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5igggg?'W-'''-J i umtUtMmmimmmmmm--m- PBPJfP'P'P'P'P'P'P'Pi'P' eSSeSSBSjBBWgBpfaByg'y'g ii'mii'im j mn i iimlmlfgggggggfgfgfggmfpj LITTLE MARY MIXUP For a Moment Uncle Ezra Wore a Worried Look! j THE -NEW PLAYS "She's a Good Fellow" Good Musical Comedy BY CHARLES DARNTON r 1 (WtnUKB la something tn rBhe a, Good Fcficrw," given at the Globe Tceatro last night, usu Ma nnuuoa x spnne. Tonth and taietr mark Anns Caldwell's book and lyrics, and a !lu4 noond la never mlsslnc In tbe raualo by Jerome Kern, first of all. Wig Caldwell aires both brains and delicacy to the thine she hsepens to ' be rrltlric. lAmMv u iwDihif If not I romantic and athletic, and Ivy Saw jrer la & nice young creature. Taken altogether, ."She's a Good Fellow" la a very god thing of Its klnd-eo good, In fact, that It bids fair to keep the roof off the aidbe throughout the summer. iMfaslcal comedy la nontax If not enWrtAlnlng. Happily, the perform ' aaee at the Globe offers good enter tainment. For one, Olln MowUnd la eaphal aa an eccentrlo dancer, the .fewt of bla kind einoe Vernon Cattle down to fame. Joseph Banner i and acta well: Ann orr la twin About Plays and Players Want BV UlUZ. L'UULb.1 H. WOODS tailed from London Bun day on the Mauretanla and will arrlre In New Y6rk, Halifax, next Sunday. He will ' mA himself nmehed In work, aa In H$Ma abaenea Martin Herman, bla Gen- Tiaral Manager, baa arrnnged to aend , et twenty-four theatrical companies . between Aug. t and Sept. 21. In add!, ttea tb thofle, the Woods management i preparing to a toco another Samuel play called "A Woman'a Oaarantee." It Is a drama. lie. ufcraals win begin May 15 and the ,rBt presentation will take place on June 11 tn Atlantic City. ANOTHER 8HIPMAN HIT. Cpeaking of Samuel Bhlpmtn, It LJooks aa though be la trying to cor Laer tbe hit market. With three playa 'of which he Is co-author doing well l'cm Broadway now, be la accredited 'Willi another success in "Dark Morses." the eomedv he wrote with Perdval Wilde. Woahlngton received IMS new one with enthusiasm loat ! weelc Mr. Shlpman's succesa baa Aisurrea up consiaeraoio jeaiousy ,. anonr bla playwrltlng associates. r ft. lnnV tin mhM vwattttrAnr. -M ''though I're got to have a failure in Verses- to regain my friends." THE SELWYNS BUSY. Sejwyn & Co. began rehearsals yes terday for Salisbury Field's new eeaedy, "Wedding BelleV and will give It a tryout tn Washington the week of May IS. The cast Includes Wallace Eddlnger. Margaret Law reloe. Roland Young, neglnald Ma sea, Mrs. Jacques Martin and others. . "Among the Girls," a new musical eewedy belonging to the earns firm. ,wm given a dress rehearsal last . tUa-ht and will open In New Haven i Friday. Holbrooke Bllnn In "Poor XJtUo Sheep" will open at tbe Globe , .Theatre, Atlanlio City, May li. In the supporting cast are Allan Dtno- ' fcaut and Lotus llobb- f' FATHER TRIES PAINTING. m T other day Horn says to Pop: "A ? I ttto come an' palnf the woodshed p; 1 Pm to ashamed of IV "Wtftt git no man," Pop says to her; f- "TU Buy xoroc point fo-day, WMtfffM ril give that that a ooat; V XM patntto's only play." ,t t JfdB, Top come home an' mired the faint; a ladder then he got. f Vsyt he: "The way Jfo run up Mitt gitt me mott awful hot." )v eJtetfced the ladder an beaa to 1. tplath an' daub the $hea foot dipped off an' down he tome; the paint lit on hit head. ?f3 got Info hi beard, an' gee you thou'd 'a' heard him cim. sJRa Mhlrt an' panti was all tmearcd ' up; it made a aicul tniui, sjiofher yelled: "John, are you hurtf Bayt Pop: "0' couno J ain't," J4j' then he growled: "Dowgone that ' " thedl Now it won't git no paint." 1V ANOTHER "I LOVE YOU.- a. M. Anderson Is enraging a com' fnanv in nrment William I-e Karon's t Sl'aTce, "I Love You," In Chicago, bo P1 ginning May 17. In the Chicago or 3. SfsnluUun will be Otto Kruccr. Jean i illtoberteon. nuin iowio, ijujb lltrougnion ana Aioeri iirewo, i night and go to Chicago, where It will open Monday at the Grand Opera House. HULL TELLS A STORY. Henry Hull of "ii East' admitted to some friends last night that be waa at one time connected with a Uowery mlntlon, doing welfaro work. Then be told a irtory. "W convArtni! a mnnttr." nald nenry, ''and ho waa put In charge of 1 a meeting room, une night, while no was delivering an Impassioned pica for reformation, a tough came In and atarted a roughhouse. The gangster preacher rolled up hla alee von and sold: " 'Say, bo, de Lord an' me la run nln' dia tneetln,' and by golly I'm coin' to beat you up for de two of us.' "And.'.' concluded Henry," be kept his word." TO SEE "COME ALONG." The members ot the Theatre As sembly, of which Mrs. J. Christopher Marks Is President, will see "Come Along at the Nora Hayes Theatre to-morrow and Thursday evenings and discuss It at thlr meeting Friday. It Is expected that 2,000 of the Ittdlos will aee the musical comedy. GOSSIP. Max Dreyfus has returned from the PaolOo Const. Jack Mason staging the numbers In "A Lonely Itomeo." Grace Nolan Joined the cant of "A rrince There Was" lost night. The Amertoan riehts to "La Joueuse de Flute" havo been acquired fur Poggy Hopkins. George Blckel and Kd Lee Wrotha are to be In George White's "Scan dala of DID." Harden Talbot wants to find Lieut Robert Cain. He wants to bet we caa't find Cain. William Muenater has engaged William EL Meehan for a role In "It Happens to Kverybody," opening at tbe Park Friday. Jane Lowe Is to act In a stock oompnny under tbe manacemtrat of W. L Wllkene, throuch the courtesy of A. U. Wuods. Irving Berlin boa written the lyrics and rauslo for an act for the new "Follies." Nod Waybum la Biasing It. Georgo Haisell of "Good Morning, Judge," had a birthday yesterday, and whaddye thlnlcT Ho says It wuu bis Uth. "Sunrlso" In the title of tbe new Franklin. Pcattle play which Smith & Ooldcn will produce. It will havo a preliminary season opening Muy 19 in Atlantic City. uuianno wemrord ana linrry Mes- tnyer have boon engaged by a cor so C Tyler for his jrpcclnl company, which will play a Hummor ocason in Washington. Chlo Hole or "Monto cristo jr." Ill have a houxowarmlng at his homo Sunday, Tho famous Sale twins will meet the guoata and goo for them. HOW SHOULD SHE KNOW? Margie, how Is Kddlo? You sure Uoked fine at tho gitmes. Grccnpolnt Home News. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Lee Kooster of Wellsvtlle wants to have a tooth filled, but ho doesn't dure go to Dr. Plnkus becauno the Kooster dog1 llckod tho Plnkus canlno the other day, FOOLI8HMENT. A Patchogue young fellow named Dtngi Once held up an ace and four kings; lie bet with a rush, Hut a lovely straight flmh Took even his shirt-studs and rings. sbtssbsssssWK- 1 I GT lij J I II I MiMi I ssu I n I I sUssssssssssfs 1 .-.... I i T" '1 1 I , . III I I V - tc-c; "i "Jiv-t-n-ui-i-r inun i" 115 -" 1 v nnhy f r iv uuutvo uirsc hi j 1 iMrcx hr tfcK mxi I I a I ' I ejyti.. wn r. i T . 'ril I ,.. ..mlii - 1 . " , JOE'S CAR Joe Might Also Build Ed a Garage! !j "PRINCE" TO MOVE. 'A Prince There Was." with Grant mtewurt. In the chief role, will con- elude Its New York season at toe Oebrge M. Cotun Theatre 8nUird;iy FROM THE CHESTNUT 'What kindles the tires heart?" "l.ovo matches" TREE. of the hawrtnUMI I'M GONNA OFPEB L" MY CAR To Et) 5o dHCAP HEU MY FRIEND AN IDUKt loccj HIM GET A BfteerftlN!'. TZ HU c. IF UVKT THffT CftR . IU LET Y'UME a FOR 800 SEE IN' TS YOU' - SHt C04T ME 0 tUELL - LET S Se JoE. WOULD V'BE WILLING To ToSS I IN A COUPLE. OF -TtBS . AH HAVE T ALL 3CU OVER Bf 1 1 s 1 j if 1 1 - 1 1 X I 1 I 11 ii I 1 I V - - . I ..BPBSBrSBW 1 1 I t bbK,A.'T U I r .r- osx 1 . .ISSBBBBBBBKMSBH . I v-rm 1 BaSBBBBBBBBBBf ' I SB ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF-'U - 1 rSBBBBBBBBBBBMl 1 II WOfev-Vl Ji z&JtiT tkkkm ii irmmnis wik i VbssssssssssssW m ,fn , sri ;.iiiiiin imwiuioi s -rrrTi, kkkWm II PTTTLm esasssssssW r XkTssssssssV f7 11 x.ssssssssssssssa i AB,;V " ffMFy Pfff-Wgy rvtr m-Wil 1 '1! ft CPlTrMNA.Y! lU-ross im am EXTRA ENGINE Ofe. TujO - I'LL HAVE. TU' CAR 'PAINTED - AN i'll toss in a couple op CHAUFFEURS AH Ai FE.tW 5ARGELS OF OIL. 1! Ueluo! k'lo Joev! L ? ? 9 O HE MUST HAVE HUNG cF-! THE OLD FAMILY SKELETON Uncle Abner Had One Annual Relapse! ABrtejK iAT A UPKiS-HT aP G0OP J ' Sfecr0 By Alt. ) Hi! tf0W y. UHO KHltl HlW J - 1J, Tub C I ruifiJa- ir couto e& DPAJO0 OPMJ ) rue TfiifTH j-s hc always -v said tma 7 homes ty UJAS T BESr J ( ua V ABOUT HtS " NOBODV" 'Ha TUR.MS IfJ eveRYTHIG- Ofii HIS PCnSOAJAU TY. LIST I , TAX I " v J 3ti WJhtrftt Se WSI , DOROTHY Afayfce Do, Lie Some People, Has Social Ambitions .C The Day's Good Stories ' A 8 K'Z TRY THIS ON YOUR PARROT. 8 tho nutomjlilIi party passed one rcrncr thev ta.w a Hnldler j( n gi'nrd. a littc whlti' dog be- Oklde liltn. mid I lien n lic.iutlful AliK'ri JJR'.V" l)lcan Hi.' Of co.irnt! DiIh tHiulilim- "itlon iittt.icpil I ho HtU'ntluii of ovt-ry "one Ii tin iur Tim iUe was'nllk, the dni; timJiNtc anil tlio noUller prouu f 1 in trimt "Oh. Iook at Cut di on guuri:" - eiclaini' i' t'.ie woi. an. ''The 1 ttle boj htiula-red nudiil. ' All wcro l.nor. cscil vith tin- i... ..aolemncaa of ttie krtno. and thlH out.) .nreax eccmcu to tho rather uncalled lor. 'What do you mean, laughing, fcrtnv?" ha demnmltul .i i ' , 1 IK H SBBBBBBBBSWI. ' . I HE VONDERED. KM, inc." said the man ut the railroad taut ion to tho ttatlon iu;ent, "what sort of n train la thin nnxt one to arrive "lt'i nn aciximmotlatlon train,' tt I the agent. "And has It accommodations for slwplnK?" "Oh. no." 'AooonmodatloiiB fur cutfnirT" ". there's no dlmnsJcar on that train." Well, Iium It tioooni modal Ions for "Oh, my, no." -Well, say, can you tell me. In tho WHY?V ( BECAUSE HE THINKS HE S A s J 1 JApANcSE QPAN'EL. ) m K r-i II 77WZ--. TT 7M ?-ll fTI f7A i, S BBSSSSSSSBk BSSB.I 1 I litl stssV I ST iBSSSSSSaaSBB I I k-(. a!' m II l V W7 . i II SH 1W (W ! 1 I railroad station to tho, O IWC tT'rHP P T. II U TT atAl Wo( ..consistency, why they 0 It . - V.lBBBBBBBBBBBTatVksVULE. .