Newspaper Page Text
, i ii Hi . ii i .in ii ii mwO'.-y-r-i. , .1 JAR LABELLED "GUN COTTON i 1 You'll Yell lor the 77th But " EXCITES WALL STREET 1 WEATHER F.ilr and cooler to-night and Tuesday. 'J i Have You Bought a Victory Note? PRICE TWO ce:tts. ORLA BELGIAN CROWN BAKER TO REVIEW TH IN GREAT FIFTH AVENUE ARADE HERE TO-MORROW New York Soldiers, Marching in New Formation, lo Pass in 50 Minutes. MEN COME TO CITY. Reception at City 1 iall Opens Heslivities of Division's Welcome. ilro parade of the 77th Division to morrow will present features which have not licen wen In thu other parades of returning troop. In tho first place tho chief review InR otllccr lo ,mv (jroun , TMy will bo Secretary of "War linker, who Into tli automobile, wrecking both wilt rccolvo the salutes ami n each "'''"''.'V , . ... Trio Aulal League of America, nt a unit passes thu rovlcwlni; stand the oonforeniv to-day In which nine na Secretary of War's artillery salute Hons rn rcprcsc-ited. decided to will bo fired by one-pounders. Ah an aid to thu t'ollco Major (ion. Alexander him decided to form tho parado In battalion nulls with tho four companies of each battalion In squad formation that Is, tho com panies will march four men abreast, aldo by side, or 11 men from curb to curb with Interval between tho companies. It h figured that In this formation tho, division wll pass tho review lng stand In alout fifty mlnutcH und the massed effect will bo much nioro spectacular, especially If tho day bo sunny, with the glint of sun light on the bayonots. As has been announced tho men will wear overseas caps with tlutr Mool helmets slung on their backs. They will not carry gas masks As In tho 27th Division parade, tho sold star, memorial to the dead of the division, will bo carried at the head of tho column. Tim flat? will show 2,358 stars. Clen. Alexander has permitted tho Mayor's Committee to present gold star flags to tho various units and these will also bo carried In tho parade, Following Gen. Alexander and staff will move the artillery. Tho Infantry will precede tho wounded. The "Lout llattolton" will not appear as a unit and Lieut. Col. Whittlesey, who com mandrd that battalion In the Argonne will not nppcar In the parade. RECEPTION OPENS WITH VISIT TO MAYOR. Tho reception to tho division upftned olllcially to-day when Major Ocn. Alexander, with Ins Chief of Staff, Uout. Col. II. II. .Mitten, and his aide, Capt. Coppce, called on Mayor Hylun at tho City Hall. Tho Mayor assured lien. Alexander that every precaution has been taken to Insure thn smooth movement of the parado and the comfort of the men taking part. A reception ami ball mi. in- given to about 8,000 men of the division ut ho Hotel Astor to-night. !en. Alex ander and Ins slaff will attend. The Var Camp Community Service has detailed 3,000 gnls as dancing part ners for the soldiers. Tho Jewish Welfnro Hoard has ar- ranged to take care of (coding sueli of tho men as ate far removed troin Ihclr homes after the paiado to-morrow and during the rest of llulr Moj in tho city. The evening meal nt 'tlB (Continued on Second I.Vge. I WORLD RESTAURANT. SPECIAL KOll TO-IIAV. MAY S. 1911 n( It Modi, llnut rolIM4 , " ' V Vna."WilVB'illii'-"irt.''' mmtmw' r 1 i "1 s . m "Circulation Books Open to ylJ.'il I "Circulation Books Open to All." I . , m NDti dM HIS WAY BACK TO PARIS ' PLANE STARTING FOR N, Y, WRECKS AUTO AND ITSELF Dr. 1". I.. Allan Slightly Hurt, Sid Chaplin and Third Aboard Bcape at Atlantic City. ATLANTIC PITY. N. .1 . May .'..-Dr. IIS. 1 Allnn of New Vurli amis slightly Injured and SI1 Chaplin, brother of Charley and Dr. John I'. David of Buffalo narrowly escaped here todai when an airplane In which they were riding collided with the automobile In which ISnrI Ovlngton had brought thorn to the field. Tlio tlirne had entered a Cuillss plane, with Allnn nt the wheel. Intending to fit- fit V..... V...-I. nt...lM . .LI.,. . It 1 offur truiihy to be competed for an nually for effleletiry In shooting from alrcruXt. Tho Ktiimer Is to have ten hou at mull balloons. MRS. VINCENT ASTOR IS BITTEN BY DOG I Attacked at Her Home .it Miinelvrk ! and Unable to He at Y. V. C. A. Hut To-Day. Mm Vincent Aftnr was bitten In the hand by a dog at her home at Ithln-beck-on tlie-IIiidson yriUrday. Shu was so painfully Injur.'d she telephnnud to the Y. V. C. A. Hut at the Ilattery, whero she has worked every day since she returned from France, that she could not bt ut tile hut to-day. At tho Ailnr homo In llhlnnheck It was suld that Mrs. Astor had gone out nnl was not expected back until even ing. It m undowtood ho had come to New York for Immudlate surgli-iil treit ment. $8,000,000 SENT SOLDIERS AS HE PLEADS FOR LOAN 'Hut's Where the Money (joes," Sa Gen. Lord, ' But It's Only a Drop in Bucket." A practical ilamonstratlon of what is bring dono with the people's money was given nt tho noon meeting of the Vie. tory Liberty Loan on the iSiib-Treasury step. Whlio ling. lien. Herbert M. lord was ixliortlng his hr.irers to sub scribe to the Iiin. H.WO.OOO In cur rency w.ix rrir i I from th Sub-Treasury and piueed on trucks under a strons police guard bound for lloboken, them to bo put on a tranjrt und virrld to the American soldiers In Kranee. "There's where the money is going, slid tho general, "to the bos, but i 000.OUO in utile a lrop in I he bu iut. Tj la the soldiem tlielr ICO boinii iMll r. iiuire $.':i:i,000,u00 alone. In the four lirevlnus Luiih the rm bus stilxcrlbud for I'.'O.i.OOO.OilU, unit I eiut thcin ti do tuori; In t'ns loan ' KAISER WANTS TO RETURN. Ill lie llueil lo l.lle on l.erniiiii llliifi. litCUMN'. Mtt) i (A-so. i.itej 1' l''oniur ISmpeioi William hui re. I llested the tii I ill. HI tloVi lllllll lit 'll I I,.. .illnweil '11 1-. turn i lli r.'n.tiiv n .. i reside on his (Male ut Kudineii. u. turdlug to a nini-otlK in I ktnteinenl IvfcUed here. j ..."iJuliS-Vi.- 7T ro,"r": :."T;ne,;,r,o,M),:,u,,,nir new york. Monday, may 5, ioio, ig pages price two cents. 1 FLIES DAMAGE TWO NC PLANES IliAvewr. One Can Re Re paired and at Least Two Will Start To-Morrow. N.WI. All: STATION. ItOfKA WAY IIKACII, U I., May S.-An ar ' ildrntal gasoline fire In the Ni'i IlatiKar at the Hocknwny lle.irli Naval Air Station at 2.10 A. M to day, d.iiiiamxl tho NC 1 seriously and tt.n Vr I ..ll.-V, it,- I.ii ...III ..( ! thu start of the NC 3 and NC I to morrow for Newfoundland, whori they will prepare lo "hop off" for the Azores on tho navy's. Irans-Atlantb-flight attempt. Commander John II.- Towers, who has charge of Hie tnuiN-Atlanllr flight fleet, mmle an official u port to tho Navy Department at Washington, in which he said the NC 1 eoiilii pot leave to-morrow, but that the NC 3 and NC 4 would get away on schedule. The NC 1, Com mander Towers said, would follow as soon as repairs could bo made, time for whirli was estimated at fortj eight hours. Commander Towers announced th the danyige from the lire was between H2.000 .md ir.O00. The lower elivator ami part of the tali 'f tho NC I were daninKod. It was expected she would be repaired h' ,: ""clock to-night. Th" upper and lower right wings on tho N. C. 1 will bo leplaced by two wings whleh the machine had on be- , forn a recent accident. Jt was an nouueed late this afternoon that the , soap line might bo ready by midnight. "Only the very excellent work of tho men at the station and In the hangar," said Comm.uider Towers, "prevented the entire station from being binned." Tho N-C 3 was out of the linngar and wns not In danger. Approximately thirty men, who had been wotklng in tho hangar all night, were making llnal preparations for to-day's tosts and for the get-away to-morrow when the lire started. ' A spark, probably from the motors used to pump frnsuline, fn ()I1t HI,mn gasoline on top of the tank of the NCI. A man who was filling the tank droppeil the funnel and some gasoline spread out on the concrete ! floor under tho right wings of Uic plane. Hand chemical fire extini'iiUliors wero torn from their holders by M'V oral of the workmen, who rushed to ward tint blazo without regard for the danger of an explosion of tho tnnk. The lire was put out In six inlnutiM. The nnvy flyers chosen to pilot the NC-3 and NCI across tho Atluntlc urn saving goodby to their fi lends to-day on the co of starting for Newfoundland, whence the start of the actual flight is to be made. They are eagerly sianniiur weather reports, us fog off the Newfoundland coast! or headwinds here ure two j po,sihli factms of delny. j Olhenvlse, It Is olllc!ull .'innoiiiicod that nt least two of the Nt! fl -ft will oao Itockaway .'iortl ufO'i duwn to-morrow. The three plunes Mie .i oimuiicod in perfect lullilitlo i !. i ' ,:MISI,indei J'diu II. Towirs yestetia .if!i ths NC-I. iurilnv the ulnrs of the N'u .'. tlie ore (hip o( tin iiunrtel of Ni" ilea ,i not iu mu.e in. j .umey. it'ontinipd on I'oiiiih I'.ik ) Urn. M' 11 ..lent.ile 1 noilim. I'.MilS. Mr .'. -I'olt I. lo I'.eiu 1 I'lenideiil-i led of llruzll. will leme for home Immediately xflor the ueaee u a"!ned' tPPn I" United atttlf el rouu, ho iLld to-day. IN NAVAL HANGAR L Here Is Vice-President Marshall Wearing a German Helmet He Won As Prize for Aiding Liberty Loan siuiiu I. it u i; ti ! t ii u : ii .t k it si it u ii ii ii a a if it k ii : x a u it n. it n i ujt it it ii n a i, u .1 ;i u i: ii ii ii a it ii ( it i: it a it n u u u'u u u it u 11 u it ii'ii.ii.ii'irii.u'iiiitliilit The VUtory I.0.1.1 otnmltiee, iitrougb iho Treasury Department, has presented to Viet i'n d Ii nt Marshall a (lennun olllcer'n hilmei for his efforts In .udum the Yi tory Loan. The above photograph shtiwB tho Vice l'rchldini we.irii,.. nn helmet la his of'be. For on e, the Herman helmet does not ad' i-u iho in'U.j of a destroyer of civilization CHIEF MAGISTRATE M'ADOO HURT INAUTO ACCIDENT Struck In Machine n Maten bland and Nnw Confined to Home in This Citv. C'bl. f .Magistrate Will. urn M' A l.... was runfined to bis 1. jti - to-dsy ami will be for many days nn the r.Mo.t of an automobile acciibnl on Stitur day afternoon near 1'ort Hleliuioiiii Magistrate MeAdoo steppi d Into tin utreet to answer the iiuestlon of tie driver of a motor trmk and as ii attetnpteil to step buel, ugsui struck by it machine drivtn by 11 young man aeeompano d by two ni. The Magistrate knocked down and badly bruiaid by the tnudwuard and h ' b ft b'K and foot run over by the rear w!o' 1 lb was tnken lo the home "f It. In 11 llrnun, N'o. 121 Ilobi rtuii .iiie, rut lEibniond in the nuieli lo- ami tiut-d 1.. 1 the hnaly nurl t and k- MaUti 1 M Adon .. t 1 miK 't i-xty. live c.r. nl'l. m' imiI dii. ii nl uinl insisted oioo .likin to Hie trslti in his . I . 1, 1 . 'limn ml toons' lo bU i.iiiii . So H'i -1 IT. '1 Mrei t this ,'IH i . 1 prm, .1 ill Ii,'li .1 II i.joi 1 id" 1 - ' 1 ii' tlilli" Uuif ill. 1 1 11 MM III II tv lll-l "III. MKM I kf,fl or l.'ii In., eu U, .111, U...I. fdu tiu. I 4Srt uiu tvonui TitAVRi. Hntr.u. Af-'4. I'uJItlf (World) lluiMlx a 6t i'trt IU N y Clt;. Tli.if ll.Vmin JO110 Crwk run tor Wi'itr "n I i'irru .m iu AirM imuj IU UinlJii ACCEPTS PEACE TREATY ii GERMAN OFFICERS HERE ON U.S. SHIP, BOAST OF OEEOS Men blowing New Crew How to Operate Seized Vessels Wear Much Gold Uraid. The Herman liner Cap KlnUterre, formerly of thn HamburK-Amerlian Line In tho South American atrvlc. ono of the ships turned over to tins country under provisions of tho urm istlee, arrivod In port ut noon with 1,000 soldiers and Ui He J cr0w nurses aboard. Although in .1 minor . n. I'li'inian olllcers a'joaid the iiner weie constant) n the I'meligbt on the I trip Hero". These tlerni'in weio 'deleguterl it, .tld In navigating the I'.ip K.nisteire and did o in.itbi riui' ally. lotiKiluditVilly and orillj I p..i tic.ilsri tin- latter. ! Coming up the bay ui: thesu olllcers ' ambled about the deck with large latses, Inking keen delight In getting (Continued on UecoDd It GUN COTTON" JAR F FOR WALL STREET Found in Astor Building and Turned Over to liagan for Examination. ISxciteinent was caused In the Wall Streit district 'to-day by the finding of a quart Jar of what Is supposed to be guncotton on thn seventh floor of the Astor ntllldlng ut No. 3S New Htrri't. The Jar was found iiHnn early hour b yMlehatd Klgusky, a ixirter, who turned It over to Hupl. Decker. Tin label suld "(Sun-cotton." Docket waited only long enough to read the dictionary definition as Mr us "a hlfrhly explosive compound prepared by the action of nitric and sulphuric 'djLi iiMin cotton or some other form of cilluloso." Then tw (tilled the police. I'.xtrolmnn (iorgo ('uunlnghatii walked slowly and rarnfully wlti the Jai to Hie Old Slip Police Slutlon and Inspector Owen Kugau was Kent for. l'enditur the bomb expert's arrival thn Jar was placinl on a window sill and left alone. In addition to tho word "C.uncot ton," tho label wxis nlw) marked "Sample." Nobody could make out nil of a written Inscription, bit, the figures 13.01 were declpheriivble be. fore 11 word that some said was "ill trogen" and the figiues h.mi I fore another word that may be "solution." Hxports of the lliireau o' Mines at Washington nt work upon an analysis of one of the twenty-live May Day bombs mailed In this city to promi nent Americans cxprised the hope to. day that the plotteis may be traced through their chemical formula. Ac cording to the experts the gelatine dynamite In the Infernal machines In of American matiuf.ictuie. In Ni'W Yolk neither Federal nor city detectives announced 11 further ievelosnent of any kind up to mid afternoon. Representatives of the I til r en u of Mines were iiioteil as au thority for the statement that. Judg ing by the mushy consistency of the dynamite they believed It had been lelnforeed by nltro-glycerlne. The ordinary dynamite of com merce, experts say, has a consistency somewhat llkn that of a stick of hard candy. Tho dynamite of tho May Day bom lis Is much softer That the scare created by the Und lug of the bombs Ii.i.i not run its 1 courso is shown by the fact th it I w lo 11 Albert (Iran "f No. Iio l;.isi 1 Seventh Street found a package ut I ins door to-day, just after the letter learner had made his llrm round. ; r.i.t thought at oneu of bombs and jpol.cemen. A printed iiotico on the wrajovr set forth that J1W would be paid to the person delivering tills package to fity Hall, The thrie 2-eHlit slumps ' bad been eaiieellis). (iiaa took the hiekage to Inspector Owen Kagan of the Human of Com 1 bustlbles. Kagan exorcised Ills usual lailtloti. The parcel contained excel ior and rubbish The explosives lonllsiatcd by detec tives last week ui the liaMwiu Modi e.i liiatiluie at No US West -litll 1 Stteet were removed from I'ollio lleiicbiuarters tu-da t" the Coveni mint laboratoins at South Amboy, N I . w ll'M i- th' w i'l l e .111 il oil. BAR'JCHS IN $2,000,003 DEAL. I'n I nail for Oil t luiin I oriiied l.osl Tall mi siIimi.iii. tU'IIIT I'M. I.-. I'V Mm . HsiihIi llH.thii. of New 11 ', '! till.. .iii,Ii,m, li ' I, ill MX' of lln 1 In 1 k-Vv ums ci 1 'id '"on u 11 . 111 On Iturs-.liiri I 1 e'd fn 11 ci-di c in.d tiullon 01'i u uiiidlng in 111 fulliialn'ii hole tnilu) The llilik WuKgom r C'miiimii) whs oigsuUeil In .Novii.jier with s caiilt'il of rS.".ti llernanl lluiuch and A. I). Norton. Ilui itle'vllle, Okla.. ure itMioctattd with the purchutrs. URNISHES SCARE RETURN OF THE ACCEPTANCE BY BELGIUM SPEEDS JJP Terms to Be Handed to the German Representatives on Wednesday or Thursday Italian Delegate At tends Meeting of League Committee MARIS, May S (Associated Press). The announcement that Premier Orlando ami l-orcin Minister Sonnino, the leading Italian delegates b the Peace Conference, had left Home for Paris, and the further news that the Belgian Crown Council had given its assent to the signing of the peace lreal by the Belgian delegates, regardless of the 11nsatisf.1ctori.1cs5 lo Belgium of the financial arrangements, luveesnlled in relieving the embarrassments of the peace conferees. CLEMENCEAU SAYS i HE HAS DONE HIS BEST; I CALLS IT A GOOD PEACE Particularly Pleased With the New I Relations of Prance, America ' and Britain. I'AKIH. May 6. "I have done my belt. I think 11 Is a good pence," This declaration was made to the editor of the Figaro by Premier Clem enceau. The editor say.i he Is con vinced nil Franco Is weighing wjll ' Hut Immensu advant.igeH she will from collaboration with (ireat Hrltaln and the United Htutes. If It Is a good pence, th" editor con tinued, It Is also a hotter one because I It Is an alliance with tho two mojt powerful nations of the world. I Iteferrlng to the meeting of the 'French Cabinet jeslerday, the editor ; says that ufter the poaco terms were read by Capt. Andrew Tardleu, ,1 speech was made by Premier Clemen coaii. who otltllti'd the efforts he had lo make, often under most difflc.ilt circumstances, to elaborate the text fin 11 iiww itiniius, CZECH MINISTER OF WAR KILLED IN AIRPLANE FALL Two Italian OlTicers With Gen. Stefanik Also Le lives. COPISN HAUL'S'. My 5 Hen. Mllin fitiifiinlk, Czeeho-Hlovnk Minister of War. was klllsd nesr Wsjnor, Hungary, Siinduy. when the nlrplantt In which hv wan traveling crushed to the ground, n despatch from l'rehurg ajs Two Italian ollleeis who were with him alio wire killed. !n. M.fsn,k formerly . oaiinun led the Cue. hu-So as furctw In nnl I r,h': ,,:;"'.:? v xr":;;;," i lt ii,l to H.burlu ufter tha full or I Premier lverennk. At present in- I'ms'h tnips are eollaboiailriK w , other allies in tli drive on llmlaimt aguinst th Hun -ii' lan I'oiiununliits iiln Willi lloioli- .tlueUs lien. Ilorvnlli. LXHIVOKTIlK. r. t) .11. li'ini't was made reei nt;y 011 the life ,' l.i. i.l 'I' ll llurvatli. Itiusi .n mill in) loiiiman ler at Harbin, His 11s h.i ul tut kill hi:n wnh IhiiiiUk, 1 it was ' ieil befnie he had tallied ,jt tn purpJk' 'an. lilull HllllllTH mj. kis'ed 111 (Mpturiiiu Hie man. Toronto llnlehers on Strike. TiillilNTu lint, M 6 -.Mem butebf rs and packers numbering 3,000 went on strike here to-ddy to aompel J luiognlllon of 1 li union and grunting of demands for a forty. four-hour wek aad . Vfigti Increatu. ITALIANS. PEACE TREATY it Is announced that Marauls Imperl.ill, the Itullnn Ambassador ut London, has been designated to par ticipate for Italy In tho meeting this afternoon of thu executive committed of the league of Nations. These developments had the effect of producing 11 call for a plenary session of tho Conference to bu held to-morrow for the purpose of lay ing the pence treaty before all the participating nations. - Tho treatj may b.i presented to tho (lei mans on Wednesday or Thursday of this wiek. When tho Council of Threo me this morning no announcement wn made ai to tho subjects to be con sidered beyond the statement that It would continue tho general program of tho recent sessions, whipping tho lesser details and loose otida of tho peace treaty Into llnal shape. The status of Italy as ono of tha Ilvo great powers has been brought Into iiuestlon by her withdrawal from tho Peacu Conference, and It Is this I status which Is proving a powerful lever in inducing Italy to aocept tho Invitation of tho Council of Threo to resuino her jdaro ut tho poaco table. ThoTruaty of Peaco makes repeated rofcrccu t0 , vo p0WCw llnal authority In regulating many subjects, und this provision would hnvo to In changed to thu "four great powers" In ensu Italy remained out of tho conference. PA It IS, May 5 (United Press). It was learned that the "Council of Three" s considering a plan fur mak ing Fjumo a free port, under control of the I.i.iguo of Nations, for a period of threo years. White the Italians and .lugo-Slavs thus would enjoy equal commercial privileges In the disputed city during this period, work would bo burned on construction of another port for 1 be J 1 on tho Dal- unitiau coast At the expiration Of i- three iars it is assumed Flume ' f"f"i.ill mm v J to Italy, Belgian acceptance OF TREATY UNANIMOUSLY VOTED BY CROWN COUNCIL I niei,t;ii Minister Hwin"s Sa$ R (iik's H ui nli.- .1:' ! .itistac i r It'rin- HU1.SSF.LS. Mo lAasoclOted I'nrtsi. Tbe II U hi 1 iov 11 nment has de. it io nun 1 be Treaty of Peace, The Clown Council nut at the pat act at S o'ti.ick lust ecvnltig and con iiuued in kcssioii until midnight. Paul ll) mans. Minister of Foreign Affair und bend of the llelglun delegation at the Pouce Conference, outlined tho situation untf. cava a review of. tho poaco terms' 1 Ho exprcjjed, Ihe opln t. Tr i' t-, 1 1 ,1 j i it L I t 1 -