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SiJi.- ' :jt , , ...,,,, ,. i ' v;r, , , , y '- 'T. , , u i i I339333sXv max MONDAY, MARCH Fables for the Fair The Fable of Frocks Moral: You Can't Dress to Please Everybody, So You'd Better Please By Marguerite Moocra Marshall. CotrrtUV. 1IW. br Tt ritM 1-BbUihlBf Co. (Tb New Tor? Errata World). ClOTHBS As Anatolo France has told us. We're Invented by a young lady Penguin, Who wanted to be chased by tho world, Uio flesh and tho Devil AztfX was , Nowadays, tho persons who tako tho most panslonato Interest In clothes Are tho Publicity Loving Parson ond tho Censorious Clubwoman. Tliere once was a Nlco Girt who took this precious pair seriously. "Back to Eve,"' slio said, "Shall bo no slogan of mine: o man shall havo tho white purity of his thought disturbed spinal column Or tibia." First, she put on lone skirts. It sho lifted them, In wet weather, or "Fie, He, flol" said tho Publicity Clubwoman. ra. glimpse 01 a hitherto hidden young man Into tho Downward Path!" Borne low minded person Bad told the Nlco airl the story of the London busman And his "lees Is ,no treat to mot" Bhfc deduced If her skirts were always lifted that Is, If she woro 'em short. Her ankles would bo nolther an excitement nor an Incitement To white souled youths. But merely a Matter of Course. Wo she deleted her dress from the bottom And was promptly called a brazen huzzy by her -critics, who argued That If a peep at an ankle 'Is demoralizing , A full front, back and both sides view of It la DEVASTATING. Too Nlco Qlrl tried to find a perfectly pure, tnllltantly moral shirtwaist. But tho V of a V neck blouse, according to clergyman and clubwoman, Stands for "Vice," A, round or equaro node has been known to mako a bookkeeper mix up his doublo ontrles. And tho short sleeve, that reveals tho seductive elbow, lias driven .Impresslonablo males to drink or Worse! Ik was when she wore an evening gown, howovor, T&mX tho Nice Qlrl found she had utterly underestimated the vocabularies and Imaginations of the Defenders of Innocence. ' Between tho pauses of the tirade against "moral menaces," Indecent exposures" and "naked women," ET&rytsked plaintively what SHOULD be tho line of low visibility In an renins frock, Which wero her moral and which her immoral vertebrae. Where did "skin" leavo off and "sin" begin? Not A chaste censor scemod to know! Bo-it was that tho Nlco Qlrl reached her Great Decision: iMcra is juhi one lunuoav one Vigilantes of Vice. That Is my shroud and I don't Intend to put it on just yet Henceforth, I shall dress as I choose, and if any young man Is too weak to stand it , ' Let him FALL, or wear blind era. or go to Turkey Whero, as everybody knows, men's morals are PIIOT13CTJ3D By, veils!" New and Origiral f For Smar Fashion Designs W6men By Mildred (OotUM. br tho tnm FuUldjAf Co. (TUo Nrw Tort Errnlm World.) Dignity Is Naively Attained in This Spring Model TUB figured fou lards which ap pear every spring In tho shops have a fascinating charm, and frocks composed en tirely of them are pretty, but an unusual method of employing them Is suggested in the design of to-day's sketch. Jtarely Is dig nity and youthfulncss combined so naively as in this attractlvo mod el. And It Incorporates nlso one of the newest style notes of spring, wnlob is the open front BogfcktiTO of tho eton, with flat-finished neck. The tines of the bodice which start this effect do not stop at tho waistline but continue down the skirt, straight and fearless to the end. These lines lend a sub stantial air that the matron will like, as she will also the pointed pieces which appear from under them, and lend such dash to the frock. The ostentatious button and eyelet winch fasten the point at the left sldo sug ' i.'cets the double ser vice of holding the narrow sash belt. This Is brought to the back to tie in a bow and ends as the only relief of a plain back sur face. The material of the frock In dark blue might be a heavy satin or a ellk and woollen mixture of light vrelght or a light weight serge, while the foulard, matching the color of tho frock, could bo figured In brick red, dull blufc or tan. The effect would be delightful!" Individual and pleasing. If a summer frock wore du ulred, however, this design could be In terpreted with such fabrics as linen, pereale or voile. With percale, which rr 11 ' i-x-l cocoa Tcc--Qog1j-' vx-rvAS;mtttwi-T im- ooc 1 " -- - 1- WP! PSOT Jfl I. MONDAY, MARCH i, 1920 ,. Yourself. the wind lifted them for her, Loving Parson and tho Censorious anklo Is enough to soio, -in which I should suit all Lode wick 8ATIN AND FOULARD EFFECTIVELY UNITED comes In gny and protty colors and designs, tho plain fulirio would be employed us tho front panel and slcovo puffs, In the form of white batiste. This would bo as smart as any one could wish a summer frock to be. lit. I 1 s courtUM. ltio. or no rrm rutaiiWM to. (It Mm Yolk Sionlm World.) 1. What Is the system called by which blind people, read with their tlngorsT !. Who is tho national saint of Franco? 3. What Li the nationality of the world's choaa champion T 4. What will be tho number of the Woman Suffrogo amendment to the Constitution when it becomes effective T 5. Who asked for the bead of St. JohnT & Which port Is next to Now York in Ota amount of shipping handled? 7. What are the timbers called which support tho root of a frame house? 8. In what religion did the Systran of castes originate? 9. What gas Is used In tho buH) of a late form of Incandescent lamp? 10. what Is the chemical name for vitriol? 11. Of what country la the vicuna native? 12. Wbnt cereal Is grown tn water? ANSWERS TO SATURDAY'S QUESTIONS. 1, Morse; 2. Buckingham Palace: S, Hlllqultj 4. Venus; 5, British Guiana; 6, stethoscope; T, Juno; 8. 8t- Paul; . xobrni 10, Phldlaa; II. Antwerp; B.TNT. Newest Notes' in Fields off Science ' Bo tli at meals served In hotel bed rooms can be kept warm an inventor has designed a wheeled table, under tho top of which are asbestos In sulutcd compartments to carry the rooa. According to a German engineer detects in aluminum woius can bo ae tcctcd by Immersing tho Joints In water, cupdics or hydrogen anpoar Ing after forty-eight hours If the welds bo defective. Four sheet Iron drums that are covered with Iron ribs and revolve Bldowlse to prevent skidding do tho propelling for a Michigan Inventor's motor tractor for use on lee and now. mr dimmer, r fflv f i cany brk. Yggygs ) Of rr lis Ready MJj leave toe WilH ( $uJj TaANK) ' (. ( John ) Phoneiah rftrvTAy without ) hTi d ( V TRYING To 7fHAf EATlMCf J LlM w . J oer a IXJM y--- by my if I . IV WWW push a sugcoptlblo V Y m vv-v I j k I iU K-W J lu-h iip, uy-H h-TTl I No use ) ftps. No must )l HpH Tihe7oEAt C N ) (7 JbHM -C I HAVEM'T AfAt Pft.ETT WBEVou'LL V -- ' ) CroT TWAT Soon IF DOM'T Ar lr To NCfHT. tho III J v . . . Her TLia-t- l f .-SV, . 1 ( . j Nyn&bK ,j . : 1 1 1 111 I V h"S I The Disloyal Friend The Laws Are Not Strong Enough for the Punishment of the Lntrue Friend. Du Sophie Irene Loeb. CoOTrirtit. 1110, br Tt FreM lUMUMiw Co. (The New I oik BTenlnf World.) , A SOftllOWKUIi husband write. me a story that Is not un commonabout the man whom he Introduced Into his homo. This man loves his wife and two children very dearly, and ho Is being sorely tried and grieved. The worst of It Is that lie feela that ha baa bean undermined, tn ttl AvM nf tils terloper. If tli ere Is anything that Is baee and despicable It Is the Individual who goes to tho home of his frlond. accepts his hospitality, and then en deavors to steal his finest treasure. In my opinion the laws are not strong enough for tho punishment of such a one. As I have carefully read the story written to mo by this husband, I be lieve the Infatuation Is temporary. and that tho woman will come to her senses and reoognlte the seemingly sterling qualltle in this (husband and father, He does not quarrel with her or blame her he oven makes excusos and allowances for human frailty. Ho only eceka to win her book from herself and will gtndly torsive and forgot ovorythlne toward this end. Such duvotlon must begot some thing worth while in return. I am confident this woman will wake up in time, truly to measure the man she has ruarrlod, as does happen in many cases, and bnoouHo thla man is patient und big. But how often does the foolish woman fall for flattery and atten tion of some misunderstood martyr, wbo makes her think she is tho only ono who can understand him? In moot tnirtnnoos. If she really an deratood bUu, aba woukl m him as By teiii'iwwA,.co. Tti" New York En-nin WiW.) he is. First of all, she would reason ttiat tf he Is capable of coming Into hor homo and Getting himself to tho tank of winning his friend's wife, how ooon will It be until he' docs the samei thing ovor again? She would see the mako-up of the man this trait of Indifference to manttnoss and to the happiness of his friend. Of couth, on oocaolons, whero a marrtaffo has really been a mistake, the third person In the triangle has oome exense for his Interfering, but It la rare Indeed and readily seen. . Bat the man who comes Into the home where happiness dwells and deliberately attempts to destroy It Is tho moot dotostablo of human crea tures. The pathetic thing' about it is that the woman who Is thus fooled by eruoh a one ibeoomcs the greatest sufferer later on and pays dearly for her folly. TWO MINUTES OF OPTIMISM By Herman J. Stich OdistUM. 1IM. br Tlx Tmt PuUlihlnf Oo. (The New Tort EthiIm Wort.) Going to Eat Sawdust. MUTUALITY Is tho ground work of orrery business that lasts. Permanent success can only bo built upon reciprocal service. In the vory nature of things, both Dortles to u tnanaootioa must bo equally benefited. Long ago it was realized that we must mako money from our friends for our enemlea will not deal with us. And tho concern that doos not make a friend when U makes u sale cannot long endure. Our biggest business men regard 'themselves aa publlo BEHVANTS. They aim to please even the smallest purchaser, to make him fel that bis Maurice Ketten I know just such a caso the hus band was most loving and kind and did everything he could for bis wife's liappmcss. Ho was quiet and modest and trustful. He had tho greatest respect nnd reverence for his "ife's partner, and there was no jealousy In his make-up. They also had two lovely children. Another man came along, a friend of the husband. At first this woman Just thought she was enjoying tho thrill of hJs admiring glances und significant words, but later the in fatuation grow and tho whole matter ended In tho divorce court. Now that was not at all what tho third anglo of this triangle wanted The same tendency that prompted his going Into the home of his friend and drawing the wife away wna the same that made Mm fickle aftarwurd. and ho did not marry this woman. As a .'onsequenoo she loot tooth her huafrmd and children. In this particular case there is still a hopo of reconciliation, because the woman has learned that the father of her children really has her heart. Hut the years that ho has wasted und lost can never be regained. Bowaro of the friend who is oo friendly with huaband or wife. II a or she knows what they are doing you don't. Interests ore thoroughly safeguarded, to mako him feel at home, to make him feel that the faith between seller and buyer is being kept. When consumers leave on estab lishment and are overcome by an Irresistible longing to swear a blue streak every time they think of the proprietor, Ills employees and tho generally discourteous treatmont re ceived, the twilight of that establish ment has dawned. For bettor days are due. Normal times are coming. Competition will noon again compel bidding for pop ular patronugc. And then a good many of the Ignorant, greedy, gsusp Ing, gouging profiteers who didn't know which skle their broad was but tered on ore. going to eat sawdust. Maior 's Span king Machine A Substitute for Jail For Youthful Offenders Arthur C. Whitaker, Mayor of Bridgeton, N. J., Created a Police "Spankipg Squad" Sevens Year Ago Those Who Have Been "Through the Machine" Have a Humble Spirit. Thcro Is a small lawn In New Jer sey where the children of the 16.000 inhabitants have learned to respect tho mandates of the Mayor. Tho town Is Bridgeton. Arthur C Whitaker Is Mayor, and seven years ago ho put into operation a "spanking machine," Slnco Its Inception more than 100 boya and several girls havo felt tho sting of its well directed stinger. But one lad has ever como back for more. One "boy" who was recently spanked confessed ho was twenty-three years old. He felt so ashamed after tho chastisement he im mediately left tofrn. No one has spen hide nor hair of him since. Tho exist ence of a spanking machlno was Here are two officers of Mayor up the machine. The picture in tno middle is Mayor Arthur . wmtaKor. After the chastisement, the officers call the attention of the culprit to a sign on the wall. It reads: "This hurts vncTiely known of In Bridgeton, nothi by parents, as well as their children, j but It is only lately that the true na- i ceiea tno idea or tho -spanRitu? ma ture of the machine which meted out rhino' as offering tho best solution punishment to Juvcnllo offenders oe- j iur uieir exiles, .no youimui orrena camo public. Mayor Whitaker. wnor is ever spanked without the full Is "a regular fellow." lias consented to consent of hla or her parents. Tho tell us about It. 'machine' Is 'cranked up' to fit tho "Now tho secret Is out. The flngrancy of the crime, '-.nuimr machine' consists of an "When a boy. commits some of- assortment of barrel staves selected , . n . ivirtlotilar victims nnat-1 . i inQ ilnvrn omy. i.vcr- uoy his trousers in tho old-rasnionwi aj before he starts througn u' - chine," which U well lubricated wrni ixlhnw crease. The spatiKings are all administered privately In a back THE EVENING WORLD OUIJA EDITOR ASKS Why Do Women Wear Straw j Hats In the Winter Time? ! Send you answer to The Kvenlng World Oulja, Editor. Here aire some anawera to tho Ouija Editor's question printed in Saturday's pe-pen. Will New York women follow the French styles and wear dresses to the knees? Mist Marlon H, No. XT West 67th Street When pulfltolty swking min isters and rtihld reformists cease their ohuntlngs. C. C No. 215 West 91t Street Not until women realize tho comfort of tho French etylefl will thoy adopt them. Miss C P, Brooklyn Aly oulja boturtl trtls mo women will don tho short gnrmenta when the pricos of dress materials po up. Mrs. J. C. C, No. 322 West 106th Street .Not until men wear blinders will Now York women adopt tho French short aklrtstyles. THE HOUSEWIFE'S SCRAPBOOK. It Is said a pinch of baklm; powder added to the water when washing fowl Improves the flavor an.l makes thorn more tender. One r.ool: flavors fowl by rubbing well with salt aud pepper mixed with ginger. Puncture holes In the cover of a tin can and on sweeping days uso It to sprinkle common salt ovor tho rugs and carpets. It wllf koep the dust from rising and brighten the carpot. It Is also a proventlvo against moths. You can silco hard-boiled eggs easily and perfectly If you dip tho knlfo in vory hot water and do not wtpo the water from tho knife bofoie using It. t- WVr. whltn nrintn nnmir nn I1,i When white spots appear on tho furnituro rub with a cloth dipped in camphor and they .will disappear. TRY THIS ON yjj jCVv YOUR j H room at the City Hall, and I makoTf ( j a policy never to mako publlo the names of the boya who aro spanked. "The 'spanking machlno' savors ln( nowise of tho old whipping post. It Is not an Implement of torture, but for beneficial chastisement of bad hoi's. I havo a red-blooded boy of my 'own. "I'm a friend of the boys," sold the .Mayor, "and when we spank thorn we try to make them nee that It Is fc- their own good. When I went Into office seven years ago I de cided that no Bridgeton boy should bo railroaded through to tho county Jail or reformatory for some petty offense If I could help t So when Whltaker's "Spanking Squad" cranking us more than it does you." the boys wore brought before me jj ior petty crimes and thefts, i con- fenso that gets him Into the hands of um iwnce. no is urougni ooiore me. nnd If tho offense warrants It I en tenco him to the 'spanking machine.' I have nothing to do with the ad ministering of the spanking. Tho police do that. After going through tho machine, tho boy Is brought back to my office. Ho usually has tears in his eyes and is In a humble spirit I talk to him and show him where he has done wrong and the effect of. I invite the boya to come back and tell me how they are getting along and to seek my advice Ih any of their troubles. At times I find as high as a dozen boys waiting hero at my ofllce In tho evening to talk to roe about their problems overy one of them u boy that I had previously sentenced to be spanked." Mayor Whitaker has used the "spanking machine" exclusively for Juvonllo offenders, with a s nglo ex ception, but he believes that if prop erly geared up It would be quite effective for wlfo beaters. "Yes, wo spank girls too. some times." admitted tha Mayor, "but we don't spank as many of them us we do boys." '"Tve had fathers come and ask me what kind of a machine is that 'you have to spank bad boys with?' " said the Mayor. "They thought It was somo contraption operated by a crank or something like that. If thr moraj effect should bo lost now that tho public knows Just what the 'machine' is, why, then, we will r g up a really, truly mechanical spanker to take the plnre of the barrel stave, and It will have some Jolt to it too, on tho spot whero It fetches up." Bridgeton Is a manufactures city of 16,000 population and has boya of about tho average type. Tho num ber of boys committed from here to tno reiorinatoncs, nowever, is crur prtslngly low. Tho cases of truancy aro also few, as tho "spanking ma ch ne" makes it unhealthy to play hookey, even In the spring when the llsh first begin to bite, although Mayor Whitaker takes such things Into consideration when having a boy punished. Citizens give Mayor Whlt aker's "spanking" tho credit for tho exceedingly low average of commitments to the reformatories and also for tho chocking of truancy. ADVERTISEMENT. "Pretty Hands for Hdusewivea lg a really simpl'1 matter," mid a pleasant youns mother. "i do toy own buklnu und hounework and wun all the baby's clothes. But In splflV " ln nums smy aniOOUl ana wmte j rllb tnem wlth Velogen tho housework Is over. Vologun to sold by druxxlsU at ifc. a tube. 4. ' 1 -. f -