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7 THE EVENING WORLD, H TfrR S D A?, f MAY 8,:i020. if r Gintlcls Phone Number Pcnnstftania The New York Society for the 'Prevention of Cruelty to' Children Necds'Mcmhers Last ytT 8,862 chlidrwi were rescued and sheltered 1n the Society's own building. Alvin W. Krech, Treasurer, 297 Fourth Av. Gimbel Brothers 32nd STREET -BROADWAY-33rd STREET NEW YORK CITY . ; Hoover Electric Vacuum Cleaner " leal:, (ti ll sweeps, as it cleans." Thoroughly Demonstrated Daily by Experts.,, Sold on a Convenient Payment Plan. (JIMUELS New Kind of llousefurnishing Store. Fifth' iWr - - -Siofe ' 9:09 to 5:31) Events Advertised- on aturday 9 ' Itis Page Are for. Friday aid Se i . i n . n r - - is I r i to t Supreme! Fourth inual May Millinery Festival Supreme in stylethe sketches show it Su preme ' in quality the hats show it! Supreme in value Why naturally It's a Gimbel Event in Summer Hats tgr Summer Wear! Smart Leghorn Tailored Hat Imported Leghorn in natural tolorinjr with edge of white Kiilan Hemp straw. White band und bow caught thru Milan ring. $9.75 . . , Permit Straw , Ready-totWfear Hat JBIeacbcd' .Pcanlt .Straw faced ttit Milan Htmn. In nnntpl shrdes. White ribbon bond end bow. Tailored Hat . . for Summer Wear . Fashioned of rough straw; hand-plaited; large sailor tliapc; band and bow trimmed; nil new sweater shades. $3.95 Batavia-faccd Milan Hemp Dress Shape Off-the-face style; Milan Hemp straw faced with plaited Da ta via a new combination. Black and Navy. $9.00 Organdie New i, Summer-wear Hat Daintv white organdie with oastel tinted figures, charm' ingly trimmed with gay col ored orgtnme bow. $5.00 Embroidered Trkolette Hat Draped crown: Milan HemD facing. White, White and Jade, White and Navy. White and Black. (Without veil.)-$0.95 GIMBELS TMrd Floor Women's Spring Dresses--to Go " at Reductions $15.00 $19,75 $25.00 $29.50 These four price groups all greatly lower than the original prices and greatly lower than they would be if we had to . .purchase these dresses today. "Beaded Georgettes Taffetas Serges Printed Georgettes Satins Jerseys Combinations Not all these fabrics at each price but several smart materials at every price. Blues, browns, tans for the most part. GIMBELS WOMEN'S DRESS SALdN Third Floor Only a few of a kind but that merely means a greater variety, to select from. Most of them are street frocks; a few are delicately colored dance., frocks; All are smart ISM U0.JS ssss G1t3 o Blouses ncwette $3.95 to $10.75 So Very Becoming! In Such Varieties! Ik Correct Chauffeu is as important as the correct car. And his uniform must beidesigned well, cut well, tailored welL A specially good outfit, made of grey whipcord, is most moderately marked. $100 for a Spring Suit (coat and trousers) and a Spring Topcoat Both, absolutely correct in idea and detail. .And splendidly finished. GIMBELS MEN'S CLOTHING SHOP Fourth Floor SALE! 350 Women's Serge Capes and Dolmans, $3.95 a simple little flesh colored blouse with short sleeves and little tabs that simulate .i pockets. ; $5.00 drop-stitch tricq colette' basque blouse ir. pink, tan, lavender, . , American beauty, tiavy, black,, white. pictured. $6i95 a. button-at-the-hip basque with simple and becoming lines. lAvail- able in rose and-, flesh. ..Pictured., $8.95 -a flesh colored over blouBO with black rib-, bon embroidery at its shapely neck. Short sleeves. $10.75 an unusual tie-back overblouse with a cord girdle. ,In light blue, bisque; black, white. Pictured. . GIMBELS BLOUSE SALON Tfilrd Floor Real Filet and Irish Laces Very Sharply Reduced 'Firte Baby Irish, edging ginc Filet Laces, edgings ana' insertions; widths to t ana insertions; very lovely inches, Z5c to, $14.00 yd. patterns, 45c to $6.50 yd. GIMBELS LACE SHOP Main Floor Look! Oniy $9.45 for a Smart Red Racing Auto The very auto that's bringing the good ole smile to Buddy's good ole face. Special for Boys' Week of course and he'd have to be avery special boy Indeed who wouldn't have the time of his life with it! ' The swanky red racer, we mean! Columbia Boycyclcs Too, every fellow's first choice for a Joy ride. Boy-Week Special, $17.50 And Yea A Zippy I'arla coaster wagon It Just had to reduce itself to celebrate Boy Week. Somo'celcbra tionl .$6.50 Old Boy Weeh I a Wonderful Time in the Gimbel Toy Shop! GIMBELS TOY SHOP Fourth Floor Hi ole Carike File came in a little ahead of time. We still had great quantities on hand. So, in order to make ample room for the new arrivals and in order to stimulate interest in our Office Furniture Store, we have, GREATLY REDUCED 25 mahogany finiuh, f o u r drawer letter files down to $25.75 18 oak and mahogany letter files with four roller bear i n g drawers down to $33.75 and legal size, $39.25 50 steel trans fer files (so val uable for' stor i n g papers.) With follow-up blocks. Each $6.50 200 Odd Office Chairs (in mahogany and oak) Very Greatly Reduced to $5.00 to $102.00 $23.50 Rather an unheard-of price for a wool serge cape or dolman -and especially when. Every Oneis Silk Lined Through , outufd . Navy, filueV- -v V;.;? ' J.ust the two styles pic tured but every one is well made and modish. Really phenomenal 'values in this day and generation and they would have been remarkable some' time ago, too. Nine o'clock's the Time to Come! -No-Approvals. No.C. O. D.'s. No Exchanges, . GIMBELS WOMEN'S COAT SALON Third Floor Telephone Tables Reduced, too These very convenient phone tables that hayo their own little stools. In light or fumed oak. 45 of them now at $9.00 to $20.00 Bookcases In This Sale Sectional boottcascs that look so business-like in your office and keen vour books dean. Fumed oak. artcraft. mahogany. Now $29.00 to $134.00 GIMBELS OFFICE FUItNITUItE SHOP Seventh Floor May White Sale of HANDKERCHIEFS A Belter Value; Lower Price Sale Dainty little 'kerchiefs and big white ones of masculine gender. , PURE IRISH LINEN Sheer and delicate, adorned-with initial and floral wreath. Box of six, $2.00 Sheer linen, hemstitched, with dainty embroidered corner. $3.00 a dozen Fine quality sheer linen, with daintily embroidered corner. 35c each; Box of six, $2.00 For Men: Excellent quality, ini tialed in white or colors. Box of six, $3.90 r Fine Quality Cotton Women's very sheer mull, prettily initialed in white or colors. Box of six, 75c Men's fine strong handkerchiefs with fancy block letters. Box of six, $1.95 Boys' a medium size, with neat block initials. Brother's own no moro confusion with daddy's. Box of six, $1.00 GIMBELS HANDKERCHIEF SHOP Main Floor ' I ' 1 Final Eedectrois on Misses' Frocks Sits Styled Correctly : Fabricked Smartly : Priced at Cost to Us Misses? Suits Misses' Dresses Sport C o a t s Children's Coats Children's Frocks Sizes 14 to 20' Men's Wear Serges, Tric otines, Poiret Twills; Navy Blue. " : Final Reduction Price $35 Sizes 14 to 20 Taffetas, Serges, Tricol ettes, Georgettes; colors of the hour1. Final Reduction Price Sizes 14 to 20 Jerseys, Velours, Home spuns, Tweeds; very smart of line. Final Reduction , Knee Tiiiwo Sizes 8 to 16 S e r g e 8 , Silvertones, Burellas, Mixtures;' Navy, Copfen, Rose, Tan. Final Reduction Pried $15 Sizes 10 to 16 Taffetas, Foulards, Plaid Silks; Combinations of Silk and Georgette. Final Reduction Price ffSftil O fffiv at ix ii ii GIMBELS MISSES' FASIHON SALON Third Floor Supreme! The wreate ale Wh Tremendous stock s Tremendous savings Every needful in white at Cost or Close to Cost That's a- Sale for .You That's Service That's GimbeU! Coatee Model Voile Negligee Colonial cross-bar voile, white ground dotted by pink, blue or lavender posies. $4.50 Oihtt Ntttittts$JSSbt!.9S Egyptian Satinc Petticoat Lustrous flesh-pink cotton material; flounce tucked, frill ed, hemstitched. $3.95 Other Petticoats, $1.95 to $12.75 Dainty Lawn Brctelle Apron Dotted Swiss, too; strap and bib models; embroidery or hemstitched trimmed. $1.00 O&tr Aprons. 7Sc to $195 Very Charming Voile Gown Lovely marquisette voile, Du chesse patterned lace top. Can be matched with chemise.$3.00 Gown, $5.00 Other Gowns, $1.00 to $65 Colorful Voilo Envelope Chemise Pastel-tinted enveloptchemises pink, orchid are m dainty and so special. $2.00 Other Chem!se8,$1.00 to$23.85 Ftesh.calor Seco Silk Bloomers Seco silk is cotton and silk combined. Pin dotted, $2.25 Other Very Good Bloomers, $1.00 to $3.95 GIMBELS Second Floor Brooklyn, Long Island and New Jersey Cuetomere Direct to Ginlbels via Tubes and Subway a .... i J i . . . A. agriSiaBB55ML- wminw w ' wtinn hiiIiVimimhi nSaa m at'i iraMJWMMtiMiyM'EMMW - ---- m' t ....