICAL COMEDY TRIUMPH. nri a Cm Vt ta SL Eiaa. at .!, Ut-UvOl-vJ lltu. Ttmxa. aadSaL. J.M. DADDIES tff"'WIII lal ta tr aaa." World, -t- SEO. mil AN Ttaa.,U'ar.U SL Era A 11. M. V,Unftn MatA Wad.tlMB.IA8aUt.ll, Tha Sau7 Pur tad Oarcil Mule llv. Ail . THE SURE FIRE HIT." JoSual )LIGHTNINvJ 6AIETY. I. I.H. Mlll.WX, A U t.M A rmiAN Kr HARRIS w "d.w. swill JU,VXAa4Ll.W Mutt UfrtnaliiK uuaierr lla; ar wrtuao. I IRERTY ,,J tftia at til L.1UE.1VI I ,uit W(4 (rop., A SaLtll "GOING UPw- STArTD':!0 LAURETTE IAYLUK MaLTu-dar. U4-T9 ia LAURETTC "HAFPINEW NMt WMk-"HEARTS OF THE WORLD." KNKKERBOOfR, TWICE DAILY THIATRt. DWAvcaa'-st D.W. . INCIUXNO GRIFFITHS MONTH INIUIPH BROOKLYN. rfAR -I . Jut. nr. Fulton St. 7T Trl. Main lbt)3 Di BEAUTY REVUE In t'm SlllHlttT Ills Concert 3 VBm rtBi . I raw Sunday World "Wants" , r i 1 ! i 'i i i :i 9 '