Newspaper Page Text
THE. EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, OOTuBER 4, 1919. Crowd Jams Lower Broadway to Get Glimpse of King L And Crown Prince on Way to Visit Stock Exchange ASAREAL'HEMAN' "NOT IN" AT RITZ CHEAP FOOD SALE And Albert Likes the American ' Kids, Too, as Proved in Central Park. Never Have the Sufferings of But Deputy Sheriffs Wait in Lobby for Michel Mural's "Return." EMBRYO U KINGS SAD YOM KIPPUR AMERICAN JEWRY'S DAY OF ATONEMENT PRINCE OWING B1L OPEN WASHINGTON LIKE BELGIAN KING FOR SILK HOSIERY MARKET STALLS IN Ancient Race Been More Acute Than Now. Always tha most significant nnd X New Tork policeman detailed to rn&rd the royal family of Belgium was asked to-day what ho thought of King Albert The cop replied: "I think he's a regular HE man. I'll say be IS I" . "Any particular thing give you that Impression?" Tep," ho replied. "It was the hit he made with them kids up In Central Park. When you see a bunch of kids take to a feller tho way them kids took to King Albert, you can bet the family plate that he's a ICE man." At tho Waldorf last night, after a. day packed with thrills and riotous reception, the King was asked what particular feature of tho eventful day had Impressed htm most. Tho member of his suite who asked 'the question admitted later that he expected to hear that It was the ride from the Battery up through New York's financial grand canyon storm swept with confetti and shrouded In an amazing spectacle of tangled ticker tape; That rldo from Pier A to City Hall did visibly Impress the royal party. Bat this unforgettable sceno was not uppermost In the King's mind last night THE 30,000 NEW YORK SCHOOL CHILDREN IMPRE8SED HIM. To the King of tho Belgians the predominating feature of the whole day was tho reception a greeting that had the true ring of spontaneity given him by 30,000 school children In. Centra Park. If the King, as the cop said, made ft hit with the kids, the klda won a place In the heart of Albert that will never need the protection of a League of Nations. Those children, black and white, representing practically the nations of tho world, had been groomed to meet royalty. Bomo were a bit ragged, others were garbed In Juvenile finery but tliey were all washed and brushed spotless for this gtjdod occasion. And they stood In prim rows, at first frightened considerably In the pres ence of a real king and queen. Bo they stood In orderly and formal squadrons that seemed hardly to breathe while King Albert addressed them from the wooden platform. The teachers themselves seemeC to think at first that the best thing they could do tinder such entirely extraordinary circumstances was to assume a sort of a West-Polnter-at-attentlon at tltude. They were as prim and rigid ted probably uncomfortable as the Thlldren. It would probably have been a very on comfortably formal party for all ands If King Albert himself hadnt roken the spell by a singe move. CHILDREN LEARN THAT KINGS ARE MERE MEN. K children and teachers were reathing at all during the brief period that King Albert Queen Eliza beth and Prince Leopold looked, down upon, them from tho platform they became rigid rows of Inanimate statuary wben tho royal guests and their sulto came right down on the same grass that thoy wcro standing bn and approached within an arm's length of them. . It was a teaso moment for the kids. - Then tho Kink chucked Samuel Martin, aged eleven, ut r-irbllc bchool No. 67, undor the chin and smiled as only Albert can. "What's your name, young nvanT tho King of the Belgians asked. Bammy looked at first as enough ho was going to cry. Then bo started to laugh, caught himself, gulped, dropped his hat, started to plcx u up but thought better of It and finally snapped back to attention and whis pered "Wel-wel-wolcomo t-t-to our cit-dty." It was a moment that will probably remain Indelibly iiiavriDea on Sammy's young soul, and It ought to, because King Albert did not cry "Urf with his heudl" as Bammy undoubt. cdly expected hiin to. Ho merely pluced his hand affectionately on sammy-s youtniui snoumur and said; "i'ou aro a fine boy." Then the monarch passed on and Hainmy'a horrible embarrassment cooled ramd- lyly and ho turned to tho boy nearest to him and remarked, "Why, bo's Just a man atlvr ull, ain't he.'" That Incident servsd to shutter the unbending formality of the occasion. It evaporated undor King Albert's winning smile, utid children and teachers began to bieatho again. Their lust lingering doubts about tho King filtered awuy when they saw A. 8. Prull of tho Hoard of Education - Introduce His Highness to pretty Miss Matilda Do Mulder, twelve years old, of No. 763 10th Avenue. They watched Mutllda closelv to see whether she would cruck under tho strain. Matilda was flustered, She seemed to want to say something, but her breath seemed gone from her, her tonguo felt Uko lead In her mouth and there was an uncanny weakness In tho vicinity of the knees. Then she looked straight Into the King's eyes and caught that smile. Ho took her little hand in his and patted it. "I understand you wero born In my country," said Albert of Ulegium In nothing like the tone that she had imagined real kings were wont to talk. Matilda felt herself suddenly at case. "Vca," she said, "my father and mother and brothers and sisters were born there." "You don't look like u little Bel gian girl now," the King remarked. "I'm an American girl now," ro plied Mutllda quite decisively. Mutllda was nnltcd what she thought of K'ng Albert. "He Isn't llko u King at all," she yttUed. "He's Just lovely!" most widely' observed of tho Jewish religious days, Tom Klppur carries to-day a deeper and more solemn meaning than ever before. Yom Klppur Is tho great Jowlsh Day of Atonement. To Its sanctity as tho most Important of the fast days thero this year Is added a double slgnlilcanco In that tho cal endar has brought Yom Klppur on tha Sabbath. It Is perhaps the most traglo day of atonement In the history of Jewry. From their homo In Palestine, from tho shoroa of tho Baltic and the Black Beas, from Poland nnd tho frozen wastes of Siberia from every for eign land Into which Jowlsh relief workers havo penetrated, tho now year message that comes to this country Is ever tho some, "European Jewry Is perishing." Amorlca Is tho only land, the Amer ican Jewish Belief Comralttco says, In which tho new month of Tlshrl, tho Hobralo January, brings any Joy to tho Jowlsh population. Tho Jows In tho war-racked coun tries abroad havo suffered moro than any other people, and they are dying by thousands of starvation and dis ease. The Yom Klppur fast, during the twenty-four hours when no good Jew wilt allow food to pass his lips, will bo littlo moro than a continuation of tho flvc-year fast that has been tho lots of the 6,000,000 Jews In Europe. Orphaned children and widows aro continually being turned away from the overcrowded charltablo institutions and food sta tions to die In the streets of Poland and nearby countries. Tho only hope that the great mass of Jowrv will survive, tho coming winter depends upon America. Tho fortnight between Itaah Iln- shonah and Yom klppur Is observed as a penoa or repentance, during which the Divine Judge weighs tho earthly deeds against each Individual oerore entering his final rato In tho Book of Judgment. This year It Is a period of dceD sorrow as well for many American Jews. The records of Jewish relief nr-en- clos In New York show that several hundred thousands have tried with out avail to trace their dear ones abroad who havo been swallowed up in the, chaos of war when communi cations were broken. These people aro at a loss whether to hope that their loved ones are dead or that It Is their fato to face a new year of tor ribla suffering and sorrow. Another sad phase of th Is year s Yom Klppur will be tho momorlal service for the dead, when almost every Jewish family In the stricken countries, together with many In America, will mourn tho loss of ope or mora of their members. In view of the terriblo situation abroad, Jews throughout the country have organized campaigns and drives to raise a total of j5,uw.ow in trie United States under the direction of the American Jewish Rellof Commit tee, tho Central Belief Committee and tho Jewish Peoples' Relief Commit tee which aro appropriately culminat ing In mnny Btates with tne begin ning of tho Jewish new year. MRS. FAILE LEFT $241,354. Among- White Platna Woman's Effects Wore 92.1,40 In Pennlea. (Spriil tn The EttoIc World.) WHITE! PLAINS. H. Y.. Oct 4. Transfer Tax Appi alter William C. Clark to-day filed with Surrogate Slater of Westchester County his appraisal of the estate of the late Mrs. Cecilia Foyer Falle, who was one of the wealthiest women In White I'lalni, and who left real and personal property valued at fZ41.334.8S. Hhe owned siocks, riomis and mort gages on real estate worth S183.8t5.K5 and real estate which Is appraised at 157.550. The expenses or the adminis tration and funeral expenses, reduced thn total value of the estate- to 1230.- 08.97. Mrs. ralle owned twentv-rour mort gages of various amounts of high class real estate, and she had J18.363.73 cash In various banks. Among her effects was also found 125.40 In pennies. The estate Is Inherited by three sons, two daughters and several grandchil dren. CARPET WORKERS' RAISE. Alexander Smith Concern Adda III Frr Cent, to Wastes of 0,000. A voluntary 15 per cent. Increase In wages was granted yesterday to the em ployees of the mills of the Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company, at Yonknra. In which Commander Alexnn- drr Smith Cochran, the multimillionaire) yachtsman. Is tne inrgost stockholder. Commander Cochran, who recently served In tha British Navy, authorized the Increase, which Is the second In three months and benefits 6,000 em ployees, The last raise was 10 pur cent. Ilrookjrn Iloronnh Gum Company Can Charge Over r Cent. The Appellate Division In Brooklyn modified yesterday a decision of Su preme Court Justice Dencdlct which en joined tho Brookljn ttorouBh Oas Com pany from charging more than 33 cents per 1,000 cubic fret for gas. The modl- ' ncaiion means mat tne injunction was rood only until Sept. 8. 1918. Th mm. ,pany may collect for gas since that dato I at a n cure miner man mo tij-ccnt rate. iine nccwon jusi miui Bring retroactive, No If col rate is fixed under the Appcl- late Court ruling. It may bo any rate nlch tne ruoiic service commission fixes at reasonable, A Jr Mslit for the Artlllrrr. rt Field The !d Field Artillery will give a dance to-nleht at the armory and a azy time is premctcu for all especial y time is prenictcu for all especial, since tha celebrated Mattery K Jarz lli.nil la tri nrnvlfl lhn mi Imiilf, t T.U.. occ&olon will bo one of reunion for many memberj of the tUilh Meld Artillery iiurmvri; mo -u, nno navo not met ni mo iymho limine lu-uuy. utinni tlnco they were mustered out of the son will bo ono of thu public's re Federal service, iprsentaUves. V 1 .... - i.i ii. i- mi. is i i. . nM- , ..... .... , .II-.. I sSOY JB Wi Cost More Now To Keep Clean; Laundry Strike Shirt Ironers Want $40 a Week, and Wagon Drivers Demand $45. Cleanliness will be next to bank ruptcy for the purso wounded people of Now York If tho laundry strlko that started this morning is a success. It was called by tho Laundry Work ers' International Union, Local No. 07, and It Involves both tho hand nnd tho steam laundries, employing 5,000 to 7,000. They wantjnoro money. Shirt Ironers demand $10 a week, and tho rules of tho union prohibit one ironcr from handling tnoro than 400 shirts a week. Family Ironers want ts a day. Drivers who havo been getting $30 to $35 a week demand $45. Owners of hand laundries, under the proposed terms, will not bo per mitted to do any of their own shirt Ironing, but must employ n $40 union man and accept tne union limitation on output. The public? Oh, tho public will pay 25 cents for the laundering of his sTiirt, C cents for a collar, and other things In proportion or wash cm In tho bathtub ana hang them on tho radiator to dry. Somo of the hand laundries now do a business of less than $100 a week. If the striko wins thoy wilt have to pay almoatJialf tho gross receipts to a single employee, unless they raise tho price. It Is fairly safe to bet on the "unless." Deliveries will bo delayed for a while, or uncertain at tho best and tho haberdab-hors expect to prollt from that. SAYS 700,000 CHILDREN WANT DAYLIGHT SAVING Dr. Copeland Pleads With Alder men to Pass Ordinance Cites God as First Advocate. Former Borough President Marcus M. Marks and Health Commissioner Iloyal S. Copcland woro tho principal advocates of a daylight savings ordi nance for Now York City yesterday when n hearing was held beforo tho General Welfaro Commlttoo of tho Hoard of Aldermen. Dr. Copcland Bald ho favored tho p;umga of tho ordinance as a rcproacntatlvo of 700,. 000 school children of tho tmicmcnts. "Ono of tho best things that could happen to theso children," tmld tho Commissioner, "Is to give them one moro hour of sunlight. I am hero Iti the Interest of the public health, and In thnt Interest the Hoard if Alder men should pass this ordinance." Mr. Marks said most of tho people wero In favor of the ordinance and that tho Chnmbcr of Commerce, the Merchants' Aorlntlnn, tho Federa tion of Women's Clubs, the physlclanK and employees of tho National Clothes nnd Suit Association had all expressed approval. Woman I.mpn SIS Pert to Death. nOCHnSTKIt. N. Y., Oct. 4. An un- I Indentlflcd woman, about 30 years of 'age, leaped from tho Driving Park Avenue llrldgn over tne (leneieo lllver. 212 feet to the. rocks below and was Insantly killed this morning. .Qhn wna waII rlrnflMrtil anil linil 12ft , I, cr person. N en Ilelegnte to I.nltsr Conference. wjumviiTftv ftrt i iinrv a UASHIM.TO.S, Oft. 4. Henry fl. uenmson ot r rammgnam, .mmhp., hi be named as a delegate to the Hound ,i.nuln Industrial Conference hero Munday In place of IJ. 8. flay, who was not ahle to serve, it was (earned CAPT. WILLEMSE, OF BELGIAN B RTH KING S BODYGUARD New York Detective Led Po lice Activities in Aiding Stricken Country. In his service ns bodyguard to King Albert during his stay In this city Capt. Cornelius Wlllomsc, of the headquarters detective force, corn p'otcs a long lino of scrvlco to Bel gium, tho country of his birth. Capt. Wlllomso has been In this country thirty-two yenrs. Ho was born In Turmhout, Belgium. Ho wus In Bsu-logno-sur-Mer working on a caso for tho New York Pollco Department when war broko out, but returned to this country soon after. When thousands of Belgians were driven from their homes by the Qer- man Invaders, Capt. Wlllomse was a I leader In organizing Belgian relief work in this city. Ho got together i great numbers of old pollco over coats of a discarded typo and for warded them to his sister In Ant werp, who distributed them to the refugees. Lieut. Bernard Dltsch, of tho Po- lice Department, is serving as body- guard for Queen hllzabeth. Ho wus born Ii, Luxemburg and was nlso ac - tlvo during tho war In relief work. Dcteetlvo Sergt. Udgar Stephens Is acting as bodyguard for Prlnco Leo- pold. HARVARD ENDOWMENT FUND NOW TOTALS $2,145,545 Boston Forges Ahead of New York With Gain of Si -10,000 Team Captains Meet Here. At thn closo last night of the fifth (Say of Harvard's $15,230,ou0 Fndowmunt fund endeavor, announcement was madu that tho subscriptions totalled 12,113,015. Tlii. fcaturo of tho day was tha gain by the llOHton Committee of $110,000. placing that city In tho lead with $92G. 000, us against New York's $520,000. Tho aim ot the local committee has been to raise an amount at least equal to HoMon'B. and a meeting of team Cap tains of the Crlmnon Squadron. New York's canvassing organization, was railed yuatirday to go over tho sltuu lien. CARDINAL MERCIER TO HE A KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS Will He Made a Member of the Fra ternity at a Banquet in His Honor at the Commodore. Cardinal Mcrclcr, who will return to this city next Monday, will be made a member of tha Knights of Columbus at a reception and banquet In his honor at the Hotel CommoJore Tuesday night. Jame A. Flaherty, Supreme Knight of tho order, will preside, At the dinner Archbishop Hayes will bo ono of the speakers. Others will bo JuitUo Dowllng. William P. Larkln, Overseas Dliector of tho Knights; Oov. Hnilth. Mayor llylan, John D. Ilockofel- I r l'- K''lmaii Wuliamuker, Major (len. ,PnoJm!u K arr,. aml A,mrn, ilcnJOn. Dr. llarrs 1. Swift wul be toaatmaitcr. Tho Iteeentlon Commlttio Includes Jlrholas F. IJrudy, William D. (luthrle, Jurtuo Morgan J. O'ilrlcn and Dr. Mar eel Knculu ot the French High Corn. nilmlon. John McL'nrmack will aim; TWO HARVARD GRADUATES WORK AS LONGSHOREMEN Occupation Disclosed When They Appear to Aid Harvard's 515,250,000 Drive. Among tho disclosures Incidental to tho Harvard llidowmont Fund drive for $15,250,000 to rnlao salaries of in structors and othcrwl5e Increase the efTlclcncy of the .university was tho dis covery that two recent graduates wcro working as longshoremen on -docks In this port. One who appeared with a substantial subscription, yesterday, wearing his grrtu and whlto badge ot tho Longshoremen's Union, ( explained that ho did not know enough about working conditions to maku good us an employer. Ho was told that no explanation wcro necessary. Another had appeared with tho same Insignia and the samo reasons and had put the ofllco forco to shanio by asking It to card a check for which there was not enough money In . the strongbox. 1 At noon to-day Boston reported I97S,- 1 849. Now York $070,000 and other alumnae $310,000 for the drive. SCORE HDRT IN WRECK OF NEW JERSEY TRAIN Three Cars Overturned on Trestle When Engine Hits Misplaced Switch, at Elizabeth, N. J. A commuters train from" Mlllntonr, J - , ; iimilM b(,foro g o,cl)ck on lhn tr(W(ln I ,nadn. nto ,h lnton nt r.1UM)Cth. ,Tno sccon,, car of Ul0 tra(n ),,, tho j trarkt, breaking away from tho ear i ahead nnd was followed by tho other two cars. All three cars turned on their' sides and were saved from falling from tho trestle by thn steel guard rails. Miss Hazel Holland and George Sohnfer of Itnhway wcro so erlouly In jured that they wore removed to Hall way Oeneral Hospital. Might qr nine others wero attended In tho Itahway station and were ablo to return to their homes, More than a score ot tho other 200 passengers In the cars were slightly cut and brulscJ nnd were able to go to their destination when tralllo was re turned. STUDENTS STRIKE WHEN TEACHER SLAPS A GIRL Glens Falls Children Demand Prin cipal Apologize or Resign His Position. OI.RN8 FA 1,1.8, N. Y., Oct. t. Ono hundred and fifty students of tho Hud- sun 1'alli High School truck yesterday as a protest against the allfgud slap ping of a girl studmt by tho Principal. The students demand that tho Principal apolnglzu to tha student or ruslsn his position. Tho Hoard of Kduvatlon 1 conducting an Investigation. AUTO HITS THREE CHILDREN. VtuiiKter iiu Down Wlillr l'ln Inir In llroukln Slrret, While playing tag to-day In front of their home, No. 1110 Kim Avenue, Drooklyn, Helen nnd Jamca rtyteulcz wero run down by an automobile and severely cut and bruised. Jennie Kalga, a four-year-old neighbor, also received contusions, Tha threo children' were at tended by an ambulance surgeon from tho Kings County Hospital and wero taken to their hoinra. Tho pollco say tho children were to blamn for tho accident and no arrcdt was made. niintrimiln llntlflr (Irrimin Treaty OfATKM.U.A CITY, Oct. 1. Tho 8po- cla! Session of the Guatemalan National i Asuembly. has ratified tho fivrm.m FIVE SHOTS HALT MEN ACCUSED AS BURGLARS Fugitives Caught After Kiishlngiw;;unla?.ocnl ,lml ,IUl "' Through Hotel La Salle; Stationery Store Robber. Residents of 50th nnd 60lh Streets Just east of Fifth Avenue wero n roil nod by revolver shots nt 1.30 thin morning, and whan things quieted down again the pollco had two prloncrs who wero liken to the Yorkvllln Court later for arraignment on rhnrgea of attempted burglary. Tho men gave tho names of John Hudxoii. No. 124 Wct Slth Street, nnd Kdwnrd Carroll. No. 163 Hast 109th Blrcet. Policeman Spacek wns called to No. 21 i:;it f.Oth Htruot by 0rr Kcklund, who said thero wero burglars In tho bonne. A p.ino of glass had been re moved from tho bark door. Whllo hunting for tho robbers the po liceman heard cries of "pollco" from thn fushlonahlo Hotel I.aRuIle, No. 30 P.aat COth Street. Tho night clerk pointed out a running man and said the fellow had rushed up from the hotol Un."- ineiit and iliuihed past tho detk. The policeman gnvn clusn, firing threo rIuiIa and got bis prisoner at lo'Xlngtou Avenue. It proved to bn 1 1 udson, A moment later tho night clerk called "I'ul'ce" again, and Policeman Ilucholtx responded. Another man had run out of the cellar. Ilueholtr. catixht him at 30th Street nnd ICxlngton Avcnuo after fir ing two shots. A burglary had been committed In tho Flynn stationery store ot No. 13 Host 50th Street. Tho pollco believe tho men olo tried to rob tho 0th Street houno and tried to escape by way of thu hotel. GOVERNOR WON'T FORGIVE BOSTON POLICE STRIKERS Coolidge Tells Republican Conven tion He Will Resist Any Compromise. IIOSTON. Oct. 4, Oov. Calvin Coolldgo In his address before the Itepuhllcan Btato Convention In Tre- mont Temple to-day discussed the Hltubtlon arlnlng from tho strike of policemen In this city. "Tho Government of Massachu setts." he said, "Is not seeking to re Hint tho lawful nctlon or sound policy if organised labor. It Is seeking to prevent n condition which would st .inco destroy all labor unions and all elsr, that Is tho foundation of civiliza tion by maintaining tho authority and sanctity of tho law." I)1cumIii bis refusal to relnststn the striking policemen, Gov. Coolidge said: "There Is nn obligation to forglvo but it doea not extend to thn unrepentant. To givii them aid and comfort la to sup port their evil doing and to hcrome an icccssory after tho fact. A Government which does that Is a reproach to all civ ilization and will soon hava on Its hands tho blood ot Its citizens. I huvo resisted an I propoie to continue in rcsUtancd to uch action." LEADERS BALK STRIKE. A telegram woa received this morn ing from I.onlj Weyand, International President of the Dollermakers and Iron stilpuulhli-ra, Instructing his men to keep out ot the strlko of the Maritime WuoJwoikcra' Council. international President Joseph Klein, nt thn I11.iekjini.tli nntl Ifnln,r ftnlnn arrived h.-ro to-day to keep his men out of tho fight Tha clilkpra claim tliey have 40.000 men out while the II. H. Whipping Hoard will only admit that the yards are slightly handicapped, Speaking of bluoblood, one of the painters who made a specialty ot crowned heads, and tho "Young l'rlnce Meeting thn Vlllngo Children" and such like, could have got a dandy chromo to. day at tha lUtx-Cnrlton Hotel entitled "Two Deputy Sheriffs of the City of Now York Waiting for Prlnco Michel Murat of l'arls (France) With a Bill for Silk Hos iery." The Prlnco has been sued by tradespeople. Michel Murat, according to the press notices, Is a 'lineal descendant ot Napoleon's famous Marshal who becnine King of Naples." I And ho has nothing on tho Bherlffa ' who are waiting tor him. I Deputy Sheriff llarnoy Oortnan's gnat, great, grand-unclo commanded tha 2d Division at the Battle of Clon- novels and hud a song or two written around his chivalrous curecr tiy Tom Moore. Whllo as for Assistant Deputy , Sheriff Tom Kane well, the man that don't know that Tom Kuno Is u lineal descendant of Brian Boru don't know his a, b, c's about History. At lust accounts, however, think ing maybo that tha two waiting of ficers of tho County of Now York are mero commoners or proletaries, Michel wus denying himself to callers. The Sheriffs desire to servo tho Prlnco with ultuchmonls obtained ug.tinst him by Peck & Puck, linucr 'dUDheis of No. 501 Fifth Avenue, and Wtitxcl, Inc., tailors ut No. 2 East 44th Htrect, The first attachment Is for tl.SVG; the second, for $1. Peck & Pock's list Is mcatly tor silk hosiery and negligee shirts, but there also is one "wrapper" on tho bill, An itipeollnn of the Murat utrong box In I the hotel safe to-duy revealed, It wiU , s-tld, no family Jewell. The telephone I In the Prince's apartment wuh un- Hwurcd by a man who said with u llarnoy Gorman nnd Tom Kane looked iih If they luil come to thn lUU-Oiulton to stay und had no kick coming. "COFFEE KING" SIELCKEN LEFT $7,070,058 ESTATE Said to Have Furnished Monsv for Evening Mall Purchase Heavy Losses Shown. Appt'catlon before Kurrogatn Fowler yesterday of the Columbia Truit Com- pspy, ns executor and trusteo or tno ei- Into left by Herman Slflckrn, for a set tlement of the estate, showed tho former "coffeo king," who died In Switzerland Oct. $. 1917, left an estate hero of $7,070,058. of which 91.118.370 was In storks and bonds of thirty-three cor porations. He alio had $30,000 In Lib erty bonds. During tho Investlgat'on of Dr. ftumelv and tho livening Mall by the Depart ment of Juallce a year ago. Air, Slelcken. who luid gouo to In 1011, was mentioned as having provided tho money paid to the Evening Mall by Ger- man agents. Among the disbursements waa I100.0OQ paid to Francis P. aarvan, ICneiny Allen Property Ountodlnl, Other payments made by tho trust company were $1011,000 Stnto transfer tax. $313,000 Federal tax, $79,137 for 1917 Income tax nnd $1.1,213 exceas profit! tax, Olalma iigalnat tho estate of $20.1)00 by Margaret a. niacKweii una oi tuv.uuu oy Agnes McF. Itnbcrts wero not allowed by tho trust company. in tne sale ot rami or tne securities tho estate lost $132,111, and houarhold furniture, painting and perannal effect valued at $2,087 wore sold for $9!0, A commission of $34,033 for executing the iruai waa cim Kio. WOMEN C0NJINUE LEAGUE. .Nntlonal Co in inanity Service la Planned In Xnrr Activities. Following a two days' session, the Board of Directors of the Nstlonal League for Woman's Service adjourned yesterday, A statoment by the Na tional Chairman, Mi's Maude Wetmore. declares that the league, with Its ser vices for the promotion of community betterment, will bo continued. Much new service of a notional scope Is to be undertaken, Community kitchens, hospital aldi to nurses and physicians, occupational therapy aids and Civic Division far Amercanlxatloti, educational and social work aro soma of the nuw activities planned, TOOK "POKE CHOPS AND PIE." Tliat'a Why Oaear .nuron, 10 and lllucU, la In Jail. W1UTB PLAINS, N. V.. Oct. 4. "What did vou take?" asked Judge Young in tho County Court this morning of Oscar Andenon, Oscar is sixteen, small for tilt sge and black as the smoke of Pittsburgh, lie was charged with petty larceny, "I done took some poke chops and some bread, some plu and some milk," rem ea uacar. The JuJre remanded Oscar to tall whllu he thought over what ho oucht to do with htnv Shipyard Hlrlkr Delays I.annehlMg, The shipyards strike, It was an nounced to-day. Is tho causa of tho Indefinite postponement of the launch ing of the 7,(00 ton steamer Tenafly at the yards of the Standard Bhip building Company, Shooters Island. Tho vessel was constructed for tho United States Shipping Hoard and was to have beon launched to-day. Carney Defeat Veto, I I IIOSTON, Oct. 4 Hilly Carney of i New Bedford, Mass., was awarded ' thn decUlon over Johnny Veto of Ohelaca, Mais., In a ten round bout at tho Commercial A. C here last night. , ' Army Roasting Chickens and Martin's Eggs Go on Sale There Monday. Dy P. Q. Foy. (Special Pond Kxprrt Xetr York Ilvenluir Vprld.l The old historic Washington Mar ket will assist In bringing down the cost of living. Through the effort of The Evening World, consumers will be enabled to purchase fancy army roasting chickens and the welt known Martin brand of fancy stor ago eggs next Monday. Tho merchants In Washington Market have been subjected to heavy Increase In their rentals by the City Market Commissioner, but In ordsr to anslst The Kvonlng World In get ting theso reasonably priced food! In reach of tho averago consumer, havo agreed to distribute the army roast ers and fancy storage eggs at small margin of profit. Tho livening World bus mndo ar rangements with Ucorgo W. Mnrtln tc U ro. to furnish their fancy brand of storage eggs to President Minder of tho Washington Market Merchants' Association. It will bo remembered that Mr. Martin, through tho solici tation of Tho Kvenlng World, fur nished tha eggs that were distributed under tha direction of City Market Commissioner luy in tha rolling stoics, but Mr. Martin has refused to sell uny more eggi to tho rolllngatorea unlets hUi packing waa used exclu sively, .us ho explained: "I put my rupututlon behind thoao eggs which I personally supplied, but could not be cxpeotcd to have tny roputatlon used to sell any una else's eggs that I knew nothing about." August mix, who Is distributing tha army roasting chickens, promised to deliver 500 cases of fancy large birds on jionuay una Tuesday mornings. iTosiciuiu William Minder of tbs Washington Murkut -Merchants' Assa. clutioii expressed great satisfaction ut tho prospect of being In n position to nsslHt tho pcopln in getting cheut food and uguln warmly prulscd ths efforts of Tho Kvenlng World In Its ngnt ror tne consumers. WOMEN RAILROAD WORKERS ARE DECREASING STEADHY duly 82,294 Employed July 1 Against 99,709 at First of Year. WASHINGTON. Oct. 4.-The number of women employed by railroads In heavy work while the war was on and when men could not bo ohlalrwd Is being reduced steadily, Director Oeneral Hints announced to-day, "Women employees In all occupations on federal controlled roads July I were 4.0 per rent, fewer than on April 1. but thoae working In round houtea had been reduced 23. per cent, and In shop work IS per cent. The total number of women working on railroads July 1 was 112.20 1, most ot them In clerical positions, as compared with S8.613 April 1 and 99.709 at the be ginning of the rar. There wns an In crease from thrve to 19 in tha number of women employed as bridge and lock tenuers, trom iu, in tun employed St warchouies and docks and a decrease tn all other claises. POWHATTAN DRINOS 1,132 CASUALS AND STOWAWAY First Transport Here That Was Not Met With Band. Thero was no band on the Ilobokan pier this morning to greet the 1,233 casuals from Prance on the transport Powhatan, Tho latter Is the first troopililp to arrive which has not been met bay a band of music. An army officer on the pier said that he sup posed the musical greeting had been discontinued because of the Irregular manner In which the troopships wero coming homo. On board was atr eleven-year-old Tclgtan stowaway, who smuggled him self aboard at Ilrcst In a U. S. Infantry uniform. He was discovered the sec ond day out. Transport officials refuaud to disclose hla Identity. Former Lieut, (len. Nelaon A. Miles was at tho pier to meet hla son-in-law. Col. Samuel Heber. who was with thn Oenernl Staff In Franca. The Oeneral waa accompanied by his daughter, Col. Itebor'a wlte. WOMAN ARRESTED IN AUTO HAD REVOLVER, IS CHARGE Police Find a Pistol and Three Knives in Pink Braided Dag. Mrs, Magnolia Spencer, tnenty-flva years old, of No. MS Gold Street, Drooklyn, was held In 1500 ball by Mag istrate Walih In the Adams Street Court to-day, on the charge of vlolat-y Ing the Sullivan law. The woman was nrrrated while In an automobile with five men at De Katf Avmue and Fort Orecn Park, Drooklyn. In n pink bended bag. the police say. they found a fully loaded revolver and three claap knives. The five, men wera held for the Manhattan police. fS.ono Pnrr for Merrier nt gyraenar. N. Y. Oct, 4 Presen tation to Cardinal Merclor of a purse of 15,000. to be turned over by hint to tho tund for rebuilding the univer sities of hla country, particularly tha T?ntvrrr.!t. nf !.iivn!n Ti-nS-K?- no niuuti ujr pytucuin vnu uaunuaiinia Counties when he visits here on OH. .auvural songs, including tho lltiigtau ua- Pence Treaty. Tho convention was ac 1 tlonaj anthem. cepted as it stood, without reservations, 1 .. i.Aneittaii ml, i . VeafaaWsjt).,