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mm Warn mLL CITY PAYS HONOR TO HEROES OF THE " 77TH DIVISI M-'i cetor like a garden coming Into bloom viadcr the Influence of hot spring sun- jstlne. TIm stiff north wind, wbtlo exhlU- I , rating to Uio soldier who marchfed 'against It, was anything hut agree able to the crowdi In the stands and atone the curb. Here and there along the avnu a pioneer In a pew white traw nat protruded Into view, and drew upon Itself the Jibes and Joere of all beholders. Soy Scouts moving up In brown V, ptddllng periscope might as well "navo been peddling overshoes In a Turkith bath. Thtro was no need for periscopes to-day. C0NQE3TI0N AT POINTS NEAR 8TART OF MARCH. Congestion was reported at Wash ington Plata, Madison Square, the Public Library and tho I'laxa, The ample police arrangements, however, forecast tho Improbability of any In terference to the parodo proper by m ox an overflow ot tho crowd these points. .The Cathedral stand was filled at 'o'clock and the sidewalks crowd Mi three deep. Tho sun had been ritylnc hldo and seek with the deed and tho wind carried a sutf gestloa f rain. Police Inspectors In f ) Alqr automobiles began to appear. as)l smart police motorcycle opera,' L&a passed up and down In forma tlon. Ttie, crowd, able to obtain vunlago points In almost any sector moved restlessly from place to place. A mounted police escort reached f Oth Street at 10.0J o'clock, preceding Jibe line of automobiles carrying the party bound for the reviewing siano, with Gov. Smith and Mayor ilylan in leading car. Secretary of War Baker In the second car loomed up .conspicuously in a glistening plUg hat. Ho loomed up so conspicuously that there arose a suspicion he might be sitting on a box or a cushion. Following came two big sightseeing cars jammed with wounded soldiers "And nurses. IMPRESSIVE HONOR PAID TO - MEMORY OF DEAD. , . The section ot tho parade devoted the memory of the men who Sjjwade the great sacrifice reached ja.rfth St, and tth Avenue at 10:20 gfaelock. The golden statue of Lib PLAIN HEROES ARE HONORED AT HEAD OF GREAT PARADE; LIVING MARCH BEHIND FLAGS There were really two paradea of l tho 77th to-day, that of the dead and tof the living. The caisson of death ffcsad its escort preceded the big par itdd about fifteen blocks. On tho cals- was a Statue of Liberty with a .bed of yellow flowers about It and with it a guard of honor. Ileblnd this came ten white silken standards bear , ing 3,156 golden stars, tho number of those ot the division who mode the (supreme sacrifice. . ; Following was a staff bearing a ipalin leaf and, a wreath of violets. 'An inscription' read: frlOt that liberty for which they '.gferlously died we, the living and pjllcated, pledge them an Inviolable ftWaaplonshln." ;TW staff was accompanied by an HSnor rpard of fifty picked men from 5 Ok a little Farm MNixmsmdie :tm Normandlo lived "sweet a;Uaiie" tha song tells how 'deM said "oul, oul," when &VothtrBUl,fromtheU.a.A., T 'esme to chase the boche a wsy. t'fMt Uktd Marie-and she liked l iML Vou see, twas sort of a k.-raousio sou. Baritone Solo- Son!, by Arthur Fields. )Cm Coin to Settle Down f Outside of London Town." . .sIbHsbibHbbibibibibibA m 75c LasllsssssteW IM' it'll I 1 ills im Ifrj-'ffTpSSsT fssT , SW PSsSPSS'SSwa-SS'SS'Si SSS'SSf-SSS'SS'WlwwW ' Iss l ssssss sssssssssss sssssi nli i . msu . 1 JSBBF . u m '. W. " erty, the tan white banners spotted with gold stars, the music, brought to the crowd the rea.'ttatlon that more than two thousand II cw York boys of the TTtb Division aro resting under white crosses on the battle fields of Prance. This was really an Impressive fea ture of the naradr, and appropriately staged, giving to those who were left behind their representation with those who came home. After all it was those who were left behind who played a great part In winning the war for they not only died fighting with their faces to the foo but their fate inspired their comrades to great er deeds of valor. Dy 10JO o'clock the crowd was four and five deep along the curb. The side streets were quite clear, the po lice allowing trafflo into the avenue every four minutes. Knights of Co lumbua girls In blue gowns with white caps and collar lined the avenue be tween COth and 51st Btreets, carrying armloads of flowers. Miss KttA K Devltt had a. bouquet of American beauty roses to present to 'Major en. Alexander and Miss Helen Finn had similar bouquet for Chief of Staff Lieut. Col. Hugh Mcdee. THE PARADE COMES QUICKLY, BREAKING ALL RECORDS. The parade come on the crowd all at onoe, without warning. Arriving at 56th Street at 10.37 o'clock, it broke all records for rapid move moot of a military body In this city. The squad front formation arranged by Oen. Alexander proved a big suc cess. The men cume en mass, blng-blng-fclng, their feet slapping the pavement. Although It bad been reported that they were reluctant to parade, every face wore a grin. The lioys knew that the people of New York had been wltb them heart and soul all tho time they were away. Knglnoers, Signal Corps, Artillery went by, and the enthusiasm grew as the column passed until, when far down the avinue coukl be seen tho (list ot bayonets, a moving field of shiny steel heralding tho approach ot the doughboys, the crowd was up on Its toes. The grand stand throngs stood up and bowled, for they knew the story of the Argonne. the 307th Infantry under command of Lieut, ft T. Seldler. This pre ceded by half an hour the body ot the p'.mdv. An Intcrcutlng Incident happened at Washington Squoro where Oen. Alexander, standing beside his mount, was waiting for the column to start Paul Esposlto, a member of the 307th, came hobbling out on crutchaa to In quire about the accommodations for the wounded. Tho General shook his hand and remarked: "You're a little bit lute. A soldier should not be late, but I guess you can't run very fast." At the Oeneral's request the Cap tain of Police, who was in charge at the Square, sent Espostto to the 77tb Division Club to ride with the othor wounded. DOQ MASCOTS ATTRACT ATTEN TION OF CROWDS. Dors captured from the derm am attracted much attention from ths spectators. Behind the Division Headquarters came a beautiful, long haired, white Carman wolfhound Dang. It was captured at Itau- court by Private C. K. Oreen, who led it in the parade The dog's blanket curried two wouud stripes and the names of all tho engage ments of the Divisions. When cap tured It bore a note asking relist. It bit Green while he was unfastening the message, but now Is his slave. The "relloF' asked for was supplied by the Division. Another dog, Mustier, was with Company D, MCtb Machine Oun Bat- tallnn. It was captured near Sedan. Its blanket bore the barn ot a Cap tain, as it had bet ob red to a German Captain. Beret. IX. J, Murphy, who captured tho dog, led it In tho pa rade, Tho bands rivalled one another In playing old-time melodies. One ot the roost touching of these Was the strains of "The Old Oaken Uuokot," played by the SOflh ItefclmenUl Hand. At Jtth Street the ttth Ileglment Hand kept things lively with Irlsb nlrn. The part of the avenue above 17th Street reserved for the wounded was a colorful riot, for tho wounded shouted at the top of their lungs as the sun biased down on the great est collection of Navajo blankets ever Congregated at one time. The men were In chairs or on benches, ac companied by nurses, and cheered their old friends to the echo. Police escort and the f cortege In honor of the Divisional dead reached the end of the route fifth Avenue at llOtb Street at ll. o'clock. Oen. Itobert Alexander and his staff came along seven mUtUtes later, at 11.27. The commander of the division got a reception calculated to make him happy, and It did. Commander and staff took up a position on the easterly curve of the circle at Fifth Avenue and 110th Street, where Oen. Alexander re viewed his troops.' It was the' end of Gold Star Service Flags of 77th3 s Units, Carried in Place of Honor in Division Parade a perfect forenoon for the men, who were grinning happily as they ap proached that part of the exercises marked The End. MEN REPORT AT ARMORIES ON TIME FOR START. No bugler's notes were needed this morning to assemble the heroes of the Argonne. Defore sun-up thousands of them were streaming from their homes to armories. The 77th Division en masse spent the night at home on passes that expired at 7 o'clock this morning. Not only were the soldiers up bright and early. All New Tork was up to see the big show. When they reached the armories they found the scenes there not unlike theirs days In France. Field ranges wero smoking, army bacon was sis sling and company cooks were fussing with kitchen police. The 77Ut had to prepare its own meals. Thousands of spectators got their first Idea ot army culinary methods as they stood around the camp kitchens put up outside of armories where armory kitchens were not available. Field orders detailing arrangements for to-day's great parade were read to every man In the division yester day afternoon, after which they weae given their allowance ot tickets for their families and told to report this morning, spick and span and shining like a colonel's orderly. And they were. Liaison officers wero at Washington 8auare. where tho parade started at 10 o'clock, before the police were thero. At S o'clock, when the first units reached their assembly point. late rising folks of Washington Squaro wero in tho windows throwing clsarettes. aDOles and oranges to the waiting lads. The War Camp Com munity woikers passea among ine men offering them retresnmenu. Fifth Avenue from the Square to HOth Street was aflutter, and in the Bast Side and Harlem, where large numbers of 77th men were uraiieu. there was a mass of color for the lions of the Argonne. With Gen. Alexander at the head were his staff officers, mounted. Thdv urn Cant. Andre de CODDft. Capt. Robert II. Whlton, Lieut. U. F. waae, Id, Lieut. Col. llugk ll. Aicuce, Limit. Col. Clifford Vi. Oaylord, Major George W. Cronln, Capt. Ar thur M, Hill, Lieut. Col. Ij. M. Oorow, Major W. It. Wright, Lieut. Col, 8amuel M. Wilson. Major C. A. Perry, Lieut. Col. D. II. Downing. Lieut. W. F. Murphy, Major Edward J. Itobblns, Major Qulllard Itavenel. Headquarters troop, which will fol low the staff, will be commanded by Capt, 0. P. Brett Jr. INFANTRY MARCHED BEHIND ARTILLERY, Tho artillery preceded the In fantry. This Is an ld.a original with Gen. Alexander, who desired that the flflhtlntr men should brine ud tha rear of the parade along with thf wounaea. thus, instead or petering out. as parados do whon the bent aro shown first, the treat will come last on this bUt day. The order of march was as foi lowa! ' rqucK. iwcout, tnJu UJor (icn. lb DltUloa Coiuni 1lMViutr1rr fifUrhmtDt. Swill UNOlNKKIlk 30511 KNOINHKIW TltilN. 30SD i:jCM SIIINAl, IIAVf AIJO.N-. "H.V' W. IIKUOlAITUS. BOVli HUITLY 'TIIAI.N iiRimnui 1natiiiArDt. Inn Kium No, is. Mm CvBBlMn Mo. ioT t;tu PiV'kioir uImvaiiy' police. tosv . Vm Enunrll O'llilin. tOTll M-itlllNC 11IN MAMAtJON, IWrTII MAOIIINB CIIIN IIATTALION, 19I rlll.ll AHTItXBIlY nillOADB. Btta. I'flluuo I) J OUV(orvi. aiul ! JlMjijuwUn rUfhmot. C04T1I ,KIKI.l AltTll.l.KUY, eoOTii KUiiT AimiiJiitY. Col. K. O. l)l. lUt 1VKANTIIY llllKUilK .XAH SoSTlI Mlch,l 1 iMlhan afHtlll l.srANTItY. Col. Ihint K. , ll.ot. Art O,- V, lht. If INKANTllY ilUHlADlf (l.i: llilt. O.Q. Iltrtlioa J, l-ilc. BUff anil Hr4luricr Kclaclunaat. SoTtll'l.Nr'ANTBY'. Col. IMM Kraln. Woun4t4 It" AutomobtlM, WW", KAMTAKT TRAIN. 5021) AVilllVITlON TIlAIV (KD UMIII.K II IDNAMIh' .IlKI'Alll BHOI MACIII.V ttllN itXTTAlJllNS. Jeriif I nl t Wit i1 a a f-miiiill II llACIIIINlC (llIN UATTAlllON. CITY, STATE AND U. S. OFFICIALS PRECEDE PARADE UP AVENUE, MAYOR HYLAN TAKING LEAD Secretary of War, Major Generals, Admiral and Distinguished Men Leave City Hall in Autos for Reviewing Stand. The outstanding feature of a ride up Fifth Avenue from Waahlngton Square to the reviewing stand at tid Street at 9:15 o'clock was the absence of a crowd. From tt.o Washington Arch all the way up there was block after block where tho watchfu' waiters numbered only 200 or S00. They stood three or four deep at the curbs, with room enough between them and the build ings for two or three baby carriages abreast On tho side streets, for ono block o.i either sldo of tho Avonuo, one saw only policemen. Itoportors estimated1 that at" that hour the crowd was about 1-20 the size ot that which greeted the 27th. , Fifty automobiles left City Ilall at 8.30 o'clock with stato and city offi cials, officers of the Federal Govern ment, the army and navy and other distinguished guests. Mayor Ilylan, Gov. Smith and Chairman Rodman Wanamaker ot the Committee of Welcome rode In the first automobile. In tho second wero Secretary of War Baker, Major Qen. Thomas H. Barry, former City Cham berlain Arthur J, Johnson and Police Commissioner Enrlght' Tha third carried Major Gen. David C. Shanks and Rear Admiral J, IJ. Glennon. Tho automobiles went up Lafayette to Ninth Street, through Ninth to Washington Square and on up the QUICK DISCHARGE FOR MEN OF 77TH Camp Upton Prepared lo Set Division at Liberty by Lnd of Week. CAMP UPTON, May . The 268 ortlceni and 14,6:6 men of tho 77tb Division who will bo sent hero on Wodncaday for musto." out will come to camp on nineteen trains, arriving between 10.35 o'clock In the morning and I o'clock In tho evening. Four of tho five districts Into which tho camp has boon divided have been prepared for their reception, and. later, tho remaining district will bo uvullablo for tho 309th Machine Qun Battalion and several trains and de tachments which reach home too late for the parade. During Friday und Saturday tho actual discharging, paying oft and entraining ot the 77th offlcors und men wl!l take place. On Friduy the number ot discourse will bo the greatest. Tho organizations ot tho 77th Di vision, except those which wero luto for the parade, are louuted as fol lows: murtct No. 1 lint la Ktrnti. I'ourtii rnunn .ivauuet iriivuouv, iiuuk luuu. xiou liu Mi Ca;. O'f.,11 la ouw, IMiUlun llJ. uuufen, llrulquutwn Tnv, 1.VS.1 InUntr) IklOdt llrJjUWUi. l.VUh luluUry Mrlulr Itulguitem, INvtal Iteuchinetit, Arrmot iljrm. Mlllurj I'otlM Huuikki I3A1 Vlald ArtllWr llnJ UJnurl,fs joil iIJ sijiuil llillatlun, Hn-mnm Drlarluiuut So. 1, iau Trilo. ftotlth Machiuo UitUllon, SoSlbl'itM A'lttrirt No. 2 KilW with Uooim othrr than TIlVlai1A-'t"No'. S llth to 11th RUwta. Rmai Hmnr; uJnJioof, Yaiank 1.000, titmon Sit taft. .CravtorJ Iq Uin,i 3KUI Maohla duo UUtrlct No. i ISti to IVUi Btrnu. (Itaut to Wutifnrton Aloniw.. Ilnuliiuinon, M!i Htlwl art j tlniit tmu, trkphiiae. YMihauk 1.000 titMwJoa ItTi ufrtrv; In chutt, Cat, Kiiih)Ui aim Infantry, north Infinlnr. No. .V IMi to tilth HtrMa. finnt (a Hfla Atcnuti MwMuutrr,, tin. liMt I puitn Ati! t'ln'hunt. Yaplunk. l.OOO, rttrnalon lis, ofhrrr .n chm, Oaul, Colllnai di4arlimmt frielb Infintrr, flOij EBfUwm, SMtb iisl SOStfe A tills trill so to ranp tt 10.JI A, r tionlsf at S ajid T P. U, avenue. Immediately everybody noted there wasn't any "crowd" in the New York meaning of the word. A brief stop was mode In Madison Square, whore representatives of the Draft Boards took a number of wreaths from tho Altar ot tho Allies to be carried to tho Altar of the Il lustrious Dead in front ti tho Pub lic Library. A wealth ot violets five feet In cir cumference, tho tribute ot the City ot Now York to her hero sons of the 77th, was placed on the Altar of the Illustrious Dead by Mayor Ilylan. Latin scholars In tho party said the Inscription mght bo translated: -OUT OF HI8 RESOURCES HE QIVE8, DONATE8, DEDICATES." Mrs. Alfred 13. Smith, Mrs. Hylan and Miss Virginia Ilylan .wero seated In the stand across from the review ing stand. Within a minute or two of their arrival the Governor, the Mayor and the Secretary ot War went back down the AvenUo again "to see how the crowds wero doing." When they returned, a few mlnutcu after tt. Secretary Baker had added to bis possessions a $50 Victory Bond, bought from Captain Maurice Flore of the 43d Precinct Police Reserves. Whon the head of the parade ap peared first the pollco escort and then tho cortago In honor of the 2.S56 dead the reviewing party arose. Mayor Ilylan was In the cen tre, Gov. Smith on his right and Sec retary liaker on bis left. On the Governor's right was Police Cftnmls Moncr Knrlght, on Secretary Baker's left Gen. Barry, 53 PER CENT. OF ARMY DEMOBILIZED SINCE TRUCE 1,929,214 Officers and Men Dis chargedApril Troop Ship ments 287,595. WASHINGTON, May . Flfty-three per cent, of the army has been demobil ised since tho armistice was signed, the War DnparUnent announced to-day. Be tween November 11 and May 1, l,Ki,SH offlcors and men were dlsrtiarged. On November li, the army totaled 1,70.I8J men. The estimated strength of the army, not inchidlnx marines on AvrH,23 was 1,775,907. The presont strength of the A. E. F. la 66 pur cent, ot the strength Nov. 11 and tho strenrth in the United Btate S3 per cent. April troop sailings from France ex ceeded all eotim&tof, 187.535 men. ex cluding civilians, and marinca having left the A. 13. F. during that time. 8,000 RECmWANTED FOR SERVICE IN SIBERIA Government Seeks Replacements for Men Who Enlisted for Du ration of War. WAHHrXOTON. Slay CRIrM thou- aan.l men with previous military traln inc are desired by tho army to enllit for thrco yetirs for nervlce In Siberia, the War Department announced to-da-Soven thousand of ttiwo nre to bo In funtrymen. Tlireo-year enlistments of 3u ininnirymen ror service n Alaska alo are UenlriO. Tho .Siberian enllatmrnte nre 1;tred to replace men enlliteil for the duration or ine war. Sin I'lirmy I'rlaonrm Paroled WASHINGTON. May C Varolii have bcn granted to SU enemy prlc oners in the United Htates ulnco the armistice was signed, the War De. partnvtnt announced to-day. Most of the paroles with granted during vita. OFFICERS ORDERED TO ATTEND MAYOR'S E Many Obect Because They Want to Go Home or Be- t cause Hearst is Figure. Officers or the 77th 'Division who led their men through the lory blasts and wire and starvation of the Argonne without a crumble were plain and plenty grouchy this afternoon as the time came nearer when they, by order, must attend the banquet of the Mayor's Welcoming Committee at the Waldorf. It became known at Division Head quarters at Camp Mills last Sunday that a large number of offlcers did not mean to accept the Invitation to to-nlslit' banquet. Many felt that to-night alter tho "erade, was tho one night when they would like to be at home, or at least with companions of their own choosing. Others were outspoken In dla esteem of any committee for Itomecom ing heroes which hod William Randolph Hearst for chairman. The objections were met by an order from the Division Adjutant, Col. Oerow, directing that company commanders be informed that they would be held re sponsible for the attendance of at least four oflleers from each company at the banquet. The offlcers would not discuss the en forced hospitality with outsiders, nut outsiders In their Immediate vicinity could not woll holp knowing that they were discussing tho matter with empha sis and freedom among themselves. 'I received an order to detail four of ficers." said one Captain. "I did. I do tailed two men who were willing to go and two mora who couldn't posalbly be thero and would have every excuso for not having compiled with the detail. How did tlio Mayor get that way? Who told him mm who had been fighting demons would want to liavo Hearst kiss 'em on tho brow when they came backr Ool. It. It. McGee, Chief ot Staff, defi nitely denied tho existence of u divi sional order to go to the Mayor's Com mittee dinner. Dccauso the Division Commander knew many men would pre fer to bo with their families to-night, ho said, the Mayor's Committee hud been told that not more then 600 of ficers would attend the dinner. The of ficers were asked to register for res ervations, and more than GOO applied for seats snd some had to be rejected, Col. McGce said. Altogether, the Mayor's Committee, according to Its members. Is looking forward to an occasion as brilliant and crowded as was the 27th Division's night ot theatre parties. LIQUOR DEALERS EXPECT WET . S, Till 1921 Atlantic City Delegates Look for Respite for at l!east Year and Half. ATLANTIC CITY, N". J., May 8. Confidence that the nation will re main wet for ut least one year aftor Jan. 16 next exists among tho 100 delegates who to-day begun here the twenty-sixth annual conference of tho National Retail Liquor Dealers' Association, The organization is formed of ono to three delegates from each of tho wet Btates. Thuy claim to speak ,for the entire trade, but not for the dis tillers und the wholesaler. William Heckel of Ctilciy?o, Irra. dont, told tho conference that the sentiment of tho country Is opposed the c'f :!ns f th Jnlnnn on ,n 30. The soldiers returning from France, he said, are two-thirds or moro In favor ot the temperance' customs prevailing In France. COMMITT DINNER 578 WOUNDED HEROES 1 PRIVATE IS Capt. Wardlaw Miles, Prince Ion Professor, First to Reach Club House. MANY ARE DECORATED. Crippled Men of 77th Happy as They Pile Into Red Cross Automobiles. First of all the men of tho 77th to turn out on this. Their Day, wero tho Divisional wounded. And first of tho wounded to report at Sth Street and Lafayette Place the old Astor Library, now thJ club house of tho division was Capt. Wardlaw Miles, ono of the Congrcsjl ional Medal of Honor Men. Capt. Miles left a Princeton professorship for the war and came back minus his left leg. There wero only 57 wounded men who cared to ride and thcio wore men who simply could not walk. Many who limped and everybody else who could coax an6. K. out of thedoc tora preferred to march with his mates. Capt. Miles, Lieut. John Flood (al most proud of his new artificial leg as of the Distinguished Service Cross the folks urged htm to wear Just for to-day), Private J. F. O'Donnell (one of the stretcher bearers who helped to carry Miles off the flold), Lieut. .T. It. Bishop, Lieut. Dobson (another D. S. C. man), and Lieut. Pcckham wern assigned to the first ot tho 2S0 automobile.. The corner of 8th Street and Lnfayctto Place Is about the western boundry of the east sldo and tho cars wero surrounded for moro than an hour before the parado started by eager youmr people from that part of tho town. They Inquired solicitous ly how tho wounded men wero feel ing and In Just wnat action they received their Injuries. The men In tbo cars ware glad to talk about anything and everything except their own exploits. There wasn't a man among the S78 apparently who had & grumble or a "beet" about anything in this wldo, wido world. Lieut. John Flood, for example, the D. B. C. man with a new leg, apol ogized for being almost a minute late. "I've had all Kinds of bad luck this morning," be said with a grin, "X broke tho wooden leg and had to hunt all over the hou'so for a tack and a hammer. Let's gol" A playwright ot experience could bave written a new and great success around the meeting between Capt. Mites the Princeton professor with ono leg and O'Donnell, tho buck private who helped to carry him from the field. Ono of tho things that holpcd to win Capt. Miles the Congressional Medal was the story of how wounded, be was carried along tho front lino on that strotcher spur ring his lads on to further glorious doings. Private O'Donnell came over this momlng from United States General Hospital No. 3 at Uahway, N. J. Be walks wltb a limp, but be walks. Ho thought some of marching but the surgeons said it was not to be thought of. He and Capt. Miles spotted one another at the samo time. Tboro was nothing of melodrama, no tears, no fond embracing. "I thought you had 'gone,'" said Miles, "No," said O'Donnell, "It was the alN' 2 HE CARRIED FROM THE Fl PENNY AJPCWNP FROF1J "Oar Flags of -v NE of the most novel and I I candy public. A large presents a blaze ot patriotic Glory, in which the Am Eagle and the Flags ot our Alllsd color, the combination I made up oi amaiier uoxei, each arc with a National Flag on the cover and filled with toothsome -fl Sweats In excellent variety. This li our regular $2.40 value. H ' On sale Monday and Tusaday only. . SPECIAL PRICE Special for To-Morrow, Wednesday, May 7tkM OLD rAMiiu ihiii'! ineae lur flavor ul Liewnce, a wri "II jljml II K!a!lr mi. Ut.l.llt. tar w mrm resulur 2tc cnoda. HI'IXlAU WKIINIW1IAV . , , nit Tuesday's Attractive Offerings: t'HCX'OLATK O O V - i'. u l: n coH. NIT' srfl V At u rl,inM ll (lie riNirt of ll'l o4l The rholrrai Han (Imteil ount, ,rl the llnl tnianins ns looen rliorolutr. The znuit. ri- romumniion iwumru ftCnoi 54c Htorral New York, For oxact location a Tha soccirled waUnt E: Wild OFFIC next ono that 'got' me." Itoom waq "ado for the In tho car with the omcer Thla was not according lo tl tcr, exactly, but Prof. Mllest not have tt otherwise. Kach of the touring cars ; tho flag ot tho American and tho whtto silk flag of tt slon, bordered with a fringe, MJjpMf mid bearing In bluo tho diajspMl Htntuo or Liberty Insignia. JJ uno young women or the; pollton District American H who drove tho automobiles wounded wero headed by Co D. C. Smiley. Lieut. Mary and Lieut. Margaret Sulll latter tho wife of Major Xjsjsjasjtf UUMIVUM, VI1U U 1 11IU lliill WllCiaj Commander Smllcy's principal There were two young wi Ited Cross uniform, driver on the front seat ot ov6ry And everybody will ten no feature, no section, no ino ureal uay or a ureal was moro inspiring than fulness ot tho Fellows A Have Walked If Anybody Let Them but who were ha; how. JERSEY TROOPS OF 29 PEACH NEWPORT j 2,200 Officers and Men of Infantry Welcomed by, Edge. NEWPOltT NEWS, Va., The transport Madawaska here to-day with the 114th Ileglment of the 29th (Dlue asl.ttsf)' mSSBBBW-l A" itasK ' Division, numbering appros9jptesl 2,200 officers and men. The rsJHateat' Is composed largely ot JtMbaaK Quardsmcn from New JertesiMaer Gov. Edge of that iJtate, to welcome them. Coi. George Williams was mand of tho troops aboard waskaa, which Included tha quarters Company, Machine tallon and Companies A, B, K, O, II and part of Compa of the Iltth Infantry. May. New Jersey cities want harbor In launches to greetil dlcrs. VJf, Officers said five men of .tke won citations In the ArgosMM Ing In which the regiment's! ties totalled 700. Tho 29th jW was in me Argonne ca twonty-onu days. Illinois Trop.' Itelnrn BREST, May . Movement nrst unit oi mo imny-mira National Ouard) division &omeiMBll been alUthtly delayed. It achedulcd to start n weuk from , DIED, PHACCKKlt PE.VnU Lylnj In stats at the CA FUNERAL CUURCII, BroadisK eoth st. DO ron. CTTUL. Services at tha OAJtrDELt, 1 OllUnOII, Broadway ana Wednesday, 10 A. M. gAusnuuf, aEortaa Lying la state at the CA FUNERAL CUUncif, Broads 80th st. LOST. FOUND AND REV $1,000 REWA1 for the return of WHITE PaSTEUi tonrairunt oik diamond (Mil eono, and dlatnottal bean, fanrjr dtamoiv ana aiajoooa cvuarruv. nuaom ca itioiM conuiniDg inro toon pria: at Iba Blta-CwHon or beimen HJU M aTth at. nnncxn & co.. neoi I JKrT Aloruljt nln , Mini tA TkialtJ Anluton a. to Hwh CtuoaocT ntnntj baloscm to K. R.. tie tVorM. ouwil tVsd. ssbbtssbbbbbbbbbB swsw Mm' Jiwawier (isIbS!! Freedom" Package original Combinations ever offer container, beautifully lithogray palioni are richly reproduc are nit. rnnniiurii rrma or ranur brhothtlie little anil the ulien It co in r Ut rnndr ron.M) UU 'J. Xh ninrni.ATK c xiwniy. . brill). rrilmhiv coiilrn 51 o I'nmlr la mnonJb the rvreiienre nntni of tlie Our t'liearelleil lule of ainootli an vrir ntliuraa KirbeL. IMIIINII IIOX HrooLWii. NrwulU. talfonona dlriotvry, includes tha contaluar, Ms