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( Kit' - .'S3 rvr -tr i 41 T IFE CONTRADICTS WOMEN'S VOTES WIN HOME WRONGS MAKE SUNDAY BASEBALL' GIRLS RUN AWAY 1 ftiiice uiarge Discrepancies i tm Qucation u whetnor or not l '1 a 1:1,: netamA w 11 mm STORY IN RUECKERT CASE Fair Sex Electioneers for Paslimc and Rockville Centre is for It 619 to 263.' Probation Society Secretary Tells of Neglect and Hidden Misunderstandings. Most of the 2.C04 young clrla who m .,, HirHt thftv'c'no unaer in care 01 1110 now iorx " V , , . ,in ' Probation and Protective AMoolatlon cast their ballots on tho correct aide durnK the year wcro dircovcrcU of a proposition," declared most of j,y lnu association before delinquent h. tnn., Tinrtviit Centre. It. I.. I tendencies or dansorous environment !.,.. . villain dnetlon bad been do- had brought thoin to tho point of re i 11 t 'uon uaQ BCt" uu I quiring court action, according to Alias Mauao is. Minor, tsecroiary 01 the association. in Alibi Offered by Prisoner. IWllllam Hohlagor, aomottmo sailor, tnetlmo strikebreaker, will toe ar- ijlgned before Recorder Caraten in Toboken to-morrow morning at 10 M Jclock charged with (having killed T Fritz Ernost Rucokert, vrno was mor tally shot In his Hoboken apartment ten days ago. scniajcr:) who. whereabouts tho llobofcon police are closely guarding, will probalbly bo brought 'Into court at tho aamo time, as the polloo edy that her story of hex husband's actions on the morn ing of tho murder do not correspond with tho accounts 7io has given. Jlrs. Schlasor Is at present em ployed oa a waitress In this city, In Hpector Klcly said, l)U ho would not say where. Ho added that she had refused to sco her hutfoand until ho had cleared himself of the charge uEulnst him. Schlager has not ' as yet ongagod counsel to defend Ihlm agalnt tfte dhargo of homlcldo that Inspector lvlely has lodged against him. One matter -which was occupying tho minds of tho Hoboken police to-day was whether Schlagor's wife could bo Induced to testify against him. She has told thorn, so they say, that 1 Bellinger camo homo at 3 o'clock tho morning of tho shooting In a highly axclted stato and a Xow hours lator went to a strike-breaking headquar- era and obtained a Job In Youngs 1 town, O., whither he wa sent later ilo1n tho day and subsequently discov ered by tho Hoboken police. Sohlagxsr maintains that he -was at homo at tho , llmo of tho attack on llueckert. Tho so-called mask 'which the as sailant of Itueckert Is said to have worn 'fashioned from the upper part of a sock or toclUn.B which was j found later In the dead man's apart ment, has boon sent by tho police to a stocking manufacturer together " with socks aud stockings taken from tho wash lines on the roof of the apartment at No. 1131 Washington Btreet, adjoining that In which Itueckert lived. The pollco theory is that tho assollant provided himself ;wlth a mask from the wanh-llno whilo ho was making other preparations for the cilmo on the roof of No. 1131. ' One of the tenants of the apart ment adjoining that In which llucc Kert was shot has fflven to the poltco u khaki handkeruhiof etnbroi'lored with the initials "K. O. C." which M'as found on tho roof of that house It was illcoveerd between the Sat urday night nn which Itueckert, ac companied by his valet Hothiui. went to the roof to learn the raune o fnolses there, anil tho Saturday ,a week later, when Itueckert was shot. The liandkerchlef wus Identified by otllccrs of tho Knights of Columbus, who said they gave thousands of Such handkerchiefs to soldiers anil sailors during the war. 1 - TO LOWER AUTO RECORD. t. S. Armr Speeder Hoie io Cat Time to Chicago D In an effort to ptlmulatu recruiting for the United States Army "Cannon Hall" Ilakor. holder of all world's records for automobile and motor cyclo road races against time, will' tho exception ; of the New York o Chicago run, accomplished in thirty three ihours In 1316. will attempt to reduce this latter reahnl when he starts from Tottcnvllle, S. I., to-day at 6 P. M. with an official message from Lieut Gen. Raltard, Commander of the eastern Department, to MrJot den. Wood, Commander of th rn division at Chicago. It Is expected linker will complete the run In twenty-four hours. He will be mot In ChieaRO by an army KMicort and will proceed Immediately to tho United Mates Army Recruiting Headquarters In that eltv. Vrederick Wagner, official starter inf all big races, It wnn said, will be t Tottenvlllo to start Bakor toward Chlcgo. BEATS WIFE WITH HAMMER. gplnnelll, Jenlmm, Jlien (ilvc Self , tp to Tollee. A middlo ased. well dressed man miKhed his way Into the otilce of C.'ipt Carey at rollco Headquarters laat niclit and announced that he hid Jnt r ten his wifu with a hammer. He .nil he was Uomlnlck Splnnclll, a tailor of No. 21S Lafayette Street and the father of ton children. He wanted to ha arrested. , Capt. Carey sent Lieut. Bushy to Investigate'. At the Lafayetto Street nddrcs.1 he found Mrs. Splumlll on the lloor witli deep cuts on tho heiul. Sin. was taken to St. Vincent's Ilosp.tul li. u serious condition. Splnnclll told Capt. Carey ho had been married for twenty-seven enrs nnd that he attacked his wife because he was Jealous of her. TELLsllF DEATH CAR RIDE. Walter I'lanapnu. chauffeur of Line Ieland City, who on Monday surro 1 dercd to District Attorney O'L'-uiy. was iast evening released in 5,n')0 ball. ll- had t n held for tx.1111lnut.011 to-utv in FhMliIng I'ftllce Court In tonneetiu.i with tlin automobllo accident Hunduy. May 3. when Helen TlrogMy, u Ninark waitress, was tiurned to death. l-'lilnucun slcncl a stnteinent if .wliluli In. said Jilm Dal. wtm wn 'ii' v nrr 1 ii. fur. t riiivii'ii rniL irom nn Jpr It wltli IiIh iliilh'H stiff '111J larieu 10 inn awur v utuikup imi 10 rolltd Duly on tin- until ii' Iro was out. then went buck l :oulc T Airs. iirtRi'.'y, nui eouia imi :ino Sunday baseball should be permitted. The result was! For tho gamo, 619; against, 263. Tho fair ballotors were strong on the "yes" side. When the question was broached recently church folk protested to the trustees, who decided on a refer endum. Some of the ball-players feared the feminine vote mlgh bj opposed to them. But women elec tioneered vigorously In favor of the national pastime, and It went through with a whoop. V A "bowl" of sixty-seven acres, once" Intended as a reservoir for Brooklyn, provides an Ideal placo for a dpioti or more ball fields. Germans Bend Uncle American Hatter. The American steamer South Polo which arrived hero to-day from Rotter dam. brwuht tmck 203 tons of Amerl can butter hbDcd to Germany by Armour & Oocmviny. On aooount of high prices, tho German consignees re fused to accept It 1 " "Dqhlnd tho "disappearances from homo lie hidden misunderstandings, quarrels, disappointments, unful- 'filled ambitions. A sixtcen-ycar-old Italian 1 una way asked with bitter resentment, 'Why should my mother beat 1110 with a strap Just becauso 1 do not stay In the house overy eve ning nnd embroider llko they any young girls do In Italy? Why uhouhl my brother beat mo It I do not como In early? Why should my mothor hit my sister and make her marry a man sho does not love?' "It Is not tho runaway girls who need protection, but those remaining at homo, neglected and mistreated, who Hvo In a vicious environment" SLASHED COATS IN DESERTED TAXI Bear No Blood Stains, but Are Identified as Clothing of Miss ing Bank Clerk. A deserted taxlcs.b containing a man's coat ind overcoat, each Knrniont slashed with a knife, wtis found this mornttur t t'te summit of tho palisades opposite ICOth Street. The police learned that the varments rty 01 nnd the caS ware the' prop: Nfttluui A. tlerllner. No. 302 West HJtL'i Street, cmntoypd ma ledger clerk In the Columbia IJsnk at 43d Street and Fifth Avenue, lie ttued tho cab on hMldays to' Increase his Income, lto has disappeared, And his wife bolleves he has met foul play. Tho police nre, puzilcd. They say the cuts In tho two coats eippoar to have been mwdo when the garments wore tmt delng worn. No blood stains wore (mind, nor any signs of a strufriite. At tho 'bank It was said that Herllner hid been a trusted employee, that his accounts are all right, and that (to has an untouched personal account there. FOUND DYING ON V STATION ( linuf feiir's NU11II Kraetnrrd, ant Three Men Are Arrelil. Alexander llaffy. No. 326 Crescent Street, Ixng Island City, chautftur, was- found unconsolous this morn Ins; on the top platform of the elevated station at the Quecnsboro IlrldKO I'lai a. lto was taken to Bt. Johns Hospital and Is believed to be dying, his skull is fractured. The pollco arrested three men In a lunchroom near the elevatsd station. In tho 1-onK Island City pollen court, they were held without 'hall pending In vestigation. They gave the names of Kdward Mnher, No. ISA Nott Avenue, Lang Island City, known as "Sailor" Mahsrr Edward O'CaJlahanl Nee ITT: Prospect Street, Long Island City, end Patrick Oslrln. No. 14S Klngslohij AvenUci Carona. MANUFACTURER'S SALE Ladies', Miues' ' O 75 , Wash Dresses up Children' $2.00 Up Open Till 10 P. M. UNITED STATES " BARGAIN HOUSE 02 Hester Street. Tits saKwtr r l w M Art stM 1- fri art St Ctail Iimt. I wseks ftvm Dlftdoa Slnrt. Broadway at 34th St., Specialists in Apparel n Kit w or w TOMORROW THURSDAY NA Most Remarkable Special 8 maims mart Frock ONE DOLLAR V . . r , lifetime: mill W GUARANTEED K fA FLAys ANY UliCOllK ftj SThs eeuat fflM Finishedin hk rat '10' itfflSf 'bocsnr UU ti9S IfcWKal L3 r.L.. RSI. CBS " irnWW v ' Hsl vuw. , (JU I InttruaentJl KttyUi from W j .iolr Distributors.) IK nsTAiii,isiu:ii 3.-1 vicars. (9 THREE (3) BIG STORES fifi SVV OI'IC.V MOV. SAT. KI5!VIJ1I1I VS & UPTOWN 3d Afs, cor lZ3d St. IH 1 ' y OOWNTOWN-Ats. A. cor. 4th St fl'l 3'KLYN Brosdwtjr st Sarstogs Ave ft. II j"N. OLD INGUSH I yPyi Sauce m $ gravies, salads, II )fJ'j !)y 'l yf vegetables, sumhvielu-s, II J'IMJ bnliriJ beans, etild meats, II lf -"vpM lWlW roasts, sea food, I jA4il ' WlJfiby eggs. soups. 1 1 piXf" MADE IN U. S. A. A i;. Ptltilmnl. !l-7 BurUis nl.. V. I 1 1 1 nwiT.i a w -tn rnv c at n 7 II JL.ll w v s-. UUlLJIiVMH H I I An? ai. n.5D VBinrtfiHB I'll He Sinn iKUMAMlk. I I If 7 'iill H III At Savings of a Half to a Third None Sent C. O. D. Exchanged $59.50 and $55 Frocks in crepc dc owne, beaded or embroidered Georgette Crcpci Bcad-Em-broidcrcd Tricotine, Poulard and Georgette Crepe combinntkuis, Taffeta aud Flowered BQQ 6Uk. Reduced to $dy.rJ or on Approval $75 tO $95 FrOCks of exquisite design and workmanship. Fashioned of monotone and flowered Georgette Crepc, soft Foulard, smart Trlcplet'tc, fine Tricotine nnd Swiss Taffeta. di1 O CA 4p'.tJV Reduced to , . . , Every frock made for our regular stock every one a wonderful value! Fourth Floor. RARELY EQUALED Sale 800 Girls' Tub Dresses Regularly $2.95 to $4.50 At $1.95 J'rctty frocks that every girl will tyve. Smartly fashioned with delightful tunics nnd novel pockets, buckled sashes, and touches of embroidery or smocking. At this low price, the whole Summer's needs can be supplied ut little cost. Two illustrated. Sizes 0 to 14 years. Developed iq practical materials that wean and tub exceedingly well, including Voiles Linon Ramie Cliuinbray Second Floor (ii n" ha in Brassieres and Bandeaux V cry Specially Priced Many material and makes are included. Front or bad; fastening, as you prefer. . Women's 4 Coats and Wlrap Gapes Reg. $39.50 to $45 At $28 8? Unarail In their superb' styling and expert work manship, these handsome coats and wrap capes are simply wonderful at $28. Graceful in silhouette and always apropos, they can be, worn any time and any place. Developed in tricotine, i tinscltonc, ailvcrtone, men's wear serge, and wool ve lour, many fully silk lined.' Two of the many models pictured. Fourth Floor. Gingham House Frocks For Misses and Small Women Requiring 16, 18 and 20 year sites-. m ? - Thursday at $5.95 Cool looking frocks of pretty check and plaid Ging hams, in youthful models, trimmed with white poplin col lar and cuffs. AIho others In demure, collarless styles. Splendid values. Third Floor. Flesh or while. o - te J and 81.25 Third Floor. damask cretonn r.-IV. SulM Itrup- lioUtrnxl In Upea li y or .Ti?,;. 09.50 hi ik irimp do Huh ed Wrlle Call or Phcne Murray Hill 6675. ROYAL UPHOLSTERY CO. HOW. 34ih ST., ?.B.n-lft: Fac!ory, 335 E.34(hSU ?j;v' B'klyrf Branch, 1149 41sl SI. sua if i m. Engagement 1 Kings llite V.olilul toll Ulr. 11 ii. niil . Ptmif. 'i rtt Cat. 14 h nli4 OoH, fiinoal 110" 10 Months Credit No tmcloyrr'i rtfftf tnT I'ouf'fleutiil. mm Cor Muctn Un Our Unii rises. Unusually Loociy Are These Handsome Georgette Crepe Blouses Trimmed with Real Flet Luce Very Specially Pricc.l ut $X2T5 With heavy Georgette Crcpo a their basis, real filet lace, vebt and edging, three rows of hand drawn worlc on collar and turn hack cuffs, fine tticking in front and bach, these blouses might iwcll boast of unusual beauty and distinction. Colors: While, Flesh and Bisque ' 1 Third Floor Coty's Perfumes it Decided Reductions Coty's L'Origan Extract Reg. $0.02. Coly's La Rose Jacqueminot . .Reg. 0.02 . Coty's L'Or Extract .". . . Reg. 0.02 . Coly's La Violctte Tourpre. . .Reg. 0.02. Coty's Lilac, Ponrpre Extract. Reg. 0.02. Coty's Chypre Extract Reg. 7.02 . Coty's Iris Extract ..Reg. 7.02. Coty's I Ieliotropc Extract .... Reg. 0.0IJ . Coty's Lilac Rhine Extract . . .Reg. O.O.'l . Coty's Violctte Extract Reg. 11.00. Coty's Lilac Hlane Extract. . .Reg. 11.00. Coly's L'Eflleurt Extract ... .Reg. M.!i2. Coty's Chypre Extract Reg. 1!1.7H. Coty's Amlirc Antique Reg. 18.72. . . $6.85 . . 6.85 . . 6.85 . . 6.85 . . 6.85 . . 5.17 . . 5.17 . . 4.68 . . 4.68 . . 9.88 . . 9.88 . . 11.25 . . 11.50 . . 13.52 Main Flour High-Grade Corsets Regularly $4 to $10 Reduced to $2,85 and $4.75 V. H. Ntiform, W. H. Heduso and other equally well known makes of corsets arc included in this- collection. Models for matured as well as slim figures. 'Fashioned of plain or broche coutil or batiste, witli or without rub ber insert. Sizes from 21 to .'10, but not in every style. Delightful for Sport Weai Smart Sweater Coats Special at $10.95 All worsted Jersey fashions this slim tuxedo model, giving warmth without weight, easy to slip into, knitted to retain iU shape. The long, graceful collar, fancy pockets and belt are smartly designed, and for sports there is, nothing more appro priate or useful. 4 Colors: Copenhagen, Green, Peacock, Brown, Buff, Black and Navy. Third Floor. Naturally Wavy Switches cj fine quality hair $9.45 The most youthful coiffure arrangements require much hair in their proper develop ment. T Ii e s c wonderful witches are just what you need to complete your new coiffure All shades, including grey. Third Floor $2.00 $2.95 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 Tomorrow, Thursday, Wc Will Place on Sale 1,500 Dainly Undergarments a wonderful assortment of lingerie each piece fresh, perfect and immaculate I at prices that arc absolutely unequalled anywherel At $1.50-Ni'Khtjown.of soft nainsook, daintily hand-embroidered anil hand-featherstitehed in lovely colorings. Pictured. At $2.00-Pink Batiste NIrIh- gowns, hemstitched and prettily hand embroidered in pink or blue. Pictured, Fine nainsook nightgowns. tuMufully trimmed with fine lace ami embroidery insertion. Pictured. At $2.00- Pink. Batiste Envelope Chemise in Emplrv model, with lovely top of alternating bauds of ribbon and lace insertion. Pictured. At $2.95 -Hand made Philippine Envelope Chemise, artfully hand em broidered and scalloped. Filet lace mo duli 011. Pidund. Hand-made Philippine Nightgowns, with hand embroidery and scalloped edge. Third Floor. 1 4 1 1 v 1 1 ler,