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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, May 06, 1919, Final Edition, Image 8

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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"Trinr ye k i arc or t tt e a dayf kt fpTfra!
feimmander of First Relic
lip Through Kiel Canal
Tells About It
7 ttirCnnjr Toyase thrombi mte-
IMwted seas was1 described to-dar
hyftleut. Commander" Charles IJoett-
jBtemmsnip wcitwjira uo, ia nm
ivt'swl to puis through the Kiel Canal
"freiB the outsMi world oince the alfn-
llirif of the armistice.
Taa westward uo asuiea worn rfeir
' Ytk for Panr-lsT' on Jan. 2S with a
tho ruuno to remember
when yon so to buy a new
.kitchen table. And now Is
tho time to go nnd buy It
lYou need one. Why put
fPcmeos hTO smooth, white
porcelain tops; durable,
casy to keep clean and al
iways sanitary. No cnicka
or crevices. The raised
edfrc keeps liquids from
running oil on tho floor.
Ask to bco Pcmcos ntde
.partment and furniture
jstorcs. Look for tho narao
Ion tho drawer. Pcmcos
.aro reasonably pricod, $12
:to $25, and como in three
sizes, eo you'll bo euro to
find just tho ono you want
tRomomber the name,
SPRINS Otntlat. .
SPECIAL rt... Is
Tlw flldwt tteurr to Uukil.
t i f k mm UA eltja t-
ralrlu am qslcklj U pull
lHona 15J0 Hum iiul
Police Have
Loan Drive
HTHE Police and
Police Reserves
are taking sub
scriptions and sell
ing coupon books.
They sold $148,
000,000 Fourth
Liberty Loan.
Let's all pull to
gether for Uncle
m.r uf
erro of food and otter supplies for
inland. 8h arrlred at :
l'cb. 24. ami after a brie
turned to Now York. Hlie Is beUiir
loaded now wlUj a, new cargo of sup
piles bought with fund raided In thin
country by Jewlfih (ind Polish chari
ties, and she will anil ngaln for Dan-si-
this week. The supplies are dis
tributed by the American itellef Ad
ministration, of whloh llorbcrt
Hoover la the head.
"We encountered fierce storms for
lire and a half dnyn when ap-
hrnflrtilnv Riirnn " maI.I T.tMlt. Cnni-
SZ'mTntotT0 FamiIy Parties
waters. On the trip to lanslic i
counted ISA floatinr mlnca which had
been planted by the Oermans during
the war. We wore under orders to
travel only In the daytime. At night
we lay at anchor and renuinod our
runs at sunrise.
Ucrmona In great number were on
nnn.i :,... ... . ..,,, .,,,
wmaaa n 11 VI VT U rT till (III UU((IU a a.j
asked wistfully wliy food wua boing
sent to tho l'olea when they got none.
They had Iota of money and offerod
to buy food from us at fabulous price,
but we were under strict orders not
to sell any to them. Ono old German
niin . u. i m n(.w nt k.n..
Atit llau. H nt.fi fanciful It
llko ha was regaining a long lost child.
He went and told me It wtui tho first
bacon ho had seen for threo and a half
yearn. . . ...
we round moat or tue Germans witn
whom we camo Into contact wearing
paper clothes and clono to starvation.
Tfcey offered as tl for 10-ccnt plocoo
of oltooolate and wanted to buy t-rent
cakes of aoap from us for as much an
IS. Coffee was selling for $20 a pound.
In a restaurant In one Gorman torn
I paid f S for a cup of coffee that was
not nt to drink. 1 do not know what
It was made of. Tho German bread. I
understand. Is made mostly of saw
dust and acorns.
Tim roiea aro entnosiastie over tno
help sent them from America, When
the Initial shipment arrived one of
tho Government Ministers expressed
the general sentiment with this grate
ful remark: This la tho first tlmn
any nation has kept a promlso mado
to round.' "
Lieut Commander Boottger Is a
native of I'osen, now a part of -Poland,
and, though only forty-two years old,
lias a maritime record naung dock to
1I9S, during much of which time ho
has he d a masters Ilccnsa no en
tered the United States naval servlco
In June, 1IH.
Tho Wcsiifhrd Uo Is on Emergency
Fleet Corporation ship, built on the
Pacific Coast. She was put In tho
freight transport servlco during the
war and was torpedoed on ncr second
trln to nrrjtt. Hhe was towr-a. pauiy
damaged, to that port, repaired them
and then taken over by tho Unltod
State Navy, and loler turned over to
tho llellef Administration.
Vomer Aaperlntendnnt of Vnblle
Hatha I'aaaaa Arrnr.
Dr. William H. Halo, a lawyer, seven
ty-eight years old. formerly Suptrhv
Undent of Public Hatha of the City of
New York, la dead at his home, No. 451
Prospect Avenue, llrooklyn. lie was
found dead In bed by hla wife, Louise,
of Nx 40 First Place, lato Saturday
night. Tnougn iney nnu oetn living
anart lira. Halo often visited her hua-
tTaIji. n araduatr. waji apIIva
In pubUe life alnce 1881. lie was one of
the three oldctt poaaeaaora of the Ph.
D. degree, which he won . at the uni
versity In 18(3. no waa picturesque and
eccentric. . .......
Tho last years of Dr. Hole's life were
stormy, lie wna aropnea sa oupenn
tendent of Public IloXha following hla
conviction of entering the women'a de
partment or mo rourui wTi'n'jo iiiuii.
The court suspended santonct. Trouble
with hla wlfo also brought him Into pub
lic notice,
Deputy Commissioner
F. A. WALLIS, Chairman,
Police Department Victory
Liberty Loan Committer
Nothing in Criminal Case,
Ztaf Cash in Slander Suit,
So All Were Glad to Quit
Zetlin to Distraction,
to Rescue With a Happy In
spiration Money.
Tho chorus enaomblo of tho Metro-
PULan wna a mero whisper com
, i. . . , ,
prod ,0 1,10 medley of volcea of Uie
Kruger - rcn-
lcL.ANni rYi.lJnU n'ck cohort,
anvilr nlwn ln Ensox
. " " , . Market Court
. before Judge
i.roujra Ycsterflar. ttipv wero a: I
there families, relatives atl friends
f"!0"' orUB wtdo rcputo
I "Pod. wori orJeT'
I ".TV... c.!S??Ja J??
i . U l A.VUUI 9. UIAJIAIU Ilia
Iliniil. (tin .i
icz,' r - -
-.. . w -. mm. (juiivii wuk lug niuuun i,u
indicate his hntptetuinoss, and even
uie yotuwe Mr. XoUIn, the court In
tcrprctcr, was at a loss to cmrcaa
himself In any language.
It wont nomethlng llko this: Moo
Ennlok had llvml In tho houso for
nny years. Four, to io exact, and
during that time ho had conductod
himself with Absolute decorum nnd
propriety. Hut In some manner a
carrlago of his (or hers or somo
lodys else) wua placed ln the build
ing. Whether It wan a baby car
rtngo or n buggy wan an unexplained
rolnt And somebody olilcctcd and
somebody Jho col ed u neighbor many
muncn. iienco vno tiummona and tno
Judffn Itrouirh Innkivt nt 1,1.
II wait quarter tiast four, wlini
tho courts aro supposed to Ixi closed
to customers, Timn lio looked about
the court room and pled anothar
family ejrourslon which promflcd to
be of similar nature..'
Mr. MOCan." tin ClitlMl tn thn Am.
slslant District Attorney. "Wo havo
theso two canon left. You tako ono
rind rn tnkn the other."
V OrV BTOOd. Your Ittmnr
Mr. Hogam ""'
He then Invluvl lm ntMiinnt.
hoM seanlon ln tho hall. Tho party
"Now, what Is tho troublor
Tlicro followed a iierlea of mnvliiu
which reminded ono of tho popular
conception of a Dolahovlat mertlng.
Bovorul langtragcs wero unreeled: all
did their duty as stockholders ln tho
noino-maxing corporation. Mr. Ho
gan's hnnds went up: Mr. Dlttler. th
attorney, tried vainly to rewtoro order;
mo rcporucr nroKe nut poncll. Finally
a plnn was hit upon. Two of Uio
combatants were placed ln each cor
ner and were forbidden to speak until
spoken to under penalty of a general
"Now, what Is tho troublo?" Mr. ITo
gnn asked tho audlonce of tho south
east corner.
"Hhe called me nams."
"What did she col! you?"
"What rJso?"
"What elae?"
"Dash quotation marks."
la that all?"
No, that Is only a few. Do you
wnnt tho rosti
Mr. liogan thon repaired to tho
other cornem and extracted equally
unprintable avldcnco and tokons of
remarkiiblii vocabularies. He then
34th Street New York
Special Blouse Sale Wednesday
Womens Smart
Fifty Attractive Styles
Smart Blouses of dotted, figured and striped
Voile, white Batiste, striped Dimity, white Or
gandie and Voile trimmed with frills, tuckings,
Val. Lace, hand-embroidery and dainty flutings.
Specially Priced Offering Exceptional Values
, . I .j ' . i .
' ' l'X.T- "its'.
i I 1
in Essex Court Drive
but Hogan Comes
signalled "assemble," and all rushed
to tho centre
"1 think Uio best thing for you la to
go to tho civil court and start pro
ceedings for slander. We cannot do
anything here."
"Wo might moke a lot of money,1
said somo one.
Kollowcd voluble thanks to every
one. and a general exodus to pastures
John came back again. And al
though hts third appearance In Essex
Market Court ln three days was not
marked by tho
singular array ot
costumes ot liU
first and second,
nevortholoss John upheld his record
of boing "thero" when attlro was con
cerned. John waa the first of the captures!
nf Mav Dav. He started celebrating
as soon as tho old bell tolled midnight. J
and stopped half an hour later only I
because ono cannot proporiy ceicDrato
Muy Duy or anything else in uio local
oollco station, particularly when ono
has boon relieved of un arm band say
ing "Free All Political Prisoners" and
sundry other Soviet stago proportion.
Tho chief fenturo of John's debut
was tho combination bluo buthrobo
and Mardl Qrns costume whloh ho
woro ln placo of tho usual shirt and
vest. Ills coso was not taken ut
bnrauaa ho wiinted to change hla
clothos and got a shave and a law
yer. Yesterday no rcappearoa, Dcaring
evidences of a change ot attire, a
ahavo and a counsellor. As a matter
of record, tho lawyer also recalled
shades of Heau Urummol. Hut John
himself was a knockout. Ho had a
brown emit, nuoh as one sees In tho
fashion section or on tho stage, with
silt pockets: a "tuck-me-ln-mothcr" I
collar, with a purplo tlo. Thero were
also English stylo shoes with the
usual embossing, and elegant wilt
box. As soon as ho bad hla entourago
nrrlved at tho court ono Instinctively
looked for tho coach and four and
Hawkins, tho Impeccable valet.
John's lawyer proceeded wiui tno
cose in lino enapo and called wit
nesses. lio has Just left the service, no
declared as No. 1 camo from back
"What servicer
"The navy."
"Where? At 280 Broadway?
"No. At 63th Street."
"Whv. Mav Dav Is lust like the
Now Year to the laboring man.
Didn't you know that?" the lawyer
asked tho policeman.
"No. I didn't," replied the coo,
"Thero was something else besides
Now Year's that mado him collect a
After the discussion was finished
Ills Honor sent John homo. Porhaps
It waa bocausa It would havo been a
shamo to ruin the beautiful crease of
tils trousers by hanging them over on
Iron cot.
Three Models Illustrated
mi 62, IS SUED
! Court Grants Mrs. Fannie Kr.hn
Alimony f'endinz Trial cf
Annulment Suit.
The mother of Ova children and
grandmother of thirty-nine, Mrs.
l'annlo Kohn, sixty-two years old, of
No. 151 East 171st Street, tho Bronx,
was granted alimony of f 14 per week
and counsel fco of $50 by Huprcmo
Court Justice Mullan ln the Bronx
yesterday, pcndlw: tho trial ot an
action for annulment brought by her
aged spouse, Harris Kohn, teacher of
Hebrew, who liven at No. 147 Wash
ington Avenue.
The Kohns were married Bept, 12,
1918. Harris, who Is seventy-three,
seeks to havo the wedding annulled
upon the grounds of a former mar
rlage. Alleging that he la of tho
"orthodox Hebrew faith of tho tribe
of the Division of Cohanlm," Kohn
Nailing a horseshoe over a
door won't bring you shirt
It takes quality materials,
expert workmanship, an hon
est intention and a money
back guarantee to assure it.
You'll find all of these es
sentials in any of our shirts at
any of our 23 shops.
Some of our very smartest
patterns in woven madras
shirts, made either with neck
band or collar to match, un
usual value at
Olus Union Suits on sale.
You can't say "we won the
victory" unless you havo sub
scribed to the Victory Loan.
ntl rrnnaylraala
317 Browlwa
Stl rortUindl St,
lllll Nuniq ML
HO Chamber St.
Ilotrl Commodore
1-107 liroadw.r
X4HI Oraulnr
Nm 4ttd St.
ia k, -iih Ht. .
S04 IV. l"Klli Ml.
ius vemnrev hi.
iiiuuiu.x niiois.
BOT ruton HU 43i rultoo St.
nr.nnim diiui. nu surkrt Ht.
Drlosrport W.trrtiorr hcrunton
Tim iiiBmiiB. imiiaaaaitfliii.il ii. nnim i BlaiiaigMtmninraTtfifflW.rrrWTrr-Tl -i r"' ' i Ji' ' i li TiWiTTirB-rvsTT
iys It Is against lib faith to marry a
divorced woman.
Ho Is the descendant, he says, of a
Hebrew priest, and the tenet of his
faith further forbids a Cohan to live
with the divorced wlfo ot another.
Furthermore, he alleges, tho "ghett,"
or divorce, which his wife obtained !s
not recognized by Mosala law. Ho
t'uys ho left her 'as soon as he learned
ot Oils situation.
Mrs. Kohn denies the allegations ot
her spouse. Rhc nays tho "husband"
whom ho rofera to was morely a wooer
to whom she was engaged for a while
but whom she never married. He
disappeared, sbo said, about ten years
ago, and even if she had marr.ed him,
ho would now bo dead legally.
The coso will probably bo set on the
trial calendar for next month.
If 8 Your
A Remarkable Purchase of About 375
Women's Higher CostK Dresses
For Afternoon, Street and Informal Wear
A collection of Dresses developed in superior fabrics
Flowered Georgettes, Chiffon Taffeta, Charmeuse
and Moire-Taffeta, embellished with beading of
elaborate design and exquisite embroidery; styles
that will appeal women of discriminating taste.
Regular Values Up to 59.75
Mr. allien of Newark Test. In
orc.se In Pare TJnd.r Xew Order.
Sunt was started yaatarday In the
Second Dlatrlet Court by Mayor
Charles P. allien of Newark. N. J to
reeover 1 cent from the Pubtlo 8eivlei
Hallway bompany. Mayor allien waa
required to car th cent on . trnii.
car under a Publla Utility Commlaalon
order increasing tho fare from f to 7
The New Jersey League of Munici
palities, which ha been fighting tho
company's applications for higher
fares, contends that the latest order,
Issued last Friday night. Is Illegal
Mayor Glllen set out yesterday to teat
the order, and found a conductor who
told him he would have to pay an
Victory and Your Loan!
(34thStcect-NcaY YorK.
Dress Sale Wednesday
Owing to Limited Quantity None Sent C. O. D
The New York World
Gravure Picture Section
The Sunday World's GRAVURE Section diflera
from other picture sections in IDEA. Not only are
produced on super-calendered paper in rich brown ink,'
but interesting events are STRIKINGLY PICTO
RIALIZED in well-selected Series of photographs. FoU
example, a recent Series showed in eight pictures "Jus!;
How a Soldier Gets Out of the Army."
Skilled camera men in every country send the pictures
they take to THE WORLD'S Gravure Section, but local
events, New York and its myriad of exciting activities--
the new Fashions, the Theatres, the Society events are
adequately pictured. Strong points in The World's
Gravure Section arc exclusive photographs,- excellent,
reproduction and interesting captions. Each week it;
presents a distinctive appearance.
othar Dtnnv or .at f. "I mmm i
proteat," exclalmad His House.
10 im ria or bis extra-canr.
Then the papera were fllad.
-r. mi
if PFvl
: TJ
p 5
r; a- '.

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