Newspaper Page Text
21, Void. HE EVENING MARCH mmm w . . - - Km RYAN w PRFwNT finishing victory arch in madison square for parade of the 27th pillars other than those on tho TVe- torv Arch. Tho Altar of Liberty on the euti HI I1IUL. I IIL.UL.M I U. S. AND FINCH CROSSES TO 27TH VETERANS SUNDAY side of the Victory Arch, which was! used dally for fitting exercises durlHr" tt,n I.,.1IPM, r.llm.lW Ij.i. I. lutlMl. .Ui ovnted and will again blazon forth M'l all Its symbollo uplcndor. i ,- Tho sculptors, who nra responslbws for various works of art adorning th Victory Arch, are to bo round eaow day directing tho artistic detnlU con , ccrnlnc tlnlslilne their Individual con tributions to tho triumphal greeting'. to tho returning heroes of the 27th Division. American and British Decora lions Number 200, Mostly Received in France. CEREMONY IN THE PARK. Special Welcome for Old 7th Infantry With Parade on Fifth Avenue Monday. While tho main event of the !7lh Nw York Division's welcome will be the victory para do up Fifth Avenue next Tuesday, thero are to ho several preliminary features of widespread Interest. Ono of these will be tho battalion review and presentation of American and French valor medals In Central l'ark at 3 1 M. Sunday. It will ho unlquo for New York. About two hundred American und Urltlsh medals and crosses have been conferred on men of the 27th Division, most of them receiving their decorations on tho other side. Sunday thirty-one veterans aro to rceclvo the United States Distinguished Servlco, Cross, and three the French War Crosses. Major Odd. O'llyan will make the presentation in the Sheep Meadow. The honor Ktiard of the occasion will be tho id Battalion of tho 107th In fantry under command of Col. Morti mer D. llrant. The Battalion, 1.000 Mronp, will he drawn up In prescribed formation during the presentation, and will bo reviewed by Clen. O'llyan. MEN WHO ARE TO BE HONORED WITH DECORATIONS. The heroes who are to receive tho medals arc those: Distinguished Service Cross 104th Field Aitillery. Corpl. Balph N. Sulli van. Private William It. Nette. Me chanic HcrliortM. Ilrlnk. Corpl. Ucorso Duptep; '105th Infantry. First I.leut. Marvin I.. Atkins, Corpl. Henry P. Lynch, Private Walter Kllnce. Private Anthony Selufonl. Sorgt. Henry S. Kiry, Sergt. Samuel II. Uoyklns; 106:h Infantry. Scrgt. Harry K. t.ynk, I'll vale James Bougie; 107th Infantry, Private Frank 11. Kenny Jr.. Scrgt. Harry C, Hull. Flrbt Scrgt. Harold c.reciK1. Corpl. Merrill D. Cutler, hcrgt. (iforg lluui', Sergt. Frank IS. l)w. Mechanic l-Mwiti MeUiughllu, Sergt. Phillip Carc. Corpl. Abel J. Ivin Private ('.cow 11. Hagemeycr. Corpl. Albert C. Westfnll; 108th Infantry, Major Paul Daly. Private Do Witt W. Crandall. Private Mux Norton, Second Lieut. Kdwln A- Dennlss. Private S. C Wart. French War Cross Second I.leut .1. (iilmoit', 1 until Infantry: Pilwito Mi chael J. Hessner. lOMh P'lclil Artillery: Prlv.ite James tiallagher, 105th Field Artillery. Fpe. lal welcomes are to bo given to .ir.ti units of tlio 27th in Man From Maine to California ALL DEALERS ARE NOW SELLING Famous Chocolates and Candy Favorites at C and Eighteen varieties to Chocolate Cocoanut Cream Cakes " Pecan Maple Hars " Orange Fruit Uars " Raspberry Fruit Bars " Pineapple Fruit Bars " Fruit Cakes " Koasteil Peanut Bars " Marshmallow Qars " Sandwich Ten Delicious Assorted Chocolates Chocolate Peppermints " Cream Puffs Nut Brittle " Butter Sticks f3 OTHER AUKKIJACII I'KODUCTS Tuo delightful confections at 25c "Dollie" Chocolates "ABC Blocks" (Milk Chocolate) A Few Otltor Rarn CliorolalM, dcliciotittly lilcnilcd, in a variety of olovrn imiisually nttruftivo l)i)f.s to clioosc from, 50c to $1.50 "Lloyds" Chocolates "Miswee ts" Chocolates "Piccadilly" Chocolates "Winsome" Chocolatrs ".' I.iyfair" Chocolates "Caprice" Chocolates "Pattiotic" Chocolates "Gardenia" Chocolates "Town Tall;" Chocolates "Happy Hours" Chocolates "Triumph" Chocolates Look over this list choose your favorites. They are on sale wherever you are. Always ask for AUEKBACH CHOCOLATES AND CANDIES, in the 5c wrapper or $1.50 box, from "CANDY HEADQUARTERS". D. AUERBACH & SONS Fliirt Chocolates, Breakfast Cocoa, Candle and Specialties Eleventh Avenue, 46th to 47th Street, New York City, N. Y. hattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. Plana weio given out to-day for the reception to tho 107th Infantry, which was recruited from the old 7th Itcgl- ,ntfll itt Va... -I . .1 n .. V,n day befure tho parade. It Is to bo the urn i in ugain ior u uay, anu icnuiug It up Fifth Avcnuu will bo "Uncle Dan" Appleton, Its old Colonel, now Major Uenernl Appleton, retired. When they arrive from Camp Mer rill they will be met by organizations connected with tho old 7th Ilcglment. Former members aro coming hero from as far as Seattle to take part In tho welcome. The regiment has par tlclnated In evnrv war since tho Revo lution. It was tho first National Ouard regiment in the United States, n nas uirnisncu many generals, in cluding f!en. O'Hyan, who was a 7th Regiment man. MONDAY'S PARADE UP FIFTH AVE. WILL INCLUDE 7,000 MEN, On Monday It will march north on Fifth Avenuo fron 34tb to 67th Street. From tho balcony of the Itepubllcnn Club It will bo reviewed by former Oov. Whitman, Den. De bcvolse and other. Preceding the regiment will be tho Veterans' Asso ciation, 4,000 strong, which will make 7.0W men In line. Tho order of march nd the per sonnel of staffs, ntllclal and unoinclal, and orders for tho p'irado arc as fol lows: Grand Mnrxhnl Dnnlel Appleton ntid Ma If. Police Hand. Kx-incnibcrs of the 7th Ilcglment In uniform. -Col. WIIKrd D. Fik ntid nff. nand, Major William 11. Palmer. Society War Veterans of tho 7th Regiment. 7th Regiment Veternna and ex-members. Msjor Itotiert Mnzet. late II. 8. A. 1M lliiltnllon Companies A, U. C and D. Major I.011I W. Stotesbiiry. late V. S. A. Id Battalion Companies I. K, O ami II. Major .1. Augutus Uiirnaril, late tJ. S. A. 3d Battalion Companies I. K, L and M. Band. Cnl. Howard K. 1'rnll and taff. Till Infantry. New York fluard. Col. Mortimer I Bryant anil staff. Bund. 107th Infantry. V. S. A. All units of ex-members will be formed In single ranks, twenty files front, with two guides, and each company will be divided Into nsmuny platoons of this sizo as the numbers present make necessary. Two guidon Hags with the company letter will be carried by the right and left guides of the leading platoon of each com pany. The line of march will be from be low 34th Street and Fifth Avenuo tip the avenue to S7th Street, where the head of the column will halt ntid the ex-members will form in lino on the curb on the enst side of the avenue, facing west; the 7th Infantry, New York Ouard, and the 107th Infantry will then pass and the ox-members will be dismissed from left to right is tho last element of tho 107th In fantry passes. TEN THOUSAND POLICETO PRE SERVE ORDER FOR TUESDAY. Police arrangements for Tuesdays parade were announced last night. Fifth Avenue will be manned by 6.0(10 regular patrolmen and 4,000 reserves. After S A. M. all t rattle on tho avon nue between Fifth and 120th Streets will bo diverted to other thorough fares. Tho public will bo excluded from both sides of the avenue in front of the Library. Wounded men, 10 1 IC choose from nt 5c Milk Chocolate Cakrs " " Almond Bars Vanilla Sweet Chocrlate Mentholated Cough Drops Assorted Fruit Drops Lime Fruit Tablets Lemon Fruit Tablets Orange Fruit Tablets Anise Tablets Varieties at 10c Chocolate Marsh-Caramels " Molasses! Kisses Milk Chocolate Cukes " " Almond Bars " " Iilooks.Unwrapped I I HI I I M "'4'T . k -V l' mil WllW -- UVmtH Tr-aK21. HI - " - JONUi TlOOKt3 UEINU WU I IU I-OIITIOS Spanish War veterans and G. A. II. men will have places there, also be tween 1 St h and 20th Street, which Is reserved for wounded. No ono may stand Ja tho sidewalk between 7'Jth Stitet nnd S3th. West Point cadets will be stationed there. Permission for them to attend was Krantcd by Was-hinKtnn yesterday. Hist bound tratllo will bo permitted to cross the avenue nt Intorvals, at ltith, 22d, 2lith, 32d, Stitll, 3Sth, 44th, KOth nnd JSth Streets. West bound. 15th, 21st, 27th, 33d, 33th, 3nh, 43d, 4'Jth and J7th Streets. Ilecauso the dinner to Oen. O'llyan and his olllccrs nt the Waldorf und the uponlnK of the division play, "Let's Heat It." at tho Century Thea tre, are scheduled for next Monday night, the tlmo for each to boirln wns chansod yesterday. Tho dinner will start at. 6 o'clock, tho play at 9.15. The menu or tho dinner to be Klven to more than 25,000 soldiers of the 27th Division at scventy-ono hotels, lestaurants and clubs nfter the pa rade. Mu roh. 25, was olllclally an nounced to-dny by August Sllz. Chairman of the Itecoptlon Commit too uf the Mnyoi's Commit ti'c of Welcome. Kach place will heivo the following: Olives Mixed Pickles Orapefrult VoKetable Soup Half Military Hrollcr (22 ounces to each man) Hakcd Potatoes tireen Peas Apple Plo lco Cream Coffee White Hock (llv request) Nestor Cigarettes The Committee nnnounees thai each man can have as many portions as he wants. C.ov. Smith at Albany has Issued a proclamation sottliiK aside March 23 as "u day of leview" for the parade of the 27th Division In New York City. Prank D. l'ackenthal. Secretary of Columbia rnlvcrslty, announced to day that tho university would tin osed March 25, in order to ulvo Co lumhiii students an opportunity to view tho parade. The Natlonnl Lcncun for Women's Service, through Its Soldiers, Pallors md Marines Clubs, will entertain the "Let's Heat It" Company of the 27th "Division at a ilnnen Krldav after noon March 28, at tho Hlltmoro Hotel. t , Mi re than 2.000 ilchtlnir men of the 27th Dm -Ion will tie entertained Sun ilnv afternoon at the Tark Theatre, Columbus Circle. The talent for this eiitnrtn'nment will be furnished by Itelsenweber's and many other vaude villi! and cabaret artists. IS COMPLETED FOR IE 27th Division Men, Other Sol diers and State Guard to March Seats in Demand. Moie than CO.OOO application have brcn reee ved hy Clmirman John J. Oelaney of the Brooklyn Victory Col. ehratlon Cummitteo for the hlB parade of tho 27th Division Brooklyn boys which will b held lievt Mon day. All of those applications will bo refused, however, for tho roinm ttc has determined that Die 20.000 grand stand hints nvailablo must nil no to the wives, widows and re'atiws 01' the soldiers and sailors who ' uni" from H100K 1 11. Over 12.000 ticketB have been dls. tnbmed anions? the Brooklyn boys at Mills and MVrritt. The place of honor , 11 the leviewliiB Ktand Is t( he irivi-n 1 to S. A. It. veterans of Brooklyn. I Thrt first announcement of the ' formation of tho pnrado was made I this morning iuy Chairman Dclaney. I Tho parado will he hoaded by Uric Gen, Jame II. Ttobh and staff, and I the new State CJunrd' units will march ORDER OF MARCH BROOKLYN PARAC War, Victory and Peace Rep resented in Decorations By New York Sculptors. Hundreds of leisurely Inclined New Yorkers ushered hprlng in to-day by paylnB a visit t0 tb Victory Arch and caRcrly watchin? tho finishing touches from comfortable benches In Mndlson Squaro Park. Contractors at work on tho arch, as well as thoso building the orna mental pillars and renovating tho nltnr of liberty, predict that work will be completed by Sunday nlsht in plenty of time for the 27th Division parade Tuesday. Many of tho workers aro laboring overtime. Many New York sculptorrf have contributed their Impresslomjflit war, victory and peace. Plaster caatn of these art works aro found on the prominent plllara of tho arch. Tho architects are Carrcro & Hastings, of No. 52 Vundcrbllt Avenue. In tho following order: 14TII BKOIMKNT. (Col. I'. V. Baldwin, Conimandliis-) 1STH IlWtlMHNT. (Col. Clarence V. Smith, Command lnif.) 2.1ItD BKtilMKNT. (Col. Iouls J. Ira;er, ComniandinK.) 47TIC BKdIMKNT. (I.leut. Col. H. B. Baldwin, Com-inandlni;-) 21) K1KI.1) AHTII.I.KKV, (Col. Walter J. Cntlln, ('nniinaii(lln',) S'irADItON C. CAVAI.ItV. (Dismounted; Major C- S. Doliebolse, Coniuiantllni;.) SI) KIKI.D AUTIl,L,i:itV. (Major W. t;. Cilswold, CommaudllU'.) Tho 2"th Division men will follow the state tjuiird. Their formation, ac cordlni; to tentative plans, will o aa follows: Oen, Charles I. Dcvevoiso and .Staff. lUfiTII INM'ANTBV, (Col. V. W. Ward eomtnanilliiR.) l'BOVISIONAI, MAi'llINK OU.V COUPS, (Lieut. Col. Kdward MoAleer com- inaniUiif,'.) 10 IT II MACHINK OI N BATTALION, (Major Bobcrt It. Molynoiix com. manillni,-.) 10CTH MAClIINi: (U N BATTALION, (Major N. II. Kuleston ciiininnndliisT.) 105TII KIKI.D ABTIl.I.KBV. (Col. Dewltt C. Wnlls commandltiB.. MemtMTH of tho 59th and 70th C'oist Artillery IteKlment. already mus tered out of service, under command or I.leut. Col. llrer Pnnlry. and a 1 Provisional HoR-lmelit convpnsod of all Holdlers, sailors and marincH who ap pear In uniform nnd care to take part In tho ki rutin. Irrespective of whether or not thoy have lbten overseas, will follow. Military bands fnvn Port Hamilton nnd Fort Wadsworlh and many civilian bands will he In the parade. Thero will ! over 7,00o 27th Division men nnd S.Oon other soldiers In Hue. The linn of march for the parado Is ahinit Beilfoni Avenue, down Atlantic Avenuo to Park Place, to Klatbiish Avenue, to Plaza StreHI. to Prospect Paik West anil to 15th Street, where. It will disband. The Brooklyn hoys of the 27th will nrrlve in Brooklyn nt the Vnndorlillt nnd Atlantic Avenue stations ut 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. They will hi' met by nllleers of the new National flu.ird lteiflmnets nnd rsenrti-d to I their "Id armories, wh'eti they will iohUm their headquarters while In tho city $1 .00 PER DAY 1 RENTS A Iligli-Clasi Electric VACUUM CLEANER For Two Days. Ask for Rental Dept. Phone Bryant SS77 Vacuum Cleaners Specialty Co. 131 West42dSt. OF THE VICTORIOUS ARMY AMD NAVY 7HTSE U NIT ED'STAT E5. OP A M C R. ICA i i - SUPRFMF iACRIflCE V ' CZ rEOPLES OF'lHC WORLD Dlrcttl) abuve the omtro arrh. in clear cut lettnrs eight liiohcs high am' sllflli'leutty Irglble for pedestrians to dec.pher 100 feet iiwaj. are six lines of lettering. To t-ho curious this In scription explains everything. It reads: "Krccted to commemorate the home coming of the victorious men of the Army and Navy of these Cnlted Welcome, 27th T1C MOMECOUIUC FOP. THE TRIUMPH Of THE FKCE AND-FORTHEPROMISEOF AN J. talis of America, and in memory of 'losn who have made the supreme iucrlfli.0 for the triumph of tho free proplisif the world and for the promlsW mi enduring police." Inscribed on the four Insldo centre pillars of the central arch aro curved tho nauios of each State nnd tho dato when Unit St.ito was taken Into the t'ulon At prominent plates on the outside pillars are rut the names of the de cisive battles of the Kuropcnu war; not only those which American sol diers fought, lnil those inking place since August, lull. South of the Vlrtory Arch pifpm about fifty fiet me envied orna mental )iuhos of war of three pil lars each. The Imho of these pillars hhows planter creations of every con celvable form of modern warfare as used b our victorious Allies, The d.i of the parade balloons extending rlnety feet Into the air will bo nils, pended. King of the Allies will lie placed around the top of these kiiiiiI Icr archcfl. Dlrectlv In front of the Kifth Ave nue llulldltig. No. 2iiO Kifih Avenue, nro four more ntn of pillars (irnciug the pinnacles of each set Is n rcpllui of ,i modern aeroplane, a annon. a tank and a gas generator Paul Oaf. tin. Minimum of the Committee on Decorations of the Mayor's Commlt teeof Welcome, designed nil symbolic MOW Dig in your toes, Fritzie! YouVe got to go some to get ahead of these Yankee-made totaut TOE AND HEEL, THEY ARE WITH iv A (00000000000000000000000000(XX)0bOOOOOOOOOOCOOC 4 n 64 REBUILT Pisuios HJ.I.Y Ill'AHANTKBP. 8 8 Fischer Piano Factory nniKr I'iimi makkiih J. A C. FISCHER iv nhw towc 8 417 WEST 28TII STREET, NEAR 9TH AVE. H l00000(X)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOv? In your honor this advertisement is repro duced as it appeared in Che SilgfSlrlpes the official newspaper of A. E .F., published in France during' the Great American Drive. BEAT IT! mt on: YOU IN FRANCE PURE Ready to use GULDEN'S Mustard Aa Ineipcruriro Coadtmst Cnd hk not ua) Catabllihad IQB7 Uuy from the Factory I I ski M fB Saturday Only $60, $95, $115, $145 to $295 Stclmvay Mason & Hamlin Knabc Chlckcring On very cany Hardman terms. Weber Sohmcr and others t 3 J) fmkm . . -..fll,