Newspaper Page Text
1,444,444 A DAY T bOVERNMEN LOSS RAIL OPERATION ,UJ5irC-.OTON. May . The dov- f e men fa Iom In operating the rail. f'rMrii tor the first three months of fcthM, yttr was $110,000,000, according to faming figures ot the oc1led Class 1 or the larger rends, reported to tho Interstate Commerce Commit lion and compiled by the Bureau of Railway Deonomlcs. During this period tho railroads earned for the Government $40,000,000 -while the Government was obligated under the flai I road Control 'Act to pay the com panies $170,000,000. This long Is equivalent to 14,414,444 a day.) learnings in March were about the game aa In February, tbo report, in dicated. Operating revenue were $17,J4S,00O, or 2.9 per cent, hotter than In March Inst year. The ex penses wero $316,770,000, or per cent. higher than the March before. Nit revenues wero $3,074,600, of which only $10,924,000 represented net oper ating income which goes to offset the Government's ' paymentn as com penaatlon. The average compensation for March la calculated at about 188,000, 000, making tho Government's loss In operating railroads In March ap proximately $17,000,000. Tho $10,924,000 net Income In March compare with $10,106,000 In February and $18,783,000 In January. For January, February and March, operating revenues were reported aa $l,125,07$,0OO, operating expenses , Final Suit Sale of the Season! Buy Victory Bonds 7 47-49-51 West 42d Street All Sates Final Every Suit in Stock Must Go! GREATEST REDUCTIONS OF THE SEASON i including our great reserve stock of exclusive model suits ull regardless of cost nothing .is carried over to next season our great once u year sacrifice at HALF PRICE & LESS FOR "WOMEN AND MISSES IN ALL SIZES 14 TO 44 Smartest and Most Exclusive Models . Not a suit worth under $60; some were up to $75 OF FINEST TRICOTINE, MtlN a WEAR SERGE, POIRET TWILL & GABARDINE In the matt distinctive tailored model anil tlic blouses. Uor Coals elab orately braided on embroidered models. Willi narrow shoulders and anug fitting sleeves and newest vcslco effects. Willi u gruce of line, superiority of tailoring and on individuality that separates them from the commonplucc, only the desirable shades of Navy, liluck, Tun, Itaokic. & 397i Sensational values that are offered but once a year Balance of Smart Suits formerly to $35 Every conceivable high class model is represented, but not all in evry model. Smartest tailor-made, belted, scmi-bcltcd nnd box coat models, beautifully braided, with embroidered tricocttc, yelour and silk vestccs. In Navy, Tan, Black, Itookic; fully lined with,' fine Pcau de Oygne. 16 75 jjJI StL Di 1 -sft. vision ' ' ' '.iL ' . We 6r eel you Tin? Nw York Edison Comwy 1,0J1,75,0M, nt revenue a 000, and net operating Income IJJ.t 814,000. Kastern railroad were the only ones to show an actual deficit In net operating lncomo In March, the def icit being $1,283,000. Western roads reported not operating Income at , 719,000 and Southern roads a net op erating lncomo ot 4,t,000. HEAVY WINDS HALT NAVAL S APLANES E "HOP" 10 HALIFAX All Ready to Start Transatlan tic Flight When Adverse Weather Is Reported. NA-VAJi Am STATION', nOCKA- WAT HHACir, U I, May 6. The start Of ihe three navy seaplanes on the Jlrst lap of their proposed trans atlantic night wn called off at J.15 o'clock this morning by Commander John II. Towerj because or adverse weather conditions. A thlrty-rollo breeze was blowlnR here and heavy winds wero reported up the coast. The pianos were on the beach and everything in reaai- ness for the getaway to Halifax, tho flrat stop. Weather conditions on the coast Indicate that heavy winds also will prevail to-morrow. 'The flight will bo off for to-iay," said Commander Towers. "Wo will go aa soon as wo receive favorablo weather reports. There will be flights around the bay to-day, but no at tempt to go to Halifax." The adverso winds, It Is estimated, would have cut down the cruising speed from alxty-flvo miles an hour to a net speed ot thirty-five miles. At this rato the flight to Hnllfux would have required almost Mxtccn hours. The flyers expect to make tho trip In soven and one-half hours. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt sont a radio to Commander Towers complimenting him on tho speed with which ono of tho planes, damaged yesterday by tire, won re paired and wishing the expedition success. Tho men wore greatly disappointed. Many ot them had worked all night, and this morning tho motors wero running better than ut any previous time. Officers and men are staking their repuUltoUtt on tho flight mid few slept last night. Many wero fatigued and nervous becauso ot the hours tlioy bod spent getting the planes In perfect condition. Although all wero grieved because of the accident In which two flyers were killed yesterday afternoon, prep orations for the flight wero unabated. The victims of tho accident wero En sign Hugh J. Adams ot Pittsburgh, a daring flyer, and Chief Machinist's Mate Harold Corey of Scronton, Pa. Their machlno was being put through hazardous stunts when it dropped In a noso diva on top of a huge gas tunu. uoroy was khicu instantly. Kn. sign Adams, whoso buck was broken, uvea several zninuiis. EATS, ENJOYS PIPE, HIDING BULLET HE F RED INTO BRAIN ALLIES HEAR TREATY Herman Klotz, Bomb' Plotter's Father, Dies After Fooling Daughter and Doctor. Herman Matt, seventy --three, of No. 1701 Popham Btrcot, the Bronx, walked downstairs to breakfast yes terday mcrnlng nflor ho had fired a bullet Into his brain. During breakfast he chatted with his daughter and afterward smoked his pipe while ha read the morning paper. Tho bullet wound was cov ered by a bandage which he had ap plied as, hn ntood before his mirror. "1 stumbled as I gat out of bod," hn told his daughter. "I cut my fore head a little, but It doesn't amount to anything." Lato In the morning he had a head acho and his daughter sent for Dr. Prank It. Zltz, tho family physician. "I aupposa It's a touch of heart," Ktotz told the doctor, who had long marveled that tho old man could con tinue to live with so weak a heart. KloU mentioned his morning "stum ble," but the doctor did not remove 1 the ban dare, which: was well yfc- away, lAincheon -was berved at non, KloU at with his usual appotlto, then sat down In his big cbalr In tho llvng room. About 2 o'clock ho lost con scousncaa for a moment, Tho doc tor was called again and this tlmo ho removed the bandage. To his amazement be saw a bullet wound. Tho old man died at 3. It wa!i found that tho bullet, .25 callbro wan lodged In his brain. Dr. Carl Kennard, med ical examiner, mado a suicide report, Tho revolver Klotz used was ono that had formerly belonged to his son. Henry, who was fatally Injured whtlo working on a bomb in 1913. Tho son, an hour before dying, con ftascd that he had sent a bomb which killed two women. Ho also confessed sondlng a bomb to Judgo Rosalsky. ft was this bomb that blew oft tho finger of Instructor Owen Eagaa of tho Durcau ot Combustibles, who was examining it. Herman Klotz had always main tained that his son was Innocent of tho bomb charges and that tho con fession was a take. CZECHS NEAR BUDAPEST. Pood UlnUler Deserts Iledi, Call ing llela Kun "Cnenar." ntnxVTKST, (Monday, May 5 (Asso ciated Press). Former Food Minister Conbon of tho Sovlot government has fled from this city with bis family and has Joined tho counter-rnvolutlonlJt. KeDOrta state that he declared he aban dons! liolshovlom because "Bela Kun acted like a Caesar and would not take advice." Czech forces are reported within twenty miles or this city. LIFTS ITESTItfCTIIKS ON EXPORT OF SILVER Federal Reserve Board Explains Move, but Will Require Ap- . plications to Re Filed. WASHmaTON, Kay Restric tion.1! on tho export of silver and standardization of the price at n.01 a fine ounce were removed to-day by the Federal Reserve Board, thus In effect establishing a free market for stiver In the United States and throughout tho world. Wartime re strictions were Imposed last August 15. 'The occasion which required h;o limitations on the export ot silver having now passed," sold the board's announcement, "the Federal Reserve Hoard will hereafter, unless a govern mental necessity may again arise, re sumo Its former policy of man ting freely npd without condition all appli cations for tho export of silver bullion or ot silver coin of foreign mintage. "This does not do awar with tha necessity of filing an application tor Ucenses to export silver bullion or silver coin of foreign mintage. The Sccrotary of tho Treasury does not contemplate any further sales of silver under tho pittman act except to the directors of tho mint." Krneat Glendrnntna; tm Wed Marie Jolle Home. Erneit Glendcnnlng, actor, and II axle Julio Home, actress, obtained a mar rlaro license yesterday and later aM they would bo married on May jx MB 5 tZttsM 13 9 mini ' UHUfflMtrTMnG its ; AND BEATEN, THEY! New Yorkers Alleged to Have B Forced Into Aulo by Armed BUnd at Lawrence. LAWRENCE, Mui., May l An: J. Oapararo, a member ot tho Strike Committee, reported to the to-day that be and If at h in Clin said to be an organizer for the Am mated Clothing Workers ot Amerl were drarred .from their hotel shortly afer midnight by a, ganc twenty armed and masked men taken In an automobile to a fanehr In West Andover and severely beateaJj capararo several hours later rnadq h. way to a house In Andover where physician attended him. The. IOV pence sent word that they had Cllneman wandering about the street in mat city in a dazed condition. Boti men are said to come from New Tor MRS. ASTOR ABSENT. Kxseted Appear FrMar at VI ! Beetlu g! Though the morning newspapers smJ nounced that Mrs. Vincent Astor WMmI speak at the Victory loan booth In' S-l IT. 11 TVirV , I.- .... j , . Vii.l appear. Mr. Astor was bitten oa ..Mil m uv(. uars, J Kits. Chairman of the committee. aho had no details ot the Injury of Astor. fa "Wo haro her promise to come, a sal said "Mrs. Rlls. s." (Continued from First Page.) m: expected to arrive In St. Germain on Muy IS, being preceded about three duyi by tho Austrian envoys. Woik on tho Austrian and Hungurlan treaties will proceed simultaneously. Stephen Plchon, Minister of For eign Arfulrs of Franco, was elected Chairman of tho Provisional Organi zation of the Iaguo of Nations yes terday, according to tho following olllclal statement: "The Organization Committee of tho Lcuguo of Nations, which was appointed by u resolution of tho Plenary Conference on April 28, held Us first meeting at tbo Hotel Crlllon at 4 o'clock on Monday, May 5, and agreed on a number ot resolutions far tho Provisional Or ganization of the League. "On motion of Col. K. M. House of the rnltril States, M. Plchon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, was elected cnainnun nnd Hlr JJrlo Drummotul was Invited to occupy his seat as Acting Secretary (Irneral. "Tho following wero present: M. Plchon, France, Chairman; Col. K. M. Houne, United States; Lord Robert Cecil, Ureat Hrltnin; Mar quis lmperlall, Italy; Vlxcount ChlnJn, i Japan; M, Rolln Jac quemyns, nolgium: II. Venlxeloa, Clrcecc; Seuor Clulnnnns do I.con. Spain, and Antonio O Do Mnga hacs. Ilrazel." It has been decided by the Council of Three that Finland will rccclvo Allied recognition under certain con ditions which nro yet to be disclosed. Miirsh.l Pctuin, commander ot tho French Army, attomlcd a conforence Monday letwren President WIlHnn nnd I'roniior ciemenceau. Aftenvnnl Prrmier Clrmenpenu ronforn-,1 with Nevcrnl numbrrs of tho French Cabi net concerning dcUU.s ot tlio jirr.ll mlnnry poue( The complete economlo Inolatlnn of f.ermuny la bulnc cons dcrrxl bv the Council qf Foreign Mlnntrrs of tho I'ritcfl j onferenco as nmuiurn to be adopted In the event that firr many rofusrti to nlgn the peace treaty. The plan for tho mcueurp wa sub- 34th Street's GREA TEST Dress Sale Pail Biitita Tlic Women's Shop for Values OO 1?no4- QA4-V di- Across the Street from UU JUaSl J'illl OU ALTMAN'S Your Unrestricted Choice of Values Are Simply Phenomenal 800 DRESSES Selected from the Finest Dresses We Carry In addition to a most remarkable spe cial purchase from two of our best dressmakers On Sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Real Values to $45.00 In materials of Beaded Georgette Figured Georgette Taffeta Silk Serges Satin Wool Jersey Wc have frequently been enabled in the past to offer values of a most sensational character, but we can truly say that these dresses are of far greater value and desira bility than any of our former offerings. 250 Dresses still remain fr6m our sale of last week at II .90 r. s (MUTTl "A J to. 1CA(H wsvilMiT WIT 1 I YOU h' I OuY WHW I Tuiel y uoutft J Norour Mutt & Jeff Funnier Than Ever EVERY DAY IN fir i. Y iir mi) : b lt' eD' x H I tw iHIUPW n lMB..fl2MiPf By. np OU Ml L-..... prano vouncu, ES3 ! A. tt, .. . J . i ,