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mm WW. it Tim ti i l EAlGHERS TOLDT TO QUIT UNIONS St Louis Board Forbids Organiza tion Under penalty of i Discharge. ' ETC XjOOIS, April IS. The Board ot XSoesiloa notified pobllo school teachers not only to refrain from Joining- the Csatrai Trades and Labor Union, hut lra that hlsh school teachers belonglns to the nnlon mutt withdraw from their afiWstlon with the American reiteration C Lolxr or lose their Jobs. Acres Slatti Strike Leader In J err OTlcaas. NEW ORLEANS, April 15. O. Bachcrt, the ninth leader of the strik ing switchmen for whom a warrant 2nd been Issued, has boon arrested by Vedoral authorities and later, with the eight arrested previously, was re leased on $1,000 bafl to await the action of tho urana Jury, which will meet to-morrow. Straits Again Ileada Peace Society. Oscar S. Straus was elected Presl . dent 0 the New York Pe&ca BoclntT at the annual myelin In the Hotl Astor yesterday, succeeding Andrew Caxncfrlc. Mr. Straus was first Presi dent of the society when It was founded. thirteen years ago. Tho meeting adopted resolutions canine upon tho President ana the Senate to accept and rauiy ine pence treaty. Han VFooaded in SHemldtr Befasea Information. VThtle harlnx his hair oat ta barber shop at No. 313 Areoue A, Alphonse Cavalleri, twenty-fonr. of No. 1)4 But lsui street, was snot inrousn mi rwm shoulder by an unidentified man. lie was taken to Betleme Hospital, where he refused to aire any Information re carding the shootlnr. vvnaai Vste. Supreme Ooort Justice John V. Xfc Atot Issued an order yesterday dectar- uie ltepuoncan vjourrcy v;onuniuca irom iry District, tho Bronx. can the Hlxth Asset had been elected at the recent Primary or a majority or one vote over William Wettlngfeld, Cowan receiving 16 and Wcttlnsrfeld 14 votes.- The contest was Bank of Eacland IlaUea DUetut Rate. LONDON, April 11 The rate of dlspount of the Dank of Ens-land was raised from ( to 7 per cent, to-day. Efficiency Eye-eaM increases yoar comfort and efficiency; Soft-Lite increase yoar eye-eat! pre-war price u. stNonn 20 Broadway 156 Fatten St USSMafiwnAv 609 W. lSUtSL 981 Prctpect Av. 0$ FUR STORAGE (COLDDKSTAIE) 1 ' 2 ABSOLUTE SECURITY" ALTERATIONS AT SUMMER PRICES 384- FIFTH AVENUE Between 35th andLi36th Sts PHONE E044 GREELEY lnc that Thomas Cowan, candidate for over a void ballot. Mil kUlsatfsalaW W m HI franklin Simon &Go. y Fifth Avenue, 37th and 38th Streets The Characteristics of a French Gown in C4 TAFFETA FRO CK For MISSES - '68.00 Twin to d Paris impart that was priced 165.00, sister to frocks no more charming now seen on the Avenue at double its modest prica T is unusual to find the &own of one's wishes at the price of one's hopes. Yet 'here it is an afternoon frock, a matinee frock, for the fcay little affairs of this briftht season. The excellent quality tafieta is shirred into a basque bodice, and fashioned outstanding over the hips, puffy and bouffant Iris Vleli cately softened with an apron tunic and bib collar of antique patterned filet lace. It is hard to speak well enough of a drejs that speaks so well for itself. Sizes 14 to 20 years. Mm mm Less Than a Nickel Week This is all that Swift & Com pany's profit cost the average American family in 1919. Here are the figures and author ' ities for them. The average consumption of meat per person for a year is about 180 pounds (U. S. Government). The average American family is 4'j persons (U. S. Census). Swift & Company's profit from all sources in 1919 averaged less than V4 cent per pound on all products including meat This averages for the family leu than the price of 1 cigar per week for father, or 1 street car fare per week for mother, or 1 package of gum per week for the children. The complex service which we furnish the public is efficient and economical. The cost to the public in the shape of profit is too small to be noticeable in the family meat bilL Swift & Company, U. S. A. Skvsnusn Wholesale Distributing Msikata in Grtster Nw York Csntral Office. 32 Tenth O. J. Edwards, District Manager P 1 NorthWestCornerSixthAve&-Str. Beautiful Home Futnitute Need Not Be Expensive The proof it offered in these great savings in fine furniture; values that are truly remarkable at prices and on terms to meet every purse. "We Make Terms to Fit" m t r .l- Two-inch posts, heavy cross rods, Nam F.gure Tag. on Everything five heayyp fir,. fur feet Mofor Truth Deliveries Evtryuhat three feet wido; only jC? .98 .v . icu:i (milieu kjuniiii ui as illustrated, at theso beds, at Greenpoint Bed 16 ii ! tw esq I'1 ni .....iiialB 3 Black, Navy Bluer Brown B OTHER TAFFETA FROCKS for MISSES I j E 29.50 to 195.00 1 jJl MISSES' DRESS SHOP Second Floor ! j I TGE- j American Walnut Louis XVI. Period Suite 10 Pieces, consisting of BUFFET, CHINA CLOSET, SERVING TABLE and DINING TABLE, 48 in. wide, 6 ft. extension) C & (T F" .00 1 Arm (.hair and 5 aide (.hairs to match with genuine Leather Slip Seats; a illustrated, at 3-Piece Kroehler Kodav Suite Consisting of Duofold Sofa Bed, Arm Chair and Rocker in Mahogany or Golden Oak with fine imitation Spanish leather; settee $ d g .98 manes a runsizeti pea; wnen ciosca is lour i m i wiuoj this does not include mattress; as illustrated, at OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 119 A1US SfcXMpytifo AltractTeni Are Meet QnmSrf Serrka II ff IB V MM II IS W IM Herald &aure 'dvay.MthteJSthSt. OF INTEREST Of course, our luggage sales are of interest, but there is relatively just as much value represented in our regular offerings at lowest-in-the-city prices. I LtKHK DrpU. firth slew. 34th Street. Bear ImOOrtt3.nt Hand or Nail Scrubs 3,000 Solid Wood Back Hand or Nail Scrubs in various Anii, 0l' mBni r n enn t , kinds of wood; assorted bristles s:t at different angles. Another bhipment Of 2,500 Dozens gome have handles, others have pcrloratcd backs. Every jflfiflXESraJ Peroxide brush a good value. Hardwater Soap , Spcdal 39c iT The standard Na'u Scrubs made by Kent of England may at the Special price Of also-be had here at reasonable prices. 69c per dozen cakes I . . MUitary Hair rushes r 325 pairs of Solid Cotobola Wood Back Military Hair pqeked in dozens only Brushes, with all-penetrating, bristles. Made in accordance with our own lormula, which produces . fco I o on7 a soap that is as good as the $2.00 brand. Special vp,r o - pair CMrs Drag Depart meat, Hals FUer. near. Silks Specially Priced All Silk Crepe de Chine $2.49 yd. Lowest verified price elsewhere $3.25' Excellent quality and weight. Full assortment of light and dark colors, and black. 40 inches wide. Colored Dress Taffeta $2.89 yd. Our usual price $3.49 and $3.79 yard Superior quality in navy blue, brown, Belgian, tan, gray, light. and dark changeable combinations. 36 incites. Silk Tricolettc $3.49 yd. Our usual price up to $6.49 yd. Good quality; light and dark colors and black. 36 inches wide. Black Charmeuse de Luxe $3.79 yd. Our usual price $4.49 Superior quality, lustrous. 40 inches wide. On Sale To-Morrow JSWTS Srmnl lloor. Sikli Mrret. Women's Extra Size Coats $39.7 Size3 42K to 52H A special opportunity to purchase coats for the full figure at an unusually low price. There are four styles in slender giving lines made of fine men's wear serge, herringbone and cheviots. Some are full lined, others lined to the hips with fancy col ored silk. Colors navy, black, wood brown and Oxford. Women's Capes and Wraps $23.74 to $48.75 Ten different styles in this range of prices. All are of high grade serges or tricotines. There are accordion pleated wraps with large cape collars, trimmed with stitching. Sizes 34 to 44. On Silt To-Morrou) fio Thld riour. llllli Mrcct, Kint. 500 More Tailored Hats For Little Miss 7 to 14 Similar to those we offered yesterday. $1.98 The sale was a distinct success. Mothers appreciated the quality of the hats and little girls were capti vated with the becoming shapes. Fine quality China Milan and rough straws white, black, navy and combinqtions trimmed with ribbon bands and streamers. Formerly sold for $2.84 to $3.96 each . Oscjrs Mrrgnd Floor, Ctntr. More New Trimmed Hats Special, $5.49 Outclass all trimmed hats similarly priced else where. Large dress hats, with Milan hemp crowns and brims ot Georgette, with long ostrich leather across the. front. Medium sized hats in oft-the-tace models, with entire tlower Ironts in all the new colors. Georgette hats with llower wreaths. Smart turbans in youthful styles. All the hols in this collection are in the newest colors. On Sale To-Morrow Onen Second lloor, 34th Mtrrrt, front 125 Pieces of LongCloth 10 Yards in Each Piece $2.59 Oxidized Bag Frames Specially priced at 84C IncludinB tax. Regularly priced at 99c Each 36 inches wide; soft finish, medium weight for women's and children's undergarments. On Sale To-Morrow AMTS Mecond Floor, Centre. Dress Ginghams 44C yard The charming plaids, checks and stripes of this good service able gingham will suggest many ways of making summer frocks both for you and for the children.' There arc many fresh and attractive colors; 31 inches wide. On Sale To-Morrow I Beooad Floor, Center These good-looking frames are fashioned iri four attractive" de signs and shapes. The ones illustrated are typical of the assort ment, well made, well wearing and easily made up with a bit of silk into smart hand bags. " They measure about five and one-half inches wide. On Sa'e To-Morrow Cr Main Hoof 31th Htrert Ilrmr liiilllll STORE HOURS 0 TO S.30 .