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IX Ml i Bent Boras rThet VM lent by IWateal ALLIES C0W1PLETE IRISH-AMERIGANS' PLAN FOR HANDING t VISIT TO IRELAND Straiel Boras Is I That Crt araltht i Educator She 7Vbo- Lpo Out For 1 1 MAm te-W km J. VMTWm mi, e- , i. lUt m? Ah swt baed v (re-. v luara inr tatM fee kealtti tnm t-aleaflaatroii atUaa-rran-raUa. Qt run. woeaioe--tfca Israel ea- rara- ; eboea-rar ehr 1 Ilia fast row m (toy should aad era 444okbJ-UUe. MAD8 FOR MBM WOMEN mi aUXDRBW Oat BfNdrtodar. Oat 04 aatort for tha wkoU finttr. S Ike good loot-ad errU lor bore ehowa bare. Ba ear that Bduoato ia etaaipad the cot. Thar U bo arotaedoa tkaa the faaeea Bdaeator tradaaark. It saeaae that behind ararr part of tbe eiw etaads a rspoaaUa aaaaa laetvnr, Rlea Hatehens, Ua., Baeaaa. Fducatojv P.aT i iAa? eB- aMi Mttn'ur GERMANS TREATY ANGERS UNIONISTS Dill C!f CJemenceau to Preside at Cere mony, With President Wil son at His Right. VnnflAILLBS, May (Assoclatfd Press.) When Ilia Oerman delegates anter tba dlnlnr room of tba Uolel Trianon on Wednesday afternoon to rw.lve tba text of tba Treaty of Peaoe they will find tba representa Urea of Ui Powers arrayed against Germany awaiting them at ona of tba treat table which bar been plxoed In tba room. Premier Clemen- oeao, President Wilson and Pretaier Lloyd George will aland at the hea4 pt h table, , Too Gens- win wi Jo mm'AiPm delegates; at thla time, but wtH ba ducted to amailer table standing tf Itself at Ua pen end at tba arre,t horaeahoa form ad by lb jrre&-5jnr- erea taoioa arrange- ror tna meevja. Tbara they will llaten to M. Cteaesa- oeau'a opening addreaa and receive tba Judgment of the Allied and Asso ciated Nation, m formulated In a volume of conditions drawn up during the four months of deliberation by the Inter-Allied Conference. On M. Clomeaceau's right will ba Prealdent Wllaon yid tha other American delegates, white 'on his left Premier Lloyd Ocorge and tha Urlt- lah representatives vl II be grouped Flanking the Americana will coma tba Kronen delegation, with Marshal Foeh In the centre. Next to these will bo the representatives of Italy, Ilelglum, Uracil, tJreoce, Portugal and Herbla, On the left aide and seated below the dclcgntca of Great UriUIn will be those of tba Urltlah Dominions, Japan, Poland, Jloum nla and Cxccbo-Blovalila, Two tables have been plaoed for tbe general secretaries of the Intor- AUIed Conference directly behind President Wilson And Premier Lloyd George, Bocretaxies of individual delegations will seats at tbo sides of tha room behind their re spective delegations. Tbo four big cut glass "chandeliers, which bung from tbe celling of tbe hall will ba scarcely needed at the hour sot for tbo ceremony at S.15 P. M. Only six of the principal CJorman delegates, three secretaries, oniclal Inturprolers and an omclal stenogra pher will Wo udmlttod out of Uio largo Herman delegation, according to pres ent arrinirttfnnnts. The subordinates will havo tables Immediately bohind tbo delegation chlofs. Tbo Uerman party will have only a fow feat to walk to Its plnco after entering tba room. UN tho intruuco door Is located In a corner near the ati'ignaica poe Uon ot enumy representatives. Tho forty representatives oi mo press nave Dean assigneu a piaco im mediately Iienind ma ucrmuns. Prcmlor Cltmcnceuu wau tho first ot the Allied chiefs to visit the scone of the presentation ot me peae lrm vnnUirdav. -A. few mlnUtM ml" ter u3S arrival JTOstueui w Premier Lloyd ueorga eniereo. Prsldant Wilson was prompted to go to Versailles, chiefly tecauso dur ing tho conference ot tha Council of Three In Iho morning. Premiers IJnvd deorire and ciemenoeau neia that tho newspaper men could not be admitted to the session with the Ger mans, President Wilson was not oonl vlnccd. It woj after tholr visit that the announcement was mode that the American and Kritlsh Journalists had won tholr flKht for representation and that a total of forty-five Journalists from Uie various nations would, be permitted to attend the ceremony. LONDON, March representatives 0f .-Tha vlilt of American Irish societies to Ireland I creating jrreai Interest In Sinn Fein plrcles there and equal Indignation In Unionist quar ters In Ireland and England. Among tha reports In circulation la ona that pasaportfl from Paria to Ireland were granted at tha request of Prealdent Wllaon, There were also reports that Premier Lloyd Ooorge promised to reeaire thn delegates ot the American Irish itocl etles and advised them to visit Del fast. This Is retarded as evidence that Mr. Lloyd Oeorga doea not op pose their avowed efforts toward tie creation of ,an Irian' fepttUlle- There la considerable' mytUry about the whole affair and It is un known whether Premier Lloyd Gcorgo has boon In communication with the visitor) at all. There la ona report that to promised to racelte them but has cancelled hla engage ment for the interview. X question was addressed to the Government In the House of Com mons on Monday with a view to es tablishing whether the envoys are ac credited to tha American Govern ment and Also to establish their ex act status. It was also asked If tho Prcinfer had Intended- 'ti receive them. The question, was mf. eva sively by the Home Beerctnry. who promised to make Inquiries and mid that this would occupy a week. While, according1 to soma de spatches from Ireland, the Sinn Fein ers are greatly encouraged and be lieve the creation of an Irish republic Is within sight, the Unionist press hore In angrily 'calling for an explan ation from Premier Lloyd Goorgo'and crltlcllng rrealdent Wilson's alleged Interference In British domestic af fairs, "If It Is" true that Mr. Wilson la behind 'this Intriguer 'against tha union or the United Kingdom and after the President's behavior to ward Italy, anything Is credible tha Amerlcnn Ambassador." says the Post, "ought to b told that tho United Kingdom docs not tolerate Interference in Its domestic affaire. They are our business nnd tho busi ness of nobody else." The Graphic Bays: "If any of the States of America were again to de mand tho right to secede from the Union, it la certain the American peo plo would ba bitterly indignant If such a demand received any kind of omclal encouragement from Great Ilrttaln. We apply the same stand ard of Judgment to American Inter ference in our affairs." Sunday World Wants Work Mondav Wondeis "7i?es and ailTXTTIEaiBSSsaiTI II I I I I I II I I I III I I I I II I I I I I III III I I I 111 I I I I I I I I HI I I I I I I I I I I I I T T KtCtnnictitiTWifri Any'Othir'EsfWr$rimflf'tti fhi WtrU WEST THJRTV-nURTH STREET TfflHVfflnilHaflEf llll&jsslUjtUlliUtyLl j in in ii ii mum i ii mi in u iMuimyimiiimiiiiiiiumiiiiri help THE I NATION I V PAY V FROCKS, CAPES, WRAPS AND TAILLEURS IN MODELS OF DISCRIMINATING TASTE A brilliant array of Spring and Summer modes in wonderful beauty of line, ultra-feminine in appeal, and fashioned in the new-season materials The Values Are Most Extraordinary BEAUTIFUL NEW FROCKS , FOR SPRING AND SUMMER jyEVEALED in terms of delightful style variety are the cleverly contoured frockx for afternoon, street and sports wear, fashioned of Wool Jersey and Superior Serge, in new mode developments. Very Specially Priced, 18.50 mHE connoisseur in garments of true style I distinction will be delighted with the tailored frocksof Taffeta, Satin Pongee and Tricolette, and the beaded frocks of Georgette, radiating wonderful individuality and cliarm. Very Specially Priced, Ntu Frock of Tajftla Silk cutnlualtd by Jtcorallu pleating, $30.00 30.00 CAPES, COATS AND WRAPS IN NEWER STYLE PHASES fTIHE vogue of the draped garment is most wonder- fully emphasized by the wraps and capes of Satin, Moire Silk, Tricotine, Wool Jersey and Serge, very tempting in their attractive expressions of delicacy and refinement. Very Specially Priced, 25.00 . WVERY pliant grace and style finesse counts in some fit measure for the unusual distinction and attrac tion of the capes and coats of Silk Tricolette, Cashmere Velour, Satin, Moire Silk, Faille Silk, Tricotine, Serge and Silvertone. Very Specially Priced, 35.00 Tf'N high favor with women who cultivate the sense of intimate individuality in attirt are the Wraps ot Silk Duvetyn, Charmeusc, Paulctte, Satin Bono, Suede Cloth and Silver Tip Bolivia Cloth. Very Specially Priced, Braid Trimmed Cape of Man nlsh Serge, silk lined throughout, $30.00, 48.50 115.00 Tlf llJl S ROADWAY- Fl FTH AVENUE m mm .ax VICTORY J m sr Hrti 'jmimir-. JHrMWV J A I 1 1 i -aaltsin-. M - i MmMj m m sTT'aW tfBBBaaWW JI gam -" ".W. mrim r.sssssssssssssssssssssjMIU sM 1 1 I . VSHI.7U! t TJlXAMPLES of superlative tailoring and fij smart drapery are the frocks of Tricotine, Moire Silk, Taffeta, Pongee, Figured Georgette and Satin. Immeasurably beautiful in color notes are the beaded models of Georgette Crepe. Very Specially Priced, .. . 25.00 fVORGEOUS effects produced by beading and i-jr silk knot embroidery are some of the many exceptional features of the dainty frocks of Georgette, Paulctte, Charmeusc and Satin. Very Specially Priced, 45.00 95.00 Nete Frock of Black Silk Net ocer Tajfela, with relieving touches of blue, $48 JO SUMMER TAILLEURS IN INDIVIDUAL TYPES rWlHERE is a striking note of fastidious smartness K in the slender lines of the tailored suits developed in superior Navy Blue Serge and Wool Jersey, in dividual in type, but in perfect lwrmony with the later modes. Very Specially Priced, 30.00 rtlRICOTINE suits, splendid examples of tailored J apparel, introducing the newer fashions in a mar velous variety of style versions and meeting every need for garments of irreproachable chic. Very Specially ' Priced, 40.00 85.00 SUMMER SPORT SUITS , PARTICULARLY adapted to the Golf Course,Tennis Court or Promenade are these jaunty, swagger models in brilliant colorings, breathing elegance and distinction in every smartly modeled line; and fashioned of Paulette, Rajah, Tricolette, Pongee, Tweeds, Dominette, Faille Silk and Wool Jersey. Very Specially Priced, KrMte M '.?. RrHhm,A. S.t III! to i'ZnAlU lit ii jR1'!. m a. - 1, - um ii II , HI ' S:tsltoL0Vcm '"""MStuMWnt'VMrr ----- IIVW