Newspaper Page Text
r ' T .1 BMSARETOSSED INTO NETS AT FIRE THAT KILLS EIGHT M More .?Uss!n After -jjanmeiir Mouse blaze in Columbus, O. COLUMBUS. O.. Mav Els-ht. known dead, irith a... .u. m. " 7 ' number will r.ach ten or twelve, and a dorcn Injured, eomo bo badly thoy cannot live, Is tho toll of a flro In an npartmont building at Broad and nvont . . wvwMt ucutAvj vi VUD UOWu town district, iere early to-day. Ml rmculous scapes, some bv himna from the fifth and sixth otorlea Into P rating cases of landlord exploit life nets and the tossing of Infanta Uon to Tho Evening World. In the several stories Into nets and arms of flro fighters mado It tho most spectacular flro this city baa known. I'ollco found the bodies of a man and woman on tho fourth floor. They were suffocated and burned to death In bod. JACQUES MAYER DEAD. .Tew Yorker Who I .one Leader of American Colony In Herlln. Hurt LIN, Wonday. May 5 (Associated Press) Jacques Mayer of New York City, hoad of tho European Mergen thaler Lynotypo Company, and for many years a leader In tho American colony horc, died suddenly yraterday. Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair Girls If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for It will starve your hair and ruin It if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash It out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff Is to dis solve It, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring! use enough to moisten the scalp und rub It gently with the finger tips. By morning, most, If not nil, of your dandruff will be irone. und three or four more applications will pietely dissolve and entirely destroy in ui sweet simpiic- rvcry single sign and trace of It. t&.i,h? !! tUneu to.a p.lS' You will find. too. that all Itching! &$2yZ2&Ji1& and digging of the scalp will stop, and , want' shepherd. I shall not your hair will look and feel a hundred ( "I cannot put upon paper moro than times better, l ou enn get liquid arvon ft suggestion of the pathos of It. but I ut any drug store. It is Inexpensive ! left tho place In tears, and I believe und four ounces is nil you will need, ovcn tho landlord would have relented no mnlter how much dandruff vou'!f nc- .r 8he- could have seen tho have. This simple remedy never fails. ... . . ' . --Ami. Opo MtnJay enJ Saturday Ectninp June Brides' Sale! Outfits and Odd Pieces on Liberal Terms Bfg Variety of Ice Boxes M n n y to choose from. All high grade makes. Prices start $g.95 Term. June Brides' Golden Oak Dresser Sale lliqii grade, well made) hand rubbod and pol ished. French plate mirrors, panelled tide, large deep draw. rs. n Worth T.c Wevklv 7.1 Horth KI.OO Wceklr SlllO Worth 2HI Worth C2.AO tVrrklr While Eaamcl Bed Onlllt S t rong Bad, Rood Spring, d u r able Mattreu. Outfit complete, J' JLcJ I too mi I iirnMirNl r. IInni, Furnlhil CoitiiIrt u tiitl tr M'4.50 HAPPY With False Teeth? CERTAINLY LISTEN If your dental plato guts loose and droun, to K-t Inntnnt relief uii.t Ult. tl'IJIUVUTS PtiWUHK tor Fati lrt).. Ktint them firm. I'mrittt aur jnui. .Vof l ilentlfrwc. It rf.lleVd or jfUW and hardens thorn so they support Jhn ...... ..n.i rtttkA il iil isiiuk m mi urai. ilm unLlKUIillc ilUJiltid Uiukn it Stccllent m dally "s In c-irlnii r for taldo teeth CJuariinleod by Wcrnct Dentnl Iff co. 118 IJeekman St., N. Y. Two imei At Drug and Department mores, jElVf, EASY , TIW MS tw Miil iw.itfiarrrrTNia! jilalaMeSB 'fTaWIIBril 1 1 illaWaMaTMfcSC . LORD HERSHEPHERD .SHE DOES NOT WANT DESPITE Pathetic Case of "Dear Old Lady" Qtcd in Evening World Rent Letters. Tfle Evening World's request for Information concornlnB rent profl- teerln: l8 briniclnjc rcp0nsc9 from others than tenants. O-s woman, a social worker, whoso own means aro t0 glfcnder to allow ncr 10 extend financial aid, but whose heart goes out to tho poor and oppressed, has devoted much time to visiting ten ants and reporting the most exas- latest of those letters to this news paper sho says: "I was asked to call on a little old woman In 'a tenement house on East 76th Street where tho rent has been raised from i a month to $10.60. In tho last month: The dear old wo man, a lono widow, has lived thoro moro than a yoar. Her entire In come consists of 12.50 a wcok from her daughter and f 2 a week from ber church. 1 learned that the daughter has made many sacrifices herself to kcop up theso small payments to her , mother. "Until four years ago tho old lady, who Is In hor seventy-fifth year, was able, to assist in ber own support by i sowing, but since that Umo has so I suffered from bodily Ills that she could do nothing toward earning money. Sho manages to keep her own three ilttlo rooms fairly cloan, I but they stand Badly In noed of paint, I which would help to keep down the vermin now overrunning tho Whole building. All efforts to loam who owns the property were unsuccessful, i A n rl thn nfrnnt nrlm tiitn KhoM. if I, ' la said to Ignore every appeal for re pairs, although the halls ore dread fully dirty und tho plumbing In vome of tho apartments so faulty that there l.i no water at all la Uie toilets, tho only means of flushlg them being by carrying water from tho kitchens In. nulls. "All tho tenants whom I saw wero afraid to glvo their names, lest they be dispossessed uu complalners. Tho little old woman whom I had gone thoro especially to aeo made tho most pathetic picture I have ever wit nessed. She told roo that threo or four of the other tenants of the house WAV.. I.I. . . 1 .1-1 . ' LANDLORD ;om-jfood now ft"d then from their own " v mini io ncr, Kivinjr ner beautiful patience of this Hno old lady. God bleos Tho Evonlng World. I say. for tho good work It Is doing through mnklnjr public thu acta of theso greedy profiteers." HE'S AFRAID TO SIGN HIS COM PLAINT. A Ilronx tenant writes: "For heaven's sake don't let my name get to my landlord. He would dispossess me at once, and I huvo looked every where for another apartment without finding one. lint I think you ought to know how we havo been treated. On April 17, at 9 o'clock In the evening, tho Janitor of our apartment house delivered to each tenant a typed cir cular dated April 10 informing us that our May rent would bo increased J8. and that if we did not notify the landlord of our acceptance of the apartments at the raised llguro be fore April 20 ho would let them to other tenants on that day. Kvory tumint in the building works for a living nil day, so wo virtually had only two evenings In which to look for other quarters. The landlord no doubt knew wu could not And places In that time and took this means of forcing us to uccept the Incrcaso in rent, which wo all hud to do. "This landlord, atlll on alien, for-mt-rly' lived In Itutmla, whore- accord ing to his own oft-told story, ho wan iinniMi rdrcudfully uppredscd. It was this that sent mm to Amorlcu, 'tho land or I tho free,' us he hua frequently railed jit, and hero ho found opportunity to mult" llliuu niuiicy limn, lt; ilia u 11 confi'Btjlon, he could over have mudo there. How hn Is uMng that oppor tunity Is re ealed Jn whut ho Is duing to the Americans who chance now to be his tenants." PLACE NOT FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. Another Bronx tenant writes: "Our building, which la one of the old type ot railroad flats, has changed hands three Units in tho last year, and with I each change has como an Increase In rents, tho total advance being $7 a month. Tho latest boost was an nounced In a mimeographed letter, which stated that th- Inureuho was necessary on account of the Increased rout of con I, ippalr xuppllcs, labor. Ac. In fuct, no coal had binn used In thti building for weeks beforo this notlcf was sent to the tenants; no rtpalr nupplifs could have b;fin need ed for no repairs have been mnUe In nn'v nart of the houiu: mid as for lubOr, tho only fork that has been ' ,'onf about tho place was that of a j mltor who Is pa'd t'onnldnrably Icsh than tho one we hud a your ago. As a result or the nrglcct by thexo sue salve owncrf. ho have nu Interest In the exept to exploit tho ttnanl nnd '" "ut ,0 BOmn otl,"r oxn'oltcr. tin- propcrtv has run down until I' In In a deplorable condition, unfit for !um:in n.- " "n wo innt htiv bivtu.f wo cunnot and! any placojo winch to move." Amrrlrnn Ilenrr'srntatlves Oe An, Ovnllon In Dublin. I DITIIMN, Monday. May 5 (Associated VrcBi). Mlclmrl I. ltysn of Philadel phia, and former tiov. ixiwars v. ' Purine e. Illinois. ropreentatlvos of klio Iriih socltlos In the United States, arrlvol liorj to nlvht from Belfast. They wer met at th; station by . rtlormou rro!. which formed u pro- cwHlon ar.d wlfil the AmKrlcsrit throueh tliH jirino'pal stn-itf. .Vol wltlwtnnillliK tlio m'lltm-y profcr.ptlon of mewtltiBH bikI tinifnanlon. thire w no Interfrrnno.' with the demonstration. Americans mldrefed the a'seirlj y from a window, dwelling upon the objects of , the war and claiming the rlsrht of self IToon me r rrnvsi at iut;ir iiqifi ino determination anu rr.nujnic I of government for tbs Irish. . . form L TK1 ME EJWTRE m ARCTIC URGED UPON CANADA Stefanssorf Tells Parliament Rein deer and Musk Ox Herds Would Help Fcdd Country. OTTAWA. May S.X plan for con rertJnff the Arctic and sub-Arctic melons of Canada Into a great wool, milk and meat producing area was pre sented to the Canadian Senato and House or Commons to-day by Vllnjal mur Stefansson, Norwegian explorer of tho Canadian Arctic. Mr. fitefanfion's project involves In troducing; larra herds of reindeer and domesticating and developing great H ,. rwirtnaui mf ; - A . ' x,u'aaBBBBBBBBBf BOYS' OUTFITTING SALE VfrHHE TO CO AND MOW TOCETTHBI STEAMBOATS. Metropolitan Line NHhtW'nhy Wtitr. A'uc)iinSifhtolUnd To BOSTON via LonK Itland Sound. IluuanW Hr nnd Cape Cod Canal rttr tl, Pool or Miuur m . b.iij iSjmlin It dud 'ill at 3.00 r. M IMiJ linrluiimc Hr T,D Tlrkru nil Icrormiilou i Whirr Tilrtitant Ulnlt) MOO CTltTALS. STATKtlOOMH SI.WAHjniK III IT HUDSUtS K1VEK MGHT LINES f)il. (nan I'lM ''-' P, I, WW llil t. SO P. U , dn. A !'.., I s-eJo'i rU4w1n monitnf. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTiib, BODY MAKERo, SHAPE, fl MEN, METAL. WORKERS. TRIMMERS AND PAINT. ERS ON HIGH GRADE CLOSED AUTOMOBILE BODIES; STEADY WORK, BEST WAGES. WRITE E. J THOMPSON CO., FORBES FIELD, PITTSBURGH, 'PA. T tppracinte the conrcn icnce and great Talus of tb Sunday World's Want DirtcVwy READ IT. J .'?a7. th J S .' . i . a ' ' :f--$H&.'AMt-l-fX.., s ",. .Is'U,' IV f .TiJ.. , , , - ' ' KmmMM xexexexMemullll-iPu A', Vf?M vH. LUt.. I. jm'XK m II .. aTT-gTIMVt JJJJJJ 1VJKIHG W01LD,, herds of musk ox. Both animals would furnish milk and meat supplies, and tho musk ox would afford also a wool supply. Tho Canadian north. Mr. fltefansion said, could bo uUIUcd to help solve present and future food shortages, and development of his project would ex pedite opening of mineral and other re sources of the north. Ho' estimated there wcro from 1,600,000 to 2,000,000 squara miles of land available for grac ing in a otlmato too serero for cattto but where reindeer and musk ox could exist tho year round. HIS START. (From Um lmri OcxalarJoarnaL) "I can't find out anything about this millionaire's early life." "Well, just say he began llfo as an Infant and let It go at that." Stora Opin 9 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. ARM BUwt Wert t -ANNUAL- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYSATURDAY TTIE timeliness of this sale doubles the worth of these offerings, each one of whi$h is of dependable quality and fine make, and a genuine bargain at such a price. Complete New Spring Stocks in varied assortments will delight the boys as well as mothers. Scarcely a day passes when our regular values do not call forth compliments from Customers. These special values, therefore, absolutely mean savings that can be summed up in the one word "substantial." SUITS Boys' Suits some Norfolk styles in every new model some waistline suits, newest pockets Spring patterns of green, gray and blue mixtures finest details of tailoring some with extra trousers sizes 0 to IB years our- regular S10.50 lo.44 Junior Suits sailor and junior Norfolk models navy serge and Spring mixtures regula tion and other styles- 3 to 0 years our rcg. $7, O.U I Boys' Suits jomc Norfolk styles including waistline models belt finished wifh buckle me dium and dark fancies in checks and mixtures sizes S to 17 years our regular (7.01... 5.41 TOP-COATS LlttU Boys' Top Coats double breasted belt finished with buckle Spring mixtures and checks tizes nri 3 lo 8 a qej years our rcg. $3.91. . . r.OO BLOUSES, SHIRTS AND ACCESSORIES Boys' Blouses White or light medium and (lark striped per calecollars attached sizes 8 to 13 years Co value . Children's Romper s Newcit htjles ami colors gingham ami cliambruy, uith and without collars sizes 1 to 0 jtj our rcg. -ft ' Boys' Blouses Nock band col lar altaohotl nrul Dion collar hlyle newest color unit pat trrns in fancy striprd perrnloj h'ues t lo 13 years our rcg. .01 DANCING ACADEMIE8. DANCING CARNIVAL hOW Ol'EUATINO TUX AUDUBON BALLROOM Dtnrlnt mil rficlas. Blunlri, Susdti ud Uulld. ifltruiMu tud rmUf. NO CIIAUUC rOll UANUINO LKSllONS. I.NDIVIDUAL IN. KTItULTION. 10 EAC1I. VBiVATis. Lessons, It.oi. Not ormitr; to Lk lruonl. I.idr Florr tlinurr will talnduoa roa t nili.14. partntr for d,ot'n. AIDIDOM TIllATRf WILDING USUi BL ud Brstdtrtr. DANCING CAKNIVAL Formerly at Grand Central Palace NOW AT ST. NICHOLAS RINK 6Gth Street and Broadway. 3 Lewons 2Bc Not Ltcemry to tU ItuMi, IaAj floor Mmu'I will touotfuot jvu 10 w1uu orv ur for dinctDt Vtun to 4c tx tbi poontir lattliu t lo a , ROLLER SKATING St. Nicholas Rink, COth St., near Broadway, CiaNlm laitiuiltn ta Tiaeh Twi Htm u tkati, U. ftt lima. Ta. tiHiaai aail. iaidint SuaSaii, 1 la a. Cialaii ;.5 ta II, Skating on Ground Floor Dancing Carnival on 2d Floor SUNDAY WORLD WANT WOltlt MT0NDIC1I I , - TUESDAY, MAT To Hare and To Hold Healthy Teeth and Gums ' It takes more than a tooth brush to keep teeth healthy and tht aaoutk comfortable and really dun. (Sixty years of service have prima eOZODONT will keep th teeth dean and wholesome, the gums firm and tVtikfcr, tht breath tweet and tht south comfortable. Have yoa trtr keen hungry and unable to eat? Use FOR THE TEETH Liquid Powder or Pasta SOLD BY DEALEA3 EVERYWHEAK rutk Atraut Boys' Suits many smart styles pockets of new design and other slyle fealu'res smartest materials for Summer wear tan, gray, green, olive, navy and other colors our regular $11,01 9.50 Little Boys' Play Scout Suits khaki cloth military pocltels and Sam Brown belt straight trousers sizes 3 to 9 years our rcg. $3.00 & 1 9 Little Boys' Washable Suits cunning styles with long or short sleeves striped, plain or com bination of colors sonic em broidered, many trimmed with military buttons sizes 2tj lo B years O "3 C our regular 84.0 1 6iJi) RAIN OUTFITS Boys' Rain Outfits an cxrellrnt practical outfit lau or gray plaid lined buttons up to the Jneck, has two side pockets and 'a cap which matches sizes 0 to 10 ycarsi our reg- o OC ular $4.1)0 OiOO Boys' Shirts With collar at Inched bund styles light, medium and striped percales sizes ti to 14 nock nn our reg. .VI to $1.13 .OCt Boys' Caps Newest shades and brown gray ami fancy mix tures small or lurgt trown toped . our rrg. .71 .04 37 ct. Cotton Union Suits ,7'.i 38 ct. Black Cotton Stock ings i,ize 0 to i, J.. .. .JJO 70 ct. Extra Size Boys' Stocking iizes 10 lo 11 55 FOR SALE. OYAL piAMOND.WATCH CP 1 35 HAlDErl LAME 6f loor W6NJhju DIAMONDS ON CREDIT KAay TJUili. XI.L OOODH UUAaANTKKD. American Watch & Diimond Co. I'hono RKfll Cort. C rlT!J Ant o Maiden Lane . Illniiiuiiil Klnc St kly Unpaid l,ond. uriHitiil Mi Iroi.olllun. m iluldn lyitir niAMONIii bouiht nd Mil lor coir Ap. U.llili Hn lll.'.N.SLTT, ITS ll w.r luiviilm. 1 Art "Tjost and VoaruT arrtelta A dvartttad In Th World or raportad to "Lott and Found Bureau." Iloom 103. World liulltllnsr. will ba llal.,1 for thirty days. Thaaa Hats can lo aan at any of Tha World's Offices. 'Lout and round" sdrartlaamenls can ta laft at any ot Th World's Mil.eiliaiiia; tcanclaa. or can t Caltphoni illrectlr to Tha Worla. Call 4000 Jleekman. Naw Tor. t Drookiyn Office. 4100 Slain. A' AQWdQiti J B V MO tMPUrl(MatHCt CML -f g e won iroaciAU3p. nurMiTArwt CAuil H Fourteenth An NAINSOOK ' Attractive Offerings in Apparel -Fine New Stqcks ofSiks, Dress Goods and Wash Fabrics, also Needs for the Home A SALE of Two Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks of Lingerie and Silk UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Two high data manufadurcra have found themtdvea unable to continue the making of-thae models owing to tlic scarcity of imported trimming and' the high cost of cotton. Because THEY CANNOT DUPLICATE THEY HAVE SOW OUT TO US THEIR ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCKS. The prices at which toe offer these are about wholesale prices to-day, and present a buying opportunity which CANNOT come again in the near future. Drawer alien Uy yellowed, but one washinn will correct mis camnric ... . . , i , . , i . . . i. ruim. r. n our reg. .38 tiiii.hmiTiTpnpii nrm anu luui Drawers Msrcella. Modesty and other styles trimmed with lace and embroidery our reg. 18 v'l Nlghtdrassea nainsook, cambric and muslin round or v neca Isceoremb'y our reg. .07. . .O-l NightdrosMa nainsook, cambric and t muslin while and flesh high or V neck dainty UimminR our reg. 1.8 l.rftl Nlghtdrsssss an excellent variety of .simple and eunoraieiy trim roc 11 modelr value IC.C8 l.OO Nifthtdnssea beautiful models effec tively trimmed wun laces, nooons, medallions, embroidery , our rcg. 84.94. . . .-. a Chemises while or flesh new yoke designs wiui auracuvc use oi lace, embroidery aud ribbon I our reg. 81.28 .Ot Envelope Chemises nainsook a large selection oi siyica uaintiy different -value 81.48 Envelop Chemises many heatitlful styles showing laces, cmoruiucreu inr i . 1! : . V. ! , i, m ml ri lil vnn value .C8 l.OO Corset Covers nainsook round neck tuBumui i.v..-. aa value .48 O ..i l : 1 1. I . .ml m Tirol M rr Corset Covers nainsook s e v e r a 1 well fitting models trimmed ironi nml bark value .CH .. .... '! Corset Covers trimmed with pretty laces and embroidery nhoon run our reg. .01 t Corset Covers trimmed front and hark elaborately with uiciiainons ana. lace a number of different styles nnrrfff. 81.28 "a SALE FOR A DAY WEDNESDAY Hearn's Good wear White Poplin .48 Our regular .60 llenrn's Good Wear Poplin is thirty-six inches wide and is one of the best utility fubrics of the day. It is unequalled f6r boys' washable suits, girls' middies and dresses, and nurses' and maids' uniforms. The name is slumped on the selvage and is a guarantee of quality. The Fifth and Victory Invest Subscriptions taken and Victory Notes sold at our Uond Booth Mam Floor GLOVES Emrti one I buying Summer glove now while tlocka are full of the neieett kind, and tpectal pricing, such at this, i arranged to make them as Incxperulce a poittble. WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES 2-CIar- Milanese ailk white, pongee and grey our regular $1.23 WOMEN'S FILOSETTE GLOVES --while only . , Special. . " SI.Cc French Series . 40 and 42 inch all wool- fn.. twill - taupi nrtinc, hurKuudy. stiyrlli. llttls'.sn hlU' . uuv und bl"ClIiKRU I100W-UIN HX)ll. 97 ct. VardWWPiin 78 8llk nilxrd tight or tUrit colors hlLKS-MAINaTuWlt. 15 tt. Tin Nainsook 15 Not finished up to our Htumlnnl, timrHforn thin low prlef. WAiM nntiM KAIIIUUi- il HKMiNT. 5tl. Yard WidsSsleens 47 Assortment of light arid darlc colors. Uj.IS04llASUMavr 18 cl BUarhsd Turkish Towtls . .25 Oood sire hummed vhiti TuiK Ish liorditrn. ruras it-m vuton IS ct. Satin Finish Crttonnes 33 Yard wldt Chintz. 1' and oriental uaigiiH-iaririi imu t Ul'IIOltlTWlV- -IIAS BURNT. S1.49BUschcdMU $3 7(x0 for full-also hds neat centro HBam. ,, . STORE OPEN A. M. TO S.3i P. ARM Etrttt T7sst at Unusual Sale and SILK UNDER WEARS -and, in Addition- and Bungalow at rettlcoata deep ruffle of embroidery or rows oi lace and inserting our reg. $1.28 .O'l Petticoat several styles trimming of lace antl embroidery our reg 82.C8 1.97 Plnv rl I iMia t . . ...r. i--."". ra A d value 3.ot .o Bloomers pink batiste 10 our rcg. .aa Bloomers batiste. also plain and figured crepe our reg. .78 , O'l Bloomers pink crepe ruffle with lace inserting or ruffle with two rows of hem t ilfliini, find Ian nilf-r. our reg. .01 S'l Combinations nainsook edged with embroidery our reg. 81.28... .VU Combinations extra quality nainsook neck embroidered with flower pattern ..nilit. .ililwin rtin value $1.07 1.48 Combinations nslnwok front of uiilft cmliroiilrrv outlined with lace- lace inserting to back embroidered beading, ribbon run at waist line our rcg. $1.07. . . .'. l.OS Billle-blrke Pajamas pink batiste ninil with lilllir our reg. 81.48 .1.28 Blllle-btrka Pajamas colored crepe with nnclrta anil ailk froff faatrninun our rcg, $2.70 2.30 Pajamas mercerized madras figured square neck f i rjj of tyide , . silk bands our rrg. $2.70 2.30 Pajamas pink or blue chambray V neck tinndril with white our rcg. $2.08 l.OO One-Day Sale- Wednesday Domet Flannels .11 yd. Our Reg. 18 Out- reg. Heavy durable qwlst!-s, ble chctt end u b rci d With prices lowered for one day's selling, this is surely an oppor tunity worth while in which to pureliuse u liberal quantity for present and future sewing needs. MORNING SPECIALS Tomorrow Wednesday Until 1 P. M. To prevont dr-alem liuyltlK, (iimnlilli'H restricted. No Mull or THrplliine Ordt-rs jr37SilkolireCrmforUl,lfa . . 1.18 I'lnral dislgns cotton filled full alzc t.o u ion r. -ia ntai uvr. 67 snd 73 cl. Worrrn's Cotton Union Suits 53 I.nw neek sli'evitlrss neatly fin-Ishi-d Isrn trimmed or llxht kni'n ri'ifuliir ani itra nln-n. KNIT L lUJUMiU M.UX TUon. ' $1.1 S Lawn Pressinf Sacques 75 Neat Htrlpia round collar--iicalloped ti-tltod modiils Hlsed 33 to 16. nuisrjmu-3M--suyNi) nooit. $1.17 Pf jit Romrrrs 88 8oiirMiieK-r--stripes or plain hU'S to i; ,'iirn. INKAMSi HKIT -rtI3CO.M r'IXK)II. SI.7I Men's SumrrerSliirls . ... 120 Wnvcii and printed mudi-sn. cri'pt, vtu. lurKe asaortnituit of ciiiiil a nil mar r, Mi.N'it rTIINIiltlXUS JIAI.N nx)OIt. $1.00 Men's Athletic Union Suits 71 Crossbar .or checked nainsook 1 well known make. " AlKNrJ UXtBUWtaUMAIN 11rOB. M. VUtk Areas of Economy Prices . . 3 Philippine Envelope Chemhea em broidered scallops dainty eXfa 'It eyelets ribbon run our reg. 82.47 V. 1, 04 Philippine Nightdress ?ality viae pattern cmoroiuerie our reg. 82.97 ', 14 Philippine Nightdresaes square a ck i i.i i . i , -xmuroiucixu in iiorai ticaigns ribbon run eyelets our reg. 83.97 3.48 Slip-over Camisdle washable satin two models with embroidery and' hemstitching lace or satin ribbon straps our reg. 81.38 02 Nightdresses crtpo do Chine lace allover yoke and sleeves, back and front silk embroidered me dallionsour reg. 84.04 3.08 Envelope Chemises crepe do Chine trimmed with wide duchess Dat. tern lace our reg. 82.04 1.99 Petticoat washabla satin flesh color lucked and hemstitched ruffle our reg. 84.01 3.08 Bloomer silk mixtures dot and flower patterns our reg. $2.08 1.84 Extra Size Corset Covers tight fit ting to at uusi our reg. .48 21 Extra Sire Nightdresses V or round neck trimming of tucks or embroid ered edge or inserting and edge our reg. $1.38 90 Extra Size Drawers ruffle, with hem stitched hem and tucks our reg. .08 48 Extra Size Petticoat ruffle of good quality emuroiuery rows of lace hi serting and edaioir our rrg. $1.07 77. 1.48 Extra Size Chemise slralsl I or' envelope styles trimming of la.-e and embroidery ourreg. $1.07 1.48 Wool Dress Fabrics Thete are the most desirable material from which to fathion t a 1 1 or o d model. Price are all ipeelal. 54-1 n. All-Wool Mannish Serges Men's Wear blue our reg. $3.28 2.84 40-ln. Ail-Wool Taffeta Panama tans, browns, grays, greens, navy and black our rcg. 8I.08 1.24 48-ln. All-Wool Cream French Serges fine twill our rrg. 82.38 1.97 48-ln. All-Wool Plaid numerous designs in smart shades of tan, gray, brown, prune and ijrern our reg. $3.07 3.37 40 and 42-ln. All-Wool Embroid ered Fine Twill Serges Emb'd in silk, self and contrasting colors on navy and black a various designs . ... 2.97 .17 yd .24 SJ.C0 Mio'i Tell HaU 2. Oil Soft finish brewn, jrrey. stri-r-n, etc. all alien MB-N'K II.VT8.MAIN TUX)!!. $11.94 Boxs'SuiU S to 18 yeaia .(1.10 Kxcollrnt variety of patturm In new models for tfprliitf well tailored. UtiVS' CUiTIIISO -Tltlltn "IK)U, $21.75 Young Men's .uiU .1(10 Bmurt sack and waistline models novelty mixture and atrlptst alao navy strKea firmly tallornl nil Ue. ' VOI'.MI MiWB CUTUIM1-TIII1II) IT., $2.75 Rabies' Dark Tan Lacs Shoes. 1 80 Ilrnad lams serviceable and dressy- ! 4 to 8 wldn wldthJ. KIIOIH SWXWOFLOOII, $ 1.97 New Scrim Tand Curtains. . . .2.88 2 4 yards liinn; deep motifs In r ul luce denlirmi. lfE C L'UTAINS IIA31-UEXT $9.97 Sumn r Fibre Ruts. ' ,8,83 mxj ti iiioat artutlc ettrcts In att-ncllled dealcnrt rose, tan, blue, chlnts waterproof. lau.v tiiiiiu i-ujuii m)MarwUlSpisads tiatln flnlah assorted paiternfjti