Newspaper Page Text
.1 "THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1919. H , Cadum Ointment Eczema If you hare eczema or any oilier Mtla trouble, Ret a box of Caelum Ointment It stops the Itching nt once mmI l very toothing and" healing wtierever the skin u Irritated or In. Mated. People who hire Itched end watched for yean get peaceful sleep fid rest through the timely tine of Hil wonderful remedy. Cndiim Ointment li also good for blotches, rash, eruptions, scaly skin, dialings, letter, rlngw rm, cuts, burns, etc Qmtmm OI!mnt I. n l"rarh preparation la Anirnra iram m anginal formal PUNISH DECEIVERS, VON BUaOW URGES If There Are Such Wretches, He Says, It Is Right of Enemies to Make Them Suffer. AMSTERDAM, March t (Associated Press.) "If there are. wretches who deceived Us when they said we were nttneked, then they deserve the sever est punishment, whoever they may be," declared Field Marshal von Hue low, retired, In an Interview with tha llerlln correspondent of the Handel, bladt. "It M the right of our enemies to punish those responsible, If tbero ore men on tho German aide who ato to blame for this war. "I only ask Justice for the Oermon people. Hut to destroy a great nation because It Is misled by n few persona la to sin against tho spirit of human Justice." r , I SUNDAY WORLD WANT WORK WONDERS sfT. ft a m Long, Nnrrtw Vamp, French Hod WOMEN'S BLACK KID OXFORDS Special, 750 'MlE daintiness of this oxford is accentuated by its narrow vamp nnd long tip. Milady, in quest of n shoe of style, need look no further than the mirror; the reflec tion will reveal the desired individuality and chic appearance she has in mind. by; sStamped on a Shoe Means Standard of Merit 34,ht.NeiuYork. m mm m m ED M GERMANS RENEW Victory Arch, the Beautiful Centrepiece Ut Gala Dressed; Celebrating JSIew York, THRFAT TO RFSIST IERIS ALLIES "Cannot Submit to Coercion in Armistice or Peace Negotiations." 'Jk- '-Mi . : 1. Ik ' ---v PAJUB, March 6. At a meeting of jlho Qcnnan Cabinet of Monday morn- lng, attended by party leaders and delegates of shipowners, It was agreed unanimously, It Is understood, that Germany could not submit to coercion 1 from tho Kntcnto powers, cither In the armistice negotiations or In tho peaco pourparlers proper, according to a Zurich despatch to Lo Journal. Tho Ocrmnn Government declares that It will decline all responsibility for possible consequences If "tho Kn tcnto tries to speculato on German patience." Demands regarding the requisition of shipping are held to be absolutely Inacccptnblo because, It is said, It would definitely "paralyze the' country's economic future." Germany will also oppose the dis missal of German crews from ships requisitioned. It being pointed out that this would tnrow 42,000 sea ten out of cmployrent. A press campaign lias already been started against the armlstlco and the preliminary pence conditions. "CALLUS CORNS" LIFT RIGHT OFF Doesn't hurt a bit to lift them off with fingers i u V m A I lit I IX 11! Don't sufferl A tiny bottle of Frcetone costs but a few cents nt any" j drug store. Apply a few drops on th. J corns, calluses and "hard skin" QO.,' bottom of feet, then lift thtm off. . I When Krcezone removes corns fretr the toes or calluses from the bolter. of fret, the skin beneath Is left pinf and lirnltliy and never sore, tender 6 Irritated. Advt. RUSSIANS SEEK LOAN HERE. Intrrnnl Vr linn font 1,000,000,000 Ilulilr III Tn .Moulin. STOCKIIOI.M. March B. Tho Soviet Government of Ilussla hopes to be able to nrrango a big loan In America jind Is prepared to offer In exchange Important mining and railroad concessions, ac cording to I'etrocrad advices received here. HeporU show that the Internal war In Ituula has cost 4,000,000,000 rubles dur ing the past two months and that an extra levy of 10.000,000,000 rubles has been Imumclent to cover In total de. flclt of the Hovlet Government It Is said that thu lloUheylt treasury li lurmy uum in raiv i'ju.uuv.uuu rubles, Featuring the new TAILORED EFFECT SUIT $27-95 New Beaded GEORGETTE DRESS $25.00 The very latest BLOUSE EFFECT SUIT $21-95 y J r4- 1 I I v Beautiful A I Fine ))Vv U Georgette J Quality is w uien v oerge trj IS VICTORY A.CM ,V IT )-QOK'-o TODY The great temporary Victory Arch, tho most remarkable work of Its kind over attempted, will bo completed by tho end of this week. Tho arch, which stands at Fifth Avcnuo nnd 25th Street, was designed to commcraorato tho valor of tho cntlro American expe ditionary forces, but It Is being completed Just In time to wclcomo homo New York's own soldiers, the ntcn of tho 27th nnd "7th Divisions, Tho arch Itself, as It now stands, is the model on which a per manent Victory Arch will bo built by subscriptions from the public, solicited by the Mayor's Committee, of which Hodman Wnnamaker Is Chairman. Tho Mayor's Commlttco of Welcomo announced to-day that tho ' Victory Arch would bo completed and Illuminated with moro than eight huge searchlights before the day of tho parade. 'Tho Illumina tion will contlnuo for moro than a week. ' The arch Itself Is a work of art, and Is said by authorities to surpass In beauty that of the Washington Arch. Paul Chalfln, who has been designated by tho Board of Esti mate to design and carry out the schemo of decoration, yesterday said, that frus his many experiences a broader scope of beauty, com bined wlth-actlcablllty, has never been carried out. New York,. Mr. Chalfln said, would be a modern Bagdad during the days of tho celebration. Tho city, from Washington Squaro to the northern reaches of Central Park, will bo swathed In tho col ors of the Allied nations. , Mon who wcro working on tho arch to-day said that the great white-faced memorial would bavo been completed much sooner It tho necessary material and labor had been delivered more promptly. As tho boys of tho 27th and 77th Divisions march up Fifth Ave nue, tho first sign of their official recognition paid by their mothers, wives nnd sweethearts will be the towering white arch under which they will march. JUST THIS THIVfl. (From tin ItulJelibla ltolkU.1.) "I wish 1 could kui iuu mine busi ness where you don' I havo to begin at th bottom.'' fll r1l Inc." Hair Often Ruined By Washing With Soap Soap should be used very carefully, If you want to keep your hair looking Its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins It. The best thing for steady use Is Just ordinary mulstflcd cocoanut oil (which Is pure and greaseless), and Is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub It In. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out 1 easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. ' The hair dries quickly and evenly, i arm 11 leaves uie scalp sort, and the hnlr fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to mannge. You can get mulslfled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very chean and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. Adrt. Fm'e Quality Serg Hie Tailored Suit has come into its own again. We show nearly fifty different styles, from $16.50 to $50.00 $25.00 $21.95 Georgette Dresses in beaded effects, from $18.95 to $35 25 different styles in Silk and Serge DRESSES at $14.95 Blouse effects are be coming as popular as the Tailored Suits; we show a wide variety from $20 to $35 We appeal especially to the woman who pays $35 to $50 for a suit she will find her style here for $25.00. Be curious! IMMHLTON QAMMENT G& 307 FIFTH AVENUE NEAR 31ST ST. Catalog Mailed Upon Request GERMANY PLEDGES END OF WARFARE DN POLES Boundaries Between Armies Will Be Decided by Interallied ! Mission. j PA1US, March 6. Tho German Government has Informed Gen, Du- 1 pout, head of the French mission In , Merlin, that It has decided to stop ' fighting tho Poles In Posen. Tho Oov- 1 eminent has sent oMIccra to Posen to I enforco Its Order ngalnat fighting, Tho Cicrmun delegation which will meet the Interallied Mission to Po- j land to discuss tho boundary dispute between Polnnd and Qormany, has been named. According to a despatch received here tho Germnn delegates will bo Huron von Itechenberg, Dr. Drews, Prussian Minister of the In terior; Gen. Domme, luid various of fleers nnd experts. The llrst ineotlng will be held at Kroux, near Iiromborg. ALLIES REPULSE REDS. lloUlievlila l.unr !!rnllr tn Attnrk In North Hiii.Ib. AUCIIANOCU Tuesday, March 4 (Associated Proas) After artillery preparation, the Uolshevlkl forces launched an Infantry attack yesterday against Allied positions on tho right bank of the Vaga lUver, between tho I villages of KlUks anJ Vlstavka, They I were reuulscd with considerable losses. Allied scouts round many bodies in the woods alter the enKaccment. Alonu this front and also on the Dlvlna Illvnr the Dolshevlkl continue artillery tiring. SEEK NEW CLUE IN MURDER. Nassau County officials am said to have taken the fingerprints of tvo nien detained by the police at Mlnool, L. I,, In the hunt tor murderers of Mrs, Julia Wllklns. killed by burxlara in front of her home 111 iont iieaun i&ai Thursday nlKht. 1 The l.onc jii-acn ponce say iey did not know ut tli fingerprinting by coun ty officials and maintain there are no new 'developments. The village trustees voira iui night I to Increase the police (oree oy four men. Cbnmbrrliiln to Speiik Here. (Senator ChamVierlaln, Chairman of tho Senate Committee on Military Af fairs, will address the United Waist League of America at a luncheon at iuib MCAitun nam Monday. The iLfssuB of Nations and llolshavism will I be topics loucueu upon uy the speaker. SETS Lower Store means lower prices but the quality is as high as eighteen years' experience can make it. Stout women who are satisfied only with the best npparel, yet who want to economize, will find big bargains here. Below we list just a few of the very many bargains offered this weekt A Bargain Sale Stout Women hi Jifrv v.-f I a i i m m 111 ii A .jyEi aw I New Dresses .ylish Skirts Spring Suits Latest styles, Uoicns ol fsy irate Skirts are very Extra-size or hard-to-fit models one is pictured fftMucinalite this season, women will be delighted above. The one pictured is of Silk Poplin. Others in bat in, hcrec and Crepe de Chine. All sne- rinlly designed for Stout Women, sizes up to 5U bust. All underpriced. 139-i'o29s-2 We picture above i list with thesesuits. Dnicnetl two of several new mod- for stout figures, Sizes els now being shown, up to 60 bust, lloxcoat, Serge, Mohair, Twills, vests, braid and button Mixtures and Striped trimmings. Serge, Poplin, Silks. All popular colors. Twill, Tricotine and Ga- Sizes up to 4 1 waist. bardine. 49itol49i 16?! 10 49- Maternity Apparel Our new Lower Slore maternity de partment is shut o(f from the rest of the store, insuring privacy for Special saleswomen who are competent to advise the expectant mother about her needs, Special Ijne Uryant maternity Corsets. Many thousands of these Corsets have been sold in various materials at $3.03 to $12.50. We now offer this same corset made in cood auality coutil. sliehtly r... i i mm1 ly. . . . . less expensive than standard grade, for on' Stout Winter Coats Final Clean-up of entire stock of Winter Coats. Many attractive styles to choose from. Some re cently made up from odd lots of materials in our own factory. Wool Velour, Astrakhan, Ilroad cloth and Mixtures. A few arefur trimmed. Many full lined and interlined. All are big bargains. At the prices named these Coats arc a good buy for this Winter and next Winter. Sites up to 52 bust. 1025. .o 2952 franklin Simon & Co. Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Sts. In misses: suits Pin Tucks are a New Style Note Ji ft ratfe "Wool Tricotine Suit (Illustrated) 65.00 THEY have been utilized in many in genious ways to give distinction and character to tail or made suits. They are a tangible ex pression of fine tailoring, requiring skill and care and so they are evident on only the better kind of apparel. On a sleeve they some times subtly indicate a cuff, or perhaps they are arranged in clusters and serve as a trimming either on a belt or a pocket, or they form geometric de signs in border effect. When arranged in per pendicular rows they skilfully impart to the wearer the youthful slen- H der lines now in vogue. Misses' Suits, (J4 to 20 years) of wool tricotine, Poiret twill, men's wear serge, gabardine or faille silk are pin tucked in in teresting ways. 39.50 to 125.00 I V L MISSES' SUIT SHOP Second Flcor J i III flnd in V I ..,) it 1 fcAilir lka and 1.1 . I Vln . r.i.t Irt I Lane Bryant Wtf 23 W.: 38th St-J