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r IK' r 11 5 E EVENING u r i,', r.. 1 WORLD, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1980. ' CUMMiNGS FLAYS , g. o. p: heads as FOES QE PROGRESS "Americans Paying Staggering Penalty, for Electing Re publican Congress." NHW HA.VEHV May 6. President Wilson and tbo picti treaty were vl orotrMy defended last nl(?ht by Dem ocratlo National Committee ChMnnan Homer 8. dimming, ivfto mado Use licynoto speech at the 8tate Conven tion which to.tlay wUl olect toar tcon delegates to Ban Franclaoo. Clialrmtu Cummlnm contrasted the elfirht year of Democratic accompllsb mont nrhloh have followed sixteen year of what be termed Republican failure. Tho (State Central Cammlttoo voted to recommend, to tho Rosolutlons r!nmmlllln to.riav that tho Con- nootlout daJccxvUon of fourteen bo, unlntJcteU, out uiat n act a a unit. This in understood to bo a compromise on the part of Palmer backers. Liquor will I avoided as on Ismie In tho titato platform nnd tlio Idea of sending any woman to Ban Fran cisco oh delegate or nlternato scorns to have been abandoned. Chairman Cummlnga sold In part after cnumoratlnit some constructive lertalaUqn during. Dcmocratlo control before the war: "Only a progressive and forseelnjc leader-Ship could have brought Amer ica to her present placo of honor and penror, aad yet tbo vory men wfco have stood is the way of all these measures of progress are tho on who are now criticising tho conduct of tho war and tho actlvltios of the American President. The gentlomen who arc now leading the Republican Party, criticising tho President of tho United States and warning the pco pis against tho Leaguo of' Nations, ro the bad advisers of old. Whoso counsel led to trouble and whoa ad vice had to be discarded before Amer ica could make progress. "Was it not Senator Lodga who pro claimed In the. Senate that the Fed eral Reserve System was foredoomed f,"Was Unot this, same group of lead ers who wcro responsible for the op position to tho Income tax, the Farm loan System and tho Agricultural and Labor Bills? Theao oro the name bad advisers, who, hopeful that Amcr- k.a .A.pmiitM thaft h.arl advice. are now Hindering- their suggestions s t a tho future. The American peop'o have paid and are crttil paying n staggering ptmalty tor tho election of n its poMicaa Hotiso- and -Senate- in -No- nmh, 101S Hlnra tjiat tlmA. all the processos of Government have been impaired ana tne worn 01 recousiruc tlon has been delayed. The develop- IUCU, M4'U tt IV1IUIWM w - business has been provented and the peace vl luo worm utu vnsu (wm- poned. "The Republican Party haw had Its -opportunity Htttl it ban fuMH Not only lias It thus far ' managed to tbrottlu tin- ir-aty of pmcr. lit af ter moro than a 'year of ilcrll dc bato It cannot record the passage of one single constructive measure. Tho Treut tasks which were to bo done have remained undone. There is no peace and there Is no recondtruc-tlon." i ultra sjntMmo tut-sfiiirfot.' JiON'rriXLKll, Vt. My 4.-rUr M. 11. tlillrgas. Stuto Commissioner of Uilil- tatlon, tinnounceu to-tlay the receipt of n glfi of ll'W.OOO mi anonymous' donor to be ued toward a central tea her training-, The sift Is con ditional upon a cum sufficient to anuro proper bulldlnc. ft botng secured. issa Autusrl rW.L.DOU0LA8N hPCOOINQ SHOES AT 8CVCN , TEARS or AOC ?.wi 2 NfTUN TCAH1 WHEN W. L. DOUGLAS WAS I o at Ml mi HT to south saiKTjmr MASS., TO Lf AHH MC Tff ADC or MHC SOOTMAKINO 11 ' HI WOlMb rOH AnOIL YHAVCS, A rAHOUS OOTMAKI S.FAOU WHOM MS THOKOUOHLV AST(tDTHCTftlDtor UAHINO UtlfS rlHt CALF BOOTS MAM MAMMCTURISa W.L JUtV ItTf Hi ITS SHAPE $9f & $1022 SHOES BOYS' SHOES $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 "THE Sj.oo $822 W. L. Doughs shoe are told in 107 of our own stores direct from factory to thfe wearer. All middlemen's profits are eliminated. W. L. Douglas $9.00 and $10-00 shoes ate absolutely the best shoo values for the money m this country. W.L. and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees the best shoes . Tsi a. 1 k I 1 sf a f in style, comtort ana service max caa oe proaucea ror mo pnee. Ctamnlne tie pries on everV pair of shoes as a nrotectl s To quality of W. t. DoocUs product is tuusn- . . . I . I A - . Af t . 1 I protecuomsgaiasi uiga prices ana unrsasooaota issa oy mors wan w years upeiienoa is msjung iflts Is only 40 example. 01 toe constant en- . nns snoes. xas man styles are me leaders in tse shoos. ontllA clianjsador w Ho Nanaa Btroet. 847 Uroadway, near lta. iel3t'2 Uroadway, eor.SathSt. 1405 Broadway (TtnieaSq4 08 Third Avenue. M53 Third Avenos. wU3f)a Third Avcor. MOthM. v a770 Third Avkt.H5nilM7tb3U. Out of the Wartime came A water white'fluid," in a brown bottle with a rubber cork. s ? A preparation that will do iih& Vork done by the contents of maJgbttles scattered about tne house. A product that will do this work quickly, efficiently, economically and, with PERFECT SAFETY. ! bMs. .iMn ,x thn incoms taJc. tho Farm W It mWi ' imi K-, GET TKK BOOKLET ' Wmi IACM BOTTtt ' ' MB nrnflt is dearor or W. ooagus to proioci en ronom- srs. W. L. Dongas earno on shom U nu pleat that they aro tho belt In materials, wotknunsblp and style poillbls to produce at too pries. Into every pair 'go the results of ilzty-Mrca' ysars experience In making shoes, dating back to the time when VT. X Douglas wss a lad of seven, pegging shoes. W. Ii. Dowlas shoes aro for sale fashion centers of America. They are made in a highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direc tion and supervision of experiincsd men, all working with an honest determination to imake the best shoes for the price that money can buy. The retail rices are the same ersiywbero. They cost no mors I San rranclsoo than they do in Hew York. by over t)000 shoe dealers beside our ovm stores. If vour local denier cannot supply you. take no other make. Order direct from tho factory. Bend for booklet tolUag how to order shoes by mail, postage free. CAUTIOMr-tnsIs upon havins W. JU DousUs I, ghf s T rr.ldrnl Tna nuns suia pno i piiruy Hsmpw ILtLrmJlii -l fl n t . 2r snuUtatatik , ff nreeksea, luu. L. DpKglas Stores In Greater New York: S47Elrhth Avesss. it 300 West I03th Street. BttOOKLYN. k 706 T roadway, near Thornton St. wlB87 Ilroadway.cor. Gates Avenue. 470 Mf th Avtnae, cor. 1 1th Street. 1r 85B Manhattan Avenue. it ev-tu tf eutoB aireev. Jfgft mark mlth m earr ttmpltjlt lines mf XVI i.. -iircrevcv ntTT-mRmruk Avenue. nOBOKEN 120 Washington Street. PMON niU-270 IlerjenUne Ave. NEWARK-831 Droad Street. ( TPATBRSON-lQ231arketatsorXlark TRBNTON-20 East 8tata Street. MILTON is Just M MUTON No other word describee itt MILTON Is a combined eertnldde, antiseptic, teriliser, deodorizer, stain-remover, bleach and mors,' yet dots not burn, stain, poison or leave an odor. MILTON is Just "MILTON." Get the Booklet with Kach Bottle. FOB PERSONAL HYGIENE. SAFETY. CLEANLINESS AND C0&3F0OT MILTON Is a wonderfully effective mouihwaal). It kills genns, strengthens re ceding gums, preserves .the teeth, and freshens tho mouth. MILTON in a gargle or nasal spray aids in ward ing off coughs and colds and affords prompt relief and comfort to sufferers from rose colds and hay fever. MILTON cleans out cuts and abrasionshygtenically, dcstrpysmicrobesandhelps nature heal promptly. MILTON aida in the pro tection of baby from disease-bearing germsjafforda a simple and effective method of sterilizing feed ing bottles and other food receptacles. MILTON kills bad smells promptly, its own odor vanishing almost immedi ately. MILTON removes stains from white linens or cot tons (even the most deli., cate) without the slightest injury to fabric (But MILTON is not for use on silks, woolens or dyed goods.) MILTON cleans porce lains and tiles perfectly, without injuring their pro tecting glaze. MILTON bleaches linens a snowy, lustrous white. Just use MILTON in your laundry next wash day, instead of blueing. MILTON IS SAFE IN ALL OF ITS MANY USES Don't have dangerous compounds in tho house. Via MILTON. It is not poisonous, not corrosive, not inflammable. Yst it U wonder fully efficient. An English chemist discovered MILTON during the war. All England, la enthusiastic about the many things it aoes. Test It yourself, for any of its uses. Order a bottle today, from YOUR DRUGGIST OR GROCER When your throat feels a bit sore, germs are getting in their work. Don't wait. Gargle with MILTON. It is a most effective germ- ALCXD &C0 inpHnnBnBBnranniiiisri mini ii imp assa " i" ' '"j ' " sssssssssjs 'IW f J VEistsiisTsilr Mn tr Our 20th Upstairs Monroe Clothes Shop lie finest all iiayngiit stiop in America will open Satuhlay. It occupies the entire building (upstairs) of the new Schultc Block at Fulton, Wllloughby and Pearl Streets, Itrooklyn. This is eusily the most accessible spot In all itrooklyn practically every surface car pawcj the building the Ilorruin l'lncc Klcvated Sta tion Is nt our door and the Subway Stations are directly opposite. iMr. Edward Oplti who bos managed our cither Brooklyn Monroe Shops will be In charge. Even Now "Reduction Sales" Can't Touch The Low Monroe "Clothes $40 Mark "$66 Values" nt "Reduction Sales" Cost You $48. Monroe Clothes at Are Better Suppose other merchants do cut their prices "plenty" per cent even then they don't touch the low tide Monroe Clothes prices. Take twenty per cent, off a $60 suit and the price is $48. Why, we've been selling all Spring in Monroe Clothes Upstairs Shops these self-same "$60 values" for $40! And Monroe suits are all wool, silk sewn and this season' 8 models ! For low price, style and downright quality, all three in one, you can't beat Monroe Clothes end more than 200,000 New York men know it. ' That's why they buy Monroe Clothes-ispring, summer, winter and fall. You don't have to read beyond the next three lines to see why we hold undisputed price advantage Monroe Clothes come to you direct from the, maker, via our low rent Upstairs Shops, from America 8 largest fJlothier, Than"$60Values", For Lower Than "Reduction Sales" Prides Buy. Monroe Clothes! MoriWe, Jr., Two Pants &uits, $13.50 to $25 MANHATTAN j 42nd Street, cor. Broadway 50E.42od " Madison Nassau " Frankfort 5 Cortlandt " roadway 14th St. opp. Academy of Music 34th Street, cor. Broadway 59th " at Col. Circle 125th " cor. 7th Ave. Chrystie Street at Canal BRONX Bergen Ave. at 149th Street. BROOKLYN Court and Montague Street 587 Fulton at Flat bush Newark 151 Market Street Jersey City Newark Av. & Bay Paterson 220 Main Street Yonkers Getty Squaro mjtt!!m Sj1mFfSj VSSSISSSMW How Thin Folks Can Put On Flesh Tf ran AJe weak, thin and emaciated and can't put on fleata er st ata-ens, no matter how much rou ett, so lo Kallih hi. it. Mm nnri act enoutrh Hlood-lron rhoepJiato for a three weekj' treatment and take It a directed. Jf at th end of three weeke you don't feul Mrongnr and better than yuu have -for monthe; It your res arou't hrlrhtor and your norvoj your vlrn lin't more than doubled, or If you i M v 1 " tay.there floeh. you can flave your money back for the anklus and lllood-Iron rhoa- phate win coai you num.". , IMPORTANT lllood'lrin I'hon ohatc is sold onfv I" orlplnoj poctoiyey, r .... I. am kM mm I u' coiiiainiriff ciKK .......... treatment at tl.S0 per package -only $1)0 a tarek. Arti'f ! D Drutfgiat T Box I TO-NIGHT- Tomorrow Alrisrht Use Cuticura To Keep Children's Skins Healthy If mothers would only use Cuticura Soap and Ointment (or every-day toilet and nunery purposes, how much Buffering might be avoided by preventing little akin and scalp troubles becoming serious, Cull cura Talcum is also excellent for little ones, it is delicately medicated and ex quiritely perfumed, SubSm riAkyU.U. Aritlmi "Catlnri LitoTatgrt.f.Dit MC4ltf.a U.ii Sotdtvtry wT-r So.p J&c Ointmciit'JSandMX' TalwZt. flSVCullcura Seep ihavee withoat nug. brooklyn'sBiggest 219. 221, 223, 22S, 227 Grand Street Cor. Drigfs Ave. Discount ail O Credit Purchases on Jlsw Accounts BROOKLYN Credit Uouse 164, 166, 168 and 170 Smith Street Cor. Wyckoff St. Buy Your Spring Clothing on Easy Terms Virtrnlna "' HrronJa t our Aeolian-V OCallOn n'' ,',fr"r.dat out VlCiromS lin ft, store. ,. ,!., .kZV. HmUh tiU Store. Sunday World Wants Work ;.i"r 'MoirJuy Morning Wqnders. All "Irfst and Found" nrtlelfS advertised In The World or reported! to "Ixt and round Ilureau," lloom 103 World Dulldlnr. will he llstrd Xor thirty dnys. These Hits can he seen at any of The World's Offlcsn. "Lost and Found" advertisements can bo leu at any of The World' Advertlslnc Asencles, or can be telephoned directly (o. The World. Call 4000 lleekman. New York., or Droohlyn OKIe, stpojlB. w w m 1. 1 II It Ml V jSw our nuiliv t.lbruo Tnlilf ut till urlrr. 18 .49 Baby Carriajjes JiiF s,y,cs l-.AIU.OU hi ITri on will (Imi n irn flue tll-pluy nf H itiitl tVlirt lHrlor Suit- htrr. Mnny N(ylf HuUIimI In nuiteitkln, vruulnr M-winer, iprir? Muur ana gu tllUF lilt Distil llhNr. Ill, vl iuuUi luahoirmi . fluUhrtl Mill- u It i .111(1 MUK s83-5-' Spring Clothi E: sy 1 e m3 )Ien unit -ouits: i MrtiV sulti., I KIIMis un. I.utllr' mid .Ml,.!.' -lilts. :!?uw u. !uh ultn. HUMS un, f tin . iiutl n ronlar. riMd In linr, rn.(,4 111, . ,wJJ lUack er Hluc ut ery rmwonuble' pikt.- ItONS VHiltf.!- ens ' mm ji . f LWgyTOBslMffi. "' -iriTfrnrrirMi