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ill. 11 1f 1 X ' yFfETH- A VENUE' - OPEN SPACES LINE OF 77TH MARCH Relatives And Friends Eager To . Honor Heroes, Held Back By City Police. NONE AT VICTORY ARCH. Only Bluecoats See Parade There Room For Many On Fifth Avenue. There were no surging, fighting -owils at to-day's parade: no' mobs jamming Fifth Avcnuo and lufpedlng 'he in u roh of tho Argonnc heroes. Hut there wore thousands of dls ! -untied Os'cw Yorkers, who, arriving o.ter 9 o'clock, found all aide street otranccs to the uvenuo blocked b nes of police. The police at Madison Square en ajyod the parade immensely. They err the only ones there who could eo It. TlioUMinds of spectators wero "lil Imck on Madison Avenue and the rent triumphal nrch. where the folki .tt liome were to Rather ind throw tu,r enthusiasm around the massive monument, looked like a lone light- iouso. The marching fighters niust have thought as they approucheJ ami rvasMM through the arch that It was taunted, or hoodooed and th-- police nenlcd around It to protect spectators mm it There was a solid Kink of patrol- A DIFFERENCE of TWO HOURS Tetley's Teas make all the difference between 6 o'clock and 8. Tired and out of sorts after the day's work, you determine not to budge from your easy chair all evening. But after a steaming cup of Tetley's fragrant refreshing tea with your dinner, you'll go to that movie after all I There's a world of cheer in a cup of Tetley's. Tetley's Teas are gathered from the world's finest tea gardens, and are skil fully blended. The closely sealed pack ages keep impurities our and strength and fragrance in. Try some of Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea today. You will like the deep color and cheering fragrance. It's different.' TETLEY f Join the Carnival of Joy that our boys of the 77th have returned. Be a Knight of the Red Feather To-Night! On Fifth Avenue 8 to 10 o'Clock Fireworks Bands Songs and Laughter Invest Again and Put a Red Feather in Your Cap! DONT MISS IT ! HOW POLICE BARRED CROWDS Only men standing along tho sidewalk which circles Madison Square aud scores of them distributed through S TEA t IS) -nw..i,.t...., 7.7 1" fxaNg' THW.OUOH TM6 vii!.TOKy .arch t -ntlMVlKIKO WOULD, TUESDAy, MAY 6( rtHf - NOT CROWDED, BUT POLICE BAB Police Reviewed the Parade at the Victoru Arch To tho park thoroughfares and still other scorrs banked against the spectators along Madison Square who, in order to have seen tho punulo would hnvu been compelled to glimpse It through field classes or a telescope. They knew there was a parade going on only be cause they heard the bauds now and then. From 23d Street south to Wash ington Square the crowd which lined the avenue were only threo and four de&p along tho curb. There was at least eight feet of open space be tween the Curb crowd and the build- Ings, while thousands were held back j on the side streets and not permitted to gain access to tho avenue, Arguments with tho police gained nothing. Spectators wero told that under no circumstances would those I who arrived an hour late be per- mltted to reach the avenue. At various points along the ave nue below Twenty-third Sfrcct sent In grandstands went begging, yet on , tho sldo streets hundreds were i massed. These spectators could see tho empty grandstnnds and naked police to let them by that they might take advantage of the vacant grand stand. The pollco refused to !et them budge. Those fortunato enough to gain Klfth Avcnuo 'were enthusiastic and cheered' tho marching boys. Thousands hung out of building windows and showered confetti und cigarettes on tho marchers, but the demonstration was nothing to what it would have been If tho pollco had used more judgment and less re straint. Front the Victory Arch northward to 59th Street tho crowds wore larger, yet there was plenty of wastod space on the sidewalks and the same dis satisfied, urguing men and women held back In the sldo streets. Where it was possible for spectators to 'beat' the police lines the crowds It's Red Feather Night AT 77TH PARADE A CONTRAST WITH MARCH OF THE 27THSWN0NEPUHE wero heaviest, such as at the Public Ubrary at 40th Street whero thou sands canio through ByrruU I'ark and managed to sneak Into a place on the sidewalk. Tho enthusiasm hero was Intense. "Aboye 59th Street the sidewalks on the east sldo of the Avenue were crowded ami the grandstands on the west Bide held their capacity. At 110th Street, where tho parade disbanded, a great mass of people from Harlem surrounded tho troops, SIDELIGHTS ON BIG PARADE; MASCOTS PROVOKE MIRTH AS THEY MARCH WITH MEN All Creeds, Classes and Colors Represented in Enthusiastic Crowd, Unaffected by Cold Wind. ' Enthusiasm all along tho line was i the dominant note among the specta- tors, and they cured not for tho wind j j nor tho weather. They cheered the t marching heroes, after the caisson of ; the dead had passed along through a lino of bowed and bared heads, Khoutod to friends In tho ranks und , applauded and laughed at their mas- co", i . , " ', ... The caisson for the dead of the ' 77th passed over tho Virgin Soli of j Victory an expanse of sand under the- Vlc'ory Arch at 9.IM o'clock. At I that exact moment a detachment from tha 305th Field Artillery tlrnl the salute for the dead, consisting of forty-eight shots thirty Seconds apart. The salute was tired from a 2.J calibre cannon from Fort Ham ilton. "lUu, baa," hoiihed n ribbon crowned goal that marched to tho Victory Arch ahead of the 305th Machine Oun Battalion. That was Its salute to the monument to Now York's lighting men. iteaehlng the arch and sounding u couple of more blejts the goat considered Its duty well done and promptly broko ranks Into (ho west sldo of the columns that led to the arch. There It scam pered back nnd forth, sometimes joining the parade for a few feet, then deserting until the cops tried to catch it. It wns u merry chaso that led all over tho square. All classes and creeds were In the parade. There was Mickey -MtGunc from tho west side, King Keo from Mott Street, Pnsquaio Amato, Solly Itoscnbaum, Ignaco Podetski from tho upper and lower east sldo and J. It. Amok, a Filipino. Ono unadorned plain milt without a flag, a ribbon, u hcrvlce stripe or ijompanv insignia trotted along with tho 302nd Knglneers. lie gut u hand too from those who saw the parade from the building windows at .Madi son Square. i l wo otner uuiiKoieil dugs wearing lervicp strliies and two goals with the men. The liOilli .Machine dun ! boasted a hiiiiiII blai k dog with u ' blanket inscribed "Argonne" in large i lilue letters. Tho 30t!tb had anothei dog. The small black gnat maicned , with the 305th Field Artillery and ' Co. I-:, 308th Infantry led another , goat. i At loan o'clock two automobiles1 sped up iho uvrnuo to lldth Street, ' circled and went back. In tho llrst ' were Muyor llylnn and Gov. Smith: I In the second were Secretary o War Police restraint there vns relaxed. From Washington Square to 23d Street, tho district to which the great mass of cant sldcrs, nil of whom had some ono closo to thorn on parade, went to view tho apec tacle, the restraint was never re laxed for a moment. Police arrange ments wero perfect, but dozens of mothers nnd children and aged folic sat down on door steps on side streets nnd gave up all hopo of see ing their hemes. Maker, Major Con. Harry, Rodman Wanamaknr ami tho .Muyor's secre tary, Urovcr Wholan. At the Victory Arch at Madison Square, the ciowds wero thin. The police, under Inspector Conboy, wero stationed to keep tho crowds one "luaro cast mid west from Fifth ;,nf hl,,7,rH!K "a repetition of the Jam that marked thu square on tho day tho l'7th Division paraded. inn 11,.. ...... I. u..i . i llllfll tlIWlltI (ir F 1 1 u l" Ilia f'nnta-ii 'i i,ev went on a stilUn DiIm mm-m..,- after the principal lefused to give them iieimlsslon to attend the parade, It is ritld thitt some of the teachers Joined In the protest of the scholars. Fighters of other years greeted the 77th heroes when they reached tho com l of the dead at the Public Li brary. With the elaborate and state ly decorations as a background, were assembled veteians of the Civil and .Spanish-American War. Thoj know the meaning of war and their ap plauding suggested the reverence In which they reviewed these young warrUirs for liberty. The wounded men at the I'nlon League Club occupied every available place from which a glimpse of th parade could bo obtained. They had one shout anil kept It up until It be came the funniest possible stunt In the neighborhood. The chant, with all its inflections and Intonations was: "Oh, Jioy! Among tho distinguished men nt the club were Charles K. Hughes who served, ns an olllclnl of fho draft or ganization that Inducted the 77th men Into service, and Col. Dan Ap plcton. A royal welcome was acconlnl the men of tho 77th Division by the Knights of Columbus. The big grand stand In fiont of St. Patrick's Cathe dral wiui filled to capacity an hour beford tho punulo started. Lined against ine siui-wiiiK in mini oi nu- Cathediul was the rotor guard of the oilier. A hundred Knights of Comm mm girls. ireHed uniform. with K. it) blue and white of C. emblems on their caps, threw Mowers on the wounded as iho pnsed the stand. , bomi.iei of beaut) ro.les was iire.iuiueu uy ine young women 11, . Ul. ,111 All till,! (iui.T.ts of the ttotels Savoy and Netherlands amused themselves wbUo "."""C r,,r 'h phrn-l" corr.r a'.cr-n. h throw nig clgiiroties from the win dows to soldiers of other outfit t which wem eagerly scrambled. Cigar ettes wero throw too to the marching .New lork boys along the, routo, but x. Vittonv auch nary u ope did they stop to pick up. I Discipline Is discipline. The llrst parade pcrlsroprH made their n pi ma i a noo miir the Victory Arch. They contain n set of mil huh mounted on wires about two feet long, and another mirror Into which tho .scctul(ir looks, Tho periscopes enabled persons back In the crowds to seo perfectly all that passed along the Avenue, just as a siilimui'lne'H crew, under tho water, can survey tho surface of the oceJin. The peri scope vender did a thriving ImslrcM. I-jvery civilian who showed up at City Hull early in the forenoon to Join the nfflclnl party wore the dis tinguished variety of headgear known i variously ns a topper, high or silk hat. with two exceptions, (!ov. SmlMi and Frank I.. Dowllng, Jloroiigh President of .Manhattan, had on black derble.1. ' Dowllng was out in tho coirldor when Alderman Donnelly appeared In nn Immcnso topper. "Hellrt," said tho Horough presi dent to his drosHcd-iip friend, "Where's the whip'" DECORATION FOR ASTOR SOUGHT BY NAVAL MENi Captain Tells of Young Millionaire's Heroic Work on Board Damaged Vessel. v Naval ofllorrs who served with I.feiu Vincent Aator In foreign waters nu working In obtain for the young mil llouiiire sailor an honor decoration from I this lioveriiiiient for an art f heitnain which hail remain-d untold until fupt. . IF. .'. Vlllard, I'. S. N., ainveil n-slei I''HV " the Ceorwe WiiPhlllKtnn Capt. Vllkird told ship news ivki lui-.i and naval nllki-rs tit the 'iim (luanl olllee to-day that while the sleiiin yai'iit Aphrodite was oil Its Wa to tho Kiel Canal last Jiinnaij witii iiicriiliorx oi the Allied armUtlie eitiMiillHSlnn, the stern i of the esae wan damagi-d by a llwit.-ig mine whloli-Hiis rvplnded by one of the Jliolit'rt iiiiiilei' blaili 8. Tile Aphiodlte a leaking bid-t, dipt. VII In nl said, .and he found ,-lu-woiild sink before they made port. ' When the M-snel was IImiiiu IjikU) ami hegliiiilni- to lake walei, oiing Aslnr 1 ateil to he permitted to go holmv Willi the ship's earptuitcr This ho did and for sevi-n mlmites waded thrntigh tin- , dark and llomled eoir.pirtinents und lliiulU di urnilniil that tile laaUa uulil tie stopped. Astur diteeted tin n pali 1 ork while dipt Vllhud navlguteu th. v i . el fiom the bridge. The Aphindlto and her clew weie not only saved liy tills hemic wink, Inn tin ArniiKlee I'oininlnnlon leached Kl-I without liaving lo uyke tin- ronininili r of tile trip in open li'iatK two u. sjesTroyers AGROUND AT TREPASSEY i-'oote and Maddux Ur.i.Lr AnclMr During ( i;ile T.inker Ilit, hut N Blown Oil. TUHPAMSI5V. N. I'.. May C The do- atroyer Koole. one of the flotilla ae- - ,,,, i, ,i ,nre n roiinei lliin ulll, l, American Navy Jiep-n tnieitfs tr.-ins- Atlantic flight, went haul aground lie.-,-enrlj to-duy. Naval officers said tie ahlp wns In no Imiiiodlstc dang' r ml that lll"y hoped to IIiihI liei hi li eh wn.r (1H 00 lu ,ho vu,ai.r ,,,,, ,., . The ostro)cr Maddot also' di if. I imhoii', but her plight was not coimid ered serious und he was ixpoetc.i io tie floated aoui. The lanKer llixko touched ground hut was soon hl-nva afloat The I-'oote and the two other vrmnj erlv calo UriiKKHii Ihmr alienor, during a wcat The Fools and the Muildo, arc amon - Dau tho destroyers from -S'ew Vork, six of wlilrh toncied Trcw"i.v yesterday on their way to organize the trims-oceanic -nam or guirMiiip rnr mo naval avia tors between Trwpassey and the Azores FIRE DESTRQYS.GANTEEN . BUILWNiUT CAMP. MILLS -X l- Uhze In' Structure of Community Service Starts 'fVnm UnUnnwn, Cause Damage $30,000. fMP MIM.S. I,. I.. M,,y 6. The uanteen Uulldlng of the War Camp yoiiirminlty fiorvleo nt Camp Mill, lo Uti'd "t Htewiirt Avcnuo and AvcniiQ D, wns almost totally destroyed by Hu nt noon to-day. In the building was n JIH.Oiiil sniiimiln? pool, built a year ago The eailno of tho rlre Is not known. Worker at the cauti-cn attempted to : put out the blaze, but It got beyond itinir control ami they summoned the 'Camp l-'ro Departments. , The iois IS eatlniated at about $3(1.000. rxiJ"! cUERBACH Chocolate Cocoanut Cream Calces are made of the unsurpassed Auerbafch vanilla chocolate and 'nutritious finely grated cocoanut, mixed with rich cream-fondant with the thought of it, you can almost taste this delicious lavorite get one today ask for 11 Chocolate Coconnuf Cream Cnfces Tliere's an Aiterbach Candy for every occasion 'Dolly" CLocolatea The daintiest morsels fver sold for a silver coin. Get some today "A U C Blocks" Made of finest milk chocolate, a nour. ishingcandyof thewell-known' Auerbacli quality. Especially designed for "little ones" to help them learn the alphabet anil lliran are only a few If your dealer cannot D. AUEKIMCH & SONS rinot Chocolates, Urcakfatt Cocoa, Candiei and Sptcialtiat Eleventh Avruue, 46th to t7th Street, New York "Canity Headquarters" From Maine iitiiiiiiriiiu Aiii:uiicii Ch urolate Special! are now Sc and 10c -lliita-.- a i.ii i GETS "THIEF" IN AWTMI Air Chae Staged as Police Feature of Meet at Atlantic; City. Atlantic crrr. x. j., Mar- Sheriff Albert Perklnt. gave a dewi , irt ration hwe this afternoon ofiA!l practical use or airplanes in poll work. Lieut. Eddlo Stlnson, playlnr th role of a "thief," fled In his mainta1 toward PleaAantvllle City sbc- miff.! dlatant. il'erklns, accompanltd .. byl pl'ot, followed In another plane. Stlnson was "captured Just as rrlvrri at Plesasntv ll CHI. 'TUi event was the feature of "Police IAil st me j-an-Amcrican Aeronautical con' gresf . JC'J pears ior ine wiioiy or i narie ww tlnvH of -Phtladetnhla were sllaveiK here to-day when word was '1 the am arrival or tus plane mere last 1 nlgni. uo worn pau Teen received all nlrht from Davis, whose nlane was piloted by Orion Hoover O-JO Save Egg O-JOY is a bet tnr riutanl WITHUUT tggB thar with you ever tasted them. Even Martha Tvnihlne- ton nerer mide n "Old VI.-- slnU rtiataril mini tn njftV IIKSHEUT. It's limply rntlnhlne, A Piqulilte. irlorlOD. O-lloy O-Jejc it i one srcni aiicorery. (.Vof a ecMlm) iud Is a fw mlnnUft a dlffimt mm I tar Trr day. M tn rxinlnd. jlra J unrai i'moouu, aiimso. unn. T diiii ftDa puis, mu vr an rrortm in mm prM, iw. uoticb , for Ilia rum ramllr, tmi niaua. I Iltdpt la each packarc. HOLLAND BUBZ COKTXXT , BUaa4,lUca. WW ml lust ' IM1M4 aw- MIUMUT. beateworffi You'll say they're g'oorfi even the most "tired" Spring Ap petite changes to hunger whtjn , SM the fluffy Wheatsworth gridrffe-3 cakes come in. Golden and licht and so trur- to-Nature in their rich, nut-ltCe flavor, every one tastes HKq "more." In Wheatsworth Whole Wheat Flour you get the delightful fresh flavor possible only when the wheat groin is ground Whofe just as it comes from the field. And Wheatsworth's ground fresh daily in New York. I F. H. BENNETT BISCUIT CO..N.Y. "Caprice" Chocolatca Tempting chocolate morsels that always taste like "just one more." "Happy Hours' Chocolates Never have you enjoyed such deliclously rare-flavored, eye-teasting, palate-pleasing chocolates the finest quality chocolates ever made. of the Auerliarli products. aupply you, write to u From Maine roCallfornla Al'EKUACII CUocolate Specials re now Se end 10c. Sr. Iff 1 1 hfaj$$jtfi.'