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mm m mm WILSON TO SET ASIDE DRY LAW IF HE FINDS (Continued from First race.) Cnltol Bulldlnt; In Washington, ?J.C alone Pennsylvania Avenue to LHI naat the White House. The dale gfiet for this, the greatest proteat par Jfr'i&m Washington hta even known, la ifoaii. ...... Pfer President Wilson w ten invueo. officially review at least a part July 1st. The letters will be written and mailed by ontl-drya from every city, village, hamlet and cross road In the United Htatos. President WIN son will rocelvo millions of them I how many millions It Is Impossible to '.even approximately estimate. Hut to Judga from the Intensive campaign that tho anti-dry nro conducting nf h tvirrf from stand In front nd the predictions tbey havo re- ; J A rgonne Players Give Here NATION A6AINS TIT of the Whlto House grounds. PARADE ONLY A PART OF THE PEOPLE'8 PROTE8T. The monster parade, which will bo visible In action before tho Presi dent's cyos, will bo supplemented by the mailing to him of a written pro test In the form of letters from all persons who aro opTwed to a dry Show They Gave Over There For Their Division, the 77th H, P. DAVISON HEADS I WORLD RED GROSS LEAGUE A Constipated Children Gladly Talc "California Syrup of Figs" For the Liver and Bowel Tell your druggist you want genuine "California Syrup of Figs." FulJ directions and dose for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name "California" and accent no other "Fig Syrup." Advt. CLEAN THE BLOOD 51 "BftvLk 9 MsBsflssuH sesase LLtmLLL "tfrTBBslBTJBBf .assBBBBBBBBBBBBHsBB lUK Kr-SMsJsasWw' jcclved from all parts of the oountry. mcir ciiuniniu ui iiuw,uw (Oilers may not In tho end be found greatly exaggerated'. The moat astonishing featuro of this phase of tho anti-dry demon stration Is that tho senders of the loiters have boon requested to put them In the mulls un a dato which will be calculated to time their de livery at the White House on June U, the day on which the parade will begin, the parade will probably ex tend continuously over into tho sec ond day. This will constitute the largest number of letters every re ceived by any man In one day In the world's history. The reoonl.breakltuc parade and the record-breaking day's mail do Dot satisfy the trod on unionists who are going to "show" the President. Tbey are doing oven more. They are ar ranging to havo protest meetings held In every nook and corner of tho nation on that same June 14. Every meeting will bo expected to adopt anti-dry resolutions and telegraph them to President Wilson, the tele grams to reach him before midnight of Juno 14. Thus, It is believed, tho President will receive the greatest number of words ever telegraphed to an inutvkiUAi in a singio day, as wen as the greatest number of letters, and that his eyes will behold the numeri cally largost number of marchers that have ever participated In a protest parnde. PRESIDENT WILL REALIZE THAT HE HA8 BEEN "SHOWN." According to the arrangements which aro in progress, President Wit non. In order to review the parade from start to finish, would have to re main In the stand about twenty six hours. Thrrcforo it Is not ex pectod that ho will stay for tho whole show. Probably two or three 'hours f wntchlng the Imarchers, with the receipt nf millions of lit tern and tela- grums will bo sufllclcnt to convince him that ho hns been "shown." Pennsylvania Avenue Is very broad throughout IIh on tiro length broad enough to permit thirty-two men to march shoulder to shoulder without uncomfortable crowding. At that rati1, allowing an aver.igo of ten sec onds for each linn of men to doss the reviewing stand, they would file by at me ram or tnirty-iwo ovorr ten sec onus, 131 every minute, 9.170 every hour, 2J3,:so In twenty-four hours, and this would still 'cave enough march ers to keep walking past the stand for approximately a couple more hours. John Sullivan Is tho representative of tho (Irrator New York Hrewery Trades Unions who Is handling tho arrangements for sending paradors from this territory. "Will tho full quarter of a million men actually raako tho march?" he was asked. "That is the nronamme." he said "They will march day and night until mo paraan nas domontratcd to Pros' Idem Wilson tho mighty protest of tho wholo nation against tho liberty destroying fanaticism of a puny minority or tno oeonic" Made Chairman of Governing Board Which Will Direct All Activities. PARIS, May C.-Jtenry P. Davison f!vrtw1 chairman of the rovemlnff flffn. AlrYnnrlftf and Other Officers AooIaUd board of the. League of Itcd Cros So- The Amex Kevue ot 191 by Keproaucea at Manhattan Opera House as Given in Captured German Theatre. which was organized hero to day. The league Is the outgrowth of plans developed by committees of IteJ Cross societies during tho conference held at Cannes recently will be members of the'' league, which will be controlled bv s general coun.'ll cotnpcue.l of representative of the ., cktitK und the govetnlti bounl f 1f teen member. TRAINING CAMPS JUNE 21. Wnr Or pnrlinrnt Announce Oprnj tnif Hnte mid l.orntlona. WASHINGTON, May 6.-81 summer reserve, officers training camps will open June "1 for a six weeks' course at the following army camps, the War Department announced to-day: Custer, Mich.; Devcns, Mass.; Kunxton, Kan.;, Va.i Presidio, Cal and Taylor, Ky. Attendance at each school probably Alt the world's Ited Cro societies lll not exceed 1.S0O men. HIS GUINEA PIGS C0S1 Man I'lneil for Krcnliiif Tlie.m, fur lllltlnn llrnllh UKIc John T Murphy of .Vo M4 Troy nuc. ilro'jklln. was fined I 111 !v MaaaW Irate J'olwrll In the Klatbtiah Caajiri eiterday for keeping two guinea Mfr on his premises without a permit. Msw. Dhy's wife. Norma. Incei'ued at th SSLZW tence, approached Health Inspector a,, 8. Hughes, who had made tne osak plaint, and struck him a blow In 'A face with her Hit that almost tmm Ullll. When order was restored Msrlsi Polwell directed that Mrs. Murphy i i Mii'u. u i iiiu pjiiira tunc iriiing ne wuuin ncnu ner 10 jrtll ror 11 days. Inspector Hughes pleaded leniency, saying he would accept KlHjinitr. i ne aiavimrnie linen ner Tliere weren't any German bombs crashing down from tho sky: there weren't nhy star shells to rob tho night of Its darkness, nor any distant rumblings from tho monsters turned out at tlcrtba Krupp's factory at Essen; Instead, last night thero was the luxurious Interior of the Manhat- followed. It deals with the cs.pturo of a German spy near tho American front lino and was woll acted by Percy Hilton Michel, Htuart Sage, Kolllns Grimes Jr., and Qoorgo L. Bonn. The acting of Michel In tho part of "Tho Girl" was particularly good. Tho Camp Upton Kour, a quartet, with Ad Morton Plncus, offered some tuneful, catchy melodies not beard In New York before. Followed ono of tho bits of the evening Rollins Grimes Jr. and Harry Cahlll In a singing, talking and dancing act called "Class and Clever ness." Cahlll's gown was a marvel of femlnlno loveliness, gorgeous, with an aigrette, or something that corre sponded to one, about two feet high. l)ut they could botl , dance, and they won the crowd from tho Instant they appeared. Tho two chief fun makers are Ad Morton Plncus and Jack Wnldron. The latter appeared In n special num ber called tho "Long Laugh." Well named. Ills eccentric dancing and i Taien from Nciure The Tifld rooU and barks tht go into the Miipoeition of ono of the oldest and best known blood tonics are ioetly gathered by the Indiana on our reservations brougnt or Wippcd to Dr. Pieroc'a Laboratory in Buflalo, N. Y. Over fifty raars ago Dr. Pierce put up an alterative tonic without the use of Meonot tnat eoon occaoae Known tax over tno woria. n . v x BIG RALLY OF DMS TO LUST FOUR DAYS Prohibitionists Plan Demonstration in Capital Beginning on June 8. WASHINGTON. May 6. Prohibi tionists aro preparing for a big dem onstration here on June I In support ot tbo enforcement of Nation-wide Prohibition beginning July 1. Some of the leading dry leaders In the country !' , . ., x. ... , ., . , , I win spcnK in churches and at the 'is The Bpnng u the tune of the year we should put our bouae in Liberty Hut, urging rigid enforce- rder. We're run down after a hard winter after grippe, colds, Snttlo0nMhe laWB ana world-wide Pro tatarrb. It a time to take JJr. llerce a uoldcn Medical utacovery, Among the speakers win be William rcly vegetable and free from alcohol or narcoUca It will ecarch B,f cahn'Und tliB00f ut impure and poisonous matter and drive it from the sfetcm. Buy Ohio, former aov. Malcolm u. Pat- ti nm in t nliletn or Hniiirl s I lerson of Tennessee and Superintend- fWW ID. taDieia or Uqtna. , I cnts of State Antl-Saloon Leagues. It will clear the skin; ccsema, pimples, rash, blotches will dry up Tim talk win end a four-day session sad disappear; boib., carbuncles and other evidences of tainted blood T,n;c;,nI;encobw1lodSrhoUJolm will pass away, never to appear ugain. 1 auspices ot tho Anti-Kaioon Lengue Dr. Pierce discovered 50 years ago, that Nature has provided Jt,r cdn"Wence and thedAnT.sha Ireeh for tneso needs ol tier children and that in tier taooralorv were loon icaguo Field uny ai remedies. Extracts of Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherry- Wn'mX mux iuiu uioourooi, aa prepurcu, cuuiuniuu anu prurcrvL-u wuaout a'coLol, in Dr. Pierce' t Golden Medical Discovery, constitute the most affective and certain tonic, alterative and tuwue-rcbuilding remedy rer nffTri to thn mimic. Anvl, ton Opera House, with spotllghta and claborato scenery and women In eve ning gowns tout In all other rwrpecta tbo ahow that was presented was pre cisely the same as tho ono given In a captured German theatre In the Ar gon no Forest last fall when the play ers and audlcnco wero actually under fire. It was the sumo show and ttio same players that caused Gen. Pershing to applaud heartily at Bable-sur-Barthe last March; tho sumo show that President Wilson saw In Paris. It was presented by tho Argonn Players, Theatrical Unit of tho 77tb Division. Tho name ot tho cntortaln- mont p "Tho Amcx Ilovuo of 1911,' and It will continue- at tho Manhattan for a week. As tho programmo announces, tbo Argonno Players of the 77th aro a group of soldiers, formerly profession ally connected with tbcatrcdom, who wero recruited from tho front lines and gun pits, forming a permanent theatrical unit to furnish th, men In and near tho front lines with enter tainment. Their productions wero written and produced at the front In the shell-swept areas. Tbo offering of lost nlsht was Field Uny Association. the demonstration e of the Antl-Saloon League, who will be master of reremonlns, rcuc. OwiAcrarea singing Is of a sort that compares with the best scon anywhere Mario Rndolfl sang a number of op eratic selections. Ills number Is listed on tho progrnmmo us "Five Minutes at the Opera." One of the features of the show was a playlet entitled "01, General," pro-i ,"Tir GLADDENS A C&ic for Wincarnu OUR blood li, composed of red and whits corputcln the red to nourish the body, th while to fight dlissM. In Anemia or bloodlessntt s-rths red corpuscles are more .or leu deficient. Thus the blood cannot provide suffic ient nourishment for th body. Therefor th fac usually be- rnm tvhlte and "naalT the yea dull and "heavy" and a feeling of intent weariness pervades th whol system. To overcom Anemia, th blood supply needs recharging with red corpuscles. And it is her that possesses such wonderful power. Decause, being a blood-maker, Wlncatnla promotes a wealth of new, rich, rd blood, which brings th rosea back to th cheeks gives a spark! .to th eyes and surcharges th whol body with new strength and new vitality. That is why so many doctors have recommended VVincarnls. Wincarnls has been famous in Europe for a third of a century. Don't confute Wlncsrnls with th many Inferior preparations of ap parently similar nature. Accept no substitutes. Buy Wincarnls itself, th Tonic, Restorative, Blood-maker and Nerve-builder, that has given new atrength, new vigor, new blood and new nervo force to countless thousand of sufferers. Will you tryjutt on botll 7 Begin to-day to get well T1U oat th eeopon and siaU It with JO rents t pty packing and, delivery charges. You will receive a liberal Sample Tree not a msra tuts, bat Booth to do yea some good. Let . Wla carols giro yoa lb new httlta 70a so nucb notd. ; On sola by leading druggists smuI sUmots ryarjrwliiir. Edward Lasiere, Luc, V. S. Agents, 400 West 23d Strut, New York Bsod a th free sample of Win. earn!!, I enclose 10 cents (coin or stamps) to cover coit ot picklnc and forwarding, (lleai writs plainly.) If erne . Address City at I tSi! V,' giewoclVjil,' '',) SORE TIRED FEET No puiTcd-up, burning, tender, uchinj? feci no corns or callouses. Ilapsrl Um 'Tir w "TIs" makes sore, burning, tired fct' fulrly dance with delight. Away gn the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters, bunions and chil blains. "Tli" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet No matter i.ow lisril you work, how long you dance, hov far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "Tli" brings restful foot comfort. "Tit" It magical, grand, wonderful for tired. aching, swollen, smarting feet. Ah I how comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feet Just tingle for Joyi shoes never hurt or seem tight. (let a 'JS.crnt hnx of "Tli" no from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keen your feet fresh, iwcet and happy. Just think! a whole year's foot contort for onl 29 CflltS.aAaTU fcE Goitre, cieuso written and first presented In the rgonne, In a Gorman-built theatrv twenty-four hours after It had been wrested from tho enemy. Klnco Its inauguration tho unit has offered its performances in every conrelvnblo Kind of plnce ruined cathedrals, Ger man theatres, tents, underground the atres, chateaux and, when nothing elso was available, an open air platform was erected. And from start to flnUh It la a ripping good show. Everybody in the performance, every musician In tho orchestra, the stage manager, Uiu property man everybody In any way connected with the show Is a bona tide soldier ot the 77th. Most ot them are buck privates, though thero are a few corporals and scrcnts. linglebert Roentgeni formerly with Walter Pamrosch'n New York Sym phony Orchestra, appeared In tho opening number in 'cello selections, which brought prolonged applauso from tho audience and a siluto from Major Gen. Robert Alexander, who with his staff occupied stage, boxes. J SIEGING So TdS I -5 '-RfClS duced by Waldron and Plncus. Hero was shown u renroductlon of tho Cheno Tcndtl German thcatro which was captured by the 77th men. Tho cunt Included nil tho stars or mo show, which closed with a singing flniilo by tbu rntlro company. Thero was u good W7.ou rrowa in nttendnncp. with many otllcrM In uni forms, accompanied by their wives and futulllex. IJlnncr To AVIld tVc.t Dlvlalon Koldlrra. Under the auspices of the llocky Mountain ClUb. a dinner of wclcomo will be glvm to the officers and men of tho 91st (Wild West) Division at tho Waldorf-Astoria on next Tuesday eve ning, the birthday of King Albert of llelglum. T. Cot man du l'ont. chairman of tho committee on arrangements, wui preside and the army and navy will be well reprf tented. ACIDS IN STOWIACH CAUSE lilGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How to Treat. Don't buy Aspirin in a Pill Box ! Don't ask for Aspirin Tabletssay "Bayer"! Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package 1 Don't forget that the "Bayer Crota" is your only protection against dangerous counterfeits. Read the Associated Press Clipping! Say to druggist: "1 want 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' in a Bayer package with the 'Bayer Cross' on tablets." The genuine American owned "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism. Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds. Joint Pains, Neuritis. Safe and Proper .Dosage in Every Bayer Package Get Bayer Packaapj.,i BayerTablets of Aspirin lloies of 12 tablets Bottles ot 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules. Aiplrla is the trsdc msik ef Direr Msnufactute of Mooeacetlcacldtiter ef Salicrllucid mm n 5 ,m J TALCUM PDWDERf ? J juuuTjf euutuagg imposea OIK Manufacturor of TftUoto. 1 1 (auociatcd pniss oitpAYcHi m utraf vnny r.Hv..h . V St cuied of' bavins manufactured andlJ . aold to lnfluenia sufferers thousand wL 1 of boxes of aspirin tablets, prlncl-B '' pally composed of talcum powder, K t i Joieph M. Turkey, bead of th"e , V Brooklyn, wat found guilty yettcr- fk:i ! day of violation of the sanitary codoB. f m and sentenced' to three year In prla- H W on with a Boo of 1500. The kebtene V . was th most Vere ever tnniosea eodlryMcnffensJB "vi " fk V f A i would only take . Koxsttd Iron when they wri,. mrwiown. urn. . voussndbataard-therearethoa.i undtwho mieht resddy baud UO - ehir rH Mraiivl.t. tifrome rosy. e 1 cheeked, strong and healthy and 2 t war. When the iron toes from the IiLvmI ol irMniti. thr healthr clow . ol youth leaves theirtkln and their C, , cbsrm and Tlvacity depart. A two ; wccki course 01 nuxaico iron r works wonders in many cues.. batlilactlon sruarantccd or money refunded. At all . looddrwdts. rr 1 i-. rMi AJto FROM KIDNEY DISORDERS How Fat Actress Was Made Slim Mnny atarn penpl nnw depend entirely upon llarmoia l'r-crlDtion Tablets for re ducing find controlling fat. Ono cieror nrtri'M tells thnt hu rrilured two to four poumln a wok hy unlns this new form of . !" ,' ,f . , tho famous M.rmola Prclptlon end now. ! bladder disorders li bv Inking Marmola Tablets aevcral times j Oi 'ou ireiy wnni yrnr. kreps hor wcluht tuat right. All rtruggltn nnll Msrmola l'reacrlptlon Tnb Irta nt 7r cents for n lirro case. Or vou ran Kt them bv 'ndlng price direct to the Marrr.o.- Co.. KB I Woodward Av.. De rolt Mich. If 'ou have not tried them dn po. Thy aro harrnlcan and effective. !vt- a ajri- C.famsATi1Ht, IrttuffVLitiA.. Medical authortttes state that nearly nlne.tentha of the cases of stomach trou tile. Indigestion, rourneaa, burning, gas, bloating, nauaeu, Ac. are due to an 01. c- of hydrochlorlo acid In the stomach and not a some believe to a lack of dl geatlva Julcea. The delicate stomach lln- Inr Is Irritated, digestion le delayed and food aoura. cauWng the illwtgreeable aymptoms which every alomaoa. autferer kliowa au well, ... Ariiririxi dleeatanta are not needed In euch casea and mar do real harm. Try livlna aiilde all d geatlve III da and 111 trad git from nv rirugglat a lew nun,., r niaurnted Magnesia and taku a triuiraonrul In a quarter Klaid uf water right after eating Thin Kwretvua 1110 stomach, prevents thu formation t e iw cia i.U IJ.wr 1. r.s -3urn-r3 n or pain. HUurulr.l Xlagnei4a (tn pow der or tablet lorm never lluuld or mllkl ! harmleaa til the atomaoh. Inei panalv to take and ia th moat efficient form of magneala for alomach purpose. )t la used by thouanda of people who or inair moan w(in no mora tear ot 'IV'I. "Mutt and Jeff" Funnier Than Ever EVERY DAY IN IT WILL SHOW IN THE FACE The Effects From a Bad Liver, Pimples, Blotches, Sallow Skin, Circles Around the Eyes, Tired and Lutless. You need nt once It. & G. Pills i thev contain nodonhvl Mini the hrst known vegetable liver stimulant and substitute for calomel. You can ask your own doctor or druggist if this Is not good udvlce. 10c, 25c the liox. AtlvL ' lizsaari vi- vImbw r, rjar.i i,tnmMM AdH A.- Special Notico ANKER'S BOUILLON CAPSULES deliveries have been resumed If un ' obtainable nt your dealer. Telephone Bryant 5244 Get Rid of That Persistent Cough Stop thnt wealienlng, persistent cough or cold, threatening throat or lung affections, with Kcknian's AI tcrntlve, the tonic nnd upbuilder of 20 vcura' successful use. HOc and $1.80 bottles from druggists, or from KCK.MAN 1.A1IOI1ATOUY, Phlladclpliia. Sunday World Wants Work Monday Wonders Headaches nnd depression mayj due to several causes, remaps nivstlflfs vou? May be kidney s tne causer n relief and raw ration. . . A Indiscretions In eating nntl cltifsk- Ing bring on such troubles very gV- unlly, sometimes at other quickly. -4m u'lll lirlnrr the desired benefit if . symptoms are present as theset the becrction that passes Is hlghly,m tircd, strong of odor, Insufficient -mt too copious, followed by pain, bw inir. Irritation, smarting, etc. 11 csibj nr f,.ver come and K. if the aches, the eyes burn nnd rheus mini, irrnrrnl discomfort and I bcslecc you, Llalmwort KWU ney Tablets 7 ARE NEEUtU ill iuu. nr Not secret, not new, Just right ani nr. Sold by all druggjstsv AUt. ' Stops Pm iiaaways For CRAMPS COLIC and DYSENTERY iKwe one hair tMi,xonfiil In a nail tuiuuer 01 vaior. Inatant relief. Kate for Lildiiu. -.'Oo. DOc.. 1 (X). T - 6 BCLL-ANS Hot water , Sure Relief OELL-AN S Llsosv FO R INDIGESTION- Sunday World Wants W t WISH fa,TUJ3JsV . UkViBsV., Ill III II IWI l III I i 9eaasBMsBSIsjBjssBnasBBiaaa.MiMSSS mil 111M1 11 T in n 11 1 n n mil limM wwn i ' - - .