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-?V', - jyy. rmKmmmammmrmimrnrmmmmemnmimmmmmmmm . ... . . I'M ii ji l II illHlM I I I ih i II law :;r-,iAtea COMIC PAGE SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920 KATINKA A Strap in the Hand Is Worth Twi in ilv Closet! -.About Plays and Players By BIDE DUDLEY "YOOR MA TOLD MC Td TAWC VbU DOUH TOUM FOR Nev) SHOeS ! Mm J --it arrirTlTlMl -1 'TlJ.VWaS s Poutb eNoucn to gu& . Hky fgist uhippim4 foel -sir )-C I ii' l Ml in umm IP'" lil ! II i aV); I jr. . that lady vour sCA-xjmmtnU Aluays, oespecveo . -A F Ms- CANDAXS" or :o,- George VhlU'a new musical ahow, left to-day for Washington, wttre It will have Its first public per tftrmacce Monday night at tho Na ..ilpnal Theatre. Alter a weok In Washington the show will ro to the Ajjollo, Atlantic 01 tj, for a week and tjJtn open tta New York engagement etlho Olobo Tticalro on June 7. - PLAVS CNDINQ RUNS. Mx Broadway attractions will and New York seasons to-night. tfjSey are "The Girl From Homo," at the' Globe; "The OuUa Board." at the Wjjou; "On. Henry, at the Vullon; "Mrs. Jlmmle Thompson at tho 'iVjiiccea: "Look Who's Here,' at tho 44Uj Street, and Sotaera and Mar lowe, at thp Hhubcrt. Half a dozen ,tnore will likely stop by Juno 1, If tkt weather becomes warm. jL- 80THERNS TO REST. 3i II. Bo thorn and JuUa Marlowe ' ai announcing, by tho way, that they will rest next season, but that they ylll roturn to the stage In Sbake ssearlan slays in ltd. When they art inln ibelr reoartnlra will Include eight of the bard's works. Their sea sou, under the direction of Leo Bhu bert, has bca very successful. "Mrs. Sothum and I am deeply gratified with tho courteous rocopUon accorded us this season," mid Mr. tiothern yesterday, "and we wish to .tako this opportunity of thanking the proa and the poblio for the noour-au-tnent and support we have received.- . : -rf . . SHE ADMITTED IT. "JL j-ouns; cmxn with da.T.Ing red ' -hair appeared at the Zlegfeld offices yesterday ana presented a cord read lags':- $ v "MJjaAileenUndfcrcarde, JL ,T8aA -Francisco, Cat rih post beautiful girl In the wurJd." .When Mr. Zlegfeld saw. her she ex (plained she had corns clear across . the continent to go la for theatricals and had bad the card printed merely 3o Impress managers and gain audi m'cts with them. EShe was engaged Tor the new "Midnight FroJW chorus. 17 MISS CARMEN RETURNS. " Jewel Carmen, after a year's retire trust, is to return to ths screen, tine will be starred by the Iroquois 111m Corporation for a series of pictures. tKoland West will dlrsct them. v- AT THE SILL BENEFIT. "Ths plot denjonatrslora of The Right Uoat are to sic a -nag about WUUam Raymond Bill at the Bill tes- tlaoalsl partormanos at the Glob Theatre to-morrow night. -Juvn-p Cald wall wraU It It looks how as though auoat (30.000 wui do raisea at wis performance. LEVY QOINQ TO BERLIN. Bert Jevy. cartoonist. Is polling to ' dayjor Europe to play a twelve wcakir .eogajromejxt at the Whiter Garden, llerilal It Is said be will be the first Xhtfllsh-speaklnir performer to appear on the stage in Germany slaco the war began. ' " GOSSIP. Xa "His Chinese "Wife," at the Bel mast, Madeline Delmar has to speak Chinese. xMme. Xlltan Breton will stag in tho Costmunity Council Pageant, North Sfeadow. Central Park, this aftftrnoon. .JHarcua Loow was titty years old the'other day. Just to celebrate he , bought half a dozen theatres. jvLeatta Miller ot "Not 8o Ions; Ago1' f i Attention, Poets! v Anna TL Doocey Is the first poet to qualify for the Ilhyraestoro Division in the great X)udlayforPrealdent pa rade to be held on Juno II. She has written a rem on the subject of "My Looney Lore." Read it: My Looncu love. My angel cake, Mu dear, tweet dove, Oh, how J ache I My Looney love, You give me pain. Became to me you have not came. Albert Banders is the seoond to j qualify'. Bis rhyme Is so good we have sent him two tloketa to the WUllamaburg Brides. 'We'd llice to meet this feUow Banders and collabo rate with him on a volume of closslo verse, llcros hist My Looney lowt, Left go and mootch Borne cai! to tee Can buy tome hootch My Looney love. In all thit world Hone it o Vo(r, '' Yoii little tqulrrell Who Wilt Qualify onxtT your rhymeo. Ilomnotber. only 100 can march In the Rhymesters' DM- 1 slon, ss the street Isn't wldo enough ; tor more.' Hotter hurry! Send In has beeri given, a hotel in Columbia Faun. Atont.. by her uncle. Xbs sir Is in tho "Florodora." sex tet get a new pair of shoos each wees, wnyr Teu me, prolty maid Block & Gleason have flnlahed ran. ovatlns; the Brighton Beach Mnslo Hall and will open It on Saturday, May . Jack UBxaardU bnhy had a birthday yesterday. JsckS "Night-Boat" friends , cuk wsrnu wuiq uuuia viatr v cviaurfLo with. Fifty memhers ot the Association ot Dress Manufacturers will see "Honey Girl" at the Cohan A Harris to-night uugo Riesenfold has selected Hu- moresquo' as the second feature film to be shown at tho Cr'terlon. It will bcrfn its engagement May SO. The Friars wilt hold their annual election on June '4. The ticket Is beaded by John J. Gleason, the Abbot An excellent bill has bea arranged for ths benefit show for the Bisters ot St Dotal nlo at the Cort Theatre to morrow night Frances Btarr will complete her second season in David Belaaco's pro duction ot "Tiger, Tiger," at the Bhu bert Brooklyn, to-night A oommlttoe ot artists will pick out beauties for the chorus ot Or. Ansekn GoeUl'n musics! piece, "The Rooo airi," at a contest at the lorcoum Theatre Tuesday afternoon. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Fred Green, a tall "Wrllovlllo youth, la known as the Ions Green. FO0U0HMENT. -Hoto foolish it a VoolUhmcntr Athed ctuinliiff liftlo Minnie Kent "At ooIttJt at a jtgpletlattr Bald Dad: w0h, ootttAcr than Oat," PROM THE CHE8TNUT TREE. Landlord Vm solos to raise your rent Tenml iluch obliged 1 I ha vent been able to raise it this month. Will Cwntdt. MkBt fiCII one to his own fancy- but ' on the whole we're afraid that the obr Isn't popular with the -Now York gtrt I -But whether you're friend or foe to Bae."butt" let's hear from you on tho , bljr' qoeotion' SHOULD WOMEN SMOKE , r. CtQARETTESf Writs out your answer SX pnoo and ; jroail It to Ths' Oulja Editor, The Evenlna World, N. Y. C. i Hsrs aro some of ts-dsy's letters twish vm could use Uiein all. ' Anns H, Brooklyn t I think that smoklns. looks anything bat nice In . public. My idea of a young- man is PA who respects a girl's good name each a man would not want her to Thedai Certainly girls should jsseks. It'o soothing; to oca's servts, sad. It more stria asaoked they would loose that old tired ot living look. Give ma a nlos mean little ctg, and oh. boyl Audrey of Valhallat No, they KMiHd not Where are the old-fashioned rtrta who dldnt think ot smoH- tqg. drinklni; and swell cabaretteaT I wouldn't mind meeWrur some one like' Harry X. ot Btaisn Island, one who doesn't care about the smoking Klrl weB enough to marry her. . X Ol, Bronx, N. Y.I I think Mere 'UjSln enotigh in the iworld wttlout KoiBk any farther. It's bad enough tor women to point and powder without smoking. Any woman who smokes nasnt unr sense of utuune. H. Hi R, Qreenwleh Villsgei -It a ' woman smokrs If a nothing against her character, sod u not indulged in to Cxocos it Is not llkety to liarm her. tiosa ot our best and sweetest wom- sb ssioko a cigarette now and then. Jaok D, N. Y- C.I Bar Ridge evi dentlr takes me for a liar. Well. do&'t Maine her. because she doesn't know what kind of a Job I hold. I . work seven dais a week in a place where your life Is In, your own hands. I f a a oay ana vma ana a nau for.. Sundays. Let roe tell Anxious that one doesn't need courage to ' siifcak straight ' 'Kranel R.I I dm a fflrl of ssven- trsn and I think that a woman who sraokes puts herself on a low plane. I would not be sera with a cigarette In my hand. Z agree with Harry XC JUUf OSs (Tfta tttw Tma Kratas WMSJ stick to oonventlona. If thav want to amoks lot thorn, they will anyhow and they ha,va as much right to do as they pleaso as men. As to being daring on their part, all men like daring girls these dsya anyhow. Don't you w umers7 Miss Blllvi If a iHH itri-M Joyment from scnoking a cigarettes oocsainnnily. why shouldn't she do Itt It is only evil and narrow-minded people who win think loss ot her. In my estimation, Harry K. Is ail wrong and believe me, Id like to get the chance, to tell him so. "Blpndle-i I would like to hear iran a man woo would like to boo uia own ontL smoke. I'll bet iuoro aan'i one. nut I would like to hoar from one who would llVn in sharo his OHO HULKS!, and his (31.00 per. Watch for Our, New Question Monday. .-,.. i ------- -1'i-ivnrrfi.ijij.AH, t ma WHtfrtflil. lirra, bj Vnm ruUUJai Ob. iu nvm i on jsmuBf Worlo.1 1. In what BUte la the Lick Ob. aervatoryT 2. What Is the rami In AfH ... site Gibraltar culIedT . ' 'V. . ""y "ectlons are in township T i. wiui is done to meat while roasting to keep It from turning on top? E. What trade did Andrew Carncsle start to learn as a boy? . Who Invented the first electric motor? T. What Is the chief Ingredient of common gunpowaerr 8. In what part of the world were bells first used? . What building Is sold to be the moat beautiful In Washington, D. C.? 10. What la the language of Scot land called? 11, What vegetable is used In cold aiaw T IS. What ore the natives of Loui-t. ana of French or Bnanlah dwxsent caiieaT - ANSWERS TO QUESTION8. 1. California: S. SoarUl: J. 18: Baste: 5, Weaver: , Joseph Henry: u -Ma.vw i .m j a. w, t caret , u. u uotiJ II iicnry: The right kmd of a man would neVer T, Baltpeter (potassium nitrate); 8, ?- j v o. uricm; , vongTeaoionai lAorary; ioa wiiy,v-jTi wr swas snsw uatuo; u, vaoosgt u, UTSO. Wtri ' "m f !;?v"' wun-a mwia umiw; a, voooags u, vrsNS, Btg''teW'--': ' " -ftasfS, JL TAT70 Vl AD HV n..i I. a t ? . "i r-f W OKJiid a viv r.uus ruusii manes rinc Lvars, joc; m xyifrmn NCt. t'liig.! Uius a uu.ich cf rH' RM?r f 77"..... i, mmm I V IN A . BOAC?tlNGr House FOR A- -k SPRING f EVER I i 1 , . T"'"" V U ni ' K" j$ mBlBB1 n CftMGE. ' Ko VARI) To PAKE UP ) i 1 ' xH Foh-Yf ? LTftE DlRT IEST-K i ft'MW u n, ) r v ' Boarders are. out ; , , ' ) mamm jHli. v to1 6ET Polishing 1 m t sJ 'fEfimm hAzY, joEtj r- up Their ors! JJ j U ? gmSftX I I riff II I L IT I If aaaTBTBTBWa, ' -- S slsll I I I f;.i; l r l-r-IeT -TV Tft I CV Jk J-M t- VI . J4 s JiH fL. A Lnl8B IsTV 1 VI tivWiiiH':i:l -KJsTiTWBTB:::-: : -J: ; f V:Xi- TlXmmM V, : : : -iBliTiTiTiTiTiTW .If ' -;-!t;.:,'a!:Ti?rgWl:.::i.l..ij-.....-.iSB LITTLE MARY MIXUP Oft, KiCs Different! W? THll " Borg Lufeg Ggfa ffte fli Tftey t FullGownll ; ---1-- LEAVE IT TO LOU This Goofus Is Home Run Slugger in the Egotism League! . , milts sjssvmsss 1 1 1 ssse:s&i '7 W ts'i i.?! I'. j ? r-Trsi : MB L tbuRNAWSKT-- BET THAT'S iol MS ? J 3 .- H'. I " Vr4rtO IHTtiREdEO: I 1 II -- , -Aie -diwb" nan (I I ' ' t 1 3 I w" ' J .-' n . U, . t-,i 2 i , 11 1 ii u"'A.r.'r-.r. r u - r wuut - r vk 5o- l: sj i I : i i wKy E4- r-aiv 1 &-rr rtm. imth i frihr- c--set i -- i i v v hvtl' i i . tcvi i a I r T TOmxr A it n v tt- mi r.t ' r ' r rr. . j ff -tr. - fi'J T . I ivuoi x xtlIN u uud j nis jia is dure nev to siwine ouu L,anKuaee: cu. fx-. t. n tii-ra-S:'" VJLU,MAK& HIM. 1 JS ( tTQQDNrlSS. i -AIN'T' f r. . ; -gfVJT r A MUWtRON V0U.i 1"-" " . -Jl rmy NOVUTI L J fPT,. " - . - ...............u,. . rii.ww 1J '"""??' " "fi - -y,..,,,. . ' ' t. i ysjflina i alwfflTiS WSisnmriilf SH i iHin iimi" - " ' - - " . . ar